RooFit core classes. These provide the infrastructure for building likelihood models.
Classes | |
class | RooFit::Evaluator |
Evaluates a RooAbsReal object in other ways than recursive graph traversal. More... | |
class | Roo1DTable |
One-dimensional table. More... | |
class | RooAbsAnaConvPdf |
Base class for PDFs that represent a physics model that can be analytically convolved with a resolution model. More... | |
class | RooAbsArg |
Common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooAbsBinning |
Abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions. More... | |
class | RooAbsCache |
Abstract base class for data members of RooAbsArgs that cache other (composite) RooAbsArg expressions. More... | |
class | RooAbsCachedPdf |
Abstract base class for p.d.f.s that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistPdf defined in terms of the used observables. More... | |
class | RooAbsCachedReal |
Abstract base class for functions that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistFunc defined in terms of the used observables. More... | |
class | RooAbsCacheElement |
Abstract base class for objects to be stored in RooAbsCache cache manager objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsCategory |
A space to attach TBranches. More... | |
class | RooAbsCategoryLValue |
Abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value that can be set from the outside, i.e. More... | |
class | RooAbsCollection |
Abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsData |
Abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets. More... | |
class | RooAbsDataStore |
Abstract base class for a data collection. More... | |
class | RooAbsFunc |
Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerical algorithms on it. More... | |
class | RooAbsGenContext |
Abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsHiddenReal |
Base class for objects that want to hide their return value from interactive use, e.g. More... | |
class | RooAbsIntegrator |
Abstract interface for integrators of real-valued functions that implement the RooAbsFunc interface. More... | |
class | RooAbsLValue |
Abstract base class for objects that are lvalues, i.e. More... | |
class | RooAbsMCStudyModule |
Base class for add-on modules to RooMCStudy that can perform additional calculations on each generate+fit cycle managed by RooMCStudy. More... | |
class | RooAbsMoment |
class | RooAbsPdf |
Abstract interface for all probability density functions. More... | |
class | RooAbsProxy |
Abstract interface for proxy classes. More... | |
class | RooAbsReal |
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to all real-valued objects such as the ability to plot them, to construct integrals of them, the ability to advertise (partial) analytical integrals etc. More... | |
class | RooAbsRealLValue |
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue'). More... | |
class | RooAbsSelfCached< Base_t > |
Abstract base class for functions whose output is cached in terms of a histogram in all observables between getVal() and evaluate(). More... | |
class | RooAbsStudy |
Abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules. More... | |
class | RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D |
Implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooAddGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAddPdf PDFs. More... | |
class | RooAddition |
Calculates the sum of a set of RooAbsReal terms, or when constructed with two sets, it sums the product of the terms in the two sets. More... | |
class | RooAddPdf |
Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form. More... | |
class | RooAICRegistry |
Utility class for operator p.d.f classes that keeps track of analytical integration codes and associated normalization and integration sets. More... | |
class | RooArgProxy |
Abstract interface for RooAbsArg proxy classes. More... | |
class | RooBinnedGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for binned pdfs. More... | |
class | RooBinnedL |
Implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be binned) and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooBinning |
Implements a RooAbsBinning in terms of an array of boundary values, posing no constraints on the choice of binning, thus allowing variable bin sizes. More... | |
class | RooBinningCategory |
Provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds. More... | |
class | RooBinWidthFunction |
Returns the bin width (or volume) given a RooHistFunc. More... | |
class | RooBrentRootFinder |
Implement the abstract 1-dimensional root finding interface using the Brent-Decker method. More... | |
class | RooCachedPdf |
Implementation of RooAbsCachedPdf that can cache any external RooAbsPdf input function provided in the constructor. More... | |
class | RooCachedReal |
Implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that can cache any external RooAbsReal input function provided in the constructor. More... | |
class | RooCacheManager< T > |
Manages the storage of any type of data indexed on the choice of normalization and optionally the set of integrated observables. More... | |
class | RooCategory |
Object to represent discrete states. More... | |
class | RooChangeTracker |
Meta object that tracks value changes in a given set of RooAbsArgs by registering itself as value client of these objects. More... | |
class | RooClassFactory |
Similar to TTree::MakeClass(), generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names. More... | |
class | RooCmdArg |
Named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string pointers that can be passed as generic named arguments to a variety of RooFit end user methods. More... | |
class | RooCmdConfig |
Configurable parser for RooCmdArg named arguments. More... | |
class | RooCollectionProxy< RooCollection_t > |
Concrete proxy for RooArgSet or RooArgList objects. More... | |
