Running the ROOT battery of tests
Running all ROOT tests on at least a platform before sending a PR or before pushing anything to the ROOT repository is mandatory. The ROOT continuous integration infrastructure allows to automatically check the PR also on a battery of platform, for example including macos and linux boxes. In order to be able to run all tests, the simple steps below need to be followed
Prepare Your Development Area for Building and Testing ROOT
Create a directory to store the local repositories. Within the directory, clone both the root project as well as the roottest test suite.
mkdir RootDevelopment
cd RootDevelopment
git clone
git clone
Create a build folder, run the cmake command to configure and build root and rootest:
mkdir build
cd build
echo Note the cmake options
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -Dtesting=ON -Droottest=ON ../root
cmake --build . -j8
Inspect and run the tests
Tests can then be executed using the ctest command in the build directory:
ctest -N (list all tests)
ctest -j N (Run all tests on N cores)
Run the following command to access all available options:
ctest --help (list all available options)
To learn more about testing, and adding tests, visit the roottest repository.