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civetweb.c File Reference
#include "civetweb.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <grp.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include "md5.inl"
#include "openssl_dl.inl"
#include "response.inl"
#include "handle_form.inl"
Include dependency graph for civetweb.c:


struct  ah
struct  cgi_environment
struct  de
struct  dir_scan_data
struct  mg_connection
struct  mg_context
struct  mg_domain_context
struct  mg_file
struct  mg_file_access
struct  mg_file_stat
struct  mg_handler_info
struct  mg_http_method_info
struct  mg_workerTLS
struct  process_control_data
struct  read_auth_file_struct
struct  socket
union  usa
struct  vec
struct  websocket_client_thread_data


#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS   /* <inttypes.h> wants this for C++ */
#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS   /* C++ wants that for INT64_MAX */
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS   64 /* Use 64-bit file offsets by default */
#define _GNU_SOURCE   /* for setgroups(), pthread_setname_np() */
#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE   /* For fseeko(), ftello() */
#define ARRAY_SIZE(array)   (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))
#define calloc   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_calloc
#define CGI_ENVIRONMENT_SIZE   (4096) /* in bytes */
#define closesocket(a)   (close(a))
#define CRYPTO_LIB   "libcrypto.so"
#define DEBUG_ASSERT(cond)
#define DEBUG_TRACE(fmt, ...)
#define ERRNO   (errno)
#define ERROR_TRY_AGAIN(err)    (((err) == EAGAIN) || ((err) == EWOULDBLOCK) || ((err) == EINTR))
#define free   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_free
#define HEXTOI(x)   (isdigit(x) ? (x - '0') : (x - 'W'))
#define HTTP1_only
#define IGNORE_UNUSED_RESULT(a)   ((void)((a) && 1))
#define INITIAL_DEPTH   9
#define INT64_FMT   PRId64
#define INT64_MAX   (9223372036854775807)
#define INVALID_SOCKET   (-1)
#define IP_ADDR_STR_LEN   (50) /* IPv6 hex string is 46 chars */
#define malloc   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_malloc
#define MAX_CGI_ENVIR_VARS   (256) /* in variables (count) */
#define MAX_WORKER_THREADS   (1024 * 64) /* in threads (count) */
#define MD5_STATIC   static
#define MG_BUF_LEN   (1024 * 8)
#define mg_calloc_ctx(a, b, c)   mg_calloc(a, b)
#define mg_closedir(x)   (closedir(x))
#define mg_cry   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_cry_internal
#define mg_cry_ctx_internal(ctx, fmt, ...)    mg_cry_internal_wrap(NULL, ctx, __func__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
#define mg_cry_internal(conn, fmt, ...)    mg_cry_internal_wrap(conn, NULL, __func__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
#define MG_FILE_COMPRESSION_SIZE_LIMIT   (1024) /* in bytes */
#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_APPEND   (4)
#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_NONE   (0)
#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_READ   (1)
#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_WRITE   (2)
#define mg_free_ctx(a, c)   mg_free(a)
#define mg_get_option   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION_INTERNALLY__access_directly
#define mg_malloc_ctx(a, c)   mg_malloc(a)
#define mg_mkdir(conn, path, mode)   (mkdir(path, mode))
#define mg_opendir(conn, x)   (opendir(x))
#define mg_pollfd   pollfd
#define mg_readdir(x)   (readdir(x))
#define mg_realloc_ctx(a, b, c)   mg_realloc(a, b)
#define mg_remove(conn, x)   (remove(x))
#define mg_sleep(x)   (usleep((x)*1000))
#define mg_static_assert(cond, txt)    extern char static_assert_replacement[(cond) ? 1 : -1]
#define MSG_NOSIGNAL   (0)
#define O_BINARY   (0)
#define PASSWORDS_FILE_NAME   ".htpasswd"
#define realloc   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_realloc
#define SHUTDOWN_BOTH   (2)
#define SHUTDOWN_RD   (0)
#define SHUTDOWN_WR   (1)
#define snprintf   DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FUNCTION__USE_mg_snprintf
#define SOCKET_TIMEOUT_QUANTUM   (2000) /* in ms */
#define SSL_LIB   "libssl.so"
#define STOP_FLAG_ASSIGN(f, v)   ((*(f)) = (v))
#define STOP_FLAG_IS_TWO(f)   ((*(f)) == 2)
#define STOP_FLAG_IS_ZERO(f)   ((*(f)) == 0)
#define UINT64_FMT   PRIu64
#define USA_IN_PORT_UNSAFE(s)   ((s)->sin.sin_port)
#define UTF8_PATH_MAX   (PATH_MAX)
#define va_copy(x, y)   ((x) = (y))
#define vsnprintf_impl   vsnprintf
#define WINCDECL


typedef const void * SOCK_OPT_TYPE
typedef int SOCKET
typedef int volatile stop_flag_t