class | RooCompositeDataStore |
Combines several disjunct datasets into one. More... | |
class | RooConstraintSum |
Calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPfs that represent constraint functions. More... | |
class | RooConstVar |
Represents a constant real-valued object. More... | |
class | RooConvCoefVar |
Auxiliary class that represents the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation as a separate RooAbsReal object to be able to interface these coefficient terms with the generic RooRealIntegral integration mechanism. More... | |
class | RooConvGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvPdf objects. More... | |
class | RooCurve |
One-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function. More... | |
class | RooDataHist |
Container class to hold N-dimensional binned data. More... | |
class | RooDataHistSliceIter |
Iterates over all bins in a RooDataHist that occur in a slice defined by the bin coordinates of the input sliceSet. More... | |
class | RooDataProjBinding |
adaptor that projects a real function via summation of states provided in a dataset. More... | |
class | RooDataSet |
Container class to hold unbinned data. More... | |
class | RooDerivative |
Represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooDirItem |
Utility base class for RooFit objects that are to be attached to ROOT directories. More... | |
class | RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule |
Add-on module to RooMCStudy that calculates the significance of a signal by comparing the likelihood of a fit fit with a given parameter floating with a fit with that given parameter fixed to a nominal value (usually zero). More... | |
class | RooDouble |
Minimal implementation of a TObject holding a double value. More... | |
class | RooEffGenContext |
Specialized generator context for p.d.fs represented by class RooEffProd, which are p.d.fs multiplied with an efficiency function. More... | |
class | RooEfficiency |
A PDF helper class to fit efficiencies parameterized by a supplied function F. More... | |
class | RooEllipse |
Two-dimensional ellipse that can be used to represent an error contour. More... | |
class | RooErrorVar |
Auxiliary class that represents the error of a RooRealVar as a separate object. More... | |
class | RooExpensiveObjectCache |
Singleton class that serves as repository for objects that are expensive to calculate. More... | |
class | RooExtendedTerm |
A p.d.f with no observables that only introduces an extended ML term for a given number of expected events term when an extended ML is constructed. More... | |
class | RooFactoryWSTool |
Implementation detail of the RooWorkspace. More... | |
class | RooFFTConvPdf |
PDF for the numerical (FFT) convolution of two PDFs. More... | |
class | RooFirstMoment |
class | RooFracRemainder |
Calculates the remainder fraction of a sum of RooAbsReal fraction, i.e (1 - sum_i a_i). More... | |
class | RooFunctor |
Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsPdf as a functor. More... | |
class | RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D |
Implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooGenContext |
Implements a universal generator context for all RooAbsPdf classes that do not have or need a specialized generator context. More... | |
class | RooGenericPdf |
Implementation of a probability density function that takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers. More... | |
class | RooGenFitStudy |
Abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules. More... | |
class | RooHist |
Graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class. More... | |
class | RooHistError |
Singleton class used to calculate the error bars for each bin of a RooHist object. More... | |
class | RooHistFunc |
A real-valued function sampled from a multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | RooHistPdf |
A probability density function sampled from a multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | RooInvTransform |
Lightweight function binding that returns the inverse of an input function binding. More... | |
class | RooLinkedList |
Collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in a doubly linked list. More... | |
class | RooLinkedListElem |
Link element for the RooLinkedList class. More... | |
class | RooLinTransBinning |
Special binning implementation for RooLinearVar that transforms the binning of the RooLinearVar input variable in the same way that RooLinearVar does. More... | |
class | RooMCStudy |
Helper class to facilitate Monte Carlo studies such as 'goodness-of-fit' studies, that involve fitting a PDF to multiple toy Monte Carlo sets. More... | |
class | RooMinimizer |
Wrapper class around ROOT::Math::Minimizer that provides a seamless interface between the minimizer functionality and the native RooFit interface. More... | |
class | RooMoment |
class | RooMsgService |
Singleton class that organizes messages generated in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooMultiCategory |
Connects several RooAbsCategory objects into a single category. More... | |
class | RooMultiVarGaussian |
Multivariate Gaussian p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooNameReg |
Registry for const char* names. More... | |
class | RooNormSetCache |
Class RooNormSet cache manage the bookkeeping of multiple instances of sets of integration and normalization observables that effectively have the same definition. More... | |
class | RooNumber |
Provides numeric constants used in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooNumCdf |
Implementation of RooNumRunningInt that calculates cumulative distribution functions from p.d.f.s. More... | |
class | RooNumConvolution |
Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF. More... | |
class | RooNumConvPdf |
Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF. More... | |
