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Event display with ROOT7

Modern version of "Event display" using ROOT7


class  CellData_t
 Cell data inner structure. More...
class  CellGeom_t
 Cell geometry inner structure. More...
class  ChangeGuard
 RAII guard for locking Eve manager (ctor) and processing changes (dtor). More...
class  REve3DProjection
 3D scaling projection. More...
class  REveBox
 3D box with arbitrary vertices (cuboid). More...
class  REveBoxProjected
 Projection of REveBox. More...
class  REveBoxSet
 Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones). More...
class  REveCalo2D
 Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D. More...
class  REveCalo3D
 Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D. More...
class  REveCaloData
 A central manager for calorimeter event data. More...
class  REveCaloDataHist
 A central manager for calorimeter data of an event written in TH2F. More...
class  REveCaloDataVec
 Calo data for universal cell geometry. More...
class  REveCaloLego
 Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram. More...
class  REveCaloViz
 Base class for calorimeter data visualization. More...
class  REveChunkManager
 Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation. More...
class  REveCompound
 Description of REveCompound. More...
class  REveCompoundProjected
 Description of REveCompoundProjected. More...
class  REveDigitSet
 Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (REveTrans), signal to color mapping (REveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (REveFrameBox). More...
class  REveElement
 Base class for REveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management. More...
class  REveException
 Exception class thrown by Eve classes and macros. More...
class  REveFrameBox
 Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects. More...
class  REveGeoManagerHolder
 Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager. More...
class  REveGeoPolyShape
 Description of REveGeoPolyShape. More...
class  REveGeoShape
 Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for non-linear projections). More...
class  REveGeoShapeExtract
 Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts. More...
class  REveGeoShapeProjected
 A 3D projected REveGeoShape. More...
class  REveJetCone
 Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and cone radius is given. More...
class  REveJetConeProjected
 Projection of REveJetCone. More...
class  REveLine
 An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes. More...
class  REveLineProjected
 Projected copy of a REveLine. More...
class  REveMagField
 Abstract base-class for interfacing to magnetic field needed by the REveTrackPropagator. More...
class  REveMagFieldConst
 Implements constant magnetic field, given by a vector fB. More...
class  REveMagFieldDuo
 Implements constant magnetic filed that switches on given axial radius fR2 from vector fBIn to fBOut. More...
class  REveManager
 Central application manager for web-based REve. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::REvePathMarkT< TT >
 Special-point on track: More...
class  REvePointSelector
 REvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree. More...
class  REvePointSelectorConsumer
 REvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the REvePointSelector class. More...
class  REvePointSet
 REvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc). More...
class  REvePointSetArray
 An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram. More...
class  REvePointSetProjected
 Projected copy of a REvePointSet. More...
class  REvePolygonSetProjected
 A set of projected polygons. More...
class  REveProjectable
 Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects. More...
class  REveProjected
 Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation. More...
class  REveProjection
 Base-class for non-linear projections. More...
class  REveProjectionManager
 Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects. More...
class  REveRefBackPtr
 Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to REveElement objects. More...
class  REveRefCnt
 Base-class for reference-counted objects. More...
class  REveRGBAPalette
 A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes. More...
class  REveRhoZProjection
 Transformation from 3D to 2D. More...
class  REveRPhiProjection
 XY projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  REveScalableStraightLineSet
 Straight-line-set with extra scaling, useful for projectables that need to be scaled in accordance with an external object. More...
class  REveScene
 Eve representation of TGLScene. More...
class  REveSceneInfo
 Representation of a REveScene in a REveViewer. More...
class  REveSceneList
 List of Scenes providing common operations on REveScene collections. More...
class  REveSecondarySelectable
 Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection. More...
class  REveSelection
 Make sure there is a SINGLE running REveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight). More...
class  REveSelectorToEventList
 TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list. More...
class  REveShape
 Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes. More...
class  REveStraightLineSetProjected
 Projected replica of a REveStraightLineSet. More...
class  REveTrack
 Visual representation of a track. More...
class  REveTrackList
 A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters. More...
class  REveTrackListProjected
 Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects. More...
class  REveTrackProjected
 Projected copy of a REveTrack. More...
class  REveTrackPropagator
 Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters. More...
class  REveTrans
 REveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-major order to allow direct usage by GL. More...
class  REveUtil
 Standard utility functions for Eve. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::REveVector2T< TT >
 REveVector2T A two-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::REveVector4T< TT >
 REveVector4T A four-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  ROOT::Experimental::REveVectorT< TT >
 REveVectorT A three-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class  REveViewer
 Eve representation of a GL view. More...
class  REveViewerList
 List of Viewers providing common operations on REveViewer collections. More...
class  REveVSD
 Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independent format. More...
class  REveXZProjection
 XZ projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  REveYZProjection
 YZ projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  REveZXProjection
 ZX projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  REveZYProjection
 ZY projection with distortion around given center. More...
class  RExceptionHandler
 Exception handler for Eve exceptions. More...