Logo ROOT   6.16/01
Reference Guide
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1// @(#)root/base:$Id$
2// Author: Rene Brun 08/12/94
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2000, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12#ifndef ROOT_TROOT
13#define ROOT_TROOT
17// //
18// TROOT //
19// //
20// The TROOT object is the entry point to the system. //
21// The single instance of TROOT is accessible via the global gROOT. //
22// Using the gROOT pointer one has access to basically every object //
23// created in a ROOT based program. The TROOT object is essentially a //
24// "dispatcher" with several lists pointing to the ROOT main objects. //
25// //
28#include "TDirectory.h"
29#include "TList.h"
30#include "RConfigure.h"
32#include <atomic>
34class TClass;
35class TCanvas;
36class TColor;
37class TDataType;
38class TFile;
39class TStyle;
40class TVirtualPad;
41class TApplication;
42class TInterpreter;
43class TBrowser;
44class TGlobal;
45class TFunction;
46class TFolder;
47class TPluginManager;
48class TProcessUUID;
49class TClassGenerator;
50class TVirtualMutex;
51class TROOT;
53class TListOfEnums;
61namespace ROOT {
62namespace Internal {
63 class TROOTAllocator;
65 TROOT *GetROOT2();
67 // Manage parallel branch processing
72 public:
75 };
77 // Manage parallel tree processing
82 public:
85 };
86} } // End ROOT::Internal
88namespace ROOT {
89 // Enable support for multi-threading within the ROOT code,
90 // in particular, enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware.
91 void EnableThreadSafety();
92 /// \brief Enable ROOT's implicit multi-threading for all objects and methods that provide an internal
93 /// parallelisation mechanism.
94 void EnableImplicitMT(UInt_t numthreads = 0);
95 void DisableImplicitMT();
100class TROOT : public TDirectory {
102friend class TCling;
106 Int_t fLineIsProcessing; //To synchronize multi-threads
108 static Int_t fgDirLevel; //Indentation level for ls()
109 static Bool_t fgRootInit; //Singleton initialization flag
110 static Bool_t fgMemCheck; //Turn on memory leak checker
112 TROOT(const TROOT&); //Not implemented
113 TROOT& operator=(const TROOT&); //Not implemented
116 typedef std::atomic<TListOfEnums*> AListOfEnums_t;
118 TString fConfigOptions; //ROOT ./configure set build options
119 TString fConfigFeatures; //ROOT ./configure detected build features
120 TString fVersion; //ROOT version (from CMZ VERSQQ) ex 0.05/01
121 Int_t fVersionInt; //ROOT version in integer format (501)
122 Int_t fVersionCode; //ROOT version code as used in RVersion.h
123 Int_t fVersionDate; //Date of ROOT version (ex 951226)
124 Int_t fVersionTime; //Time of ROOT version (ex 1152)
125 Int_t fBuiltDate; //Date of ROOT built
126 Int_t fBuiltTime; //Time of ROOT built
127 TString fGitCommit; //Git commit SHA1 of built
128 TString fGitBranch; //Git branch
129 TString fGitDate; //Date and time when make was run
130 Int_t fTimer; //Timer flag
131 std::atomic<TApplication*> fApplication; //Pointer to current application
132 TInterpreter *fInterpreter; //Command interpreter
133 Bool_t fBatch; //True if session without graphics
134 TString fWebDisplay; //If not empty it defines where web graphics should be rendered (cef, qt5, browser...)
135 Bool_t fIsWebDisplay; //True if session with graphics on web
136 Bool_t fIsWebDisplayBatch; //True if session with graphics on web and batch mode
137 Bool_t fEditHistograms; //True if histograms can be edited with the mouse
138 Bool_t fFromPopUp; //True if command executed from a popup menu
139 Bool_t fMustClean; //True if object destructor scans canvases
140 Bool_t fReadingObject; //True while reading an object [Deprecated (will be removed in next release)
141 Bool_t fForceStyle; //Force setting of current style when reading objects
142 Bool_t fInterrupt; //True if macro should be interrupted
143 Bool_t fEscape; //True if ESC has been pressed
144 Bool_t fExecutingMacro; //True while executing a TMacro
145 Int_t fEditorMode; //Current Editor mode
146 const TObject *fPrimitive; //Currently selected primitive
147 TVirtualPad *fSelectPad; //Currently selected pad
148 TCollection *fClasses; //List of classes definition
149 TCollection *fTypes; //List of data types definition
150 TListOfFunctionTemplates *fFuncTemplate; //List of global function templates
151 TListOfDataMembers*fGlobals; //List of global variables
152 TListOfFunctions*fGlobalFunctions; //List of global functions
153 TSeqCollection *fClosedObjects; //List of closed objects from the list of files and sockets, so we can delete them if neededCl.
