CROOT::Detail::__integer_sequence< _IdxType, _Values > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 0 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 2 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 3 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 4 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 5 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 6 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< 7 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< _Np > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 0 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 2 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 3 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 4 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 5 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 6 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 7 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__repeat< _Tp, _Extra > | |
CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __integer_sequence< _Tp, _Np... >, _Extra... > | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 0 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 1 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 2 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 3 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 4 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 5 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 6, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 6 >::__pmake | |
►CROOT::Detail::__repeat< __make< _Np/8 >::type, _Np - 7, _Np - 6, _Np - 5, _Np - 4, _Np - 3, _Np - 2, _Np - 1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::__parity< 7 >::__pmake | |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, N, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 0, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 0) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 1, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 1) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 2, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 2) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 3, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 3) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 4, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 4) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 5, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 5) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposer< F, 6, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (specialized, N = 6) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_decomposerGenDim< F, M > | Struct to do a Cholesky decomposition (general dimensionality) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, N, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 0, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 0) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 1, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 1) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 2, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 2) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 3, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 3) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 4, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 4) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 5, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 5) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverter< F, 6, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (N = 6) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_inverterGenDim< F, M > | Struct to obtain the inverse from a Cholesky decomposition (general dimensionality) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, N, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 0, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=0) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 1, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=1) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 2, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=2) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 3, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=3) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 4, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=4) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 5, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=5) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solver< F, 6, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (N=6) |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::_solverGenDim< F, V > | Struct to solve a linear system using its Cholesky decomposition (generalised dimensionality) |
C_x3d_data_ | |
C_x3d_sizeof_ | |
CROOT::Minuit2::ABObj< mtype, M, T > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::ABObj< vec, LAVector, double > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::ABProd< M1, M2 > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::ABSum< M1, M2 > | |
CTMVA::AbsValue | |
►CROOT::option::Parser::Action | |
CROOT::option::Parser::StoreOptionAction | |
CROOT::option::Stats::CountOptionsAction | |
CActiveRegion | |
CROOT::Math::AddOp< T > | Addition Operation Class |
CROOT::Math::AddPolicy< T, D1, D2, R1, R2 > | Matrix addition policy |
CROOT::Math::AddPolicy< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Address< T > | |
►CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Address< const Bool_t & > | |
►CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< Bitset_t > > | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Pushback< Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< Bitset_t > > | |
►CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Address< TYPENAME T::const_reference > | |
►CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< T > | Small helper to encapsulate basic data accesses for all STL continers |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Insert< T > | Small helper to encapsulate all necessary data accesses for containers like set, multiset etc |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::MapInsert< T > | Small helper to encapsulate all necessary data accesses for containers like set, multiset etc |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Pushback< T > | Small helper to encapsulate all necessary data accesses for containers like vector, list, deque |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Pushfront< T > | Small helper to encapsulate all necessary data accesses for containers like forward_list |
Cnlohmann::adl_serializer< T, SFINAE > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< A, B > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< gen, gen > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< gen, sym > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< gen, vec > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< sym, gen > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< sym, sym > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< sym, vec > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< T, T > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< vec, gen > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicProdType< vec, sym > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< A, B > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< gen, vec > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< sym, vec > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< T, T > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< vec, gen > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::AlgebraicSumType< vec, sym > | |
CRooAbsCachedPdf::AnaIntConfig | Registry for analytical integration codes |
CRooMultiVarGaussian::AnaIntData | |
CRScanner::AnnotatedNamespaceDecl | |
CMemPoolForRooSets< RooSet_t, POOLSIZE >::Arena | |
►CROOT::option::Arg | Functions for checking the validity of option arguments |
CROOT::option::FullArg | |
►Cstd::array< double, DIMENSIONS > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Hist::RCoordArray< DIMENSIONS > | |
CBatchHelpers::ArrayWrapper | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::Asimov | TODO Here, we are missing some documentation |
CROOT::Math::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, R1, R2 > | Structure to assign from an expression based to general matrix to general matrix |
CROOT::Math::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > | Dummy Structure which flags an error to avoid assigment from expression based on a general matrix to a symmetric matrix |
CROOT::Math::Assign< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Structure to assign from an expression based to symmetric matrix to symmetric matrix |
CROOT::Math::AssignItr< T, D1, D2, R > | Structure for assignment to a general matrix from iterator |
CROOT::Math::AssignItr< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Specialized structure for assignment to a symmetrix matrix from iterator |
CROOT::Math::AssignSym | Force Expression evaluation from general to symmetric |
CTExMap::Assoc_t | |
CXMLReader::Attributes | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::AutoreleasePool | |
CROOT::Math::AxisAngle | AxisAngle class describing rotation represented with direction axis (3D Vector) and an angle of rotation around that axis |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::AxisConfigToType< EKind > | Converts a RAxisConfig of whatever kind to the corresponding RAxisBase-derived object |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kEquidistant > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kGrow > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kIrregular > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::AxisConfigToType< RAxisConfig::kLabels > | |
CBalancerInfo | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL::BarlowCache | |
►CBaseCounterT | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTickCounter< BaseCounterT > | An either thread-safe or non thread safe counter for CPU ticks |
►CROOT::Math::BaseIntegratorOptions | Base class for Numerical integration options common in 1D and multi-dimension This is an internal class and is not supposed to be instantiated by the user |
CROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDimOptions | Numerical multi dimensional integration options |
CROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDimOptions | Numerical one dimensional integration options |
►CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::BaseNode | |
►CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::BinNode | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::TerminalNode | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::HeadNode | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::SplitNode | |
►CBaseSelectionRule | |
CClassSelectionRule | |
CVariableSelectionRule | |
Cnlohmann::basic_json< ObjectType, ArrayType, StringType, BooleanType, NumberIntegerType, NumberUnsignedType, NumberFloatType, AllocatorType, JSONSerializer > | |
Cbasic_string_view< _CharT, _Traits > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionGradient | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum | Result of the minimization; both internal and external (MnUserParameterState) representation available For the parameters at the Minimum |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError | Internal Class containing the error information on the estimated minimum : Error matrix + dcovar + additional flags for quality and validity checks |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumParameters | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumSeed | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumState | |
CBasicRNNLayer | Generic implementation |
CTTreePerfStats::BasketInfo | |
CBatchHelpers::BatchData::Batch | |
CTMVA::DNN::Batch | Encapsulates one mini-batch |
CBatchHelpers::BatchData | |
CRooHelpers::BatchInterfaceAccessor | Helper class to access a batch-related part of RooAbsReal's interface, which should not leak to the outside world |
CTMVA::BDTEventWrapper | |
CRooStats::BernsteinCorrection | BernsteinCorrection is a utility in RooStats to augment a nominal PDF with a polynomial correction term |
CROOT::Minuit2::BFGSMinimizerType | |
CROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricMinimizer::BFGSType | |
CBidirMMapPipe | BidirMMapPipe creates a bidirectional channel between the current process and a child it forks |
►Cstd::binary_function | |
CMemstat::SFind_t | |
CTMVA::compose_binary_t< F, G, H > | |
CROOT::Math::BinaryOp< Operator, LHS, RHS, T > | BinaryOperation class A class representing binary operators in the parse tree |
CROOT::Math::BinaryOpCopyL< Operator, LHS, RHS, T > | Binary Operation class with value storage for the left argument |
CROOT::Math::BinaryOpCopyR< Operator, LHS, RHS, T > | Binary Operation class with value storage for the right argument |
CBinaryOpPolicy | |
►CTMVA::BinaryTree | Base class for BinarySearch and Decision Trees |
CTMVA::BinarySearchTree | A simple Binary search tree including a volume search method |
CTMVA::DecisionTree | Implementation of a Decision Tree |
CROOT::R::TRDataFrame::Binding | |
CROOT::R::TRInterface::Binding | |
CTMVA::OptionMap::Binding | |
CBinomialNeymanInterval< Sorter > | |
►CBinomialNeymanInterval< FeldmanCousinsSorter > | |
CFeldmanCousinsBinomialInterval | |
CBinomialProbHelper | |
CRooMultiVarGaussian::BitBlock | |
CROOT::Math::GenVector_detail::BitReproducible | |
CROOT::Experimental::RStyle::Block_t | |
CTEveParamList::BoolConfig_t | |
CROOT::Math::Boost | Lorentz boost class with the (4D) transformation represented internally by a 4x4 orthosymplectic matrix |
CROOT::Math::BoostX | Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the X axis, by beta |
CROOT::Math::BoostY | Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the Y axis, by beta |
CROOT::Math::BoostZ | Class representing a Lorentz Boost along the Z axis, by beta |
CRgl::Pad::BoundingRect< ValueType > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadBase::BoundKindAndValue | Simple struct representing an axis bound |
CRooNDKeysPdf::BoxInfo | |
CBatchHelpers::BracketAdapter< T > | Little adapter that gives a bracket operator to types that don't have one |
CBatchHelpers::BracketAdapterWithMask | |
CTMVA::Experimental::BranchlessTree< T > | Branchless representation of a decision tree using topological ordering |
CTGeoBatemanSol::BtCoef_t | |
►CRooSimWSTool::BuildConfig | |
CRooSimWSTool::MultiBuildConfig | |
CCachedVertex | |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< T, HasCallOp > | Extract types from the signature of a callable object. See CallableTraits |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< R(*)(Args...), false > | |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< R(Args...), false > | |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< R(T::*)(Args...) const, false > | |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< R(T::*)(Args...), false > | |
CROOT::Detail::CallableTraitsImpl< T, true > | |
CTInterpreter::CallFuncIFacePtr_t | |
CROOT::Math::Cartesian2D< T > | Class describing a 2D cartesian coordinate system (x, y coordinates) |
CROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< T > | Class describing a 3D cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z coordinates) |
CROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< double > | |
CROOT::Math::Cartesian3D< Scalar > | |
CRooVectorDataStore::CatVector | |
CTMVA::CCPruner | A helper class to prune a decision tree using the Cost Complexity method (see Classification and Regression Trees by Leo Breiman et al) |
CTMVA::CCTreeWrapper | |
CTEveCaloLegoGL::Cell2D_t | |
►CTEveCaloData::CellGeom_t | Cell geometry inner structure |
CTEveCaloData::CellData_t | Cell data inner structure |
CTEveCaloData::CellId_t | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::CFScopeGuard< RefType > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::CFScopeGuard< CGContextRef > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::CFScopeGuard< CGImageRef > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::CFStrongReference< RefType > | |
CROOT::Quartz::CGAAStateGuard | |
CROOT::Quartz::CGStateGuard | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::Channel | This class encapsulates all information for the statistical interpretation of one experiment |
CTCling::CharPtrCmp_t | |
CROOT::Math::ChebyshevApprox | Class describing a Chebyshev series which can be used to approximate a function in a defined range [a,b] using Chebyshev polynomials |
CROOT::Math::ChebyshevPol | |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecomp< F, N > | Class to compute the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompGenDim< F > | Class to compute the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix |
CROOT::Math::CholInverter< idim > | |
►CRcpp::class_ | |
CROOT::R::class_< T > | |
CROOT::Meta::Selection::ClassAttributes< classAttributes > | Used to specify attributes of classes in the "DictSelection" syntax |
CRooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassFiles | |
CClassification | Class to perform two class classification |
CClassificationResult | Class to save the results of the classifier |
CTMVA::ClassifierFactory | This is the MVA factory |
CRooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ClassRelInfo | |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::Cloner< T, isCopyConstructible > | Return a copy of the object or a "Clone" if the copy constructor is not implemented |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::Cloner< T, false > | |
CXrdClientConnectionMgr::CndVarInfo | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Details::CocoaPrivate | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::ColorParser | |
CColorStruct_t | |
CTFITSHDU::Column | |
►CROOT::MacOSX::X11::Command | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::ClearArea | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::CopyArea | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DeletePixmap | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawBoxXor | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawLine | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawLineXor | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawRectangle | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawSegments | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::DrawString | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::FillPolygon | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::FillRectangle | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::UpdateWindow | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::CommandBuffer | |
CCompareAsc< T > | |
CcompareBAasc | |
CcompareBAdesc | |
CCompareDesc< T > | |
CTTreeCloner::CompareEntry | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::ComparePoints | |
CTTreeCloner::CompareSeek | |
CROOT::Math::CompileTimeChecker< bool > | |
CROOT::Math::CompileTimeChecker< false > | |
CTMVA::Experimental::Internal::ComputeHelper< I, T, F > | Compute helper |
CTMVA::Config | Singleton class for global configuration settings used by TMVA |
CRooStats::HistFactory::ConfigParser | TODO Add documentation |
CROOT::Experimental::REveManager::Conn | |
CROOT::Math::Constant< T > | Constant expression class A class representing constant expressions (literals) in the parse tree |
CContDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for onedimensional continuous distributions |
CROOT::Minuit2::ContoursError | |
►CTMVA::ConvergenceTest | Check for convergence |
CTMVA::MethodMLP | Multilayer Perceptron class built off of MethodANNBase |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::CoordSysBase< DERIVED > | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::CoordSysBase< Normal > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::Normal | A normalized coordinate |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::CoordSysBase< Pixel > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::Pixel | A pixel coordinate |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::CoordSysBase< User > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength::User | A user coordinate |
CCpuInfo_t | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayHandle::Creator | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayHandle::BrowserCreator | |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayHandle::ChromeCreator | |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayHandle::FirefoxCreator | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnCross::CrossFcnLimit | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnCross::CrossNewMin | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnCross::CrossParLimit | |
CTMVA::CrossValidationFoldResult | |
CTMVA::CrossValidationResult | Class to save the results of cross validation, the metric for the classification ins ROC and you can ROC curves ROC integrals, ROC average and ROC standard deviation |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaActivationDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaConvolutionBwdDataAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaConvolutionDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaConvolutionFwdAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaDataType | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaDropoutDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaEmptyDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaFilterDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::CudaPoolingDescriptor | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::Cut | |
CTMVA::CvSplitKFoldsExpr | |
CROOT::Math::Cylindrical3D< T > | Class describing a cylindrical coordinate system based on rho, z and phi |
CROOT::Math::CylindricalEta3D< T > | Class describing a cylindrical coordinate system based on eta (pseudorapidity) instead of z |
CRooStats::HistFactory::Data | |
CROOT::Fit::DataOptions | DataOptions : simple structure holding the options on how the data are filled |
CROOT::Fit::DataRange | Class describing the range in the coordinates it supports multiple range in a coordinate |
CROOT::Math::GenVector_detail::BitReproducible::DB8 | |
CDebuggingSampler | DebuggingSampler is a simple implementation of the DistributionCreator interface used for debugging |
CDebuggingTestStat | DebuggingTestStat is a simple implementation of the DistributionCreator interface used for debugging |
CROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag | DefaultCoordinateSystemTag Default tag for identifying any coordinate system |
CROOT::Math::Delaunay2D | Class to generate a Delaunay triangulation of a 2D set of points |
CRScanner::DelayedAnnotatedRecordDeclInfo | |
CTMVA::DeleteFunctor_t< T > | |
CROOT::Math::Derivator | Class for computing numerical derivative of a function |
►CDerivFunType | |
►CROOT::Math::BasicFitMethodFunction< DerivFunType > | |
►CROOT::Fit::BasicFCN< DerivFunType, ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunction, BinData > | |
CROOT::Fit::Chi2FCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType > | Chi2FCN class for binnned fits using the least square methods |
CROOT::Fit::PoissonLikelihoodFCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType > | Class evaluating the log likelihood for binned Poisson likelihood fits it is template to distinguish gradient and non-gradient case |
►CROOT::Fit::BasicFCN< DerivFunType, ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunction, UnBinData > | |
CROOT::Fit::LogLikelihoodFCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType > | LogLikelihoodFCN class for likelihood fits |
CROOT::Fit::BasicFCN< DerivFunType, ModelFunType, DataType > | BasicFCN class: base class for the objective functions used in the fits It has a reference to the data and th emodel function used in the fit |
CROOT::option::Descriptor | Describes an option, its help text (usage) and how it should be parsed |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::Detacher< T, ISHISTO > | |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::Detacher< T, true > | |
CRooStats::DetailedOutputAggregator | This class is designed to aid in the construction of RooDataSets and RooArgSets, particularly those naturally arising in fitting operations |
CROOT::Math::Determinant< n, idim > | Detrminant for a general squared matrix Function to compute the determinant from a square matrix ( \( \det(A)\)) of dimension idim and order n |
CDict | |
CDictNode | |
►CTEveDigitSet::DigitBase_t | |
►CTEveBoxSet::BCone_t | |
CTEveBoxSet::BEllipticCone_t | |
CTEveBoxSet::BFreeBox_t | |
CTEveBoxSet::BHex_t | |
►CTEveBoxSet::BOrigin_t | |
CTEveBoxSet::BAABoxFixedDim_t | |
CTEveBoxSet::BAABox_t | |
CTEveQuadSet::QFreeQuad_t | |
►CTEveQuadSet::QOrigin_t | |
CTEveQuadSet::QHex_t | |
CTEveQuadSet::QLineFixC_t | |
►CTEveQuadSet::QRectFixDimC_t | |
CTEveQuadSet::QRectFixC_t | |
►CTEveQuadSet::QRectFixDim_t | |
CTEveQuadSet::QRect_t | |
CRooMomentMorphFuncND::Digits< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::DirCreator< T, ISHISTO > | |
CROOT::Internal::TThreadedObjectUtils::DirCreator< T, true > | |
CDiscrDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for one-dimensional discrete distribution |
CROOT::Experimental::RPalette::Discrete_t | Tag type used to signal that the palette's colors should not be interpolated |
CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag > | Class describing a generic displacement vector in 2 dimensions |
CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag > | Class describing a generic displacement vector in 3 dimensions |
CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D< double >, DefaultCoordinateSystemTag > | |
CROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< Cartesian3D< Scalar > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::DisplayHelper< T > | |
►CROOT::Math::DistSampler | Interface class for generic sampling of a distribution, i.e |
CTFoamSampler | Class implementing the ROOT::Math::DistSampler interface using FOAM for sampling arbitrary distributions |
CTUnuranSampler | TUnuranSampler class class implementing the ROOT::Math::DistSampler interface using the UNU.RAN package for sampling distributions |
CROOT::Math::DistSamplerOptions | DistSampler options class |
CROOT::Math::DivOp< T > | Division (element-wise) Operation Class |
CTHtml::DocEntityInfo_t | |
CTHtml::DocSyntax_t | |
CTGLScene::DrawElement_t | |
CRooPlot::DrawOpt | |
CROOT::Internal::RootCling::DriverConfig | |
CTMVA::DTNodeTrainingInfo | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyConvolutionBwdDataAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyConvolutionDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyConvolutionFwdAlgo | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyDataType | |
CROOT::Fit::DummyDeleter< T > | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyDropoutDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyEmptyDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyFilterDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyPoolingDescriptor | |
CTMVA::DNN::DummyType | |
CROOT::RCompressionSetting::EAlgorithm | |
CEColumnType | The available trivial, native content types of a column |
CROOT::RCompressionSetting::EDefaults | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoPolyShape::Edge_t | |
CTEveGeoPolyShape::Edge_t | |
CTEvePolygonSetProjectedGL::Edge_t | |
CEdgePair | |
CTBranchSTL::ElementBranchHelper_t | |
CROOT::RCompressionSetting::ELevel | |
►Cstd::enable_shared_from_this | |
►CTObjLink | Wrapper around a TObject so it can be stored in a TList |
CTObjOptLink | |
CRooMappedCategory::Entry | |
CTTreeCache::MissCache::Entry | |
►CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::EnvironBase | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Environ< T > | Small helper to save proxy environment in the event of recursive calls |
CROOT::Math::gv_detail::ERROR_This_Rotation_Conversion_is_NOT_Supported | |
CROOT::Math::EulerAngles | EulerAngles class describing rotation as three angles (Euler Angles) |
CRooAbsReal::EvalError | |
CROOT::Fit::FitUtil::Evaluate< T > | |
CBatchHelpers::EvaluateInfo | |
CROOT::Math::EvaluatorOneDim< MultiFuncType > | |
CROOT::Math::EvaluatorOneDim< const ROOT::Math::IParamMultiFunction & > | |
CTMVA::kNN::Event | |
CEvent_t | |
CTMVA::QuickMVAProbEstimator::EventInfo | |
CTMVA::DataSetFactory::EventStats | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::EventTranslator | |
►Cstd::exception | STL class |
CPyROOT::TPyException | |
CROOT::Experimental::RDirectoryTypeMismatch | Objects of this class are thrown to signal that the value known under the given name |
CROOT::Experimental::RDirectoryUnknownKey | Objects of this class are thrown to signal that no key with that name exists |
CROOT::Experimental::REveException | REveException Exception-type thrown by Eve classes |
CROOT::Math::GenVector_detail::BitReproducibleException | |
CRooHelpers::CachingError | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::hf_exc | |
CTEveException | Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros |
►Cstd::runtime_error | STL class |
CROOT::Math::GenVector_exception | |
CExceptionContext_t | |
CTMVA::Executor | Base Excutor class |
CRooExpensiveObjectCache::ExpensiveObject | |
CROOT::Math::Expr< ExprType, T, D, D2, R1 > | |
CRooWorkspace::CodeRepo::ExtraHeader | |
CROOT::Math::Fabs< T > | Unary abs Operation Class |
CROOT::Math::Factory | Factory class holding static functions to create the interfaces like ROOT::Math::Minimizer via the Plugin Manager |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpuBuffer< AFloat >::FakeIteratorBegin | |
CROOT::Math::FastInverter< idim, n > | Fast Matrix Inverter class Class to specialize calls to Dinv |
CROOT::Math::FastInverter< 3 > | 3x3 direct matrix inversion using Cramer Rule use only for FastInverter |
CROOT::Math::FastInverter< 4 > | 4x4 matrix inversion using Cramers rule |
CROOT::Math::FastInverter< 5 > | 5x5 Matrix inversion using Cramers rule |
CFeldmanCousinsSorter | |
CFileStat_t | |
CRgl::Pad::FillAttribSet | |
CROOT::Fit::FitConfig | Class describing the configuration of the fit, options and parameter settings using the ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings class |
►CROOT::Fit::FitData | Base class for all the fit data types: Stores the coordinates and the DataOptions |
CROOT::Fit::BinData | Class describing the binned data sets : vectors of x coordinates, y values and optionally error on y values and error on coordinates The dimension of the coordinate is free There are 4 different options: |
CROOT::Fit::SparseData | |
CROOT::Fit::UnBinData | Class describing the unbinned data sets (just x coordinates values) of any dimensions |
►CROOT::Fit::FitResult | Class containg the result of the fit and all the related information (fitted parameter values, error, covariance matrix and minimizer result information) Contains a pointer also to the fitted (model) function, modified with the fit parameter values |
CTFitResult | Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O |
CROOT::Fit::Fitter | Fitter class, entry point for performing all type of fits |
CTEveParamList::FloatConfig_t | |
CFontAttributes_t | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Details::FontCache::FontList | |
CFontMetrics_t | |
CTGFontDialog::FontProp_t | |
CFoption_t | |
CTMVA::Experimental::ForestBase< T, ForestType > | Forest base class |
►CTMVA::Experimental::ForestBase< T, std::function< void(const T *, const int, bool, T *)> > | |
CTMVA::Experimental::BranchlessJittedForest< T > | Forest using branchless jitted trees |
►CTMVA::Experimental::ForestBase< T, std::vector< BranchlessTree< T > > > | |
CTMVA::Experimental::BranchlessForest< T > | Forest using branchless trees |
CRooHelpers::FormatPdfTree | |
CTLatex::FormSize_t | TLatex helper struct holding the dimensions of a piece of text |
CROOT::Internal::FriendInfo | |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctorHandler< ParentFunctor, Func >::FuncEvaluator< F, T > | |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctorHandler< ParentFunctor, Func >::FuncEvaluator< F *, T > | |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctorHandler< ParentFunctor, Func >::FuncEvaluator< F *const, T > | |
CTFitEditor::FuncParamData_t | TF1Convolution object |
Cfuncptr_and_voidptr_t | |
CROOT::Minuit2::FunctionGradient | |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimizer | Base class for function minimizers; user may give FCN or FCN with Gradient, Parameter starting values and initial Error guess (sigma) (or "step size"), or Parameter starting values and initial covariance matrix; covariance matrix is stored in Upper triangular packed storage format, e.g |
►CROOT::Minuit2::ModularFunctionMinimizer | Base common class providing the API for all the minimizer Various Minimize methods are provided varying on the type of FCN function passesd and on the objects used for the parameters |
CROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimizer | Combined minimizer: combination of Migrad and Simplex |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliMinimizer | Instantiates the seed generator and Minimum builder for the Fumili minimization method |
CROOT::Minuit2::ScanMinimizer | Class implementing the required methods for a minimization using SCAN API is provided in the upper ROOT::Minuit2::ModularFunctionMinimizer class |
CROOT::Minuit2::SimplexMinimizer | Class implementing the required methods for a minimization using Simplex |
CROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricMinimizer | Instantiates the SeedGenerator and MinimumBuilder for Variable Metric Minimization method |
CROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum | Class holding the full result of the minimization; both internal and external (MnUserParameterState) representation available for the parameters at the Minimum |
CTClassEdit::FunctionSplitInfo | Result of splitting a function declaration into fReturnType fScopeName::fFunctionName<fFunctionTemplateArguments>(fFunctionParameters) |
►CFunctionType | |
CROOT::Math::BasicFitMethodFunction< FunctionType > | FitMethodFunction class Interface for objective functions (like chi2 and likelihood used in the fit) In addition to normal function interface provide interface for calculating each data contrinution to the function which is required by some algorithm (like Fumili) |
CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParam | |
CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule::GausParamSet | |
CGcCache_t | |
CGCValues_t | |
CROOT::Minuit2::gen | |
CRooMultiVarGaussian::GenData | |
CROOT::Math::GeneralLinearFunctionDerivation< T > | Auxiliar class to bypass the (provisional) lack of vectorization in TFormula::EvalPar |
CROOT::Math::GeneralLinearFunctionDerivation< double > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RVirtualCanvasPainter::Generator | |
►CROOT::Minuit2::GenericFunction | Class from which all the other classes, representing functions, inherit |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FCNBase | Interface (abstract class) defining the function to be minimized, which has to be implemented by the user |
CROOT::Minuit2::FCNAdapter< Function > | Template wrapped class for adapting to FCNBase signature |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FCNGradientBase | Extension of the FCNBase for providing the analytical Gradient of the function |
CROOT::Minuit2::FCNGradAdapter< Function > | Template wrapped class for adapting to FCNBase signature a IGradFunction |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliFCNBase | Extension of the FCNBase for the Fumili method |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliChi2FCN | Extension of the FCNBase for the Fumili method |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliStandardChi2FCN | Class implementing the standard chi square function, which is the sum of the squares of the figures-of-merit calculated for each measurement point, the individual figures-of-merit being: (the Value predicted by the model-measured Value)/standard deviation |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliFCNAdapter< Function > | Template wrapped class for adapting to FumiliFCNBase signature |
►CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliMaximumLikelihoodFCN | Extension of the FCNBase for the Fumili method |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliStandardMaximumLikelihoodFCN | Class implementing the Elements member function for the standard maximum likelihood method |
CROOT::Minuit2::ParametricFunction | Function which has parameters |
►CGenericRooFIter | Interface for RooFIter-compatible iterators |
CRooFIterForLinkedList | Implementation of the GenericRooFIter interface for the RooLinkedList |
CTIteratorToSTLInterface< STLContainer > | TIterator and GenericRooFIter front end with STL back end |
CTMVA::GeneticAlgorithm | Base definition for genetic algorithm |
CTMVA::GeneticGenes | Cut optimisation interface class for genetic algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizerParameters | |
CTMVA::GeneticPopulation | Population definition for genetic algorithm |
CTMVA::GeneticRange | Range definition for genetic algorithm |
CRooAbsPdf::GenSpec | |
CROOT::Internal::GetFunctorType< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(const T *, const double *) const > | |
CROOT::Internal::GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(const T *, const double *)> | |
CROOT::Internal::GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(T *, double *) const > | |
CROOT::Internal::GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(T *, double *)> | |
CTFormLeafInfo::GetValueHelper< T > | |
CTLeaf::GetValueHelper< T > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::GetValueHelper< Long64_t > | |
CTLeaf::GetValueHelper< Long64_t > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::GetValueHelper< LongDouble_t > | |
CTLeaf::GetValueHelper< LongDouble_t > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::GetValueHelper< ULong64_t > | |
CTLeaf::GetValueHelper< ULong64_t > | |
CRgl::Pad::GLLimits | |
CROOT::Math::GlobalCoordinateSystemTag | Tag for identifying vectors based on a global coordinate system |
CRooAbsReal::GlobalSelectComponentRAII | |
CGLUface | |
CGLUhalfEdge | |
CGLUmesh | |
CGLUtesselator | |
CGLUvertex | |
CROOT::Math::GoFTest | |
►CROOT::Minuit2::GradientCalculator | Interface class for gradient calculators |
CROOT::Minuit2::AnalyticalGradientCalculator | |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliGradientCalculator | |
CROOT::Minuit2::HessianGradientCalculator | HessianGradientCalculator: class to calculate Gradient for Hessian |
CROOT::Minuit2::InitialGradientCalculator | Class to calculate an initial estimate of the gradient |
CROOT::Minuit2::Numerical2PGradientCalculator | Class performing the numerical gradient calculation |
CGraphCreatorHelper | Helper class that provides the operation graph nodes |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::GraphDrawing::GraphCreatorHelper | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::GraphDrawing::GraphNode | |
CGraphNode | Class used to create the operation graph to be printed in the dot representation |
CRooMomentMorphND::Grid | |
CRooMomentMorphFuncND::Grid2 | |
Cgroup | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisConfig::Grow_t | Tag type signalling that an axis should be able to grow; used for calling the appropriate constructor |
CROOT::Math::GSL1DMinimizerWrapper | Wrapper class for gsl_min_fminimizer structure |
CROOT::Math::GSLChebSeries | Wrapper class for C struct gsl_cheb_series |
CROOT::Math::GSLDerivator | Class for computing numerical derivative of a function based on the GSL numerical algorithm This class is implemented using the numerical derivatives algorithms provided by GSL (see GSL Online Manual ) |
CROOT::Math::GSLFunctionAdapter< UserFunc > | Class for adapting any C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL |
CROOT::Math::GSLFunctionDerivWrapper | Class to wrap a gsl_function_fdf (with derivatives) |
CROOT::Math::GSLFunctionWrapper | Wrapper class to the gsl_function C structure |
CROOT::Math::GSLIntegrationWorkspace | |
CROOT::Math::GSLInterpolator | Interpolation class based on GSL interpolation functions |
►CROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace | |
CROOT::Math::GSLMiserIntegrationWorkspace | Workspace for MISER |
CROOT::Math::GSLPlainIntegrationWorkspace | |
CROOT::Math::GSLVegasIntegrationWorkspace | Workspace for VEGAS |
CROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionAdapter< UserFunc > | |
CROOT::Math::GSLMonteFunctionWrapper | Wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for Monte Carlo multi-dimensional integration algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiFit | GSLMultiFit, internal class for implementing GSL non linear least square GSL fitting |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiFitFunctionAdapter< FuncVector > | Class for adapting a C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiFit Algorithm The templated C++ function class must implement: |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiFitFunctionWrapper | Wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for multi-dimensional minimization algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinDerivFunctionWrapper | Wrapper for a multi-dimensional function with derivatives used in GSL multidim minimization algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionAdapter< UserFunc > | Class for adapting any multi-dimension C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiMin algorithms |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinFunctionWrapper | Wrapper to a multi-dim function withtout derivatives for multi-dimensional minimization algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiMinimizer | GSLMultiMinimizer class , for minimizing multi-dimensional function using derivatives |
►CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootBaseSolver | GSLMultiRootBaseSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders This is the base class for GSLMultiRootSolver (solver not using derivatives) and GSLMUltiRootDerivSolver (solver using derivatives) |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootDerivSolver | GSLMultiRootDerivSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders using derivatives |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootSolver | GSLMultiRootSolver, internal class for implementing GSL multi-root finders not using derivatives |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootDerivFunctionWrapper | Wrapper to a multi-dim function with derivatives for multi roots algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFinder | Class for Multidimensional root finding algorithms bassed on GSL |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFunctionAdapter< FuncVector > | Class for adapting a C++ functor class to C function pointers used by GSL MultiRoot Algorithm The templated C++ function class must implement: |
CROOT::Math::GSLMultiRootFunctionWrapper | Wrapper to a multi-dim function without derivatives for multi roots algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GSLQRngWrapper | GSLQRngWrapper class to wrap gsl_qrng structure |
►CROOT::Math::GSLQuasiRandomEngine | GSLQuasiRandomEngine Base class for all GSL quasi random engines, normally user instantiate the derived classes which creates internally the generator and uses the class ROOT::Math::QuasiRandom |
CROOT::Math::GSLQRngNiederreiter2 | Niederreiter generator gsl_qrng_niederreiter_2 from here |
CROOT::Math::GSLQRngSobol | Sobol generator gsl_qrng_sobol from here |
►CROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine | GSLRandomEngine Base class for all GSL random engines, normally user instantiate the derived classes which creates internally the generator |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngCMRG | Combined multiple recursive generator (L'Ecuyer) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngGFSR4 | Lagged Fibonacci generator by Ziff see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngMRG | 5-th order multiple recursive generator (L'Ecuyer, Blouin and Coutre) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngMT | Mersenne-Twister generator gsl_rng_mt19937 from here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngMinStd | MINSTD generator (Park and Miller) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngMixMax | MixMax generator based on ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine of N=240 |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLux | Old Ranlux generator (James, Luscher) (default luxury level, p = 223) (This is eequivalent to TRandom1 with default luxury level) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLuxD1 | Double precision (48 bits) version of Second generation of Ranlux generator with luxury level of 1 (It throws away 202 value for every 12 used) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLuxD2 | Double precision (48 bits) version of Second generation of Ranlux generator with luxury level of 2 (It throws away 397 value for every 12 used) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLuxS1 | Second generation of Ranlux generator for single precision with luxury level of 1 (It throws away 202 values for every 12 used) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanLuxS2 | Second generation of Ranlux generator for Single precision with luxury level of 2 (It throws away 397 value for every 12 used) see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRanMar | RANMAR generator see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngRand | BSD rand() generator gsl_rmg_rand from here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngTaus | Tausworthe generator by L'Ecuyer see here |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngROOTWrapper< Engine > | Class for wrapping ROOT Engines in gsl_rng types which can be used as extra GSL random number generators For this we need to implment functions which will be called by gsl_rng |
CROOT::Math::GSLRngWrapper | GSLRngWrapper class to wrap gsl_rng structure |
CROOT::Math::GSLRootFdFSolver | Root-Finder with derivatives implementation class using GSL |
CROOT::Math::GSLRootFSolver | Root-Finder implementation class using GSL |
CROOT::Math::GSLSimAnFunc | GSLSimAnFunc class description |
CROOT::Math::GSLSimAnnealing | GSLSimAnnealing class for performing a simulated annealing search of a multidimensional function |
CROOT::Math::GSLSimAnParams | Structure holding the simulated annealing parameters |
CRooRandom::Guard | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::HasBeginAndEnd< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue | |
CTClingValue::HasTheSameSizeAsClingValue | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackPropagator::Helix_t | |
CTEveTrackPropagator::Helix_t | |
CHelperOps | |
CHEPEVT_DEF | HEPEVT common block |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistFactoryNavigation | |
►CRooStats::HistFactory::HistogramUncertaintyBase | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////Base class to store the up and down variations for histogram uncertainties |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistoFactor | Configuration for an *un*constrained, coherent shape variation of affected samples |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistoSys | Configuration for a constrained, coherent shape variation of affected samples |
CRooStats::HistFactory::ShapeFactor | *Un*constrained bin-by-bin variation of affected histogram |
CRooStats::HistFactory::ShapeSys | Constrained bin-by-bin variation of affected histogram |
CRooStats::HistFactory::StatError | Statistical error of Monte Carlo predictions |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistRef | Internal class wrapping an histogram and managing its content |
CHoption_t | Histogram option structure |
CHparam_t | Histogram parameters structure |
CTMVA::HyperParameterOptimisationResult | |
►CRooStats::HypoTestCalculator | HypoTestCalculator is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats HypoTestResults |
►CRooStats::CombinedCalculator | CombinedCalculator is an interface class for a tools which can produce both RooStats HypoTestResults and ConfIntervals |
CRooStats::ProfileLikelihoodCalculator | The ProfileLikelihoodCalculator is a concrete implementation of CombinedCalculator (the interface class for tools which can produce both a RooStats HypoTestResult and ConfInterval) |
CRooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal | HybridCalculatorOriginal class |
►CRooStats::HypoTestCalculatorGeneric | Common base class for the Hypothesis Test Calculators |
CRooStats::AsymptoticCalculator | Hypothesis Test Calculator based on the asymptotic formulae for the profile likelihood ratio |
CRooStats::FrequentistCalculator | Does a frequentist hypothesis test |
CRooStats::HybridCalculator | Same purpose as HybridCalculatorOriginal, but different implementation |
►CIBaseFunc | |
CROOT::Math::FunctorImpl< IBaseFunc > | FunctorImpl is a base class for the functor handler implementation class |
►CROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | Documentation for the abstract class IBaseFunctionMultiDim |
CROOT::Fit::FcnAdapter | |
►CROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | Interface (abstract class) for multi-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation |
CROOT::Math::GradFunctor | GradFunctor class for Multidimensional gradient functions |
CROOT::Math::LSResidualFunc | LSResidualFunc class description |
CROOT::Math::MinimTransformFunction | MinimTransformFunction class to perform a transformations on the variables to deal with fixed or limited variables (support both double and single bounds) The class manages the passed function pointer |
CROOT::Math::MultiNumGradFunction | MultiNumGradFunction class to wrap a normal function in a gradient function using numerical gradient calculation provided by the class Derivator (based on GSL numerical derivation) |
CTPyMultiGradFunction | |
►CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | IParamFunction interface (abstract class) describing multi-dimensional parameteric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam |
►CROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | Interface (abstract class) for parametric gradient multi-dimensional functions providing in addition to function evaluation with respect to the coordinates also the gradient with respect to the parameters, via the method ParameterGradient |
CROOT::Math::MultiDimParamGradFunctionAdapter | MultiDimParamGradFunctionAdapter class to wrap a one-dimensional parametric gradient function in a multi dimensional parameteric gradient function interface This is used typically in fitting where internally the function is stored as multidimension |
CROOT::Math::WrappedMultiTF1Templ< T > | Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1) in a IParamMultiFunction interface of multi-dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithm |
CROOT::Math::WrappedMemMultiFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr > | |
CROOT::Math::WrappedMultiFunction< Func > | Template class to wrap any C++ callable object implementing operator() (const double * x) in a multi-dimensional function interface |
CRooMultiGenFunction | Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsReal as a ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction |
CTPyMultiGenFunction | |
►CROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > | |
►CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > | |
CROOT::Math::MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter | MultiDimParamFunctionAdapter class to wrap a one-dimensional parametric function in a multi dimensional parameteric function interface This is used typically in fitting where internally the function is stored as multidimension |
CROOT::Math::WrappedParamFunction< FuncPtr > | WrappedParamFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function pbject implementing the operator()(const double * x, const double * p) in an interface-like IParamFunction with a vector storing and caching internally the parameter values |
CROOT::Math::WrappedParamFunctionGen< FuncPtr > | WrappedParamGenFunction class to wrap any multi-dimensional function implementing the operator()(const double * ) in an interface-like IParamFunction, by fixing some of the variables and define them as parameters |
CROOT::Math::Functor | Documentation for class Functor class |
CRooMinimizerFcn | |
►CROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim | Interface (abstract class) for generic functions objects of one-dimension Provides a method to evaluate the function given a value (simple double) by implementing operator() (const double ) |
CROOT::Math::Functor1D | Functor1D class for one-dimensional functions |
►CROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionOneDim | Interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation |
CROOT::Math::GradFunctor1D | GradFunctor1D class for one-dimensional gradient functions |
►CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionOneDim | Specialized IParamFunction interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional parametric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam |
►CROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionOneDim | Interface (abstract class) for parametric one-dimensional gradient functions providing in addition to function evaluation with respect the coordinates also the gradient with respect to the parameters, via the method ParameterGradient |
►CROOT::Math::ParamFunction< IParamGradFunction > | |
CROOT::Math::Polynomial | Parametric Function class describing polynomials of order n |
CROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 | Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1) in a IParamFunction interface of one dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithms The wrapper does not own bby default the TF1 pointer, so it assumes it exists during the wrapper lifetime |
CROOT::Math::VavilovAccurateCdf | Class describing the Vavilov cdf |
CROOT::Math::VavilovAccuratePdf | Class describing the Vavilov pdf |
CROOT::Math::VavilovAccurateQuantile | Class describing the Vavilov quantile function |
CROOT::Math::IntegrandTransform | Auxiliary inner class for mapping infinite and semi-infinite integrals |
CROOT::Math::OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter< MultiFuncType > | OneDimMultiFunctionAdapter class to wrap a multidimensional function in one dimensional one |
CROOT::Math::OneDimParamFunctionAdapter< ParamFuncType > | OneDimParamFunctionAdapter class to wrap a multi-dim parameteric function in one dimensional one |
CROOT::Math::WrappedFunction< Func > | Template class to wrap any C++ callable object which takes one argument i.e |
CROOT::Math::WrappedMemFunction< FuncObj, MemFuncPtr > | Template class to wrap any member function of a class taking a double and returning a double in a 1D function interface For example, if you have a class like: struct X { double Eval(double x); }; you can wrapped in the following way: WrappedMemFunction<X, double ( X::* ) (double) > f; |
CRooGenFunction | Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsReal as a ROOT::Math::IGenFunction |
►CROOT::Math::IBaseParam | Documentation for the abstract class IBaseParam |
CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< double > | |
CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | IParamFunction interface (abstract class) describing multi-dimensional parameteric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionMultiDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam |
CROOT::Math::IParametricFunctionOneDim | Specialized IParamFunction interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional parametric functions It is a derived class from ROOT::Math::IBaseFunctionOneDim and ROOT::Math::IBaseParam |
CROOT::Math::IParametricGradFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | Interface (abstract class) for parametric gradient multi-dimensional functions providing in addition to function evaluation with respect to the coordinates also the gradient with respect to the parameters, via the method ParameterGradient |
►CRooFactoryWSTool::IFace | |
CRooClassFactory::ClassFacIFace | |
CRooCustomizer::CustIFace | |
CRooFactoryWSTool::SpecialsIFace | |
CRooSimWSTool::SimWSIFace | |
►CTMVA::IFitterTarget | Interface for a fitter 'target' |
CTMVA::MethodCuts | Multivariate optimisation of signal efficiency for given background efficiency, applying rectangular minimum and maximum requirements |
CTMVA::MethodFDA | Function discriminant analysis (FDA) |
CTMVA::MethodMLP | Multilayer Perceptron class built off of MethodANNBase |
CTMVA::MinuitFitter | /Fitter using MINUIT |
CTMVA::OptimizeConfigParameters | |
CTMVA::ResultsMulticlass | Class which takes the results of a multiclass classification |
►CROOT::Math::IGradientMultiDimTempl< T > | Gradient interface (abstract class) defining the signature for calculating the gradient of a multi-dimensional function |
CROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionMultiDimTempl< T > | Interface (abstract class) for multi-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation |
►CROOT::Math::IGradientOneDim | Specialized Gradient interface(abstract class) for one dimensional functions It provides a method to evaluate the derivative of the function, Derivative and a method to evaluate at the same time the function and the derivative FdF |
CROOT::Math::IGradientFunctionOneDim | Interface (abstract class) for one-dimensional functions providing a gradient calculation |
CROOT::Math::Polynomial | Parametric Function class describing polynomials of order n |
CROOT::Math::WrappedTF1 | Class to Wrap a ROOT Function class (like TF1) in a IParamFunction interface of one dimensions to be used in the ROOT::Math numerical algorithms The wrapper does not own bby default the TF1 pointer, so it assumes it exists during the wrapper lifetime |
►CTMVA::IMethod | Interface for all concrete MVA method implementations |
►CTMVA::MethodBase | Virtual base Class for all MVA method |
►CTMVA::MethodANNBase | Base class for all TMVA methods using artificial neural networks |
CTMVA::MethodMLP | Multilayer Perceptron class built off of MethodANNBase |
CTMVA::MethodBDT | Analysis of Boosted Decision Trees |
CTMVA::MethodBayesClassifier | Description of bayesian classifiers |
CTMVA::MethodCFMlpANN | Interface to Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network |
►CTMVA::MethodCompositeBase | Virtual base class for combining several TMVA method |
CTMVA::MethodBoost | Class for boosting a TMVA method |
CTMVA::MethodCategory | Class for categorizing the phase space |
CTMVA::MethodCrossValidation | |
CTMVA::MethodCuts | Multivariate optimisation of signal efficiency for given background efficiency, applying rectangular minimum and maximum requirements |
CTMVA::MethodDL | |
CTMVA::MethodDNN | Deep Neural Network Implementation |
CTMVA::MethodDT | Analysis of Boosted Decision Trees |
CTMVA::MethodFDA | Function discriminant analysis (FDA) |
CTMVA::MethodFisher | Fisher and Mahalanobis Discriminants (Linear Discriminant Analysis) |
CTMVA::MethodHMatrix | H-Matrix method, which is implemented as a simple comparison of chi-squared estimators for signal and background, taking into account the linear correlations between the input variables |
CTMVA::MethodKNN | Analysis of k-nearest neighbor |
CTMVA::MethodLD | Linear Discriminant |
CTMVA::MethodLikelihood | Likelihood analysis ("non-parametric approach") |
CTMVA::MethodPDEFoam | The PDEFoam method is an extension of the PDERS method, which divides the multi-dimensional phase space in a finite number of hyper-rectangles (cells) of constant event density |
CTMVA::MethodPDERS | This is a generalization of the above Likelihood methods to \( N_{var} \) dimensions, where \( N_{var} \) is the number of input variables used in the MVA |
CTMVA::MethodRuleFit | J Friedman's RuleFit method |
CTMVA::MethodSVM | SMO Platt's SVM classifier with Keerthi & Shavade improvements |
CTMVA::MethodTMlpANN | This is the TMVA TMultiLayerPerceptron interface class |
►CTMVA::PyMethodBase | |
CTMVA::MethodPyAdaBoost | |
CTMVA::MethodPyGTB | |
CTMVA::MethodPyKeras | |
CTMVA::MethodPyRandomForest | |
►CTMVA::RMethodBase | |
CTMVA::MethodC50 | |
CTMVA::MethodRSNNS | |
CTMVA::MethodRSVM | |
CTMVA::MethodRXGB | |
►CROOT::Math::IMinimizer1D | Interface class for numerical methods for one-dimensional minimization |
CROOT::Math::BrentMinimizer1D | User class for performing function minimization |
CROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer1D | Minimizer for arbitrary one dimensional functions |
CBidirMMapPipe_impl::Pages::impl | Implementation |
►CParentFunctor::Impl | |
CROOT::Math::FunctorGradHandler< ParentFunctor, Func, GradFunc > | Functor Handler class for gradient functions where both callable objects are provided for the function evaluation (type Func) and for the gradient (type GradFunc) |
CROOT::Math::FunctorHandler< ParentFunctor, Func > | Functor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to free C functions |
CROOT::Math::MemFunHandler< ParentFunctor, PointerToObj, PointerToMemFn > | Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions The member function type must be (XXX means any name is allowed) : double XXX ( double x) for 1D functions and double XXXX (const double *x) for multi-dimensional functions |
CROOT::Math::MemGradFunHandler< ParentFunctor, PointerToObj, PointerToMemFn, PointerToGradMemFn > | Functor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions for the evaluation of the function and the gradient |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctorHandler< ParentFunctor, Func > | ParamFunctor Handler class is responsible for wrapping any other functor and pointer to free C functions |
CROOT::Math::ParamMemFunHandler< ParentFunctor, PointerToObj, PointerToMemFn > | ParamFunctor Handler to Wrap pointers to member functions |
CTMVA::Increment< T > | |
CROOT::Detail::indices< Indices > | |
CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::indices<... > | |
CTFile::InfoListRet | Simple struct of the return value of GetStreamerInfoListImpl |
CTClass::InsertTClassInRegistryRAII | |
CTEveParamList::IntConfig_t | |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::IsSignedNumeral< T > | Checks for signed integers types that are not characters |
CROOT::TypeTraits::IsSmartOrDumbPtr< T > | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::IsUnsignedNumeral< T > | Checks for unsigned integer types that are not characters |
CTMVA::Experimental::Internal::and_types< T0, Ts... > | |
CROOT::Fit::FitUtil::IntegralEvaluator< ParamFunc > | |
CROOT::Math::IntegratorMultiDim | User class for performing multidimensional integration |
CROOT::Math::IntegratorOneDim | User Class for performing numerical integration of a function in one dimension |
CROOT::Math::Interpolator | Class for performing function interpolation of points |
►Ccling::InterpreterCallbacks | |
CTClingCallbacks | |
CROOT::Internal::InterpreterMutexRegistrationRAII | |
►CTMVA::Interval | The TMVA::Interval Class |
CTMVA::LogInterval | The TMVA::Interval Class |
►CRooStats::IntervalCalculator | IntervalCalculator is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats ConfIntervals |
CRooStats::BayesianCalculator | BayesianCalculator is a concrete implementation of IntervalCalculator, providing the computation of a credible interval using a Bayesian method |
CRooStats::CombinedCalculator | CombinedCalculator is an interface class for a tools which can produce both RooStats HypoTestResults and ConfIntervals |
CRooStats::FeldmanCousins | (like the Feldman-Cousins technique) is essentially a specific configuration of the more general NeymanConstruction |
CRooStats::HypoTestInverter | A class for performing a hypothesis test inversion by scanning the hypothesis test results of a HypoTestCalculator for various values of the parameter of interest |
CRooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal | This class is now deprecated and to be replaced by the HypoTestInverter |
CRooStats::MCMCCalculator | Bayesian Calculator estimating an interval or a credible region using the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method to integrate the likelihood function with the prior to obtain the posterior function |
CRooStats::NeymanConstruction | NeymanConstruction is a concrete implementation of the NeymanConstruction interface that, as the name suggests, performs a NeymanConstruction |
CTMVA::RuleFitAPI::IntParms | |
CROOT::Math::Inverter< idim, n > | Matrix Inverter class Class to specialize calls to Dinv |
CROOT::Math::Inverter< 0 > | Inverter<0> |
CROOT::Math::Inverter< 1 > | 1x1 matrix inversion \(a_{11} \to 1/a_{11}\) |
CROOT::Math::Inverter< 2 > | 2x2 matrix inversion using Cramers rule |
CTMVA::Config::IONames | |
CTTreeCache::IOPos | |
►CROOT::Math::IOptions | Generic interface for defining configuration options of a numerical algorithm |
CROOT::Math::GenAlgoOptions | Class implementing generic options for a numerical algorithm Just store the options in a map of string-value pairs |
►Cstd::ios_base | STL class |
►Cstd::basic_ios< char > | |
►Cstd::basic_ostream< char > | |
►Cstd::basic_ostringstream< char > | |
►Cstd::ostringstream | STL class |
CROOT::Experimental::RLogEntry | A diagnostic, emitted by the RLogManager upon destruction of the RLogEntry |
CRooHelpers::HijackMessageStream | Hijacks all messages with given level and topic (and optionally object name) while alive |
CTMVA::MsgLogger | Ostringstream derivative to redirect and format output |
►Cstd::ostream | STL class |
CTGTextViewostream | |
►Cstd::basic_ios< Char > | STL class |
Cstd::basic_ostream< Char > | STL class |
►CIPFType | |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunction< IPFType > | Base template class for all Parametric Functions |
►CTMVA::IPruneTool | IPruneTool - a helper interface class to prune a decision tree |
CTMVA::CostComplexityPruneTool | A class to prune a decision tree using the Cost Complexity method |
CTMVA::ExpectedErrorPruneTool | A helper class to prune a decision tree using the expected error (C4.5) method |
CTMVA::IPythonInteractive | This class is needed by JsMVA, and it's a helper class for tracking errors during the training in Jupyter notebook |
►CROOT::Math::IRootFinderMethod | Interface for finding function roots of one-dimensional functions |
CROOT::Math::BrentRootFinder | Class for finding the root of a one dimensional function using the Brent algorithm |
►CROOT::Math::GSLRootFinder | Base class for GSL Root-Finding algorithms for one dimensional functions which do not use function derivatives |
CROOT::Math::Roots::Bisection | Roots::Bisection Bisection algorithm, simplest algorithm for bracketing the roots of a function, but slowest one |
CROOT::Math::Roots::Brent | Brent-Dekker algorithm which combines an interpolation strategy with the bisection algorithm See the GSL manual for more information |
CROOT::Math::Roots::FalsePos | False Position algorithm based on linear interpolation |
►CROOT::Math::GSLRootFinderDeriv | Base class for GSL Root-Finding algorithms for one dimensional functions which use function derivatives |
CROOT::Math::Roots::Newton | Newton algorithm, which computes the derivative at each iteration See the GSL manual for more information |
CROOT::Math::Roots::Secant | Secant algorithm, simplified version of Newton method, which does not require the derivative at every step |
CROOT::Math::Roots::Steffenson | Steffenson method, providing the fastes convergence |
CROOT::Detail::is_array_class< Array > | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::IsContainer< T > | Check for container traits |
►CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::IStringWriter | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::FunctionWriter< Function > | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::OStreamWriter< OStream > | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::StreamWriter< Function, Stream > | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::SyscallWriter< Syscall > | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::TemporaryWriter< Temporary > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataCollection::ItemInfo_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveChunkManager::iterator | |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint >::iterator | |
►Cstd::iterator | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIndexIter< RHistBinRef< HISTIMPL >, RHistBinPtr< HISTIMPL > > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistBinIter< HISTIMPL > | Iterates over the bins of a RHist or RHistImpl |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldBase::RIterator | Iterates over the sub fields in depth-first search order |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIndexIter< REFERENCE, POINTER > | Iterates over an index; the REFERENCE is defined by the REFERENCE template parameter |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisBase::const_iterator | Random const_iterator through bins |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleClusterRange::RIterator | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleGlobalRange::RIterator | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleReader::RIterator | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderFast::Iterator_t | |
CROOT::TSeq< T >::iterator | |
CTBtreeIter | Iterator of btree |
►CTListIter | Iterator of linked list |
CTListOfEnumsWithLockIter | Iterator for TListOfEnumsWithLock |
CTListOfFunctionsIter | Iterator for TListOfFunctions |
CTMVA::Experimental::RTensor< V, C >::Iterator | |
CTMapIter | Iterator of map |
CTObjArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTOrdCollectionIter | Iterator of ordered collection |
CTRefArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTTreeReader::Iterator_t | Iterate through the entries of a TTree |
CTViewPubDataMembersIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTViewPubFunctionsIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTEveChunkManager::iterator | |
CTTreeReaderArray< T >::Iterator_t< ReaderArrayType > | Random access iterator to the elements of a TTreeReaderArray |
►Cstd::iterator_traits | |
CTIterCategory< T > | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Iterators< Cont_t, large > | Small helper to implement the function to create,access and destroy iterators |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< Bitset_t > >::Iterators | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Iterators< Cont_t, true > | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::IteratorValue< Cont_t, value > | Small helper to encapsulate whether to return the value pointed to by the iterator or its address |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::IteratorValue< Cont_t, value_ptr * > | |
CROOT::Math::KahanSum< T, N > | The Kahan summation is a compensated summation algorithm, which significantly reduces numerical errors when adding a sequence of finite-precision floating point numbers |
CTMVA::KDEKernel | KDE Kernel for "smoothing" the PDFs |
CROOT::Math::KDTree< _DataPoint > | |
CROOT::Meta::Selection::KeepFirstTemplateArguments< I > | Used to specify the number of arguments to be kept |
CROOT::Math::KelvinFunctions | This class calculates the Kelvin functions Ber(x), Bei(x), Ker(x), Kei(x), and their first derivatives |
CROOT::Minuit2::LASymMatrix | Class describing a symmetric matrix of size n |
CROOT::Minuit2::LAVector | |
CTMVA::DNN::Layer | Layer defines the layout of a layer |
CTMVA::DNN::LayerData | LayerData holds the data of one layer |
CTLeaf::LeafCountValues | |
CROOT::Fit::FitUtil::LikelihoodAux< T > | |
CROOT::Fit::FitUtil::LikelihoodAux< double > | |
CTMath::Limits< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet::Line_t | |
CTEveStraightLineSet::Line_t | |
CRgl::Pad::LineAttribSet | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::LinePartIterator | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation::LineWrapper | |
CLinkdefReader | |
CTHtml::LinkInfo_t | |
CRooHelpers::LocalChangeMsgLevel | Switches the message service to verbose while the instance alive |
CROOT::Math::LocalCoordinateSystemTag | Tag for identifying vectors based on a local coordinate system |
CROOT::Internal::UniqueLockRecurseCount::LocalCounts | |
CTAtomicCount::LockGuard | |
CTString::LongStr_t | |
CROOT::Math::LorentzRotation | Lorentz transformation class with the (4D) transformation represented by a 4x4 orthosymplectic matrix |
CROOT::Math::LorentzVector< CoordSystem > | |
►CTMVA::LossFunction | |
►CTMVA::AbsoluteDeviationLossFunction | Absolute Deviation Loss Function |
CTMVA::AbsoluteDeviationLossFunctionBDT | Absolute Deviation BDT Loss Function |
►CTMVA::HuberLossFunction | Huber Loss Function |
CTMVA::HuberLossFunctionBDT | Huber BDT Loss Function |
►CTMVA::LeastSquaresLossFunction | Least Squares Loss Function |
CTMVA::LeastSquaresLossFunctionBDT | Least Squares BDT Loss Function |
►CTMVA::LossFunctionBDT | |
CTMVA::AbsoluteDeviationLossFunctionBDT | Absolute Deviation BDT Loss Function |
CTMVA::HuberLossFunctionBDT | Huber BDT Loss Function |
CTMVA::LeastSquaresLossFunctionBDT | Least Squares BDT Loss Function |
CTMVA::LossFunctionEventInfo | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_impl< First, Step, N, class > | |
CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::make_indices_impl< I, IndexTuple, N > | |
►CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::make_indices_impl< 0, indices<>, N > | |
CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::make_indices< N > | |
►CROOT::Detail::make_indices_impl< First, 1,((Last - First)+(1 - 1))/1 > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_< First, Last, Step > | |
CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::make_indices_impl< I, indices< Indices... >, N > | |
CROOT::Math::rowOffsetsUtils::make_indices_impl< N, indices< Indices... >, N > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next< IndicesType, Next > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next2< IndicesType, Next, Tail > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next2< indices< Indices... >, Next, Tail > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next2< ROOT::Detail::make_indices_impl< First, Step, N/2 >::type, First+N/2 *Step, First+(N - 1) *Step > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next< indices< Indices... >, Next > | |
CROOT::Detail::make_indices_next< ROOT::Detail::make_indices_impl< First, Step, N/2 >::type, First+N/2 *Step > | |
CROOT::Math::detail::manipulator< char_t > | |
►Cstd::map< std::string, const void * > | |
►CTGDMLBaseTGDMMapHelper | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoTranslation > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoRotation > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoScale > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoIsotope > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoElement > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoMaterial > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoMedium > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoMixture > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoShape > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoVolume > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGeoNode > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGDMLRefl > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< const char > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< TGDMLMatrix > | |
CTGDMMapHelper< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet::Marker_t | |
CTEveStraightLineSet::Marker_t | |
CRgl::Pad::MarkerPainter | |
CROOT::Math::MathMoreLib | |
CROOT::Math::MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > | Expression wrapper class for Matrix objects |
CROOT::Math::MatRepStd< T, D1, D1 > | |
CROOT::Math::MatRepSym< T, D > | MatRepSym Matrix storage representation for a symmetric matrix of dimension NxN This class is a template on the contained type and on the symmetric matrix size, N |
CROOT::Minuit2::MatrixInverse< mtype, M, T > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MatrixInverse< vec, M, T > | |
CROOT::Math::MatrixMulOp< MatrixA, MatrixB, T, D > | Class for Matrix-Matrix multiplication |
CTProof::MD5Mod_t | |
CTMVA::DNN::MeanVariance | |
CROOT::Meta::Selection::MemberAttributes< memberAttributes > | Used to specify attributes of data members in the "DictSelection" syntax |
CROOT::Math::ParamMemFunHandler< ParentFunctor, PointerToObj, PointerToMemFn >::MemFuncEvaluator< PObj, F, T > | |
CMemInfo_t | |
CMemPoolForRooSets< RooSet_t, POOLSIZE > | Memory pool for RooArgSet and RooDataSet |
CRgl::Pad::MeshPatch_t | |
CROOT::Math::meta_col_dot< I > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_col_dot< 0 > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_dot< I > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_dot< 0 > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_mag< I > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_mag< 0 > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_matrix_dot< I > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_matrix_dot< 0 > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_row_dot< I > | |
CROOT::Math::meta_row_dot< 0 > | |
CTGenCollectionProxy::Method | Small helper to execute (compiler) generated function for the access to STL or other containers |
CTGenCollectionProxy::Method0 | |
►CTMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils | Implementation of Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network |
CTMVA::MethodCFMlpANN | Interface to Clermond-Ferrand artificial neural network |
CPyROOT::MethodProxy::MethodInfo_t | |
CPyROOT::MethodProxy | |
Cmg_callbacks | |
Cmg_client_cert | |
Cmg_client_options | |
Cmg_form_data_handler | |
Cmg_header | |
Cmg_option | |
Cmg_request_info | |
Cmg_response_info | |
Cmg_server_ports | |
Cmg_websocket_subprotocols | |
►CROOT::Math::Minimizer | Abstract Minimizer class, defining the interface for the various minimizer (like Minuit2, Minuit, GSL, etc..) Plug-in's exist in ROOT to be able to instantiate the derived classes like ROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer or ROOT::Math::Minuit2Minimizer via the plug-in manager |
►CROOT::Math::BasicMinimizer | Base Minimizer class, which defines the basic funcionality of various minimizer implementations (apart from Minuit and Minuit2) It provides support for storing parameter values, step size, parameter transofrmation etc |
CROOT::Math::GSLMinimizer | GSLMinimizer class |
CROOT::Math::GSLNLSMinimizer | GSLNLSMinimizer class for Non Linear Least Square fitting It Uses the Levemberg-Marquardt algorithm from GSL Non Linear Least Square fitting |
CROOT::Math::GSLSimAnMinimizer | GSLSimAnMinimizer class for minimization using simulated annealing using the algorithm from GSL |
CROOT::Math::RMinimizer | RMinimizer class |
CROOT::Math::GeneticMinimizer | GeneticMinimizer |
CROOT::Minuit2::Minuit2Minimizer | Minuit2Minimizer class implementing the ROOT::Math::Minimizer interface for Minuit2 minimization algorithm |
CTFumiliMinimizer | TFumiliMinimizer class: minimizer implementation based on TFumili |
CTLinearMinimizer | TLinearMinimizer class: minimizer implementation based on TMinuit |
CTMinuitMinimizer | TMinuitMinimizer class: ROOT::Math::Minimizer implementation based on TMinuit |
CROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions | Minimizer options |
►CROOT::Math::MinimizerVariableTransformation | Base class for MinimizerVariable transformations defining the functions to deal with bounded parameters |
CROOT::Math::SinVariableTransformation | Sin Transformation class for dealing with double bounded variables |
CROOT::Math::SqrtLowVariableTransformation | Sqrt Transformation class for dealing with lower bounded variables |
CROOT::Math::SqrtUpVariableTransformation | Sqrt Transformation class for dealing with upper bounded variables |
CROOT::Math::MinimTransformVariable | MinimTransformVariable class Contains meta information of the variables such as bounds, fix flags and deals with transformation of the variable The class does not contain the values and the step size (error) of the variable This is an internal class used by the MinimTransformFunction class |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumBuilder | |
CROOT::Minuit2::CombinedMinimumBuilder | |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliBuilder | Builds the FunctionMinimum using the Fumili method |
CROOT::Minuit2::ScanBuilder | Performs a minimization using the simplex method of Nelder and Mead (ref |
CROOT::Minuit2::SimplexBuilder | Performs a minimization using the simplex method of Nelder and Mead (ref |
CROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricBuilder | Build (find) function minimum using the Variable Metric method (MIGRAD) Two possible error updators can be choosen |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumError | MinimumError keeps the inv |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumErrorUpdator | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BFGSErrorUpdator | Update of the covariance matrix for the Variable Metric minimizer (MIGRAD) |
CROOT::Minuit2::DavidonErrorUpdator | Update of the covariance matrix for the Variable Metric minimizer (MIGRAD) |
CROOT::Minuit2::FumiliErrorUpdator | In the case of the Fumili algorithm the Error matrix (or the Hessian matrix containing the (approximate) second derivatives) is calculated using a linearization of the model function negleting second derivatives |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumParameters | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumSeed | MinimumSeed contains the starting values for the minimization produced by the SeedGenerator |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumSeedGenerator | Base class for seed generators (starting values); the seed generator prepares initial starting values from the input (MnUserParameterState) for the minimization; |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnSeedGenerator | Concrete implementation of the MinimumSeedGenerator interface; used within ModularFunctionMinimizer; |
CROOT::Minuit2::SimplexSeedGenerator | Generate Simplex starting point (state) |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumState | MinimumState keeps the information (position, Gradient, 2nd deriv, etc) after one minimization step (usually in MinimumBuilder) |
CROOT::Math::MinOp< T > | Subtraction Operation Class |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinosError | Class holding the result of Minos (lower and upper values) for a specific parameter |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinuitParameter | Class for the individual Minuit Parameter with Name and number; contains the input numbers for the minimization or the output result from minimization; possible interactions: Fix/release, set/remove limits, set Value/error; |
CROOT::Math::Minus< T > | Unary Minus Operation Class |
CROOT::Math::MinusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, R1, R2 > | Evaluate the expression performing a -= operation Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A -= A * B ) |
CROOT::Math::MinusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > | Specialization for symmetrix -= general : NOT Allowed operation |
CROOT::Math::MinusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Specialization for symmetric matrices |
CROOT::Math::MiserParameters | Structures collecting parameters for MISER multidimensional integration |
CTTreeCache::MissCache | |
CROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< N > | |
CROOT::Math::MixMaxEngineImpl< ROOT_MM_N > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum::MnAboveMaxEdm | |
CROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum::MnAboveMaxEdm | |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MnApplication | Application interface class for minimizers (migrad, simplex, Minimize, Scan) User normally instantiates the derived class like ROOT::Minuit2::MnMigrad for using Migrad for minimization |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnFumiliMinimize | API class for minimization using Fumili technology; allows for user interaction: set/change parameters, do minimization, change parameters, re-do minimization etc |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnMigrad | API class for minimization using Variable Metric technology ("MIGRAD"); allows for user interaction: set/change parameters, do minimization, change parameters, re-do minimization etc |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnMinimize | API class for minimization using Variable Metric technology ("MIGRAD"); allows for user interaction: set/change parameters, do minimization, change parameters, re-do minimization etc |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnScan | API class for minimization using a scan method to find the minimum; allows for user interaction: set/change parameters, do minimization, change parameters, re-do minimization etc |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnSimplex | API class for minimization using the Simplex method, which does not need and use the derivatives of the function, but only function values |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnContours | API class for Contours Error analysis (2-dim errors); minimization has to be done before and Minimum must be valid; possibility to ask only for the points or the points and associated Minos errors; |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnCovarianceSqueeze | Class to reduce the covariance matrix when a parameter is fixed by removing the corresponding row and index |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnCross | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnEigen | API class for calculating the eigenvalues of symmetric matrix |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MnFcn | Wrapper class to FCNBase interface used internally by Minuit |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnUserFcn | Wrapper used by Minuit of FCN interface containing a reference to the transformation object |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnFunctionCross | MnFunctionCross |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff | Class for global correlation coefficient |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnHesse | API class for calculating the numerical covariance matrix (== 2x Inverse Hessian == 2x Inverse 2nd derivative); can be used by the user or Minuit itself |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError::MnHesseFailed | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumError::MnHesseFailed | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError::MnInvertFailed | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumError::MnInvertFailed | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnLineSearch | Implements a 1-dimensional minimization along a given direction (i.e |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnMachinePrecision | Determines the relative floating point arithmetic precision |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError::MnMadePosDef | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumError::MnMadePosDef | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnMinos | API class for Minos Error analysis (asymmetric errors); minimization has to be done before and Minimum must be valid; possibility to ask only for one side of the Minos Error; |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError::MnNotPosDef | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MinimumError::MnNotPosDef | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnParabola | This class defines a parabola of the form a*x*x + b*x + c |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnParabolaFactory | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnParabolaPoint | A point of a parabola |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnParameterScan | Scans the values of FCN as a function of one Parameter and retains the best function and Parameter values found |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnPlot | MnPlot produces a text-screen graphical output of (x,y) points, e.g |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnPosDef | Force the covariance matrix to be positive defined by adding extra terms in the diagonal |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnPrint | |
CROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum::MnReachedCallLimit | |
CROOT::Minuit2::FunctionMinimum::MnReachedCallLimit | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< T > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionGradient > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicFunctionMinimum > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumError > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumParameters > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumSeed > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnRefCountedPointer< ROOT::Minuit2::BasicMinimumState > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnReferenceCounter | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnStrategy | API class for defining three levels of strategies: low (0), medium (1), high (>=2); acts on: Migrad (behavioural), Minos (lowers strategy by 1 for Minos-own minimization), Hesse (iterations), Numerical2PDerivative (iterations) |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnTiny | |
►CROOT::Minuit2::MnTraceObject | |
CTMinuit2TraceObject | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnUserCovariance | Class containing the covariance matrix data represented as a vector of size n*(n+1)/2 Used to hide internal matrix representation to user |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameters | API class for the user interaction with the parameters; serves as input to the minimizer as well as output from it; users can interact: Fix/release parameters, set values and errors, etc |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnUserParameterState | Class which holds the external user and/or internal Minuit representation of the parameters and errors; transformation internal <-> external on demand; |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnUserTransformation | Class dealing with the transformation between user specified parameters (external) and internal parameters used for minimization |
CROOT::Minuit2::MnVectorTransform | |
►Cclang::ModuleFileExtension | |
CTClingRdictModuleFileExtension | A module file extension used for testing purposes |
►Cclang::ModuleFileExtensionReader | |
CTClingRdictModuleFileExtension::Reader | |
►Cclang::ModuleFileExtensionWriter | |
CTClingRdictModuleFileExtension::Writer | |
CTMVA::kNN::ModulekNN | |
CTMVA::Monitoring | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MPIProcess | |
CROOT::Minuit2::MPITerminate | |
CROOT::Math::MulOp< T > | Multiplication (element-wise) Operation Class |
CMultiDist | Free functions adapter needed by UNURAN for multidimensional cont distribution |
CROOT::Math::MultPolicy< T, R1, R2 > | Matrix-matrix multiplication policy |
CTCling::MutexStateAndRecurseCount | |
CXrdClientVector< T >::myindex | |
CTGDMLWrite::NameLst | |
CROOT::Minuit2::NegativeG2LineSearch | In case that one of the components of the second derivative g2 calculated by the numerical Gradient calculator is negative, a 1dim line search in the direction of that component is done in order to find a better position where g2 is again positive |
CTMVA::DNN::Net | Neural net |
CTMVA::kNN::Node< T > | This file contains binary tree and global function template that searches tree for k-nearest neigbors |
►CTMVA::Node | Node for the BinarySearch or Decision Trees |
CTMVA::BinarySearchTreeNode | Node for the BinarySearch or Decision Trees |
CTMVA::CCTreeWrapper::CCTreeNode | |
CTMVA::DecisionTreeNode | |
CTMVA::kNN::Node< TMVA::kNN::Event > | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::CustomColExtraArgs::None | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary::NormFactor | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::NormFactor | Configuration for an un- constrained overall systematic to scale sample normalisations |
►C<NSApplicationDelegate> | |
CROOTApplicationDelegate | |
►CNSObject | |
CPassiveKeyGrab | |
CQuartzImage | |
CQuartzPixmap | |
CROOTApplicationDelegate | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard< DerivedType > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSScopeGuard< ROOTApplicationDelegate > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSStrongReference< DerivedType > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::NSStrongReference< QuartzWindow > | |
►CNSView | |
►CQuartzView | |
CROOTOpenGLView | |
►CNSWindow | |
CQuartzWindow | |
►C<NSWindowDelegate> | |
CQuartzWindow | |
CRooStats::NuisanceParametersSampler | Helper class for ToyMCSampler |
CTMVA::null_t< F > | |
CROOT::Math::NullTypeFunc1D | |
CRooStats::NumberCountingPdfFactory | A factory for building PDFs and data for a number counting combination |
CRooSimWSTool::ObjBuildConfig | |
►Cobject | |
CROOTwriter.ROOTwriter | |
Cwriter.writer | |
CPyROOT::ObjectProxy | |
CRooSimWSTool::ObjSplitRule | |
CTODBCStatement::ODBCBufferRec_t | |
CRgl::Pad::OffScreenDevice | |
CROOT::option::Option | A parsed option from the command line together with its argument if it has one |
CTMVA::OptionMap | Class to storage options for the differents methods |
CROOT::Experimental::RFile::Options_t | Options for RFile construction |
CROOT::Experimental::RPalette::OrdinalAndColor | An ordinal value and its associated color |
CTHtml::OutputStyle_t | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::OverallSys | Configuration for a constrained overall systematic to scale sample normalisations |
CROOT::Math::CholeskyDecompHelpers::PackedArrayAdapter< G > | Adapter for packed arrays (to SMatrix indexing conventions) |
CBidirMMapPipe_impl::PageChunk | Class representing a chunk of pages |
CBidirMMapPipe_impl::Pages | Handle class for a number of Pages |
CRooNormSetCache::PairCmp | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::PairHolder< T, Q > | |
CROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings | Class, describing value, limits and step size of the parameters Provides functionality also to set/retrieve values, step sizes, limits and fix the parameters |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctionBase< T > | Class defining the signature for multi-dim parametric functions |
CROOT::Math::ParamFunctorTempl< T > | Param Functor class for Multidimensional functions |
CROOT::option::Parser | Checks argument vectors for validity and parses them into data structures that are easier to work with |
CROOT::Internal::ParsingStateRAII | RAII used to store Parser, Sema, Preprocessor state for recursive parsing |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::PassAsVecHelper< I, T, F > | |
Cpasswd | |
CTHtml::PathInfo_t | |
CPattern | |
CPgSQL_Stmt_t | |
CPictureAttributes_t | |
CXrdPoll::PipeData | |
CROOT::Math::PlaceExpr< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, A, R1, R2 > | |
CROOT::Math::PlaceExpr< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > | |
CROOT::Math::PlaceExpr< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > | |
CROOT::Math::PlaceMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, R1, R2 > | Structure to deal when a submatrix is placed in a matrix |
CROOT::Math::PlaceMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > | |
CROOT::Math::PlaceMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > | |
CROOT::Math::PlainParameters | |
CROOT::Math::Impl::Plane3D< T > | Class describing a geometrical plane in 3 dimensions |
CRooAbsData::PlotOpt | |
CRooAbsReal::PlotOpt | |
CRgl::PlotTranslation | |
CROOT::Math::PlusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, R1, R2 > | Evaluate the expression performing a += operation Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A += A * B ) |
CROOT::Math::PlusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D1, D2 > > | Specialization for symmetrix += general : NOT Allowed operation |
CROOT::Math::PlusEquals< T, D1, D2, A, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | Specialization for symmetric matrices Evaluate the expression performing a += operation for symmetric matrices Need to have a separate functions to avoid to modify two times the off-diagonal elements (i.e applying two times the expression) Need to check whether creating a temporary object with the expression result (like in op: A += A * B ) |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::Point | |
CTColorGradient::Point | |
CTProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t | |
CTProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t | |
CPoint_t | |
CROOT::Math::Polar2D< T > | Class describing a polar 2D coordinate system based on r and phi Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) |
CROOT::Math::Polar3D< T > | Class describing a polar coordinate system based on r, theta and phi Phi is restricted to be in the range [-PI,PI) |
CBidirMMapPipe::PollEntry | For poll() interface |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePolygonSetProjected::Polygon_t | |
CTEvePolygonSetProjected::Polygon_t | |
CRgl::Pad::PolygonStippleSet | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldBase::RIterator::Position | |
CROOT::Math::PositionVector2D< CoordSystem, Tag > | Class describing a generic position vector (point) in 2 dimensions |
CROOT::Math::PositionVector3D< CoordSystem, Tag > | Class describing a generic position vector (point) in 3 dimensions |
CPQhandleElem | |
CPQnode | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::PreprocessFunction | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveProjection::PreScaleEntry_t | |
CTEveProjection::PreScaleEntry_t | |
CROOT::option::PrintUsageImplementation | |
CPriorityQ | |
CProcInfo_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataProxyBuilderBase::Product | |
CRooStats::ProfileInspector | Utility class to plot conditional MLE of nuisance parameters vs |
CTGLSurfacePainter::Projection_t | |
CRooStats::ProofConfig | Holds configuration options for proof and proof-lite |
CProofServEnv_t | |
CPyROOT::PropertyProxy | |
CTMVA::PruningInfo | |
CROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiE4D< ScalarType > | Class describing a 4D cylindrical coordinate system using Pt , Phi, Eta and E (or rho, phi, eta , T) The metric used is (-,-,-,+) |
CROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiM4D< ScalarType > | Class describing a 4D cylindrical coordinate system using Pt , Phi, Eta and M (mass) The metric used is (-,-,-,+) |
Cpthread_cond_t | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::Type< Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< Bitset_t > >::Iterators::PtrSize_t | |
CROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D< ScalarType > | Class describing a 4D cartesian coordinate system (x, y, z, t coordinates) or momentum-energy vectors stored as (Px, Py, Pz, E) |
CROOT::Math::PxPyPzM4D< ScalarType > | Class describing a 4D coordinate system or momentum-energy vectors stored as (Px, Py, Pz, M) |
CPybins_t | Pythia6 common block Pybins |
►CPyROOT::PyCallable | |
►CPyROOT::TMethodHolder | |
CPyROOT::TClassMethodHolder | |
CPyROOT::TConstructorHolder | |
CPyROOT::TFunctionHolder | |
CPyROOT::TSetItemHolder | |
CPydat1_t | Pythia6 common block Pydat1 |
CPydat2_t | Pythia6 common block Pydat2 |
CPydat3_t | Pythia6 common block Pydat3 |
CPydat4_t | Pythia6 common block Pydat4 |
CPydatr_t | Pythia6 common block Pydatr |
CPyint1_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint1 |
CPyint2_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint2 |
CPyint3_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint3 |
CPyint4_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint4 |
CPyint5_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint5 |
CPyint6_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint6 |
CPyint7_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint7 |
CPyint8_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint8 |
CPyint9_t | Pythia6 common block Pyint9 |
CPyints_t | Pythia6 common block Pyints |
CPyjets_t | Pythia6 common block Pyjets |
CPymssm_t | Pythia6 common block Pymssm |
CPypars_t | Pythia6 common block Pypars |
CPyROOT::PyRootClass | Type object to hold TClassRef instance (this is only semantically a presentation of PyRootType instances, not in a C++ sense) |
CPyssmt_t | Pythia6 common block Pyssmt |
CPysubs_t | Pythia6 common block Pysubs |
CQuad | |
CROOT::Math::QuasiRandom< Engine > | User class for MathMore random numbers template on the Engine type |
CROOT::Math::Quaternion | Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by a unit quaternion (u, i, j, k) |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindow::QueueEntry | |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindow::QueueItem | |
CTMVA::QuickMVAProbEstimator | |
►CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionBase | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionCRTP< RAction< Helper, PrevDataFrame, ColumnTypes_t > > | A common template base class for all RActions |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RJittedAction | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionCRTP< Dummy > | Unused, not instantiatable. Only the partial specialization RActionCRTP<RAction<...>> can be used |
►CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionCRTP< RAction< Helper, PrevDataFrame, typename Helper::ColumnTypes_t > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RAction< Helper, PrevDataFrame, ColumnTypes_t > | An action node in a RDF computation graph |
►CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionCRTP< RAction< SnapshotHelper< ColTypes... >, PrevDataFrame, ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ColTypes... > > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RAction< SnapshotHelper< ColTypes... >, PrevDataFrame, ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ColTypes... > > | |
►CROOT::Internal::RDF::RActionCRTP< RAction< SnapshotHelperMT< ColTypes... >, PrevDataFrame, ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ColTypes... > > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RAction< SnapshotHelperMT< ColTypes... >, PrevDataFrame, ROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< ColTypes... > > | |
CROOT::Detail::VecOps::RAdoptAllocator< T > | RAdoptAllocator can provide a view on already allocated memory |
CROOT::Detail::VecOps::RAdoptAllocator< bool > | |
CROOT::Math::Random< Engine > | Documentation for the Random class |
CROOT::Math::RandomFunctions< Engine, EngineBaseType > | |
►CROOT::Math::RandomFunctions< EngineType, DefaultEngineType > | |
CROOT::Math::RandomFunctions< EngineType, ROOT::Math::GSLRandomEngine > | Specialized implementation of the Random functions based on the GSL library |
CROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< EngineBaseType > | Definition of the generic impelmentation class for the RandomFunctions |
CROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< DefaultEngineType > | |
CROOT::Math::RandomFunctionsImpl< TRandomEngine > | Implementation class for the RandomFunction for all the engined that derives from TRandomEngine class, which defines an interface which has TRandomEngine::Rndm() In this way we can have a common implementation for the RandomFunctions |
CTMVA::RandomGenerator< TRandomLike, UIntType, max_val > | |
CTMVA::Rank | |
CTMVA::Ranking | Ranking for variables in method (implementation) |
►CROOT::Experimental::RAttrBase | Base class for all attributes, used with RDrawable |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrBox | Drawing attributes for a box: rectangular lines with size and position |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrFill | Drawing fill attributes for different objects |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrLine | Drawing line attributes for different objects |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMarker | A marker attributes |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrText | A text.attributes |
CROOT::Experimental::RColor | The color class |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap | |
CTString::RawStr_t | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RAxisBase | Histogram axis base class |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisConfig | Objects used to configure the different axis types |
►CROOT::Experimental::RAxisEquidistant | Axis with equidistant bin borders |
►CROOT::Experimental::RAxisGrow | An axis that can extend its range, keeping the number of its bins unchanged |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisLabels | A RAxisGrow that has a label assigned to each bin and a bin width of 1 |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisIrregular | An axis with non-equidistant bins (also known as "variable binning") |
CROOT::Experimental::RAxisView | Common view on a RAxis, no matter what its kind |
CTMVA::Experimental::RBDT< Backend > | Fast boosted decision tree inference |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistDataMomentUncert< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | No-op; this class does not provide per-bin statistics |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatContent< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | Modifying view on a RHistStatContent for a given bin |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatRuntime< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | No-op; this class does not provide per-bin statistics |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatTotalSumOfSquaredWeights< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | No-op; this class does not provide per-bin statistics |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatTotalSumOfWeights< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | No-op; this class does not provide per-bin statistics |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatUncertainty< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RBinStat | Modifying view on a RHistStatUncertainty for a given bin |
CROOT::Internal::RRawFile::RBlockBuffer | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RBookedCustomColumns | Encapsulates the columns defined by the user |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterDescriptor | Meta-data for a set of ntuple clusters |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterIndex | Addresses a column element or field item relative to a particular cluster, instead of a global NTupleSize_t index |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage::RClusterInfo | Stores information about the cluster in which this page resides |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterSize | Wrap the 32bit integer in a struct in order to avoid template specialization clash with std::uint32_t |
CROOT::Experimental::RCollectionNTuple | A virtual ntuple for collections that can be used to some extent like a real ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumn | |
CRColumn | A column is a storage-backed array of a simple, fixed-size type, from which pages can be mapped into memory |
CROOT::Experimental::RColumnDescriptor | Meta-data stored for every column of an ntuple |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElementBase | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< CppT, ColumnT > | Pairs of C++ type and column type, like float and EColumnType::kReal32 |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< ClusterSize_t, EColumnType::kIndex > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< RColumnSwitch, EColumnType::kSwitch > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< bool, EColumnType::kBit > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< char, EColumnType::kByte > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< double, EColumnType::kReal64 > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RColumnElement< float, EColumnType::kReal32 > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageStorage::RColumnHandle | |
CROOT::Experimental::RColumnModel | Holds the static meta-data of a column in a tree |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterDescriptor::RColumnRange | The window of element indexes of a particular column in a particular cluster |
CROOT::Experimental::RColumnSwitch | Holds the index and the tag of a kSwitch column |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RColumnValue< T > | Helper class that updates and returns TTree branches as well as RDataFrame temporary columns |
CROOT::RCompressionSetting | The global settings depend on a global variable named R__ZipMode which can be modified by a global function named R__SetZipMode |
CROOT::Internal::RConcurrentHashColl | This class is a TS set of unsigned set |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatContent< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RConstBinStat | Const view on a RHistStatContent for a given bin |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatUncertainty< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION >::RConstBinStat | Const view on a RHistStatUncertainty for a given bin |
►CROOT::Detail::RDF::RCustomColumnBase | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RCustomColumn< F, ExtraArgsTag > | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedCustomColumn | A wrapper around a concrete RCustomColumn, which forwards all calls to it RJittedCustomColumn is a placeholder that is put in the collection of custom columns in place of a RCustomColumn that will be just-in-time compiled |
CROOT::RDF::RCutFlowReport | |
►CROOT::RDF::RDataSource | RDataSource defines an API that RDataFrame can use to read arbitrary data formats |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDS | |
CROOT::RDF::RArrowDS | RDataFrame data source class to interface with Apache Arrow |
CROOT::RDF::RCsvDS | RDataFrame data source class for reading CSV files |
CROOT::RDF::RLazyDS< ColumnTypes > | A RDataSource implementation which is built on top of result proxies |
CROOT::RDF::RSqliteDS | RSqliteDS is an RDF data source implementation for SQL result sets from sqlite3 files |
CROOT::RDF::RTrivialDS | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RDirectory | Key/value store of objects |
CROOT::Experimental::RFile | A ROOT file |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RDirectoryEntry | |
CROOT::RDF::RDisplay | This class is the textual representation of the content of a columnar dataset |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RDisplayElement | Helper class to let Display print compact tabular representations of the events |
►CROOT::Experimental::RDisplayItem | Base class for painting data for JS |
CROOT::Experimental::RDrawableDisplayItem | Generic display item for RDrawable, just reference drawable itself |
CROOT::Experimental::RObjectDisplayItem | Display item for TObject with drawing options |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadBaseDisplayItem | Class RPadBaseDisplayItem |
CROOT::Experimental::RCanvasDisplayItem | Class RCanvasDisplayItem |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadDisplayItem | Class RPadDisplayItem |
►CROOT::Experimental::RDrawable | Base class for drawable entities: objects that can be painted on a RPad |
CROOT::Experimental::RFrame | Holds a user coordinate system with a palette |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistDrawable< DIMENSIONS > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RObjectDrawable | Provides v7 drawing facilities for TObject types (TGraph etc) |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadBase | Base class for graphic containers for RDrawable -s |
CROOT::Experimental::RCanvas | A window's topmost RPad |
CROOT::Experimental::RPad | Graphic container for RDrawable -s |
CTFormLeafInfo::ReadValueHelper< T > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::ReadValueHelper< Long64_t > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::ReadValueHelper< LongDouble_t > | |
CTFormLeafInfo::ReadValueHelper< ULong64_t > | |
CTTreeFormula::RealInstanceCache | |
CTMVA::RuleFitAPI::RealParms | |
►CRooVectorDataStore::RealVector | |
CRooVectorDataStore::RealFullVector | |
CROOT::Detail::VecOps::RAdoptAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
CROOT::Detail::VecOps::RAdoptAllocator< bool >::rebind | |
CTEveCaloData::RebinData_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrBase::Rec_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSelection::Record | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::Rectangle | |
CRectangle_t | |
CROOT::Internal::RecurseCounts | |
►Cclang::RecursiveASTVisitor | |
CRScanner | |
CRedirectHandle_t | |
CROOT::ExecutorUtils::ReduceObjects< T > | Merge collection of TObjects |
CROOT::Detail::TStatusBitsChecker::Registry | |
CTMVA::RegressionVariance | Calculate the "SeparationGain" for Regression analysis separation criteria used in various training algorithms |
CROOT::TypeTraits::RemoveFirst< T, Rest > | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::RemoveFirstParameter< typename > | Remove first of possibly many template parameters |
CROOT::TypeTraits::RemoveFirstParameter< U< T, Rest... > > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REntry | The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set |
CTString::Rep_t | |
CROOT::Internal::ExecutorUtils::ResultCaster< O, F > | |
CROOT::Internal::ExecutorUtils::ResultCaster< TObject *, F > | |
CROOT::Math::RetrieveMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, R1, R2 > | Structure for getting sub matrices We have different cases according to the matrix representations |
CROOT::Math::RetrieveMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepStd< T, D3, D4 > > | |
CROOT::Math::RetrieveMatrix< T, D1, D2, D3, D4, MatRepSym< T, D1 >, MatRepSym< T, D3 > > | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveAunt | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveAuntAsList | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataItem | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveProjectionManager | REveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSelection | REveSelection Container for selected and highlighted elements |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveChunkManager | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveChunkVector< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveClient | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveCluster | REveCluster Reconstructed cluster (also used in VSD) |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveDataProxyBuilderBase | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveDataSimpleProxyBuilder | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< TParticle > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< XYJet > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTableProxyBuilder | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveElement | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveCompound | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveCompoundProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataCollection | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataColumn | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataItem | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveDataTable | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveLine | REveLine An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CROOT::Experimental::REveLineProjected | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveTrack | REveTrack Track with given vertex, momentum and optional referece-points (path-marks) along its path |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackProjected | REveTrackProjected Projected copy of a REveTrack |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetArray | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveProjectionManager | REveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CROOT::Experimental::REveScene | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSceneInfo | REveSceneInfo Scene in a viewer |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSceneList | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSelection | REveSelection Container for selected and highlighted elements |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveShape | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShape | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShapeProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveJetCone | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveJetConeProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePolygonSetProjected | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet | REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CROOT::Experimental::REveEllipsoid | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveScalableStraightLineSet | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSetProjected | REveStraightLineSetProjected Projected copy of a REveStraightLineSet |
CROOT::Experimental::REveEllipsoidProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTableViewInfo | REveTableViewInfo |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList | REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackListProjected | REveTrackListProjected Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackPropagator | REveTrackPropagator Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries |
CROOT::Experimental::REveViewer | REveViewer Reve representation of TGLViewer |
CROOT::Experimental::REveViewerList | REveViewerList List of Viewers providing common operations on REveViewer collections |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoManagerHolder | REveGeoManagerHolder Exception-safe global variable holders |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomConfig | Configuration parameters which can be configured on the client Send as is to-from client |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomDescription | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomDrawing | Object with full description for drawing geometry It includes list of visible items and list of nodes required to build them |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomNodeBase | Base description of geometry node, required only to build hierarchy |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomNode | Full node description including matrices and other attributes |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomNodeInfo | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomRequest | Request object send from client for different operations |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomViewer | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomVisible | REveGeomVisible contains description of visible node It is path to the node plus reference to shape rendering data |
CROOT::Experimental::REveHit | REveHit Monte Carlo hit (also used in VSD) |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveMagField | REveMagField Abstract interface to magnetic field |
CROOT::Experimental::REveMagFieldConst | REveMagFieldConst Interface to constant magnetic field |
CROOT::Experimental::REveMagFieldDuo | REveMagFieldDuo Interface to magnetic field with two different values depending on radius |
CROOT::Experimental::REveManager | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveMCRecCrossRef | REveMCRecCrossRef Cross-reference of sim/rec data per particle (also used in VSD) |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePathMarkT< TT > | Special-point on track: |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSelectorConsumer | |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveProjectable | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveCompound | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShape | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveJetCone | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetArray | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet | REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList | REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveCompoundProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShapeProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveJetConeProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveLineProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePolygonSetProjected | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSetProjected | REveStraightLineSetProjected Projected copy of a REveStraightLineSet |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackListProjected | REveTrackListProjected Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackProjected | REveTrackProjected Projected copy of a REveTrack |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveProjection | REveProjection Base for specific classes that implement non-linear projections |
CROOT::Experimental::REve3DProjection | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRPhiProjection | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRhoZProjection | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRecCascade | REveRecCascade |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRecKink | REveRecKink Reconstructed kink (also used in VSD) |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRecTrackT< TT > | REveRecTrack Template for reconstructed track (also used in VSD) |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRecTrackT< Float_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRecV0 | REveRecV0 |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveRefCnt | REveRefCnt REveRefCnt base-class (interface) |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveRefBackPtr | REveRefBackPtr reference-count with back pointers |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackPropagator | REveTrackPropagator Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries |
CROOT::Experimental::REveRenderData | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSecondarySelectable | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTableEntry | REveTableEntry |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTableHandle | REveTableHandle |
CROOT::Experimental::REveUtil | REveUtil Standard utility functions for Reve |
CROOT::Experimental::REveVector2T< TT > | REveVector2T A two-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions |
►CROOT::Experimental::REveVectorT< TT > | REveVectorT A three-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions |
CROOT::Experimental::REveVector4T< TT > | REveVector4T A four-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions |
CROOT::Experimental::REveVectorT< Double_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveVectorT< Float_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveViewContext | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldBase | |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< ClusterSize_t > | Template specializations for concrete C++ types |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< ROOT::VecOps::RVec< ItemT > > | The RVec type has different layouts depending on the item type, therefore we cannot go with a generic RVec implementation as we can with std::vector |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< ROOT::VecOps::RVec< bool > > | RVec<bool> needs special treatment due to std::vector<bool> sepcialization |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< bool > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< double > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< float > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RFieldArray | The generic field for fixed size arrays, which do not need an offset column |
►CROOT::Experimental::RFieldClass | The field for a class with dictionary |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< ROOT::Experimental::RClusterSize > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RField< T, typename > | Classes with dictionaries that can be inspected by TClass |
CROOT::Experimental::RFieldCollection | |
CROOT::Experimental::RFieldRoot | The container field for an ntuple model, which itself has no physical representation |
CROOT::Experimental::RFieldVector | The generic field for a (nested) std::vector<Type> except for std::vector<bool> |
CRFieldBase | A field translates read and write calls from/to underlying columns to/from tree values |
CROOT::Experimental::RFieldDescriptor | Meta-data stored for every field of an ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldFuse | |
CRFieldFuse | A friend of RFieldBase responsible for connecting a field's columns to the physical page storage |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldValue | |
CRFieldValue | Represents transient storage of simple or complex C++ values |
CROOT::Experimental::RFilePtr | Points to an object that stores or reads objects in ROOT's binary format |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RFillBinCoord< I, NDIM, COORD, AXES > | Fill coord with low bin edge or center or high bin edge of all axes |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RFillBinCoord<-1, NDIM, COORD, AXES > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RFillIterRange< I, AXES > | Fill range with begin() and end() of all axes, including under/overflow as specified by over |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RFillIterRange<-1, AXES > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RFitResult | |
CROOT::Experimental::RFunction< DIMENSION > | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::ColorParser::RGB_t | |
►CROOT::Experimental::RGeomRenderInfo | Base class for render info block |
CROOT::Experimental::RGeomRawRenderInfo | Render info with raw data |
CROOT::Experimental::RGeomShapeRenderInfo | Render info with shape itself - client can produce shape better |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RGetBinCount< I, AXES > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RGetBinCount< 0, AXES > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RGetBinIndex< I, HISTIMPL, AXES, GROW > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RGetBinIndex<-1, HISTIMPL, AXES, GROW > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT > | Histogram class for histograms with DIMENSIONS dimensions, where each bin count is stored by a value of type PRECISION |
