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lego.C File Reference
#include "TRandom.h"
#include <ROOT/REveElement.hxx>
#include <ROOT/REveScene.hxx>
#include <ROOT/REveManager.hxx>
#include <ROOT/REvePointSet.hxx>
Include dependency graph for lego.C:


REX::REvePointSetcreatePointSet (int npoints=2, float s=2, int color=28)
void lego ()

Detailed Description

This example display only points in web browser.

#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
void lego()
TGeoManager *geom = new TGeoManager("geom", "My first 3D geometry");
TGeoMaterial *vacuum = new TGeoMaterial("vacuum", 0, 0, 0);
TGeoMaterial *Fe = new TGeoMaterial("Fe", 55.845, 26, 7.87);
TGeoMedium *Air = new TGeoMedium("Vacuum", 0, vacuum);
TGeoMedium *Iron = new TGeoMedium("Iron", 1, Fe);
// create volume
TGeoVolume *top = geom->MakeBox("top", Air, 100, 100, 100);
// If you want to see the boundary, please input the number, 1 instead of 0.
// Like this, geom->SetTopVisible(1);
TGeoVolume *ha1 = geom->MakeSphere("ha1", Iron, 0, 10, 80, 90, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 4, new TGeoRotation("ha1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha2 = geom->MakeSphere("ha2", Iron, 0, 7, 90, 180, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 4, new TGeoRotation("ha2", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha3 = geom->MakeSphere("ha3", Iron, 0, 7.3, 80, 90, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 4.8, new TGeoRotation("ha3", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h1 = geom->MakeTubs("h1", Iron, 0, 6, 4.5, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 0, new TGeoRotation("h1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h2 = geom->MakeSphere("h2", Iron, 0, 7.5, 0, 52.5, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 0, new TGeoRotation("h2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h3 = geom->MakeSphere("h3", Iron, 0, 7.5, 0, 52.5, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 0, new TGeoRotation("h3", 180, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h4 = geom->MakeTubs("h4", Iron, 2.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, 7.5, new TGeoRotation("h4", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *t1_1 = geom->MakeTubs("t1_1", Iron, 0, 0.8, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(t1_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 2, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("t1_1", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *t2_1 = geom->MakeTubs("t2_1", Iron, 0, 0.8, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(t2_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, -2, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("t2_1", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fb1 = geom->MakeTubs("fb1", Iron, 2, 2.3, 1, 100, 260);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fb1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 0, -1, new TGeoRotation("fb1", 90, 90, 90)));
TGeoVolume *m1 = geom->MakeBox("m1", Iron, 7, 8, 4);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -17, new TGeoRotation("m1", 90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m2 = geom->MakeTubs("m2", Iron, 0, 1, 7, 90, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-3, 0, -9, new TGeoRotation("m2", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m3 = geom->MakeTubs("m3", Iron, 0, 1, 7, 0, 90);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(3, 0, -9, new TGeoRotation("m3", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m4 = geom->MakeBox("m4", Iron, 3, 7, 0.5);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -8.5, new TGeoRotation("m4", 90, 0, 90)));
TGeoVolume *m5 = geom->MakeTubs("m5", Iron, 0, 1.5, 1.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -7.8, new TGeoRotation("m5", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m6 = geom->MakeTrd2("m6", Iron, 4, 4, 0, 2, 8);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m6, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -7, -17, new TGeoRotation("m6", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m7 = geom->MakeTrd2("m7", Iron, 4, 4, 0, 2, 8);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m7, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 7, -17, new TGeoRotation("m7", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *md1 = geom->MakeBox("md1", Iron, 4, 8.5, 0.7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(md1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -25.5, new TGeoRotation("md1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *md2 = geom->MakeBox("md2", Iron, 3, 0.4, 2);
top->AddNodeOverlap(md2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 0, -28, new TGeoRotation("md2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d1 = geom->MakeTrd2("d1", Iron, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-4.8, 4.5, -35, new TGeoRotation("d1", 90, 45, -90)));
TGeoVolume *d2 = geom->MakeTrd2("d2", Iron, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -4.5, -37, new TGeoRotation("d2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d3 = geom->MakeTubs("d3", Iron, 0, 4, 3.98, 0, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 4.5, -30.2, new TGeoRotation("d3", 0, 90, -45)));