154 TSeqCollection *fFiles; //List of files
155 TSeqCollection *fMappedFiles; //List of memory mapped files
156 TSeqCollection *fSockets; //List of network sockets
157 TSeqCollection *fCanvases; //List of canvases
158 TSeqCollection *fStyles; //List of styles
159 TCollection *fFunctions; //List of analytic functions
160 TSeqCollection *fTasks; //List of tasks
161 TSeqCollection *fColors; //List of colors
162 TSeqCollection *fGeometries; //List of geometries
163 TSeqCollection *fBrowsers; //List of browsers
164 TSeqCollection *fSpecials; //List of special objects
165 TSeqCollection *fCleanups; //List of recursiveRemove collections
166 TSeqCollection *fMessageHandlers; //List of message handlers
167 TSeqCollection *fStreamerInfo; //List of active StreamerInfo classes
168 TCollection *fClassGenerators; //List of user defined class generators;
169 TSeqCollection *fSecContexts; //List of security contexts (TSecContext)
170 TSeqCollection *fProofs; //List of proof sessions
171 TSeqCollection *fClipboard; //List of clipboard objects
172 TSeqCollection *fDataSets; //List of data sets (TDSet or TChain)
173 AListOfEnums_t fEnums; //List of enum types
174 TProcessUUID *fUUIDs; //Pointer to TProcessID managing TUUIDs
175 TFolder *fRootFolder; //top level folder //root
176 TList *fBrowsables; //List of browsables
177 TPluginManager *fPluginManager; //Keeps track of plugin library handlers
178 TString fCutClassName; //Name of default CutG class in graphics editor
179 TString fDefCanvasName; //Name of default canvas
181 TROOT(); //Only used by Dictionary
182 void InitSystem(); //Operating System interface
183 void InitThreads(); //Initialize threads library
184 void InitInterpreter(); //Initialize interpreter (cling)
185 void ReadGitInfo(); //Read Git commit SHA1 and branch name
186 void *operator new(size_t l) { return TObject::operator new(l); }
187 void *operator new(size_t l, void *ptr) { return TObject::operator new(l,ptr); }
189 friend class ::ROOT::Internal::TROOTAllocator;
195 typedef std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int> > FwdDeclArgsToKeepCollection_t;
197 TROOT(const char *name, const char *title, VoidFuncPtr_t *initfunc = 0);
198 virtual ~TROOT();
199 void AddClass(TClass *cl);
201 virtual void Append(TObject *obj, Bool_t replace = kFALSE);
202 void Browse(TBrowser *b);
204 void CloseFiles();
206 virtual TObject *FindObject(const char *name) const;
207 virtual TObject *FindObject(const TObject *obj) const;
208 virtual TObject *FindObjectAny(const char *name) const;
209 virtual TObject *FindObjectAnyFile(const char *name) const;
210 TObject *FindSpecialObject(const char *name, void *&where);
211 const char *FindObjectClassName(const char *name) const;
212 const char *FindObjectPathName(const TObject *obj) const;
213 TClass *FindSTLClass(const char *name, Bool_t load, Bool_t silent = kFALSE) const;
214 void ForceStyle(Bool_t force = kTRUE) { fForceStyle = force; }
215 Bool_t FromPopUp() const { return fFromPopUp; }
219 TClass *GetClass(const char *name, Bool_t load = kTRUE, Bool_t silent = kFALSE) const;
220 TClass *GetClass(const std::type_info &typeinfo, Bool_t load = kTRUE, Bool_t silent = kFALSE) const;
221 TColor *GetColor(Int_t color) const;
222 const char *GetConfigOptions() const { return fConfigOptions; }
223 const char *GetConfigFeatures() const { return fConfigFeatures; }
224 const char *GetCutClassName() const { return fCutClassName; }
225 const char *GetDefCanvasName() const { return fDefCanvasName; }
227 Int_t GetEditorMode() const { return fEditorMode; }
228 Bool_t GetForceStyle() const { return fForceStyle; }
229 Int_t GetBuiltDate() const { return fBuiltDate; }
230 Int_t GetBuiltTime() const { return fBuiltTime; }
231 const char *GetGitCommit() const { return fGitCommit; }
232 const char *GetGitBranch() const { return fGitBranch; }
233 const char *GetGitDate();
236 Int_t GetVersionInt() const { return fVersionInt; }
238 const char *GetVersion() const { return fVersion; }
251 TCollection *GetListOfFunctionOverloads(const char* name) const;
267 TDataType *GetType(const char *name, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const;
268 TFile *GetFile() const { if (gDirectory != this) return gDirectory->GetFile(); else return 0;}
269 TFile *GetFile(const char *name) const;
271 TStyle *GetStyle(const char *name) const;
272 TObject *GetFunction(const char *name) const;
273 TGlobal *GetGlobal(const char *name, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const;
274 TGlobal *GetGlobal(const TObject *obj, Bool_t load = kFALSE) const;
275 TFunction *GetGlobalFunction(const char *name, const char *params = 0, Bool_t load = kFALSE);
