| Tutorials specific to Mac/Cocoa |
| Various examples showing graphics done with the Mac graphics system Cocoa. These examples run only on Mac/Os.
| Containers tutorials |
| Examples showing the "containers' classes" usage.
| Data Frame tutorials |
| These examples show the functionalities of RDataFrame: ROOT's declarative analysis interface.
| Event display tutorials |
| Examples showing the "Event display classes" usage.
| Fast Fourier Transforms tutorials |
| Example showing the Fast Fourier Transforms interface in ROOT.
| Fit Tutorials |
| These tutorials illustrate the main fitting features. Their names are related to the aspect which is treated in the code.
| FITS files interface tutorials |
| Examples showing the FITS file interface.
| FOAM tutorials |
| Examples showing how to use FOAM.
| Geometry tutorials |
| Various ROOT geometry package examples.
| OpenGL tutorials |
| Various examples showing the OpenGL graphics in ROOT.
| Graphics tutorials |
| Various examples showing the basic ROOT graphics.
| Graphs tutorials |
| Examples showing the "graphs classes" usage.
| GUI tutorials |
| Example code which illustrates how to use the ROOT GUI.
| Histograms tutorials |
| Examples showing the "histograms' classes" usage.
| HistFactory Tutorials |
| These tutorials illustrate the usage of the histfactory.
| HTTP tutorials |
| Examples showing the HTTP interface.
| Image tutorials |
| Examples showing the TImage class usage.
| IO tutorials |
| These tutorials illustrate some of the capabilities of the ROOT IO subsystem.
| Math tutorials |
| Examples showing the Math classes.
| Matrix tutorials |
| Examples showing how to use TMatrix.
| Monte Carlo tutorials |
| Monte Carlo examples.
| TMemStat tutorials |
| Examples showing the TMemStat class.
| Multi Layer Perceptron tutorials |
| Examples showing the Multi Layer Perceptron classes.
| Multicore tutorials |
| These examples aim to illustrate the multicore features of ROOT, such as thread awareness and safety, multithreading and multiprocessing.
| Net tutorials |
| Examples showing the net classes.
| Physics tutorials |
| Physics examples.
| Proof tutorials |
| These examples aim to illustrate the usage of PROOF.
| PyRoot tutorials |
| Examples showing how to write python script for Root.
| Pythia tutorials |
| Examples showing the pythia usage.
| Quadratic programming package. |
| Example showing the usage of the quadratic programming package quadp.
| R tutorials |
| Examples showing the R interface.
| RooFit Tutorials |
| These tutorials illustrate the main features of RooFit: the name of the examples and their short description help in figuring out their objective.
| RooStats Tutorials |
| These tutorials illustrate the main features of RooStats.
| Spectrum tutorials |
| Examples showing the TSpectrum and TSpectrumPainter usage.
| TSPlot tutorials |
| This tutorial illustrates the use of class TSPlot.
| SQL tutorials |
| Examples showing the SQL classes.
| Thread tutorials |
| Thread examples.
| TMVA tutorials |
| Example code which illustrates how to use the TMVA toolkit.
| Tree tutorials |
| Example code which illustrates how to use ROOT trees and ntuples.
| TUnfold tutorials |
| Test programs for the classes TUnfold and related.
| Unuran tutorials |
| Examples showing unuran capabilities.
| ROOT 7 tutorials |
| Various examples showing the ROOT 7 interface.
| VecOps tutorials |
| These examples show the functionalities of the VecOps utilities.
| XML tutorials |
| XML examples.