The following people have contributed to this new version:
Kim Albertsson, CERN/ATLAS,
Guilherme Amadio, CERN/SFT,
Bertrand Bellenot, CERN/SFT,
Iliana Betsou, CERN/SFT,
Brian Bockelman, UNL,
Rene Brun, CERN/SFT,
Philippe Canal, FNAL,
Olivier Couet, CERN/SFT,
Gerri Ganis, CERN/SFT,
Andrei Gheata, CERN/SFT,
Enrico Guiraud, CERN/SFT,
Stephan Hageboeck, CERN/SFT,
Siddhartha Rao Kamalakara, GSOC,
Sergey Linev, GSI,
Pere Mato, CERN/SFT,
Lorenzo Moneta, CERN/SFT,
Alja Mrak Tadel, UCSD/CMS,
Axel Naumann, CERN/SFT,
Danilo Piparo, CERN/SFT,
Fons Rademakers, CERN/SFT,
Enric Tejedor Saavedra, CERN/SFT,
Oksana Shadura, UNL,
Ravi Kiran Selvam, GSOC,
Manos, Stergiadis, GSOC,
Matevz Tadel, UCSD/CMS,
Yuka Takahashi, Princeton,
Massimo Tumolo, Politecnico di Torino,
Mohammad Uzair, CERN/SFT,
Xavier Valls, CERN/SFT,
Vassil Vassilev, Princeton/CMS,
Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF/Atlas,
Stefan Wunsch, CERN/SFT
Deprecation and Removal
Ruby bindings
The ruby binding has been unmaintained for several years; it does not build with current ruby versions. Given that this effectively meant that Ruby was dysfunctional and given that nobody (but package maintainers) has complained, we decided to remove it.
Removal of previously deprecated or disabled packages
The packages afs, chirp, glite, sapdb, srp and ios have been removed from ROOT. They were deprecated before, or never ported from configure, make to CMake.
Remove GLUtesselator forward declaration from TVirtualX.h
It was never used in TVirtualX interfaces. If GLUtesselator forward declaration is required, use TGLUtil.h include instead.
C++ Modules Technology Preview
ROOT has several features which interact with libraries and require implicit header inclusion. This can be triggered by reading or writing data on disk, or user actions at the prompt. Often, the headers are immutable and reparsing is redundant. C++ Modules are designed to minimize the reparsing of the same header content by providing an efficient on-disk representation of C++ Code.
This is an experimental feature which can be enabled by compiling ROOT with -Druntime_cxxmodules=On. You can read more about the current state of the feature here.
Core Libraries
New command line flag “–version” for root
root --version now displays ROOT version and build info and quits:
ROOT Version: 6.16/00
Built for linuxx8664gcc on Jan 23 2019, 11:04:35
From tags/v6-16-00@v6-16-00
Fish support for thisroot script
. bin/ sets up the needed ROOT environment variables for one of the ROOT team’s favorite shells, the fish shell.
Change of setting the compression algorithm in rootrc
The previous setting called ROOT.ZipMode is now unused and ignored. Instead, use Root.CompressionAlgorithm which sets the compression algorithm according to the values of ECompression:
0: use the default value of R__ZipMode (currently selecting ZLIB)
1: use ZLIB (the default until 6.12 and from 6.16)
2: use LZMA
3: legacy, please don’t use
4: LZ4
Improve thread scalability of TRef. Creating and looking up a lot of TRef from the same processID now has practically perfect weak scaling.
Upgrade the built-in TBB version to 2019_U1.
Type System
Upgrade the TClass::GetMissingDictionaries method to support std::unique_ptr, std::array and std::tuple without getting trapped in the internal STL implementation details.