276 TFunction *GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(const char *name, const char *proto = 0, Bool_t load = kFALSE);
277 TObject *GetGeometry(const char *name) const;
278 const TObject *GetSelectedPrimitive() const { return fPrimitive; }
280 Int_t GetNclasses() const { return fClasses->GetSize(); }
281 Int_t GetNtypes() const { return fTypes->GetSize(); }
282 TFolder *GetRootFolder() const { return fRootFolder; }
283 TProcessUUID *GetUUIDs() const { return fUUIDs; }
284 const TString &GetWebDisplay() const { return fWebDisplay; }
285 void Idle(UInt_t idleTimeInSec, const char *command = 0);
286 Int_t IgnoreInclude(const char *fname, const char *expandedfname);
287 Bool_t IsBatch() const { return fBatch; }
289 Bool_t IsFolder() const { return kTRUE; }
290 Bool_t IsInterrupted() const { return fInterrupt; }
291 Bool_t IsEscaped() const { return fEscape; }
293 Bool_t IsProofServ() const { return fName == "proofserv" ? kTRUE : kFALSE; }
294 Bool_t IsRootFile(const char *filename) const;
297 void ls(Option_t *option = "") const;
298 Int_t LoadClass(const char *classname, const char *libname, Bool_t check = kFALSE);
299 TClass *LoadClass(const char *name, Bool_t silent = kFALSE) const;
300 Int_t LoadMacro(const char *filename, Int_t *error = 0, Bool_t check = kFALSE);
301 Long_t Macro(const char *filename, Int_t *error = 0, Bool_t padUpdate = kTRUE);
302 TCanvas *MakeDefCanvas() const;
303 void Message(Int_t id, const TObject *obj);
304 Bool_t MustClean() const { return fMustClean; }
305 Long_t ProcessLine(const char *line, Int_t *error = 0);
306 Long_t ProcessLineSync(const char *line, Int_t *error = 0);
307 Long_t ProcessLineFast(const char *line, Int_t *error = 0);
308 Bool_t ReadingObject() const;
309 void RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj);
310 void RefreshBrowsers();
311 static void RegisterModule(const char* modulename,
312 const char** headers,
313 const char** includePaths,
314 const char* payLoadCode,
315 const char* fwdDeclCode,
316 void (*triggerFunc)(),
317 const FwdDeclArgsToKeepCollection_t& fwdDeclsArgToSkip,
318 const char** classesHeaders,
319 bool hasCxxModule = false);
321 void RemoveClass(TClass *);
322 void Reset(Option_t *option="");
323 void SaveContext();
325 void SetBatch(Bool_t batch = kTRUE) { fBatch = batch; }
326 void SetWebDisplay(const char *webdisplay);
327 void SetCutClassName(const char *name = "TCutG");
328 void SetDefCanvasName(const char *name = "c1") { fDefCanvasName = name; }
330 void SetEditorMode(const char *mode = "");
332 void SetFromPopUp(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fFromPopUp = flag; }
333 void SetInterrupt(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fInterrupt = flag; }
334 void SetEscape(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fEscape = flag; }
337 void SetReadingObject(Bool_t flag = kTRUE);
338 void SetMustClean(Bool_t flag = kTRUE) { fMustClean=flag; }
339 void SetSelectedPrimitive(const TObject *obj) { fPrimitive = obj; }
341 void SetStyle(const char *stylename = "Default");
342 void Time(Int_t casetime=1) { fTimer = casetime; }
343 Int_t Timer() const { return fTimer; }
345 //---- static functions
346 static Int_t DecreaseDirLevel();
347 static Int_t GetDirLevel();
348 static const char *GetMacroPath();
349 static void SetMacroPath(const char *newpath);
350 static Int_t IncreaseDirLevel();
351 static void IndentLevel();
352 static Bool_t Initialized();
353 static Bool_t MemCheck();
354 static void SetDirLevel(Int_t level = 0);
357 static Int_t RootVersionCode();
358 static const char**&GetExtraInterpreterArgs();
360 static const TString& GetRootSys();
361 static const TString& GetBinDir();
362 static const TString& GetLibDir();
363 static const TString& GetIncludeDir();
364 static const TString& GetEtcDir();
365 static const TString& GetDataDir();
366 static const TString& GetDocDir();
367 static const TString& GetMacroDir();
368 static const TString& GetTutorialDir();
369 static const TString& GetSourceDir();
370 static const TString& GetIconPath();
371 static const TString& GetTTFFontDir();
373 // Backward compatibility function - do not use for new code
374 static const char *GetTutorialsDir();
376 ClassDef(TROOT,0) //Top level (or root) structure for all classes
380namespace ROOT {
381 TROOT *GetROOT();
382 namespace Internal {
385 inline void SetRequireCleanup(TObject &obj) {
387 obj.SetUniqueID(0);
388 }
391 return obj.TestBit(kIsReferenced) && obj.GetUniqueID() == 0;
392 }
393 }
395 /// \brief call RecursiveRemove for obj if gROOT is valid
396 /// and obj.TestBit(kMustCleanup) is true.