enum  {


static int abort_cgi_process (void *data)
static void accept_new_connection (const struct socket *listener, struct mg_context *ctx)
static void addenv (struct cgi_environment *env, const char *fmt,...)
static int alloc_vprintf (char **out_buf, char *prealloc_buf, size_t prealloc_size, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
static int alloc_vprintf2 (char **buf, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
static int authorize (struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_file *filep, const char *realm)
static void bin2str (char *to, const unsigned char *p, size_t len)
static int check_acl (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, const union usa *sa)
static int check_authorization (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int check_password (const char *method, const char *ha1, const char *uri, const char *nonce, const char *nc, const char *cnonce, const char *qop, const char *response)
static void close_all_listening_sockets (struct mg_context *ctx)
static void close_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void close_socket_gracefully (struct mg_connection *conn)
static int compare_dir_entries (const void *p1, const void *p2)
static int connect_socket (struct mg_context *ctx, const char *host, int port, int use_ssl, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, SOCKET *sock, union usa *sa)
static void construct_etag (char *buf, size_t buf_len, const struct mg_file_stat *filestat)
static int consume_socket (struct mg_context *ctx, struct socket *sp, int thread_index)
static void delete_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int dir_scan_callback (struct de *de, void *data)
static void discard_unread_request_data (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void do_ssi_exec (struct mg_connection *conn, char *tag)
static void do_ssi_include (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *ssi, char *tag, int include_level)
static int extention_matches_script (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename)
static int extention_matches_template_text (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *filename)
static struct mg_connectionfake_connection (struct mg_connection *fc, struct mg_context *ctx)
static void fclose_on_exec (struct mg_file_access *filep, struct mg_connection *conn)
static int forward_body_data (struct mg_connection *conn, FILE *fp, SOCKET sock, SSL *ssl)
static void free_context (struct mg_context *ctx)
static int get_first_ssl_listener_index (const struct mg_context *ctx)
static const char * get_header (const struct mg_header *hdr, int num_hdr, const char *name)
static void get_host_from_request_info (struct vec *host, const struct mg_request_info *ri)
static int get_http_header_len (const char *buf, int buflen)
static const struct mg_http_method_infoget_http_method_info (const char *method)
static const char * get_http_version (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int get_message (struct mg_connection *conn, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, int *err)
static void get_mime_type (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct vec *vec)
static int get_month_index (const char *s)
static int get_option_index (const char *name)
static const char * get_proto_name (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static uint64_t get_random (void)
static const char * get_rel_url_at_current_server (const char *uri, const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int get_request (struct mg_connection *conn, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, int *err)
static int get_request_handler (struct mg_connection *conn, int handler_type, mg_request_handler *handler, struct mg_websocket_subprotocols **subprotocols, mg_websocket_connect_handler *connect_handler, mg_websocket_ready_handler *ready_handler, mg_websocket_data_handler *data_handler, mg_websocket_close_handler *close_handler, mg_authorization_handler *auth_handler, void **cbdata, struct mg_handler_info **handler_info)
static int get_response (struct mg_connection *conn, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, int *err)
static void get_system_name (char **sysName)
static int get_uri_type (const char *uri)
static void gmt_time_string (char *buf, size_t buf_len, time_t *t)
static void handle_cgi_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *prog, unsigned char cgi_config_idx)
static void handle_directory_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *dir)
static void handle_file_based_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file *filep)
static void handle_not_modified_static_file_request (struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_file *filep)
static void handle_propfind (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file_stat *filep)
static void handle_request (struct mg_connection *)
static void handle_request_stat_log (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void handle_ssi_file_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file *filep)
static void handle_static_file_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file *filep, const char *mime_type, const char *additional_headers)
static int header_has_option (const char *header, const char *option)
static const char * header_val (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *header)
static int hexdump2string (void *mem, int memlen, char *buf, int buflen)
static void init_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
static int init_ssl_ctx (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, struct mg_domain_context *dom_ctx)
static int init_ssl_ctx_impl (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, struct mg_domain_context *dom_ctx, const char *pem, const char *chain)
static int initialize_openssl (char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len)
static void interpret_uri (struct mg_connection *conn, char *filename, size_t filename_buf_len, struct mg_file_stat *filestat, int *is_found, int *is_script_resource, int *is_websocket_request, int *is_put_or_delete_request, int *is_template_text)
static int is_authorized_for_put (struct mg_connection *conn)
static int is_file_opened (const struct mg_file_access *fileacc)
static int is_in_script_path (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int is_not_modified (const struct mg_connection *conn, const struct mg_file_stat *filestat)
static int is_put_or_delete_method (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int is_ssl_port_used (const char *ports)
static int is_valid_http_method (const char *method)
static int is_valid_port (unsigned long port)
static void legacy_init (const char **options)
static void * load_tls_dll (char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, const char *dll_name, struct ssl_func *sw, int *feature_missing)
static void log_access (const struct mg_connection *)
static int lowercase (const char *s)
static void * master_thread (void *thread_func_param)
static void master_thread_run (struct mg_context *ctx)
static ptrdiff_t match_prefix (const char *pattern, size_t pattern_len, const char *str)
static ptrdiff_t match_prefix_strlen (const char *pattern, const char *str)
static ptrdiff_t mg_atomic_dec (volatile ptrdiff_t *addr)
static ptrdiff_t mg_atomic_inc (volatile ptrdiff_t *addr)
static __inline void * mg_calloc (size_t a, size_t b)
int mg_check_digest_access_authentication (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *realm, const char *filename)
unsigned mg_check_feature (unsigned feature)
void mg_close_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_client (const char *host, int port, int use_ssl, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size)
static struct mg_connectionmg_connect_client_impl (const struct mg_client_options *client_options, int use_ssl, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_client_secure (const struct mg_client_options *client_options, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_websocket_client (const char *host, int port, int use_ssl, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size, const char *path, const char *origin, mg_websocket_data_handler data_func, mg_websocket_close_handler close_func, void *user_data)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_websocket_client_extensions (const char *host, int port, int use_ssl, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size, const char *path, const char *origin, const char *extensions, mg_websocket_data_handler data_func, mg_websocket_close_handler close_func, void *user_data)
static struct mg_connectionmg_connect_websocket_client_impl (const struct mg_client_options *client_options, int use_ssl, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size, const char *path, const char *origin, const char *extensions, mg_websocket_data_handler data_func, mg_websocket_close_handler close_func, void *user_data)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_websocket_client_secure (const struct mg_client_options *client_options, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size, const char *path, const char *origin, mg_websocket_data_handler data_func, mg_websocket_close_handler close_func, void *user_data)
struct mg_connectionmg_connect_websocket_client_secure_extensions (const struct mg_client_options *client_options, char *error_buffer, size_t error_buffer_size, const char *path, const char *origin, const char *extensions, mg_websocket_data_handler data_func, mg_websocket_close_handler close_func, void *user_data)
static int mg_construct_local_link (const struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *define_proto, int define_port, const char *define_uri)
void mg_cry (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *fmt,...)
static void mg_cry_internal_impl (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *func, unsigned line, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
static void mg_cry_internal_wrap (const struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_context *ctx, const char *func, unsigned line, const char *fmt,...)
static unsigned long mg_current_thread_id (void)
static double mg_difftimespec (const struct timespec *ts_now, const struct timespec *ts_before)
void mg_disable_connection_keep_alive (struct mg_connection *conn)
struct mg_connectionmg_download (const char *host, int port, int use_ssl, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, const char *fmt,...)
unsigned mg_exit_library (void)
static int mg_fclose (struct mg_file_access *fileacc)
static int mg_fgetc (struct mg_file *filep)
static const char * mg_fgets (char *buf, size_t size, struct mg_file *filep)
static int mg_fopen (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, int mode, struct mg_file *filep)
static __inline void mg_free (void *a)
const char * mg_get_builtin_mime_type (const char *path)
struct mg_contextmg_get_context (const struct mg_connection *conn)
int mg_get_context_info (const struct mg_context *ctx, char *buffer, int buflen)
int mg_get_cookie (const char *cookie_header, const char *var_name, char *dst, size_t dst_size)
static uint64_t mg_get_current_time_ns (void)
const char * mg_get_header (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *name)
const char * mg_get_option (const struct mg_context *ctx, const char *name)
const struct mg_request_infomg_get_request_info (const struct mg_connection *conn)
int mg_get_request_link (const struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, size_t buflen)
int mg_get_response (struct mg_connection *conn, char *ebuf, size_t ebuf_len, int timeout)
const char * mg_get_response_code_text (const struct mg_connection *conn, int response_code)
const struct mg_response_infomg_get_response_info (const struct mg_connection *conn)
int mg_get_server_ports (const struct mg_context *ctx, int size, struct mg_server_port *ports)
int mg_get_system_info (char *buffer, int buflen)
void * mg_get_thread_pointer (const struct mg_connection *conn)
void * mg_get_user_connection_data (const struct mg_connection *conn)
void * mg_get_user_context_data (const struct mg_connection *conn)
void * mg_get_user_data (const struct mg_context *ctx)
const struct mg_optionmg_get_valid_options (void)
int mg_get_var (const char *data, size_t data_len, const char *name, char *dst, size_t dst_len)
int mg_get_var2 (const char *data, size_t data_len, const char *name, char *dst, size_t dst_len, size_t occurrence)
static void mg_global_lock (void)
static void mg_global_unlock (void)
static int mg_inet_pton (int af, const char *src, void *dst, size_t dstlen, int resolve_src)
unsigned mg_init_library (unsigned features)
static int mg_join_thread (pthread_t threadid)
void mg_lock_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
void mg_lock_context (struct mg_context *ctx)
static __inline void * mg_malloc (size_t a)
char * mg_md5 (char buf[33],...)
int mg_modify_passwords_file (const char *fname, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *pass)
int mg_modify_passwords_file_ha1 (const char *fname, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *ha1)
static int mg_path_suspicious (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int mg_poll (struct pollfd *pfd, unsigned int n, int milliseconds, const stop_flag_t *stop_flag)
int mg_printf (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *fmt,...)
int mg_read (struct mg_connection *conn, void *buf, size_t len)
static int mg_read_inner (struct mg_connection *conn, void *buf, size_t len)
static __inline void * mg_realloc (void *a, size_t b)
int mg_send_chunk (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *chunk, unsigned int chunk_len)
int mg_send_digest_access_authentication_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *realm)
void mg_send_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
int mg_send_file_body (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
int mg_send_http_error (struct mg_connection *conn, int status, const char *fmt,...)
static int mg_send_http_error_impl (struct mg_connection *conn, int status, const char *fmt, va_list args)
int mg_send_http_ok (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *mime_type, long long content_length)
int mg_send_http_redirect (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *target_url, int redirect_code)
void mg_send_mime_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, const char *mime_type)
void mg_send_mime_file2 (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, const char *mime_type, const char *additional_headers)
void mg_set_auth_handler (struct mg_context *ctx, const char *uri, mg_authorization_handler handler, void *cbdata)
static void mg_set_handler_type (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, struct mg_domain_context *dom_ctx, const char *uri, int handler_type, int is_delete_request, mg_request_handler handler, struct mg_websocket_subprotocols *subprotocols, mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler, mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler, mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler, mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler, mg_authorization_handler auth_handler, void *cbdata)
void mg_set_request_handler (struct mg_context *ctx, const char *uri, mg_request_handler handler, void *cbdata)
static void mg_set_thread_name (const char *name)
void mg_set_user_connection_data (const struct mg_connection *const_conn, void *data)
void mg_set_websocket_handler (struct mg_context *ctx, const char *uri, mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler, mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler, mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler, mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler, void *cbdata)
void mg_set_websocket_handler_with_subprotocols (struct mg_context *ctx, const char *uri, struct mg_websocket_subprotocols *subprotocols, mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler, mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler, mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler, mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler, void *cbdata)
static void mg_snprintf (const struct mg_connection *conn, int *truncated, char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *fmt,...)
int mg_split_form_urlencoded (char *data, struct mg_header *form_fields, unsigned num_form_fields)
struct mg_contextmg_start (const struct mg_callbacks *callbacks, void *user_data, const char **options)
struct mg_contextmg_start2 (struct mg_init_data *init, struct mg_error_data *error)
int mg_start_domain (struct mg_context *ctx, const char **options)
int mg_start_domain2 (struct mg_context *ctx, const char **options, struct mg_error_data *error)
int mg_start_thread (mg_thread_func_t func, void *param)
static int mg_start_thread_with_id (mg_thread_func_t func, void *param, pthread_t *threadidptr)
static int mg_stat (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file_stat *filep)
void mg_stop (struct mg_context *ctx)
long long mg_store_body (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static size_t mg_str_append (char **dst, char *end, const char *src)
int mg_strcasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
static const char * mg_strcasestr (const char *big_str, const char *small_str)
static char * mg_strdup (const char *str)
static char * mg_strdup_ctx (const char *str, struct mg_context *ctx)
static void mg_strlcpy (char *dst, const char *src, size_t n)
int mg_strncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t len)
static char * mg_strndup_ctx (const char *ptr, size_t len, struct mg_context *ctx)
void mg_unlock_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
void mg_unlock_context (struct mg_context *ctx)
int mg_url_decode (const char *src, int src_len, char *dst, int dst_len, int is_form_url_encoded)
int mg_url_encode (const char *src, char *dst, size_t dst_len)
const char * mg_version (void)
static int mg_vprintf (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
static void mg_vsnprintf (const struct mg_connection *conn, int *truncated, char *buf, size_t buflen, const char *fmt, va_list ap)
int mg_write (struct mg_connection *conn, const void *buf, size_t len)
static void mkcol (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int modify_passwords_file (const char *fname, const char *domain, const char *user, const char *pass, const char *ha1)
static int must_hide_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static const char * next_option (const char *list, struct vec *val, struct vec *eq_val)
static void open_auth_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path, struct mg_file *filep)
static int parse_auth_header (struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, size_t buf_size, struct ah *ah)
static time_t parse_date_string (const char *datetime)
static int parse_http_headers (char **buf, struct mg_header hdr[(64)])
static int parse_http_request (char *buf, int len, struct mg_request_info *ri)
static int parse_http_response (char *buf, int len, struct mg_response_info *ri)
static int parse_match_net (const struct vec *vec, const union usa *sa, int no_strict)
static int parse_port_string (const struct vec *vec, struct socket *so, int *ip_version)
static int parse_range_header (const char *header, int64_t *a, int64_t *b)
static int prepare_cgi_environment (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *prog, struct cgi_environment *env, unsigned char cgi_config_idx)
static int print_dav_dir_entry (struct de *de, void *data)
static int print_dir_entry (struct de *de)
static int print_props (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *uri, const char *name, struct mg_file_stat *filep)
static void process_new_connection (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void produce_socket (struct mg_context *ctx, const struct socket *sp)
static int pull_all (FILE *fp, struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, int len)
static int pull_inner (FILE *fp, struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, int len, double timeout)
static int push_all (struct mg_context *ctx, FILE *fp, SOCKET sock, SSL *ssl, const char *buf, int len)
static int push_inner (struct mg_context *ctx, FILE *fp, SOCKET sock, SSL *ssl, const char *buf, int len, double timeout)
static int put_dir (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static void put_file (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int read_auth_file (struct mg_file *filep, struct read_auth_file_struct *workdata, int depth)
static int read_message (FILE *fp, struct mg_connection *conn, char *buf, int bufsiz, int *nread)
static void redirect_to_https_port (struct mg_connection *conn, int port)
static int refresh_trust (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void release_handler_ref (struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_handler_info *handler_info)
static void remove_bad_file (const struct mg_connection *conn, const char *path)
static int remove_directory (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *dir)
static void remove_dot_segments (char *inout)
static void reset_per_request_attributes (struct mg_connection *conn)
static int scan_directory (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *dir, void *data, int(*cb)(struct de *, void *))
static void send_additional_header (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void send_authorization_request (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *realm)
static void send_file_data (struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_file *filep, int64_t offset, int64_t len)
static void send_no_cache_header (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void send_options (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void send_ssi_file (struct mg_connection *, const char *, struct mg_file *, int)
static void send_static_cache_header (struct mg_connection *conn)
static int set_acl_option (struct mg_context *phys_ctx)
static int set_blocking_mode (SOCKET sock)
static void set_close_on_exec (int fd, const struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_context *ctx)
static int set_gpass_option (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, struct mg_domain_context *dom_ctx)
static int set_non_blocking_mode (SOCKET sock)
static int set_ports_option (struct mg_context *phys_ctx)
static int set_tcp_nodelay (const struct socket *so, int nodelay_on)
static int set_throttle (const char *spec, const union usa *rsa, const char *uri)
static int set_uid_option (struct mg_context *phys_ctx)
static int should_decode_query_string (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int should_decode_url (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int should_keep_alive (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int should_switch_to_protocol (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static char * skip_quoted (char **buf, const char *delimiters, const char *whitespace, char quotechar)
static int skip_to_end_of_word_and_terminate (char **ppw, int eol)
static void sockaddr_to_string (char *buf, size_t len, const union usa *usa)
static pid_t spawn_process (struct mg_connection *conn, const char *prog, char *envblk, char *envp[], int fdin[2], int fdout[2], int fderr[2], const char *dir, unsigned char cgi_config_idx)
static const char * ssl_error (void)
static int ssl_get_client_cert_info (const struct mg_connection *conn, struct mg_client_cert *client_cert)
static long ssl_get_protocol (int version_id)
static void ssl_info_callback (const SSL *ssl, int what, int ret)
static void ssl_locking_callback (int mode, int mutex_num, const char *file, int line)
static int ssl_servername_callback (SSL *ssl, int *ad, void *arg)
static int ssl_use_pem_file (struct mg_context *phys_ctx, struct mg_domain_context *dom_ctx, const char *pem, const char *chain)
static int sslize (struct mg_connection *conn, int(*func)(SSL *), const struct mg_client_options *client_options)
static int substitute_index_file (struct mg_connection *conn, char *path, size_t path_len, struct mg_file_stat *filestat)
static const char * suggest_connection_header (const struct mg_connection *conn)
static int switch_domain_context (struct mg_connection *conn)
static void tls_dtor (void *key)
static void uninitialize_openssl (void)
static void url_decode_in_place (char *buf)
static void * worker_thread (void *thread_func_param)
static void worker_thread_run (struct mg_connection *conn)


