Examples showing the usage of the ROOT 7 Event Display classes.
Files | |
file | box.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class. | |
file | boxset.C |
Demonstrates usage of REveBoxSet class. | |
file | boxset_cones.C |
Demonstrates usage of 'cone' mode in REveBoxSet class. | |
file | calorimeters.C |
file | collection_proxies.C |
This is an example of visualization of containers with REveDataCollection and REveDataProxyBuilders. | |
file | compound.C |
file | csgdemo.C |
Combinatorial Solid Geometry example. | |
file | error_ellipse.C |
file | eveGeoBrowser.C |
file | event_demo.C |
This example display geometry, tracks and hits in web browser. | |
file | geom_cms.C |
file | geoTopNode.C |
file | jets.C |
This example display only points in web browser. | |
file | lego.C |
This example display only points in web browser. | |
file | lineset.C |
Demonstrates usage of class REveStraightLineSet. | |
file | overlay_test.C |
Demonstrates usage of TEveBox class. | |
file | points.C |
This example display only points in web browser. | |
file | projection_prescale.C |
This example display projection prescale. | |
file | show_extract.C |
Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries. | |
file | texts.C |
This example display only texts in web browser. | |
file | tracks.C |
This example display only points in web browser. | |