![]() |
Reference Guide
Public Types | |
enum | EWelcomeMessage { kStandardWelcomeMsg = 1, kIsometricWelcomeMsg, kBlockWelcomeMsg, kLeanWelcomeMsg, kLogoWelcomeMsg, kSmall1WelcomeMsg, kSmall2WelcomeMsg, kOriginalWelcomeMsgColor, kOriginalWelcomeMsgBW } |
enum | ECitation { kPlainText = 1, kBibTeX, kLaTeX, kHtmlLink } |
Public Member Functions | |
~Tools () | |
destructor More... | |
template<typename T > | |
Double_t | Mean (Long64_t n, const T *a, const Double_t *w=0) |
template<typename Iterator , typename WeightIterator > | |
Double_t | Mean (Iterator first, Iterator last, WeightIterator w) |
template<typename T > | |
Double_t | RMS (Long64_t n, const T *a, const Double_t *w=0) |
template<typename Iterator , typename WeightIterator > | |
Double_t | RMS (Iterator first, Iterator last, WeightIterator w) |
void | ComputeStat (const std::vector< TMVA::Event * > &, std::vector< Float_t > *, Double_t &, Double_t &, Double_t &, Double_t &, Double_t &, Double_t &, Int_t signalClass, Bool_t norm=kFALSE) |
sanity check More... | |
Double_t | ComputeVariance (Double_t sumx2, Double_t sumx, Int_t nx) |
TH1 * | projNormTH1F (TTree *theTree, const TString &theVarName, const TString &name, Int_t nbins, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax, const TString &cut) |
projects variable from tree into normalised histogram More... | |
Double_t | NormHist (TH1 *theHist, Double_t norm=1.0) |
normalises histogram More... | |
TList * | ParseFormatLine (TString theString, const char *sep=":") |
Parse the string and cut into labels separated by ":". More... | |
std::vector< Int_t > * | ParseANNOptionString (TString theOptions, Int_t nvar, std::vector< Int_t > *nodes) |
parse option string for ANN methods default settings (should be defined in theOption string) More... | |
TMatrixD * | GetSQRootMatrix (TMatrixDSym *symMat) |
square-root of symmetric matrix of course the resulting sqrtMat is also symmetric, but it's easier to treat it as a general matrix More... | |
std::vector< TMatrixDSym * > * | CalcCovarianceMatrices (const std::vector< Event * > &events, Int_t maxCls, VariableTransformBase *transformBase=0) |
compute covariance matrices More... | |
std::vector< TMatrixDSym * > * | CalcCovarianceMatrices (const std::vector< const Event * > &events, Int_t maxCls, VariableTransformBase *transformBase=0) |
const TMatrixD * | GetCorrelationMatrix (const TMatrixD *covMat) |
turns covariance into correlation matrix More... | |
Bool_t | CheckSplines (const TH1 *, const TSpline *) |
Double_t | NormVariable (Double_t x, Double_t xmin, Double_t xmax) |
normalise to output range: [-1, 1] More... | |
Double_t | GetSeparation (TH1 *S, TH1 *B) const |
compute "separation" defined as <s2> = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))^2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx } More... | |
Double_t | GetSeparation (const PDF &pdfS, const PDF &pdfB) const |
compute "separation" defined as <s2> = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx } More... | |
std::vector< Double_t > | MVADiff (std::vector< Double_t > &, std::vector< Double_t > &) |
computes difference between two vectors More... | |
void | Scale (std::vector< Double_t > &, Double_t) |
scales double vector More... | |
void | Scale (std::vector< Float_t > &, Float_t) |
scales float vector More... | |
void | UsefulSortDescending (std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > &, std::vector< TString > *vs=0) |
sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted. More... | |
void | UsefulSortAscending (std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > &, std::vector< TString > *vs=0) |
sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted. More... | |
void | UsefulSortDescending (std::vector< Double_t > &) |
sort vector More... | |
void | UsefulSortAscending (std::vector< Double_t > &) |
sort vector More... | |
Int_t | GetIndexMaxElement (std::vector< Double_t > &) |
find index of maximum entry in vector More... | |
Int_t | GetIndexMinElement (std::vector< Double_t > &) |
find index of minimum entry in vector More... | |
Bool_t | ContainsRegularExpression (const TString &s) |
check if regular expression helper function to search for "$!%^&()'<>?= " in a string More... | |
TString | ReplaceRegularExpressions (const TString &s, const TString &replace="+") |
replace regular expressions helper function to remove all occurences "$!%^&()'<>?= " from a string and replace all ::,$,*,/,+,- with M,S,T,D,P,M respectively More... | |
void | FormattedOutput (const std::vector< Double_t > &, const std::vector< TString > &, const TString titleVars, const TString titleValues, MsgLogger &logger, TString format="%+1.3f") |
formatted output of simple table More... | |
void | FormattedOutput (const TMatrixD &, const std::vector< TString > &, MsgLogger &logger) |