struct { 
   unsigned   default_port 
   const char *   proto 
   size_t   proto_len 
abs_uri_protocols [] 
struct { 
   size_t   ext_len 
   const char *   extension 
   const char *   mime_type 
builtin_mime_types [] 
static const struct mg_option config_options []
static void * cryptolib_dll_handle
static volatile ptrdiff_t cryptolib_users
static pthread_mutex_t global_lock_mutex
static const struct mg_http_method_info http_methods []
static int mg_init_library_called = 0
static const char month_names [][4]
static pthread_mutexattr_t pthread_mutex_attr
static pthread_mutex_t * ssl_mutexes
static void * ssllib_dll_handle
char static_assert_replacement [1]
static pthread_key_t sTlsKey
static volatile ptrdiff_t thread_idx_max = 0

Macro Definition Documentation


#define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS   /* <inttypes.h> wants this for C++ */

Definition at line 73 of file civetweb.c.


#define __STDC_LIMIT_MACROS   /* C++ wants that for INT64_MAX */

Definition at line 76 of file civetweb.c.



Definition at line 79 of file civetweb.c.


#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS   64 /* Use 64-bit file offsets by default */

Definition at line 70 of file civetweb.c.


#define _GNU_SOURCE   /* for setgroups(), pthread_setname_np() */

Definition at line 57 of file civetweb.c.


#define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE   /* For fseeko(), ftello() */

Definition at line 67 of file civetweb.c.