I/O Libraries
To allow for increase run-time performance and increase thread scalability the override ability of TFile::GetStreamerInfoList is replaced by an override of TFile::GetStreamerInfoListImp with updated return type and arguments. If a class override TFile::GetStreamerInfoList you will now see a compilation error like:
/opt/build/root_builds/rootcling.cmake/include/TSQLFile.h:225:19: error: declaration of 'GetStreamerInfoList' overrides a 'final' function
virtual TList *GetStreamerInfoList();
/opt/build/root_builds/rootcling.cmake/include/TFile.h:231:24: note: overridden virtual function is here
virtual TList *GetStreamerInfoList() final; // Note: to override behavior, please override GetStreamerInfoListImpl
Instead you need to override the protected method:
InfoListRet DerivedClass::GetStreamerInfoListImpl(bool /*lookupSICache*/) {
ROOT::Internal::RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue hash;
TList *infolist = nullptr;
// Body of the former Derived::GetStreamerInfoList with the
// return statement replaced with something like:
// The second element indicates success or failure of the load.
// (i.e. {nullptr, 0, hash} indicates the list has already been processed
// {nullptr, 1, hash} indicates the list failed to be loaded
return {infolist, 0, hash};
See TFile::GetStreamerInfoListImpl implementation for an example on how to implement the caching.
ZLIB (with compression level 1) is now the default compression algorithm for new ROOT files (LZ4 was default compression algorithm in 6.14). Because of reported “corner cases” for LZ4, we are working on the fix to be landed in a next release and return back LZ4 as a default compression algorithm.
Introducing a possibility for ROOT to use generic compression algorithm/level/settings, by introducing new generic class RCompressionSetting together with new structs ELevel (compression level), EDefaults (default compression settings) and EAlgorithm (compression algorithm). These changes are the first step in generalization of setup of ROOT compression algorithm. It also provides correctness of resolution of compression level and compression algorithm from defined ROOT compression settings:
Improve RDF node ownership model. The net effect is that users do not have to worry about keeping the first node of a computation graph in scope anymore.
Make RResultPtr copy/move-assignable and copy/move-constructible.
Add GetColumnType utility method to query the type of a RDF column (returned as a string).
Throw if name of a custom column is not a valid C++ name.
Allow every RDataFrame variable be cast to a common type ROOT::RDF::RNode.
Speed up just-in-time compilation (and therefore runtime) of Snapshots with a large number of branches.
Create names for histograms and graphs based on the input columns if no model is provided.
RCutFlowReport can print cumulative efficiency of cuts.
Reading and writing of columns holding vector<bool> instances and bool C arrays.
Support rdfentry_ and rdfslot_ implicit columns (tdfentry_ and tdfslot_ kept for backwards compatibility).
Remove RDataFrame from the 32-bit builds.
Speed up interpreted usage of RDataFrame (i.e. in macros or from ROOT prompt) by removing certain cling runtime safety checks.
Streamline and better document usage of multi-thread RDataFrame: edge cases in which processing of an event could start before processing of another event finished have been removed, making it easier for user to write safe parallel RDF operations. See the relevant documentation for more information.
In multi-thread runs, rdfentry_ will not take values corresponding to the underlying TChain’s global entries anymore.
Parallelise search of cluster boundaries for input datasets with no friends or TEntryLists. The net effect is a faster initialization time in this common case.
Handle gracefully the presence of chains the files associated to which are corrupted.
Reduce number of expensive TChain::LoadTree calls by spawning nested TBB tasks to ensure clusters of a given file will be most likely processed by the same thread.
TTrees can be forced to only create new baskets at event cluster boundaries. This simplifies file layout and I/O at the cost of memory. Recommended for simple file formats such as ntuples but not more complex data types. To enable, invoke tree->SetBit(TTree::kOnlyFlushAtCluster).
Math Libraries
The built-in VDT library version has been changed from v0.4.1 to v0.4.2
Enable experimental automatic differentiation techniques to compute derivatives and gradients of functions. Automatic differentiation is superior to the slow symbolic or often inaccurate numerical differentiation. It uses the fact that every computer program can be divided into a set of elementary operations (-,+,*,/) and functions (sin, cos, log, etc). By applying the chain rule repeatedly to these operations, derivatives of arbitrary order can be computed.
Implement experimental TFormula::GradientPar derivative engine which employs clad.
Add All helper: return true if all of the elements equate to true, return false otherwise.
Add Any helper: return true if any of the elements equates to true, return false otherwise.
Add ArgSort helper: return an RVec of indices that sort the vector.
Add Combinations helper which can:
return the indices which represent all combinations of the elements of two vectors.
return the indices which represent all unique n-tuple combinations of the elements of a given vector.