397 /// Note: this reset the kMustCleanup bit to allow
398 /// harmless multiple call to this function.
400 {
401 if (obj.TestBit(kMustCleanup)) {
403 if (root && root != &obj && (root->MustClean() || Internal::RequiresCleanup(obj))) {
404 root->RecursiveRemove(&obj);
406 }
407 }
408 }
410#define gROOT (ROOT::GetROOT())
SVector< double, 2 > v
Definition: Dict.h:5
#define R__EXTERN
Definition: DllImport.h:27
#define b(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:100
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
#define ClassDef(name, id)
Definition: Rtypes.h:324
void(* VoidFuncPtr_t)()
Definition: Rtypes.h:76
#define gDirectory
Definition: TDirectory.h:213
@ kIsReferenced
Definition: TObject.h:345
@ kMustCleanup
Definition: TObject.h:343
R__EXTERN TVirtualMutex * gROOTMutex
Definition: TROOT.h:57
const char * proto
Definition: civetweb.c:16604
This class creates the ROOT Application Environment that interfaces to the windowing system eventloop...
Definition: TApplication.h:39
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
Definition: TBrowser.h:37
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
Objects following this interface can be passed onto the TROOT object to implement a user customized w...
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:75
Collection abstract base class.
Definition: TCollection.h:63
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Return the capacity of the collection, i.e.
Definition: TCollection.h:182
The color creation and management class.
Definition: TColor.h:19
Basic data type descriptor (datatype information is obtained from CINT).
Definition: TDataType.h:44
Describe directory structure in memory.
Definition: TDirectory.h:34
A ROOT file is a suite of consecutive data records (TKey instances) with a well defined format.
Definition: TFile.h:48
A TFolder object is a collection of objects and folders.
Definition: TFolder.h:30
Dictionary for function template This class describes one single function template.
Global functions class (global functions are obtained from CINT).
Definition: TFunction.h:28
Global variables class (global variables are obtained from CINT).
Definition: TGlobal.h:28
This class defines an abstract interface to a generic command line interpreter.
Definition: TInterpreter.h:60
A collection of TDataMember objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of T...
A collection of TEnum objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TEnum t...
Definition: TListOfEnums.h:33
A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFu...
A collection of TFunction objects designed for fast access given a DeclId_t and for keep track of TFu...
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
TString fName
Definition: TNamed.h:32
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
R__ALWAYS_INLINE Bool_t TestBit(UInt_t f) const
Definition: TObject.h:172
virtual UInt_t GetUniqueID() const
Return the unique object id.
Definition: TObject.cxx:375
void SetBit(UInt_t f, Bool_t set)
Set or unset the user status bits as specified in f.
Definition: TObject.cxx:694
virtual void SetUniqueID(UInt_t uid)
Set the unique object id.
Definition: TObject.cxx:705
void ResetBit(UInt_t f)
Definition: TObject.h:171
This class implements a plugin library manager.
This class is a specialized TProcessID managing the list of UUIDs.
Definition: TProcessUUID.h:32
ROOT top level object description.
Definition: TROOT.h:100
void SetApplication(TApplication *app)
Definition: TROOT.h:324
static Int_t IncreaseDirLevel()
Increase the indentation level for ls().
