RooFit core classes. These provide the infrastructure for building likelihood models.
Classes | |
class | Evaluator |
Evaluates a RooAbsReal object in other ways than recursive graph traversal. More... | |
class | Roo1DTable |
One-dimensional table. More... | |
class | RooAbsAnaConvPdf |
Base class for PDFs that represent a physics model that can be analytically convolved with a resolution model. More... | |
class | RooAbsArg |
Common abstract base class for objects that represent a value and a "shape" in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooAbsBinning |
RooAbsBinning is the abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions. More... | |
class | RooAbsCache |
Abstract base class for data members of RooAbsArgs that cache other (composite) RooAbsArg expressions. More... | |
class | RooAbsCachedPdf |
Abstract base class for p.d.f.s that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistPdf defined in terms of the used observables. More... | |
class | RooAbsCachedReal |
Abstract base class for functions that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistFunc defined in terms of the used observables. More... | |
class | RooAbsCacheElement |
Abstract base class for objects to be stored in RooAbsCache cache manager objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsCategory |
A space to attach TBranches. More... | |
class | RooAbsCategoryLValue |
Abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value that can be set from the outside, i.e. More... | |
class | RooAbsCollection |
Abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsData |
Abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets. More... | |
class | RooAbsDataStore |
RooAbsDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage mechanism. More... | |
class | RooAbsFunc |
Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerical algorithms on it. More... | |
class | RooAbsGenContext |
Abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects. More... | |
class | RooAbsHiddenReal |
Base class for objects that want to hide their return value from interactive use, e.g. More... | |
class | RooAbsIntegrator |
Abstract interface for integrators of real-valued functions that implement the RooAbsFunc interface. More... | |
class | RooAbsLValue |
Abstract base class for objects that are lvalues, i.e. More... | |
class | RooAbsMCStudyModule |
RooAbsMCStudyModule is a base class for add-on modules to RooMCStudy that can perform additional calculations on each generate+fit cycle managed by RooMCStudy. More... | |
class | RooAbsMoment |
RooAbsMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooAbsNumGenerator |
Class RooAbsNumGenerator is the abstract base class for MC event generator implementations like RooAcceptReject and RooFoam. More... | |
class | RooAbsOptTestStatistic |
RooAbsOptTestStatistic is the abstract base class for test statistics objects that evaluate a function or PDF at each point of a given dataset. More... | |
class | RooAbsPdf |
Abstract interface for all probability density functions. More... | |
class | RooAbsProxy |
RooAbsProxy is the abstract interface for proxy classes. More... | |
class | RooAbsReal |
Abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to all real-valued objects such as the ability to plot them, to construct integrals of them, the ability to advertise (partial) analytical integrals etc. More... | |
class | RooAbsRealLValue |
RooAbsRealLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue'). More... | |
class | RooAbsSelfCached< Base_t > |
RooAbsSelfCached is an abstract base class for functions whose output is cached in terms of a histogram in all observables between getVal() and evaluate(). More... | |
class | RooAbsStudy |
Abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules. More... | |
class | RooAbsTestStatistic |
Abstract base class for all test statistics. More... | |
class | RooAcceptReject |
Class RooAcceptReject is a generic toy monte carlo generator implement the accept/reject sampling technique on any positively valued function. More... | |
class | RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D |
RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooAdaptiveIntegratorND |
Adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooAddGenContext |
RooAddGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAddPdf PDFs. More... | |
class | RooAddition |
RooAddition calculates the sum of a set of RooAbsReal terms, or when constructed with two sets, it sums the product of the terms in the two sets. More... | |
class | RooAddPdf |
Efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form. More... | |
class | RooAICRegistry |
RooAICRegistry is a utility class for operator p.d.f classes that keeps track of analytical integration codes and associated normalization and integration sets. More... | |
class | RooArgProxy |
Abstract interface for RooAbsArg proxy classes. More... | |
class | RooBinIntegrator |
Computes the integral over a binned distribution by summing the bin contents of all bins. More... | |
class | RooBinnedGenContext |
Efficient implementation of the generator context specific for binned pdfs. More... | |
class | RooBinnedL |
Class RooBinnedL implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be binned) and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooBinning |
Class RooBinning is an implements RooAbsBinning in terms of an array of boundary values, posing no constraints on the choice of binning, thus allowing variable bin sizes. More... | |
class | RooBinningCategory |
Class RooBinningCategory provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds. More... | |
class | RooBinWidthFunction |
RooBinWidthFunction is a class that returns the bin width (or volume) given a RooHistFunc. More... | |