formatted output of matrix (with labels) More... | |
void | FormattedOutput (const TMatrixD &, const std::vector< TString > &vert, const std::vector< TString > &horiz, MsgLogger &logger) |
formatted output of matrix (with labels) More... | |
void | WriteFloatArbitraryPrecision (Float_t val, std::ostream &os) |
writes a float value with the available precision to a stream More... | |
void | ReadFloatArbitraryPrecision (Float_t &val, std::istream &is) |
reads a float value with the available precision from a stream More... | |
TString | GetXTitleWithUnit (const TString &title, const TString &unit) |
histogramming utility More... | |
TString | GetYTitleWithUnit (const TH1 &h, const TString &unit, Bool_t normalised) |
histogramming utility More... | |
Double_t | GetMutualInformation (const TH2F &) |
Mutual Information method for non-linear correlations estimates in 2D histogram Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009) More... | |
Double_t | GetCorrelationRatio (const TH2F &) |
Compute Correlation Ratio of 2D histogram to estimate functional dependency between two variables Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009) More... | |
TH2F * | TransposeHist (const TH2F &) |
Transpose quadratic histogram. More... | |
Bool_t | CheckForSilentOption (const TString &) const |
check for "silence" option in configuration option string More... | |
Bool_t | CheckForVerboseOption (const TString &) const |
check if verbosity "V" set in option More... | |
const TString & | Color (const TString &) |
human readable color strings More... | |
void | TMVAWelcomeMessage () |
direct output, eg, when starting ROOT session -> no use of Logger here More... | |
void | TMVAWelcomeMessage (MsgLogger &logger, EWelcomeMessage m=kStandardWelcomeMsg) |
various kinds of welcome messages ASCII text generated by this site: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/ More... | |
void | TMVAVersionMessage (MsgLogger &logger) |
prints the TMVA release number and date More... | |
void | ROOTVersionMessage (MsgLogger &logger) |
prints the ROOT release number and date More... | |
void | TMVACitation (MsgLogger &logger, ECitation citType=kPlainText) |
kinds of TMVA citation More... | |
std::vector< TString > | SplitString (const TString &theOpt, const char separator) const |
splits the option string at 'separator' and fills the list 'splitV' with the primitive strings More... | |
MsgLogger & | Log () const |
TString | StringFromInt (Long_t i) |
string tools More... | |
TString | StringFromDouble (Double_t d) |
string tools More... | |
void | WriteTMatrixDToXML (void *node, const char *name, TMatrixD *mat) |
XML helpers. More... | |
void | WriteTVectorDToXML (void *node, const char *name, TVectorD *vec) |
void | ReadTMatrixDFromXML (void *node, const char *name, TMatrixD *mat) |
void | ReadTVectorDFromXML (void *node, const char *name, TVectorD *vec) |
Bool_t | HistoHasEquidistantBins (const TH1 &h) |
Bool_t | HasAttr (void *node, const char *attrname) |
add attribute from xml More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | ReadAttr (void *node, const char *, T &value) |
void | ReadAttr (void *node, const char *attrname, TString &value) |
add attribute from xml More... | |
template<typename T > | |
void | AddAttr (void *node, const char *, const T &value, Int_t precision=16) |
void | AddAttr (void *node, const char *attrname, const char *value) |
add attribute to node More... | |
void * | AddChild (void *parent, const char *childname, const char *content=0, bool isRootNode=false) |
add child node More... | |
Bool_t | AddRawLine (void *node, const char *raw) |
XML helpers. More... | |
Bool_t | AddComment (void *node, const char *comment) |
void * | GetParent (void *child) |
get parent node More... | |
void * | GetChild (void *parent, const char *childname=0) |
get child node More... | |
void * | GetNextChild (void *prevchild, const char *childname=0) |
XML helpers. More... | |
const char * | GetContent (void *node) |
XML helpers. More... | |
const char * | GetName (void *node) |
XML helpers. More... | |
TXMLEngine & | xmlengine () |
int | xmlenginebuffersize () |
TH1 * | GetCumulativeDist (TH1 *h) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static Tools & | Instance () |
static void | DestroyInstance () |
Public Attributes | |
const TString | fRegexp |
MsgLogger * | fLogger |
TXMLEngine * | fXMLEngine |
Static Public Attributes | |
static Tools * | fgTools = 0 |
Private Member Functions | |
Tools () | |
constructor More... | |
Double_t | GetYMean_binX (const TH2 &, Int_t bin_x) |
Compute the mean in Y for a given bin X of a 2D histogram. More... | |
#include <TMVA/Tools.h>
void TMVA::Tools::AddAttr | ( | void * | node, |
const char * | attrname, | ||
const T & | value, | ||
Int_t | precision = 16 |
) |
Definition at line 308 of file Tools.h.