►CROOT::Experimental::RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, RHistStatContent > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | RHist with no STAT parameter uses RHistStatContent by default |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistBinPtr< HISTIMPL > | Points to a histogram bin (or actually a RHistBinRef ) |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistBinRef< HISTIMPL > | Represents a bin reference |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RHistBufferedFillBase< DERIVED, HIST, SIZE > | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RHistBufferedFillBase< RHistBufferedFill< HIST, 1024 >, HIST, 1024 > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistBufferedFill< HIST, SIZE > | Buffers calls to Fill() |
►CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RHistBufferedFillBase< RHistConcurrentFiller< HIST, SIZE >, HIST, SIZE > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistConcurrentFiller< HIST, SIZE > | Buffers a thread's Fill calls and submits them to the RHistConcurrentFillManager |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistConcurrentFillManager< HIST, SIZE > | Manages the synchronization of calls to FillN() |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistConcurrentFillManager< HIST, SIZE > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistDataMomentUncert< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | For now do as RH1: calculate first (xw) and second (x^2w) moment |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RHistImplGen< NDIM, IDIM, DATA, PROCESSEDAXISCONFIG > | Generate RHist::fImpl from RHist constructor arguments |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RHistImplGen< NDIM, NDIM, DATA, PROCESSEDAXISCONFIG... > | Generate RHist::fImpl from constructor arguments; recursion end |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistImplPrecisionAgnosticBase< DIMENSIONS > | Base class for RHistImplBase that abstracts out the histogram's PRECISION |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistImplPrecisionAgnosticBase< DATA::GetNDim()> | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistImplBase< DATA > | Interface class for RHistImpl |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistImpl< DATA, AXISCONFIG > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatContent< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | Basic histogram statistics, keeping track of the bin content and the total number of calls to Fill() |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatRuntime< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | Interface implementing a pure virtual functions DoFill(), DoFillN() |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatTotalSumOfSquaredWeights< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of squared weights |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatTotalSumOfWeights< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of weights |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistStatUncertainty< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION > | Histogram statistics to keep track of the Poisson uncertainty per bin |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistView< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT > | A view on a histogram, selecting a range on a subset of dimensions |
CROOT::Experimental::RHistViewOutOfRange< HISTVIEW > | |
CROOT::Math::RichardsonDerivator | User class for calculating the derivatives of a function |
CROOT::RDF::RInterface< Proxied, DataSource > | The public interface to the RDataFrame federation of classes |
►CROOT::RDF::RInterface< RDFDetail::RLoopManager > | |
CROOT::RDataFrame | ROOT's RDataFrame offers a high level interface for analyses of data stored in TTree s, CSV's and other data formats |
►CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIOSharedBase | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIOShared< ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistImplPrecisionAgnosticBase > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIOShared< TObject > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RIOShared< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RFieldBase::RLevelInfo | Describes where the field is located inside the ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterDescriptor::RLocator | Generic information about the physical location of data |
CROOT::Experimental::RLogDiagCounter | Object to count the number of warnings and errors emitted by a section of code, after construction of this type |
►CROOT::Experimental::RLogHandler | Abstract RLogHandler base class |
CROOT::Experimental::RLogManager | A RLogHandler that multiplexes diagnostics to different client RLogHandler s |
CROOT::Detail::RMakeUniqueResult< T > | |
CROOT::Detail::RMakeUniqueResult< T[]> | |
CROOT::Detail::RMakeUniqueResult< T[N]> | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RMenuArgument | Argument description for menu item which should invoke class method |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RMenuItem | Base class for menu items, shown on JS side |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RArgsMenuItem | Menu item which requires extra arguments for invoked class method |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RCheckedMenuItem | Menu item with check box |
CROOT::Experimental::RMenuItems | List of items for object context menu |
Crng_state_st | |
►CROOT::Detail::RDF::RNodeBase | Base class for non-leaf nodes of the computational graph |
►CROOT::Detail::RDF::RFilterBase | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RFilter< FilterF, PrevDataFrame > | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RJittedFilter | A wrapper around a concrete RFilter, which forwards all calls to it RJittedFilter is the type of the node returned by jitted Filter calls: the concrete filter can be created and set at a later time, from jitted code |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager | The head node of a RDF computation graph |
►CROOT::Detail::RDF::RRangeBase | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RRange< PrevData > | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuple | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleReader | An RNTuple that is used to read data from storage |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriter | An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage |
CRNTuple | The RNTuple represents a live dataset, whose structure is defined by an RNTupleModel |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RNTupleBlob | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleClusterRange | Used to loop over entries of collections in a single cluster |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptor | The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleDescriptorBuilder | A helper class for piece-wise construction of an RNTupleDescriptor |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleFormatter | Contains helper functions for RNTupleReader::PrintInfo() and RPrintVisitor::VisitField() |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleGlobalRange | Used to loop over indexes (entries or collections) between start and end |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleMetrics | A collection of Counter objects with a name, a unit, and a description |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleModel | The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePerfCounter | A performance counter with a name and a unit, which can be activated on demand |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleAtomicCounter | A thread-safe integral performance counter |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePlainCounter | A non thread-safe integral performance counter |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTickCounter< ROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTuplePlainCounter > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleReadOptions | Common user-tunable settings for reading ntuples |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleTimer< WallTimeT, CpuTimeT > | Record wall time and CPU time between construction and destruction |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleVersion | For forward and backward compatibility, attach version information to the consitituents of the file format (column, field, cluster, ntuple) |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< T > | An RNTupleView provides read-only access to a single field of the ntuple |
►CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< ClusterSize_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleViewCollection | A view for a collection, that can itself generate new ntuple views for its nested fields |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< double > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleView< float > | |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RNTupleVisitor | Abstract base class for classes implementing the visitor design pattern |
CROOT::Experimental::RPrepareVisitor | Visitor used for a prepare run to collect information needed by another visitor class |
CROOT::Experimental::RPrintVisitor | Contains settings for printing and prints a summary of an RField instance |
CROOT::Experimental::RNTupleWriteOptions | Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples |
CTMVA::ROCCalc | |
CTMVA::ROCCurve | |
►CRooAbsCache | RooAbsCache is the abstract base class for data members of RooAbsArgs that cache other (composite) RooAbsArg expressions |
►CRooCacheManager< RooAbsCacheElement > | |
CRooObjCacheManager | Class RooObjCacheManager is an implementation of class RooCacheManager<RooAbsCacheElement> and specializes in the storage of cache elements that contain RooAbsArg objects |
CRooCacheManager< T > | Template class RooCacheManager manages the storage of any type of data indexed on the choice of normalization and optionally the set of integrated observables |
►CRooAbsCacheElement | RooAbsCacheElement is the abstract base class for objects to be stored in RooAbsCache cache manager objects |
CParamHistFunc::CacheElem | |
CPiecewiseInterpolation::CacheElem | |
CRooAbsAnaConvPdf::CacheElem | Subset of last normalization that applies to convolutions |
►CRooAbsCachedPdf::PdfCacheElem | |
CRooFFTConvPdf::FFTCacheElem | |
CRooIntegralMorph::MorphCacheElem | |
►CRooAbsCachedReal::FuncCacheElem | |
CRooNumRunningInt::RICacheElem | |
CRooAbsPdf::CacheElem | Normalization set with for above integral |
CRooAddModel::CacheElem | Transiet cache with transformed values of coefficients |
CRooAddModel::IntCacheElem | |
CRooAddPdf::CacheElem | Transient cache with transformed values of coefficients |
CRooAddition::CacheElem | |
CRooEffProd::CacheElem | |
CRooJeffreysPrior::CacheElem | |
CRooMomentMorph::CacheElem | |
CRooMomentMorphFunc::CacheElem | |
CRooMomentMorphFuncND::CacheElem | |
CRooMomentMorphND::CacheElem | |
CRooProdPdf::CacheElem | |
CRooProduct::CacheElem | |
CRooProjectedPdf::CacheElem | |
CRooRealSumFunc::CacheElem | |
CRooRealSumPdf::CacheElem | |
CRooSimultaneous::CacheElem | |
►CRooAbsFunc | Abstract interface for evaluating a real-valued function of one real variable and performing numerical algorithms on it |
CRooConvIntegrandBinding | Implementation of RooAbsFunc that represent the the integrand of a generic (numeric) convolution A (x) B so that it can be passed to a numeric integrator |
CRooHistError::BinomialSumAsym | |
CRooHistError::BinomialSumEff | |
CRooHistError::PoissonSum | |
CRooIntegratorBinding | Function binding representing the output of a RooAbsIntegrator |
CRooInvTransform | Lightweight function binding that returns the inverse of an input function binding |
►CRooRealBinding | Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsReal object to a subset of its servers and present it as a simple array oriented interface |
CRooDataProjBinding | Adaptor that projects a real function via summation of states provided in a dataset |
CRooRealAnalytic | Lightweight RooAbsFunc interface adaptor that binds an analytic integral of a RooAbsReal object (specified by a code) to a set of dependent variables |
CRooScaledFunc | Lightweight RooAbsFunction implementation that applies a constant scale factor to another RooAbsFunc |
►CRooAbsLValue | Abstract base class for objects that are lvalues, i.e |
►CRooAbsCategoryLValue | RooAbsCategoryLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue') |
CRooCategory | RooCategory represents a fundamental (non-derived) discrete value object |
CRooSuperCategory | RooSuperCategory can join several RooAbsCategoryLValue objects into a single category |
►CRooAbsRealLValue | RooAbsRealLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue') |
CRooErrorVar | RooErrorVar is an auxilary class that represents the error of a RooRealVar as a seperate object |
CRooLinearVar | RooLinearVar is the most general form of a derived real-valued object that can be used by RooRealIntegral to integrate over |
CRooRealVar | RooRealVar represents a variable that can be changed from the outside |
►CRooAbsProxy | RooAbsProxy is the abstact interface for proxy classes |
►CRooArgProxy | RooArgProxy is the abstact interface for RooAbsArg proxy classes |
CRooTemplateProxy< RooAbsReal > | |
CRooTemplateProxy< RooAbsPdf > | |
CRooTemplateProxy< RooRealVar > | |
CRooCategoryProxy | RooCategoryProxy is the proxy implementation for RooAbsCategory objects A RooCategoryProxy is the general mechanism to store references to RooAbsCategoriess inside a RooAbsArg |
CRooTemplateProxy< T > | A RooTemplateProxy is used to hold references to other objects in an expression tree |
CRooListProxy | RooListProxy is the concrete proxy for RooArgList objects |
CRooSetProxy | RooSetProxy is the concrete proxy for RooArgSet objects |
►CRooAbsRootFinder | RooAbsRootFinder is the abstract interface for finding roots of real-valued 1-dimensional function that implements the RooAbsFunc interface |
CRooBrentRootFinder | Implement the abstract 1-dimensional root finding interface using the Brent-Decker method |
CRooAICRegistry | RooAICRegistry is a utility class for operator p.d.f classes that keeps track of analytical integration codes and associated normalization and integration sets |
CRooBlindTools | |
CRooCFunction1Map< VO, VI > | |
CRooCFunction2Map< VO, VI1, VI2 > | |
CRooCFunction3Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > | |
CRooCFunction4Map< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > | |
►CRooDirItem | RooDirItem is a utility base class for RooFit objects that are to be attached to ROOT directories |
CRooDataHist | The RooDataHist is a container class to hold N-dimensional binned data |
CRooDataSet | RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data |
CRooFitResult | RooFitResult is a container class to hold the input and output of a PDF fit to a dataset |
CRooErrorHandler | |
CRooFIter | A one-time forward iterator working on RooLinkedList or RooAbsCollection |
CRooFitMoreLib | |
CRooFunctor | Lightweight interface adaptor that exports a RooAbsPdf as a functor |
CRooGlobalFunc | |
CRooHistError | RooHistError is a singleton class used to calculate the error bars for each bin of a RooHist object |
CRooLinkedListElem | RooLinkedListElem is an link element for the RooLinkedList class |
CRooMath | |
CRooMathCoreReg | |
CRooMathMoreReg | |
CRooMPSentinel | RooMPSentinel is a singleton class that keeps track of all parellel execution processes for goodness-of-fit calculations |
CRooNormSetCache | Class RooNormSet cache manage the bookkeeping of multiple instances of sets of integration and normalization observables that effectively have the same definition |
CRooNumber | Class RooNumber implements numeric constants used by RooFit |
►CRooPrintable | RooPlotable is a 'mix-in' base class that define the standard RooFit plotting and printing methods |
►CRooAbsArg | RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) and "shape" that in general depends on (is a client of) other RooAbsArg subclasses |
►CRooAbsCategory | RooAbsCategory is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value with a finite number of states |
CRooAbsCategoryLValue | RooAbsCategoryLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue') |
CRooBinningCategory | Class RooBinningCategory provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds |
CRooMappedCategory | |
CRooMultiCategory | RooMultiCategory consolidates several RooAbsCategory objects into a single category |
CRooThresholdCategory | Class RooThresholdCategory provides a real-to-category mapping defined by a series of thresholds |
►CRooAbsReal | RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements functionality common to all real-valued objects such as the ability to plot them, to construct integrals of them, the ability to advertise (partial) analytical integrals etc |
CParamHistFunc | A class which maps the current values of a RooRealVar (or a set of RooRealVars) to one of a number of RooRealVars: |
CPiecewiseInterpolation | |
►CRooAbsCachedReal | RooAbsCachedReal is the abstract base class for functions that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistFunc defined in terms of the used observables |
CRooAbsSelfCachedReal | RooAbsSelfCachedReal is an abstract base class for functions whose output is cached in terms of a histogram in all observables between getVal() and evaluate() |
CRooCachedReal | RooCachedReal is an implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that can cache any external RooAbsReal input function provided in the constructor |
►CRooNumRunningInt | Class RooNumRunningInt is an implementation of RooAbsCachedReal that represents a running integral |
CRooNumCdf | Class RooNumCdf is an implementation of RooNumRunningInt specialized to calculate cumulative distribution functions from p.d.f.s |
►CRooAbsHiddenReal | RooAbsHiddenReal is a base class for objects that want to hide their return value from interactive use, e.g |
CRooUnblindCPAsymVar | Implementation of BlindTools' CP asymmetry blinding method A RooUnblindCPAsymVar object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindOffset | Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method A RooUnblindOffset object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindPrecision | Implementation of BlindTools' precision blinding method A RooUnblindPrecision object is a real valued function object, constructed from a blind value holder and a set of unblinding parameters |
CRooUnblindUniform | Implementation of BlindTools' offset blinding method |
►CRooAbsMoment | RooAbsMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
CRooFirstMoment | RooFirstMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
CRooMoment | RooMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
CRooSecondMoment | RooSecondMoment represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
►CRooAbsPdf | |
CNuMuToNuE_Oscillation | |
CRoo2DKeysPdf | Two-dimensional kernel estimation PDF |
►CRooAbsAnaConvPdf | RooAbsAnaConvPdf is the base class for PDFs that represent a physics model that can be analytically convolved with a resolution model |
CRooBCPEffDecay | PDF describing decay time distribution of B meson including effects of standard model CP violation |
CRooBCPGenDecay | Implement standard CP physics model with S and C (no mention of lambda) Suitably stolen and modified from RooBCPEffDecay |
CRooBDecay | Most general description of B decay time distribution with effects of CP violation, mixing and life time differences |
CRooBMixDecay | Class RooBMixDecay is a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation that describes the decay of B mesons with the effects of B0/B0bar mixing |
CRooDecay | Single or double sided decay function that can be analytically convolved with any RooResolutionModel implementation |
CRooNonCPEigenDecay | Time-dependent RooAbsAnaConvPdf for CP violating decays to Non-CP eigenstates (eg, \( B_0 \rightarrow \rho^\pm \pi^\mp\)) |
►CRooAbsCachedPdf | RooAbsCachedPdf is the abstract base class for p.d.f.s that need or want to cache their evaluate() output in a RooHistPdf defined in terms of the used observables |
CRooAbsSelfCachedPdf | RooAbsSelfCachedPdf is an abstract base class for probability density functions whose output is cached in terms of a histogram in all observables between getVal() and evaluate() |
CRooCachedPdf | RooCachedPdf is an implementation of RooAbsCachedPdf that can cache any external RooAbsPdf input function provided in the constructor |
CRooFFTConvPdf | PDF for the numerical (FFT) convolution of two PDFs |
CRooIntegralMorph | Class RooIntegralMorph is an implementation of the histogram interpolation technique described by Alex Read in 'NIM A 425 (1999) 357-369 'Linear interpolation of histograms' for continuous functions rather than histograms |
CRooAddPdf | RooAddPdf is an efficient implementation of a sum of PDFs of the form |
CRooArgusBG | RooArgusBG is a RooAbsPdf implementation describing the ARGUS background shape |
CRooBernstein | Bernstein basis polynomials are positive-definite in the range [0,1] |
CRooBifurGauss | Bifurcated Gaussian p.d.f with different widths on left and right side of maximum value |
CRooBreitWigner | Class RooBreitWigner is a RooAbsPdf implementation that models a non-relativistic Breit-Wigner shape |
CRooBukinPdf | The RooBukinPdf implements the NovosibirskA function |
CRooCBShape | PDF implementing the Crystal Ball line shape |
CRooCFunction1PdfBinding< VO, VI > | |
CRooCFunction2PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2 > | |
CRooCFunction3PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > | |
CRooCFunction4PdfBinding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > | |
CRooChebychev | Chebychev polynomial p.d.f |
CRooChiSquarePdf | The PDF of the Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom |
CRooDstD0BG | Special p.d.f shape that can be used to model the background of D*-D0 mass difference distributions |
CRooEffProd | The class RooEffProd implements the product of a PDF with an efficiency function |
CRooEfficiency | RooEfficiency is a PDF helper class to fit efficiencies parameterized by a supplied function F |
CRooExponential | Exponential PDF |
CRooExtendPdf | RooExtendPdf is a wrapper around an existing PDF that adds a parameteric extended likelihood term to the PDF, optionally divided by a fractional term from a partial normalization of the PDF: |
CRooExtendedTerm | RooExtendedTerm is a p.d.f with no observables that only introduces an extended ML term for a given number of expected events term when an extended ML is constructed |
CRooFunctor1DPdfBinding | |
CRooFunctorPdfBinding | |
CRooGamma | Implementation of the Gamma PDF for RooFit/RooStats |
CRooGaussian | Plain Gaussian p.d.f |
CRooGenericPdf | RooGenericPdf is a concrete implementation of a probability density function, which takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers |
CRooHistConstraint | The RooHistConstraint implements constraint terms for a binned PDF with statistical uncertainties |
CRooHistPdf | RooHistPdf implements a probablity density function sampled from a multidimensional histogram |
CRooHypatia2 | RooHypatia2 is the two-sided version of the Hypatia distribution described in |
CRooJeffreysPrior | Implementation of Jeffrey's prior |
CRooJohnson | Johnson's \( S_{U} \) distribution |
CRooKeysPdf | Class RooKeysPdf implements a one-dimensional kernel estimation p.d.f which model the distribution of an arbitrary input dataset as a superposition of Gaussian kernels, one for each data point, each contributing 1/N to the total integral of the p.d.f |
CRooLandau | Landau distribution p.d.f |
CRooLognormal | RooFit Lognormal PDF |
CRooMomentMorph | |
CRooMomentMorphND | |
CRooMultiVarGaussian | Multivariate Gaussian p.d.f |
CRooNDKeysPdf | Generic N-dimensional implementation of a kernel estimation p.d.f |
CRooNonCentralChiSquare | The PDF of the Non-Central Chi Square distribution for n degrees of freedom |
CRooNovosibirsk | RooNovosibirsk implements the Novosibirsk function |
CRooNumConvPdf | Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF |
CRooParametricStepFunction | The Parametric Step Function PDF is a binned distribution whose parameters are the heights of each bin |
CRooPoisson | Poisson pdf |
CRooPolynomial | RooPolynomial implements a polynomial p.d.f of the form |
CRooProdPdf | RooProdPdf is an efficient implementation of a product of PDFs of the form |
CRooProjectedPdf | Class RooProjectedPdf is a RooAbsPdf implementation that represent a projection of a given input p.d.f and the object returned by RooAbsPdf::createProjection |
CRooRealSumPdf | The class RooRealSumPdf implements a PDF constructed from a sum of functions: |
►CRooResolutionModel | RooResolutionModel is the base class for PDFs that represent a resolution model that can be convoluted with a physics model of the form |
CRooAddModel | |
CRooGExpModel | Class RooGExpModel is a RooResolutionModel implementation that models a resolution function that is the convolution of a Gaussian with a one-sided exponential |
CRooGaussModel | Class RooGaussModel implements a RooResolutionModel that models a Gaussian distribution |
CRooTruthModel | RooTruthModel is an implementation of RooResolution model that provides a delta-function resolution model The truth model supports all basis functions because it evaluates each basis function as
as a RooFormulaVar |
►CRooSimultaneous | RooSimultaneous facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistFactorySimultaneous | RooSimultaneous facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset |
CRooTFnPdfBinding | |
CRooUniform | Flat p.d.f |
CRooVoigtian | RooVoigtian is an efficient implementation of the convolution of a Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, making use of the complex error function |
CRooWrapperPdf | The RooWrapperPdf is a class that can be used to convert a function into a PDF |
CRooAbsRealLValue | RooAbsRealLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value that may appear on the left hand side of an equation ('lvalue') |
►CRooAbsTestStatistic | RooAbsTestStatistic is the abstract base class for all test statistics |
►CRooAbsOptTestStatistic | RooAbsOptTestStatistic is the abstract base class for test statistics objects that evaluate a function or PDF at each point of a given dataset |
CRooChi2Var | Class RooChi2Var implements a simple chi^2 calculation from a binned dataset and a PDF |
CRooDataWeightedAverage | Class RooDataWeightedAverage calculate a weighted average of a function or p.d.f given a dataset with observable values, i.e |
CRooNLLVar | Class RooNLLVar implements a -log(likelihood) calculation from a dataset and a PDF |
CRooXYChi2Var | |
CRooAddition | RooAddition calculates the sum of a set of RooAbsReal terms, or when constructed with two sets, it sums the product of the terms in the two sets |
CRooCFunction1Binding< VO, VI > | RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction2Binding< VO, VI1, VI2 > | RooCFunction2Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction3Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > | RooCFunction3Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooCFunction4Binding< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > | RooCFunction4Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooChangeTracker | RooChangeTracker is a meta object that tracks value changes in a given set of RooAbsArgs by registering itself as value client of these objects |
CRooConstVar | RooConstVar represent a constant real-valued object |
CRooConstraintSum | RooConstraintSum calculates the sum of the -(log) likelihoods of a set of RooAbsPfs that represent constraint functions |
CRooConvCoefVar | RooConvCoefVar is an auxilary class that represents the coefficient of a RooAbsAnaConvPdf implementation as a separate RooAbsReal object to be able to interface these coefficient terms with the generic RooRealIntegral integration mechanism |
CRooDerivative | RooDerivative represents the first, second, or third order derivative of any RooAbsReal as calculated (numerically) by the MathCore Richardson derivator class |
CRooExtendedBinding | |
CRooFormulaVar | A RooFormulaVar is a generic implementation of a real-valued object, which takes a RooArgList of servers and a C++ expression string defining how its value should be calculated from the given list of servers |
CRooFracRemainder | RooFracRemainder calculates the remainder fraction of a sum of RooAbsReal fraction, i.e (1 - sum_i a_i) |
CRooFunctor1DBinding | RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooFunctorBinding | RooCFunction1Binding is a templated implementation of class RooAbsReal that binds generic C(++) functions to a RooAbsReal argument thus allowing generic C++ functions to be used as RooFit functions |
CRooGenProdProj | RooGenProdProj is an auxiliary class for RooProdPdf that calculates a general normalised projection of a product of non-factorising PDFs, e.g |
CRooHistFunc | RooHistFunc implements a real-valued function sampled from a multidimensional histogram |
►CRooLegendre | Compute the associated Legendre polynomials using ROOT::Math::assoc_legendre() |
CRooSpHarmonic | Implementation of the so-called real spherical harmonics, using the orthonormal normalization, which are related to spherical harmonics as: |
CRooMomentMorphFunc | |
CRooMomentMorphFuncND | |
CRooMultiBinomial | RooMultiBinomial is an efficiency function which makes all combinations of efficiencies given as input different efficiency functions for different categories |
CRooNumConvolution | Numeric 1-dimensional convolution operator PDF |
CRooParamHistFunc | A histogram function that assigns scale parameters to every bin |
CRooPolyVar | Class RooPolyVar is a RooAbsReal implementing a polynomial in terms of a list of RooAbsReal coefficients |
CRooProduct | A RooProduct represents the product of a given set of RooAbsReal objects |
CRooProfileLL | Class RooProfileLL implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of parameters of interest |
CRooPullVar | RooPullVar represents the pull of a measurement w.r.t |
CRooRangeBoolean | RooRangeBoolean |
CRooRealIntegral | RooRealIntegral performs hybrid numerical/analytical integrals of RooAbsReal objects |
CRooRealMPFE | RooRealMPFE is the multi-processor front-end for parallel calculation of RooAbsReal objects |
CRooRealSumFunc | |
CRooRecursiveFraction | Class RooRecursiveFraction is a RooAbsReal implementation that calculates the plain fraction of sum of RooAddPdf components from a set of recursive fractions: for a given set of input fractions a_i it returns a_0 * Prod_i (1 - a_i) |
CRooStats::Heaviside | Represents the Heaviside function |
CRooStats::HistFactory::FlexibleInterpVar | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::LinInterpVar | RooAbsReal that does piecewise-linear interpolations |
CRooStats::HistFactory::RooBarlowBeestonLL | Class RooBarlowBeestonLL implements the profile likelihood estimator for a given likelihood and set of parameters of interest |
CRooStepFunction | The Step Function is a binned function whose parameters are the heights of each bin |
CRooTFnBinding | |
►CRooAbsString | RooAbsString is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a string value |
CRooStringVar | RooStringVar implements a string values RooAbsArg |
►CRooAbsBinning | RooAbsBinning is the abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions This class defines the interface to retrieve bin boundaries, ranges etc |
CRooBinning | Class RooBinning is an implements RooAbsBinning in terms of an array of boundary values, posing no constraints on the choice of binning, thus allowing variable bin sizes |
CRooLinTransBinning | RooLinTransBinning is a special binning implementation for RooLinearVar that transforms the binning of the RooLinearVar input variable in the same way that RooLinearVar does |
CRooParamBinning | Class RooParamBinning is an implementation of RooAbsBinning that constructs a binning with a range definition that depends on external RooAbsReal objects |
CRooRangeBinning | RooRangeBinning is binning/range definition that only defines a range but no binning |
CRooUniformBinning | RooUniformBinning is an implementation of RooAbsBinning that provides a uniform binning in 'n' bins between the range end points |
►CRooAbsCollection | RooAbsCollection is an abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
►CRooArgList | RooArgList is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
CRooListProxy | RooListProxy is the concrete proxy for RooArgList objects |
►CRooArgSet | RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
CRooSetProxy | RooSetProxy is the concrete proxy for RooArgSet objects |
►CRooAbsData | RooAbsData is the common abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets |
CRooDataHist | The RooDataHist is a container class to hold N-dimensional binned data |
CRooDataSet | RooDataSet is a container class to hold unbinned data |
CRooTreeData | RooTreeData is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage mechanism |
►CRooAbsDataStore | RooAbsDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage mechanism |
CRooCompositeDataStore | RooCompositeDataStore combines several disjunct datasets into one |
CRooTreeDataStore | RooTreeDataStore is a TTree-backed data storage |
CRooVectorDataStore | RooVectorDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage mechanism |
►CRooAbsGenContext | RooAbsGenContext is the abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects |
CRooAddGenContext | RooAddGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAddPdf PDFs |
CRooBinnedGenContext | RooBinnedGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for binned pdfs |
CRooConvGenContext | RooConvGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooAbsAnaConvPdf objects |
CRooEffGenContext | RooEffGenContext is a specialized generator context for p.d.fs represented by class RooEffProd, which are p.d.fs multiplied with an efficiency function |
CRooGenContext | Class RooGenContext implement a universal generator context for all RooAbsPdf classes that do not have or need a specialized generator context |
CRooProdGenContext | RooProdGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooProdPdf PDFs |
CRooSimGenContext | RooSimGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs |
CRooSimSplitGenContext | RooSimSplitGenContext is an efficient implementation of the generator context specific for RooSimultaneous PDFs when generating more than one of the component pdfs |
►CRooAbsNumGenerator | Class RooAbsNumGenerator is the abstract base class for MC event generator implementations like RooAcceptReject and RooFoam |
CRooAcceptReject | Class RooAcceptReject is a generic toy monte carlo generator implement the accept/reject sampling technique on any positively valued function |
CRooFoamGenerator | Class RooFoamGenerator is a generic toy monte carlo generator that implement the TFOAM sampling technique on any positively valued function |
CRooCatType | RooCatType is an auxilary class for RooAbsCategory and defines a a single category state |
CRooClassFactory | RooClassFactory is a clase like TTree::MakeClass() that generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names |
CRooCustomizer | RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones of a prototype composite PDF object with the same structure but different leaf servers (parameters or dependents) |
CRooFactoryWSTool | RooFactoryWSTool is a clase like TTree::MakeClass() that generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names |
CRooFitResult | RooFitResult is a container class to hold the input and output of a PDF fit to a dataset |
CRooFormula | RooFormula internally uses ROOT's TFormula to compute user-defined expressions of RooAbsArgs |
CRooGrid | RooGrid is a utility class for RooMCIntegrator which implements an adaptive multi-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical integration, following the VEGAS algorithm |
CRooNameSet | RooNameSet is a utility class that stores the names the objects in a RooArget |
CRooNumGenConfig | RooNumGenConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
CRooNumIntConfig | RooNumIntConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
CRooPlot | A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame |
►CRooPlotable | Class RooPotable is a base class for objects that can be inserted into RooPlots and take advantage of its internal normalization and axis range adjustment features |
CRooCurve | A RooCurve is a one-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function |
CRooEllipse | A RooEllipse is a two-dimensional ellipse that can be used to represent an error contour |
CRooHist | A RooHist is a graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class |
CRooSimWSTool | The RooSimWSTool is a tool operating on RooWorkspace objects that can clone PDFs into a series of variations that are joined together into a RooSimultanous PDF |
CRooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a LikelihoodInterval object |
CRooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a MCMCInterval object |
►CRooStats::SamplingDistPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot SamplingDistribution objects |
CRooStats::HypoTestPlot | This class provides the plots for the result of a study performed with any of the HypoTestCalculatorGeneric (e.g |
►CRooTable | RooTable is the abstract interface for table objects |
CRoo1DTable | Roo1DTable implements a one-dimensional table |
CRooQuasiRandomGenerator | This class generates the quasi-random (aka "low discrepancy") sequence for dimensions up to 12 using the Niederreiter base 2 algorithm described in Bratley, Fox, Niederreiter, ACM Trans |
CRooRandom | This class provides a static interface for generating random numbers |
CRooRealConstant | RooRealConstant provides static functions to create and keep track of RooRealVar constants |
CRooSentinel | RooSentinel is a special purpose singleton class that terminates all other RooFit singleton services when the process exits |
CRooSpan< T > | A simple container to hold a batch of data values |
CRooStats::RooStatsConfig | |
CRooSTLRefCountList< T > | The RooSTLRefCountList is a simple collection of pointers to the template objects with reference counters |
CRooSTLRefCountList< RooAbsArg > | |
CRooStreamParser | |
CROOT::Math::RootFinder | User Class to find the Root of one dimensional functions |
CRooTMathReg | |
CRooTrace | Class RooTrace controls the memory tracing hooks in all RooFit objects |
►CRooWorkspaceHandle | An interface to set and retrieve a workspace |
CRooStats::ModelConfig | ModelConfig is a simple class that holds configuration information specifying how a model should be used in the context of various RooStats tools |
CROOT::Internal::RRawFile::ROptions | On construction, an ROptions parameter can customize the RRawFile behavior |
CROOT::Math::Rotation3D | Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by a 3x3 orthogonal matrix |
CROOT::Math::RotationX | Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the X axis by the angle of rotation |
CROOT::Math::RotationY | Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the Y axis by the angle of rotation |
CROOT::Math::RotationZ | Rotation class representing a 3D rotation about the Z axis by the angle of rotation |
CROOT::Math::RotationZYX | Rotation class with the (3D) rotation represented by angles describing first a rotation of an angle phi (yaw) about the Z axis, followed by a rotation of an angle theta (pitch) about the Y axis, followed by a third rotation of an angle psi (roll) about the X axis |
CROOT::Math::RowOffsets< D > | Static structure to keep the conversion from (i,j) to offsets in the storage data for a symmetric matrix |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadExtent | An extent / size (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadLength | A length in RPad |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadPos | A position (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad |
►CROOT::Experimental::RPadUserAxisBase | Base class for user coordinates (e.g |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadCartesianUserAxis | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPage | A page is a slice of a column that is mapped into memory |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageAllocatorFile | Manages pages read from a raw file |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageAllocatorHeap | Uses standard C++ memory allocation for the column data pages |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageAllocatorKey | Adopts the memory returned by TKey->ReadObject() |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageDeleter | A closure that can free the memory associated with a mapped page |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterDescriptor::RPageRange::RPageInfo | We do not need to store the element size / uncompressed page size because we know to which column the page belongs |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPagePool | A thread-safe cache of column pages |
CROOT::Experimental::RClusterDescriptor::RPageRange | Records the parition of data into pages for a particular column in a particular cluster |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageStorage | Common functionality of an ntuple storage for both reading and writing |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSink | Abstract interface to write data into an ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSinkRaw | Storage provider that write ntuple pages into a raw binary file |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSinkRoot | Storage provider that write ntuple pages into a ROOT TFile |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSource | Abstract interface to read data from an ntuple |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSourceRaw | Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a raw file |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RPageSourceRoot | Storage provider that reads ntuple pages from a ROOT TFile |
CROOT::Experimental::RPalette | A set of colors |
►CROOT::Internal::RRawFile | The RRawFile provides read-only access to local and remote files |
CROOT::Internal::RRawFileDavix | Read-only access to remote non-ROOT files |
CROOT::Internal::RRawFileUnix | Uses POSIX calls to read from a mounted file system |
CROOT::Internal::RRawFileWin | Uses portable C I/O calls to read from a drive |