#define ARRAY_SIZE ( array)    (sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]))

Definition at line 504 of file civetweb.c.

◆ calloc

Definition at line 1537 of file civetweb.c.


#define CGI_ENVIRONMENT_SIZE   (4096) /* in bytes */

Definition at line 486 of file civetweb.c.

◆ closesocket

#define closesocket ( a)    (close(a))

Definition at line 914 of file civetweb.c.


#define CRYPTO_LIB   "libcrypto.so"

Definition at line 908 of file civetweb.c.


#define DEBUG_ASSERT ( cond)

Definition at line 260 of file civetweb.c.


#define DEBUG_TRACE ( fmt,
... )
do { \
} while (0)

Definition at line 242 of file civetweb.c.


#define ERRNO   (errno)

Definition at line 921 of file civetweb.c.


#define ERROR_TRY_AGAIN ( err)     (((err) == EAGAIN) || ((err) == EWOULDBLOCK) || ((err) == EINTR))

Definition at line 445 of file civetweb.c.

◆ free

Definition at line 1539 of file civetweb.c.



Definition at line 316 of file civetweb.c.


#define HEXTOI ( x)    (isdigit(x) ? (x - '0') : (x - 'W'))

◆ HTTP1_only

#define HTTP1_only

Definition at line 6582 of file civetweb.c.


#define IGNORE_UNUSED_RESULT ( a)    ((void)((a) && 1))

Definition at line 291 of file civetweb.c.


#define INITIAL_DEPTH   9

Definition at line 8487 of file civetweb.c.


#define INT64_FMT   PRId64

Definition at line 923 of file civetweb.c.


#define INT64_MAX   (9223372036854775807)

Definition at line 511 of file civetweb.c.


#define INVALID_SOCKET   (-1)

Definition at line 922 of file civetweb.c.


#define IP_ADDR_STR_LEN   (50) /* IPv6 hex string is 46 chars */

Definition at line 1724 of file civetweb.c.

◆ malloc

Definition at line 1536 of file civetweb.c.


#define MAX_CGI_ENVIR_VARS   (256) /* in variables (count) */

Definition at line 491 of file civetweb.c.


#define MAX_WORKER_THREADS   (1024 * 64) /* in threads (count) */

Definition at line 463 of file civetweb.c.


#define MD5_STATIC   static

Definition at line 1716 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_BUF_LEN   (1024 * 8)

Definition at line 496 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_calloc_ctx

#define mg_calloc_ctx ( a,
c )   mg_calloc(a, b)

Definition at line 1495 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_closedir

#define mg_closedir ( x)    (closedir(x))

Definition at line 919 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry

Definition at line 3476 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry_ctx_internal

#define mg_cry_ctx_internal ( ctx,
... )    mg_cry_internal_wrap(NULL, ctx, __func__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 2550 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry_internal

#define mg_cry_internal ( conn,
... )    mg_cry_internal_wrap(conn, NULL, __func__, __LINE__, fmt, __VA_ARGS__)

Definition at line 2547 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_FILE_COMPRESSION_SIZE_LIMIT   (1024) /* in bytes */

Definition at line 476 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_APPEND   (4)

Definition at line 2813 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_NONE   (0)

Definition at line 2804 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_READ   (1)

Definition at line 2807 of file civetweb.c.


#define MG_FOPEN_MODE_WRITE   (2)

Definition at line 2810 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_free_ctx

#define mg_free_ctx ( a,
c )   mg_free(a)

Definition at line 1497 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_option

Definition at line 3149 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_malloc_ctx

#define mg_malloc_ctx ( a,
c )   mg_malloc(a)

Definition at line 1494 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_mkdir

#define mg_mkdir ( conn,
mode )   (mkdir(path, mode))

Definition at line 915 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_opendir

#define mg_opendir ( conn,
x )   (opendir(x))

Definition at line 918 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_pollfd

#define mg_pollfd   pollfd

Definition at line 945 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_readdir

#define mg_readdir ( x)    (readdir(x))

Definition at line 920 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_realloc_ctx

#define mg_realloc_ctx ( a,
c )   mg_realloc(a, b)

Definition at line 1496 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_remove

#define mg_remove ( conn,
x )   (remove(x))

Definition at line 916 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_sleep

#define mg_sleep ( x)    (usleep((x)*1000))

Definition at line 917 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_static_assert

#define mg_static_assert ( cond,
txt )    extern char static_assert_replacement[(cond) ? 1 : -1]

Definition at line 124 of file civetweb.c.


#define MSG_NOSIGNAL   (0)

Definition at line 1727 of file civetweb.c.



Definition at line 150 of file civetweb.c.


#define O_BINARY   (0)

Definition at line 912 of file civetweb.c.


#define PASSWORDS_FILE_NAME   ".htpasswd"

Definition at line 480 of file civetweb.c.

◆ realloc

Definition at line 1538 of file civetweb.c.


#define SHUTDOWN_BOTH   (2)

Definition at line 516 of file civetweb.c.


#define SHUTDOWN_RD   (0)

Definition at line 514 of file civetweb.c.


#define SHUTDOWN_WR   (1)

Definition at line 515 of file civetweb.c.

◆ snprintf

Definition at line 1540 of file civetweb.c.


#define SOCKET_TIMEOUT_QUANTUM   (2000) /* in ms */

Definition at line 471 of file civetweb.c.


#define SSL_LIB   "libssl.so"

Definition at line 905 of file civetweb.c.


#define STOP_FLAG_ASSIGN ( f,
v )   ((*(f)) = (v))

Definition at line 2306 of file civetweb.c.


#define STOP_FLAG_IS_TWO ( f)    ((*(f)) == 2)

Definition at line 2305 of file civetweb.c.


#define STOP_FLAG_IS_ZERO ( f)    ((*(f)) == 0)

Definition at line 2304 of file civetweb.c.


{ \
{(uint64_t)0, (time_t)0, 0, 0, 0}, \
{ \
} \

Definition at line 1882 of file civetweb.c.


#define UINT64_FMT   PRIu64

Definition at line 924 of file civetweb.c.


#define USA_IN_PORT_UNSAFE ( s)    ((s)->sin.sin_port)

Definition at line 1851 of file civetweb.c.


#define UTF8_PATH_MAX   (PATH_MAX)

Definition at line 858 of file civetweb.c.

◆ va_copy

#define va_copy ( x,
y )   ((x) = (y))

Definition at line 1000 of file civetweb.c.

◆ vsnprintf_impl

#define vsnprintf_impl   vsnprintf

Definition at line 894 of file civetweb.c.



Definition at line 173 of file civetweb.c.


#define WINCDECL

Definition at line 926 of file civetweb.c.

Typedef Documentation


Definition at line 860 of file civetweb.c.


Definition at line 925 of file civetweb.c.

◆ stop_flag_t

Definition at line 2303 of file civetweb.c.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 1909 of file civetweb.c.

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 2207 of file civetweb.c.

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 2243 of file civetweb.c.

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 2422 of file civetweb.c.

◆ anonymous enum


Definition at line 2428 of file civetweb.c.

Function Documentation

◆ abort_cgi_process()

static int abort_cgi_process ( void * data)

Definition at line 11243 of file civetweb.c.

◆ accept_new_connection()

static void accept_new_connection ( const struct socket * listener,
struct mg_context * ctx )

Definition at line 19105 of file civetweb.c.

◆ addenv()

static void addenv ( struct cgi_environment * env,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 10975 of file civetweb.c.

◆ alloc_vprintf()

static int alloc_vprintf ( char ** out_buf,
char * prealloc_buf,
size_t prealloc_size,
const char * fmt,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 6855 of file civetweb.c.

◆ alloc_vprintf2()

static int alloc_vprintf2 ( char ** buf,
const char * fmt,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 6822 of file civetweb.c.

◆ authorize()

static int authorize ( struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_file * filep,
const char * realm )

Definition at line 8615 of file civetweb.c.

◆ bin2str()

static void bin2str ( char * to,
const unsigned char * p,
size_t len )

Definition at line 8192 of file civetweb.c.

◆ check_acl()

static int check_acl ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
const union usa * sa )

Definition at line 15442 of file civetweb.c.

◆ check_authorization()

static int check_authorization ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 8668 of file civetweb.c.

