ROOT  6.06/09
Reference Guide
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TMVA::Event Class Reference

Definition at line 57 of file Event.h.

Public Member Functions

 Event ()
 copy constructor More...
 Event (const Event &)
 copy constructor More...
 Event (const std::vector< Float_t > &values, const std::vector< Float_t > &targetValues, const std::vector< Float_t > &spectatorValues, UInt_t theClass=0, Double_t weight=1.0, Double_t boostweight=1.0)
 constructor More...
 Event (const std::vector< Float_t > &values, const std::vector< Float_t > &targetValues, UInt_t theClass=0, Double_t weight=1.0, Double_t boostweight=1.0)
 constructor More...
 Event (const std::vector< Float_t > &, UInt_t theClass, Double_t weight=1.0, Double_t boostweight=1.0)
 constructor More...
 Event (const std::vector< Float_t * > *&, UInt_t nvar)
 constructor for single events More...
 ~Event ()
 Event destructor. More...
Bool_t IsDynamic () const
Double_t GetWeight () const
 return the event weight - depending on whether the flag IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining is or not. More...
Double_t GetOriginalWeight () const
Double_t GetBoostWeight () const
UInt_t GetClass () const
UInt_t GetNVariables () const
 accessor to the number of variables More...
UInt_t GetNTargets () const
 accessor to the number of targets More...
UInt_t GetNSpectators () const
 accessor to the number of spectators More...
Float_t GetValue (UInt_t ivar) const
 return value of i'th variable More...
std::vector< Float_t > & GetValues ()
const std::vector< Float_t > & GetValues () const
 return value vector More...
Float_t GetTarget (UInt_t itgt) const
std::vector< Float_t > & GetTargets ()
const std::vector< Float_t > & GetTargets () const
Float_t GetSpectator (UInt_t ivar) const
 return spectator content More...
std::vector< Float_t > & GetSpectators ()
const std::vector< Float_t > & GetSpectators () const
void SetWeight (Double_t w)
void SetBoostWeight (Double_t w) const
void ScaleBoostWeight (Double_t s) const
void SetClass (UInt_t t)
void SetVal (UInt_t ivar, Float_t val)
 set variable ivar to val More...
void SetTarget (UInt_t itgt, Float_t value)
 set the target value (dimension itgt) to value More...
void SetSpectator (UInt_t ivar, Float_t value)
 set spectator value (dimension ivar) to value More...
void SetVariableArrangement (std::vector< UInt_t > *const m) const
 set the variable arrangement More...
void SetDoNotBoost () const
void CopyVarValues (const Event &other)
 copies only the variable values More...
void Print (std::ostream &o) const
 print method More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void ClearDynamicVariables ()
static void SetIsTraining (Bool_t)
 when this static function is called, it sets the flag whether events with negative event weight should be ignored in the training, or not. More...
static void SetIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining (Bool_t)
 when this static function is called, it sets the flag whether events with negative event weight should be ignored in the training, or not. More...

Private Attributes

std::vector< Float_tfValues
std::vector< Float_tfValuesRearranged
std::vector< Float_t * > * fValuesDynamic
std::vector< Float_tfTargets
std::vector< Float_tfSpectators
std::vector< UInt_t > * fVariableArrangement
UInt_t fClass
Double_t fWeight
Double_t fBoostWeight
Bool_t fDynamic
Bool_t fDoNotBoost

Static Private Attributes

static Bool_t fgIsTraining = kFALSE
static Bool_t fgIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining = kFALSE


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Event &event)

#include <TMVA/Event.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for TMVA::Event:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMVA::Event::Event ( )

copy constructor

Definition at line 45 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::Event ( const Event event)

copy constructor

Definition at line 143 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::Event ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  values,
const std::vector< Float_t > &  targetValues,
const std::vector< Float_t > &  spectatorValues,
UInt_t  theClass = 0,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Double_t  boostweight = 1.0 


Definition at line 83 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::Event ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  values,
const std::vector< Float_t > &  targetValues,
UInt_t  theClass = 0,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Double_t  boostweight = 1.0 


Definition at line 62 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::Event ( const std::vector< Float_t > &  ev,
UInt_t  theClass,
Double_t  weight = 1.0,
Double_t  boostweight = 1.0 


Definition at line 105 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::Event ( const std::vector< Float_t * > *&  evdyn,
UInt_t  nvar 

constructor for single events

Definition at line 125 of file Event.cxx.

TMVA::Event::~Event ( )

Event destructor.

Definition at line 180 of file Event.cxx.

Member Function Documentation

static void TMVA::Event::ClearDynamicVariables ( )

Definition at line 119 of file Event.h.

void TMVA::Event::CopyVarValues ( const Event other)

copies only the variable values

Definition at line 198 of file Event.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::Event::GetBoostWeight ( ) const

Definition at line 85 of file Event.h.