class | RooBrentRootFinder |
Implement the abstract 1-dimensional root finding interface using the Brent-Decker method. More... | |
class | RooCachedPdf |
RooCachedPdf is an implementation of RooAbsCachedPdf that can cache any external RooAbsPdf input function provided in the constructor. More... | |
class | RooCachedReal |
RooCachedReal is an implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that can cache any external RooAbsReal input function provided in the constructor. More... | |
class | RooCacheManager< T > |
Template class RooCacheManager manages the storage of any type of data indexed on the choice of normalization and optionally the set of integrated observables. More... | |
class | RooCategory |
Object to represent discrete states. More... | |
class | RooCategorySharedProperties |
RooCategorySharedProperties is the container for all properties that are shared between instance of RooCategory objects that are clones of each other. More... | |
class | RooChangeTracker |
Meta object that tracks value changes in a given set of RooAbsArgs by registering itself as value client of these objects. More... | |
class | RooChi2Var |
RooChi2Var implements a simple \( \chi^2 \) calculation from a binned dataset and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooClassFactory |
Similar to TTree::MakeClass(), generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names. More... | |
class | RooCmdArg |
Named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string pointers that can be passed as generic named arguments to a variety of RooFit end user methods. More... | |
class | RooCmdConfig |
Class RooCmdConfig is a configurable parser for RooCmdArg named arguments. More... | |
class | RooCollectionProxy< RooCollection_t > |
RooCollectionProxy is the concrete proxy for RooArgSet or RooArgList objects. More... | |
class | RooCompositeDataStore |
RooCompositeDataStore combines several disjunct datasets into one. More... | |
class | RooConstraintSum |
Calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPfs that represent constraint functions. More... | |
class | RooConstVar |
RooConstVar represent a constant real-valued object. More... | |
class | RooConvCoefVar |
RooConvCoefVar is an auxiliary class that represents the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation as a separate RooAbsReal object to be able to interface these coefficient terms with the generic RooRealIntegral integration mechanism. More... | |
class | RooConvGenContext |
RooConvGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvPdf objects. More... | |
class | RooConvIntegrandBinding |
Implementation of RooAbsFunc that represent the integrand of a generic (numeric) convolution A (x) B so that it can be passed to a numeric integrator. More... | |
class | RooCurve |
A RooCurve is a one-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function. More... | |
class | RooDataHist |
The RooDataHist is a container class to hold N-dimensional binned data. More... | |
class | RooDataHistSliceIter |
RooDataHistSliceIter iterates over all bins in a RooDataHist that occur in a slice defined by the bin coordinates of the input sliceSet. More... | |
class | RooDataProjBinding |
adaptor that projects a real function via summation of states provided in a dataset. More... | |
class | RooDataSet |
RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data. More... | |
class | RooDataWeightedAverage |
Class RooDataWeightedAverage calculate a weighted average of a function or p.d.f given a dataset with observable values, i.e. More... | |
class | RooDerivative |
RooDerivative represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooDirItem |
RooDirItem is a utility base class for RooFit objects that are to be attached to ROOT directories. More... | |
class | RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule |
RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule is an add-on modules to RooMCStudy that calculates the significance of a signal by comparing the likelihood of a fit fit with a given parameter floating with a fit with that given parameter fixed to a nominal value (usually zero). More... | |
class | RooDouble |
RooDouble is a minimal implementation of a TObject holding a double value. More... | |
class | RooEffGenContext |
Specialized generator context for p.d.fs represented by class RooEffProd, which are p.d.fs multiplied with an efficiency function. More... | |
class | RooEfficiency |
A PDF helper class to fit efficiencies parameterized by a supplied function F. More... | |
class | RooEllipse |
A RooEllipse is a two-dimensional ellipse that can be used to represent an error contour. More... | |
class | RooErrorVar |
Auxiliary class that represents the error of a RooRealVar as a separate object. More... | |
class | RooExpensiveObjectCache |
RooExpensiveObjectCache is a singleton class that serves as repository for objects that are expensive to calculate. More... | |
class | RooExtendedTerm |
RooExtendedTerm is a p.d.f with no observables that only introduces an extended ML term for a given number of expected events term when an extended ML is constructed. More... | |
class | RooFactoryWSTool |
RooFactoryWSTool is a class similar to TTree::MakeClass() that generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names. More... | |
class | RooFFTConvPdf |
PDF for the numerical (FFT) convolution of two PDFs. More... | |
class | RooFirstMoment |
RooFirstMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooFoamGenerator |
Class RooFoamGenerator is a generic toy monte carlo generator that implement the TFOAM sampling technique on any positively valued function. More... | |
class | RooFormula |
