Machine learning with ROOT
Machine learning plays an important role in a variety of HEP use-cases. ROOT offers native support for supervised learning techniques, such as multivariate classification (both binary and multi class) and regression. It also allows easy interoperability with commonly used machine learning libraries.
TMVA is the ROOT library that provides the interfaces and implementations of the above mentioned machine learning techniques. The package includes:
- Neural networks
- Deep networks
- Multilayer perceptron
- Boosted/Bagged decision trees
- Function discriminant analysis (FDA)
- Multidimensional probability density estimation (PDE - range-search approach)
- Multidimensional k-nearest neighbour classifier
- Predictive learning via rule ensembles (RuleFit)
- Projective likelihood estimation (PDE approach)
- Rectangular cut optimisation
- Support Vector Machine (SVM)

Ingesting a dataset for training in TMVA
A ROOT dataset can be easily ingested for training using a DataLoader. A common use-case in HEP is to have the information of physics events split in signal and background, as in the example below:
void load_data(){
// open file and retrieve trees
auto inputfile = TFile::Open("");
auto signaltree = inputfile->Get<TTree>("TreeS");
auto backgroundtree = inputfile->Get<TTree>("TreeB");
// load trees into TMVA
TMVA::DataLoader loader{"mydataloader"};
The loaded data can then be passed to the Factory class for training, as shown in this tutorial.
Interoperability with machine learning libraries
Machine learning is a widely researched topic. Many libraries implement classification and regression techniques, with a broader scope or in more specific fields. These libraries also vary in the programming languages offered by their APIs, although it is true that often Python defines a common ground. Notable examples include Keras, PyTorch and scikit-learn.
Training in TMVA using a model created with an external library
Each library has its own API to create a model. With TMVA, you can create the model that should be trained with an external library you may be already familiar with (e.g. Keras). Then, you can save the model to a file and load it in a TMVA application to train it and test it. In particular, the entire application could be written as a single Python script thanks to PyROOT. A good example of this can be found in this tutorial.
ROOT data to Numpy arrays for further processing
Most of the external machine learning libraries will accept (or expect) a
collection of Numpy arrays as the input dataset, either for training or testing.
It is possible to seamlessly export data stored in ROOT files (e.g. as a TTree
) into Numpy arrays through RDataFrame. The data can then be used, for example,
to train an XGBoost model. A recipe can
be found here.
Where to go from here
An in-depth explanation of the algorithms and interfaces in the TMVA library can be found in its topical manual.
Training examples
TMVAClassification.C provides examples for the training and testing of TMVA classifiers.
TMVAMulticlass.C provides an example for the training and testing of a TMVA multi-class classification.
TMVARegression.C provides examples for the training and testing of TMVA classifiers.
Application examples
TMVAClassificationApplication.C provides an example on how to use the trained classifiers within an analysis module.
TMVAMulticlassApplication.C provides an example on how to use the trained multi-class classifiers within an analysis module.
TMVARegressionApplication.C provides an example on how to use the trained regression MVAs within an analysis module.
TMVAClassification.C uses an academic toy data set for training and testing. It consists of four linearly correlated, Gaussian distributed discriminating input variables, with different sample means for signal and background.
The training job provides a formatted output logging that contains the following information:
- Linear correlation matrices for the input variables.
- Correlation ratios and mutual information between input variables and regression targets.
- Variable ranking.
- Summaries of the MVA configurations.
- Goodness-of-fit evaluation for PDFs.
- Signal and background (or regression target) correlations between the various MVA methods.
- Decision overlaps.
- Signal efficiencies at benchmark background rejection rates.
- Other performance estimators.
After a successful training, TMVA provides so called “weight”-files (here in the TMVA.root
ROOT file) that contain all information necessary to recreate the method without retraining.
In addition, a GUI is provided to execute macros for displaying training, test and evaluation results.
Figure: GUI for TMVA.
You can, for example, plot input variable distributions.
Figure: Example plots for input variable distributions.
SOFIE (System for Optimized Fast Inference code Emit) generates C++ functions easily invokable for the fast inference of trained neural network models. It takes ONNX model files as inputs and produces C++ header files that can be included and utilized in a “plug-and-go” style.
This is a new development in TMVA and is currently in early experimental stage. Bug reports and suggestions for improvements are warmly welcomed.
- Protobuf 3.0 or higher (for input of ONNX model files)
- BLAS or Eigen (for execution of the generated code for inference)
Build ROOT with the cmake option tmva-sofie enabled.
cmake ../root -Dtmva-sofie=ON
make -j8
SOFIE works in a parser-generator working architecture. With SOFIE, the user gets an ONNX, Keras and a PyTorch parser for translating models in respective formats into SOFIE’s internal representation.
From ROOT command line, or in a ROOT macro, we can proceed with an ONNX model:
using namespace TMVA::Experimental;
SOFIE::RModelParser_ONNX parser;
SOFIE::RModel model = parser.Parse(“./example_model.onnx”);
And an C++ header file and a .dat file containing the model weights will be generated. You can also use
to check the required size and type of input tensor for that particular model, and use
to check the tensors (weights) already included in the model.
To use the generated inference code:
#include "example_output.hxx"
float input[INPUT_SIZE];
// Generated header file shall contain a Session class which requires initialization to load the corresponding weights.
TMVA_SOFIE_example_model::Session s("example_model.dat")
// Once instantiated the session object's infer method can be used
std::vector<float> out = s.infer(input);
With the default settings, the weights are contained in a separate binary file, but if the user instead wants them to be in the generated header file itself, they can use approproiate generation options.
Other such options includes Options::kNoSession (for not generating the Session class, and instead keeping the infer function independent). SOFIE also supports generating inference code with RDataFrame as inputs, refer to the tutorials for examples.