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2843
Int_t GetVersionInt() const
Definition: TROOT.h:236
const char * GetConfigFeatures() const
Definition: TROOT.h:223
TSeqCollection * GetListOfCleanups() const
Definition: TROOT.h:256
void Time(Int_t casetime=1)
Definition: TROOT.h:342
Int_t IgnoreInclude(const char *fname, const char *expandedfname)
Return 1 if the name of the given include file corresponds to a class that is known to ROOT,...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1894
Int_t fVersionCode
Definition: TROOT.h:122
const char * GetDefCanvasName() const
Definition: TROOT.h:225
Bool_t IsInterrupted() const
Definition: TROOT.h:290
const TString & GetWebDisplay() const
Definition: TROOT.h:284
TCollection * GetListOfClasses() const
Definition: TROOT.h:239
void Message(Int_t id, const TObject *obj)
Process message id called by obj.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2346
void RemoveClass(TClass *)
Remove a class from the list and map of classes.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2630
TSeqCollection * fProofs
Definition: TROOT.h:170
TCollection * fClassGenerators
Definition: TROOT.h:168
Default ctor.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:643
void SetCutClassName(const char *name="TCutG")
Set the default graphical cut class name for the graphics editor By default the graphics editor creat...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2685
TSeqCollection * fCanvases
Definition: TROOT.h:157
const TObject * fPrimitive
Definition: TROOT.h:146
Bool_t fIsWebDisplay
Definition: TROOT.h:135
TFolder * fRootFolder
Definition: TROOT.h:175
void AddClassGenerator(TClassGenerator *gen)
Add a class generator.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1057
const char * GetCutClassName() const
Definition: TROOT.h:224
Int_t GetBuiltTime() const
Definition: TROOT.h:230
void SetFromPopUp(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:332
TSeqCollection * fGeometries
Definition: TROOT.h:162
TString fCutClassName
Definition: TROOT.h:178
TInterpreter * fInterpreter
Definition: TROOT.h:132
Bool_t IsProofServ() const
Definition: TROOT.h:293
TSeqCollection * GetListOfMessageHandlers() const
Definition: TROOT.h:258
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, int > > FwdDeclArgsToKeepCollection_t
Definition: TROOT.h:195
Int_t fVersionTime
Definition: TROOT.h:124
void SetLineIsProcessing()
Definition: TROOT.h:335
void SetMustClean(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:338
void EndOfProcessCleanups()
Execute the cleanups necessary at the end of the process, in particular those that must be executed b...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1249
Bool_t fBatch
Definition: TROOT.h:133
Bool_t IsWebDisplayBatch() const
Definition: TROOT.h:296
TSeqCollection * GetListOfFiles() const
Definition: TROOT.h:245
Bool_t fEscape
Definition: TROOT.h:143
static const TString & GetBinDir()
Get the binary directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2947
TSeqCollection * GetListOfSockets() const
Definition: TROOT.h:247
Int_t fVersionInt
Definition: TROOT.h:121
static const TString & GetIncludeDir()
Get the include directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2989
Bool_t fFromPopUp
Definition: TROOT.h:138
TSeqCollection * fSockets
Definition: TROOT.h:156
Long_t ProcessLine(const char *line, Int_t *error=0)
Process interpreter command via TApplication::ProcessLine().
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2366
Bool_t IsEscaped() const
Definition: TROOT.h:291
static const char * GetMacroPath()
Get macro search path. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2764
TCollection * fFunctions
Definition: TROOT.h:159
Int_t GetVersionDate() const
Definition: TROOT.h:234
void SaveContext()
Save the current interpreter context.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2673
TCollection * GetListOfClassGenerators() const
Definition: TROOT.h:259
Bool_t IsExecutingMacro() const
Definition: TROOT.h:288
TDataType * GetType(const char *name, Bool_t load=kFALSE) const
Return pointer to type with name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1554
TFunction * GetGlobalFunctionWithPrototype(const char *name, const char *proto=0, Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Return pointer to global function by name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1699
TObject * GetFunction(const char *name) const
Return pointer to function with name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1579
static Int_t ConvertVersionCode2Int(Int_t code)
Convert version code to an integer, i.e. 331527 -> 51507.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2883
TSeqCollection * fMessageHandlers
Definition: TROOT.h:166
void SetStyle(const char *stylename="Default")
Change current style to style with name stylename.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2732
TSeqCollection * GetListOfMappedFiles() const
Definition: TROOT.h:246
void SetEditHistograms(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:329
AListOfEnums_t fEnums
Definition: TROOT.h:173
void ReadGitInfo()
Read Git commit information and branch name from the etc/gitinfo.txt file.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2425
void ForceStyle(Bool_t force=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:214
static Bool_t fgRootInit
Definition: TROOT.h:109
void RefreshBrowsers()
Refresh all browsers.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2514
void CloseFiles()
Close any files and sockets that gROOT knows about.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1171
const char * GetVersion() const
Definition: TROOT.h:238
std::atomic< TApplication * > fApplication
Definition: TROOT.h:131
const char * FindObjectPathName(const TObject *obj) const
Return path name of obj somewhere in the //root/... path.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1465
static Int_t ConvertVersionInt2Code(Int_t v)
Convert version as an integer to version code as used in RVersion.h.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2891
TFile * GetFile() const
Definition: TROOT.h:268
static const TString & GetTTFFontDir()
Get the fonts directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3147
const char * GetGitBranch() const
Definition: TROOT.h:232
Bool_t fForceStyle
Definition: TROOT.h:141
Bool_t FromPopUp() const
Definition: TROOT.h:215
const TObject * GetSelectedPrimitive() const
Definition: TROOT.h:278
TCanvas * MakeDefCanvas() const
Return a default canvas.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1546
TCollection * fTypes
Definition: TROOT.h:149
TColor * GetColor(Int_t color) const
Return address of color with index color.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1528