RooFormula internally uses ROOT's TFormula to compute user-defined expressions of RooAbsArgs. More... | |
class | RooFracRemainder |
Calculates the remainder fraction of a sum of RooAbsReal fraction, i.e (1 - sum_i a_i). More... | |
class | RooFunctor |
Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsPdf as a functor. More... | |
class | RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D |
RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooGenContext |
Class RooGenContext implement a universal generator context for all RooAbsPdf classes that do not have or need a specialized generator context. More... | |
class | RooGenericPdf |
RooGenericPdf is a concrete implementation of a probability density function, which takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers. More... | |
class | RooGenFitStudy |
RooGenFitStudy is an abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules. More... | |
class | RooGenProdProj |
General form of projected integral of product of PDFs, utility class for RooProdPdf. More... | |
class | RooGrid |
RooGrid is a utility class for RooMCIntegrator which implements an adaptive multi-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical integration, following the VEGAS algorithm. More... | |
class | RooHist |
A RooHist is a graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class. More... | |
class | RooHistError |
RooHistError is a singleton class used to calculate the error bars for each bin of a RooHist object. More... | |
class | RooHistFunc |
RooHistFunc implements a real-valued function sampled from a multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | RooHistPdf |
RooHistPdf implements a propability density function sampled from a multidimensional histogram. More... | |
class | RooImproperIntegrator1D |
Special numeric integrator that can handle integrals over open domains. More... | |
class | RooInvTransform |
Lightweight function binding that returns the inverse of an input function binding. More... | |
class | RooLinkedList |
RooLinkedList is an collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in a doubly linked list. More... | |
class | RooLinkedListElem |
RooLinkedListElem is an link element for the RooLinkedList class. More... | |
class | RooLinTransBinning |
RooLinTransBinning is a special binning implementation for RooLinearVar that transforms the binning of the RooLinearVar input variable in the same way that RooLinearVar does. More... | |
class | RooMCIntegrator |
RooMCIntegrator implements an adaptive multi-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical integration, following the VEGAS algorithm originally described in G. More... | |
class | RooMCStudy |
RooMCStudy is a helper class to facilitate Monte Carlo studies such as 'goodness-of-fit' studies, that involve fitting a PDF to multiple toy Monte Carlo sets. More... | |
class | RooMinimizer |
RooMinimizer is a wrapper class around ROOT::Fit:Fitter that provides a seamless interface between the minimizer functionality and the native RooFit interface. More... | |
class | RooMoment |
RooMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooMsgService |
The class RooMsgService is a singleton that organizes messages generated in RooFit. More... | |
class | RooMultiCategory |
RooMultiCategory connects several RooAbsCategory objects into a single category. More... | |
class | RooMultiVarGaussian |
Multivariate Gaussian p.d.f. More... | |
class | RooNameReg |
RooNameReg is a registry for const char* names. More... | |
class | RooNLLVar |
Class RooNLLVar implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooNLLVarNew |
This is a simple class designed to produce the nll values needed by the fitter. More... | |
class | RooNormSetCache |
Class RooNormSet cache manage the bookkeeping of multiple instances of sets of integration and normalization observables that effectively have the same definition. More... | |
class | RooNumber |
Class RooNumber implements numeric constants used by RooFit. More... | |
class | RooNumCdf |
Class RooNumCdf is an implementation of RooNumRunningInt specialized to calculate cumulative distribution functions from p.d.f.s. More... | |
class | RooNumConvolution |
Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF. More... | |
class | RooNumConvPdf |
Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF. More... | |
class | RooNumGenConfig |
RooNumGenConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral. More... | |
class | RooNumGenFactory |
RooNumGenFactory is a factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration. More... | |
class | RooNumIntConfig |
RooNumIntConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral. More... | |
class | RooNumIntFactory |
RooNumIntFactory is a factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration. More... | |
class | RooNumRunningInt |
Class RooNumRunningInt is an implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that represents a running integral. More... | |
class | RooObjCacheManager |
Class RooObjCacheManager is an implementation of class RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> and specializes in the storage of cache elements that contain RooAbsArg objects. More... | |
class | RooParamBinning |
Class RooParamBinning is an implementation of RooAbsBinning that constructs a binning with a range definition that depends on external RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooPlot |
A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame. More... | |
class | RooPlotable |
Class RooPotable is a base class for objects that can be inserted into RooPlots and take advantage of its internal normalization and axis range adjustment features. More... | |
class | RooPolyVar |