Add Intersect helper: return the intersection of elements of two RVecs.
Add Nonzero helper: return the indices of the elements which are not zero
Add Reverse helper: return copy of reversed RVec.
Add Sort helper: return copy of vector with elements sorted in ascending order (also according to a user defined predicate)
Add Take helper which can:
return elements of a RVec at given indices.
return first elements or last elements of an RVec.
Add Where helper which can:
return the elements of v1 if the condition c is true and v2 if the condition c is false.
return the elements of v1 if the condition c is true and sets the value v2 if the condition c is false.
return the elements of v2 if the condition c is false and sets the value v1 if the condition c is true.
return a vector with the value v2 if the condition c is false and sets the value v1 if the condition c is true.
RooFit Libraries
Add value printer for RooAbsArg and daughters.
Add a Python version for the majority of the Tutorials.
TMVA Library
Deep Learning
This release contains several fixes and improvement for the MethodDL. The MethodDL is also now the recommended class to use for Deep Learning in TMVA and is replacing the previous existing MethodDNN, which is still available, but it has a limited functionality and it supports only dense layer.
The new features of MethodDL are:
Support training and evaluation of Convolutional layer on GPU
Several ML optimizers are now included and they can be used in addition to SGD. These are ADAM (the new default), ADAGRAD, RMSPROP, ADADELTA. A new option, Optimizer has been added in the option string used to define the training strategy options.
Add support for regression in MethodDL
Use single precision (float) types as the fundamental type for the neural network architecture. Double precision could be enabled, but it will require recompiling TMVA.
Support inference (network evaluation) in batch mode in addition to single event. Batch mode evaluation is now the default when used within the TMVA::Factory class (i.e. when calling Factory::TestAllMethod() or Factory::EvaluateAllMethods()
Support splitting the overall training data in Train and Validation data. The train data is used for finding the optimal network weight and the validation data is used to monitor the validation error. The weights which are giving a minimal validation error will be stored. For the splitting a new option, ValidationSize has been added to the global options for MethodDL. The same option is also available in the PyKeras method of PyMVA
The fast tanh implementation from VDT is now used as activation function when training the network on CPU.
Using Cblas from the GSL library is supported for CPU training when no other Blas libraries are found. However, it is strongly recommended, to use an optimized Blas implementation such as libopenblas, that is available in cvmfs.
Add several performance optimizations for both CPU and GPU versions of MethodDL.
Other New TMVA Features
Add a new option to the DataLoader to switch off computation of correlation matrix. The new option is called CalcCorrelations and it should be used when a large number of input variables are provided, otherwise TMVA will spend a long time in setting up the data set before training.
Build configuration:
Add new cmake flags, tmva-cpu and tmva-gpu, which can be used to switch on/off the CPU and GPU (based on CUDA) implementations of the TMVA Deep Learning module. tmva-cpu is enabled by default if a Blas or CBlas library is found in the system. tmva-gpu is enabled when the cmake flag cuda is enabled and a compatible Cuda library is found. enabled if the corre
Add possibility to independently configure building of optional pymva part of tmva with flag -Dpymva=ON|OFF.
New Cross Validation features:
Add stratified splitting for cross validation.
New plotting option in cross validation, average ROC curve.
Fix bug in BDT training with imt=on
Improved handling of large event numbers in cross validation using deterministic splitting
Update TMVA Users’ guide
2D Graphics Libraries
Highlight mode is implemented for TH1 and for TGraph classes. When highlight mode is on, mouse movement over the bin will be represented graphically. Histograms bins or graph points will be highlighted. Moreover, any highlight emits signal TCanvas::Highlighted() which allows the user to react and call their own function. For a better understanding see also the tutorials $ROOTSYS/tutorials/hist/hlHisto*.C and $ROOTSYS/tutorials/graphs/hlGraph*.C .
Implement fonts embedding for PDF output. The “EmbedFonts” option allows to embed the fonts used in a PDF file inside that file. This option relies on the “gs” command (
In TAttAxis::SaveAttributestake into account the new default value forTitleOffset`.