Bool_t IsLineProcessing() const
Definition: TROOT.h:292
TGlobal * GetGlobal(const char *name, Bool_t load=kFALSE) const
Return pointer to global variable by name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1612
TClass * FindSTLClass(const char *name, Bool_t load, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const
return a TClass object corresponding to 'name' assuming it is an STL container.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1476
TSeqCollection * fStreamerInfo
Definition: TROOT.h:167
TROOT & operator=(const TROOT &)
static const TString & GetIconPath()
Get the icon path in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3126
TSeqCollection * GetListOfCanvases() const
Definition: TROOT.h:248
Long_t Macro(const char *filename, Int_t *error=0, Bool_t padUpdate=kTRUE)
Execute a macro in the interpreter.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2312
std::atomic< TListOfEnums * > AListOfEnums_t
Definition: TROOT.h:116
TCollection * GetListOfGlobalFunctions(Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Return list containing the TFunctions currently defined.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1807
TString fGitDate
Definition: TROOT.h:129
TSeqCollection * fSpecials
Definition: TROOT.h:164
TCollection * GetListOfFunctionTemplates()
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1752
void SetExecutingMacro(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:331
static void RegisterModule(const char *modulename, const char **headers, const char **includePaths, const char *payLoadCode, const char *fwdDeclCode, void(*triggerFunc)(), const FwdDeclArgsToKeepCollection_t &fwdDeclsArgToSkip, const char **classesHeaders, bool hasCxxModule=false)
Called by static dictionary initialization to register clang modules for headers.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2537
TCollection * fClasses
Definition: TROOT.h:148
Bool_t fReadingObject
Definition: TROOT.h:140
void SetInterrupt(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:333
Bool_t fEditHistograms
Definition: TROOT.h:137
TListOfDataMembers * fGlobals
Definition: TROOT.h:151
TListOfFunctionTemplates * fFuncTemplate
Definition: TROOT.h:150
TSeqCollection * GetClipboard() const
Definition: TROOT.h:262
Int_t fTimer
Definition: TROOT.h:130
TSeqCollection * fDataSets
Definition: TROOT.h:172
TString fConfigOptions
Definition: TROOT.h:118
TStyle * GetStyle(const char *name) const
Return pointer to style with name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1571
TCollection * GetListOfEnums(Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1735
Long_t ProcessLineFast(const char *line, Int_t *error=0)
Process interpreter command directly via CINT interpreter.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2403
void InitInterpreter()
Initialize the interpreter.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2036
TCollection * GetListOfGlobals(Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Return list containing the TGlobals currently defined.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1769
virtual TObject * FindObjectAnyFile(const char *name) const
Scan the memory lists of all files for an object with name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1428
TVirtualPad * GetSelectedPad() const
Definition: TROOT.h:279
static void SetDirLevel(Int_t level=0)
Return Indentation level for ls().
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2875
TSeqCollection * fSecContexts
Definition: TROOT.h:169
TString fWebDisplay
Definition: TROOT.h:134
static const char * GetTutorialsDir()
Get the tutorials directory in the installation.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3169
static Bool_t fgMemCheck
Definition: TROOT.h:110
TCollection * GetListOfFunctionOverloads(const char *name) const
Return the collection of functions named "name".
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1653
TSeqCollection * fCleanups
Definition: TROOT.h:165
static Bool_t Initialized()
Return kTRUE if the TROOT object has been initialized.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2859
void RecursiveRemove(TObject *obj)
Recursively remove this object from the list of Cleanups.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2500
TApplication * GetApplication() const
Definition: TROOT.h:217
void SetBatch(Bool_t batch=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:325
Int_t fLineIsProcessing
Definition: TROOT.h:106
Int_t Timer() const
Definition: TROOT.h:343
static const TString & GetSourceDir()
Get the source directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3105
static const TString & GetMacroDir()
Get the macro directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3063
TString fGitCommit
Definition: TROOT.h:127
TSeqCollection * fClosedObjects
Definition: TROOT.h:153
TSeqCollection * fTasks
Definition: TROOT.h:160
void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Add browsable objects to TBrowser.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1078
TFunction * GetGlobalFunction(const char *name, const char *params=0, Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Return pointer to global function by name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1666
TSeqCollection * fClipboard
Definition: TROOT.h:171
const char * GetGitDate()
Return date/time make was run.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2476
TProcessUUID * GetUUIDs() const
Definition: TROOT.h:283
void SetEditorMode(const char *mode="")
Set editor mode.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2706
TSeqCollection * GetListOfStreamerInfo() const
Definition: TROOT.h:257
static const TString & GetTutorialDir()
Get the tutorials directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3084
virtual ~TROOT()
Clean up and free resources used by ROOT (files, network sockets, shared memory segments,...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:906
TSeqCollection * fColors
Definition: TROOT.h:161
static Bool_t MemCheck()
Return kTRUE if the memory leak checker is on.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2867
Int_t GetBuiltDate() const
Definition: TROOT.h:229
TCollection * GetListOfFunctions() const
Definition: TROOT.h:250
void Idle(UInt_t idleTimeInSec, const char *command=0)
Execute command when system has been idle for idleTimeInSec seconds.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1858
Bool_t GetForceStyle() const
Definition: TROOT.h:228
TFolder * GetRootFolder() const
Definition: TROOT.h:282
TSeqCollection * GetListOfBrowsers() const
Definition: TROOT.h:253
Bool_t ReadingObject() const
Deprecated (will be removed in next release).