TGeoVolume *d4 = geom->MakeTubs("d4", Iron, 0, 4, 3.98, 0, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -4.5, -30, new TGeoRotation("d4", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d5 = geom->MakeBox("d5", Iron, 4, 4, 1);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-10.2, 4.5, -39, new TGeoRotation("d5", 90, 45, -90)));
TGeoVolume *d6 = geom->MakeBox("d6", Iron, 4, 4, 1);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d6, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-1, -4.5, -43.4, new TGeoRotation("d6", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *a1 = geom->MakeTubs("a1", Iron, 0, 1.5, 4, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 10, -15.1, new TGeoRotation("a1", 0, 20, 45)));
TGeoVolume *a2 = geom->MakeSphere("a2", Iron, 0, 1.48, 0, 180, 0, 200);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 8.6, -11.5, new TGeoRotation("a2", 120, 80, 20)));
TGeoVolume *a3 = geom->MakeTubs("a3", Iron, 0, 1.5, 2.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 11.3, -20.6, new TGeoRotation("a3", 300, 0, 40)));
TGeoVolume *a4 = geom->MakeTubs("a4", Iron, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 11.3, -23.8, new TGeoRotation("a4", 75, 0, 30)));
TGeoVolume *a5 = geom->MakeTubs("a5", Iron, 1.5, 2.5, 2, 0, 270);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 11.3, -26.5, new TGeoRotation("a5", -90, 90, 00)));
TGeoVolume *a1_1 = geom->MakeTubs("a1_1", Iron, 0, 1.5, 4, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a1_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -10, -15.1, new TGeoRotation("a1_1", 0, -20, -45)));
TGeoVolume *a2_1 = geom->MakeSphere("a2_1", Iron, 0, 1.48, 0, 180, 0, 200);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a2_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -8.6, -11.5, new TGeoRotation("a2_1", 120, 80, -20)));
TGeoVolume *a3_1 = geom->MakeTubs("a3_1", Iron, 0, 1.5, 2.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a3_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -11.3, -20.6, new TGeoRotation("a3_1", -300, 0, -40)));
TGeoVolume *a4_1 = geom->MakeTubs("a4_1", Iron, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a4_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -11.3, -23.8, new TGeoRotation("a4_1", -75, 0, -30)));
a5 = geom->MakeTubs("a5_1", Iron, 1.5, 2.5, 2, 0, 270);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, -11.3, -26.5, new TGeoRotation("a5", 90, 90, 00)));
TGeoVolume *ha_1 = geom->MakeSphere("ha_1", Iron, 0, 10, 80, 90, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 4, new TGeoRotation("ha_1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_2 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_2", Iron, 0, 6, 5, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 10, new TGeoRotation("ha_2", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_3 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_3", Iron, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 8, new TGeoRotation("ha_3", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_4 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_4", Iron, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 22, 10, new TGeoRotation("ha_4", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_5 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_5", Iron, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 46, 10, new TGeoRotation("ha_5", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_6 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_6", Iron, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_6, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 24, 10, new TGeoRotation("ha_6", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_7 = geom->MakeTubs("ha_7", Iron, 0, 1, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_7, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 48, 10, new TGeoRotation("ha_7", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_8 = geom->MakeBox("ha_8", Iron, 2, 0.5, 2);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_8, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-4.2, 36, 9, new TGeoRotation("ha_8", 0, 45, 0)));
TGeoVolume *ha_9 = geom->MakeBox("ha_9", Iron, 2, 0.5, 2);
top->AddNodeOverlap(ha_9, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-4.2, 36, 9, new TGeoRotation("ha_9", 0, 135, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h_1 = geom->MakeTubs("h_1", Iron, 0, 6, 4.5, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 0, new TGeoRotation("h_1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h_2 = geom->MakeSphere("h_2", Iron, 0, 7.5, 0, 52.5, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 0, new TGeoRotation("h_2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h_3 = geom->MakeSphere("h_3", Iron, 0, 7.5, 0, 52.5, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h_3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 0, new TGeoRotation("h_3", 180, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *h_4 = geom->MakeTubs("h_4", Iron, 2.5, 3.5, 