All examples related to visually representing the data, including graphs, event displays, web graphics, GUIs and more.
Topics | |
Event display tutorials | |
Examples showing the usage of the Event Display classes. | |
Event display for ROOT 7 tutorials | |
Examples showing the usage of the ROOT 7 Event Display classes. | |
Geometry tutorials | |
Various geometry visualisation examples. | |
Graphs tutorials | |
Examples showing the "graphs classes" usage. | |
Graphics tutorials | |
Various examples showing the basic ROOT graphics. | |
GUI tutorials | |
Example code which illustrates how to use the ROOT GUI. | |
Image tutorials | |
Examples showing the TImage class usage. | |
OpenGL tutorials | |
Various examples showing the OpenGL graphics in ROOT. | |
Tutorials specific to Mac/Cocoa | |
Various examples showing graphics done with the Mac graphics system Cocoa. | |
TWebCanvas tutorials | |
Examples showing the special features of web-based canvas. | |
Webgui tutorials | |
Webgui examples. | |