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2462
TSeqCollection * fStyles
Definition: TROOT.h:158
TSeqCollection * GetListOfProofs() const
Definition: TROOT.h:261
Bool_t GetEditHistograms() const
Definition: TROOT.h:226
Int_t fVersionDate
Definition: TROOT.h:123
TSeqCollection * GetListOfColors() const
Definition: TROOT.h:240
virtual void Append(TObject *obj, Bool_t replace=kFALSE)
Append object to this directory.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1069
Int_t fBuiltTime
Definition: TROOT.h:126
void SetLineHasBeenProcessed()
Definition: TROOT.h:336
TClass * GetClass(const char *name, Bool_t load=kTRUE, Bool_t silent=kFALSE) const
Return pointer to class with name. Obsolete, use TClass::GetClass directly.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1510
TVirtualPad * fSelectPad
Definition: TROOT.h:147
TSeqCollection * fFiles
Definition: TROOT.h:154
virtual TObject * FindObjectAny(const char *name) const
Return a pointer to the first object with name starting at //root.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1418
static const TString & GetRootSys()
Get the rootsys directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2926
TListOfFunctions * GetGlobalFunctions()
Internal routine returning, and creating if necessary, the list of global function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1644
Bool_t fInterrupt
Definition: TROOT.h:142
Bool_t fMustClean
Definition: TROOT.h:139
TObject * Remove(TObject *)
Remove an object from the in-memory list.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2620
Int_t LoadClass(const char *classname, const char *libname, Bool_t check=kFALSE)
Check if class "classname" is known to the interpreter (in fact, this check is not needed anymore,...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2179
void AddClass(TClass *cl)
Add a class to the list and map of classes.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1047
static Int_t RootVersionCode()
Return ROOT version code as defined in RVersion.h.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2902
TObject * FindSpecialObject(const char *name, void *&where)
Returns address and folder of a ROOT object if it exists.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1359
void InitSystem()
Initialize operating system interface.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1944
Int_t GetEditorMode() const
Definition: TROOT.h:227
Bool_t ClassSaved(TClass *cl)
return class status bit kClassSaved for class cl This function is called by the SavePrimitive functio...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1097
const char * GetGitCommit() const
Definition: TROOT.h:231
TString fGitBranch
Definition: TROOT.h:128
TCollection * GetListOfTypes(Bool_t load=kFALSE)
Return a dynamic list giving access to all TDataTypes (typedefs) currently defined.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1846
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Returns address of a ROOT object if it exists.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1305
static Int_t fgDirLevel
Definition: TROOT.h:108
TSeqCollection * GetListOfTasks() const
Definition: TROOT.h:255
Bool_t IsBatch() const
Definition: TROOT.h:287
Bool_t IsRootFile(const char *filename) const
Return true if the file is local and is (likely) to be a ROOT file.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2226
Bool_t IsWebDisplay() const
Definition: TROOT.h:295
static void IndentLevel()
Functions used by ls() to indent an object hierarchy.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2851
Int_t GetVersionTime() const
Definition: TROOT.h:235
static const TString & GetDocDir()
Get the documentation directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3047
static const TString & GetEtcDir()
Get the sysconfig directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3010
Int_t GetNclasses() const
Definition: TROOT.h:280
static const char **& GetExtraInterpreterArgs()
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2909
static void SetMacroPath(const char *newpath)
Set or extend the macro search path.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2790
void SetSelectedPad(TVirtualPad *pad)
Definition: TROOT.h:340
void InitThreads()
Load and initialize thread library.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2025
TProcessUUID * fUUIDs
Definition: TROOT.h:174
TString fConfigFeatures
Definition: TROOT.h:119
TFunctionTemplate * GetFunctionTemplate(const char *name)
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1599
TPluginManager * fPluginManager
Definition: TROOT.h:177
TObject * GetGeometry(const char *name) const
Return pointer to Geometry with name.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1728
Bool_t fExecutingMacro
Definition: TROOT.h:144
TList * GetListOfBrowsables() const
Definition: TROOT.h:266
Int_t fBuiltDate
Definition: TROOT.h:125
Bool_t fIsWebDisplayBatch
Definition: TROOT.h:136
void SetEscape(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.h:334
friend class TCling
Definition: TROOT.h:102
Int_t GetVersionCode() const
Definition: TROOT.h:237
TSeqCollection * fMappedFiles
Definition: TROOT.h:155
Int_t GetNtypes() const
Definition: TROOT.h:281
TSeqCollection * GetListOfSpecials() const
Definition: TROOT.h:254
static const TString & GetLibDir()
Get the library directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2968
void ls(Option_t *option="") const
To list all objects of the application.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2246
void SetDefCanvasName(const char *name="c1")
Definition: TROOT.h:328
TSeqCollection * fBrowsers
Definition: TROOT.h:163
TString fDefCanvasName
Definition: TROOT.h:179
TListOfFunctions * fGlobalFunctions
Definition: TROOT.h:152
TList * fBrowsables
Definition: TROOT.h:176
static Int_t DecreaseDirLevel()
Decrease the indentation level for ls().
