For the first time since 20 year (i.e. ever), the ROOT team plans to introduce backward incompatible changes for crucial interfaces. ROOT won’t actually break backward compatibility: old interfaces will simply stay frozen. You will need to migrate your code to those new interfaces to benefit from their new features. This new major version of ROOT will make ROOT much simpler and safer to use: we want to increase clarity and usability.

The ROOT team will be releasing parts of ROOT 7 throughout the coming years. Previews will gradually sneak into the ROOT sources, in the namespace ROOT::Experimental for those parts that are not yet cast in stone, and in the namespace ROOT for those that are. We will use standard C++ types, standard interface behavior (e.g. with respect to ownership and thread safety), good documentation and tests.

Building ROOT 7


Support for the c++17 standard is required. Usage of g++ >= 7 or clang >= 5 is recommended.

Relevant cmake variables

ROOT 7 will be built if at least one of these conditions is satisfied:

  • the CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD cmake variable is set to at least 17
  • the root7 cmake variable is set to ON

Building from source would look similar to this:

$ mkdir root7_build
$ cd root7_build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD=17 path/to/root/source
$ cmake --build . -- -j4

ROOT 7 Features

ROOT’s new interface personality is already in production with RDataFrame. Next up is the TTree successor RNTuple.

Still in the design phase are ROOT’s new graphics and histogram packages, with tutorials such as for ROOT 7 graphics, for histograms and ntuple, and specifically for drawing and styling the new histograms.


Since August 2024 and starting from ROOT version 6.34 RBrowser used by default when ROOT is built with webgui. It is automatically invoked with new TBrowser. We recommend to install the chrome/chromium web browser, but all other web browsers should do the job.

If for any reasons RBrowser does not provide required functionality, one always can disable it. Either by specifying root --web=off when starting ROOT or by setting Browser.Name: TRootBrowser in rootrc file. Please report your case at the ROOT Forum so we can address it!

RBrowser on remote nodes

To efficiently use RBrowser on a remote node, it is advised to use the rootssh script with built-in port forwarding and run the user interface on the local host with the default web browser. Like:

[localhost] rootssh username@remotenode

As with regular ssh, one can specify command which should be run on remote node:

[localhost] rootssh username@remotenode "root --web -e 'new TBrowser'"

Script automatically creates tunnel and configures several shell variables in remote session. These are:

  • ROOT_WEBGUI_SOCKET - unix socket which will be used by ROOT THttpServer in webgui
  • ROOT_LISTENER_SOCKET - unix socket which gets messages from ROOT when new web widgets are started

When in ROOT session new web widget is created, default web browser will be started on the local node.

It is highly recommended to use rootssh script on public nodes like lxplus. Unix sockets, which are created on the remote session, are configured with 0700 file mode - means only user allowed to access them.

One can provide --port number parameter to configure port number on local node and --browser <name> to specify web browser executable to display web widgets. Like:

[localhost] rootssh --port 8877 --browser chromium username@remotenode

Also any kind of normal ssh arguments can be specified:

[localhost] rootssh -Y -E file.log username@remotenode

On remote node root session should be started with root --web argument to advise ROOT use web widgets. Like:

[remotehost] root --web hsimple.C

rootssh script can be download and used independently from ROOT installation - it is only required that supported ROOT version installed on remote node.


It is implementation of normal ROOT graphics in the web browser. It uses jsroot for graphics, openui5 for GUI and RWebWindow RWebWindow class for server-client communication. It provides a lot of interactive features like zooming, context menu, GED (graphics attributes editor). Since August 2024 and starting from ROOT version 6.34 it is used as default implementation for TCanvas in interactive mode.

It also can be used in the batch mode for image generation. In this case one should specify --web option to run ROOT:

[shell] root -b --web tutorials/hsimple.root -e 'hpxpy->Draw("colz"); c1->SaveAs("image.png");' -q

If for any reasons TWebCanvas does not provide required functionality, one always can disable it. Either by specifying root --web=off when starting ROOT or by setting Canvas.Name: TRootCanvas in rootrc file. Please report your case at the ROOT Forum so we can address it!

TWebCanvas on remote nodes

Same as RBrowser, TWebCanvas can be used on remote nodes - using rootssh script.

We highly appreciate your feedback!