1.5, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(h_4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, 7.5, new TGeoRotation("h_4", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fa1 = geom->MakeTubs("fa1", Iron, 0, 0.5, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fa1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 38, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("fa1", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fa2 = geom->MakeTubs("fa2", Iron, 0, 0.5, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fa2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 34, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("fa2", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fa1_1 = geom->MakeTubs("fa1_1", Iron, 1, 1.2, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fa1_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 38, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("fa1_1", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fa2_1 = geom->MakeTubs("fa2_1", Iron, 1, 1.2, 1, 0, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fa2_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 34, 1.5, new TGeoRotation("fa2_1", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *fa3 = geom->MakeTubs("fa3", Iron, 2, 2.3, 1, 90, 270);
top->AddNodeOverlap(fa3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-5, 36, -1, new TGeoRotation("fa3", 90, 90, 90)));
TGeoVolume *m_1 = geom->MakeBox("m_1", Iron, 7, 8, 4);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, -17, new TGeoRotation("m_1", 90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m_2 = geom->MakeTubs("m_2", Iron, 0, 1, 7, 90, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-3, 36, -9, new TGeoRotation("m_2", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m_3 = geom->MakeTubs("m_3", Iron, 0, 1, 7, 0, 90);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(3, 36, -9, new TGeoRotation("m_3", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m_4 = geom->MakeBox("m_4", Iron, 3, 7, 0.5);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, -8.5, new TGeoRotation("m_4", 90, 0, 90)));
TGeoVolume *m_5 = geom->MakeTubs("m_5", Iron, 0, 1.5, 1.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, -7.8, new TGeoRotation("m_5", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m_6 = geom->MakeTrd2("m_6", Iron, 4, 4, 0, 2, 8);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_6, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 29, -17, new TGeoRotation("m_6", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *m_7 = geom->MakeTrd2("m_7", Iron, 4, 4, 0, 2, 8);
top->AddNodeOverlap(m_7, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 43, -17, new TGeoRotation("m_7", 0, 180, 0)));
TGeoVolume *md_1 = geom->MakeBox("md_1", Iron, 4, 8.5, 0.7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(md_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, -25.5, new TGeoRotation("md_1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *md_2 = geom->MakeBox("md_2", Iron, 3, 0.4, 2);
top->AddNodeOverlap(md_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 36, -28, new TGeoRotation("md_2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_1 = geom->MakeTrd2("d_1", Iron, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 40.5, -37.2, new TGeoRotation("d_1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_2 = geom->MakeTrd2("d_2", Iron, 3, 4, 4, 4, 7);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 31.5, -37.2, new TGeoRotation("d_2", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_3 = geom->MakeTubs("d_3", Iron, 0, 4, 3.98, 0, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 40.5, -30.2, new TGeoRotation("d_3", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_4 = geom->MakeTubs("d_4", Iron, 0, 4, 3.98, 0, 180);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 31.5, -30.2, new TGeoRotation("d_4", 0, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_5 = geom->MakeBox("d_5", Iron, 4, 4, 1);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-1, 40.5, -43.7, new TGeoRotation("d_5", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *d_6 = geom->MakeBox("d_6", Iron, 4, 4, 1);
top->AddNodeOverlap(d_6, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-1, 31.5, -43.7, new TGeoRotation("d_6", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *a_1 = geom->MakeTubs("a_1", Iron, 0, 1.5, 4, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a_1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 46, -15.1, new TGeoRotation("a_1", 0, 20, 45)));
TGeoVolume *a_2 = geom->MakeSphere("a_2", Iron, 0, 1.48, 0, 180, 0, 200);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a_2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 44.6, -11.5, new TGeoRotation("a_2", 120, 80, 20)));
TGeoVolume *a_3 = geom->MakeTubs("a_3", Iron, 0, 1.5, 2.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a_3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 47.3, -20.6, new TGeoRotation("a_3", 300, 0, 40)));
TGeoVolume *a_4 = geom->MakeTubs("a_4", Iron, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a_4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 47.3, -23.8, new TGeoRotation("a_4", 75, 0, 30)));
