void | adkTestStat (double *adk, const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &samples, const std::vector< double > &zstar) |
double | beta_cdf (double x, double a, double b) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution Upper tail of the integral of the beta_pdf. More...
double | beta_cdf_c (double x, double a, double b) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the beta distribution. More...
double | binomial_cdf (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the Binomial distribution Lower tail of the integral of the binomial_pdf. More...
double | binomial_cdf_c (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Binomial distribution. More...
double | breitwigner_cdf (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function (lower tail) of the Breit_Wigner distribution and it is similar (just a different parameter definition) to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_cdf ) More...
double | breitwigner_cdf_c (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function (upper tail) of the Breit_Wigner distribution and it is similar (just a different parameter definition) to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_cdf_c ) More...
double | cauchy_cdf (double x, double b, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function (lower tail) of the Cauchy distribution which is also Lorentzian distribution. More...
double | cauchy_cdf_c (double x, double b, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function (upper tail) of the Cauchy distribution which is also Lorentzian distribution. More...
double | Chebyshev0 (double, double c0) |
double | Chebyshev1 (double x, double c0, double c1) |
double | Chebyshev10 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8, double c9, double c10) |
double | Chebyshev2 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2) |
double | Chebyshev3 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3) |
double | Chebyshev4 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4) |
double | Chebyshev5 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5) |
double | Chebyshev6 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6) |
double | Chebyshev7 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7) |
double | Chebyshev8 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8) |
double | Chebyshev9 (double x, double c0, double c1, double c2, double c3, double c4, double c5, double c6, double c7, double c8, double c9) |
double | ChebyshevN (unsigned int n, double x, const double *c) |
double | chisquared_cdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom (lower tail). More...
double | chisquared_cdf_c (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom (upper tail). More...
template<class T > |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const SVector< T, 3 > &lhs, const SVector< T, 3 > &rhs) |
| Vector Cross Product (only for 3-dim vectors) \vec{c} = \vec{a}\times\vec{b} . More...
template<class T , class A > |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const SVector< T, 3 > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T > |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &lhs, const SVector< T, 3 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T > |
SVector< T, 3 > | Cross (const VecExpr< A, T, 3 > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, 3 > &rhs) |
double | crystalball_cdf (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution for the Crystal Ball distribution function. More...
double | crystalball_cdf_c (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the Cumulative distribution for the Crystal Ball distribution. More...
double | crystalball_integral (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double x0=0) |
| Integral of the not-normalized Crystal Ball function. More...
template<class Matrix , unsigned int n, unsigned int idim> |
bool | Dfactir (Matrix &rhs, typename Matrix::value_type &det, unsigned int *ir) |
| Dfactir. More...
template<class Matrix , unsigned int n, unsigned int idim> |
bool | Dfinv (Matrix &rhs, unsigned int *ir) |
| Dfinv. More...
template<class R > |
AxisAngle::Scalar | Distance (const AxisAngle &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
EulerAngles::Scalar | Distance (const EulerAngles &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
Quaternion::Scalar | Distance (const Quaternion &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
Rotation3D::Scalar | Distance (const Rotation3D &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
RotationX::Scalar | Distance (const RotationX &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
RotationY::Scalar | Distance (const RotationY &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
RotationZ::Scalar | Distance (const RotationZ &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class R > |
RotationZYX::Scalar | Distance (const RotationZYX &r1, const R &r2) |
| Distance between two rotations. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Div (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
| Division (element wise) of two matrices of the same dimensions: C(i,j) = A(i,j) / B(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Dot (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Vector dot product. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Dot (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Dot (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Dot (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T > |
T | etaMax () |
| Function providing the maximum possible value of pseudorapidity for a non-zero rho, in the Scalar type with the largest dynamic range. More...
long double | etaMax_impl () |
| The following function could be called to provide the maximum possible value of pseudorapidity for a non-zero rho. More...
double | expm1 (double x) |
| exp(x) -1 with error cancellation when x is small More...
double | exponential_cdf (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution (lower tail). More...
