| GSLMinimizer1D (Minim1D::Type type=Minim1D::kBRENT) |
| Construct the minimizer passing the minimizer type using the Minim1D::Algorithm enumeration. More...
virtual | ~GSLMinimizer1D () |
| Destructor: free allocated resources. More...
double | FValLower () const |
| Return function value at current lower bound of the minimization interval. More...
double | FValMinimum () const |
| Return function value at current estimate of the minimum. More...
double | FValUpper () const |
| Return function value at current upper bound of the minimization interval. More...
int | Iterate () |
| Perform a minimizer iteration and if an unexepcted problem occurr then an error code will be returned. More...
int | Iterations () const |
| Return number of iteration used to find minimum. More...
bool | Minimize (int maxIter, double absTol, double relTol) |
| Find minimum position iterating until convergence specified by the absolute and relative tolerance or the maximum number of iteration is reached Return true is result is successfull @param maxIter maximum number of iteration @param absTol desired absolute error in the minimum position @param absTol desired relative error in the minimum position. More...
const char * | Name () const |
| Return name of minimization algorithm. More...
template<class UserFunc > |
void | SetFunction (const UserFunc &f, double xmin, double xlow, double xup) |
| Set, or reset, minimizer to use the function f and the initial search interval [xlow, xup], with a guess for the location of the minimum xmin. More...
void | SetFunction (GSLFuncPointer f, void *params, double xmin, double xlow, double xup) |
| Set, or reset, minimizer to use the function f and the initial search interval [xlow, xup], with a guess for the location of the minimum xmin. More...
int | Status () const |
| Return status of last minimization. More...
double | XLower () const |
| Return current lower bound of the minimization interval. More...
double | XMinimum () const |
| Return current estimate of the position of the minimum. More...
double | XUpper () const |
| Return current upper bound of the minimization interval. More...
| IMinimizer1D () |
virtual | ~IMinimizer1D () |
virtual double | FValLower () const =0 |
| Return function value at current lower bound of the minimization interval. More...
virtual double | FValMinimum () const =0 |
| Return function value at current estimate of the minimum. More...
virtual double | FValUpper () const =0 |
| Return function value at current upper bound of the minimization interval. More...
virtual int | Iterations () const =0 |
| Return number of iteration used to find minimum. More...
virtual bool | Minimize (int maxIter, double absTol, double relTol)=0 |
| Find minimum position iterating until convergence specified by the absolute and relative tolerance or the maximum number of iteration is reached Return true if iterations converged successfully @param maxIter maximum number of iteration @param absTol desired absolute error in the minimum position @param absTol desired relative error in the minimum position. More...
virtual const char * | Name () const =0 |
| Return name of minimization algorithm. More...
virtual int | Status () const =0 |
| Returns the status of the previous estimate. More...
virtual double | XLower () const =0 |
| Return current lower bound of the minimization interval. More...
virtual double | XMinimum () const =0 |
| Return current estimate of the position of the minimum. More...
virtual double | XUpper () const =0 |
| Return current upper bound of the minimization interval. More...