class | RooNumGenConfig |
Holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral. More... | |
class | RooNumIntConfig |
Holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral. More... | |
class | RooNumIntFactory |
Factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration. More... | |
class | RooNumRunningInt |
Implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that represents a running integral. More... | |
class | RooObjCacheManager |
Implementation of a RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> that specializes in the storage of cache elements that contain RooAbsArg objects. More... | |
class | RooParamBinning |
Implementation of RooAbsBinning that constructs a binning with a range definition that depends on external RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooPlot |
Plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame. More... | |
class | RooPlotable |
Class RooPotable is a base class for objects that can be inserted into RooPlots and take advantage of its internal normalization and axis range adjustment features. More... | |
class | RooPolyVar |
A RooAbsReal implementing a polynomial in terms of a list of RooAbsReal coefficients. More... | |
class | RooPrintable |
A 'mix-in' base class that define the standard RooFit plotting and printing methods. More... | |
class | RooProdGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooProdPdf PDFs. More... | |
class | RooProdPdf |
Efficient implementation of a product of PDFs of the form. More... | |
class | RooProduct |
Represents the product of a given set of RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooProfileLL |
Implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of parameters of interest. More... | |
class | RooProjectedPdf |
A RooAbsPdf implementation that represent a projection of a given input p.d.f and the object returned by RooAbsPdf::createProjection. More... | |
class | RooPullVar |
Represents the pull of a measurement w.r.t. More... | |
class | RooQuasiRandomGenerator |
This class generates the quasi-random (aka "low discrepancy") sequence for dimensions up to 12 using the Niederreiter base 2 algorithm described in Bratley, Fox, Niederreiter, ACM Trans. More... | |
class | RooRandom |
This class provides a static interface for generating random numbers. More... | |
class | RooRandomizeParamMCSModule |
Add-on module to RooMCStudy that allows you to randomize input generation parameters. More... | |
class | RooRangeBinning |
Binning/range definition that only defines a range but no binning. More... | |
class | RooRangeBoolean |
Returns 1.0 if variable is within given a range and 0.0 otherwise. More... | |
class | RooRatio |
Represents the ratio of two RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooRealBinding |
Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsReal object to a subset of its servers and present it as a simple array oriented interface. More... | |
class | RooRealConstant |
Provides static functions to create and keep track of RooRealVar constants. More... | |
class | RooRealIntegral |
Performs hybrid numerical/analytical integrals of RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooFit::TestStatistics::RooRealL |
RooAbsReal that wraps RooAbsL likelihoods for use in RooFit outside of the RooMinimizer context. More... | |
class | RooRealSumPdf |
Implements a PDF constructed from a sum of functions: More... | |
class | RooRealVar |
Variable that can be changed from the outside. More... | |
class | RooRealVarSharedProperties |
Implementation of RooSharedProperties that stores the properties of a RooRealVar that are shared among clones. More... | |
class | RooRecursiveFraction |
A RooAbsReal implementation that calculates the plain fraction of sum of RooAddPdf components from a set of recursive fractions: for a given set of input fractions | |
class | RooSecondMoment |
class | RooSharedProperties |
Class RooSharedProperties is the base class for shared properties that can be stored in RooSharedPropertiesList. More... | |
class | RooSimGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs. More... | |
class | RooSimSplitGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs. More... | |
class | RooSimultaneous |
Facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset. More... | |
class | RooStringVar |
A RooAbsArg implementing string values. More... | |
class | RooStudyManager |
Utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace. More... | |
class | RooStudyPackage |
Utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace. More... | |
class | RooSubsidiaryL |
Calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPdf objects that represent subsidiary or constraint functions. More... | |
class | RooFit::TestStatistics::RooSumL |
Likelihood class that sums over multiple -log components. More... | |
class | RooSuperCategory |
Joins several RooAbsCategoryLValue objects into a single category. More... | |
class | RooTable |
Abstract interface for table objects. More... | |
class | RooTemplateProxy< T > |
class | RooThresholdCategory |
A real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds. More... | |
class | RooTrace |
Controls the memory tracing hooks in all RooFit objects. More... | |
class | RooTreeDataStore |
TTree-backed data storage. More... | |
class | RooTruthModel |
Implements a RooResolution model that corresponds to a delta function. More... | |
class | RooUnbinnedL |
A -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be unbinned) and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooUniformBinning |
Implementation of RooAbsBinning that provides a uniform binning in 'n' bins between the range end points. More... | |
class | RooVectorDataStore |
Uses std::vector to store data columns. More... | |
class | RooWorkspace |
Persistable container for RooFit projects. More... | |