double | exponential_cdf_c (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the exponential distribution (upper tail). More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | fabs (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | fabs (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| abs of a matrix m2(i,j) = | m1(i,j) | returning a matrix epression More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | fabs (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| abs of a vector : v2(i) = | v1(i) | returning a vector expression More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Fabs< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | fabs (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
double | fdistribution_cdf (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the F-distribution (lower tail). More...
double | fdistribution_cdf_c (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the F-distribution (upper tail). More...
double | gamma_cdf (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution (lower tail). More...
double | gamma_cdf_c (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the gamma distribution (upper tail). More...
double | gaussian_cdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Alternative name for same function. More...
double | gaussian_cdf_c (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Alternative name for same function. More...
int | getCount (double z, const double *dat, int n) |
const gsl_multiroot_fdfsolver_type * | GetGSLDerivType (GSLMultiRootFinder::EDerivType type) |
const gsl_multiroot_fsolver_type * | GetGSLType (GSLMultiRootFinder::EType type) |
int | getSum (const int *x, int n) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t > |
std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > & | human_readable (std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > &ios) |
double | landau_cdf (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the Landau distribution (lower tail). More...
double | landau_cdf_c (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the distribution function of the Landau distribution (upper tail). More...
double | landau_xm1 (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
| First moment (mean) of the truncated Landau distribution. More...
double | landau_xm2 (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
| Second moment of the truncated Landau distribution. More...
template<class T > |
T | Lmag (const SVector< T, 4 > &rhs) |
| Lmag: Minkowski Lorentz-Vector norm (only for 4-dim vectors) Length of a vector Lorentz-Vector: |\vec{v}| = \sqrt{v_0^2 - v_1^2 - v_2^2 -v_3^2} . More...
template<class A , class T > |
T | Lmag (const VecExpr< A, T, 4 > &rhs) |
template<class T > |
T | Lmag2 (const SVector< T, 4 > &rhs) |
| Lmag2: Square of Minkowski Lorentz-Vector norm (only for 4D Vectors) Template to compute |\vec{v}|^2 = v_0^2 - v_1^2 - v_2^2 -v_3^2 . More...
template<class A , class T > |
T | Lmag2 (const VecExpr< A, T, 4 > &rhs) |
double | log1p (double x) |
| declarations for functions which are not implemented by some compilers More...
double | lognormal_cdf (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution (lower tail). More...
double | lognormal_cdf_c (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the lognormal distribution (upper tail). More...
template<class char_t , class traits_t > |
std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > & | machine_readable (std::basic_ios< char_t, traits_t > &ios) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Mag (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Vector magnitude (Euclidian norm) Compute : |\vec{v}| = \sqrt{\sum_iv_i^2} . More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Mag (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Mag2 (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Vector magnitude square Template to compute |\vec{v}|^2 = \sum_iv_i^2 . More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
T | Mag2 (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T > |
const T | Maximum (const T &lhs, const T &rhs) |
| maximum. More...
double | minfunction (const std::vector< double > &x) |
| function to return the function values at point x More...
TVectorD | mingradfunction (TVectorD y) |
| function to return the gradient values at point y More...
template<class T > |
const T | Minimum (const T &lhs, const T &rhs) |
| minimum. More...
double | negative_binomial_cdf (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the Negative Binomial distribution Lower tail of the integral of the negative_binomial_pdf. More...
double | negative_binomial_cdf_c (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Negative Binomial distribution. More...
double | noncentral_chisquared_pdf (double x, double r, double lambda) |
| Probability density function of the non central \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom and the noon-central parameter \lambda. More...
double | normal_cdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (lower tail). More...
double | normal_cdf_c (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (upper tail). More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Multiplication (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = s * A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MulOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, SVector< T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, VecExpr< B, T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Multiplication (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = A(i,j) * s returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< MatrixMulOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T, D >, T, D1, D2, typename MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
| Matrix * Matrix multiplication , C(i,j) = \sum_{k} A(i,k) * B(k,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, SVector< T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
| Matrix * Vector multiplication a(i) = \sum_{j} M(i,j) * b(j) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixRowOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, VecExpr< A, T, D2 >, D2 >, T, D1 > | operator* (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Element by element vector product v3(i) = v1(i)*v2(i) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< SVector< T, D1 >, Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< SVector< T, D1 >, SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem > |
LorentzVector< CoordSystem > | operator* (const typename LorentzVector< CoordSystem >::Scalar &a, const LorentzVector< CoordSystem > &v) |
| Scale of a LorentzVector with a scalar quantity a. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, Expr< B, T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
VecExpr< VectorMatrixColOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, D1 >, T, D2 > | operator* (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MulOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator* (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationX const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More...