◆ check_password()

static int check_password ( const char * method,
const char * ha1,
const char * uri,
const char * nonce,
const char * nc,
const char * cnonce,
const char * qop,
const char * response )

Definition at line 8230 of file civetweb.c.

◆ close_all_listening_sockets()

static void close_all_listening_sockets ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 14677 of file civetweb.c.

◆ close_connection()

static void close_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 17078 of file civetweb.c.

◆ close_socket_gracefully()

static void close_socket_gracefully ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 16953 of file civetweb.c.

◆ compare_dir_entries()

static int compare_dir_entries ( const void * p1,
const void * p2 )

Definition at line 9399 of file civetweb.c.

◆ connect_socket()

static int connect_socket ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * host,
int port,
int use_ssl,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
SOCKET * sock,
union usa * sa )

Definition at line 8994 of file civetweb.c.

◆ construct_etag()

static void construct_etag ( char * buf,
size_t buf_len,
const struct mg_file_stat * filestat )

Definition at line 9844 of file civetweb.c.

◆ consume_socket()

static int consume_socket ( struct mg_context * ctx,
struct socket * sp,
int thread_index )

Definition at line 18772 of file civetweb.c.

◆ delete_file()

static void delete_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 11797 of file civetweb.c.

◆ dir_scan_callback()

static int dir_scan_callback ( struct de * de,
void * data )

Definition at line 9585 of file civetweb.c.

◆ discard_unread_request_data()

static void discard_unread_request_data ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 6458 of file civetweb.c.

◆ do_ssi_exec()

static void do_ssi_exec ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * tag )

Definition at line 11945 of file civetweb.c.

◆ do_ssi_include()

static void do_ssi_include ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * ssi,
char * tag,
int include_level )

Definition at line 11860 of file civetweb.c.

◆ extention_matches_script()

static int extention_matches_script ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * filename )

Definition at line 7319 of file civetweb.c.

◆ extention_matches_template_text()

static int extention_matches_template_text ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * filename )

Definition at line 7365 of file civetweb.c.

◆ fake_connection()

static struct mg_connection * fake_connection ( struct mg_connection * fc,
struct mg_context * ctx )

Definition at line 3436 of file civetweb.c.

◆ fclose_on_exec()

static void fclose_on_exec ( struct mg_file_access * filep,
struct mg_connection * conn )

Definition at line 9859 of file civetweb.c.

◆ forward_body_data()

static int forward_body_data ( struct mg_connection * conn,
FILE * fp,
SOCKET sock,
SSL * ssl )

Definition at line 10875 of file civetweb.c.

◆ free_context()

static void free_context ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 19396 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_first_ssl_listener_index()

static int get_first_ssl_listener_index ( const struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 13429 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_header()

static const char * get_header ( const struct mg_header * hdr,
int num_hdr,
const char * name )

Definition at line 3764 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_host_from_request_info()

static void get_host_from_request_info ( struct vec * host,
const struct mg_request_info * ri )

Definition at line 13444 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_http_header_len()

static int get_http_header_len ( const char * buf,
int buflen )

Definition at line 7755 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_http_method_info()

static const struct mg_http_method_info * get_http_method_info ( const char * method)

Definition at line 10570 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_http_version()

static const char * get_http_version ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3822 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_message()

static int get_message ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
int * err )

Definition at line 17726 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_mime_type()

static void get_mime_type ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct vec * vec )

Definition at line 8157 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_month_index()

static int get_month_index ( const char * s)

Definition at line 7792 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_option_index()

static int get_option_index ( const char * name)

Definition at line 3123 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_proto_name()

static const char * get_proto_name ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3540 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_random()

static uint64_t get_random ( void )

Definition at line 5879 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_rel_url_at_current_server()

static const char * get_rel_url_at_current_server ( const char * uri,
const struct mg_connection * conn )

Definition at line 17622 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_request()

static int get_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
int * err )

Definition at line 17802 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_request_handler()

static int get_request_handler ( struct mg_connection * conn,
int handler_type,
mg_request_handler * handler,
struct mg_websocket_subprotocols ** subprotocols,
mg_websocket_connect_handler * connect_handler,
mg_websocket_ready_handler * ready_handler,
mg_websocket_data_handler * data_handler,
mg_websocket_close_handler * close_handler,
mg_authorization_handler * auth_handler,
void ** cbdata,
struct mg_handler_info ** handler_info )

Definition at line 13868 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_response()

static int get_response ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
int * err )

Definition at line 17894 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_system_name()

static void get_system_name ( char ** sysName)

Definition at line 19536 of file civetweb.c.

◆ get_uri_type()

static int get_uri_type ( const char * uri)

Definition at line 17552 of file civetweb.c.

◆ gmt_time_string()

static void gmt_time_string ( char * buf,
size_t buf_len,
time_t * t )

Definition at line 3306 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_cgi_request()

static void handle_cgi_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * prog,
unsigned char cgi_config_idx )

Definition at line 11278 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_directory_request()

static void handle_directory_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * dir )

Definition at line 9617 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_file_based_request()

static void handle_file_based_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 14575 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_not_modified_static_file_request()

static void handle_not_modified_static_file_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 10178 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_propfind()

static void handle_propfind ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file_stat * filep )

Definition at line 12261 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_request()

static void handle_request ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 14012 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_request_stat_log()

static void handle_request_stat_log ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 6536 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_ssi_file_request()

static void handle_ssi_file_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 12090 of file civetweb.c.

◆ handle_static_file_request()

static void handle_static_file_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file * filep,
const char * mime_type,
const char * additional_headers )

Definition at line 9883 of file civetweb.c.

◆ header_has_option()

static int header_has_option ( const char * header,
const char * option )

Definition at line 3902 of file civetweb.c.

◆ header_val()

static const char * header_val ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * header )

Definition at line 15267 of file civetweb.c.

◆ hexdump2string()

static int hexdump2string ( void * mem,
int memlen,
char * buf,
int buflen )

Definition at line 15807 of file civetweb.c.

◆ init_connection()

static void init_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 18478 of file civetweb.c.

◆ init_ssl_ctx()

static int init_ssl_ctx ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
struct mg_domain_context * dom_ctx )

Definition at line 16698 of file civetweb.c.

◆ init_ssl_ctx_impl()

static int init_ssl_ctx_impl ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
struct mg_domain_context * dom_ctx,
const char * pem,
const char * chain )

Definition at line 16452 of file civetweb.c.

◆ initialize_openssl()

static int initialize_openssl ( char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len )

Definition at line 16034 of file civetweb.c.

◆ interpret_uri()

static void interpret_uri ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * filename,
size_t filename_buf_len,
struct mg_file_stat * filestat,
int * is_found,
int * is_script_resource,
int * is_websocket_request,
int * is_put_or_delete_request,
int * is_template_text )

Definition at line 7437 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_authorized_for_put()

static int is_authorized_for_put ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 8785 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_file_opened()

static int is_file_opened ( const struct mg_file_access * fileacc)

Definition at line 2817 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_in_script_path()

static int is_in_script_path ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 13953 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_not_modified()

static int is_not_modified ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const struct mg_file_stat * filestat )

Definition at line 10163 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_put_or_delete_method()

static int is_put_or_delete_method ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 7305 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_ssl_port_used()

static int is_ssl_port_used ( const char * ports)

Definition at line 14900 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_valid_http_method()

static int is_valid_http_method ( const char * method)

Definition at line 10589 of file civetweb.c.

◆ is_valid_port()

static int is_valid_port ( unsigned long port)

Definition at line 8946 of file civetweb.c.

◆ legacy_init()

static void legacy_init ( const char ** options)

Definition at line 19584 of file civetweb.c.

◆ load_tls_dll()

static void * load_tls_dll ( char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
const char * dll_name,
struct ssl_func * sw,
int * feature_missing )

Definition at line 15928 of file civetweb.c.

◆ log_access()

static void log_access ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 15284 of file civetweb.c.

◆ lowercase()

static int lowercase ( const char * s)

Definition at line 2976 of file civetweb.c.

◆ master_thread()

static void * master_thread ( void * thread_func_param)

Definition at line 19378 of file civetweb.c.

◆ master_thread_run()

static void master_thread_run ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 19192 of file civetweb.c.