TGeoVolume *a_5 = geom->MakeTubs("a_5", Iron, 1.5, 2.5, 2, 0, 270);
top->AddNodeOverlap(a_5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 47.3, -26.5, new TGeoRotation("a_5", -90, 90, 0)));
TGeoVolume *Aa1 = geom->MakeTubs("Aa1", Iron, 0, 1.5, 4, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(Aa1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 26, -15.1, new TGeoRotation("Aa1", 0, -20, -45)));
TGeoVolume *Aa2 = geom->MakeSphere("Aa2", Iron, 0, 1.48, 0, 180, 0, 200);
top->AddNodeOverlap(Aa2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 27.4, -11.5, new TGeoRotation("Aa2", 120, 80, -20)));
TGeoVolume *Aa3 = geom->MakeTubs("Aa3", Iron, 0, 1.5, 2.2, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(Aa3, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 24.7, -20.6, new TGeoRotation("Aa3", -300, 0, -40)));
TGeoVolume *Aa4 = geom->MakeTubs("Aa4", Iron, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(Aa4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 24.7, -23.8, new TGeoRotation("Aa4", -75, 0, -30)));
TGeoVolume *Aa5 = geom->MakeTubs("Aa5", Iron, 1.5, 2.5, 2, 0, 270);
top->AddNodeOverlap(Aa5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 24.7, -26.5, new TGeoRotation("Aa5", 90, 90, 00)));
TGeoVolume *bag1 = geom->MakeBox("bag1", Iron, 10, 4, 6);
top->AddNodeOverlap(bag1, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 48, -36, new TGeoRotation("bag1", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *bag2 = geom->MakeTubs("bag2", Iron, 3, 4, 1, 180, 360);
top->AddNodeOverlap(bag2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(0, 48, -30, new TGeoRotation("bag2", 0, 270, 0)));
TGeoVolume *well = geom->MakeBox("well", Iron, 5, 10, 3);
top->AddNodeOverlap(well, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-26.5, -17, -42, new TGeoRotation("well", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *K5 = geom->MakeTubs("K5", Iron, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(K5, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-27, -12.5, -39, new TGeoRotation("K5", 0, 0, 0)));
TGeoVolume *K4 = geom->MakeTubs("K4", Iron, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(K4, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-27, -21.5, -39, new TGeoRotation("K4", 0, 0, 0)));
char nB[100];
int Z = 0, Y = 0;
TGeoVolume *bo1;
while (Y < 6) {
while (Z < 10) {
sprintf(nB, "B%d_Y%d", Z, Y);
bo1 = geom->MakeTubs(nB, Iron, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0);
top->AddNodeOverlap(bo1, 1,
new TGeoCombiTrans(-27 + (Y * 9), -21.5 + (Z * 9), -45, new TGeoRotation("bo1", 0, 0, 0)));
Z = 0;
TGeoVolume *bo2 = geom->MakeBox("bo2", Iron, 27, 45, 3);
top->AddNodeOverlap(bo2, 1, new TGeoCombiTrans(-4.5, 18, -48, new TGeoRotation("bo2", 0, 0, 0)));
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor)
Set the line color.
Definition TAttLine.h:40
Class describing rotation + translation.
Definition TGeoMatrix.h:317
The manager class for any TGeo geometry.
Definition TGeoManager.h:44
void CloseGeometry(Option_t *option="d")
Closing geometry implies checking the geometry validity, fixing shapes with negative parameters (run-...
TGeoVolume * MakeTrd2(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium, Double_t dx1, Double_t dx2, Double_t dy1, Double_t dy2, Double_t dz)
Make in one step a volume pointing to a TGeoTrd2 shape with given medium.
TGeoVolume * MakeBox(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium, Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz)
Make in one step a volume pointing to a box shape with given medium.
TGeoVolume * MakeSphere(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t themin=0, Double_t themax=180, Double_t phimin=0, Double_t phimax=360)
Make in one step a volume pointing to a sphere shape with given medium.
void SetTopVolume(TGeoVolume *vol)
Set the top volume and corresponding node as starting point of the geometry.
void SetTopVisible(Bool_t vis=kTRUE)
make top volume visible on screen
TGeoVolume * MakeTubs(const char *name, TGeoMedium *medium, Double_t rmin, Double_t rmax, Double_t dz, Double_t phi1, Double_t phi2)
Make in one step a volume pointing to a tube segment shape with given medium.
Base class describing materials.
Media are used to store properties related to tracking and which are useful only when using geometry ...
Definition TGeoMedium.h:23
Class describing rotations.
Definition TGeoMatrix.h:168
TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes.
Definition TGeoVolume.h:43
void SetVisibility(Bool_t vis=kTRUE) override
set visibility of this volume
void Draw(Option_t *option="") override
draw top volume according to option
virtual void AddNodeOverlap(TGeoVolume *vol, Int_t copy_no, TGeoMatrix *mat=nullptr, Option_t *option="")
Add a TGeoNode to the list of nodes.
void SetLineColor(Color_t lcolor) override
Set the line color.
void lego()
Definition lego.C:31
TH1F * h1
Definition legend1.C:5

Definition in file lego.C.

Function Documentation

◆ createPointSet()

REX::REvePointSet * createPointSet ( int  npoints = 2,
float  s = 2,
int  color = 28 

Definition at line 16 of file lego.C.

◆ lego()

void lego ( )

Definition at line 31 of file lego.C.