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationX const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More...
Quaternion | operator* (RotationX const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by a Rotation3D. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationY const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by another axial Rotation. More...
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationZ const &r2) |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationX const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
| Multiplication of an axial rotation by an AxisAngle. More...
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationY const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationY const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
Quaternion | operator* (RotationY const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationX const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationZ const &r2) |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationY const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
AxisAngle | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, AxisAngle const &r2) |
EulerAngles | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, EulerAngles const &r2) |
Quaternion | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, Quaternion const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationX const &r2) |
Rotation3D | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationY const &r2) |
RotationZYX | operator* (RotationZ const &r1, RotationZYX const &r2) |
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U > | operator* (typename DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
| Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v. More...
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > | operator* (typename DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
| Multiplication of a displacement vector by real number a*v. More...
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem > | operator* (typename PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
| Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v. More...
template<class CoordSystem , class U > |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem > | operator* (typename PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U >::Scalar a, PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, U > v) |
| Multiplication of a position vector by real number a*v. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Addition element by element of matrix and a scalar C(i,j) = s + A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Addition of a scalar to each vector element v2(i) = a + v1(i) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< AddOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Addition element by element of matrix and a scalar C(i,j) = A(i,j) + s returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator+ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
| Addition of two matrices C = A+B returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Addition of a scalar to a each vector element: v2(i) = v1(i) + a returning a vector expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Addition of two vectors v3 = v1+v2 returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< AddOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator+ (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v1, PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p2) |
| Addition of a DisplacementVector2D and a PositionVector2D. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, const DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
| Addition of DisplacementVector2D vectors. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v1, PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p2) |
| Addition of a DisplacementVector3D and a PositionVector3D. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator+ (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, const DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
| Addition of DisplacementVector3D vectors. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, const DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > &v2) |
| Addition of a PositionVector2D and a DisplacementVector2D. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator+ (PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, const DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > &v2) |
| Addition of a PositionVector3D and a DisplacementVector3D. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Subtraction of a scalar and a matrix (element wise) B(i,j) = s - A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Subtraction scalar vector (for each vector element) v2(i) = a - v1(i) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< MinOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (const PositionVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > &v1, const PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
| Difference between two PositionVector2D vectors. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (const PositionVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > &v1, const PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > &v2) |
| Difference between two PositionVector3D vectors. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Subtraction of a scalar and a matrix (element wise) B(i,j) = A(i,j) - s returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Unary - operator B = - A returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | operator- (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
| Subtraction of two matrices C = A-B returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Subtraction of a scalar from each vector element: v2(i) = v1(i) - a returning a vector expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Vector Subtraction: v3 = v1 - v2 returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Unary - operator v2 = -v1 . More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Minus< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< MinOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator- (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > const &v2) |
| Difference between two DisplacementVector2D vectors. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > | operator- (DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > v1, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > const &v2) |
| Difference between two DisplacementVector3D vectors. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator- (PositionVector2D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v2) |
| Subtraction of a DisplacementVector2D from a PositionVector2D. More...