◆ match_prefix()

static ptrdiff_t match_prefix ( const char * pattern,
size_t pattern_len,
const char * str )

Definition at line 3921 of file civetweb.c.

◆ match_prefix_strlen()

static ptrdiff_t match_prefix_strlen ( const char * pattern,
const char * str )

Definition at line 3966 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_atomic_dec()

static ptrdiff_t mg_atomic_dec ( volatile ptrdiff_t * addr)

Definition at line 1141 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_atomic_inc()

static ptrdiff_t mg_atomic_inc ( volatile ptrdiff_t * addr)

Definition at line 1118 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_calloc()

static __inline void * mg_calloc ( size_t a,
size_t b )

Definition at line 1477 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_check_digest_access_authentication()

int mg_check_digest_access_authentication ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * realm,
const char * filename )

Definition at line 8643 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_check_feature()

unsigned mg_check_feature ( unsigned feature)

Definition at line 20496 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_close_connection()

void mg_close_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 17153 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_client()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_client ( const char * host,
int port,
int use_ssl,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size )

Definition at line 17425 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_client_impl()

static struct mg_connection * mg_connect_client_impl ( const struct mg_client_options * client_options,
int use_ssl,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len )

Definition at line 17216 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_client_secure()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_client_secure ( const struct mg_client_options * client_options,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size )

Definition at line 17413 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_websocket_client()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_websocket_client ( const char * host,
int port,
int use_ssl,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size,
const char * path,
const char * origin,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_func,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_func,
void * user_data )

Definition at line 18364 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_websocket_client_extensions()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_websocket_client_extensions ( const char * host,
int port,
int use_ssl,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size,
const char * path,
const char * origin,
const char * extensions,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_func,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_func,
void * user_data )

Definition at line 18420 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_websocket_client_impl()

static struct mg_connection * mg_connect_websocket_client_impl ( const struct mg_client_options * client_options,
int use_ssl,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size,
const char * path,
const char * origin,
const char * extensions,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_func,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_func,
void * user_data )

Definition at line 18154 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_websocket_client_secure()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_websocket_client_secure ( const struct mg_client_options * client_options,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size,
const char * path,
const char * origin,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_func,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_func,
void * user_data )

Definition at line 18394 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_connect_websocket_client_secure_extensions()

struct mg_connection * mg_connect_websocket_client_secure_extensions ( const struct mg_client_options * client_options,
char * error_buffer,
size_t error_buffer_size,
const char * path,
const char * origin,
const char * extensions,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_func,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_func,
void * user_data )

Definition at line 18450 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_construct_local_link()

static int mg_construct_local_link ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
size_t buflen,
const char * define_proto,
int define_port,
const char * define_uri )

Definition at line 3567 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry()

void mg_cry ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 3467 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry_internal_impl()

static void mg_cry_internal_impl ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * func,
unsigned line,
const char * fmt,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 3348 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_cry_internal_wrap()

static void mg_cry_internal_wrap ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * func,
unsigned line,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 3447 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_current_thread_id()

static unsigned long mg_current_thread_id ( void )

Definition at line 1618 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_difftimespec()

static double mg_difftimespec ( const struct timespec * ts_now,
const struct timespec * ts_before )

Definition at line 3330 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_disable_connection_keep_alive()

void mg_disable_connection_keep_alive ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 21109 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_download()

struct mg_connection * mg_download ( const char * host,
int port,
int use_ssl,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 18031 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_exit_library()

unsigned mg_exit_library ( void )

Definition at line 21477 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_fclose()

static int mg_fclose ( struct mg_file_access * fileacc)

Definition at line 2950 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_fgetc()

static int mg_fgetc ( struct mg_file * filep)

Definition at line 11969 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_fgets()

static const char * mg_fgets ( char * buf,
size_t size,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 8468 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_fopen()

static int mg_fopen ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
int mode,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 2879 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_free()

static __inline void mg_free ( void * a)

Definition at line 1489 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_builtin_mime_type()

const char * mg_get_builtin_mime_type ( const char * path)

Definition at line 8135 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_context()

struct mg_context * mg_get_context ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3152 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_context_info()

int mg_get_context_info ( const struct mg_context * ctx,
char * buffer,
int buflen )

Definition at line 20910 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_cookie()

int mg_get_cookie ( const char * cookie_header,
const char * var_name,
char * dst,
size_t dst_size )

Definition at line 7158 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_current_time_ns()

static uint64_t mg_get_current_time_ns ( void )

Definition at line 1668 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_header()

const char * mg_get_header ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * name )

Definition at line 3801 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_option()

const char * mg_get_option ( const struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * name )

Definition at line 3137 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_request_info()

const struct mg_request_info * mg_get_request_info ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3487 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_request_link()

int mg_get_request_link ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
size_t buflen )

Definition at line 3688 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_response()

int mg_get_response ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * ebuf,
size_t ebuf_len,
int timeout )

Definition at line 17979 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_response_code_text()

const char * mg_get_response_code_text ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
int response_code )

Definition at line 4151 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_response_info()

const struct mg_response_info * mg_get_response_info ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3527 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_server_ports()

int mg_get_server_ports ( const struct mg_context * ctx,
int size,
struct mg_server_port * ports )

Definition at line 3212 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_system_info()

int mg_get_system_info ( char * buffer,
int buflen )

Definition at line 20578 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_thread_pointer()

void * mg_get_thread_pointer ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3173 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_user_connection_data()

void * mg_get_user_connection_data ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3202 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_user_context_data()

void * mg_get_user_context_data ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3166 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_user_data()

void * mg_get_user_data ( const struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 3159 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_valid_options()

const struct mg_option * mg_get_valid_options ( void )

Definition at line 2797 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_var()

int mg_get_var ( const char * data,
size_t data_len,
const char * name,
char * dst,
size_t dst_len )

Definition at line 6990 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_get_var2()

int mg_get_var2 ( const char * data,
size_t data_len,
const char * name,
char * dst,
size_t dst_len,
size_t occurrence )

Definition at line 7001 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_global_lock()

static void mg_global_lock ( void )

Definition at line 1091 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_global_unlock()

static void mg_global_unlock ( void )

Definition at line 1099 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_inet_pton()

static int mg_inet_pton ( int af,
const char * src,
void * dst,
size_t dstlen,
int resolve_src )

Definition at line 8953 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_init_library()

unsigned mg_init_library ( unsigned features)

Definition at line 21373 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_join_thread()

static int mg_join_thread ( pthread_t threadid)

Definition at line 5727 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_lock_connection()

void mg_lock_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 12306 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_lock_context()

void mg_lock_context ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 12322 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_malloc()

static __inline void * mg_malloc ( size_t a)

Definition at line 1471 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_md5()

char * mg_md5 ( char buf[33],
... )

Definition at line 8207 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_modify_passwords_file()

int mg_modify_passwords_file ( const char * fname,
const char * domain,
const char * user,
const char * pass )

Definition at line 8926 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_modify_passwords_file_ha1()

int mg_modify_passwords_file_ha1 ( const char * fname,
const char * domain,
const char * user,
const char * ha1 )

Definition at line 8936 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_path_suspicious()

static int mg_path_suspicious ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 2835 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_poll()

static int mg_poll ( struct pollfd * pfd,
unsigned int n,
int milliseconds,
const stop_flag_t * stop_flag )

Definition at line 5908 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_printf()

int mg_printf ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 6936 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_read()

int mg_read ( struct mg_connection * conn,
void * buf,
size_t len )

Definition at line 6587 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_read_inner()

static int mg_read_inner ( struct mg_connection * conn,
void * buf,
size_t len )

Definition at line 6468 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_realloc()

static __inline void * mg_realloc ( void * a,
size_t b )

Definition at line 1483 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_chunk()

int mg_send_chunk ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * chunk,
unsigned int chunk_len )

Definition at line 6776 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_digest_access_authentication_request()

int mg_send_digest_access_authentication_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * realm )

Definition at line 8772 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_file()

void mg_send_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 10205 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_file_body()

int mg_send_file_body ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 10146 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_http_error()

int mg_send_http_error ( struct mg_connection * conn,
int status,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 4536 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_http_error_impl()

static int mg_send_http_error_impl ( struct mg_connection * conn,
int status,
const char * fmt,
va_list args )