CTMVA::Experimental::RReader | TMVA::Reader legacy interface |
CROOT::Experimental::REveManager::RRedrawDisabler | |
CROOT::RDF::RResultPtr< T > | Smart pointer for the return type of actions |
Crsa_KEY | |
Crsa_KEY_export | |
Crsa_NUMBER | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RSlotStack | This is an helper class to allow to pick a slot resorting to a map indexed by thread ids |
CROOT::RDF::RSnapshotOptions | A collection of options to steer the creation of the dataset on file |
CTMVA::Experimental::RStandardScaler< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RStyle | A set of defaults for graphics attributes, e.g |
CRStyleReader | Reads the attribute config values from .rootstylerc |
CTMVA::Experimental::RTensor< V, C > | RTensor is a container with contiguous memory and shape information |
►CTMVA::Experimental::RTensor< AFloat, TCpuBuffer< AFloat > > | |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpuTensor< AFloat > | |
CTMVA::Experimental::RTensor< Value_t, Container_t > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::RTypeErasedColumnValue | A type-erasing wrapper around RColumnValue |
CTMVA::Rule | Implementation of a rule |
CTMVA::RuleCut | A class describing a 'rule cut' |
CTMVA::RuleEnsemble | |
CTMVA::RuleFit | A class implementing various fits of rule ensembles |
CTMVA::RuleFitAPI | J Friedman's RuleFit method |
CTMVA::RuleFitParams | A class doing the actual fitting of a linear model using rules as base functions |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< T > | A "std::vector"-like collection of values implementing handy operation to analyse them |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< ColumnValue_t > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< double > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< float > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< Int_t > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< Long64_t > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< UInt_t > | |
CROOT::VecOps::RVec< ULong64_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::RVirtualCanvasPainter | Abstract interface for painting a canvas |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayArgs | Holds different arguments for starting browser with RWebDisplayHandle::Display() method |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebDisplayHandle | |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindow | Represents web window, which can be shown in web browser or any other supported environment |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindowsManager | Central instance to create and show web-based windows like Canvas or FitPanel |
CRooStats::HistFactory::Sample | |
CTMVA::Experimental::SaveXGBoost | Save an XGBoost to a ROOT file to be used with the fast tree inference system of TMVA |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadExtent::ScaleFactor | A scale factor (separate factors for horizontal and vertical) for scaling a RPadLength |
CROOT::Experimental::RPadPos::ScaleFactor | A scale factor (separate factors for horizontal and vertical) for scaling a RPadLength |
CROOT::Experimental::REveScene::SceneCommand | |
CROOT::MacOSX::Util::ScopedArray< T > | |
CMemstat::SCustomDigest | |
CROOT::Math::SDeterminant< n, idim > | Dsfact |
CSegment_t | |
CSelectionRules | The class representing the collection of selection rules |
CROOT::Meta::Selection::SelectNoInstance | Used to avoid to select all instances of a template |
CROOT::Internal::ParsingStateRAII::SemaExprCleanupsRAII | |
CROOT::Internal::ParsingStateRAII::SemaParsingInitForAutoVarsRAII | |
►CTMVA::SeparationBase | An interface to calculate the "SeparationGain" for different separation criteria used in various training algorithms |
CTMVA::CrossEntropy | Implementation of the CrossEntropy as separation criterion |
CTMVA::GiniIndex | Implementation of the GiniIndex as separation criterion |
CTMVA::GiniIndexWithLaplace | Implementation of the GiniIndex With Laplace correction as separation criterion |
CTMVA::MisClassificationError | Implementation of the MisClassificationError as separation criterion |
CTMVA::SdivSqrtSplusB | Implementation of the SdivSqrtSplusB as separation criterion |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence::SequencePtr | |
CXrdClientConn::SessionIDInfo | |
►CTMVA::DNN::Settings | Settings for the training of the neural net |
CTMVA::DNN::ClassificationSettings | Settings for classificationused to distinguish between different function signatures |
CSetWindowAttributes_t | |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo::SfinaeHelper | |
CROOT::Internal::SHA256::sha256_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeomDescription::ShapeDescr | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary::ShapeSys | |
CTString::ShortStr_t | |
CSHtmlExtensions_t | |
CSHtmlIndex_t | |
CSHtmlMargin_t | |
CSHtmlStyle_t | |
CSHtmlStyleStack_t | |
CSHtmlTokenMap_t | |
CROOT::Minuit2::SimplexParameters | Class describing the simplex set of points (f(x), x ) which evolve during the minimization iteration process |
CTMVA::SimulatedAnnealing | Base implementation of simulated annealing fitting procedure |
CROOT::Minuit2::SinParameterTransformation | Class for the transformation for double-limited parameter Using a sin function one goes from a double-limited parameter range to an unlimited one |
CROOT::Math::SInverter< T, n, idim > | Dsinv |
CROOT::Math::SkipFunction< SkipNumber > | |
CROOT::Math::SkipFunction< 0 > | |
CTEveCaloData::SliceInfo_t | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::CustomColExtraArgs::Slot | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::CustomColExtraArgs::SlotAndEntry | |
CROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > | SMatrix: a generic fixed size D1 x D2 Matrix class |
CROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R > | |
CROOT::Math::SMatrixIdentity | |
CROOT::Math::SMatrixNoInit | |
CROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRow | |
CROOT::Math::SMatrix< T, D1, D2, R >::SMatrixRow_const | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelper< BranchTypes > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::SnapshotHelperMT< BranchTypes > | |
CSQLite3_Stmt_t | |
CROOT::Math::Sqr< T > | Unary Square Operation Class |
CROOT::Math::Sqrt< T > | Unary Square Root Operation Class |
CROOT::Minuit2::SqrtLowParameterTransformation | Transformation from external to internal Parameter based on sqrt(1 + x**2) |
CROOT::Minuit2::SqrtUpParameterTransformation | Transformation from external to internal Parameter based on sqrt(1 + x**2) |
CROOT::Minuit2::StackAllocator | StackAllocator controls the memory allocation/deallocation of Minuit |
CROOT::Minuit2::StackAllocatorHolder | |
CROOT::Minuit2::StackError | |
CROOT::Minuit2::StackOverflow | Define stack allocator symbol |
►CSTAT | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistData< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STORAGE, STAT > | A RHistImplBase's data, provides accessors to all its statistics |
CTMVA::StatDialogBDT | |
CTMVA::StatDialogBDTReg | |
CTMVA::StatDialogMVAEffs | |
CROOT::TVirtualRWMutex::State | Earlier lock state as returned by GetState() that can be passed to Restore() |
CROOT::TVirtualRWMutex::StateDelta | State as returned by GetStateDelta() that can be passed to Restore() |
CRooStats::HistFactory::StatErrorConfig | Configuration to automatically assign nuisance parameters for the statistical error of the Monte Carlo simulations |
CROOT::option::Stats | Determines the minimum lengths of the buffer and options arrays used for Parser |
CROOT::Math::StdEngine< Generator > | Class to wrap engines fron the C++ standard random library in the ROOT Random interface |
CROOT::Math::StdEngineType< Generator > | |
CROOT::Math::StdRandomEngine | |
CTMVA::DNN::Steepest | Steepest Gradient Descent algorithm (SGD) |
►Cstd::streambuf | |
CTGTextViewStreamBuf | |
CRooMsgService::StreamConfig | |
CTGenCollectionProxy::StreamHelper | Helper class to facilitate I/O |
CTGDMLWrite::StructLst | |
CTGL5DPainter::Surf_t | |
CTCling::SuspendAutoloadingRAII | |
CTInterpreter::SuspendAutoloadingRAII | |
CTInterpreter::SuspendAutoParsing | |
CROOT::Math::SVector< T, D > | SVector: a generic fixed size Vector class |
CTMVA::SVEvent | Event class for Support Vector Machine |
CTMVA::SVKernelFunction | Kernel for Support Vector Machine |
CTMVA::SVKernelMatrix | Kernel matrix for Support Vector Machine |
CTMVA::SVWorkingSet | Working class for Support Vector Machine |
CROOT::Minuit2::sym | |
CSysInfo_t | |
CTGTableLayout::TableData_t | |
►CTMVA::TActivation | Interface for TNeuron activation function classes |
CTMVA::TActivationIdentity | Identity activation function for TNeuron |
CTMVA::TActivationRadial | Radial basis activation function for ANN |
CTMVA::TActivationReLU | Rectified Linear Unit activation function for TNeuron |
CTMVA::TActivationSigmoid | Sigmoid activation function for TNeuron |
CTMVA::TActivationTanh | Tanh activation function for ANN |
CTMVA::TActivationChooser | Class for easily choosing activation functions |
CROOT::TypeTraits::TakeFirstParameter< T > | Return first of possibly many template parameters |
CROOT::TypeTraits::TakeFirstParameter< Template< T, Rest... > > | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::TakeFirstType< T, Rest > | |
CTAlienPackage | |
►CTApplicationImp | ABC describing GUI independent application implementation protocol |
CTRootApplication | |
CTArcBall | Implements the arc-ball rotation manipulator |
►CTArray | Abstract array base class |
►CTArrayC | Array of chars or bytes (8 bits per element) |
CTH1C | 1-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2C | 2-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
►CTH3C | 3-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTGLTH3Composition | |
►CTArrayD | Array of doubles (64 bits per element) |
►CTH1D | 1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTProfile | Profile Histogram |
►CTH2D | 2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTProfile2D | Profile2D histograms are used to display the mean value of Z and its RMS for each cell in X,Y |
►CTH3D | 3-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTProfile3D | Profile3D histograms are used to display the mean value of T and its RMS for each cell in X,Y,Z |
►CTArrayF | Array of floats (32 bits per element) |
CTH1F | 1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH1K | TH1K class supports the nearest K Neighbours method, widely used in cluster analysis |
CTH2F | 2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH3F | 3-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
►CTArrayI | Array of integers (32 bits per element) |
CTH1I | 1-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH2I | 2-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH3I | 3-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTArrayL | Array of longs (32 or 64 bits per element) |
CTArrayL64 | Array of long64s (64 bits per element) |
►CTArrayS | Array of shorts (16 bits per element) |
CTH1S | 1-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2S | 2-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3S | 3-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CROOT::Internal::TArrayType< T, d > | |
CROOT::Internal::TArrayType< T, 0 > | |
CTASLogHandlerGuard | |
CTAtomicCount | |
CROOT::Internal::TAtomicPointer< T > | Helper class to manage atomic pointers |
CROOT::Internal::TAtomicPointer< TObjArray * > | |
►CTAtt3D | Use this attribute class when an object should have 3D capabilities |
CTEveArrow | Class used for display of a thick arrow |
►CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveCalo2D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D |
CTEveCalo3D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 3D |
CTEveCaloLego | Visualization of calorimeter data as eta/phi histogram |
►CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveBoxSet | Collection of 3D primitives (fixed-size boxes, boxes of different sizes, or arbitrary sexto-epipeds, cones) |
CTEveQuadSet | Supports various internal formats that result in rendering of a set of planar (lines, rectangles, hexagons with shared normal) objects |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
►CTEveShape | Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes |
CTEveBox | 3D box with arbitrary vertices (cuboid) |
CTEveBoxProjected | Projection of TEveBox |
CTEveGeoShape | Wrapper for TGeoShape with absolute positioning and color attributes allowing display of extracted TGeoShape's (without an active TGeoManager) and simplified geometries (needed for non-linear projections) |
CTEveGeoShapeProjected | A 3D projected TEveGeoShape |
CTEveJetCone | Draws a jet cone with leading particle is specified in (eta,phi) and cone radius is given |
CTEveJetConeProjected | Projection of TEveJetCone |
CTEvePolygonSetProjected | A set of projected polygons |
►CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveScalableStraightLineSet | Straight-line-set with extra scaling, useful for projectables that need to be scaled in accordance with an external object |
CTEveStraightLineSetProjected | Projected replica of a TEveStraightLineSet |
CTEveText | TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts |
CTEveTriangleSet | Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices) |
CTGeoOverlap | Base class describing geometry overlaps |
►CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
CTGeoVolumeAssembly | Volume assemblies |
CTGeoVolumeMulti | Volume families |
►CTH3 | The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes |
CTH3C | 3-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3D | 3-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH3F | 3-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH3I | 3-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH3S | 3-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTMarker3DBox | A special 3-D marker designed for event display |
►CTNode | TNode description |
CTNodeDiv | Description of parameters to divide a 3-D geometry object |
►CTParticle | Description of the dynamic properties of a particle |
CROOT::Experimental::REveMCTrack | REveMCTrack |
CTEveMCTrack | |
►CTPolyLine3D | A 3-dimensional polyline |
CTHelix | THelix has two different constructors |
►CTPolyMarker3D | A 3D polymarker |
►CTPointSet3D | TPolyMarker3D using TPointSet3DGL for direct OpenGL rendering |
►CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
►CTEveLine | An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CTEveLineProjected | Projected copy of a TEveLine |
►CTEveTrack | Visual representation of a track |
CTEveTrackProjected | Projected copy of a TEveTrack |
CTEvePointSetProjected | Projected copy of a TEvePointSet |
CTPrimary | Old version of a dynamic particle class created by event generators |
►CTShape | This is the base class for all geometry shapes |
►CTBRIK | A box with faces perpendicular to the axes |
CTGTRA | A general twisted trapezoid |
CTPARA | A parallelepiped |
CTTRAP | A general trapezoid |
CTTRD1 | A trapezoid with the x dimension varying along z |
CTTRD2 | A trapezoid with both x and y dimensions varying along z |
►CTPCON | A polycone |
CTPGON | A polygon |
CTSPHE | A Sphere |
►CTTUBE | A tube |
CTCONE | A conical tube |
CTELTU | A cylinder with an elliptical section |
CTHYPE | An hyperboloid (not implemented) |
►CTTUBS | A segment of a tube |
CTCONS | A segment of a conical tube |
CTCTUB | A cut tube with 11 parameters |
CTXTRU | A poly-extrusion |
►CTAttAxis | Manages histogram axis attributes |
CTAxis | Class to manage histogram axis |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
►CTAttBBox | Helper for management of bounding-box information |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveProjectionManager | REveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CROOT::Experimental::REveShape | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet | REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveArrow | Class used for display of a thick arrow |
CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
CTEveProjectionManager | Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CTEveShape | Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveText | TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts |
CTEveTriangleSet | Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices) |
CTPointSet3D | TPolyMarker3D using TPointSet3DGL for direct OpenGL rendering |
►CTAttBBox2D | Abstract base class for elements drawn in the editor |
►CTBox | Create a Box |
►CTPave | A TBox with a bordersize and a shadow option |
CTLegend | This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries |
CTPaletteAxis | The palette painting class |
►CTPaveLabel | A Pave (see TPave) with a text centered in the Pave |
CTPaveClass | A TPaveLabel specialized to process classes inside a TClassTree |
►CTPaveText | A Pave (see TPave) with text, lines or/and boxes inside |
CTDiamond | Draw a Diamond |
CTPaveStats | The histogram statistics painter class |
CTPavesText | A PaveText (see TPaveText) with several stacked paves |
►CTWbox | A TBox with a bordersize and a bordermode |
CTFrame | Define a Frame |
CTSliderBox | The moving box in a TSlider |
►CTCurlyLine | Implements curly or wavy polylines used to draw Feynman diagrams |
CTCurlyArc | Implements curly or wavy arcs used to draw Feynman diagrams |
►CTEllipse | Draw Ellipses |
CTArc | Create an Arc |
CTCrown | To draw a Crown |
►CTLine | A simple line |
CTASPaletteEditor::LimitLine | |
CTArrow | Draw all kinds of Arrows |
CTGaxis | The axis painter class |
CTMarker | Manages Markers |
►CTPad | The most important graphics class in the ROOT system |
►CTButton | A TButton object is a user interface object |
CTGroupButton | A specialized TButton used in a group of Buttons |
►CTCanvas | The Canvas class |
CTDialogCanvas | A canvas specialized to set attributes |
CTInspectCanvas | A TInspectCanvas is a canvas specialized to inspect Root objects |
CTEvePad | This was intended as a TPad wrapper to allow smart updates of groups of pads |
CTSlider | A specialized TPad including a TSliderBox object |
►CTText | Base class for several text objects |
CTLatex | To draw Mathematical Formula |
CTLink | Special TText object used to show hyperlinks |
CTMathText | To draw TeX Mathematical Formula |
CTAttCanvas | Manages canvas attributes |
►CTAttFill | Fill Area Attributes class |
CROOT::v5::TF1Data | |
CTArrow | Draw all kinds of Arrows |
CTBox | Create a Box |
►CTBranch | A TTree is a list of TBranches |
CTBranchClones | A Branch for the case of an array of clone objects |
CTBranchElement | A Branch for the case of an object |
CTBranchObject | A Branch for the case of an object |
CTBranchRef | A branch containing and managing a TRefTable for TRef autoloading |
CTBranchSTL | A Branch handling STL collection of pointers (vectors, lists, queues, sets and multisets) while storing them in split mode |
CTHbookBranch | HBOOK Branch |
CTCandle | The candle plot painter class |
CTEfficiency | Class to handle efficiency histograms |
CTEllipse | Draw Ellipses |
►CTF1 | 1-Dim function class |
CTF12 | A projection of a TF2 along X or Y |
►CTF2 | A 2-Dim function with parameters |
CTF3 | A 3-Dim function with parameters |
CTGeoBatemanSol | |
►CTGeoMaterial | Base class describing materials |
CTGeoMixture | Mixtures of elements |
CTGeoOverlap | Base class describing geometry overlaps |
CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
►CTGraph | A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each |
CRooCurve | A RooCurve is a one-dimensional graphical representation of a real-valued function |
CRooEllipse | A RooEllipse is a two-dimensional ellipse that can be used to represent an error contour |
CTCutG | Graphical cut class |
►CTGraphAsymmErrors | TGraph with asymmetric error bars |
CRooHist | A RooHist is a graphical representation of binned data based on the TGraphAsymmErrors class |
CTGraphBentErrors | A TGraphBentErrors is a TGraph with bent, asymmetric error bars |
►CTGraphErrors | A TGraphErrors is a TGraph with error bars |
CTGraphPolar | To draw a polar graph |
CTGraphMultiErrors | TGraph with asymmetric error bars and multiple y error dimensions |
CTGraphQQ | This class allows to draw quantile-quantile plots |
►CTGraph2D | Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each |
CTGraph2DErrors | Graph 2D class with errors |
CTGraphNode | A graph node object which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
►CTH1 | The TH1 histogram class |
CTH1C | 1-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH1D | 1-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH1F | 1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH1I | 1-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH1K | TH1K class supports the nearest K Neighbours method, widely used in cluster analysis |
CTH1S | 1-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
►CTH2 | Service class for 2-Dim histogram classes |
CTH2C | 2-D histogram with a byte per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH2D | 2-D histogram with a double per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH2F | 2-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
CTH2I | 2-D histogram with an int per channel (see TH1 documentation)} |
►CTH2Poly | 2D Histogram with Polygonal Bins |
CTProfile2Poly | 2D Profile Histogram with Polygonal Bins |
CTH2S | 2-D histogram with a short per channel (see TH1 documentation) |
CTH3 | The 3-D histogram classes derived from the 1-D histogram classes |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTMarker3DBox | A special 3-D marker designed for event display |
►CTMaterial | Manages a detector material |
CTMixture | Manages a detector mixture |
CTMathText | To draw TeX Mathematical Formula |
CTNode | TNode description |
CTPainter3dAlgorithms | The Legos and Surfaces painter class |
CTParallelCoordVar | TParallelCoord axes |
CTPieSlice | A slice of a piechart, see the TPie class |
►CTPolyLine | Defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTCurlyLine | Implements curly or wavy polylines used to draw Feynman diagrams |
CTShape | This is the base class for all geometry shapes |
CTSpider | Spider class |
►CTSpline | Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods |
CTMVA::TSpline1 | Linear interpolation of TGraph |
CTMVA::TSpline2 | Quadratic interpolation of TGraph |
CTSpline3 | Class to create third splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives at beginning and ending points |
CTSpline5 | Class to create quintic natural splines to interpolate knots Arbitrary conditions can be introduced for first and second derivatives using double knots (see BuildCoeff) for more on this |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
►CTTree | A TTree represents a columnar dataset |
►CTChain | A chain is a collection of files containing TTree objects |
CTProofChain | |
CTHbookTree | A wrapper class supporting Hbook ntuples (CWN and RWN) |
CTNtuple | A simple TTree restricted to a list of float variables only |
CTNtupleD | A simple TTree restricted to a list of double variables only |
CTTreeSQL | Implement TTree for a SQL backend |
►CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
CTImageDump | Save canvas as an image (GIF, JPEG, PNG, XPM, TIFF etc.) |
CTPDF | Interface to PDF |
CTPostScript | Interface to PostScript |
CTSVG | Interface to SVG |
CTTeXDump | Interface to TeX |
►CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
CTPad | The most important graphics class in the ROOT system |
►CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
►CTGCocoa | This class implements TVirtualX interface for MacOS X, using Cocoa and Quartz 2D |
CTGQuartz | This is non-GUI part of TVirtualX interface, implemented for MacOS X, using CoreGraphics (Quartz) |
CTGWin32 | This class is the basic interface to the Win32 graphics system |
CTGWin32VirtualXProxy | |
►CTGX11 | This class is the basic interface to the X11 (Xlib) graphics system |
CTGX11TTF | Interface to low level X11 (Xlib) |
►CTAttImage | TImage attributes |
►CTImage | An abstract interface to image processing library |
CTASImage | Image class |
►CTAttLine | Line Attributes class |
CROOT::Experimental::REveLine | REveLine An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet | REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList | REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CROOT::v5::TF1Data | |
CTBox | Create a Box |
CTCandle | The candle plot painter class |
CTEfficiency | Class to handle efficiency histograms |
CTEllipse | Draw Ellipses |
CTEveLine | An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
►CTEveTrackList | A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CTEveTrackListProjected | Specialization of TEveTrackList for holding TEveTrackProjected objects |
CTF1 | 1-Dim function class |
CTGLAxis | GL Axis |
CTGeoBatemanSol | |
CTGeoOverlap | Base class describing geometry overlaps |
CTGeoPhysicalNode | Physical nodes are the actual 'touchable' objects in the geometry, representing a path of positioned volumes starting with the top node: path=/TOP/A_1/B_4/C_3 , where A, B, C represent names of volumes |
CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
CTGraph | A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each |
CTGraph2D | Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each |
CTGraphEdge | An edge object connecting two nodes which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphNode | A graph node object which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphPolargram | To draw polar axis |
CTH1 | The TH1 histogram class |
CTLatex | To draw Mathematical Formula |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTLine | A simple line |
CTMCParticle | This class serves as a data storage for description of one particle |
CTMarker3DBox | A special 3-D marker designed for event display |
CTNode | TNode description |
CTPainter3dAlgorithms | The Legos and Surfaces painter class |
CTParallelCoordRange | A TParallelCoordRange is a range used for parallel coordinates plots |
CTParallelCoordSelect | A TParallelCoordSelect is a specialised TList to hold TParallelCoordRanges used by TParallelCoord |
CTParallelCoordVar | TParallelCoord axes |
CTParticle | Description of the dynamic properties of a particle |
CTPieSlice | A slice of a piechart, see the TPie class |
CTPolyLine | Defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyLine3D | A 3-dimensional polyline |
CTPrimary | Old version of a dynamic particle class created by event generators |
CTShape | This is the base class for all geometry shapes |
CTSpider | Spider class |
CTSpline | Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
CTTree | A TTree represents a columnar dataset |
►CTView | See TView3D |
CTView3D | The 3D view class |
►CTVirtualGeoTrack | Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
CTGeoTrack | Class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
►CTAttMarker | Marker Attributes class |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSet | |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSetArray | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveStraightLineSet | REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrackList | REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CROOT::v5::TF1Data | |
CTCandle | The candle plot painter class |
CTEfficiency | Class to handle efficiency histograms |
CTEvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveTrackList | A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CTF1 | 1-Dim function class |
CTGeoBatemanSol | |
CTGraph | A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each |
CTGraph2D | Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each |
CTH1 | The TH1 histogram class |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTMarker | Manages Markers |
CTPolyMarker | A PolyMarker is defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyMarker3D | A 3D polymarker |
CTSpline | Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
CTTree | A TTree represents a columnar dataset |
CTVirtualGeoTrack | Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
►CTAttPad | Manages default Pad attributes |
CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
►CTAttText | Text Attributes class |
CTAxisModLab | TAxis helper class used to store the modified labels |
CTButton | A TButton object is a user interface object |
CTDialogCanvas | A canvas specialized to set attributes |
CTGLAxis | GL Axis |
CTGLText | GL Text |
CTGaxis | The axis painter class |
CTGraphNode | A graph node object which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphPolargram | To draw polar axis |
CTInspectCanvas | A TInspectCanvas is a canvas specialized to inspect Root objects |
CTLegend | This class displays a legend box (TPaveText) containing several legend entries |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTPaveLabel | A Pave (see TPave) with a text centered in the Pave |
CTPaveText | A Pave (see TPave) with text, lines or/and boxes inside |
CTPie | Draw a Pie Chart, |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
CTText | Base class for several text objects |
CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
CTBase64 | This code implements the Base64 encoding and decoding |
CTMVA::DNN::TBatch< AArchitecture > | TBatch |
CTMVA::DNN::TBatchIterator< Data_t, AArchitecture > | TBatchIterator |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchCacheInfo | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchIMTHelper | |
►CROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy | Base class for all the proxy object |
CROOT::Internal::TArrayCharProxy | |
CROOT::Internal::TArrayProxy< T > | |
►CROOT::Internal::TClaProxy | |
CROOT::Internal::TClaArrayProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TClaImpProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TImpProxy< T > | |
►CROOT::Internal::TStlProxy | |
CROOT::Internal::TStlArrayProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TStlImpProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyDirector | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyHelper | |
►CTBrowserImp | ABC describing GUI independent browser implementation protocol |
CTGFileBrowser | |
►CTRootBrowser | |
CTEveBrowser | Specialization of TRootBrowser for Eve |
CTRootBrowserLite | |
CTBtItem | Item stored in inner nodes of a TBtree |
►CTBtNode | Abstract base class (ABC) of a TBtree node |
CTBtInnerNode | Inner node of a TBtree |
CTBtLeafNode | Leaf node of a TBtree |
CTBuffer3DTypes | |
CROOT::Experimental::TBufferMerger | TBufferMerger is a class to facilitate writing data in parallel from multiple threads, while writing to a single output file |
CTOracleStatement::TBufferRec | |
CROOT::Experimental::Internal::TBulkBranchRead | Helper class for reading many branch entries at once to optimize throughput |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager::TCallback | |
CPyROOT::TCallContext | |
►CTCanvasImp | ABC describing GUI independent main window (with menubar, scrollbars and a drawing area) |
CTRootCanvas | |
►CROOT::Internal::TCDGIILIBase | |
CROOT::Internal::ClassDefGenerateInitInstanceLocalInjector< T > | |
CRgl::Mc::TCell< V > | |
CTChainIndex::TChainIndexEntry | Holds a description of indices of trees in the chain |
CROOT::Internal::TClaObjProxy< T > | |
CTClassRef | TClassRef is used to implement a permanent reference to a TClass object |
►CTClassStreamer | |
CTCollectionClassStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TClassStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTProofPlayer::TCleanup | |
CTClingBaseClassInfo | Emulation of the CINT BaseClassInfo class |
CTClingCallFunc | Emulation of the CINT CallFunc class |
►CTClingDeclInfo | |
CTClingClassInfo | Emulation of the CINT ClassInfo class |
CTClingDataMemberInfo | Emulation of the CINT DataMemberInfo class |
CTClingMethodArgInfo | Emulation of the CINT MethodInfo class |
CTClingMethodInfo | Emulation of the CINT MethodInfo class |
CTClingTypedefInfo | Emulation of the CINT TypedefInfo class |
CTClingTypeInfo | Emulation of the CINT TypeInfo class |
CTTree::TClusterIterator | Helper class to iterate over cluster of baskets |
CTCollectionProxyFactory | TCollectionProxyFactory Interface to collection proxy and streamer generator |
CROOT::Detail::TCollectionProxyInfo | |
►CTCollectionStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TClassStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTCollectionClassStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TClassStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTCollectionMemberStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TMemberStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTGLUtil::TColorLocker | |
CTStreamerInfo::TCompInfo | |
CTComplex | |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguration | Base class of the Configurations |
CTDirectory::TContext | Small helper to keep current directory context |
►CTContextMenuImp | This class provides an interface to GUI independent context sensitive popup menus |
CTRootContextMenu | |
►CTControlBarImp | ABC describing GUI independent control bar |
CTRootControlBar | |
►CPyROOT::TConverter | |
►CPyROOT::TCStringConverter | |
►CPyROOT::TNonConstCStringConverter | |
CPyROOT::TNonConstUCStringConverter | |
CPyROOT::TNotImplementedConverter | |
CPyROOT::TRefCppObjectConverter | |
CPyROOT::TSTLIteratorConverter | |
CPyROOT::TSmartPtrCppObjectConverter | |
►CPyROOT::TVoidArrayConverter | |
►CPyROOT::TCppObjectConverter | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectArrayConverter | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectPtrConverter< ISREFERENCE > | |
►CPyROOT::TStrictCppObjectConverter | |
CPyROOT::TValueCppObjectConverter | |
CPyROOT::TLongLongArrayConverter | |
CPyROOT::TVoidConverter | |
CPyROOT::TVoidPtrPtrConverter | |
CPyROOT::TVoidPtrRefConverter | |
CTMVA::DNN::CNN::TConvParams | |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpu< AReal > | The TCpu architecture class |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpuBuffer< AFloat > | TCpuBuffer |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpuMatrix< AFloat > | The TCpuMatrix class |
CTCreatePrimitives | Creates new primitives |
CTMVA::DNN::TCuda< AReal > | The TCuda architecture class |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaDeviceBuffer< AFloat > | TCudaDeviceBuffer |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaDeviceReference< AFloat > | TCudaDeviceReference |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaHostBuffer< AFloat > | TCudaHostBuffer |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaMatrix< AFloat > | TCudaMatrix Class |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaTensor< AFloat > | TCudaTensor Class |
CROOT::RDF::TCutInfo | |
CTMVA::DNN::TDataLoader< Data_t, AArchitecture > | TDataLoader |
CTMVA::DNN::TDataLoader< AData, TReference< AReal > > | |
CROOT::Math::TDataPoint< K, _val_type > | |
CROOT::Math::TDataPointN< _val_type > | |
CTDatime | This class stores the date and time with a precision of one second in an unsigned 32 bit word (950130 124559) |
CTDavixFileInternal | |
CTClass::TDeclNameRegistry | |
CTMVA::DNN::TDeepNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t > | Generic Deep Neural Network class |
CTMVA::DNN::TDeepNet< Architecture_t, VGeneralLayer< Architecture_t > > | |
►CTMVA::DNN::TDescriptors | |
CTMVA::DNN::CNN::TCNNDescriptors< Layer_t > | |
CTMVA::DNN::TDNNGenDescriptors< Layer_t > | |
CTMVA::DNN::TCpuBuffer< AFloat >::TDestructor | |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaDeviceBuffer< AFloat >::TDestructor | |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaHostBuffer< AFloat >::TDestructor | |
CTMVA::DNN::TDevice | TDevice |
CTMVA::DNN::TDLGradientDescent< Architecture_t > | |
CTGLUtil::TDrawQualityModifier | |
CTGLUtil::TDrawQualityScaler | |
CTElementActionT< Element > | |
CTElementPosActionT< Element > | |
►C__parity::template __pmake | |
CROOT::Detail::__make< _Np > | |
CPyROOT::TemplateProxy | Template proxy object to return functions and methods |
CTMVA::DNN::TCudaTensor< AFloat >::TensorDescriptor | |
CROOT::Math::TensorMulOp< Vector1, Vector2 > | Class for Tensor Multiplication (outer product) of two vectors giving a matrix |
CRgl::Pad::Tesselator | |
►CRooStats::TestStatistic | TestStatistic is an interface class to provide a facility for construction test statistics distributions to the NeymanConstruction class |
CRooStats::DebuggingTestStat | |
CRooStats::MaxLikelihoodEstimateTestStat | MaxLikelihoodEstimateTestStat: TestStatistic that returns maximum likelihood estimate of a specified parameter |
CRooStats::MinNLLTestStat | MinNLLTestStat is an implementation of the TestStatistic interface that calculates the minimum value of the negative log likelihood function and returns it as a test statistic |
CRooStats::NumEventsTestStat | NumEventsTestStat is a simple implementation of the TestStatistic interface used for simple number counting |
CRooStats::ProfileLikelihoodTestStat | ProfileLikelihoodTestStat is an implementation of the TestStatistic interface that calculates the profile likelihood ratio at a particular parameter point given a dataset |
CRooStats::RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat | TestStatistic that returns the ratio of profiled likelihoods |
CRooStats::SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat | TestStatistic class that returns -log(L[null] / L[alt]) where L is the likelihood |
►CRooStats::TestStatSampler | TestStatSampler is an interface class for a tools which produce RooStats SamplingDistributions |
CRooStats::DebuggingSampler | |
►CRooStats::ToyMCSampler | ToyMCSampler is an implementation of the TestStatSampler interface |
CRooStats::ToyMCImportanceSampler | ToyMCImportanceSampler is an extension of the ToyMCSampler for Importance Sampling |
►CTEveChunkManager | Vector-like container with chunked memory allocation |
CTEveChunkVector< T > | |
►CTEveElement | Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and list-tree item management |
CTEveArrow | Class used for display of a thick arrow |
►CTEveCaloData | A central manager for calorimeter event data |
CTEveCaloDataHist | A central manager for calorimeter data of an event written in TH2F |
CTEveCaloDataVec | Calo data for universal cell geometry |
CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
►CTEveElementList | A list of TEveElements |
►CTEveCompound | Description of TEveCompound |
CTEveCompoundProjected | Description of TEveCompoundProjected |
CTEveElementListProjected | A projected element list – required for proper propagation of render state to projected views |
CTEveEventManager | Base class for event management and navigation |
CTEvePlot3D | Description of TEvePlot3D |
CTEveProjectionManager | Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects |
CTEveScene | Eve representation of TGLScene |
CTEveSceneList | List of Scenes providing common operations on TEveScene collections |
CTEveSelection | Make sure there is a SINGLE running TEveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight) |
CTEveShape | Abstract base-class for 2D/3D shapes |
CTEveTrackList | A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters |
CTEveTrackPropagator | Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters |
CTEveTriangleSet | Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices) |
CTEveViewerList | List of Viewers providing common operations on TEveViewer collections |
►CTEveWindow | Abstract base-class for representing eve-windows |
►CTEveWindowFrame | Encapsulates TGFrame into an eve-window |
CTEveViewer | Eve representation of TGLViewer |
CTEveWindowPack | Encapsulates TGPack into an eve-window |
CTEveWindowSlot | Description of TEveWindowSlot |
CTEveWindowTab | Encapsulates TGTab into an eve-window |
CTEveWindowManager | Manager for EVE windows |
►CTEveGeoNode | Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement |
CTEveGeoTopNode | A wrapper over a TGeoNode, possibly displaced with a global trasformation stored in TEveElement |
CTEveParamList | Collection of named parameters |
CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CTEvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
CTEveSceneInfo | TEveUtil representation of TGLSceneInfo |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveText | TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts |
CTEveFrameBoxGL | A class encapsulating GL rendering of TEveFrameBox via a static member function |
CTEveGeoManagerHolder | Exception safe wrapper for setting gGeoManager |
CTEveElement::TEveListTreeInfo | Structure holding information about TGListTree and TGListTreeItem that represents given TEveElement |
►CTEveMagField | Abstract base-class for interfacing to magnetic field needed by the TEveTrackPropagator |
CTEveMagFieldConst | Implements constant magnetic field, given by a vector fB |
CTEveMagFieldDuo | Implements constant magnetic filed that switches on given axial radius fR2 from vector fBIn to fBOut |
CTEveManager | Central application manager for Eve |
CTEvePadHolder | Exception safe wrapper for setting gPad |
CTEvePathMarkT< TT > | Special-point on track: |
►CTEvePointSelectorConsumer | TEvePointSelectorConsumer is a virtual base for classes that can be filled from TTree data via the TEvePointSelector class |
CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CTEvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
►CTEveProjectable | Abstract base-class for non-linear projectable objects |
CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveElementList | A list of TEveElements |
CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
►CTEveProjected | Abstract base class for classes that hold results of a non-linear projection transformation |
CTEveBoxProjected | Projection of TEveBox |
CTEveCalo2D | Visualization of a calorimeter event data in 2D |
CTEveCompoundProjected | Description of TEveCompoundProjected |
CTEveElementListProjected | A projected element list – required for proper propagation of render state to projected views |
CTEveGeoShapeProjected | A 3D projected TEveGeoShape |
CTEveJetConeProjected | Projection of TEveJetCone |
CTEveLineProjected | Projected copy of a TEveLine |
CTEvePointSetProjected | Projected copy of a TEvePointSet |
CTEvePolygonSetProjected | A set of projected polygons |
CTEveStraightLineSetProjected | Projected replica of a TEveStraightLineSet |