UInt_t TMVA::Event::GetClass ( ) const
UInt_t TMVA::Event::GetNSpectators ( ) const

accessor to the number of spectators

Definition at line 322 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::DataSet::GetTree().

UInt_t TMVA::Event::GetNTargets ( ) const

accessor to the number of targets

Definition at line 314 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::DecisionTree::CheckEventWithPrunedTree(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetRegressionValues(), and TMVA::DataSet::GetTree().

UInt_t TMVA::Event::GetNVariables ( ) const
Double_t TMVA::Event::GetOriginalWeight ( ) const
Float_t TMVA::Event::GetSpectator ( UInt_t  ivar) const
std::vector<Float_t>& TMVA::Event::GetSpectators ( )

Definition at line 106 of file Event.h.

const std::vector<Float_t>& TMVA::Event::GetSpectators ( ) const

Definition at line 107 of file Event.h.

Float_t TMVA::Event::GetTarget ( UInt_t  itgt) const
std::vector<Float_t>& TMVA::Event::GetTargets ( )
const std::vector<Float_t>& TMVA::Event::GetTargets ( ) const

Definition at line 103 of file Event.h.

Float_t TMVA::Event::GetValue ( UInt_t  ivar) const

return value of i'th variable

Definition at line 231 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodBDT::ApplyPreselectionCuts(), TMVA::DecisionTree::BuildTree(), TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices(), TMVA::DataSetFactory::CalcCovarianceMatrix(), TMVA::DataSetFactory::CalcMinMax(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::CalcNorm(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::CalcStats(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::CalcXminXmax(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ComputeCovariance(), TMVA::MethodCuts::CreateVariablePDFs(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::CRScalc(), TMVA::ResultsRegression::DeviationAsAFunctionOf(), TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode::EqualsMe(), TMVA::MethodCuts::EstimatorFunction(), TMVA::RuleCut::EvalEvent(), TMVA::RuleEnsemble::EvalLinEventRaw(), TMVA::Factory::EvaluateAllMethods(), TMVA::Reader::EvaluateMulticlass(), TMVA::Reader::EvaluateMVA(), TMVA::Reader::EvaluateRegression(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::ForceNetworkInputs(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::GetChi2(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetCov_WithinClass(), TMVA::DecisionTree::GetFisherCoefficients(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::GetInput(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetMean(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetMulticlassValues(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodKNN::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodCuts::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetNormalizedDistance(), TMVA::Reader::GetProba(), TMVA::Reader::GetRarity(), TMVA::MethodKNN::GetRegressionValues(), TMVA::MethodANNBase::GetRegressionValues(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::GetSample(), TMVA::MethodLD::GetSum(), TMVA::MethodLD::GetSumVal(), TMVA::DataSet::GetTree(), TMVA::BDTEventWrapper::GetVal(), TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode::GoesLeft(), TMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode::GoesRight(), TMVA::DecisionTreeNode::GoesRight(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::Init(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::Init(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::Init(), TMVA::MethodFDA::InterpretFormula(), TMVA::RMethodBase::LoadData(), TMVA::MethodBoost::MonitorBoost(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables(), TMVA::MethodCFMlpANN::ProcessOptions(), TMVA::MethodPDERS::RRScalc(), TMVA::MethodBase::Statistics(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::Train(), TMVA::MethodKNN::Train(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::Train(), TMVA::MethodCuts::Train(), and TMVA::RuleFitAPI::WriteTrain().

std::vector<Float_t>& TMVA::Event::GetValues ( )
const std::vector< Float_t > & TMVA::Event::GetValues ( ) const

return value vector

Definition at line 265 of file Event.cxx.

Double_t TMVA::Event::GetWeight ( ) const

return the event weight - depending on whether the flag IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining is or not.

If it is set AND it is used for training, then negetive event weights are set to zero ! NOTE! For events used in Testing, the ORIGINAL possibly negative event weight is used no matter what