template<class CoordSystem1 , class CoordSystem2 , class U > |
PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > | operator- (PositionVector3D< CoordSystem2, U > p1, DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem1, U > const &v2) |
| Subtraction of a DisplacementVector3D from a PositionVector3D. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Division (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = s / A(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Division of a scalar value by the vector element: v2(i) = a/v1(i) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyL< DivOp< T >, Constant< A >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const A &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | operator/ (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Division (element wise) of a matrix and a scalar, B(i,j) = A(i,j) / s returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
| Division of the vector element by a scalar value: v2(i) = v1(i)/a returning a vector expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Element by element division of vectors of the same dimension: v3(i) = v1(i)/v2(i) returning a vector expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, SVector< T, D >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOp< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< BinaryOpCopyR< DivOp< T >, VecExpr< B, T, D >, Constant< A >, T >, T, D > | operator/ (const VecExpr< B, T, D > &lhs, const A &rhs) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, DisplacementVector2D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U , typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< typename DisplacementVector3D< T, U >::Scalar >::value >::type * = nullptr> |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, DisplacementVector3D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class Coords > |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, LorentzVector< Coords > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, PositionVector2D< T, U > const &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U , typename std::enable_if< std::is_arithmetic< typename PositionVector3D< T, U >::Scalar >::value >::type * = nullptr> |
std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator<< (std::basic_ostream< char_t, traits_t > &os, PositionVector3D< T, U > const &v) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AxisAngle &a) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Boost &b) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostX &b) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostY &b) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostZ &b) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EulerAngles &e) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R1 > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R1 > &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const LorentzRotation &r) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Quaternion &q) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ROOT::Math::SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Rotation3D &r) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationX &r) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationY &r) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationZ &r) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RotationZYX &e) |
| Stream Output and Input. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, DisplacementVector2D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, DisplacementVector3D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class Coords > |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, LorentzVector< Coords > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, PositionVector2D< T, U > &v) |
template<class char_t , class traits_t , class T , class U > |
std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > & | operator>> (std::basic_istream< char_t, traits_t > &is, PositionVector3D< T, U > &v) |
double | Pi () |
| Mathematical constants. More...
double | poisson_cdf (unsigned int n, double mu) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution Lower tail of the integral of the poisson_pdf. More...
double | poisson_cdf_c (unsigned int n, double mu) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the Poisson distribution. More...
double | Polynomial1eval (double x, double *a, unsigned int N) |
double | Polynomialeval (double x, double *a, unsigned int N) |
template<class T > |
int | Round (const T &x) |
| round. More...
template<class char_t > |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_close (char_t ch) |
template<class char_t > |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_open (char_t ch) |
template<class char_t > |
detail::manipulator< char_t > | set_separator (char_t ch) |
template<class T > |
int | Sign (const T &x) |
| sign. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Similarity (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &lhs, const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Similarity Vector - Matrix Product: v^T * A * v returning a scalar value of type T s = \sum_{i,j} v(i) * A(i,j) * v(j). More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Similarity (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > &rhs) |
| Similarity Matrix Product : B = U * A * U^T for A symmetric returning a symmetric matrix expression: B(i,j) = \sum_{k,l} U(i,k) * A(k,l) * U(j,l) . More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const SVector< T, D > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, class R > |
T | Similarity (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D, R > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > | SimilarityT (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
SMatrix< T, D2, D2, MatRepSym< T, D2 > > | SimilarityT (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D1, D1, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > &rhs) |
| Transpose Similarity Matrix Product : B = U^T * A * U for A symmetric returning a symmetric matrix expression: B(i,j) = \sum_{k,l} U(k,i) * A(k,l) * U(l,j) . More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
SVector< T, D > | SolveChol (const SMatrix< T, D, D, MatRepSym< T, D > > &mat, const SVector< T, D > &vec, int &ifail) |
| same function as before but not overwriting the matrix and returning a copy of the vector (this is the slow version) More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
bool | SolveChol (SMatrix< T, D, D, MatRepSym< T, D > > &mat, SVector< T, D > &vec) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqr (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqr (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| square of a matrix B(i,j) = A(i,j)*A(i,j) returning a matrix expression More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqr (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| square of a vector v2(i) = v1(i)*v1(i) . More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqr< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqr (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqrt (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R >, T >, T, D, D2, R > | sqrt (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R > &rhs) |
| square root of a matrix (element by element) m2(i,j) = sqrt ( m1(i,j) ) returning a matrix expression More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, SVector< T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqrt (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| square root of a vector (element by element) v2(i) = sqrt( v1(i) ) returning a vector expression More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
VecExpr< UnaryOp< Sqrt< T >, VecExpr< A, T, D >, T >, T, D > | sqrt (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
template<class T > |
const T | Square (const T &x) |
| square Template function to compute x\cdot x , for any type T returning a type T More...
static void | swap (double &a, double &b) |
double | tdistribution_cdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of Student's t-distribution (lower tail). More...
double | tdistribution_cdf_c (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of Student's t-distribution (upper tail). More...