CTEveTrackListProjected | Specialization of TEveTrackList for holding TEveTrackProjected objects |
CTEveTrackProjected | Projected copy of a TEveTrack |
►CTEveProjection | Base-class for non-linear projections |
CTEve3DProjection | 3D scaling projection |
CTEveRPhiProjection | XY projection with distortion around given center |
CTEveRhoZProjection | Transformation from 3D to 2D |
►CTEveRefCnt | Base-class for reference-counted objects |
CTEveRGBAPalette | A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes |
►CTEveRefBackPtr | Base-class for reference-counted objects with reverse references to TEveElement objects |
CTEveFrameBox | Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects |
CTEveTrackPropagator | Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters |
►CTEveSecondarySelectable | Semi-abstract interface for classes supporting secondary-selection |
CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveUtil | Standard utility functions for Eve |
CTEveVector2T< TT > | Minimal, templated two-vector |
►CTEveVectorT< TT > | Minimal, templated three-vector |
CTEveVector4T< TT > | Minimal, templated four-vector |
CTEveVectorT< Double_t > | |
CTEveVectorT< Float_t > | |
►CPyROOT::TExecutor | |
►CPyROOT::TCppObjectBySmartPtrExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectBySmartPtrPtrExecutor | |
►CPyROOT::TCppObjectExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectArrayExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectByValueExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectPtrPtrExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectPtrRefExecutor | |
►CPyROOT::TRefExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectBySmartPtrRefExecutor | |
CPyROOT::TCppObjectRefExecutor | |
CROOT::TExecutor< subc > | This class defines an interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time |
►CROOT::TExecutor< TProcessExecutor > | |
CROOT::TProcessExecutor | This class provides a simple interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time |
►CROOT::TExecutor< TSequentialExecutor > | |
CROOT::TSequentialExecutor | |
►CROOT::TExecutor< TThreadExecutor > | |
CROOT::TThreadExecutor | This class provides a simple interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time |
CTExMapIter | |
CROOT::Quartz::TextLine | |
CTLatex::TextSpec_t | TLatex helper struct holding the attributes of a piece of text |
CROOT::Internal::TF1Builder< Func > | Internal class used by TF1 for defining template specialization for different TF1 constructors |
CROOT::Internal::TF1Builder< const char * > | TF1 building from a string used to build a TFormula based on a lambda function |
CROOT::Internal::TF1Builder< Func * > | |
►CTF1::TF1FunctorPointer | |
CTF1::TF1FunctorPointerImpl< T > | |
CTF1Parameters | TF1 Parameters class |
CTFileMergeInfo | |
CTFitResultPtr | Provides an indirection to the TFitResult class and with a semantics identical to a TFitResult pointer, i.e |
CTFormulaFunction | Helper class for TFormula |
CTFormulaParamOrder | Functor defining the parameter order |
CTFormulaVariable | Another helper class for TFormula |
CTTree::TFriendLock | Helper class to prevent infinite recursion in the usage of TTree Friends |
CROOT::Internal::TFriendProxy | |
►CROOT::Detail::TFutureImpl< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TFuture< T > | A TFuture class. It can wrap an std::future |
CTGDimension | |
CTGDMAssignmentHelper< T > | |
CROOT::TGenericClassInfo | |
►CTGenericCollectionIterator | |
CTGenericCollectionIterator::RegularIterator | |
CTGenericCollectionIterator::VectorIterator | |
►CTGeoAtt | Visualization and tracking attributes for volumes and nodes |
►CTGeoNode | A node represent a volume positioned inside another.They store links to both volumes and to the TGeoMatrix representing the relative positioning |
CTGeoNodeMatrix | A node containing local transformation |
CTGeoNodeOffset | Node containing an offset |
CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
CTVirtualGeoTrack | Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
CTGeoElemIter | Iterator for decay branches |
CTGeoIterator | A geometry iterator |
CTGeoMCBranchArrayContainer | Storing and re-using geometry states of the TGeoManager in use by storing them as TGeoBranchArrays |
CTGeoRCPtr< T > | A reference counting-managed pointer for classes derived from TGeoExtension which can be used as C pointer |
CTGeoStateInfo | Statefull info for the current geometry level |
CTGFileInfo | |
CTGInsets | |
►CTGLAxisPainter | |
CTGLAxisPainterBox | Utility class to paint axis in GL |
CTGLBoundingBox | Concrete class describing an orientated (free) or axis aligned box of 8 vertices |
CTGLBoxCut | Used by plot-painters to determine the area of the plot that is cut away |
CTGLCapabilityEnabler | |
CTGLCapabilitySwitch | |
CTGLColor | Class encapsulating color information in preferred GL format - an array of four unsigned bytes |
CTGLColorSet | Class encapsulating a set of colors used throughout standard rendering |
CTGLContext | This class encapsulates window-system specific information about a GL-context and alows their proper management in ROOT |
CTGLContextIdentity | Identifier of a shared GL-context |
CTGLContextPrivate | |
CTGLDisableGuard | |
CTGLEnableGuard | |
CTGLFaderHelper | |
CTGLFBO | Frame-buffer object |
CTGLFloatHolder | |
CTGLFont | A wrapper class for FTFont |
CTGLFontManager | A FreeType GL font manager |
CTGLFormat | Encapsulation of format / contents of an OpenGL buffer |
►CTGListTreeItem | |
CTEveListTreeItem | Special list-tree-item for Eve |
CTGListTreeItemStd | |
CTGLLevelPalette | |
CTGLLine3 | 3D space, fixed length, line class, with direction / length 'vector', passing through point 'vertex' |
►CTGLLockable | Simple locking interface used by viewer and scene |
►CTGLSceneBase | Scene base-class – provides basic interface expected by the TGLViewer or its sub-classes: |
►CTGLScene | TGLScene provides management and rendering of ROOT's default 3D /object representation as logical and physical shapes |
CTGLScenePad | Implements VirtualViewer3D interface and fills the base-class visualization structures from pad contents |
►CTGLViewerBase | Base class for GL viewers |
►CTGLViewer | Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL |
CTGLEmbeddedViewer | Minimal GL-viewer that can be embedded in a standard ROOT frames |
CTGLSAViewer | The top level standalone GL-viewer - created via plugin manager |
►CTGLLogicalShape | Abstract logical shape - a GL 'drawable' - base for all shapes - faceset sphere etc |
CTGLCylinder | Implements a native ROOT-GL cylinder that can be rendered at different levels of detail |
CTGLFaceSet | Implements a native ROOT-GL representation of an arbitrary set of polygons |
►CTGLObject | Base-class for direct OpenGL renderers |
CTEveArrowGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveArrow |
CTEveBoxGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveBox |
CTEveBoxProjectedGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveBoxProjected |
CTEveCalo2DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo2D |
CTEveCalo3DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCalo3D |
CTEveCaloLegoGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveCaloLego |
►CTEveDigitSetGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveDigitSet |
CTEveBoxSetGL | A GL rendering class for TEveBoxSet |
CTEveQuadSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveQuadSet class |
►CTEveJetConeGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetCone |
CTEveJetConeProjectedGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveJetConeProjected |
CTEvePlot3DGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEvePlot3D |
CTEvePolygonSetProjectedGL | GL-renderer for TEvePolygonSetProjected class |
CTEveProjectionAxesGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveProjectionAxes |
CTEveStraightLineSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveStraightLineSet class |
CTEveTextGL | OpenGL renderer class for TEveText |
CTEveTriangleSetGL | GL-renderer for TEveTriangleSet class |
►CTGLPlot3D | Description of TGLPlot3D |
CTF2GL | GL renderer for TF2 |
CTGLParametricEquationGL | GL-renderer wrapper for TGLParametricEquation |
CTH2GL | Rendering of TH2 and derived classes |
CTH3GL | OpenGL renderer class for TH3 |
►CTPointSet3DGL | Direct OpenGL renderer for TPointSet3D |
►CTEveLineGL | GL-renderer for TEveLine class |
►CTEveTrackGL | GL-renderer for TEveTrack class |
CTEveTrackProjectedGL | GL-renderer for TEveTrackProjected class |
CTGLPolyLine | To draw a 3D polyline in a GL window |
CTGLPolyMarker | To draw a 3D polymarker in a GL window |
CTGLSphere | Implements a native ROOT-GL sphere that can be rendered at different levels of detail |
CTGLMatrix | 16 component (4x4) transform matrix - column MAJOR as per GL |
CTGLongPosition | |
CTGLOutput | Wrapper class for GL capture & output routines |
►CTGLOverlayElement | An overlay element |
CTEveRGBAPaletteOverlay | Description of TEveRGBAPaletteOverlay |
CTGLAnnotation | GL-overlay annotation |
CTGLCameraGuide | Draws arrows showing camera orientation in the overlay |
►CTGLCameraOverlay | A GL overlay element which displays camera furstum |
CTEveCaloLegoOverlay | GL-overlay control GUI for TEveCaloLego |
CTGLClipSet | A collection of concrete TGLClip objects to be selected from |
CTGLManipSet | Combine all available manipulators in a collection |
CTGLOverlayButton | GL-overlay button |
CTGLOverlayList | Manage a collection of overlay elements |
►CTGLPaintDevice | |
CTGLAdapter | Allow plot-painters to be used for gl-inpad and gl-viewer |
CTGLWidget | GL window with context |
►CTGLPhysicalShape | Concrete physical shape - a GL drawable |
►CTGLClip | Abstract clipping shape - derives from TGLPhysicalShape Adds clip mode (inside/outside) and pure virtual method to approximate shape as set of planes |
CTGLClipBox | Concrete clip box object |
CTGLClipPlane | Concrete clip plane object |
CTGLPlane | 3D plane class - of format Ax + By + Cz + D = 0 |
CTGLPlotBox | Implementation of a box around a histogram/function for plot-painters |
CTGLPlotCamera | Camera for TGLPlotPainter and sub-classes |
CTGLPlotCoordinates | Helper class for plot-painters holding information about axis ranges, numbers of bins and flags if certain axis is logarithmic |
►CTGLPShapeRef | Base class for references to TGLPysicalShape that need to be notified when the shape is destroyed |
CTGLManipSet | Combine all available manipulators in a collection |
CTGLPShapeObjEditor | GUI editor for TGLPShapeObj |
CTGLQuadric | Wrapper class for GLU quadric shape drawing object |
CTGLRect | Viewport (pixel base) 2D rectangle class |
CTGLRnrCtx | Aggregates data for a given redering context as needed by various parts of the ROOT's OpenGL infrastructure |
►CTGLSceneInfo | Base class for extended scene context |
CTGLScene::TSceneInfo | |
CTGLSelectBuffer | Encapsulates OpenGL select buffer |
CTGLSelectionBuffer | |
►CTGLSelectRecordBase | Base class for select records |
CTGLOvlSelectRecord | Selection record for overlay objects |
CTGLSelectRecord | Standard selection record including information about containing scene and details ob out selected object (TGLPhysicalShape*, TObject* or simply a void* for foreign scenes) |
CTGLStopwatch | Stopwatch object for timing GL work |
CTGLUtil | Wrapper class for various misc static functions - error checking, draw helpers etc |
►CTGLVertex3 | 3 component (x/y/z) vertex class |
CTGLVector3 | 3 component (x/y/z) vector class |
CTGMdiFrameList | |
CTGMdiGeometry | |
►CTGNumberFormat | |
CTGNumberEntry | |
CTGNumberEntryField | |
CTGPasswdDialog | |
CTGPosition | |
CTMVA::DNN::TGradientDescent< Architecture_t > | |
CROOT::TF1Helper::TGradientParFunction | Function class representing the derivative with respect a parameter of a given TF1 |
CTGRectangle | |
CTGRedirectOutputGuard | |
►CRgl::Mc::TGridGeometry< V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TDefaultSplitter< H, E, V > | |
►CRgl::Mc::TGridGeometry< Double_t > | |
CRgl::Mc::TF3Adapter | |
CRgl::Mc::TF3EdgeSplitter | |
►CRgl::Mc::TGridGeometry< Float_t > | |
CRgl::Fgt::TKDEAdapter | |
CTGSearchType | |
CTGText | |
CTGTextBuffer | |
CTGTextLine | |
►CRgl::TGuardBase | |
CRgl::TOneArgGuard< Func, Arg > | |
CRgl::TTwoArgsGuard< Func, Arg1, Arg2 > | |
►CTGuiBuilder | |
CTRootGuiBuilder | |
►CTGWidget | |
CTEveGTriVecValuator | Composite GUI element for setting three numerical values (label, three number-entries) |
►CTEveGValuatorBase | Base class for composite GUI elements for setting of numeric values |
CTEveGDoubleValuator | Composite GUI element for selection of range (label, two number-entries and double-slider) |
CTEveGValuator | Composite GUI element for single value selection (supports label, number-entry and slider) |
►CTGButton | |
►CTGDockButton | |
CTGDockHideButton | |
►CTGPictureButton | |
CTGImageMap | |
►CTGTextButton | |
CTEveGedNameTextButton | Specialization of TGTextButton for EVE name frame |
►CTGCheckButton | |
CTGColorSelect | |
►CTGedSelect | |
CTGedMarkerSelect | |
CTGedPatternSelect | |
CTGRadioButton | |
CTGSplitButton | |
CTGuiBldHintsButton | |
CTGColorPalette | |
CTGColorPick | |
►CTGComboBox | |
CTGFSComboBox | |
CTGFontTypeComboBox | |
CTGLineStyleComboBox | |
CTGLineWidthComboBox | |
CTGDockableFrame | |
►CTGDoubleSlider | |
►CTGDoubleHSlider | |
CTGTripleHSlider | |
►CTGDoubleVSlider | |
CTGTripleVSlider | |
CTGListBox | |
►CTGMdiWinResizer | |
CTGMdiCornerWinResizer | |
CTGMdiHorizontalWinResizer | |
CTGMdiVerticalWinResizer | |
CTGNumberEntry | |
►CTGScrollBar | |
CTGHScrollBar | |
CTGVScrollBar | |
CTGShutterItem | |
►CTGSlider | |
CTGHSlider | |
CTGVSlider | |
CTGSpeedo | |
CTGTab | |
►CTGTable | |
CTGSimpleTable | |
CTGTreeTable | TGTreeTable is a TGTable that owns it's own interface |
►CTGTextEntry | |
CTGNumberEntryField | |
►CTGView | |
CTGHtml | |
►CTGTextView | |
CTGTextEdit | |
CTGTextViewostream | |
CTGeoPconSection | Utility frame used by TGeoPcon editor |
►CTGWin32ProxyBase | Proxy classes provide thread-safe interface to global objects |
CTGWin32GLManagerProxy | |
CTGWin32VirtualXProxy | |
CROOT::RDF::TH1DModel | A struct which stores the parameters of a TH1D |
CTH1Merger | |
CROOT::RDF::TH2DModel | A struct which stores the parameters of a TH2D |
CRgl::Mc::TH3Adapter< H, E > | |
CROOT::RDF::TH3DModel | A struct which stores the parameters of a TH3D |
CROOT::Internal::THashConsistencyHolder< T > | |
CTHistRenderingRegion | |
CROOT::Internal::THnBaseBinIter | Iterator over THnBase bins (internal implementation) |
CTGeoBoolNode::ThreadData_t | |
CTGeoPatternFinder::ThreadData_t | |
CTGeoPgon::ThreadData_t | |
CTGeoVolumeAssembly::ThreadData_t | |
CTGeoXtru::ThreadData_t | |
►CTHttpWSEngine | |
CTHttpLongPollEngine | |
CTIdleTOTimerGuard | |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TIDNode | |
CTIndArray | |
►CROOT::Internal::TInitBehavior | |
►CROOT::Internal::TDefaultInitBehavior | |
CROOT::Internal::TQObjectInitBehavior | |
CTInspectorImp | ABC describing GUI independent object inspector (abstraction mainly needed for Win32 |
CTVirtualCollectionPtrIterators::TInternalIterator | |
CTClassEdit::TInterpreterLookupHelper | |
►CTInterpreterValue | |
CTClingValue | Bridge between cling::Value and ROOT |
CROOT::TIOFeatures | TIOFeatures provides the end-user with the ability to change the IO behavior of data written via a TTree |
CRgl::Mc::TIsoMesh< V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TIsoMesh< Double_t > | |
CRgl::Mc::TIsoMesh< Float_t > | |
►CTIter | |
CROOT::Detail::TTypedIter< Containee > | TTypedIter is a typed version of TIter |
CROOT::Internal::TRangeDynCastIterator< Containee > | Internal help class implmenting an iterator for TRangeDynCast |
CTIterCategory< T > | |
►CTIterator | Iterator abstract base class |
CRooAbsCategory::LegacyIterator | Do not persist |
CRooDataHistSliceIter | RooDataHistSliceIter iterates over all bins in a RooDataHist that occur in a slice defined by the bin coordinates of the input sliceSet |
CRooLinkedListIter | A wrapper around TIterator derivatives |
CRooLinkedListIterImpl | Implementation of the actual iterator on RooLinkedLists |
CRooMultiCatIter | RooMultiCatIter iterators over all state permutations of a list of categories |
CTBtreeIter | Iterator of btree |
CTHashTableIter | Iterator of hash table |
CTIteratorToSTLInterface< STLContainer > | TIterator and GenericRooFIter front end with STL back end |
CTListIter | Iterator of linked list |
CTMapIter | Iterator of map |
CTObjArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTOrdCollectionIter | Iterator of ordered collection |
CTRefArrayIter | Iterator of object array |
CTTreeFriendLeafIter | Iterator on all the leaves in a TTree and its friend |
CTViewPubDataMembersIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTViewPubFunctionsIter | Iterator of over the view's content |
CTLatex::TLatexFormSize | TLatex helper class used to compute the size of a portion of a formula |
CTMVA::DNN::TLayer< Architecture_t > | Generic layer class |
CTLimit | Algorithm to compute 95% C.L |
CTLockGuard | |
CTLockPathGuard | |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TLoopConfiguration | Base class of the Configurations for the member wise looping routines |
CTLorentzRotation::TLorentzRotationRow | |
CTMakeProject | |
CTMapRec | Keep track of an object in the mapped file |
CTMatrixDEigen | TMatrixDEigen |
CTMatrixDSymEigen | TMatrixDSymEigen |
►CTMatrixTColumn_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTColumn< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTDiag_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTDiag< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTFlat_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTFlat< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTRow_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTRow< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTSparseDiag_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTSparseDiag< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTSparseRow_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTSparseRow< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTSub_const< Element > | |
CTMatrixTSub< Element > | |
CTMCManager | Singleton manager class for handling and steering a run with multiple TVirtualMC engines sharing events |
CTMCParticleStatus | |
CTMCTemplateAutoLock< M, L, U > | Template classe which provides a mechanism to create a mutex and locks/unlocks it |
►CTMCTemplateAutoLock< TMCMutex, TMCthread_lock, TMCthread_unlock > | |
CTMCImpMutexAutoLock | Realization of TMCTemplateAutoLock with TMCMutex |
CTMD5 | This code implements the MD5 message-digest algorithm |
CTMemberInspector | Abstract base class for accessing the data-members of a class |
►CTMemberStreamer | |
CTCollectionMemberStreamer | Class streamer object to implement TMemberStreamer functionality for I/O emulation |
CTConvertClonesArrayToProxy | Small helper to read a TBuffer containing a TClonesArray into any valid collection |
CTConvertMapToProxy | |
CTMemFile::TMemBlock | |
CMemstat::TMemStatFAddrContainer | |
CTMemStatHook | |
CROOT::TModuleGenerator | |
►CTMPClient | Base class for multiprocess applications' clients |
CROOT::TProcessExecutor | This class provides a simple interface to execute the same task multiple times in parallel, possibly with different arguments every time |
CROOT::TTreeProcessorMP | This class provides an interface to process a TTree dataset in parallel with multi-process technology |
►CTMPWorker | This class works in conjuction with TMPClient, reacting to messages received from it as specified by the Notify and HandleInput methods |
CTMPWorkerExecutor< F, T, R > | This class works together with TProcessExecutor to allow the execution of functions in server processes |
CTMPWorkerExecutor< F, T, void > | |
CTMPWorkerExecutor< F, void, R > | |
►CTMPWorkerTree | This class works in conjuction with TTreeProcessorMP, reacting to messages received from it as specified by the Notify and HandleInput methods |
CTMPWorkerTreeFunc< F > | Templated derivation of TMPWorkerTree handlign generic function tree processing |
CTMPWorkerTreeSel | Templated derivation of TMPWorkerTree handlign selector tree processing |
CROOT::Internal::TMultiArrayType< T, d > | |
CTMVA::TMVAGaussPair | |
CROOT::Internal::TNamedBranchProxy | |
CTNDArrayRef< T > | |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TNestedIDs | |
CTMVA::DNN::TNet< Architecture_t, Layer_t > | Generic neural network class |
►CTMVA::TNeuronInput | Interface for TNeuron input calculation classes |
CTMVA::TNeuronInputAbs | TNeuron input calculator – calculates the sum of the absolute values of the weighted inputs |
CTMVA::TNeuronInputSqSum | TNeuron input calculator – calculates the squared weighted sum of inputs |
CTMVA::TNeuronInputSum | TNeuron input calculator – calculates the weighted sum of inputs |
CTMVA::TNeuronInputChooser | Class for easily choosing neuron input functions |
►CTNonCopyable | |
CTThreadPool< aTask, aParam > | |
►CTObject | Mother of all ROOT objects |
CTEveRecTrackT< Float_t > | |
►CTMatrixTBase< Double_t > | |
CTMatrixT< Double_t > | |
CTMatrixTSparse< Double_t > | |
CTMatrixTSym< Double_t > | |
►CTMatrixTBase< AReal > | |
CTMatrixT< AReal > | |
►CTParameter< Long64_t > | |
CTSelectorScalar | Named scalar type, based on Long64_t, streamable, storable and mergable |
CTVectorT< Double_t > | |
CHit | |
CJet | |
CJetEvent | |
CMemstat::TMemStatMng | |
CPyROOT::TMemoryRegulator | |
CROOT::Detail::TSchemaRuleSet | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveTrans | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveVSD | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderFast | |
CROOT::Internal::TCheckHashRecursiveRemoveConsistency | |
CROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderDescriptor | |
CROOT::R::TRDataFrame | This is a class to create DataFrames from ROOT to R |
CROOT::R::TRFunctionExport | This is a class to pass functions from ROOT to R |
CROOT::R::TRFunctionImport | This is a class to pass functions from ROOT to R |
CROOT::R::TRInterface | ROOT R was implemented using the R Project library and the modules Rcpp and RInside |
CROOT::R::TRObject | This is a class to get ROOT's objects from R's objects |
CROOT::TSchemaRule | |
CRooAbsCollection | RooAbsCollection is an abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects |
►CRooAbsIntegrator | RooAbsIntegrator is the abstract interface for integrators of real-valued functions that implement the RooAbsFunc interface |
CRooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D | RooAdaptiveGaussKronrodIntegrator1D implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm |
CRooAdaptiveIntegratorND | RooAdaptiveIntegratorND implements an adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm |
CRooBinIntegrator | RooBinIntegrator implements an adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm |
CRooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D | RooGaussKronrodIntegrator1D implements the Gauss-Kronrod integration algorithm |
CRooImproperIntegrator1D | Special numeric integrator that can handle integrals over open domains |
►CRooIntegrator1D | RooIntegrator1D implements an adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm |
CRooIntegrator2D | RooIntegrator2D implements a numeric two-dimensiona integrator in terms of a recursive application of RooIntegrator1D |
CRooMCIntegrator | RooMCIntegrator implements an adaptive multi-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical integration, following the VEGAS algorithm originally described in G |
►CRooSegmentedIntegrator1D | RooSegmentedIntegrator1D implements an adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm |
CRooSegmentedIntegrator2D | RooSegmentedIntegrator2D implements an adaptive one-dimensional numerical integration algorithm |
CRooCFunction1Ref< VO, VI > | |
CRooCFunction2Ref< VO, VI1, VI2 > | |
CRooCFunction3Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3 > | |
CRooCFunction4Ref< VO, VI1, VI2, VI3, VI4 > | |
CRooCatType | RooCatType is an auxilary class for RooAbsCategory and defines a a single category state |
CRooCmdConfig | Class RooCmdConfig is a configurable parser for RooCmdArg named arguments |
CRooExpensiveObjectCache | RooExpensiveObjectCache is a singleton class that serves as repository for objects that are expensive to calculate |
CRooGrid | RooGrid is a utility class for RooMCIntegrator which implements an adaptive multi-dimensional Monte Carlo numerical integration, following the VEGAS algorithm |
CRooHashTable | RooHashTable implements a hash table for TObjects |
►CRooLinkedList | RooLinkedList is an collection class for internal use, storing a collection of RooAbsArg pointers in a doubly linked list |
CRooRefCountList | A RooRefCountList is a RooLinkedList that keeps a reference counter with each added node |
CRooMinimizer | RooMinimizer is a wrapper class around ROOT::Fit:Fitter that provides a seamless interface between the minimizer functionality and the native RooFit interface |
CRooMinuit | RooMinuit is a wrapper class around TFitter/TMinuit that provides a seamless interface between the MINUIT functionality and the native RooFit interface |
CRooMsgService | Singleton class that organizes informational, debugging, warning and errors messages generated by the RooFit core code |
CRooNameSet | RooNameSet is a utility class that stores the names the objects in a RooArget |
CRooNumGenConfig | RooNumGenConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
CRooNumGenFactory | RooNumGenFactory is a factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration |
CRooNumIntConfig | RooNumIntConfig holds the configuration parameters of the various numeric integrators used by RooRealIntegral |
CRooNumIntFactory | RooNumIntFactory is a factory to instantiate numeric integrators from a given function binding and a given configuration |
CRooSetPair | RooSetPair is a utility class that stores a pair of RooArgSets |
►CRooSharedProperties | Class RooSharedProperties is the base class for shared properties that can be stored in RooSharedPropertiesList |
CRooCategorySharedProperties | RooCategorySharedProperties is the container for all properties that are shared between instance of RooCategory objects that are clones of each other |
CRooRealVarSharedProperties | Class RooRealVarSharedProperties is an implementation of RooSharedProperties that stores the properties of a RooRealVar that are shared among clones |
CRooSharedPropertiesList | Class RooSharedPropertiesList maintains the properties of RooRealVars and RooCategories that are clones of each other |
CRooSimPdfBuilder | This tool has now been superseded by RooSimWSTool |
CRooStats::AcceptanceRegion | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::EstimateSummary | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactory | |
CRooStats::HistFactory::HistoToWorkspaceFactoryFast | |
CRooStats::MetropolisHastings | This class uses the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to construct a Markov Chain of data points using Monte Carlo |
►CRooStats::ProposalFunction | ProposalFunction is an interface for all proposal functions that would be used with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm |
CRooStats::PdfProposal | PdfProposal is a concrete implementation of the ProposalFunction interface |
CRooStats::SequentialProposal | Class implementing a proposal function that samples the parameter space by moving only in one coordinate (chosen randomly) at each step |
CRooStats::UniformProposal | UniformProposal is a concrete implementation of the ProposalFunction interface for use with a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm |
CRooStats::ProposalHelper | |
CRooStats::SamplingSummary | |
CRooStats::SamplingSummaryLookup | |
CRooWorkspace::CodeRepo | |
CTASPaletteEditor::PaintPalette | |
CTAliEnFind | |
►CTApplication | This class creates the ROOT Application Environment that interfaces to the windowing system eventloop and eventhandlers |
CPyROOT::TPyROOTApplication | |
CTApplicationRemote | |
CTApplicationServer | |
CTGApplication | |
►CTProofServ | Class providing the PROOF server |
CTProofServLite | Version of the PROOF worker server for local running |
CTXProofServ | This class implements the XProofD version of TProofServ, with respect to which it differs only for the underlying connection technology |
CTRint | |
►CTArchiveFile | Class describing an archive file containing multiple sub-files, like a ZIP or TAR archive |
CTZIPFile | Describes a ZIP archive file containing multiple sub-files |
►CTArchiveMember | |
CTZIPMember | A ZIP archive consists of files compressed with the popular ZLIB compression algorithm; this class records the information about a single archive member |
CTAuthenticate | |
CTAxisModLab | TAxis helper class used to store the modified labels |
CTBinomialEfficiencyFitter | Binomial fitter for the division of two histograms |
CTBits | Container of bits |
CTBox | Create a Box |
►CTBuffer | Buffer base class used for serializing objects |
►CTBufferIO | Direct subclass of TBuffer, implements common methods for TBufferFile and TBufferText classes |
►CTBufferFile | The concrete implementation of TBuffer for writing/reading to/from a ROOT file or socket |
CTBufferSQL | Implement TBuffer for a SQL backend |
CTMessage | |
►CTBufferText | Base class for text-based streamers like TBufferJSON or TBufferXML Special actions list will use methods, introduced in this class |
CTBufferJSON | Class for serializing object to and from JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format |
CTBufferSQL2 | Converts data to SQL statements or read data from SQL tables |
CTBufferXML | Class for serializing/deserializing object to/from xml |
►CTBuffer3D | Generic 3D primitive description class |
CTBuffer3DSphere | Sphere description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes Supports hollow and cut spheres |
►CTBuffer3DTube | Complete tube description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
►CTBuffer3DTubeSeg | Tube segment description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
CTBuffer3DCutTube | Cut tube segment description class - see TBuffer3DTypes for producer classes |
CTClassDocInfo | |
►CTClassGenerator | Objects following this interface can be passed onto the TROOT object to implement a user customized way to create the TClass objects |
CTPyClassGenerator | |
CTClassMenuItem | Describes one element of the context menu associated to a class The menu item may describe |
CTClassTable | This class registers for all classes their name, id and dictionary function in a hash table |
►CTCollection | Collection abstract base class |
►CTHashTable | THashTable implements a hash table to store TObject's |
CTListOfTypes | A collection of TDataType designed to hold the typedef information and numerical type information |
CTMap | TMap implements an associative array of (key,value) pairs using a THashTable for efficient retrieval (therefore TMap does not conserve the order of the entries) |
►CTSeqCollection | Sequenceable collection abstract base class |
CTBtree | B-tree class |
►CTList | A doubly linked list |
CRooList | A RooList is a TList with extra support for working with options that are associated with each node |
►CTGridJobStatusList | |
CTAlienJobStatusList | |
►CTGridResult | |
CTAlienResult | |
►CTHashList | THashList implements a hybrid collection class consisting of a hash table and a list to store TObject's |
CTListOfDataMembers | A collection of TDataMember objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TDataMember that were described unloaded data member |
►CTListOfEnums | A collection of TEnum objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TEnum that were described unloaded enum |
CTListOfEnumsWithLock | A collection of TEnum objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TEnum that were described unloaded enum |
CTListOfFunctionTemplates | A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFunction that were described unloaded function |
CTListOfFunctions | A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFunction that were described unloaded function |
CTSelectorList | A TList derived class that makes sure that objects added to it are not linked to the currently open file (like histograms, eventlists and trees) |
CTParallelCoordSelect | A TParallelCoordSelect is a specialised TList to hold TParallelCoordRanges used by TParallelCoord |
CTProofOutputList | Derivation of TList with an overload of ls() and Print() allowing to filter out some of the variables |
►CTQCommand | The Command design pattern is based on the idea, that all editing in an application is done by creating instances of command objects |
CTQUndoManager | Recorder of operations for undo and redo |
CTSortedList | A sorted doubly linked list |
CTViewPubDataMembers | View implementing the TList interface and giving access all the TDictionary describing public data members in a class and all its base classes without caching any of the TDictionary pointers |
CTViewPubFunctions | View implementing the TList interface and giving access all the TFunction describing public methods in a class and all its base classes without caching any of the TFunction pointers |
►CTVirtualQConnection | Mediates the link between the signal and the slot |
CTQConnection | TQConnection class is an internal class, used in the object communication mechanism |
►CTObjArray | An array of TObjects |
CRooRefArray | |
CTClonesArray | An array of clone (identical) objects |
CTGeoNavigatorArray | |
CTOrdCollection | Ordered collection |
CTRefArray | An array of references to TObjects |
CTCondition | |
►CTConditionImp | |
CTPosixCondition | |
CTWin32Condition | |
CTCondor | |
CTCondorSlave | |
CTConfidenceLevel | Class to compute 95% CL limits |
CTDNDData | |
►CTDataSetManager | |
CTDataSetManagerAliEn | |
CTDataSetManagerFile | |
CTDecayChannel | Description of the decay channel |
►CTDecompBase | Decomposition Base class |
CTDecompBK | The Bunch-Kaufman diagonal pivoting method decomposes a real symmetric matrix A using |
CTDecompChol | Cholesky Decomposition class |
CTDecompLU | LU Decomposition class |
CTDecompQRH | QR Decomposition class |
CTDecompSVD | Single Value Decomposition class |
CTDecompSparse | Sparse Symmetric Decomposition class |
CTDictAttributeMap | The ROOT object has a list of properties which are stored and retrieved using TDictAttributeMap |
CTDocMethodWrapper | |
►CTDocOutput | |
CTClassDocOutput | |
CTDocParser | |
CTDrawFeedback | Utility class to draw objects in the feedback list during queries |
CTEllipse | Draw Ellipses |
CTEntryListBlock | Used by TEntryList to store the entry numbers |
CTEnv | Reads config files, by default named .rootrc |
CTEnvRec | |
CTEveCluster | |
CTEveFrameBox | Description of a 2D or 3D frame that can be used to visually group a set of objects |
CTEveGeoNode | Wrapper for TGeoNode that allows it to be shown in GUI and controlled as a TEveElement |
CTEveGridStepper | Provide discrete position coordinates for placement of objects on regular grids |
CTEveHit | |
CTEveMCRecCrossRef | |
CTEveRGBAPalette | A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes |
CTEveRecCascade | |
CTEveRecKink | |
CTEveRecTrackT< TT > | |
CTEveRecV0 | |
CTEveTrans | TEveTrans is a 4x4 transformation matrix for homogeneous coordinates stored internally in a column-major order to allow direct usage by GL |
CTEveVSD | Visualization Summary Data - a collection of trees holding standard event data in experiment independent format |
►CTEventIter | Special iterator class used in TProofPlayer to iterate over events or objects in the packets |
CTEventIterObj | |
CTEventIterTree | |
CTEventIterUnit | |
CTExMap | This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash |
►CTF1AbsComposition | |
CTF1Convolution | Class wrapping convolution of two functions |
CTF1NormSum | Class adding two functions: c1*f1+c2*f2 |
CTFPBlock | This class represents the encapsulation of a block request |
CTFeldmanCousins | Class to calculate the CL upper limit using the Feldman-Cousins method as described in PRD V57 #7, p3873-3889 |
►CTFileCacheRead | A cache when reading files over the network |
►CTTreeCache | A cache to speed-up the reading of ROOT datasets |
CTTreeCacheUnzip | A TTreeCache which exploits parallelized decompression of its own content |
CTFileCacheWrite | A cache when writing files over the network |
CTFileMerger | This class provides file copy and merging services |
CTFilePrefetch | The prefetching mechanism uses two classes (TFilePrefetch and TFPBlock) to prefetch in advance a block of tree entries |
CTFoam | TFoam is the main class of the multi-dimensional general purpose Monte Carlo event generator (integrator) FOAM |
CTFoamCell | Used by TFoam |
►CTFoamIntegrand | Abstract class representing n-dimensional real positive integrand function |
CRooTFoamBinding | Lightweight interface adaptor that binds a RooAbsPdf to TFOAM |
CTFoamMaxwt | Small auxiliary class for controlling MC weight |
CTFoamVect | Auxiliary class TFoamVect of n-dimensional vector, with dynamic allocation used for the cartesian geometry of the TFoam cells |
►CTFormLeafInfo | This class is a small helper class to implement reading a data member on an object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCast | A small helper class to implement casting an object to a different type (equivalent to dynamic_cast) |
CTFormLeafInfoClones | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollection | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a generic collection object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollectionObject | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoCollectionSize | Used to return the size of a collection |
CTFormLeafInfoDirect | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on an object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMethod | Asmall helper class to implement executing a method of an object stored in a TTree |
►CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDim | A helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimClones | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimCollection | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoMultiVarDimDirect | A small helper class to implement reading a data member on a variable size array inside a TClonesArray object stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoNumerical | A small helper class to implement reading a numerical value inside a collection |
CTFormLeafInfoPointer | A small helper class to implement reading a data member by following a pointer inside a branch of TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoReference | A small helper class to implement the following of reference objects stored in a TTree |
CTFormLeafInfoTTree | A small helper class to implement reading from the containing TTree object itself |
CTFractionFitter | Fits MC fractions to data histogram |
CTFree | Service class for TFile |
CTGClient | |
CTGDMLParse | This class contains the implementation of the GDML parser associated to all the supported GDML elements |
CTGDMLRefl | This class is a helper class for TGDMLParse |
CTGDMLWrite | This class contains implementation of converting ROOT's gGeoManager geometry to GDML file |
CTGDNDManager | |
►CTGFrameElement | |
CTGFrameElementPack | |
►CTGHtmlElement | |
CTGHtmlBlock | |
►CTGHtmlMarkupElement | |
CTGHtmlAnchor | |
CTGHtmlCell | |
CTGHtmlForm | |
CTGHtmlHr | |
CTGHtmlImageMarkup | |
CTGHtmlInput | |
CTGHtmlLi | |
CTGHtmlListStart | |
CTGHtmlMapArea | |
CTGHtmlRef | |
CTGHtmlScript | |
CTGHtmlTable | |
CTGHtmlSpaceElement | |
CTGHtmlTextElement | |
CTGHtmlImage | |
CTGHtmlLayoutContext | |
CTGHtmlUri | |
CTGIdleHandler | |
CTGItemContext | Empty object used as context menu support for TGLVTreeEntries |
CTGLAutoRotator | Automatically rotates GL camera |
►CTGLCamera | Abstract base camera class - concrete classes for orthographic and perspective cameras derive from it |
CTGLOrthoCamera | Orthographic projection camera |
CTGLPerspectiveCamera | Perspective projection camera - with characteristic foreshortening |
CTGLLightSet | Encapsulates a set of lights for OpenGL |
CTGLPShapeObj | Wrap TGLPysicalShape into TObject so that it can be edited using GED |
►CTGLayoutHints | |
CTGTableLayoutHints | |
CTGXYLayoutHints | |
►CTGLayoutManager | |
CTGMatrixLayout | |
CTGNumberEntryLayout | |
CTGTabLayout | |
CTGTableLayout | |
►CTGTileLayout | |
CTGListDetailsLayout | |
CTGListLayout | |
►CTGVerticalLayout | |
CTGHorizontalLayout | |
►CTGRowLayout | |
CTGColumnLayout | |
CTGXYLayout | |
CTGMainFrame::TGMapKey | |
CTGMenuEntry | |
CTGMime | |
CTGMimeTypes | |
►CTGObject | |
CTGFontPool | |
CTGGCPool | |
CTGResourcePool | |
►CTGWindow | |
►CTGFrame | |
CTGButton | |
►CTGCanvas | |
CTGListView | |
CTGMdiMainFrame | |
CTRootEmbeddedCanvas | |
CTGColorFrame | |
CTGColorPalette | |
CTGColorPick | |
►CTGCompositeFrame | |
CTEditQueryFrame | |
►CTEveCompositeFrame | Abstract base-class for frame-slots that encompass EVE-windows (sub-classes of TEveWindow) |
CTEveCompositeFrameInMainFrame | An EVE window-slot contained within a TGMainFrame |
CTEveCompositeFrameInPack | An EVE window-slot contained within one frame of a TGPack |
CTEveCompositeFrameInTab | An EVE window-slot contained within one tab of a TGTab |
CTEveGTriVecValuator | Composite GUI element for setting three numerical values (label, three number-entries) |
CTEveGValuatorBase | Base class for composite GUI elements for setting of numeric values |
CTG16ColorSelector | |
CTGColorPopup | |
CTGComboBox | |
CTGComboBoxPopup | |
►CTGContainer | |
CTGLBContainer | |
►CTGLVContainer | |
CTGFileContainer | |
CTTVLVContainer | This class represent the list view container for the |
CTGListTree | |
CTGDockableFrame | |
►CTGGroupFrame | |
►CTGButtonGroup | |
CTGHButtonGroup | |
CTGVButtonGroup | |
►CTGHorizontalFrame | |
CTGHeaderFrame | |
CTGMenuBar | |
CTGStatusBar | |
CTGListBox | |
►CTGMainFrame | |
CTASPaletteEditor | This is a GUI window to edit a color palette |
CTEveGListTreeEditorFrame | Composite GUI frame for parallel display of a TGListTree and TEveGedEditor |
CTFitEditor | |
CTGCommandPlugin | |
CTGFileBrowser | |
CTGHtmlBrowser | |
CTGLSAFrame | Standalone GL Viewer GUI main frame |
CTGRecorder | |
CTGTextEditor | |
►CTGTransientFrame | |
CTAdvancedGraphicsDialog | |
CTFitParametersDialog | |
CTFunctionParametersDialog | |
CTGColorDialog | |
CTGFileDialog | |
CTGFontDialog | |
CTGGotoDialog | |
CTGInputDialog | |
CTGMsgBox | |
CTGPrintDialog | |
CTGSearchDialog | |
CTGSelectBox | This class represent a specialized expression editor for TTVLVEntry 'true name' and 'alias' data members |
CTGUndockedFrame | |
►CTGeoTreeDialog | |
CTGeoMaterialDialog | |
CTGeoMatrixDialog | |
CTGeoMediumDialog | |
CTGeoShapeDialog | |
CTGeoVolumeDialog | |
CTNewChainDlg | |
CTNewQueryDlg | |
CTProofProgressLog | |
CTProofProgressMemoryPlot | |
CTRootDialog | |
CTRootHelpDialog | |
CTSessionLogView | |
CTStyleDialog | |
CTStylePreview | |
CTTreeInput | |
CTUploadDataSetDlg | |
►CTGedEditor | |
CTEveGedEditor | Specialization of TGedEditor for proper update propagation to TEveManager |
CTGeoTransientPanel | |
CTRootBrowser | |
CTRootBrowserLite | |
CTRootCanvas | |
CTRootControlBar | |
CTRootGuiBuilder | |
CTSessionViewer | |
CTStructViewerGUI | |
CTStyleManager | |
CTTreeViewer | A graphic user interface designed to handle ROOT trees and to take advantage of TTree class features |
CTGMdiButtons | |
CTGMdiDecorFrame | |
CTGMdiFrame | |
CTGMdiMenuBar | |
CTGMdiTitleBar | |
CTGNumberEntry | |
CTGPack | |
CTGShapedFrame | |
CTGShutter | |
CTGSplitFrame | |
CTGSplitTool | |
CTGTab | |
CTGTable | |
CTGTableHeaderFrame | |
CTGToolBar | |
CTGToolTip | |
►CTGVerticalFrame | |
CTEveGridStepperSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveGridStepper class |
CTEveRGBAPaletteSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveRGBAPalette class |
CTEveTrackPropagatorSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveTrackPropagator class |
CTEveTransSubEditor | Sub-editor for TEveTrans class |
CTGLClipSetSubEditor | GUI sub-editor for TGLClipSet |
CTGLLightSetSubEditor | Sub-editor for TGLLightSet |
CTGShutterItem | |
CTGuiBldEditor | |
CTGuiBldGeometryFrame | |
CTGuiBldHintsEditor | |
CTGView | |
CTGViewFrame | |
CTGViewPort | |
►CTGedFrame | |
CTArrowEditor | |
CTAttFillEditor | |
CTAttLineEditor | |
CTAttMarkerEditor | |
CTAttTextEditor | |
CTAxisEditor | |
CTCurlyArcEditor | |
CTCurlyLineEditor | |
CTEveArrowEditor | GUI editor for TEveArrow |
CTEveCalo3DEditor | GUI editor for TEveCalo3D |
CTEveCaloLegoEditor | GUI editor for TEveCaloLego |
CTEveCaloVizEditor | GUI editor for TEveCaloEditor |
CTEveDigitSetEditor | Editor for TEveDigitSet class |
CTEveElementEditor | Editor for TEveElement class |
CTEveGedNameFrame | Specialization of TGedNameFrame used in EVE |
CTEveGeoNodeEditor | Editor for TEveGeoNode class |
CTEveGeoTopNodeEditor | Editor for TEveGeoTopNode class |
CTEveGridStepperEditor | Editor for TEveGridStepper class |
CTEveJetConeEditor | GUI editor for TEveJetCone |
CTEveLineEditor | Editor for TEveLine class |
CTEveParamListEditor | GUI editor for TEveParamList |
CTEvePointSetArrayEditor | Editor for TEvePointSetArray class |
CTEveProjectionAxesEditor | GUI editor for TEveProjectionAxes |
CTEveProjectionManagerEditor | GUI editor for TEveProjectionManager class |
CTEveRGBAPaletteEditor | Editor for TEveRGBAPalette class |
CTEveShapeEditor | GUI editor for TEveShape |
CTEveStraightLineSetEditor | Editor for TEveStraightLineSet class |
CTEveTextEditor | GUI editor for TEveText |
CTEveTrackEditor | Editor for TEveTrack class |
CTEveTrackListEditor | Editor for TEveTrackList class |
CTEveTrackPropagatorEditor | GUI editor for TEveTrackPropagator |
CTEveTransEditor | Editor for TEveTrans class |
CTEveTriangleSetEditor | Editor for TEveTriangleSet class |
CTEveViewerListEditor | GUI editor for TEveViewerList |
CTEveWindowEditor | GUI editor for TEveWindow |
CTF1Editor | |
CTFrameEditor | |
CTGL5DDataSetEditor | GUI editor for OpenGL 5D Painter |
CTGLClipSetEditor | GUI editor for TGLClipSet |
CTGLLightSetEditor | |
CTGLPShapeObjEditor | GUI editor for TGLPShapeObj |
CTGLViewerEditor | GUI editor for TGLViewer |
CTGedNameFrame | |
►CTGeoGedFrame | Common base class for geombuilder editors |
CTGeoBBoxEditor | Editor for a TGeoBBox |
CTGeoCombiTransEditor | Editor for a TGeoCombiTrans |
►CTGeoConeEditor | Editor for a TGeoCone |
CTGeoConeSegEditor | Editor for a cone segment |
CTGeoEltuEditor | Editor for a TGeoEltu |
CTGeoHypeEditor | Editor for a TGeoHype |
►CTGeoMaterialEditor | Editors for materials |
CTGeoMixtureEditor | Editors for mixtures |
CTGeoMediumEditor | Editor class for TGeo tracking media |
CTGeoNodeEditor | Editor class for TGeoNode objects |
CTGeoParaEditor | Editor for a TGeoPara |
►CTGeoPconEditor | Editor for a TGeoPcon |
CTGeoPgonEditor | Editor for a TGeoPgon |
CTGeoRotationEditor | Editor for a TGeoRotation |
CTGeoSphereEditor | Editor for a TGeoSphere |
CTGeoTorusEditor | Editor for a TGeoTorus |
CTGeoTranslationEditor | Editor for a TGeoTranslation |
►CTGeoTrapEditor | Editor for a TGeoTrap |
CTGeoGtraEditor | Editor for a TGeoGtra |
CTGeoTrd1Editor | Editor for a TGeoTrd1 |
CTGeoTrd2Editor | Editor for a TGeoTrd2 |
►CTGeoTubeEditor | Editor for a TGeoTube |
►CTGeoTubeSegEditor | Editor for a TGeoTubeSeg |
CTGeoCtubEditor | Editor for a TGeoCtub |
CTGeoVolumeEditor | Editor for geometry volumes and assemblies of volumes |
CTGeoManagerEditor | Editor for TGeoManager class |
CTGraphEditor | |
CTH1Editor | |
CTH2Editor | |
CTLineEditor | |
CTPadEditor | |
CTParallelCoordEditor | This is the TParallelCoord editor |
CTPaveStatsEditor | |
CTPieEditor | |
CTPieSliceEditor | |
CTSpiderEditor | The TSpider editor class |
CTStructNodeEditor | |
CTTextEditor | |
CTGedPatternSelector | |
►CTGedPopup | |
CTGedMarkerPopup | |
CTGedPatternPopup | |
CTGeoPconSection | Utility frame used by TGeoPcon editor |
CTGuiBldNameFrame | |
CTSessionFrame | |
CTSessionInputFrame | |
CTSessionOutputFrame | |
CTSessionQueryFrame | |
CTSessionServerFrame | |
CTGDoubleSlider | |
CTGDragWindow | |
CTGHorizontal3DLine | |
►CTGIcon | |
CTGMdiTitleIcon | |
►CTGLBEntry | |
►CTGTextLBEntry | |
CTGIconLBEntry | |
CTGLineLBEntry | |
CTGTreeLBEntry | |
►CTGLVEntry | |
CTGFileItem | |
CTTVLVEntry | This class represent entries that goes into the TreeViewer listview container |
CTGLWidget | GL window with context |
CTGLabel | |
CTGMdiContainer | |
CTGMdiWinResizer | |
CTGMenuTitle | |
►CTGPopupMenu | |
CTRootContextMenu | |
►CTGProgressBar | |
CTGHProgressBar | |
CTGVProgressBar | |
CTGScrollBar | |
CTGScrollBarElement | |
CTGSlider | |
CTGSpeedo | |
►CTGSplitter | |
CTGHSplitter | |
►CTGVSplitter | |
CTGVFileSplitter | |
CTGTabElement | |
►CTGTableCell | |
CTGTableHeader | |
CTGTextEntry | |
CTGVertical3DLine | |
CTGedPatternFrame | |
CTGuiBldDragManager | |
►CTGPicture | |
CTGSelectedPicture | |
CTGPicturePool | |
CTGRectMap | |
►CTGRegion | |
CTGRegionWithId | |
CTGTextLayout | |
CTGUnknownWindowHandler | |
CTGedFrame::TGedSubFrame | |
CTGenPhaseSpace | Utility class to generate n-body event, with constant cross-section (default) or with Fermi energy dependence (opt="Fermi") |
CTGeoBatemanSol | |
►CTGeoBoolNode | Base class for Boolean operations between two shapes |
CTGeoIntersection | |
CTGeoSubtraction | |
CTGeoUnion | |
CTGeoBranchArray | An array of daughter indices making a geometry path |
CTGeoBuilder | Utility class for creating geometry objects.These will be associated with the current selected geometry manager object: |
CTGeoCacheState | Class storing the state of the cache at a given moment |
CTGeoChecker | Geometry checking package |
CTGeoDecayChannel | A decay channel for a radionuclide |
CTGeoElementTable | Table of elements |
►CTGeoExtension | ABC for user objects attached to TGeoVolume or TGeoNode |
CTGeoRCExtension | Reference counted extension which has a pointer to and owns a user defined TObject |
CTGeoGlobalMagField | Global magnetic field manager |
CTGeoHelix | Class representing a helix curve |
CTGeoIteratorPlugin | |
CTGeoNavigator | Class providing navigation API for TGeo geometries |
CTGeoNodeCache | Special pool of reusable nodes |
►CTGeoPatternFinder | Base finder class for patterns |
CTGeoPatternCylPhi | |
CTGeoPatternCylR | |
CTGeoPatternHoneycomb | |
CTGeoPatternParaX | |
CTGeoPatternParaY | |
CTGeoPatternParaZ | |
CTGeoPatternSphPhi | |
CTGeoPatternSphR | |
CTGeoPatternSphTheta | |
CTGeoPatternTrapZ | |
CTGeoPatternX | |
CTGeoPatternY | |
CTGeoPatternZ | |
CTGeoPolygon | An arbitrary polygon defined by vertices |
CTGeoTabManager | Manager for all editor tabs |
CTGeoVoxelFinder | Finder class handling voxels |
CTGraph2DPainter | The TGraphDelaunay painting class |
CTGraphEdge | An edge object connecting two nodes which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphStruct | The Graph Structure is an interface to the graphviz package |
►CTGrid | |
CTAlien | |
►CTGridCollection | |
CTAlienCollection | |
►CTGridJDL | |
CTAlienJDL | |
►CTGridJob | |
CTAlienJob | |
CTAlienMasterJob | |
►CTH2PolyBin | Helper class to represent a bin in the TH2Poly histogram |
CTProfile2PolyBin | Helper class to represent a bin in the TProfile2Poly histogram |
►CTHLimitsFinder | Class to compute nice axis limits |
CTProofLimitsFinder | Class to find axis limits and synchronize them between workers |
CTHnChain | A class to chain together multiple histograms |
CTHnIter | Iterator over THnBase bins |
CTHnSparseArrayChunk | THnSparseArrayChunk is used internally by THnSparse |
CTHostAuth | |
CTHtml | |
►CTHtml::TFileSysEntry | |
►CTHtml::TFileSysDir | |
CTHtml::TFileSysDB | |
CTHtml::TFileSysRoot | |
►CTHtml::THelperBase | |
CTHtml::TFileDefinition | |
CTHtml::TModuleDefinition | |
CTHtml::TPathDefinition | |
CTHttpCallArg | |
CTImagePalette | A class to define a conversion from pixel values to pixel color |
►CTImagePlugin | |
►CTASImagePlugin | |
CTASPluginGS | Allows to read PS/EPS/PDF files via GhostScript |
CTInetAddress | This class represents an Internet Protocol (IP) address |
CTKDTree< Index, Value > | Class implementing a kd-tree |
CTKDTreeBinning | <- TKDTreeBinning - A class providing multidimensional binning -> |
CTLegendEntry | Storage class for one entry of a TLegend |
CTLimitDataSource | This class serves as interface to feed data into the TLimit routines |
CTLine | A simple line |
CTLockFile | A scoped lock based on files |
CTLockPath | Path locking class allowing shared and exclusive locks |
CTLorentzRotation | Describes Lorentz transformations including Lorentz boosts and rotations (see TRotation) |
CTLorentzVector | |
CTMCParticle | This class serves as a data storage for description of one particle |
CTMCVerbose | Class for printing a detailed information from MC application |
CTMLPAnalyzer | This utility class contains a set of tests usefull when developing a neural network |
CTMVA::DataInputHandler | Class that contains all the data information |
CTMVA::DataSetFactory | Class that contains all the data information |
CTMVA::DataSetInfo | Class that contains all the data information |
CTMVA::DataSetManager | Class that contains all the data information |
CTMVA::Event | |
CTMVA::Experimental::ClassificationResult | |
CTMVA::MsgLogger | Ostringstream derivative to redirect and format output |
►CTMVA::OptionBase | Class for TMVA-option handling |
►CTMVA::Option< T > | |
CTMVA::Option< T * > | |
►CTMVA::PDEFoam | Implementation of PDEFoam |
►CTMVA::PDEFoamDiscriminant | This PDEFoam variant stores in every cell the discriminant |
CTMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTree | This PDEFoam variant acts like a decision tree and stores in every cell the discriminant |
►CTMVA::PDEFoamEvent | This PDEFoam variant stores in every cell the sum of event weights and the sum of the squared event weights |
CTMVA::PDEFoamMultiTarget | This PDEFoam variant is used to estimate multiple targets by creating an event density foam (PDEFoamEvent), which has dimension: |
CTMVA::PDEFoamTarget | This PDEFoam variant stores in every cell the average target fTarget (see the Constructor) as well as the statistical error on the target fTarget |
CTMVA::PDEFoamCell | |
►CTMVA::PDEFoamDensityBase | This is an abstract class, which provides an interface for a PDEFoam density estimator |
CTMVA::PDEFoamDecisionTreeDensity | This is a concrete implementation of PDEFoam |
CTMVA::PDEFoamDiscriminantDensity | This is a concrete implementation of PDEFoam |
CTMVA::PDEFoamEventDensity | This is a concrete implementation of PDEFoam |
CTMVA::PDEFoamTargetDensity | This is a concrete implementation of PDEFoam |
►CTMVA::PDEFoamKernelBase | This class is the abstract kernel interface for PDEFoam |
CTMVA::PDEFoamKernelGauss | This PDEFoam kernel estimates a cell value for a given event by weighting all cell values with a gauss function |
CTMVA::PDEFoamKernelLinN | This PDEFoam kernel estimates a cell value for a given event by weighting with cell values of the nearest neighbor cells |
CTMVA::PDEFoamKernelTrivial | This class is a trivial PDEFoam kernel estimator |
CTMVA::PDEFoamVect | |
►CTMVA::Results | Class that is the base-class for a vector of result |
CTMVA::ResultsClassification | Class that is the base-class for a vector of result |
CTMVA::ResultsMulticlass | Class which takes the results of a multiclass classification |
CTMVA::ResultsRegression | Class that is the base-class for a vector of result |
CTMVA::RootFinder | Root finding using Brents algorithm (translated from CERNLIB function RZERO) |
CTMVA::TNeuron | Neuron class used by TMVA artificial neural network methods |
CTMVA::TSynapse | Synapse class used by TMVA artificial neural network methods |
CTMVA::TreeInfo | |
►CTMVA::VariableTransformBase | Linear interpolation class |
CTMVA::VariableDecorrTransform | Linear interpolation class |
CTMVA::VariableGaussTransform | Gaussian Transformation of input variables |
CTMVA::VariableIdentityTransform | Linear interpolation class |
CTMVA::VariableNormalizeTransform | Linear interpolation class |
CTMVA::VariablePCATransform | Linear interpolation class |
CTMVA::VariableRearrangeTransform | Rearrangement of input variables |
CTMapFile | This class implements a shared memory region mapped to a file |
CTMarker | Manages Markers |
CTMarker3DBox | A special 3-D marker designed for event display |
►CTMatrixTBase< Element > | Linear Algebra Package |
CTMatrixT< Element > | TMatrixT |
CTMatrixTSparse< Element > | TMatrixTSparse |
CTMatrixTSym< Element > | TMatrixTSym |
►CTMatrixTLazy< Element > | Templates of Lazy Matrix classes |
CTHaarMatrixT< Element > | |
CTHilbertMatrixT< Element > | |
►CTMatrixTSymLazy< Element > | |
CTHilbertMatrixTSym< Element > | |
CTMemStat | |
CTMemStatShow | Utility class post-processing the file generated by TMemStat (default memstat.root) |
CTMergerInfo | |
CTMethodCall | Method or function calling interface |
CTMonitor | |
►CTMrbSubevent_Caen | |
CTUsrSevtData1 | |
CTUsrSevtData2 | |
CTMultiLayerPerceptron | This class describes a neural network |
►CTMutexImp | |
CTPosixMutex | |
CTWin32Mutex | |
►CTNDArray | |
CTNDArrayT< Double_t > | |
CTNDArrayT< T > | |
►CTNamed | Base class for all named ROOT classes |
CTProofVectorContainer< TProofDrawListOfGraphs::Point3D_t > | |
CTProofVectorContainer< TProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D::Point4D_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoShapeExtract | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchDescriptor | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyClassDescriptor | |
CROOT::Internal::TBranchProxyDescriptor | |
CROOT::Internal::TFriendProxyDescriptor | |
CROOT::Internal::THnBaseBrowsable | TBrowser helper for THnBase |
CROOT::TSchemaRule::TSources | |
►CROOT::v5::TFormula | The FORMULA class (ROOT version 5) |
CROOT::v5::TF1Data | |
CTTreeFormula | Used to pass a selection expression to the Tree drawing routine |
CROOT::v5::TFormulaPrimitive | The Formula Primitive class |
CRooAbsArg | RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) and "shape" that in general depends on (is a client of) other RooAbsArg subclasses |
CRooAbsBinning | RooAbsBinning is the abstract base class for RooRealVar binning definitions This class defines the interface to retrieve bin boundaries, ranges etc |
CRooAbsData | RooAbsData is the common abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets |
CRooAbsDataStore | RooAbsDataStore is the abstract base class for data collection that use a TTree as internal storage mechanism |
CRooAbsGenContext | RooAbsGenContext is the abstract base class for generator contexts of RooAbsPdf objects |
►CRooAbsMCStudyModule | RooAbsMCStudyModule is a base class for add-on modules to RooMCStudy that can perform additional calculations on each generate+fit cycle managed by RooMCStudy |
CRooChi2MCSModule | RooChi2MCSModule is an add-on module to RooMCStudy that calculates the chi-squared of fitted p.d.f with respect to a binned version of the data |
CRooDLLSignificanceMCSModule | RooDLLSignificanceMCSModule is an add-on modules to RooMCStudy that calculates the significance of a signal by comparing the likelihood of a fit fit with a given parameter floating with a fit with that given parameter fixed to a nominal value (usually zero) |
CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule | RooRandomizeParamMCSModule is an add-on modules to RooMCStudy that allows you to randomize input generation parameters |
CRooStats::UpperLimitMCSModule | This class allow to compute in the ToyMcStudy framework the ProfileLikelihood upper limit for each toy-MC sample generated |
CRooAbsNumGenerator | Class RooAbsNumGenerator is the abstract base class for MC event generator implementations like RooAcceptReject and RooFoam |
►CRooAbsStudy | RooAbsStudy is an abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules |
CRooGenFitStudy | RooGenFitStudy is an abstract base class for RooStudyManager modules |
CRooStats::ToyMCStudy | ToyMCStudy is an implementation of RooAbsStudy for toy Monte Carlo sampling |
CRooArgProxy | RooArgProxy is the abstact interface for RooAbsArg proxy classes |
CRooClassFactory | RooClassFactory is a clase like TTree::MakeClass() that generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names |
CRooCmdArg | RooCmdArg is a named container for two doubles, two integers two object points and three string pointers that can be passed as generic named arguments to a variety of RooFit end user methods |
CRooCustomizer | RooCustomizer is a factory class to produce clones of a prototype composite PDF object with the same structure but different leaf servers (parameters or dependents) |
CRooDouble | RooDouble is a minimal implementation of a TObject holding a Double_t value |
CRooFactoryWSTool | RooFactoryWSTool is a clase like TTree::MakeClass() that generates skeleton code for RooAbsPdf and RooAbsReal functions given a list of input parameter names |
CRooFitResult | RooFitResult is a container class to hold the input and output of a PDF fit to a dataset |
CRooFormula | RooFormula internally uses ROOT's TFormula to compute user-defined expressions of RooAbsArgs |
CRooInt | RooInt is a minimal implementation of a TObject holding a Int_t value |
CRooMCStudy | RooMCStudy is a helper class to facilitate Monte Carlo studies such as 'goodness-of-fit' studies, that involve fitting a PDF to multiple toy Monte Carlo sets |
CRooMapCatEntry | |
CRooNameReg | RooNameReg is a registry for const char* names |
CRooPlot | A RooPlot is a plot frame and a container for graphics objects within that frame |
CRooSimWSTool | The RooSimWSTool is a tool operating on RooWorkspace objects that can clone PDFs into a series of variations that are joined together into a RooSimultanous PDF |
CRooSimWSTool::SplitRule | |
CRooStats::BayesianCalculator | BayesianCalculator is a concrete implementation of IntervalCalculator, providing the computation of a credible interval using a Bayesian method |
►CRooStats::ConfInterval | ConfInterval is an interface class for a generic interval in the RooStats framework |
CRooStats::LikelihoodInterval | LikelihoodInterval is a concrete implementation of the RooStats::ConfInterval interface |
CRooStats::MCMCInterval | MCMCInterval is a concrete implementation of the RooStats::ConfInterval interface |
CRooStats::PointSetInterval | PointSetInterval is a concrete implementation of the ConfInterval interface |
►CRooStats::SimpleInterval | SimpleInterval is a concrete implementation of the ConfInterval interface |
CRooStats::HypoTestInverterResult | HypoTestInverterResult class holds the array of hypothesis test results and compute a confidence interval |
CRooStats::ConfidenceBelt | ConfidenceBelt is a concrete implementation of the ConfInterval interface |
CRooStats::HLFactory | HLFactory is an High Level model Factory allows you to describe your models in a configuration file (datacards) acting as an interface with the RooFactoryWSTool |
CRooStats::HistFactory::Measurement | The RooStats::HistFactory::Measurement class can be used to construct a model by combining multiple RooStats::HistFactory::Channel objects |
CRooStats::HybridCalculatorOriginal | HybridCalculatorOriginal class |
CRooStats::HybridPlot | This class provides the plots for the result of a study performed with the HybridCalculatorOriginal class |
CRooStats::HypoTestInverterOriginal | This class is now deprecated and to be replaced by the HypoTestInverter |
CRooStats::HypoTestInverterPlot | Class to plot an HypoTestInverterResult, result of the HypoTestInverter calculator |
►CRooStats::HypoTestResult | HypoTestResult is a base class for results from hypothesis tests |
CRooStats::HybridResult | Class encapsulating the result of the HybridCalculatorOriginal |
CRooStats::LikelihoodIntervalPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a LikelihoodInterval object |
CRooStats::MCMCCalculator | Bayesian Calculator estimating an interval or a credible region using the Markov-Chain Monte Carlo method to integrate the likelihood function with the prior to obtain the posterior function |
CRooStats::MCMCIntervalPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot a MCMCInterval object |
CRooStats::MarkovChain | Stores the steps in a Markov Chain of points |
CRooStats::ModelConfig | ModelConfig is a simple class that holds configuration information specifying how a model should be used in the context of various RooStats tools |
CRooStats::SPlot | This class calculates sWeights used to create an sPlot |
CRooStats::SamplingDistPlot | This class provides simple and straightforward utilities to plot SamplingDistribution objects |
CRooStats::SamplingDistribution | This class simply holds a sampling distribution of some test statistic |
CRooStats::ToyMCPayload | |
CRooStudyManager | RooStudyManager is a utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace |
CRooStudyPackage | RooStudyPackage is a utility class to manage studies that consist of repeated applications of generate-and-fit operations on a workspace |
CRooTObjWrap | RooInt is a minimal implementation of a TNamed holding a TObject |
CRooTable | RooTable is the abstract interface for table objects |
CRooUnitTest | RooUnit test is an abstract base class for unit regression tests for RooFit and RooStats tests performed in stressRooFit and stressRooStats Implementations of this class must implement abstract method testCode() which defines the regression test to be performed |
CRooWorkspace | The RooWorkspace is a persistable container for RooFit projects |
CTAlienDirectory | |
CTAlienDirectoryEntry | |
CTApplicationRemote::TARFileStat | |
CTAttParticle | Particle definition, partly based on GEANT3 particle definition |
CTAxis | Class to manage histogram axis |
CTAxis3D | The 3D axis painter class |
CTBenchmark | This class is a ROOT utility to help benchmarking applications |
CTBranch | A TTree is a list of TBranches |
CTBrowser | Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects |
CTBrowserPlugin | |
CTChainElement | A TChainElement describes a component of a TChain |
CTClassTree | Draw inheritance tree and their relations for a list of classes |
►CTColor | The color creation and management class |
►CTColorGradient | TColorGradient extends basic TColor |
CTLinearGradient | Define a linear color gradient |
CTRadialGradient | Define a radial color gradient |
CTColorWheel | Draw the ROOT Color Wheel |
►CTContextMenu | This class provides an interface to context sensitive popup menus |
CTEveContextMenu | Specialization of TContext menu |
►CTControlBarButton | This class defines the control bar buttons |
CTControlBar | A Control Bar is a fully user configurable tool which provides fast access to frequently used operations |
CTCut | A specialized string object used for TTree selections |
►CTDSet | This class implements a data set to be used for PROOF processing |
CTDSetProxy | |
CTDSetElement | Manages an element of a TDSet |
CTDatabasePDG | Particle database manager class |
►CTDictionary | This class defines an abstract interface that must be implemented by all classes that contain dictionary information |
CTBaseClass | Each class (see TClass) has a linked list of its base class(es) |
►CTClass | TClass instances represent classes, structs and namespaces in the ROOT type system |
CTQClass | |
CTDataMember | All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added |
CTDataType | Basic data type descriptor (datatype information is obtained from CINT) |
CTEnum | Implements the enum type |
►CTFunction | Global functions class (global functions are obtained from CINT) |
CTMethod | Each ROOT class (see TClass) has a linked list of methods |
CTFunctionTemplate | Dictionary for function template This class describes one single function template |
►CTGlobal | Global variables class (global variables are obtained from CINT) |
CTEnumConstant | Implements the constants of the enum type |
CTGlobalMappedFunction | |
CTMethodArg | Each ROOT method (see TMethod) has a linked list of its arguments |
►CTDirectory | Describe directory structure in memory |
►CTDirectoryFile | A ROOT file is structured in Directories (like a file system) |
CRooWorkspace::WSDir | |
►CTFile | A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format |
CTDCacheFile | A TDCacheFile is like a normal TFile except that it may read and write its data via a dCache server (for more on the dCache daemon see |
CTDavixFile | |
CTGFALFile | Read and write data via the underlying Grid access mechanism |
►CTMemFile | A TMemFile is like a normal TFile except that it reads and writes only from memory |
CROOT::Experimental::TBufferMergerFile | |
CTParallelMergingFile | |
►CTNetFile | |
►CTXNetFile | |
CTAlienFile | |
CTNetXNGFile | |
CTSQLFile | Access an SQL db via the TFile interface |
►CTWebFile | |
CTS3WebFile | |
CTXMLFile | |
CTROOT | ROOT top level object description |
►CTDocDirective | |
CTDocHtmlDirective | |
CTDocLatexDirective | |
CTDocMacroDirective | |
CTEfficiency | Class to handle efficiency histograms |
►CTEntryList | A List of entry numbers in a TTree or TChain |
CTEntryListArray | A list of entries and subentries in a TTree or TChain |
CTEntryListArray | A list of entries and subentries in a TTree or TChain |
CTEntryListFromFile | Manages entry lists from different files, when they are not loaded in memory at the same time |
CTEveArrow | Class used for display of a thick arrow |
CTEveCaloData | A central manager for calorimeter event data |
CTEveCaloViz | Base class for calorimeter data visualization |
CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveElementList | A list of TEveElements |
CTEveGeoShapeExtract | Globally positioned TGeoShape with rendering attributes and an optional list of daughter shape-extracts |
CTEveParamList | Collection of named parameters |
CTEvePointSetArray | An array of point-sets with each point-set playing a role of a bin in a histogram |
CTEveProjectionAxes | Axes for non-linear projections |
CTEveSceneInfo | TEveUtil representation of TGLSceneInfo |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveText | TEveElement class used for displaying FreeType GL fonts |
CTEventIterTree::TFileTree | |
CTEventList | A TEventList object is a list of selected events (entries) in a TTree |
CTExec | TExec is a utility class that can be used to execute a C++ command when some event happens in a pad |
CTF1 | 1-Dim function class |
CTFITSHDU | FITS file interface class |
CTFileCollection | Class that contains a list of TFileInfo's and accumulated meta data information about its entries |
CTFileDrawMap | This class is automatically called by TFile::DrawMap |
CTFileInfo | Class describing a generic file including meta information |
CTFileInfoMeta | |
CTFileOpenHandle | Class holding info about the file being opened |
►CTFileStager | |
CTNetFileStager | |
CTNetXNGFileStager | |
CTXNetFileStager | |
CTFitResult | Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O |
CTFolder | A TFolder object is a collection of objects and folders |
CTFormula | The Formula class |
CTFriendElement | A TFriendElement TF describes a TTree object TF in a file |
CTGDMLMatrix | This class is used in the process of reading and writing the GDML "matrix" tag |
►CTGEventHandler | |
►CTGLEventHandler | Base-class and default implementation of event-handler for TGLViewer |
CTEveLegoEventHandler | A base class of TGLEventHandler |
CTGFont | |
CTGL5DDataSet | |
►CTGLManager | |
CTGOSXGLManager | |
CTGWin32GLManager | |
CTGWin32GLManagerProxy | |
CTX11GLManager | The TX11GLManager is X11 implementation of TGLManager |
CTGLParametricEquation | A parametric surface is a surface defined by a parametric equation, involving two parameters (u, v): |
CTGLTH3Slice | A slice of a TH3 |
►CTGenerator | The interface to various event generators |
CTPythia6 | TPythia is an interface class to F77 version of Pythia 6.2
CTPythia8 | TPythia8 is an interface class to C++ version of Pythia 8.1
event generators, written by T.Sjostrand |
CTGeoBorderSurface | |
►CTGeoElement | Base class for chemical elements |
CTGeoElementRN | Class representing a radionuclide |
CTGeoIsotope | |
CTGeoManager | The manager class for any TGeo geometry |
CTGeoMaterial | Base class describing materials |
►CTGeoMatrix | Geometrical transformation package |
►CTGeoCombiTrans | Class describing rotation + translation |
CTGeoGenTrans | Most general transformation, holding a translation, a rotation and a scale |
CTGeoHMatrix | Matrix class used for computing global transformations Should NOT be used for node definition |
CTGeoIdentity | An identity transformation |
CTGeoRotation | Class describing rotations |
CTGeoScale | Class describing scale transformations |
CTGeoTranslation | Class describing translations |
CTGeoMedium | Media are used to store properties related to tracking and which are useful only when using geometry with a particle transport MC package (via VMC) |
CTGeoNode | A node represent a volume positioned inside another.They store links to both volumes and to the TGeoMatrix representing the relative positioning |
CTGeoOpticalSurface | |
CTGeoOverlap | Base class describing geometry overlaps |
CTGeoPNEntry | The knowledge of the path to the objects that need to be misaligned is essential since there is no other way of identifying them |
CTGeoParallelWorld | Base class for a flat parallel geometry |
CTGeoPhysicalNode | Physical nodes are the actual 'touchable' objects in the geometry, representing a path of positioned volumes starting with the top node: path=/TOP/A_1/B_4/C_3 , where A, B, C represent names of volumes |
CTGeoRegion | Regions are groups of volumes having a common set of user tracking cuts |
CTGeoRegionCut | |
►CTGeoShape | Base abstract class for all shapes |
►CTGeoBBox | Box class |
CROOT::Experimental::REveGeoPolyShape | |
CTEveGeoPolyShape | Description of TEveGeoPolyShape |
►CTGeoArb8 | An arbitrary trapezoid with less than 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes perpendicular to Z axis |
►CTGeoTrap | TRAP is a general trapezoid, i.e |
CTGeoGtra | Gtra is a twisted trapezoid |
CTGeoCompositeShape | Class handling Boolean composition of shapes |
►CTGeoCone | Conical tube class |
CTGeoConeSeg | A phi segment of a conical tube |
CTGeoHalfSpace | A half-space defined by: |
CTGeoPara | Parallelepiped class |
CTGeoParaboloid | Paraboloid class |
►CTGeoPcon | A polycone |
CTGeoPgon | A polygone |
CTGeoScaledShape | A shape scaled by a TGeoScale transformation |
CTGeoShapeAssembly | The shape encapsulating an assembly (union) of volumes |
CTGeoSphere | Spherical shell class |
CTGeoTorus | Torus segment class |
CTGeoTrd1 | A trapezoid with only x length varying with z |
CTGeoTrd2 | A trapezoid with both x and y lengths varying with z |
►CTGeoTube | Cylindrical tube class |
CTGeoEltu | Elliptical tube class |
CTGeoHype | Hyperboloid class defined by 5 parameters |
►CTGeoTubeSeg | A phi segment of a tube |
CTGeoCtub | A tube segment cut with 2 planes |
CTGeoVGShape | Bridge class for using a VecGeom solid as TGeoShape |
CTGeoXtru | An extrusion with fixed outline shape in x-y and a sequence of z extents (segments) |
CTGeoSkinSurface | |
CTGeoVolume | TGeoVolume, TGeoVolumeMulti, TGeoVolumeAssembly are the volume classes |
CTGeometry | TGeometry description |
CTGraph | A Graph is a graphics object made of two arrays X and Y with npoints each |
CTGraph2D | Graphics object made of three arrays X, Y and Z with the same number of points each |
CTGraphDelaunay | TGraphDelaunay generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D |
CTGraphDelaunay2D | TGraphDelaunay2D generates a Delaunay triangulation of a TGraph2D |
CTGraphNode | A graph node object which can be added in a TGraphStruct |
CTGraphPolargram | To draw polar axis |
CTGraphSmooth | A helper class to smooth TGraph |
CTGraphTime | TGraphTime is used to draw a set of objects evolving with nsteps in time between tmin and tmax |
►CTGridJobStatus | |
CTAlienJobStatus | |
CTAlienMasterJobStatus | |
CTGuiBldAction | |
►CTGuiFactory | This ABC is a factory for GUI components |
CTRootGuiFactory | |
CTH1 | The TH1 histogram class |
CTHStack | The Histogram stack class |
CTHbookFile | This class is an interface to the Hbook objects in Hbook files |
CTHbookKey | HBOOK Key |
►CTHnBase | Multidimensional histogram base |
►CTHn | Multidimensional histogram |
CTHnT< T > | Templated implementation of the abstract base THn |
►CTHnSparse | Efficient multidimensional histogram |
CTHnSparseT< CONT > | Templated implementation of the abstract base THnSparse |
►CTHttpEngine | |
CTCivetweb | |
CTFastCgi | |
CTHttpServer | |
►CTHttpWSHandler | |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindowWSHandler | Just wrapper to deliver websockets call-backs to the RWebWindow class |
CTImage | An abstract interface to image processing library |
►CTInterpreter | This class defines an abstract interface to a generic command line interpreter |
CTCling | This class defines an interface to the cling C++ interpreter |
CTKDE | Kernel Density Estimation class |
►CTKey | Book space in a file, create I/O buffers, to fill them, (un)compress them |
►CTBasket | Manages buffers for branches of a Tree |
CTBasketSQL | Implement TBasket for a SQL backend |
CTKeySQL | TKeySQL represents meta-information about object, which was written to SQL database |
CTKeyXML | |
CTKeyMapFile | Utility class for browsing TMapFile objects |
►CTLeaf | A TLeaf describes individual elements of a TBranch See TBranch structure in TTree |
CTLeafB | A TLeaf for an 8 bit Integer data type |
CTLeafC | A TLeaf for a variable length string |
CTLeafD | A TLeaf for a 64 bit floating point data type |
CTLeafD32 | A TLeaf for a 24 bit truncated floating point data type |
CTLeafElement | A TLeaf for the general case when using the branches created via a TStreamerInfo (i.e |
CTLeafF | A TLeaf for a 32 bit floating point data type |
CTLeafF16 | A TLeaf for a 24 bit truncated floating point data type |
CTLeafI | A TLeaf for an Integer data type |
CTLeafL | A TLeaf for a 64 bit Integer data type |
CTLeafO | A TLeaf for a bool data type |
CTLeafObject | A TLeaf for a general object derived from TObject |
CTLeafS | A TLeaf for a 16 bit Integer data type |
CTLibraryDocInfo | |
CTMVA::ClassInfo | Class that contains all the information of a class |
►CTMVA::Configurable | |
►CTMVA::CvSplit | |
CTMVA::CvSplitKFolds | |
CTMVA::DataLoader | |
►CTMVA::Envelope | Abstract base class for all high level ml algorithms, you can book ml methods like BDT, MLP |
CTMVA::CrossValidation | Class to perform cross validation, splitting the dataloader into folds |
CTMVA::Experimental::Classification | |
CTMVA::HyperParameterOptimisation | |
CTMVA::VariableImportance | |
CTMVA::Factory | This is the main MVA steering class |
►CTMVA::FitterBase | Base class for TMVA fitters |
CTMVA::GeneticFitter | Fitter using a Genetic Algorithm |
CTMVA::MCFitter | Fitter using Monte Carlo sampling of parameters |
CTMVA::MinuitFitter | /Fitter using MINUIT |
CTMVA::SimulatedAnnealingFitter | Fitter using a Simulated Annealing Algorithm |
CTMVA::MethodBase | Virtual base Class for all MVA method |
CTMVA::PDF | PDF wrapper for histograms; uses user-defined spline interpolation |
CTMVA::Reader | Serves to use the MVAs in a specific analysis context |
CTMVA::DataSet | Class that contains all the data information |
CTMVA::MethodInfo | |
CTMVA::VariableInfo | Class for type info of MVA input variable |
►CTMacro | Class supporting a collection of lines with C++ code |
CTEveMacro | Sub-class of TMacro, overriding Exec to unload the previous version and cleanup after the execution |
CTMaterial | Manages a detector material |
CTMessageHandler | Handle messages that might be generated by the system |
►CTMinuit | Implementation in C++ of the Minuit package written by Fred James |
CTMVA::MinuitWrapper | Wrapper around MINUIT |
CTMinuit2TraceObject | |
CTModuleDocInfo | |
CTMonaLisaText | |
CTMonaLisaValue | |
CTMultiDimFit | Multidimensional Fits in ROOT |
CTMultiGraph | A TMultiGraph is a collection of TGraph (or derived) objects |
CTNeuron | This class describes an elementary neuron, which is the basic element for a Neural Network |
CTNode | TNode description |
CTPackMgr | The PROOF package manager contains tools to manage packages |
CTParallelCoord | Parallel Coordinates class |
CTParallelCoordRange | A TParallelCoordRange is a range used for parallel coordinates plots |
CTParallelCoordVar | TParallelCoord axes |
CTParticleClassPDG | Utility class used internally by TDatabasePDG |
CTParticlePDG | Description of the static properties of a particle |
CTPie | Draw a Pie Chart, |
CTPieSlice | A slice of a piechart, see the TPie class |
CTPrincipal | Principal Components Analysis (PCA) |
►CTProcessID | A TProcessID identifies a ROOT job in a unique way in time and space |
CTProcessUUID | This class is a specialized TProcessID managing the list of UUIDs |
►CTProof | This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster |
CTProofCondor | |
CTProofLite | This class starts a PROOF session on the local machine: no daemons, client and master merged, communications via UNIX-like sockets |
CTProofSuperMaster | Implementation of TProof controlling PROOF federated clusters |
CTProofDesc | |
CTProofLockPath | |
CTProofLog | Implementation of the PROOF session log handler |
CTProofLogElem | |
►CTProofMgr | The PROOF manager interacts with the PROOF server coordinator to create or destroy a PROOF session, attach to or detach from existing one, and to monitor any client activity on the cluster |
CTProofMgrLite | Basic TProofMgr functionality implementation in the case of Lite session |
CTXProofMgr | Implementation of the functionality provided by TProofMgr in the case of a xproofd-based session |
►CTProofMonSender | Provides the interface for PROOF monitoring to different writers |
CTProofMonSenderML | TProofMonSender implementation for the ML writer |
CTProofMonSenderSQL | TProofMonSender implementation for the SQL writers |
CTProofMonSender::TDSetPlet | |
CTProofOutputFile | Class to steer the merging of files produced on the workers |
CTProofPerfAnalysis | Set of tools to analyse the performance tree |
CTProofVectorContainer< T > | |
CTProtoClass | Persistent version of a TClass |
►CTQueryResult | A container class for query results |
CTProofQueryResult | TQueryResult version adapted to PROOF neeeds |
►CTRandom | This is the base class for the ROOT Random number generators |
CTRandom1 | The Ranlux Random number generator class |
CTRandom2 | Random number generator class based on the maximally quidistributed combined Tausworthe generator by L'Ecuyer |
CTRandom3 | Random number generator class based on M |
CTRandomGen< Engine > | |
CTRemoteObject | Protocol for browsing ROOT objects from a remote ROOT session |
CTRootSniffer | |
CTRotMatrix | Manages a detector rotation matrix |
CTSQLColumnInfo | |
CTSQLTableInfo | |
CTShape | This is the base class for all geometry shapes |
►CTSocket | |
CTPSocket | |
CTSSLSocket | |
►CTServerSocket | |
CTPServerSocket | |
►CTXSocket | High level handler of connections to XProofD |
CTXUnixSocket | Implementation of TXSocket using PF_UNIX sockets |
CTSpectrum | Advanced Spectra Processing |
CTSpectrum2 | Advanced 2-dimensional spectra processing |
CTSpectrum2Fit | Advanced 2-dimensional spectra fitting functions |
CTSpectrum2Painter | Two-dimensional graphics function |
CTSpectrum3 | Advanced 3-dimensional spectra processing functions |
CTSpectrumFit | Advanced 1-dimensional spectra fitting functions |
CTSpectrumTransform | Advanced 1-dimensional orthogonal transform functions |
CTSpline | Base class for spline implementation containing the Draw/Paint methods |
CTStatus | This class holds the status of an ongoing operation and collects error messages |
►CTStreamerElement | |
CTStreamerArtificial | |
CTStreamerBase | |
CTStreamerBasicPointer | |
CTStreamerBasicType | |
CTStreamerLoop | |
CTStreamerObject | |
CTStreamerObjectAny | |
CTStreamerObjectAnyPointer | |
CTStreamerObjectPointer | |
►CTStreamerSTL | |
CTStreamerSTLstring | |
CTStreamerString | |
CTStructNodeProperty | |
CTStyle | TStyle objects may be created to define special styles |
►CTSystem | Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying Operating System |
CTAlienSystem | |
CTDCacheSystem | |
CTDavixSystem | |
CTGFALSystem | Directory handler for GFAL |
►CTNetSystem | |
CTXNetSystem | |
CTNetXNGSystem | |
►CTUnixSystem | |
CTMacOSXSystem | |
CTWebSystem | |
CTWinNTSystem | |
►CTSystemFile | A TSystemFile describes an operating system file |
CTSystemDirectory | Describes an Operating System directory for the browser |
CTTask | TTask is a base class that can be used to build a complex tree of Tasks |
CTText | Base class for several text objects |
CTThread | |
►CTThreadFactory | |
CTPosixThreadFactory | |
CTWin32ThreadFactory | |
CTToggle | This class defines toggling facility for both - object's method or variables |
CTToggleGroup | This class defines check-box facility for TToggle objects It is used in context menu "selectors" for picking up a value |
CTTree | A TTree represents a columnar dataset |
CTUDPSocket | |
►CTUnfoldBinning | Binning schemes for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity |
CTUnfoldBinningXML | XML interfate to binning schemes, for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity |
►CTVirtualBranchBrowsable | TVirtualBranchBrowsable is a base class (not really abstract, but useless by itself) for helper objects that extend TBranch's browsing support |
CTCollectionPropertyBrowsable | A tiny browser helper object (and its generator) for adding a virtual (as in "not actually part of the class", not in C++ virtual) "@size()" method to a collection |
►CTMethodBrowsable | This helper object allows the browsing of methods of objects stored in branches |
CTCollectionMethodBrowsable | TCollectionMethodBrowsable extends TCollectionPropertyBrowsable by showing all methods of the collection itself |
CTNonSplitBrowsable | Allows a TBrowser to browse non-split branches as if they were split |
►CTVirtualFitter | Abstract Base Class for Fitting |
CTBackCompFitter | Backward compatible implementation of TVirtualFitter |
CTFitter | The ROOT standard fitter based on TMinuit |
CTFumili | |
CTLinearFitter | The Linear Fitter - For fitting functions that are LINEAR IN PARAMETERS |
►CTVirtualIndex | Abstract interface for Tree Index |
CTChainIndex | A Chain Index |
CTTreeIndex | A Tree Index with majorname and minorname |
CTVirtualMC | Abstract Monte Carlo interface |
CTVirtualMCApplication | Interface to a user Monte Carlo application |
►CTVirtualMCGeometry | Interface to Monte Carlo geometry construction |
CTGeoMCGeometry | Implementation of the TVirtualMCGeometry interface for building TGeo geometry |
CTVirtualMCSensitiveDetector | Interface to a user defined sensitive detector |
►CTVirtualMagField | Abstract class for magnetic field |
CTGeoUniformMagField | Implementation for uniform magnetic field |
CTVirtualMonitoringReader | |
►CTVirtualMonitoringWriter | |
CTMonaLisaWriter | |
CTSQLMonitoringWriter | |
CTVirtualPS | TVirtualPS is an abstract interface to Postscript, PDF, SVG |
►CTVirtualStreamerInfo | Abstract Interface class describing Streamer information for one class |
CTStreamerInfo | Describe Streamer information for one class version |
CTVirtualX | Semi-Abstract base class defining a generic interface to the underlying, low level, native graphics backend (X11, Win32, MacOS, OpenGL...) |
CTXrdClientAdminWrapper | |
►CTNotifyLinkBase | |
CTNotifyLink< ROOT::Detail::TBranchProxy > | |
CTNotifyLink< TTreeReader > | |
CTNotifyLink< Type > | Links multiple listeners to be notified on TChain file changes |
►CTObjString | Collectable string class |
CTClass::TNameMapNode | |
CTObjectRefSpy | |
CTObjectSpy | Monitors objects for deletion and reflects the deletion by reverting the internal pointer to zero |
CTObjectTable | This class registers all instances of TObject and its derived classes in a hash table |
CTOptionListItem | |
CTOutputListSelectorDataMap | Set the selector's data members to the corresponding elements of the output list |
CTPBHandleDSType | |
CTPBHistType | |
CTPBReadType | |
CTPackageDescription | |
CTPainter3dAlgorithms | The Legos and Surfaces painter class |
CTPair | Class used by TMap to store (key,value) pairs |
CTParameter< AParamType > | Named parameter, streamable and storable |
CTParticle | Description of the dynamic properties of a particle |
CTPerfEvent | |
CTPluginHandler | |
CTPluginManager | This class implements a plugin library manager |
CTPoints3DABC | Abstract class to define Arrays of 3D points |
CTPolyLine | Defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyLine3D | A 3-dimensional polyline |
CTPolyMarker | A PolyMarker is defined by an array on N points in a 2-D space |
CTPolyMarker3D | A 3D polymarker |
CTPrimary | Old version of a dynamic particle class created by event generators |
CTProofBench | Steering class for PROOF benchmarks |
CTProofBenchDataSet | Handle operations on datasets used by ProofBench |
►CTProofBenchRun | Abstract base class for PROOF benchmark runs |
CTProofBenchRunCPU | CPU-intensive PROOF benchmark test generates events and fill 1, 2, or 3-D histograms |
CTProofBenchRunDataRead | I/O-intensive PROOF benchmark test reads in event files distributed on the cluster |
CTProofNodeInfo | The purpose of this class is to provide a complete node description for masters, submasters and workers |
CTProofNodes | PROOF worker node information
CTProofProgressInfo | |
CTProofProgressStatus | Container class for processing statistics |
►CTProofResources | |
CTProofResourcesStatic | The purpose of this class is to provide a standard interface to static config files |
CTPyDispatcher | |
►CTQpDataBase | Data for the general QP formulation |
CTQpDataDens | Data for the dense QP formulation |
CTQpDataSparse | Data for the sparse QP formulation |
►CTQpLinSolverBase | Implementation of main solver for linear systems |
CTQpLinSolverDens | Implements the aspects of the solvers for dense general QP formulation that are specific to the dense case |
CTQpLinSolverSparse | Implements the aspects of the solvers for dense general QP formulation that are specific to the dense case |
►CTQpProbBase | Default general problem formulation: |
CTQpProbDens | Dense matrix problem formulation |
CTQpProbSparse | Dense matrix problem formulation |
CTQpResidual | The Residuals class calculates and stores the quantities that appear on the right-hand side of the linear systems that arise at each interior-point iteration |
►CTQpSolverBase | The Solver class contains methods for monitoring and checking the convergence status of the algorithm, methods to determine the step length along a given direction, methods to define the starting point, and the solve method that implements the interior-point algorithm |
CTGondzioSolver | Derived class of TQpSolverBase implementing Gondzio-correction version of Mehrotra's original predictor-corrector algorithm |
CTMehrotraSolver | Derived class of TQpSolverBase implementing the original Mehrotra predictor-corrector algorithm |
CTQpVar | Class containing the variables for the general QP formulation |
CTQuaternion | Quaternion is a 4-component mathematic object quite convenient when dealing with space rotation (or reference frame transformation) |
CTQueryDescription | |
CTQueryResultManager | Class managing the query-result area |
CTRWLock | |
CTRatioPlot | Class for displaying ratios, differences and fit residuals |
CTRealData | Manages the effective list of all data members for a given class |
►CTRecEvent | |
CTRecCmdEvent | |
CTRecExtraEvent | |
CTRecGuiEvent | |
CTRecWinPair | |
CTRecorder | |
CTRef | Persistent Reference link to a TObject A TRef is a lightweight object pointing to any TObject |
CTRefTable | A TRefTable maintains the association between a referenced object and the parent object supporting this referenced object |
CTRobustEstimator | Minimum Covariance Determinant Estimator - a Fast Algorithm invented by Peter J.Rousseeuw and Katrien Van Dreissen "A Fast Algorithm for the Minimum covariance Determinant Estimator" Technometrics, August 1999, Vol.41, NO.3 |
CTRolke | This class computes confidence intervals for the rate of a Poisson process in the presence of uncertain background and/or efficiency |
►CTRootSnifferStore | Abstract interface for storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer |
CTRootSnifferStoreJson | Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in JSON format |
CTRootSnifferStoreXml | Storage of hierarchy scan in TRootSniffer in XML format |
CTRotation | Describes a rotation of objects of the TVector3 class |
CTS3HTTPRequest | |
CTSPlot | A common method used in High Energy Physics to perform measurements is the maximum Likelihood method, exploiting discriminating variables to disentangle signal from background |
CTSQLClassColumnInfo | |
CTSQLClassInfo | Contains information about tables specific to one class and version |
CTSQLColumnData | |
CTSQLObjectData | TSQLObjectData is used in TBufferSQL2 class in reading procedure |
CTSQLObjectDataPool | XML object keeper class |
CTSQLObjectInfo | Info (classname, version) about object in database |
►CTSQLResult | |
CTMySQLResult | |
CTODBCResult | |
CTOracleResult | |
CTPgSQLResult | |
CTSQLiteResult | |
CTTreeResult | Class defining interface to a TTree query result with the same interface as for SQL databases |
►CTSQLRow | |
CTMySQLRow | |
CTOracleRow | |
CTPgSQLRow | |
CTSQLiteRow | |
CTTreeRow | Class defining interface to a row of a TTree query result |
►CTSQLServer | |
CTMySQLServer | |
CTODBCServer | |
CTOracleServer | |
CTPgSQLServer | |
CTSQLiteServer | |
►CTSQLStatement | |
CTMySQLStatement | |
CTODBCStatement | |
CTOracleStatement | |
CTPgSQLStatement | |
CTSQLiteStatement | |
CTSQLStructure | This is hierarchical structure, which is created when data is written by TBufferSQL2 |
CTSQLTableData | |
CTSVDUnfold | SVD Approach to Data Unfolding |
►CTSecContext | |
CTRootSecContext | |
CTSecContextCleanup | |
►CTSelector | A TSelector object is used by the TTree::Draw, TTree::Scan, TTree::Process to navigate in a TTree and make selections |
CRooProofDriverSelector | |
►CTProofDraw | Implement Tree drawing using PROOF |
CTProofDrawEntryList | |
CTProofDrawEventList | |
CTProofDrawGraph | |
CTProofDrawHist | |
CTProofDrawListOfGraphs | |
CTProofDrawListOfPolyMarkers3D | |
CTProofDrawPolyMarker3D | |
CTProofDrawProfile | |
CTProofDrawProfile2D | |
CTPySelector | |
CTSelEvent | Selector for PROOF I/O benchmark test |
CTSelEventGen | Selector for event file generation |
CTSelHandleDataSet | PROOF selector for file cache release |
CTSelHist | PROOF selector for CPU-intensive benchmark test |
CTSelVerifyDataSet | Selector to verify dataset in parallel on workers |
►CTSelectorDraw | A specialized TSelector for TTree::Draw |
CROOT::Experimental::REvePointSelector | REvePointSelector TSelector for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree |
CROOT::Experimental::REveSelectorToEventList | REveSelectorToEventList TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list |
CTEvePointSelector | TEvePointSelector is a sub-class of TSelectorDraw for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree |
CTEveSelectorToEventList | TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list |
CTSelectorEntries | The class is derived from the ROOT class TSelector |
Ch1analysis | |
Ch1analysisTreeReader | |
CTSemaphore | |
CTSessionDescription | |
►CTSlave | Class describing a PROOF worker server |
CTSlaveLite | Version of TSlave for local worker servers |
CTXSlave | This is the version of TSlave for workers servers based on XProofD |
CTSlaveInfo | |
CTSpectrum2Transform | Advanced 2-dimensional orthogonal transform functions |
CTSpider | Spider class |
►CTSplinePoly | Base class for TSpline knot |
CTSplinePoly3 | Class for TSpline3 knot |
CTSplinePoly5 | Class for TSpline5 knot |
CTStatistic | Statistical variable, defined by its mean and variance (RMS) |
CTStatsFeedback | Utility class to display PROOF stats feedback histos during queries |
►CTStopwatch | Stopwatch class |
CTMVA::Timer | Timing information for training and evaluation of MVA methods |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TActionSequence | |
CTStreamerInfoActions::TConfiguredAction | |
CTStructNode | |
CTStructViewer | |
CTSynapse | This is a simple weighted bidirectional connection between two neurons |
►CTSysEvtHandler | Abstract base class for handling system events |
►CTFileHandler | |
CTASLogHandler | |
CTProofInputHandler | |
CTProofServLogHandler | |
CTXSocketHandler | Input handler for XProofD sockets |
►CTSignalHandler | |
CTARInterruptHandler | |
CTProofInterruptHandler | |
►CTStdExceptionHandler | |
CROOT::Experimental::REveManager::RExceptionHandler | |
CTEveManager::TExceptionHandler | Exception handler for Eve exceptions |
►CTTimer | Handles synchronous and a-synchronous timer events |
CTGLRedrawTimer | |
CTIdleTOTimer | |
CTProcessEventTimer | |
CTReaperTimer | |
CTShutdownTimer | |
CTThreadTimer | |
CTViewTimer | |
CTTVRecord | I/O classes for TreeViewer session handling |
CTTVSession | I/O classes for TreeViewer session handling |
►CTThreadImp | |
CTPosixThread | |
CTWin32Thread | |
CTTreeDrawArgsParser | A class that parses all parameters for TTree::Draw() |
CTTreeFormulaManager | Used to coordinate one or more TTreeFormula objects |
CTTreeReader | A simple, robust and fast interface to read values from ROOT columnar datasets such as TTree, TChain or TNtuple |
►CTUnfold | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level |
►CTUnfoldSys | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level, with background subtraction and propagation of systematic uncertainties |
CTUnfoldDensity | An algorithm to unfold distributions from detector to truth level |
CTUri | This class represents a RFC 3986 compatible URI |
CTUrl | This class represents a WWW compatible URL |
CTUsrHit | |
CTUsrHitBuffer | |
CTVector2 | TVector2 is a general two vector class, which can be used for the description of different vectors in 2D |
CTVector3 | TVector3 is a general three vector class, which can be used for the description of different vectors in 3D |
CTVectorT< Element > | TVectorT |
CTView | See TView3D |
►CTVirtualFFT | TVirtualFFT is an interface class for Fast Fourier Transforms |
CTFFTComplex | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTComplexReal | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTReal | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
CTFFTRealComplex | One of the interface classes to the FFTW package, can be used directly or via the TVirtualFFT class |
►CTVirtualGeoConverter | Abstract class for geometry converters |
CTGeoVGConverter | Geometry converter to VecGeom |
►CTVirtualGeoPainter | Abstract class for geometry painters |
CTGeoPainter | Class implementing all draw interfaces for a generic 3D viewer using TBuffer3D mechanism |
CTVirtualGeoTrack | Base class for user-defined tracks attached to a geometry |
►CTVirtualGraphPainter | Abstract interface to a histogram painter |
CTGraphPainter | The graph painter class |
►CTVirtualHistPainter | Abstract interface to a histogram painter |
CTGLHistPainter | The histogram painter class using OpenGL |
CTHistPainter | The histogram painter class |
►CTVirtualMCDecayer | Abstract base class for particle decays |
CTPythia6Decayer | This class implements the TVirtualMCDecayer interface |
CTPythia8Decayer | This class implements the TVirtualMCDecayer interface using TPythia8 |
►CTVirtualMCStack | Interface to a user defined particles stack |
CTMCManagerStack | Concrete implementation of particles stack used by the TMCManager |
►CTVirtualPacketizer | The packetizer is a load balancing object created for each query |
CTPacketizer | This class generates packets to be processed on PROOF worker servers |
CTPacketizerAdaptive | This packetizer is based on TPacketizer but uses different load-balancing algorithms and data structures |
CTPacketizerFile | This packetizer generates packets which contain a single file path to be used in process |
CTPacketizerMulti | This class allows to do multiple runs in the same query; each run can be a, for example, different dataset or the same dataset with entry list |
CTPacketizerUnit | This packetizer generates packets of generic units, representing the number of times an operation cycle has to be repeated by the worker node, e.g |
CTVirtualPacketizer::TVirtualSlaveStat | |
CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
►CTVirtualPerfStats | Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing |
CTPerfStats | Provides the interface for the PROOF internal performance measurement and event tracing |
CTTreePerfStats | TTree I/O performance measurement |
►CTVirtualProofPlayer | Abstract interface for the PROOF player |
►CTProofPlayer | Internal class steering processing in PROOF |
CTProofPlayerLocal | |
►CTProofPlayerRemote | |
CTProofPlayerLite | Version of TProofPlayerRemote merges the functionality needed by clients and masters |
CTProofPlayerSuperMaster | |
CTProofPlayerSlave | |
►CTVirtualTreePlayer | Abstract base class defining the interface for the plugins that implement Draw, Scan, Process, MakeProxy, etc |
CTTreePlayer | Implement some of the functionality of the class TTree requiring access to extra libraries (Histogram, display, etc) |
►CTVirtualViewer3D | Abstract 3D shapes viewer |
CTGLScenePad | Implements VirtualViewer3D interface and fills the base-class visualization structures from pad contents |
CTGLViewer | Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL |
CTViewer3DPad | Provides 3D viewer interface (TVirtualViewer3D) support on a pad |
CTXMLAttr | TXMLAttribute is the attribute of an Element |
CTXMLDocument | TXMLDocument contains a pointer to an xmlDoc structure, after the parser returns a tree built during the document analysis |
CTXMLEngine | |
CTXMLNode | TXMLNode contains a pointer to xmlNode, which is a node under the DOM tree |
►CTXMLParser | TXMLParser is an abstract class which interfaces with Libxml2 |
CTDOMParser | |
CTSAXParser | TSAXParser is a subclass of TXMLParser, it is a wraper class to libxml library |
CTXMLPlayer | |
CTrack | |
►CROOT::Internal::TObjProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TStlSimpleProxy< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::RDirectory::ToContentType< T > | |
CMemstat::ToLower_t | |
CROOT::Detail::RDF::RLoopManager::TOneTimeCallback | |
CToolBarData_t | |
CTMVA::Tools | Global auxiliary applications and data treatment routines |
CROOT::Internal::TOperatorNewHelper | |
CROOT::v5::TOperOffset | |
►CTPaletteEditor | Edit the palette via a GUI |
CTASPaletteEditor | This is a GUI window to edit a color palette |
CTMySQLStatement::TParamData | |
CPyROOT::TParameter | |
CROOT::Internal::TParBranchProcessingRAII | |
CROOT::Internal::TParTreeProcessingRAII | |
CTPickerStackGuard | |
CTPoint | |
CTStreamerInfo::TPointerCollectionAdapter | |
►CROOT::Internal::TDS::TPointerHolder | Mother class of TTypedPointerHolder |
CROOT::Internal::TDS::TTypedPointerHolder< T > | Class to wrap a pointer and delete the memory associated to it correctly |
CTPoints | 2-D graphics point (world coordinates) |
CROOT::Internal::TPoolManager | |
CTPoolManager | A manager for the scheduler behind ROOT multithreading operations |
CTPosixThreadCleanUp | |
►CTPRegexp | |
CTPMERegexp | Wrapper for PCRE library (Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) |
CROOT::RDF::TProfile1DModel | A struct which stores the parameters of a TProfile |
CROOT::RDF::TProfile2DModel | A struct which stores the parameters of a TProfile2D |
CTProfileHelper | |
CTProofDebug | |
CTProofLockPathGuard | |
CTProofMergePrg | |
CTProofProgressDialog | |
CTProofServLogHandlerGuard | |
CTProtoClass::TProtoRealData | |
CTVirtualCollectionProxy::TPushPop | |
CTPwdCtx | |
CTPyArg | |
CPyROOT::TPyBufferFactory | Factory for python buffers of non-string type |
CTPyReturn | |
CTPythia6::TPythia6Cleaner | Utility class to manage the TPythia6 instance |
CTPython | |
►CTQObject | This is the ROOT implementation of the Qt object communication mechanism (see also |
CTApplication | This class creates the ROOT Application Environment that interfaces to the windowing system eventloop and eventhandlers |
CTDrawFeedback | Utility class to draw objects in the feedback list during queries |
CTEveDigitSet | Base-class for storage of digit collections; provides transformation matrix (TEveTrans), signal to color mapping (TEveRGBAPalette) and visual grouping (TEveFrameBox) |
CTEveParamList | Collection of named parameters |
CTEvePointSet | TEvePointSet is a render-element holding a collection of 3D points with optional per-point TRef and an arbitrary number of integer ids (to be used for signal, volume-id, track-id, etc) |
CTEveRGBAPalette | A generic, speed-optimised mapping from value to RGBA color supporting different wrapping and range truncation modes |
CTEveSelection | Make sure there is a SINGLE running TEveSelection for each selection type (select/highlight) |
CTEveStraightLineSet | Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines |
CTEveWindowManager | Manager for EVE windows |
CTGClient | |
CTGEventHandler | |
CTGFrame | |
CTGLOverlayButton | GL-overlay button |
CTGLViewer | Base GL viewer object - used by both standalone and embedded (in pad) GL |
CTGTableFrame | |
CTMessageHandler | Handle messages that might be generated by the system |
CTMonitor | |
CTProof | This class controls a Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, cluster |
CTProofLog | Implementation of the PROOF session log handler |
CTQClass | |
CTQCommand | The Command design pattern is based on the idea, that all editing in an application is done by creating instances of command objects |
CTQConnection | TQConnection class is an internal class, used in the object communication mechanism |
CTQObjSender | |
CTStatsFeedback | Utility class to display PROOF stats feedback histos during queries |
CTSysEvtHandler | Abstract base class for handling system events |
CTVirtualPad | TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes |
CTVirtualProofPlayer | Abstract interface for the PROOF player |
CTXMLParser | TXMLParser is an abstract class which interfaces with Libxml2 |
CTMVA::TrainingHistory | Tracking data from training |
►CROOT::Math::TRandomEngine | |
CROOT::Math::LCGEngine | |
CROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine | Random number generator class based on M |
CROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< N, SkipNumber > | MixMaxEngine is a wrapper class for the MIXMAX Random number generator |
CTRandom | This is the base class for the ROOT Random number generators |
CTRandomEngine | |
CTRangeDynCast< T > | TRangeDynCast is an adaptater class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection |
CROOT::Detail::TRangeStaticCast< T > | TRangeStaticCast is an adaptater class that allows the typed iteration through a TCollection |
CROOT::Math::Impl::Transform3D< T > | Basic 3D Transformation class describing a rotation and then a translation The internal data are a 3D rotation data (represented as a 3x3 matrix) and a 3D vector data |
CTMVA::TransformationHandler | Class that contains all the data information |
CROOT::Math::Impl::Translation3D< T > | Class describing a 3 dimensional translation |
CROOT::Math::TransposeOp< Matrix, T, D1, D2 > | Class for Transpose Operations |
CROOT::Math::TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, R > | Matrix transpose policy |
CROOT::Math::TranspPolicy< T, D1, D2, MatRepSym< T, D1 > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::TRDFValueTuple< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::TRDFValueTuple< TypeList< BranchTypes... > > | |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::TReaderValueOrArray< T > | Choose between TTreeReader{Array,Value} depending on whether the branch type T is a RVec<T> or any other type (respectively) |
CROOT::Internal::RDF::TReaderValueOrArray< RVec< T > > | |
CROOT::TReadLockGuard | |
►CTRecorderState | |
CTRecorderInactive | |
CTRecorderPaused | |
CTRecorderRecording | |
CTRecorderReplaying | |
CTRedirectOutputGuard | |
CTEveManager::TRedrawDisabler | |
CROOT::TReentrantRWLock< MutexT, RecurseCountsT > | |
CROOT::TReentrantRWLock< MutexT, ROOT::Internal::RecurseCounts > | |
►CTRefCnt | Definitions for TRefCnt, base class for reference counted objects |
CTGFont | |
CTGLayoutHints | |
CTGPicture | |
CTBits::TReference | |
CTMVA::DNN::TReference< AReal > | The reference architecture class |
CTRegexp | Regular expression class |
CROOT::Math::Delaunay2D::Triangle | |
CROOT::Experimental::EveGlu::TriangleCollector | |
Ctriangulateio | |
CTRootIOCtor | |
CTRootSnifferScanRec | |
CROOT::Internal::RootCling::TROOTSYSSetter | |
CTRotation::TRotationRow | |
CTRSA_fun | |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CTMVA::Experimental::Internal::and_types< Ts > | Type checking for all types of a parameter pack, e.g., used in combination with std::is_convertible |
CROOT::TRWSpinLock | |
CROOT::TRWSpinLockReadGuard | |
CROOT::TRWSpinLockWriteGuard | |
CROOT::Internal::TSchemaHelper | |
CROOT::Internal::TSchemaRuleProcessor | |
CROOT::Internal::TSchemaType | |
CROOT::TSeq< T > | A pseudo container class which is a generator of indices |
CTMVA::DNN::TSharedLayer< Architecture_t > | Layer class width shared weight and bias layers |
CTSimpleAnalysis | A TSimpleAnalysis object creates histograms from a TChain |
CRgl::Mc::TSlice< V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSlice< ElementType_t > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< class > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TF3 > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TH3C > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TH3D > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TH3F > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TH3I > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TH3S > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSourceAdapterSelector< TKDEFGT > | |
CROOT::Internal::TSpinLockGuard | A spin mutex-as-code-guard class |
CROOT::TSpinMutex | A spin mutex class which respects the STL interface for mutexes |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< class, class > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TF3, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TH3C, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TH3D, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TH3F, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TH3I, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TH3S, V > | |
CRgl::Mc::TSplitterSelector< TKDEFGT, V > | |
CTClassEdit::TSplitType | |
CTGenCollectionProxy::TStaging | Small helper to stage the content of an associative container when reading and before inserting it in the actual collection |
CROOT::Detail::TStatusBitsChecker | |
CROOT::Internal::TStdBitsetHelper< T > | |
CROOT::Internal::TStlObjProxy< T > | |
CTStorage | Storage manager |
►CTString | Basic string class |
CTEveException | Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros |
►CTGString | |
CTGHotString | |
CTStringLong | ATTENTION: this class is obsolete |
CTStringToken | Provides iteration through tokens of a given string |
CROOT::Internal::TStringView | |
CTSubString | A zero length substring is legal |
CTTabCom | |
CTTableRange | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTaskGroup | A class to manage the asynchronous execution of work items |
CTMVA::DNN::TTensorBatch< Architecture_t > | TTensorBatch |
CTMVA::DNN::TTensorBatchIterator< Data_t, Architecture_t > | TTensorBatchIterator |
CTMVA::DNN::TTensorDataLoader< Data_t, Architecture_t > | TTensorDataLoader |
CTMVA::DNN::TTensorDataLoader< AData, TReference< AReal > > | |
CTTF | Interface to the freetype 2 library |
CTTF::TTGlyph | TTF helper class containing glyphs description |
CTThreadCleaner | |
CROOT::TThreadedObject< T > | A wrapper to make object instances thread private, lazily |
CROOT::TThreadedObject< ROOT::Internal::TTreeView > | |
CTThreadPoolTask< aTask, aParam > | |
CTThreadPoolTaskImp< aTask, aParam > | |
CTTime | Basic time type with millisecond precision |
CTTimeStamp | The TTimeStamp encapsulates seconds and ns since EPOCH |
CTMVA::MethodDNN::TTrainingSettings | |
CTMVA::TTrainingSettings | All of the options that can be specified in the training string |
CTTreeCloner | Class implementing or helping the various TTree cloning method |
►CROOT::Internal::TTreeGeneratorBase | |
CROOT::Internal::TTreeProxyGenerator | |
CROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderGenerator | |
CROOT::TTreeProcessorMT | A class to process the entries of a TTree in parallel |
►CROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase | Base class of TTreeReaderValue |
CTTreeReaderValue< Float_t > | |
CTTreeReaderValue< Int_t > | |
►CROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderArrayBase | Base class of TTreeReaderArray |
CTTreeReaderArray< Int_t > | |
CTTreeReaderArray< Float_t > | |
CTTreeReaderArray< T > | An interface for reading collections stored in ROOT columnar datasets |
CTTreeReaderValue< T > | An interface for reading values stored in ROOT columnar datasets |
►CROOT::Experimental::Internal::TTreeReaderValueFastBase | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< T > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< Bool_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< Int_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< UInt_t > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< double > | |
CROOT::Experimental::TTreeReaderValueFast< float > | |
CROOT::Internal::TTreeView | |
CTTreeView | A helper class that encapsulates a file and a tree |
CTCling::TUniqueString | |
CTGLLockable::TUnlocker | |
CTUnuran | TUnuran class |
►CTUnuranBaseDist | TUnuranBaseDist, base class for Unuran distribution classees such as TUnuranContDist (for one-dimension) or TUnuranMultiContDist (multi-dimension) |
CTUnuranContDist | TUnuranContDist class describing one dimensional continuous distribution |
CTUnuranDiscrDist | TUnuranDiscrDist class for one dimensional discrete distribution |
CTUnuranEmpDist | TUnuranEmpDist class for describing empiral distributions |
CTUnuranMultiContDist | TUnuranMultiContDist class describing multi dimensional continuous distributions |
CTUUID | This class defines a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier), also known as GUIDs (Globally Unique IDentifier) |
CTVersionCheck | |
CTVirtualArray | Wrapper around an object and giving indirect access to its content even if the object is not of a class in the Cint/Reflex dictionary |
►CTVirtualAuth | |
CTRootAuth | |
CTVirtualCollectionIterators | Small helper class to generically acquire and release iterators |
►CTVirtualCollectionProxy | |
►CTGenCollectionProxy | Proxy around an arbitrary container, which implements basic functionality and iteration |
CAnyCollectionProxy< T > | |
►CTEmulatedCollectionProxy | Streamer around an arbitrary STL like container, which implements basic container functionality |
CTEmulatedMapProxy | Streamer around a map container |
►CTGenCollectionStreamer | |
CAnyCollectionStreamer< T > | |
CTVirtualCollectionPtrIterators | |
CROOT::Internal::TVirtualCollectionReader | |
►CTVirtualDragManager | |
CTGuiBldDragManager | |
►CTVirtualGLManip | |
►CTGLManip | Abstract base class for viewer manipulators, which allow direct in viewer manipulation of a (TGlPhysicalShape) object - currently translation, scaling and rotation along/round objects local axes |
CTGLRotateManip | Rotate manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets - rings drawn from attached physical center, in plane defined by axis |
CTGLScaleManip | Scale manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with box heads |
CTGLTransManip | Translation manipulator - attaches to physical shape and draws local axes widgets with arrow heads |
►CTVirtualGLPainter | |
►CTGLPlotPainter | Base class for plot-painters that provide GL rendering of various 2D and 3D histograms, functions and parametric surfaces |
CTGL5DPainter | TGL5DPainter implements "gl5d" option for TTree::Draw |
CTGLBoxPainter | Paints TH3 histograms by rendering variable-sized boxes matching the bin contents |
CTGLH2PolyPainter | Paint TH2Poly |
CTGLIsoPainter | "gliso" option for TH3 |
CTGLLegoPainter | Plot-painter implementing LEGO rendering of TH2 histograms in cartesian, polar, cylindrical and spherical coordinates |
CTGLParametricPlot | |
CTGLSurfacePainter | Implements painting of TH2 with "SURF" option |
CTGLTF3Painter | Plot-painter for TF3 functions |
CTGLTH3CompositionPainter | |
CTGLVoxelPainter | Paint TH3 histograms as "voxels" - colored boxes, transparent if transfer function was specified |
►CTVirtualIsAProxy | |
CTInstrumentedIsAProxy< T > | |
CTIsAProxy | TIsAProxy implementation class |
►CTVirtualMutex | This class implements a mutex interface |
►CROOT::TVirtualRWMutex | |
CROOT::TRWMutexImp< MutexT, RecurseCountsT > | |
CTMutex | |
CTVirtualObject | Wrapper around an object and giving indirect access to its content even if the object is not of a class in the Cint/Reflex dictionary |
►CTVirtualPadEditor | Abstract base class used by ROOT graphics editor |
CTGedEditor | |
►CTVirtualPadPainter | To make it possible to use GL for 2D graphic in a TPad/TCanvas |
CTGLPadPainter | "Delegating" part of TGLPadPainter |
CTPadPainter | Implement TVirtualPadPainter which abstracts painting operations |
►CTVirtualPaveStats | |
CTPaveStats | The histogram statistics painter class |
►CTVirtualRefProxy | |
►CTRefProxy | |
CTRefArrayProxy | A container proxy, which allows to access references stored in a TRefArray from TTree::Draw |
►CTVirtualTableInterface | |
CTGSimpleTableInterface | |
CTTreeTableInterface | TTreeTableInterface is used to interface to data that is stored in a TTree |
CTVirtualVectorIterators | |
CTWin32SplashThread | |
CTWin32ThreadCleanUp | |
►CTMVA::DNN::TWorkspace | |
CTMVA::DNN::CNN::TCNNWorkspace< Layer_t > | |
CROOT::TWriteLockGuard | |
►CTXHandler | Handler of asynchronous events for XProofD sockets |
CTXProofMgr | Implementation of the functionality provided by TProofMgr in the case of a xproofd-based session |
CTXProofServ | This class implements the XProofD version of TProofServ, with respect to which it differs only for the underlying connection technology |
CTXSlave | This is the version of TSlave for workers servers based on XProofD |
►CTXMLSetup | |
CTBufferXML | Class for serializing/deserializing object to/from xml |
CTXMLFile | |
CTXNetSystemConnectGuard | |
CTXSemaphoreGuard | |
CTXSockBuf | |
CTXSockPipe | |
►CTSourceAdapterSelector::Type_t | |
CRgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType > | |
►CTSourceAdapterSelector::Type_t | |
CRgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< TKDEFGT, Float_t > | |
►CTSplitterSelector::Type_t | |
CRgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< DataSource, ValueType > | |
►CTSplitterSelector::Type_t | |
CRgl::Mc::TMeshBuilder< TKDEFGT, Float_t > | |
CROOT::TypeTraits::TypeList< Types > | Lightweight storage for a collection of types |
CTMVA::Types | Singleton class for Global types used by TMVA |
CTypeTraits | |
►Cstd::unary_function | |
CTMVA::compose_unary_t< F, G > | |
CROOT::Math::UnaryOp< Operator, RHS, T > | UnaryOperation class A class representing unary operators in the parse tree |
CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParam | |
CRooRandomizeParamMCSModule::UniParamSet | |
CROOT::Internal::UniqueLockRecurseCount | |
CUnuranDistr< Function > | UnuranDistr Provides free function based on TF1 to be called by unuran |
CUnuranDistrMulti< Function > | Free functions for multidimensional functions needed bby UNURAN |
CUnuranRng< Random > | UnuranRng class for interface ROOT random generators to Unuran |
CTTreeCacheUnzip::UnzipState | |
CUserGroup_t | |
CTString::UStr_t | |
CTUUID::uuid_time_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrBase::Val_t | |
CPyROOT::TParameter::Value | |
CROOT::Internal::TCheckHashRecursiveRemoveConsistency::Value | |
CTGenCollectionProxy::Value | Small helper to describe the Value_type or the key_type of an STL container |
►CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::Value_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::BoolValue_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::DoubleValue_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::IntValue_t | |
CROOT::Experimental::RAttrMap::StringValue_t | |
CROOT::RDF::RSqliteDS::Value_t | Used to hold a single "cell" of the SELECT query's result table. Can be changed to std::variant once available |
CTMVA::VariableImportanceResult | |
CROOT::Minuit2::VariableMetricEDMEstimator | |
CTMVA::Config::VariablePlotting | |
CTMVA::TransformationHandler::VariableStat | |
CTMVA::MethodCFMlpANN_Utils::VARn2 | |
CTMVA::VarTransformHandler | |
►CROOT::Math::Vavilov | Base class describing a Vavilov distribution |
CROOT::Math::VavilovAccurate | Class describing a Vavilov distribution |
CROOT::Math::VavilovFast | Class describing a Vavilov distribution |
CROOT::Minuit2::vec | |
CROOT::Math::VecExpr< ExprType, T, D > | Expression wrapper class for Vector objects |
►Cstd::vector< T > | STL class |
CTGL2DArray< T > | |
►Cstd::vector< const TSchemaRule * > | |
CROOT::Detail::TSchemaRuleSet::TMatches | |
►Cstd::vector< Double_t > | |
CTGL2DArray< Double_t > | |
►Cstd::vector< std::vector< Double_t > > | |
CVecVecDouble | |
►Cstd::vector< TGLParametricPlot::Vertex_t > | |
CTGL2DArray< TGLParametricPlot::Vertex_t > | |
►Cstd::vector< TGLVector3 > | |
CTGL2DArray< TGLVector3 > | |
►Cstd::vector< TGLVertex3 > | |
CTGL2DArray< TGLVertex3 > | |
►Cstd::vector< TVectorD > | |
CVecTVecDouble | |
CROOT::Math::VectorMatrixColOp< Vector, Matrix, D1 > | Class for Vector-Matrix multiplication |
CROOT::Math::VectorMatrixRowOp< Matrix, Vector, D2 > | |
CROOT::Minuit2::VectorOuterProduct< M, T > | |
CROOT::Math::VegasParameters | Structures collecting parameters for VEGAS multidimensional integration FOr implementation of default parameters see file mathmore/src/GSLMCIntegrationWorkspace.h |
CTGLParametricPlot::Vertex_t | |
►CTMVA::DNN::VGeneralLayer< Architecture_t > | Generic General Layer class |
CTMVA::DNN::CNN::TConvLayer< Architecture_t > | |
CTMVA::DNN::CNN::TMaxPoolLayer< Architecture_t > | Generic Max Pooling Layer class |
CTMVA::DNN::RNN::TBasicRNNLayer< Architecture_t > | |
CTMVA::DNN::TBatchNormLayer< Architecture_t > | Layer implementing Batch Normalization |
CTMVA::DNN::TDenseLayer< Architecture_t > | Generic layer class |
CTMVA::DNN::TReshapeLayer< Architecture_t > | |
►CROOT::Math::VirtualIntegrator | Abstract class for all numerical integration methods (1D and multi-dim) Interface defining the common methods for the numerical integrator classes of one and multi dimensions The derived class VirtualIntegratorOneDim defines the methods for one-dimensional integration |
►CROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorMultiDim | Interface (abstract) class for multi numerical integration It must be implemented by the concrete Integrator classes like ROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator |
CROOT::Math::AdaptiveIntegratorMultiDim | Class for adaptive quadrature integration in multi-dimensions using rectangular regions |
CROOT::Math::GSLMCIntegrator | |
►CROOT::Math::VirtualIntegratorOneDim | Interface (abstract) class for 1D numerical integration It must be implemented by the concrate Integrator classes like ROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator |
CROOT::Math::GSLIntegrator | Class for performing numerical integration of a function in one dimension |
►CROOT::Math::GaussIntegrator | User class for performing function integration |
CROOT::Math::GaussLegendreIntegrator | User class for performing function integration |
CTMVA::Volume | Volume for BinarySearchTree |
CTMVA::DNN::VOptimizer< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | Generic Optimizer class |
►CTMVA::DNN::VOptimizer< Architecture_t, VGeneralLayer< Architecture_t >, TDeepNet< Architecture_t, VGeneralLayer< Architecture_t > > > | |
CTMVA::DNN::TAdadelta< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | Adadelta Optimizer class |
CTMVA::DNN::TAdagrad< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | Adagrad Optimizer class |
CTMVA::DNN::TAdam< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | Adam Optimizer class |
CTMVA::DNN::TRMSProp< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | RMSProp Optimizer class |
CTMVA::DNN::TSGD< Architecture_t, Layer_t, DeepNet_t > | Stochastic Batch Gradient Descent Optimizer class |
CROOT::Experimental::RWebWindow::WebConn | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::CommandBuffer::WidgetRect | |
CWindowAttributes_t | |
►C<X11Drawable> | |
CQuartzImage | |
CQuartzPixmap | |
►C<X11Window> | |
CQuartzView | |
CQuartzWindow | |
CXColor_t | Description of a X11 color |
CXHandleErr_t | |
CXHandleIn_t | |
CROOT::MacOSX::X11::XLFDName | |
CTMVA::Experimental::Internal::XMLConfig | Container for information extracted from TMVA XML config |
CXMLReader | |
CXPClientArchiveRequest | |
CXPClientInterruptRequest | |
CXPClientLoginRequest | |
CXPClientProofRequest | |
CXPClientReadbufRequest | |
CXPClientRequest | |
CXPClientSendRcvRequest | |
CXpdAdminCpCmd | |
CXpdClientSessions | |
CXpdEnv | |
CXpdGroupEff_t | |
CXpdGroupGlobal_t | |
CXpdManagerCron_t | |
CXpdMsg | |
CXpdObject | |
CXpdSrvMgrCreateCnt | |
CXpdSrvMgrCreateGuard | |
►CXrdClientAbsUnsolMsgHandler | |
CTXSocket | High level handler of connections to XProofD |
CXrdClientConnectionMgr | |
CXrdClientLogConnection | |
►CXrdProofConn | |
CXrdProofPhyConn | |
CXrdClientCacheInterval | |
CXrdClientConn | |
CXrdClientEnv | |
CXrdClientID | |
CXrdClientInputBuffer | |
CXrdClientMessage | |
CXrdClientPhyConnLocker | |
CXrdClientReadCache | |
CXrdClientReadCacheItem | |
CXrdClientSock | |
CXrdClientSockConnectParms | |
►CXrdClientUnsolMsgSender | |
CXrdClientConnectionMgr | |
CXrdClientLogConnection | |
CXrdClientPhyConnection | |
CXrdClientUrlInfo | |
CXrdClientVector< T > | |
CXrdClientVector< ClientRequest > | |
CXrdClientVector< XrdClientLogConnection * > | |
CXrdClientVector< XrdClientMessage * > | |
CXrdClientVector< XrdClientPhyConnection * > | |
CXrdClientVector< XrdClientReadCacheItem * > | |
►CXrdJob | |
CXpdObjectQ | |
CXrdPoll | |
CXrdProofdAux | |
CXrdProofdClient | |
►CXrdProofdConfig | |
CXrdProofSched | |
CXrdProofdAdmin | |
CXrdProofdClientMgr | |
CXrdProofdManager | |
CXrdProofdNetMgr | |
CXrdProofdPriorityMgr | |
CXrdProofdProofServMgr | |
CXrdROOTMgr | |
CXrdProofdDirective | |
CXrdProofdDSInfo | |
CXrdProofdFile | |
CXrdProofdMultiStr | |
CXrdProofdMultiStrToken | |
CXrdProofdPInfo | |
CXrdProofdPipe | |
CXrdProofdPriority | |
CXrdProofdProofServ | |
CXrdProofdResponse | |
CXrdProofdSandbox | |
CXrdProofdSessionEntry | |
CXrdProofGI | |
CXrdProofGroup | |
CXrdProofGroupMember | |
CXrdProofGroupMgr | |
CXrdProofQuery | |
CXrdProofSessionInfo | |
CXrdProofUI | |
CXrdProofWorker | |
►CXrdProtocol | |
CXrdProofdProtocol | |
CXrdROOT | |
CXrdSrvBuffer | |
CXrdSysPriv | |
CXrdSysPrivGuard | |
CXShapeEvent | |
CTGDMLWrite::Xyz | |
CTMemFile::ZeroCopyView_t | A read-only memory range which we do not control |
►CROOT::Experimental::Detail::BASES | |
CROOT::Experimental::Detail::RHistBinStat< DATA, BASES > | Const view on a bin's statistical data |