Referenced by TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode::AddAttributesToNode(), TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::AddAttributesToNode(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddClassesXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddInfoItem(), TMVA::Configurable::AddOptionsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddSpectatorsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddTargetsXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableInfo::AddToXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddVarsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCompositeBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodFisher::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodSVM::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodKNN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodLD::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodFDA::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCategory::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBDT::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCuts::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::BinaryTree::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::Node::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::Rule::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableRearrangeTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::AttachXMLTo(), and TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile().
void * TMVA::Tools::AddChild | ( | void * | parent, |
const char * | childname, | ||
const char * | content = 0 , |
bool | isRootNode = false |
) |
add child node
Definition at line 1134 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::AddClassesXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddInfoItem(), TMVA::Configurable::AddOptionsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddSpectatorsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddTargetsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::AddVarsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCompositeBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodFisher::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodSVM::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodKNN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodLD::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodFDA::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCategory::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBDT::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCuts::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::BinaryTree::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::Node::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::Rule::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableRearrangeTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::AttachXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile(), and TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToXML().
Definition at line 1142 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodCuts::AddWeightsXMLTo().
XML helpers.
Definition at line 1198 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo(), and TMVA::VariablePCATransform::AttachXMLTo().
std::vector< TMatrixDSym * > * TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices | ( | const std::vector< Event * > & | events, |
Int_t | maxCls, | ||
VariableTransformBase * | transformBase = 0 |
) |
compute covariance matrices
Definition at line 1521 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::CalcSQRMats(), TMVA::MethodBDT::PreProcessNegativeEventWeights(), and TMVA::DecisionTree::TrainNodeFast().
std::vector< TMatrixDSym * > * TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices | ( | const std::vector< const Event * > & | events, |
Int_t | maxCls, | ||
VariableTransformBase * | transformBase = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 487 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::GetEfficiency(), TMVA::ROCCalc::GetROC(), and TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency().
human readable color strings
Definition at line 837 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::BookMethod(), TMVA::Timer::DrawProgressBar(), TMVA::MethodBayesClassifier::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodLD::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodKNN::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodRXGB::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodSVM::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodC50::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodFDA::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodRSNNS::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodCategory::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodMLP::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodRSVM::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodRuleFit::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodCuts::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodBDT::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodBoost::GetHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodBase::MakeClass(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables(), TMVA::MethodBase::PrintHelpMessage(), TMVA::MethodRuleFit::ProcessOptions(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::ReadFoamsFromFile(), TMVA::MethodRSVM::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodRSNNS::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodRXGB::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodC50::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::Timer::SecToText(), TMVACitation(), TMVA::MethodRSVM::Train(), TMVA::MethodC50::Train(), TMVA::MethodRXGB::Train(), TMVA::MethodRSNNS::Train(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::Train(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::Train(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::Train(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::WriteFoamsToFile(), and TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile().
void TMVA::Tools::ComputeStat | ( | const std::vector< TMVA::Event * > & | events, |
std::vector< Float_t > * | valVec, | ||
Double_t & | meanS, | ||
Double_t & | meanB, | ||
Double_t & | rmsS, | ||
Double_t & | rmsB, | ||
Double_t & | xmin, | ||
Double_t & | xmax, | ||
Int_t | signalClass, | ||
Bool_t | norm = kFALSE |
) |
sanity check
Definition at line 215 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBoost::CreateMVAHistorgrams(), TMVA::MethodBoost::GetBoostROCIntegral(), and TMVA::MethodBase::TestClassification().