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2> |
Expr< TensorMulOp< SVector< T, D1 >, SVector< T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
| Tensor Vector Product : M(i,j) = v(i) * v(j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A > |
Expr< TensorMulOp< SVector< T, D1 >, VecExpr< A, T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const SVector< T, D1 > &lhs, const VecExpr< A, T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A > |
Expr< TensorMulOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, SVector< T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const SVector< T, D2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class A , class B > |
Expr< TensorMulOp< VecExpr< A, T, D1 >, VecExpr< B, T, D2 > >, T, D1, D2 > | TensorProd (const VecExpr< A, T, D1 > &lhs, const VecExpr< B, T, D2 > &rhs) |
void | Throw (GenVector_exception &e) |
| throw explicity GenVector exceptions More...
template<class A , class B , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< B, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const Expr< A, T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D, unsigned int D2, class R1 , class R2 > |
Expr< BinaryOp< MulOp< T >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 >, SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 >, T >, T, D, D2, typename AddPolicy< T, D, D2, R1, R2 >::RepType > | Times (const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R1 > &lhs, const SMatrix< T, D, D2, R2 > &rhs) |
| Element by element matrix multiplication C(i,j) = A(i,j)*B(i,j) returning a matrix expression. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< TransposeOp< Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R >, T, D1, D2 >, T, D2, D1, typename TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, R >::RepType > | Transpose (const Expr< A, T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
template<class T , unsigned int D1, unsigned int D2, class R > |
Expr< TransposeOp< SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >, T, D1, D2 >, T, D2, D1, typename TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, R >::RepType > | Transpose (const SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > &rhs) |
| Matrix Transpose B(i,j) = A(j,i) returning a matrix expression. More...
double | uniform_cdf (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
| Cumulative distribution function of the uniform (flat) distribution (lower tail). More...
double | uniform_cdf_c (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
| Complement of the cumulative distribution function of the uniform (flat) distribution (upper tail). More...
template<class T , unsigned int D> |
SVector< T, D > | Unit (const SVector< T, D > &rhs) |
| Unit. More...
template<class A , class T , unsigned int D> |
SVector< T, D > | Unit (const VecExpr< A, T, D > &rhs) |
double | vavilov_accurate_cdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_accurate_cdf_c (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov complementary cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_accurate_pdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_accurate_quantile (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The inverse of the Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_accurate_quantile_c (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The inverse of the complementary Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_fast_cdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_fast_cdf_c (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov complementary cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_fast_pdf (double x, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The Vavilov probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_fast_quantile (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The inverse of the Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
double | vavilov_fast_quantile_c (double z, double kappa, double beta2) |
| The inverse of the complementary Vavilov cumulative probability density function. More...
Additional PDF's are provided in the MathMore library (see PDF functions from MathMore)
double | beta_pdf (double x, double a, double b) |
| Probability density function of the beta distribution. More...
double | binomial_pdf (unsigned int k, double p, unsigned int n) |
| Probability density function of the binomial distribution. More...
double | negative_binomial_pdf (unsigned int k, double p, double n) |
| Probability density function of the negative binomial distribution. More...
double | breitwigner_pdf (double x, double gamma, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of Breit-Wigner distribution, which is similar, just a different definition of the parameters, to the Cauchy distribution (see cauchy_pdf ) More...
double | cauchy_pdf (double x, double b=1, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the Cauchy distribution which is also called Lorentzian distribution. More...
double | chisquared_pdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom. More...
double | crystalball_function (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double mean=0) |
| Crystal ball function. More...
double | crystalball_pdf (double x, double alpha, double n, double sigma, double mean=0) |
| pdf definition of the crystal_ball which is defined only for n > 1 otherwise integral is diverging More...
double | exponential_pdf (double x, double lambda, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the exponential distribution. More...
double | fdistribution_pdf (double x, double n, double m, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the F-distribution. More...
double | gamma_pdf (double x, double alpha, double theta, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the gamma distribution. More...
double | gaussian_pdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution. More...
double | bigaussian_pdf (double x, double y, double sigmax=1, double sigmay=1, double rho=0, double x0=0, double y0=0) |
| Probability density function of the bi-dimensional (Gaussian) distribution. More...
double | landau_pdf (double x, double xi=1, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the Landau distribution: More...
double | lognormal_pdf (double x, double m, double s, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the lognormal distribution. More...
double | normal_pdf (double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution. More...
double | poisson_pdf (unsigned int n, double mu) |
| Probability density function of the Poisson distribution. More...
double | tdistribution_pdf (double x, double r, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of Student's t-distribution. More...
double | uniform_pdf (double x, double a, double b, double x0=0) |
| Probability density function of the uniform (flat) distribution. More...