Definition at line 4350 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_http_ok()

int mg_send_http_ok ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * mime_type,
long long content_length )

Definition at line 4550 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_http_redirect()

int mg_send_http_redirect ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * target_url,
int redirect_code )

Definition at line 4591 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_mime_file()

void mg_send_mime_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
const char * mime_type )

Definition at line 10212 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_send_mime_file2()

void mg_send_mime_file2 ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
const char * mime_type,
const char * additional_headers )

Definition at line 10221 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_auth_handler()

void mg_set_auth_handler ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * uri,
mg_authorization_handler handler,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 13846 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_handler_type()

static void mg_set_handler_type ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
struct mg_domain_context * dom_ctx,
const char * uri,
int handler_type,
int is_delete_request,
mg_request_handler handler,
struct mg_websocket_subprotocols * subprotocols,
mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler,
mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler,
mg_authorization_handler auth_handler,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 13588 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_request_handler()

void mg_set_request_handler ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * uri,
mg_request_handler handler,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 13774 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_thread_name()

static void mg_set_thread_name ( const char * name)

Definition at line 2744 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_user_connection_data()

void mg_set_user_connection_data ( const struct mg_connection * const_conn,
void * data )

Definition at line 3189 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_websocket_handler()

void mg_set_websocket_handler ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * uri,
mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler,
mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 13796 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_set_websocket_handler_with_subprotocols()

void mg_set_websocket_handler_with_subprotocols ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char * uri,
struct mg_websocket_subprotocols * subprotocols,
mg_websocket_connect_handler connect_handler,
mg_websocket_ready_handler ready_handler,
mg_websocket_data_handler data_handler,
mg_websocket_close_handler close_handler,
void * cbdata )

Definition at line 13816 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_snprintf()

static void mg_snprintf ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
int * truncated,
char * buf,
size_t buflen,
const char * fmt,
... )

Definition at line 3107 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_split_form_urlencoded()

int mg_split_form_urlencoded ( char * data,
struct mg_header * form_fields,
unsigned num_form_fields )

Definition at line 7059 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start()

struct mg_context * mg_start ( const struct mg_callbacks * callbacks,
void * user_data,
const char ** options )

Definition at line 20284 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start2()

struct mg_context * mg_start2 ( struct mg_init_data * init,
struct mg_error_data * error )

Definition at line 19612 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start_domain()

int mg_start_domain ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char ** options )

Definition at line 20488 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start_domain2()

int mg_start_domain2 ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const char ** options,
struct mg_error_data * error )

Definition at line 20299 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start_thread()

int mg_start_thread ( mg_thread_func_t func,
void * param )

Definition at line 5670 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_start_thread_with_id()

static int mg_start_thread_with_id ( mg_thread_func_t func,
void * param,
pthread_t * threadidptr )

Definition at line 5696 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_stat()

static int mg_stat ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file_stat * filep )

Definition at line 5620 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_stop()

void mg_stop ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 19493 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_store_body()

long long mg_store_body ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 10317 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_str_append()

static size_t mg_str_append ( char ** dst,
char * end,
const char * src )

Definition at line 20559 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strcasecmp()

int mg_strcasecmp ( const char * s1,
const char * s2 )

Definition at line 2998 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strcasestr()

static const char * mg_strcasestr ( const char * big_str,
const char * small_str )

Definition at line 3039 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strdup()

static char * mg_strdup ( const char * str)

Definition at line 3032 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strdup_ctx()

static char * mg_strdup_ctx ( const char * str,
struct mg_context * ctx )

Definition at line 3026 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strlcpy()

static void mg_strlcpy ( char * dst,
const char * src,
size_t n )

Definition at line 2966 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strncasecmp()

int mg_strncasecmp ( const char * s1,
const char * s2,
size_t len )

Definition at line 2983 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_strndup_ctx()

static char * mg_strndup_ctx ( const char * ptr,
size_t len,
struct mg_context * ctx )

Definition at line 3011 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_unlock_connection()

void mg_unlock_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 12314 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_unlock_context()

void mg_unlock_context ( struct mg_context * ctx)

Definition at line 12330 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_url_decode()

int mg_url_decode ( const char * src,
int src_len,
char * dst,
int dst_len,
int is_form_url_encoded )

Definition at line 6950 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_url_encode()

int mg_url_encode ( const char * src,
char * dst,
size_t dst_len )

Definition at line 9261 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_version()

const char * mg_version ( void )

Definition at line 3480 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_vprintf()

static int mg_vprintf ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * fmt,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 6918 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_vsnprintf()

static void mg_vsnprintf ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
int * truncated,
char * buf,
size_t buflen,
const char * fmt,
va_list ap )

Definition at line 3058 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_write()

int mg_write ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const void * buf,
size_t len )

Definition at line 6695 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mkcol()

static void mkcol ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 11601 of file civetweb.c.

◆ modify_passwords_file()

static int modify_passwords_file ( const char * fname,
const char * domain,
const char * user,
const char * pass,
const char * ha1 )

Definition at line 8806 of file civetweb.c.

◆ must_hide_file()

static int must_hide_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 9435 of file civetweb.c.

◆ next_option()

static const char * next_option ( const char * list,
struct vec * val,
struct vec * eq_val )

Definition at line 3845 of file civetweb.c.

◆ open_auth_file()

static void open_auth_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file * filep )

Definition at line 8275 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_auth_header()

static int parse_auth_header ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
size_t buf_size,
struct ah * ah )

Definition at line 8355 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_date_string()

static time_t parse_date_string ( const char * datetime)

Definition at line 7808 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_http_headers()

static int parse_http_headers ( char ** buf,
struct mg_header hdr[(64)] )

Definition at line 10420 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_http_request()

static int parse_http_request ( char * buf,
int len,
struct mg_request_info * ri )

Definition at line 10605 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_http_response()

static int parse_http_response ( char * buf,
int len,
struct mg_response_info * ri )

Definition at line 10691 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_match_net()

static int parse_match_net ( const struct vec * vec,
const union usa * sa,
int no_strict )

Definition at line 13274 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_port_string()

static int parse_port_string ( const struct vec * vec,
struct socket * so,
int * ip_version )

Definition at line 14722 of file civetweb.c.

◆ parse_range_header()

static int parse_range_header ( const char * header,
int64_t * a,
int64_t * b )

Definition at line 9832 of file civetweb.c.

◆ prepare_cgi_environment()

static int prepare_cgi_environment ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * prog,
struct cgi_environment * env,
unsigned char cgi_config_idx )

Definition at line 11045 of file civetweb.c.

◆ print_dav_dir_entry()

static int print_dav_dir_entry ( struct de * de,
void * data )

Definition at line 12247 of file civetweb.c.

◆ print_dir_entry()

static int print_dir_entry ( struct de * de)

Definition at line 9289 of file civetweb.c.

◆ print_props()

static int print_props ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * uri,
const char * name,
struct mg_file_stat * filep )

Definition at line 12190 of file civetweb.c.

◆ process_new_connection()

static void process_new_connection ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 18516 of file civetweb.c.

◆ produce_socket()

static void produce_socket ( struct mg_context * ctx,
const struct socket * sp )

Definition at line 18809 of file civetweb.c.

◆ pull_all()

static int pull_all ( FILE * fp,
struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
int len )

Definition at line 6413 of file civetweb.c.

◆ pull_inner()

static int pull_inner ( FILE * fp,
struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
int len,
double timeout )

Definition at line 6184 of file civetweb.c.

◆ push_all()

static int push_all ( struct mg_context * ctx,
FILE * fp,
SOCKET sock,
SSL * ssl,
const char * buf,
int len )

Definition at line 6136 of file civetweb.c.

◆ push_inner()

static int push_inner ( struct mg_context * ctx,
FILE * fp,
SOCKET sock,
SSL * ssl,
const char * buf,
int len,
double timeout )

Definition at line 5970 of file civetweb.c.

◆ put_dir()

static int put_dir ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 10267 of file civetweb.c.

◆ put_file()

static void put_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 11670 of file civetweb.c.

◆ read_auth_file()

static int read_auth_file ( struct mg_file * filep,
struct read_auth_file_struct * workdata,
int depth )

Definition at line 8505 of file civetweb.c.

◆ read_message()

static int read_message ( FILE * fp,
struct mg_connection * conn,
char * buf,
int bufsiz,
int * nread )

Definition at line 10798 of file civetweb.c.