static |
Definition at line 95 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::~Factory().
void TMVA::Tools::FormattedOutput | ( | const std::vector< Double_t > & | values, |
const std::vector< TString > & | V, | ||
const TString | titleVars, | ||
const TString | titleValues, | ||
MsgLogger & | logger, | ||
TString | format = "%+1.3f" |
) |
formatted output of simple table
Definition at line 896 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods(), TMVA::MethodFisher::PrintCoefficients(), TMVA::MethodLD::PrintCoefficients(), TMVA::DataSetInfo::PrintCorrelationMatrix(), and TMVA::MethodFDA::PrintResults().
get child node
Definition at line 1158 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::ReadClassesFromXML(), TMVA::VariableRearrangeTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Rule::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Configurable::ReadOptionsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadSpectatorsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadTargetsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadVariablesFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCompositeBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodKNN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFisher::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodSVM::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLD::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFDA::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCategory::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBDT::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCuts::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::PDF::ReadXML(), TMVA::BinaryTree::ReadXML(), and TMVA::Node::ReadXML().
const char * TMVA::Tools::GetContent | ( | void * | node | ) |
XML helpers.
Definition at line 1182 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::PDF::ReadXML(), and TMVA::Node::ReadXML().
turns covariance into correlation matrix
Definition at line 337 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods(), and TMVA::DecisionTree::TrainNodeFast().
Compute Correlation Ratio of 2D histogram to estimate functional dependency between two variables Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009)
Definition at line 629 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables().
Definition at line 1759 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::ROCCalc::GetROC().
Mutual Information method for non-linear correlations estimates in 2D histogram Author: Moritz Backes, Geneva (2009)
Definition at line 598 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables(), and TMVA::MethodBase::TestRegression().
const char * TMVA::Tools::GetName | ( | void * | node | ) |
XML helpers.
Definition at line 1190 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadFromXML().
XML helpers.
Definition at line 1170 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::ReadClassesFromXML(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Rule::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Configurable::ReadOptionsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadSpectatorsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadTargetsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadVariablesFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCompositeBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodKNN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFisher::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLD::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodSVM::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFDA::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCategory::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBDT::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCuts::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::PDF::ReadXML(), and TMVA::Node::ReadXML().
compute "separation" defined as <s2> = (1/2) Int_-oo..+oo { (S(x) - B(x))^2/(S(x) + B(x)) dx }
Definition at line 136 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodLikelihood::CreateRanking(), TMVA::OptimizeConfigParameters::GetSeparation(), TMVA::MethodBase::GetSeparation(), and TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables().
TMatrixD * TMVA::Tools::GetSQRootMatrix | ( | TMatrixDSym * | symMat | ) |
square-root of symmetric matrix of course the resulting sqrtMat is also symmetric, but it's easier to treat it as a general matrix
Definition at line 284 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::CalcSQRMats().
Definition at line 1494 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo().
static |
Definition at line 80 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by Classification(), and TMVA::gTools().
Double_t TMVA::Tools::Mean | ( | Long64_t | n, |
const T * | a, | ||
const Double_t * | w = 0 |
) |
Definition at line 1694 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by ComputeStat().
Double_t TMVA::Tools::Mean | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last, | ||
WeightIterator | w | ||
) |
normalises histogram
Definition at line 395 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::ResultsMulticlass::CreateMulticlassHistos(), TMVA::MethodBase::CreateMVAPdfs(), TMVA::MethodBoost::GetBoostROCIntegral(), TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency(), and TMVA::MethodBase::TestClassification().
normalise to output range: [-1, 1]
Definition at line 127 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by ComputeStat(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::CreateRanking(), and TMVA::MethodMLP::TrainOneEventFast().
Parse the string and cut into labels separated by ":".
Definition at line 413 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::CreateVariableTransforms(), TMVA::MethodCuts::GetEfficiency(), TMVA::MethodBase::GetEfficiency(), TMVA::MethodCuts::GetTrainingEfficiency(), TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency(), ParseANNOptionString(), TMVA::MethodFDA::ProcessOptions(), and TMVA::VariableTransformBase::SelectInput().
inline |
Definition at line 295 of file Tools.h.