The implementation is provided in MathCore and for the majority of the function comes from Cephes.
double | beta_quantile (double x, double a, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the beta distribution (beta_cdf_c). More...
double | beta_quantile_c (double x, double a, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the beta distribution (beta_cdf). More...
double | cauchy_quantile_c (double z, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the Cauchy distribution (cauchy_cdf_c) which is also called Lorentzian distribution. More...
double | cauchy_quantile (double z, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Cauchy distribution (cauchy_cdf) which is also called Breit-Wigner or Lorentzian distribution. More...
double | breitwigner_quantile_c (double z, double gamma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the Breit-Wigner distribution (breitwigner_cdf_c) which is similar to the Cauchy distribution. More...
double | breitwigner_quantile (double z, double gamma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Breit_Wigner distribution (breitwigner_cdf) which is similar to the Cauchy distribution. More...
double | chisquared_quantile_c (double z, double r) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom (chisquared_cdf_c). More...
double | chisquared_quantile (double z, double r) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the \chi^2 distribution with r degrees of freedom (chisquared_cdf). More...
double | exponential_quantile_c (double z, double lambda) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the exponential distribution (exponential_cdf_c). More...
double | exponential_quantile (double z, double lambda) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the exponential distribution (exponential_cdf). More...
double | fdistribution_quantile (double z, double n, double m) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the f distribution (fdistribution_cdf). More...
double | fdistribution_quantile_c (double z, double n, double m) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the f distribution (fdistribution_cdf_c). More...
double | gamma_quantile_c (double z, double alpha, double theta) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the gamma distribution (gamma_cdf_c). More...
double | gamma_quantile (double z, double alpha, double theta) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the gamma distribution (gamma_cdf). More...
double | gaussian_quantile_c (double z, double sigma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (gaussian_cdf_c). More...
double | gaussian_quantile (double z, double sigma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (gaussian_cdf). More...
double | lognormal_quantile_c (double x, double m, double s) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the lognormal distribution (lognormal_cdf_c). More...
double | lognormal_quantile (double x, double m, double s) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the lognormal distribution (lognormal_cdf). More...
double | normal_quantile_c (double z, double sigma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (normal_cdf_c). More...
double | normal_quantile (double z, double sigma) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (normal_cdf). More...
double | uniform_quantile_c (double z, double a, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the uniform (flat) distribution (uniform_cdf_c). More...
double | uniform_quantile (double z, double a, double b) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the uniform (flat) distribution (uniform_cdf). More...
double | landau_quantile (double z, double xi=1) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of the Landau distribution (landau_cdf). More...
double | landau_quantile_c (double z, double xi=1) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the landau distribution (landau_cdf_c). More...
double | erf (double x) |
| Error function encountered in integrating the normal distribution. More...
double | erfc (double x) |
| Complementary error function. More...
double | tgamma (double x) |
| The gamma function is defined to be the extension of the factorial to real numbers. More...
double | lgamma (double x) |
| Calculates the logarithm of the gamma function. More...
double | inc_gamma (double a, double x) |
| Calculates the normalized (regularized) lower incomplete gamma function (lower integral) More...
double | inc_gamma_c (double a, double x) |
| Calculates the normalized (regularized) upper incomplete gamma function (upper integral) More...
double | beta (double x, double y) |
| Calculates the beta function. More...
double | inc_beta (double x, double a, double b) |
| Calculates the normalized (regularized) incomplete beta function. More...
double | sinint (double x) |
| Calculates the sine integral. More...
double | cosint (double x) |
| Calculates the real part of the cosine integral Re(Ci). More...