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2748
Long_t ProcessLineSync(const char *line, Int_t *error=0)
Process interpreter command via TApplication::ProcessLine().
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2386
void SetSelectedPrimitive(const TObject *obj)
Definition: TROOT.h:339
void Reset(Option_t *option="")
Delete all global interpreter objects created since the last call to Reset.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2653
Int_t fEditorMode
Definition: TROOT.h:145
const char * FindObjectClassName(const char *name) const
Returns class name of a ROOT object including CINT globals.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:1445
TSeqCollection * GetListOfDataSets() const
Definition: TROOT.h:263
Bool_t MustClean() const
Definition: TROOT.h:304
TSeqCollection * GetListOfClosedObjects() const
Definition: TROOT.h:244
const char * GetConfigOptions() const
Definition: TROOT.h:222
static const TString & GetDataDir()
Get the data directory in the installation. Static utility function.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:3031
void SetWebDisplay(const char *webdisplay)
The input parameter webdisplay defines where web graphics should be rendered.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2815
Bool_t IsFolder() const
Returns kTRUE in case object contains browsable objects (like containers or lists of other objects).
Definition: TROOT.h:289
TSeqCollection * GetListOfSecContexts() const
Definition: TROOT.h:260
Int_t LoadMacro(const char *filename, Int_t *error=0, Bool_t check=kFALSE)
Load a macro in the interpreter's memory.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2264
TSeqCollection * GetListOfGeometries() const
Definition: TROOT.h:252
TROOT(const TROOT &)
TSeqCollection * GetListOfStyles() const
Definition: TROOT.h:249
TString fVersion
Definition: TROOT.h:120
static Int_t GetDirLevel()
return directory level
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2756
void SetReadingObject(Bool_t flag=kTRUE)
Definition: TROOT.cxx:2467
TInterpreter * GetInterpreter() const
Definition: TROOT.h:218
TPluginManager * GetPluginManager() const
Definition: TROOT.h:216
Sequenceable collection abstract base class.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
TStyle objects may be created to define special styles.
Definition: TStyle.h:27
This class implements a mutex interface.
Definition: TVirtualMutex.h:34
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
Definition: TVirtualPad.h:50
TLine * line
void SetRequireCleanup(TObject &obj)
Definition: TROOT.h:385
Definition: TROOT.h:383
void DisableParBranchProcessing()
Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding lock...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:432
void DisableParTreeProcessing()
Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding lock...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:481
void EnableParBranchProcessing()
Globally enables the parallel branch processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading (IMT) in...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:416
Bool_t IsParBranchProcessingEnabled()
Returns true if parallel branch processing is enabled.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:445
Bool_t IsParTreeProcessingEnabled()
Returns true if parallel tree processing is enabled.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:494
Definition: TROOT.cxx:383
void EnableParTreeProcessing()
Globally enables the parallel tree processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading in ROOT,...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:465
Bool_t RequiresCleanup(TObject &obj)
Definition: TROOT.h:390
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
Definition: StringConv.hxx:21
void EnableImplicitMT(UInt_t numthreads=0)
Enable ROOT's implicit multi-threading for all objects and methods that provide an internal paralleli...
Definition: TROOT.cxx:576
void EnableThreadSafety()
Enables the global mutex to make ROOT thread safe/aware.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:545
void CallRecursiveRemoveIfNeeded(TObject &obj)
call RecursiveRemove for obj if gROOT is valid and obj.TestBit(kMustCleanup) is true.
Definition: TROOT.h:399
Bool_t IsImplicitMTEnabled()
Returns true if the implicit multi-threading in ROOT is enabled.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:607
UInt_t GetImplicitMTPoolSize()
Returns the size of the pool used for implicit multi-threading.
Definition: TROOT.cxx:614
Definition: TROOT.cxx:519
void DisableImplicitMT()
Disables the implicit multi-threading in ROOT (see EnableImplicitMT).
Definition: TROOT.cxx:593
auto * l
Definition: textangle.C:4