Referenced by TMVA::BinarySearchTree::CreateFromXML(), TMVA::DecisionTree::CreateFromXML(), TMVA::Reader::GetMethodTypeFromFile(), TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg::GetNtrees(), TMVA::StatDialogBDT::GetNtrees(), TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode::ReadAttributes(), TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::ReadAttributes(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadClassesFromXML(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableInfo::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Rule::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::ReadFromXML(), TMVA::Configurable::ReadOptionsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadSpectatorsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadTargetsFromXML(), TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg::ReadTree(), TMVA::StatDialogBDT::ReadTree(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadVariablesFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCompositeBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFisher::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodKNN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLD::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodSVM::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodFDA::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCategory::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCuts::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodBDT::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::ReadWeightsFromXML(), TMVA::PDF::ReadXML(), and TMVA::Node::ReadXML().
Definition at line 1284 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromXML().
Definition at line 1275 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodSVM::ReadWeightsFromXML(), and TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ReadWeightsFromXML().
replace regular expressions helper function to remove all occurences "$!%^&()'<>?= " from a string and replace all ::,$,*,/,+,- with M,S,T,D,P,M respectively
Definition at line 807 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::VariableInfo::VariableInfo().
Definition at line 1745 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by ComputeStat().
Double_t TMVA::Tools::RMS | ( | Iterator | first, |
Iterator | last, | ||
WeightIterator | w | ||
) |
prints the ROOT release number and date
Definition at line 1333 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::Greetings().
std::vector< TString > TMVA::Tools::SplitString | ( | const TString & | theOpt, |
const char | separator | ||
) | const |
splits the option string at 'separator' and fills the list 'splitV' with the primitive strings
Definition at line 1207 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodCategory::CreateCategoryDSI(), TMVA::Configurable::ReadOptionsFromXML(), and TMVA::Factory::WriteDataInformation().
string tools
Definition at line 1241 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::PDF::AddXMLTo(), TMVA::VariablePCATransform::AttachXMLTo(), and TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::MakeFunction().
void TMVA::Tools::TMVACitation | ( | MsgLogger & | logger, |
ECitation | citType = kPlainText |
) |
kinds of TMVA citation
Definition at line 1448 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods().
prints the TMVA release number and date
Definition at line 1324 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::Greetings().
void TMVA::Tools::TMVAWelcomeMessage | ( | ) |
direct output, eg, when starting ROOT session -> no use of Logger here
Definition at line 1310 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::Greetings().
void TMVA::Tools::TMVAWelcomeMessage | ( | MsgLogger & | logger, |
EWelcomeMessage | m = kStandardWelcomeMsg |
) |
various kinds of welcome messages ASCII text generated by this site: http://www.network-science.de/ascii/
Transpose quadratic histogram.
Definition at line 666 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables().
void TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortAscending | ( | std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > & | v, |
std::vector< TString > * | vs = 0 |
) |
sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted.
I.e. the correlation between the elements is kept.
Definition at line 547 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods(), and TMVA::MethodBDT::GetRegressionValues().
void TMVA::Tools::UsefulSortDescending | ( | std::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > & | v, |
std::vector< TString > * | vs = 0 |
) |
sort 2D vector (AND in parallel a TString vector) in such a way that the "first vector is sorted" and the other vectors are reshuffled in the same way as necessary to have the first vector sorted.
I.e. the correlation between the elements is kept.
Definition at line 573 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods().
XML helpers.
Definition at line 1251 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodHMatrix::AddWeightsXMLTo(), and TMVA::VariableDecorrTransform::AttachXMLTo().
Definition at line 1267 of file Tools.cxx.
Referenced by TMVA::MethodSVM::AddWeightsXMLTo(), and TMVA::MethodHMatrix::AddWeightsXMLTo().
inline |
Definition at line 277 of file Tools.h.
Referenced by AddAttr(), AddChild(), AddComment(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::AddWeightsXMLTo(), TMVA::Reader::GetMethodTypeFromFile(), TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg::GetNtrees(), TMVA::StatDialogBDT::GetNtrees(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromFile(), TMVA::MethodBase::ReadStateFromXMLString(), TMVA::StatDialogBDTReg::ReadTree(), TMVA::StatDialogBDT::ReadTree(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ReadWeightsFromXML(), and TMVA::MethodBase::WriteStateToFile().
static |
mutable |
const TString TMVA::Tools::fRegexp |
Definition at line 241 of file Tools.h.
Referenced by ContainsRegularExpression(), and ReplaceRegularExpressions().
TXMLEngine* TMVA::Tools::fXMLEngine |
Definition at line 279 of file Tools.h.
Referenced by xmlengine().