The implementation used is that of GSL.
double | tdistribution_quantile_c (double z, double r) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf_c). More...
double | tdistribution_quantile (double z, double r) |
| Inverse ( D^{-1}(z)) of the cumulative distribution function of the lower tail of Student's t-distribution (tdistribution_cdf). More...
double | assoc_laguerre (unsigned n, double m, double x) |
| Computes the generalized Laguerre polynomials for n \geq 0, m > -1 . More...
double | assoc_legendre (unsigned l, unsigned m, double x) |
| Computes the associated Legendre polynomials. More...
double | comp_ellint_1 (double k) |
| Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the first kind. More...
double | comp_ellint_2 (double k) |
| Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. More...
double | comp_ellint_3 (double n, double k) |
| Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the third kind. More...
double | conf_hyperg (double a, double b, double z) |
| Calculates the confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind. More...
double | conf_hypergU (double a, double b, double z) |
| Calculates the confluent hypergeometric functions of the second kind, known also as Kummer function of the second kind, it is related to the confluent hypergeometric functions of the first kind. More...
double | cyl_bessel_i (double nu, double x) |
| Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind (also called regular modified (cylindrical) Bessel function). More...
double | cyl_bessel_j (double nu, double x) |
| Calculates the (cylindrical) Bessel functions of the first kind (also called regular (cylindrical) Bessel functions). More...
double | cyl_bessel_k (double nu, double x) |
| Calculates the modified Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular modified (cylindrical) Bessel functions). More...
double | cyl_neumann (double nu, double x) |
| Calculates the (cylindrical) Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular (cylindrical) Bessel functions or (cylindrical) Neumann functions). More...
double | ellint_1 (double k, double phi) |
| Calculates the incomplete elliptic integral of the first kind. More...
double | ellint_2 (double k, double phi) |
| Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the second kind. More...
double | ellint_3 (double n, double k, double phi) |
| Calculates the complete elliptic integral of the third kind. More...
double | expint (double x) |
| Calculates the exponential integral. More...
double | expint_n (int n, double x) |
double | hyperg (double a, double b, double c, double x) |
| Calculates Gauss' hypergeometric function. More...
double | laguerre (unsigned n, double x) |
| Calculates the Laguerre polynomials. More...
double | legendre (unsigned l, double x) |
| Calculates the Legendre polynomials. More...
double | riemann_zeta (double x) |
| Calculates the Riemann zeta function. More...
double | sph_bessel (unsigned n, double x) |
| Calculates the spherical Bessel functions of the first kind (also called regular spherical Bessel functions). More...
double | sph_legendre (unsigned l, unsigned m, double theta) |
| Computes the spherical (normalized) associated Legendre polynomials, or spherical harmonic without azimuthal dependence ( e^(im\phi)). More...
double | sph_neumann (unsigned n, double x) |
| Calculates the spherical Bessel functions of the second kind (also called irregular spherical Bessel functions or spherical Neumann functions). More...
double | airy_Ai (double x) |
| Calculates the Airy function Ai. More...
double | airy_Bi (double x) |
| Calculates the Airy function Bi. More...
double | airy_Ai_deriv (double x) |
| Calculates the derivative of the Airy function Ai. More...
double | airy_Bi_deriv (double x) |
| Calculates the derivative of the Airy function Bi. More...
double | airy_zero_Ai (unsigned int s) |
| Calculates the zeroes of the Airy function Ai. More...
double | airy_zero_Bi (unsigned int s) |
| Calculates the zeroes of the Airy function Bi. More...
double | airy_zero_Ai_deriv (unsigned int s) |
| Calculates the zeroes of the derivative of the Airy function Ai. More...
double | airy_zero_Bi_deriv (unsigned int s) |
| Calculates the zeroes of the derivative of the Airy function Bi. More...
double | wigner_3j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_ma, int two_mb, int two_mc) |
| Calculates the Wigner 3j coupling coefficients. More...
double | wigner_6j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_jd, int two_je, int two_jf) |
| Calculates the Wigner 6j coupling coefficients. More...
double | wigner_9j (int two_ja, int two_jb, int two_jc, int two_jd, int two_je, int two_jf, int two_jg, int two_jh, int two_ji) |
| Calculates the Wigner 9j coupling coefficients. More...