Class RooPolyVar is a RooAbsReal implementing a polynomial in terms of a list of RooAbsReal coefficients. More... | |
class | RooPrintable |
RooPlotable is a 'mix-in' base class that define the standard RooFit plotting and printing methods. More... | |
class | RooProdGenContext |
RooProdGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooProdPdf PDFs. More... | |
class | RooProdPdf |
Efficient implementation of a product of PDFs of the form. More... | |
class | RooProduct |
A RooProduct represents the product of a given set of RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooProfileLL |
Class RooProfileLL implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of parameters of interest. More... | |
class | RooProjectedPdf |
Class RooProjectedPdf is a RooAbsPdf implementation that represent a projection of a given input p.d.f and the object returned by RooAbsPdf::createProjection. More... | |
class | RooPullVar |
RooPullVar represents the pull of a measurement w.r.t. More... | |
class | RooQuasiRandomGenerator |
This class generates the quasi-random (aka "low discrepancy") sequence for dimensions up to 12 using the Niederreiter base 2 algorithm described in Bratley, Fox, Niederreiter, ACM Trans. More... | |
class | RooRandom |
This class provides a static interface for generating random numbers. More... | |
class | RooRandomizeParamMCSModule |
Add-on module to RooMCStudy that allows you to randomize input generation parameters. More... | |
class | RooRangeBinning |
RooRangeBinning is binning/range definition that only defines a range but no binning. More... | |
class | RooRangeBoolean |
RooRangeBoolean. More... | |
class | RooRatio |
Represents the ratio of two RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooRealBinding |
Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsReal object to a subset of its servers and present it as a simple array oriented interface. More... | |
class | RooRealConstant |
Provides static functions to create and keep track of RooRealVar constants. More... | |
class | RooRealIntegral |
Performs hybrid numerical/analytical integrals of RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooFit::TestStatistics::RooRealL |
RooAbsReal that wraps RooAbsL likelihoods for use in RooFit outside of the RooMinimizer context. More... | |
class | RooRealMPFE |
Multi-processor front-end for parallel calculation of RooAbsReal objects. More... | |
class | RooRealSumPdf |
Implements a PDF constructed from a sum of functions: More... | |
class | RooRealVar |
RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside. More... | |
class | RooRealVarSharedProperties |
Class RooRealVarSharedProperties is an implementation of RooSharedProperties that stores the properties of a RooRealVar that are shared among clones. More... | |
class | RooRecursiveFraction |
Class RooRecursiveFraction is a RooAbsReal implementation that calculates the plain fraction of sum of RooAddPdf components from a set of recursive fractions: for a given set of input fractions \( {a_i} \), it returns \( a_n * \prod_{i=0}^{n-1} (1 - a_i) \). More... | |
class | RooRombergIntegrator |
RooRombergIntegrator implements an adaptive numerical integration algorithm. More... | |
class | RooSecondMoment |
RooSecondMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class. More... | |
class | RooSharedProperties |
Class RooSharedProperties is the base class for shared properties that can be stored in RooSharedPropertiesList. More... | |
class | RooSimGenContext |
RooSimGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs. More... | |
class | RooSimSplitGenContext |
RooSimSplitGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs. More... | |
class | RooSimultaneous |
Facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset. More... | |
class | RooStringVar |
RooStringVar is a RooAbsArg implementing string values. More... | |
class | RooStudyManager |
RooStudyManager is a utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace. More... | |
class | RooStudyPackage |
RooStudyPackage is a utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace. More... | |
class | RooSubsidiaryL |
RooSubsidiaryL calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPdf objects that represent subsidiary or constraint functions. More... | |
class | RooFit::TestStatistics::RooSumL |
Likelihood class that sums over multiple -log components. More... | |
class | RooSuperCategory |
Joins several RooAbsCategoryLValue objects into a single category. More... | |
class | RooTable |
Abstract interface for table objects. More... | |
class | RooTemplateProxy< T > |
class | RooThresholdCategory |
The RooThresholdCategory provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds. More... | |
class | RooTrace |
Controls the memory tracing hooks in all RooFit objects. More... | |
class | RooTreeDataStore |
RooTreeDataStore is a TTree-backed data storage. More... | |
class | RooTruthModel |
Implements a RooResolution model that corresponds to a delta function. More... | |
class | RooUnbinnedL |
Class RooUnbinnedL implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset (assumed to be unbinned) and a PDF. More... | |
class | RooUniformBinning |
RooUniformBinning is an implementation of RooAbsBinning that provides a uniform binning in 'n' bins between the range end points. More... | |
class | RooUnitTest |
RooUnit test is an abstract base class for unit regression tests for RooFit and RooStats tests performed in stressRooFit and stressRooStats Implementations of this class must implement abstract method testCode() which defines the regression test to be performed. More... | |
class | RooVectorDataStore |
RooVectorDataStore uses std::vectors to store data columns. More... | |
class | RooWorkspace |
Persistable container for RooFit projects. More... | |