Example of script showing how to divide a canvas into adjacent subpads + axis labels on the top and right side of the pads.
Original tutorial by Rene Brun.
See the Divide documentation
Note that the last 2 arguments in c1->Divide(2,2,0,0) define 0 space between the pads. With this, the axis labels where the pads touch may be cut, as in this tutorial. To avoid this, either add some spacing between pads (instead of 0) or change the limits of the plot in the pad (histos in this tutorial). E.g. h3 could be defined as TH2F *h3 = new TH2F("h3","test3",10,0,1,22,-1.1,1.1); but note that this can change the displayed axis labels (requiring SetNdivisions to readjust).
SetLabelOffset changes the (perpendicular) distance to the axis. The label position along the axis cannot be changed
Definition in file gr103_zones.py.