| Polynomial (double a, double b) |
| Construct a Polynomial of degree 1 : a*x + b. More...
| Polynomial (double a, double b, double c) |
| Construct a Polynomial of degree 2 : a*x**2 + b*x + c. More...
| Polynomial (double a, double b, double c, double d) |
| Construct a Polynomial of degree 3 : a*x**3 + b*x**2 + c*x + d. More...
| Polynomial (double a, double b, double c, double d, double e) |
| Construct a Polynomial of degree 4 : a*x**4 + b*x**3 + c*x**2 + dx + e. More...
| Polynomial (unsigned int n=0) |
| Construct a Polynomial function of order n. More...
virtual | ~Polynomial () |
IGenFunction * | Clone () const |
| Clone a function. More...
void | FdF (double x, double &f, double &df) const |
| Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x. More...
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > & | FindNumRoots () |
| Find the polynomial roots using always an iterative numerical methods The numerical method used is from GSL (see <A HREF="http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/gsl-ref_6.html#SEC53" ) More...
std::vector< double > | FindRealRoots () |
| Find the only the real polynomial roots. More...
const std::vector< std::complex< double > > & | FindRoots () |
| Find the polynomial roots. More...
unsigned int | Order () const |
| Order of Polynomial. More...
| ParamFunction (unsigned int npar=0) |
| Construct a parameteric function with npar parameters. More...
virtual | ~ParamFunction () |
unsigned int | NPar () const |
| Return the number of parameters. More...
virtual const double * | Parameters () const |
| Access the parameter values. More...
virtual void | SetParameters (const double *p) |
| Set the parameter values. More...
virtual | ~IParametricGradFunctionOneDim () |
| Virtual Destructor (no operations) More...
double | ParameterDerivative (const double *x, const double *p, unsigned int ipar=0) const |
| Partial derivative with respect a parameter Compatibility interface with multi-dimensional functions. More...
double | ParameterDerivative (const double *x, unsigned int ipar=0) const |
| Evaluate partial derivative using cached parameter values (multi-dim like interface) More...
double | ParameterDerivative (double x, const double *p, unsigned int ipar=0) const |
| Partial derivative with respect a parameter. More...
double | ParameterDerivative (double x, unsigned int ipar=0) const |
| Evaluate partial derivative using cached parameter values. More...
void | ParameterGradient (const double *x, const double *p, double *grad) const |
| Compatibility interface with multi-dimensional functions. More...
void | ParameterGradient (const double *x, double *grad) const |
| Evaluate all derivatives using cached parameter values (multi-dim like interface) More...
virtual void | ParameterGradient (double x, const double *p, double *grad) const |
| Evaluate the derivatives of the function with respect to the parameters at a point x. More...
void | ParameterGradient (double x, double *grad) const |
| Evaluate all derivatives using cached parameter values. More...
double | operator() (const double *x, const double *p) const |
| multidim-like interface More...
double | operator() (double x, const double *p) const |
| Evaluate function at a point x and for given parameters p. More...
| IBaseFunctionOneDim () |
virtual | ~IBaseFunctionOneDim () |
| virtual destructor More...
virtual IBaseFunctionOneDim * | Clone () const =0 |
| Clone a function. More...
double | operator() (const double *x) const |
| Evaluate the function at a point x[]. More...
double | operator() (double x) const |
| Evaluate the function at a point x Use the a pure virtual private method DoEval which must be implemented by sub-classes. More...
virtual | ~IBaseParam () |
| Virtual Destructor (no operations) More...
virtual unsigned int | NPar () const =0 |
| Return the number of Parameters. More...
virtual std::string | ParameterName (unsigned int i) const |
| Return the name of the i-th parameter (starting from zero) Overwrite if want to avoid the default name ("Par_0, Par_1, ...") More...
virtual const double * | Parameters () const =0 |
| Access the parameter values. More...
virtual void | SetParameters (const double *p)=0 |
| Set the parameter values. More...
virtual | ~IGradientOneDim () |
| virtual destructor More...
double | Derivative (const double *x) const |
| Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for partial derivative. More...
double | Derivative (double x) const |
| Return the derivative of the function at a point x Use the private method DoDerivative. More...
void | FdF (const double *x, double &f, double *df) const |
| Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for Gradient and function evaluation. More...
virtual void | FdF (double x, double &f, double &df) const =0 |
| Optimized method to evaluate at the same time the function value and derivative at a point x. More...
void | Gradient (const double *x, double *g) const |
| Compatibility method with multi-dimensional interface for Gradient. More...