When the histograms’ title’s font was set in pixel the position of the TPaveText containing the title was not correct. This problem was reported here.
In TGraph2D when the points were all in the same plane (along X or Y) at a negative coordinate, the computed axis limits were not correct. This was reported here.
Implemented the drawing of filled polygons in NDC space as requested here
Implement the drawing of filled polygons in NDC space.
When drawing a histogram with the automatic coloring options (PMC, PLC etc …) it was easy to forget to add a drawing option. This is now fixed. If no drawing option is specified the default drawing option for histogram is added.
When drawing a TGraph if TH1::SetDefaultSumw2() was on, then the underlying histogram used to draw the TGraph axis was created with errors and therefore the histogram painter painted it with errors which was a non sense in that particular case. This is now fixed. It was discussed here
Add TGraph2D::GetPoint, with similar interface and behaviour as TGraph::GetPoint
In the statistics painting for 2D histograms, the central cell of the underflow/overflow grid was not properly rendered for very large contents. This problem was reported here.
3D Graphics Libraries
Prototype / demonstrator of EVE-7 (enabled with ROOT-7 build). See code in graf3d/eve7/ and tutorials in tutorials/eve7/.
Web Graphics Libraries
Introduce web-based output for TCanvas. When ROOT compiled with cxx14 support cmake -Dcxx14=ON .. and started with web option like root --web hsimple.C, TCanvas will be displayed in web browser.
Most of histograms and graphs classes are supported. See JavaScript ROOT website for list of supported classes
Also some classes with customize painters may be working - like TTree::Draw() into TParallelCoord object. These kind of objects handled on server side, web browser used just for display of produced primitives like polylines or text
Language Bindings
The Ruby binding has been removed.
Fixed support for templated functions when in need of:
full name completion (Foo<std::vector<float>> -> Foo<std::vector<float, std::allocator<float>>>)
Experimental PyROOT
Added pythonisations for TTree and its subclasses (e.g. TChain, TNtuple)
Pythonic iterator (for event in tree:)
Access tree branches as attributes (mytree.mybranch)
TTree::Branch pythonisation
TTree::SetBranchAddress pythonisation
Added pythonisations for TDirectory and its subclasses (e.g TFile, TDirectoryFile)
Access directories/objects in TDirectory/TDirectoryFile/TFile as attributes (mydir1.mydir2.myhist, myfile.myhist, myfile.mydir.myhist)
TDirectory::Get pythonisation
TDirectory::WriteObject pythonisation
TFile::Open pythonisation
Added pretty printing generic pythonisation for all classes
Added interoperability with NumPy arrays for STL vectors and RVecs (zero-copy wrapping of vectors and RVecs into NumPy arrays)
Jupyter Notebook Integration
Make sure the ROOT C++ Jupyter kernel runs with the same Python version (major and minor) that ROOT was built with.
Make the Jupyter server started with root --notebook listen on all interfaces. This can be useful if the user wants to connect to the server remotely. It also fixes an issue observed when starting the Jupyter server inside a Docker container.
JavaScript ROOT
Support of TWebCanvas functionality. Code for ROOT 6.16 will be maintained in v6-16-00-patches branch of JSROOT repository.
Significant speed up (factor 10) when drawing canvas with many subpads
Many small improvements and bug fixes, see JSROOT release notes for v5.4.2 - v5.6.2
Refurbish text in the RDataFrame tutorials category.
Command line tools
Fixed rooteventselector when both applying a cut (based on branch values) and selecting only a subset of the branches. Previously, the size of the output file was bigger than expected.
Build, Configuration and Testing Infrastructure
The required version of CMake has been updated from 3.4.3 to 3.6. This is necessary because both Vc and VecCore builtins require it, and ROOT uses some features from newer CMake versions, namely list(FILTER...).
Bugs and Issues fixed in this release
[ROOT-9264] - TDF: bogus warnings when Snapshotting a TUUID column from multiple threads
[ROOT-9374] - Re-enable dataframe_{interface,simple} and test_stringfiltercolumn tests
[ROOT-9380] - [TDF] Switch back to using Calc rather than ProcessLine when finished debugging test failures
[ROOT-9416] - [DF] Improve dataframe ownership model