◆ redirect_to_https_port()

static void redirect_to_https_port ( struct mg_connection * conn,
int port )

Definition at line 13543 of file civetweb.c.

◆ refresh_trust()

static int refresh_trust ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 15590 of file civetweb.c.

◆ release_handler_ref()

static void release_handler_ref ( struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_handler_info * handler_info )

Definition at line 13995 of file civetweb.c.

◆ remove_bad_file()

static void remove_bad_file ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path )

Definition at line 10304 of file civetweb.c.

◆ remove_directory()

static int remove_directory ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * dir )

Definition at line 9509 of file civetweb.c.

◆ remove_dot_segments()

static void remove_dot_segments ( char * inout)

Definition at line 7872 of file civetweb.c.

◆ reset_per_request_attributes()

static void reset_per_request_attributes ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 16889 of file civetweb.c.

◆ scan_directory()

static int scan_directory ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * dir,
void * data,
int(*)(struct de *, void *) cb )

Definition at line 9449 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_additional_header()

static void send_additional_header ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4117 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_authorization_request()

static void send_authorization_request ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * realm )

Definition at line 8724 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_file_data()

static void send_file_data ( struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_file * filep,
int64_t offset,
int64_t len )

Definition at line 9728 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_no_cache_header()

static void send_no_cache_header ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4051 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_options()

static void send_options ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 12159 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_ssi_file()

static void send_ssi_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * path,
struct mg_file * filep,
int include_level )

Definition at line 11984 of file civetweb.c.

◆ send_static_cache_header()

static void send_static_cache_header ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4069 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_acl_option()

static int set_acl_option ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx)

Definition at line 16875 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_blocking_mode()

static int set_blocking_mode ( SOCKET sock)

Definition at line 5860 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_close_on_exec()

static void set_close_on_exec ( int fd,
const struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_context * ctx )

Definition at line 5647 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_gpass_option()

static int set_gpass_option ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
struct mg_domain_context * dom_ctx )

Definition at line 16849 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_non_blocking_mode()

static int set_non_blocking_mode ( SOCKET sock)

Definition at line 5846 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_ports_option()

static int set_ports_option ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx)

Definition at line 14957 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_tcp_nodelay()

static int set_tcp_nodelay ( const struct socket * so,
int nodelay_on )

Definition at line 16931 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_throttle()

static int set_throttle ( const char * spec,
const union usa * rsa,
const char * uri )

Definition at line 13383 of file civetweb.c.

◆ set_uid_option()

static int set_uid_option ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx)

Definition at line 15480 of file civetweb.c.

◆ should_decode_query_string()

static int should_decode_query_string ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4029 of file civetweb.c.

◆ should_decode_url()

static int should_decode_url ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4018 of file civetweb.c.

◆ should_keep_alive()

static int should_keep_alive ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 3979 of file civetweb.c.

◆ should_switch_to_protocol()

static int should_switch_to_protocol ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 13230 of file civetweb.c.

◆ skip_quoted()

static char * skip_quoted ( char ** buf,
const char * delimiters,
const char * whitespace,
char quotechar )

Definition at line 3700 of file civetweb.c.

◆ skip_to_end_of_word_and_terminate()

static int skip_to_end_of_word_and_terminate ( char ** ppw,
int eol )

Definition at line 10375 of file civetweb.c.

◆ sockaddr_to_string()

static void sockaddr_to_string ( char * buf,
size_t len,
const union usa * usa )

Definition at line 3256 of file civetweb.c.

◆ spawn_process()

static pid_t spawn_process ( struct mg_connection * conn,
const char * prog,
char * envblk,
char * envp[],
int fdin[2],
int fdout[2],
int fderr[2],
const char * dir,
unsigned char cgi_config_idx )

Definition at line 5738 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_error()

static const char * ssl_error ( void )

Definition at line 15798 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_get_client_cert_info()

static int ssl_get_client_cert_info ( const struct mg_connection * conn,
struct mg_client_cert * client_cert )

Definition at line 15833 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_get_protocol()

static long ssl_get_protocol ( int version_id)

Definition at line 16230 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_info_callback()

static void ssl_info_callback ( const SSL * ssl,
int what,
int ret )

Definition at line 16263 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_locking_callback()

static void ssl_locking_callback ( int mode,
int mutex_num,
const char * file,
int line )

Definition at line 15910 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_servername_callback()

static int ssl_servername_callback ( SSL * ssl,
int * ad,
void * arg )

Definition at line 16279 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_use_pem_file()

static int ssl_use_pem_file ( struct mg_context * phys_ctx,
struct mg_domain_context * dom_ctx,
const char * pem,
const char * chain )

Definition at line 16153 of file civetweb.c.

◆ sslize()

static int sslize ( struct mg_connection * conn,
int(*)(SSL *) func,
const struct mg_client_options * client_options )

Definition at line 15668 of file civetweb.c.

◆ substitute_index_file()

static int substitute_index_file ( struct mg_connection * conn,
char * path,
size_t path_len,
struct mg_file_stat * filestat )

Definition at line 7389 of file civetweb.c.

◆ suggest_connection_header()

static const char * suggest_connection_header ( const struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 4041 of file civetweb.c.

◆ switch_domain_context()

static int switch_domain_context ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 13482 of file civetweb.c.

◆ tls_dtor()

static void tls_dtor ( void * key)

Definition at line 15534 of file civetweb.c.

◆ uninitialize_openssl()

static void uninitialize_openssl ( void )

Definition at line 16807 of file civetweb.c.

◆ url_decode_in_place()

static void url_decode_in_place ( char * buf)

Definition at line 6982 of file civetweb.c.

◆ worker_thread()

static void * worker_thread ( void * thread_func_param)

Definition at line 19085 of file civetweb.c.

◆ worker_thread_run()

static void worker_thread_run ( struct mg_connection * conn)

Definition at line 18852 of file civetweb.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ [struct]

const struct { ... } abs_uri_protocols[]
Initial value:
= {{"http://", 7, 80},
{"https://", 8, 443},
{"ws://", 5, 80},
{"wss://", 6, 443},
{NULL, 0, 0}}
ROOT::Detail::TRangeCast< T, true > TRangeDynCast
TRangeDynCast is an adapter class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection.

◆ [struct]

const struct { ... } builtin_mime_types[]

◆ config_options

const struct mg_option config_options[]

Definition at line 2049 of file civetweb.c.

◆ cryptolib_dll_handle

void* cryptolib_dll_handle

Definition at line 16019 of file civetweb.c.

◆ cryptolib_users

volatile ptrdiff_t cryptolib_users
Initial value:

Definition at line 16028 of file civetweb.c.

◆ default_port

unsigned default_port

Definition at line 17537 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ext_len

size_t ext_len

Definition at line 8026 of file civetweb.c.

◆ extension

const char* extension

Definition at line 8025 of file civetweb.c.

◆ global_lock_mutex

pthread_mutex_t global_lock_mutex

Definition at line 1086 of file civetweb.c.

◆ http_methods

const struct mg_http_method_info http_methods[]

Definition at line 10508 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mg_init_library_called

int mg_init_library_called = 0

Definition at line 1549 of file civetweb.c.

◆ mime_type

const char* mime_type

Definition at line 8027 of file civetweb.c.

◆ month_names

const char month_names[][4]
Initial value:
= {"Jan",

Definition at line 1806 of file civetweb.c.

◆ proto

const char* proto

Definition at line 17535 of file civetweb.c.

◆ proto_len

size_t proto_len

Definition at line 17536 of file civetweb.c.

◆ pthread_mutex_attr

pthread_mutexattr_t pthread_mutex_attr

Definition at line 1071 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssl_mutexes

pthread_mutex_t* ssl_mutexes

Definition at line 15664 of file civetweb.c.

◆ ssllib_dll_handle

void* ssllib_dll_handle

Definition at line 16018 of file civetweb.c.

◆ static_assert_replacement

char static_assert_replacement

Definition at line 123 of file civetweb.c.

◆ sTlsKey

pthread_key_t sTlsKey

Definition at line 1572 of file civetweb.c.

◆ thread_idx_max

volatile ptrdiff_t thread_idx_max = 0

Definition at line 1573 of file civetweb.c.