Definition at line 376 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodBoost::AdaBoost(), TMVA::DataSet::AddEvent(), TMVA::DecisionTree::BuildTree(), TMVA::Tools::CalcCovarianceMatrices(), TMVA::DataSetFactory::CalcCovarianceMatrix(), TMVA::VariableTransformBase::CalcNorm(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::CalcStats(), TMVA::MethodMLP::CalculateEstimator(), TMVA::DecisionTree::CheckEventWithPrunedTree(), TMVA::MethodHMatrix::ComputeCovariance(), TMVA::MethodMLP::ComputeDEDw(), TMVA::ResultsMulticlass::CreateMulticlassHistos(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::CreateRanking(), TMVA::ResultsMulticlass::EstimatorFunction(), TMVA::MethodFDA::EstimatorFunction(), TMVA::DecisionTree::FillEvent(), TMVA::MethodBoost::GetBoostROCIntegral(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetCov_WithinClass(), TMVA::VariableGaussTransform::GetCumulativeDist(), TMVA::MethodMLP::GetError(), TMVA::DecisionTree::GetFisherCoefficients(), TMVA::MethodFisher::GetMean(), TMVA::MethodKNN::GetMvaValue(), TMVA::MethodKNN::GetRegressionValues(), TMVA::MethodLD::GetSum(), TMVA::MethodLD::GetSumVal(), TMVA::MethodBase::GetTrainingEfficiency(), TMVA::DataSet::GetTree(), TMVA::MethodPyGTB::Init(), TMVA::MethodPyRandomForest::Init(), TMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost::Init(), TMVA::RMethodBase::LoadData(), TMVA::RuleFitParams::LossFunction(), TMVA::MethodBoost::MonitorBoost(), TMVA::TransformationHandler::PlotVariables(), TMVA::ResultsRegression::QuadraticDeviation(), TMVA::MethodMLP::SimulateEvent(), TMVA::MethodBase::Statistics(), TMVA::MethodBoost::TestClassification(), TMVA::MethodBase::TestClassification(), TMVA::MethodBase::TestRegression(), TMVA::MethodDT::TestTreeQuality(), TMVA::CCTreeWrapper::TestTreeQuality(), TMVA::MethodTMlpANN::Train(), TMVA::MethodKNN::Train(), TMVA::MethodFDA::Train(), TMVA::MethodLikelihood::Train(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainMonoTargetRegression(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainMultiClassification(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainMultiTargetRegression(), TMVA::MethodMLP::TrainOneEpoch(), TMVA::MethodMLP::TrainOneEvent(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainSeparatedClassification(), TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainUnifiedClassification(), and TMVA::RuleFitAPI::WriteTrain().

Bool_t TMVA::Event::IsDynamic ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file Event.h.

void TMVA::Event::Print ( std::ostream &  o) const
void TMVA::Event::ScaleBoostWeight ( Double_t  s) const

Definition at line 111 of file Event.h.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodBoost::AdaBoost().

void TMVA::Event::SetBoostWeight ( Double_t  w) const

Definition at line 110 of file Event.h.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodBoost::Bagging(), and TMVA::MethodBoost::ResetBoostWeights().

void TMVA::Event::SetClass ( UInt_t  t)

Definition at line 112 of file Event.h.

void TMVA::Event::SetDoNotBoost ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file Event.h.

void TMVA::Event::SetIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining ( Bool_t  b)

when this static function is called, it sets the flag whether events with negative event weight should be ignored in the training, or not.

Definition at line 395 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodBase::ProcessBaseOptions().

void TMVA::Event::SetIsTraining ( Bool_t  b)
void TMVA::Event::SetSpectator ( UInt_t  ivar,
Float_t  value 

set spectator value (dimension ivar) to value

Definition at line 363 of file Event.cxx.

void TMVA::Event::SetTarget ( UInt_t  itgt,
Float_t  value 
void TMVA::Event::SetVal ( UInt_t  ivar,
Float_t  val 

set variable ivar to val

Definition at line 335 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodPDEFoam::TrainMultiTargetRegression().

void TMVA::Event::SetVariableArrangement ( std::vector< UInt_t > *const  m) const

set the variable arrangement

Definition at line 187 of file Event.cxx.

Referenced by TMVA::MethodCategory::GetMvaValue().

void TMVA::Event::SetWeight ( Double_t  w)

Definition at line 109 of file Event.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const Event event 

Member Data Documentation

Double_t TMVA::Event::fBoostWeight

Definition at line 142 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), GetBoostWeight(), ScaleBoostWeight(), and SetBoostWeight().

UInt_t TMVA::Event::fClass

Definition at line 140 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), GetClass(), and SetClass().

Bool_t TMVA::Event::fDoNotBoost

Definition at line 144 of file Event.h.

Referenced by ScaleBoostWeight(), SetBoostWeight(), and SetDoNotBoost().

Bool_t TMVA::Event::fDynamic

Definition at line 143 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), Event(), and IsDynamic().

Bool_t TMVA::Event::fgIgnoreNegWeightsInTraining = kFALSE

Definition at line 129 of file Event.h.

Bool_t TMVA::Event::fgIsTraining = kFALSE

Definition at line 128 of file Event.h.

std::vector<Float_t> TMVA::Event::fSpectators

Definition at line 137 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), Event(), and GetSpectators().

std::vector<Float_t> TMVA::Event::fTargets

Definition at line 136 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), GetTarget(), and GetTargets().

std::vector<Float_t> TMVA::Event::fValues

Definition at line 132 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), and Event().

std::vector<Float_t*>* TMVA::Event::fValuesDynamic

Definition at line 135 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), and Event().

std::vector<Float_t> TMVA::Event::fValuesRearranged

Definition at line 134 of file Event.h.

std::vector<UInt_t>* TMVA::Event::fVariableArrangement

Definition at line 138 of file Event.h.

Double_t TMVA::Event::fWeight

Definition at line 141 of file Event.h.

Referenced by CopyVarValues(), GetOriginalWeight(), and SetWeight().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: