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ROOT::Internal Namespace Reference


namespace  ExecutorUtils
namespace  RDF
namespace  SHA256
namespace  TDS
namespace  TThreadedObjectUtils
namespace  VecOps


class  ClassDefGenerateInitInstanceLocalInjector
struct  EntryCluster
 A cluster of entries. More...
struct  FriendInfo
struct  GetFunctorType
struct  GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(const T *, const double *) const >
struct  GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(const T *, const double *)>
struct  GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(T *, double *) const >
struct  GetFunctorType< T(F::*)(T *, double *)>
struct  InterpreterMutexRegistrationRAII
class  RConcurrentHashColl
 This class is a TS set of unsigned set. More...
struct  RecurseCounts
class  TArrayCharProxy
class  TArrayProxy
struct  TArrayType
struct  TArrayType< T, 0 >
class  TAtomicPointer
 Helper class to manage atomic pointers. More...
class  TBranchCacheInfo
class  TBranchDescriptor
class  TBranchIMTHelper
class  TBranchProxyClassDescriptor
class  TBranchProxyDescriptor
class  TBranchProxyDirector
class  TBranchProxyHelper
class  TCDGIILIBase
class  TCheckHashRecursiveRemoveConsistency
class  TClaArrayProxy
class  TClaImpProxy
class  TClaObjProxy
class  TClaProxy
class  TDefaultInitBehavior
struct  TF1Builder
 Internal class used by TF1 for defining template specialization for different TF1 constructors. More...
struct  TF1Builder< const char * >
 TF1 building from a string used to build a TFormula based on a lambda function. More...
struct  TF1Builder< Func * >
class  TFriendProxy
class  TFriendProxyDescriptor
struct  THashConsistencyHolder
class  THnBaseBinIter
 Iterator over THnBase bins (internal implementation). More...
class  THnBaseBrowsable
 TBrowser helper for THnBase. More...
class  TImpProxy
class  TInitBehavior
struct  TMultiArrayType
class  TNamedBranchProxy
class  TObjProxy
class  TOperatorNewHelper
class  TParBranchProcessingRAII
class  TParTreeProcessingRAII
class  TPoolManager
class  TQObjectInitBehavior
class  TRangeDynCastIterator
 Internal help class implmenting an iterator for TRangeDynCast. More...
struct  TSchemaHelper
class  TSchemaRuleProcessor
struct  TSchemaType
class  TSpinLockGuard
 A spin mutex-as-code-guard class. More...
class  TStdBitsetHelper
class  TStlArrayProxy
class  TStlImpProxy
class  TStlObjProxy
class  TStlProxy
class  TStlSimpleProxy
class  TStringView
class  TTableInitBehavior
class  TTreeGeneratorBase
class  TTreeProxyGenerator
class  TTreeReaderArrayBase
 Base class of TTreeReaderArray. More...
class  TTreeReaderDescriptor
class  TTreeReaderGenerator
class  TTreeReaderValueBase
 Base class of TTreeReaderValue. More...
class  TTreeView
class  TVirtualCollectionReader
struct  UniqueLockRecurseCount


using ClustersAndEntries = std::pair< std::vector< std::vector< EntryCluster > >, std::vector< Long64_t > >
 Return a vector of cluster boundaries for the given tree and files. More...
using FreeIfTMapFile_t = bool(void *)
typedef TROOT *(* GetROOTFun_t) ()
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > MembersMap_t
using NameAlias = std::pair< std::string, std::string >
 Names, aliases, and file names of a TTree's or TChain's friends. More...
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Bool_t > > TArrayBoolProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double32_t > > TArrayDouble32Proxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double_t > > TArrayDoubleProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float16_t > > TArrayFloat16Proxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float_t > > TArrayFloatProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Int_t > > TArrayIntProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long64_t > > TArrayLong64Proxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long_t > > TArrayLongProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TArrayShortProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< UChar_t > > TArrayUCharProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< UInt_t > > TArrayUIntProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong64_t > > TArrayULong64Proxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong_t > > TArrayULongProxy
typedef TArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TArrayUShortProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Bool_tTBoolProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Char_tTCharProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Bool_t > > TClaArrayBoolProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Char_t > > TClaArrayCharProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double32_t > > TClaArrayDouble32Proxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double_t > > TClaArrayDoubleProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float16_t > > TClaArrayFloat16Proxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float_t > > TClaArrayFloatProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Int_t > > TClaArrayIntProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long64_t > > TClaArrayLong64Proxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long_t > > TClaArrayLongProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TClaArrayShortProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< UChar_t > > TClaArrayUCharProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< UInt_t > > TClaArrayUIntProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong64_t > > TClaArrayULong64Proxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong_t > > TClaArrayULongProxy
typedef TClaArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TClaArrayUShortProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Bool_tTClaBoolProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Char_tTClaCharProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Double32_tTClaDouble32Proxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Double_tTClaDoubleProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Float16_tTClaFloat16Proxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Float_tTClaFloatProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Int_tTClaIntProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Long64_tTClaLong64Proxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Long_tTClaLongProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< Short_tTClaShortProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< UChar_tTClaUCharProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< UInt_tTClaUIntProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< ULong64_tTClaULong64Proxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< ULong_tTClaULongProxy
typedef TClaImpProxy< UShort_tTClaUShortProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Double32_tTDouble32Proxy
typedef TImpProxy< Double_tTDoubleProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Float16_tTFloat16Proxy
typedef TImpProxy< Float_tTFloatProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Int_tTIntProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Long64_tTLong64Proxy
typedef TImpProxy< Long_tTLongProxy
typedef TImpProxy< Short_tTShortProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Bool_t > > TStlArrayBoolProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Char_t > > TStlArrayCharProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double32_t > > TStlArrayDouble32Proxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Double_t > > TStlArrayDoubleProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float16_t > > TStlArrayFloat16Proxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Float_t > > TStlArrayFloatProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Int_t > > TStlArrayIntProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long64_t > > TStlArrayLong64Proxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< Long_t > > TStlArrayLongProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TStlArrayShortProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< UChar_t > > TStlArrayUCharProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< UInt_t > > TStlArrayUIntProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong64_t > > TStlArrayULong64Proxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< ULong_t > > TStlArrayULongProxy
typedef TStlArrayProxy< TArrayType< UShort_t > > TStlArrayUShortProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Bool_tTStlBoolProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Char_tTStlCharProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Double32_tTStlDouble32Proxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Double_tTStlDoubleProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Float16_tTStlFloat16Proxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Float_tTStlFloatProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Int_tTStlIntProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Long64_tTStlLong64Proxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Long_tTStlLongProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< Short_tTStlShortProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< UChar_tTStlUCharProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< UInt_tTStlUIntProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< ULong64_tTStlULong64Proxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< ULong_tTStlULongProxy
typedef TStlImpProxy< UShort_tTStlUShortProxy
typedef TImpProxy< UChar_tTUCharProxy
typedef TImpProxy< UInt_tTUIntProxy
typedef TImpProxy< ULong64_tTULong64Proxy
typedef TImpProxy< ULong_tTULongProxy
typedef TImpProxy< UShort_tTUShortProxy


enum  ELocation { kOut =0 , kClones , kSTL }


tbb::task_arena * CastToTA (void *p)
tbb::task_group * CastToTG (void *p)
bool ContaineeInheritsFrom (TClass *cl, TClass *base)
 Return true if 'cl' inherits from 'base'. More...
void DefaultStreamer (TBuffer &R__b, const TClass *cl, void *objpointer)
 Default streamer implementation used by ClassDefInline to avoid requirement to include TBuffer.h. More...
const TQObjectInitBehaviorDefineBehavior (TQObject *, TQObject *)
template<class RootClass >
const TTableInitBehavior< RootClass > * DefineBehavior (TTable *, RootClass *)
const TInitBehaviorDefineBehavior (void *, void *)
void DisableParBranchProcessing ()
 Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding locks. More...
void DisableParTreeProcessing ()
 Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding locks. More...
const TCollectionEmptyCollection ()
 Return an empty collection for use with nullptr TRangeCast. More...
void EnableParBranchProcessing ()
 Globally enables the parallel branch processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading (IMT) in ROOT, activating the required locks. More...
void EnableParTreeProcessing ()
 Globally enables the parallel tree processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading in ROOT, activating the required locks. More...
void GenericShowMembers (const char *topClassName, void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, bool transientMember)
TString GetArrayType (TStreamerElement *element, const char *subtype, TTreeProxyGenerator::EContainer container)
std::string GetDemangledTypeName (const std::type_info &)
 Returns a string with the demangled and normalized name for the given type. More...
static std::vector< std::vector< Long64_t > > GetFriendEntries (const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &friendNames, const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &friendFileNames)
 Return a vector containing the number of entries of each file of each friend TChain. More...
std::shared_ptr< TPoolManagerGetPoolManager (UInt_t nThreads=0)
 Get a shared pointer to the manager. More...
static Func_t GetSymInLibImt (const char *funcname)
template<typename T , typename F >
auto GetTheRightOp (T(F::*opPtr)(const T *, const double *)) -> decltype(opPtr)
template<typename T , typename F >
auto GetTheRightOp (T(F::*opPtr)(T *, double *)) -> decltype(opPtr)
static std::string GetTreeFullPath (const TTree &tree)
 Return the full path of the tree. More...
std::weak_ptr< TPoolManager > & GetWP ()
Bool_t HasConsistentHashMember (const char *clName)
 Return true is the Hash/RecursiveRemove setup is consistent, i.e. More...
Bool_t HasConsistentHashMember (TClass &clRef)
 Return true is the Hash/RecursiveRemove setup is consistent, i.e. More...
static Bool_tIsImplicitMTEnabledImpl ()
 Keeps track of the status of ImplicitMT w/o resorting to the load of libImt. More...
Bool_t IsParBranchProcessingEnabled ()
 Returns true if parallel branch processing is enabled. More...
Bool_t IsParTreeProcessingEnabled ()
 Returns true if parallel tree processing is enabled. More...
static ClustersAndEntries MakeClusters (const std::string &treeName, const std::vector< std::string > &fileNames)
void NotifyDirected (Detail::TBranchProxy *x)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue &h)
bool operator== (const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue &lhs, const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue &rhs)
template<typename T >
static T ParallelReduceHelper (const std::vector< T > &objs, const std::function< T(T a, T b)> &redfunc)
 A helper function to implement the TThreadExecutor::ParallelReduce methods. More...
static Bool_t R__AddPragmaForClass (TTreeProxyGenerator *gen, const char *classname)
 Add the "pragma C++ class" if needed and return true if it has been added or if it is known to not be needed. More...
static Bool_t R__AddPragmaForClass (TTreeProxyGenerator *gen, TClass *cl)
 Add the "pragma C++ class" if needed and return true if it has been added or if it is known to not be needed. More...
Bool_t RequiresCleanup (TObject &obj)
void ResetReadEntry (TFriendProxy *fp)
void SetRequireCleanup (TObject &obj)
void Sha256 (const unsigned char *data, int len, ULong64_t *fDigest)


R__EXTERN FreeIfTMapFile_tgFreeIfTMapFile = nullptr
static GetROOTFun_t gGetROOT = &GetROOT1
R__EXTERN voidgMmallocDesc = 0

Typedef Documentation

◆ ClustersAndEntries

using ROOT::Internal::ClustersAndEntries = typedef std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<EntryCluster> >, std::vector<Long64_t> >

Return a vector of cluster boundaries for the given tree and files.

Definition at line 41 of file TTreeProcessorMT.cxx.

◆ FreeIfTMapFile_t

using ROOT::Internal::FreeIfTMapFile_t = typedef bool(void*)

Definition at line 124 of file TStorage.h.

◆ GetROOTFun_t

typedef TROOT *(* ROOT::Internal::GetROOTFun_t) ()

Definition at line 393 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ MembersMap_t

typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> ROOT::Internal::MembersMap_t

Definition at line 20 of file TSchemaType.h.

◆ NameAlias

using ROOT::Internal::NameAlias = typedef std::pair<std::string, std::string>

Names, aliases, and file names of a TTree's or TChain's friends.

Definition at line 58 of file TTreeProcessorMT.hxx.

◆ TArrayBoolProxy

Definition at line 897 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 884 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayDoubleProxy

Definition at line 883 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 886 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayFloatProxy

Definition at line 885 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayIntProxy

Definition at line 892 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayLong64Proxy

Definition at line 894 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayLongProxy

Definition at line 893 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayShortProxy

Definition at line 895 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayUCharProxy

Definition at line 891 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayUIntProxy

Definition at line 887 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayULong64Proxy

Definition at line 889 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayULongProxy

Definition at line 888 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TArrayUShortProxy

Definition at line 890 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TBoolProxy

Definition at line 881 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TCharProxy

Definition at line 880 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayBoolProxy

Definition at line 929 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayCharProxy

Definition at line 928 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 916 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayDoubleProxy

Definition at line 915 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 918 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayFloatProxy

Definition at line 917 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayIntProxy

Definition at line 924 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayLong64Proxy

Definition at line 926 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayLongProxy

Definition at line 925 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayShortProxy

Definition at line 927 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayUCharProxy

Definition at line 923 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayUIntProxy

Definition at line 919 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayULong64Proxy

Definition at line 921 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayULongProxy

Definition at line 920 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaArrayUShortProxy

Definition at line 922 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaBoolProxy

Definition at line 913 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaCharProxy

Definition at line 912 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 900 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaDoubleProxy

Definition at line 899 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 902 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaFloatProxy

Definition at line 901 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaIntProxy

Definition at line 908 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaLong64Proxy

Definition at line 910 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaLongProxy

Definition at line 909 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaShortProxy

Definition at line 911 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaUCharProxy

Definition at line 907 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaUIntProxy

Definition at line 903 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaULong64Proxy

Definition at line 905 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaULongProxy

Definition at line 904 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TClaUShortProxy

Definition at line 906 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 868 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TDoubleProxy

Definition at line 867 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 870 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TFloatProxy

Definition at line 869 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TIntProxy

Definition at line 876 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TLong64Proxy

Definition at line 878 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TLongProxy

Definition at line 877 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TShortProxy

Definition at line 879 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayBoolProxy

Definition at line 962 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayCharProxy

Definition at line 961 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 949 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayDoubleProxy

Definition at line 948 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 951 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayFloatProxy

Definition at line 950 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayIntProxy

Definition at line 957 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayLong64Proxy

Definition at line 959 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayLongProxy

Definition at line 958 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayShortProxy

Definition at line 960 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayUCharProxy

Definition at line 956 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayUIntProxy

Definition at line 952 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayULong64Proxy

Definition at line 954 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayULongProxy

Definition at line 953 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlArrayUShortProxy

Definition at line 955 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlBoolProxy

Definition at line 946 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlCharProxy

Definition at line 945 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlDouble32Proxy

Definition at line 933 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlDoubleProxy

Definition at line 932 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlFloat16Proxy

Definition at line 935 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlFloatProxy

Definition at line 934 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlIntProxy

Definition at line 941 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlLong64Proxy

Definition at line 943 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlLongProxy

Definition at line 942 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlShortProxy

Definition at line 944 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlUCharProxy

Definition at line 940 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlUIntProxy

Definition at line 936 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlULong64Proxy

Definition at line 938 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlULongProxy

Definition at line 937 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TStlUShortProxy

Definition at line 939 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TUCharProxy

Definition at line 875 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TUIntProxy

Definition at line 871 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TULong64Proxy

Definition at line 873 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TULongProxy

Definition at line 872 of file TBranchProxy.h.

◆ TUShortProxy

Definition at line 874 of file TBranchProxy.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ELocation


Definition at line 37 of file TTreeReaderGenerator.h.

Function Documentation

◆ CastToTA()

tbb::task_arena * ROOT::Internal::CastToTA ( void p)

Definition at line 43 of file TTaskGroup.cxx.

◆ CastToTG()

tbb::task_group * ROOT::Internal::CastToTG ( void p)

Definition at line 39 of file TTaskGroup.cxx.

◆ ContaineeInheritsFrom()

bool ROOT::Internal::ContaineeInheritsFrom ( TClass cl,
TClass base 

Return true if 'cl' inherits from 'base'.

Definition at line 825 of file TCollection.cxx.

◆ DefaultStreamer()

void ROOT::Internal::DefaultStreamer ( TBuffer R__b,
const TClass cl,
void objpointer 

Default streamer implementation used by ClassDefInline to avoid requirement to include TBuffer.h.

Definition at line 28 of file TBuffer.cxx.

◆ DefineBehavior() [1/3]

const TQObjectInitBehavior * ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior ( TQObject ,

Definition at line 74 of file TQClass.h.

◆ DefineBehavior() [2/3]

template<class RootClass >
const TTableInitBehavior< RootClass > * ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior ( TTable ,
RootClass *   

Definition at line 154 of file Ttypes.h.

◆ DefineBehavior() [3/3]

const TInitBehavior * ROOT::Internal::DefineBehavior ( void ,

Definition at line 44 of file TGenericClassInfo.cxx.

◆ DisableParBranchProcessing()

void ROOT::Internal::DisableParBranchProcessing ( )

Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding locks.

Definition at line 432 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ DisableParTreeProcessing()

void ROOT::Internal::DisableParTreeProcessing ( )

Globally disables the IMT use case of parallel branch processing, deactivating the corresponding locks.

Definition at line 481 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ EmptyCollection()

const TCollection & ROOT::Internal::EmptyCollection ( )

Return an empty collection for use with nullptr TRangeCast.

Definition at line 816 of file TCollection.cxx.

◆ EnableParBranchProcessing()

void ROOT::Internal::EnableParBranchProcessing ( )

Globally enables the parallel branch processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading (IMT) in ROOT, activating the required locks.

This IMT use case, implemented in TTree::GetEntry, spawns a task for each branch of the tree. Therefore, a task takes care of the reading, decompression and deserialisation of a given branch.

Definition at line 416 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ EnableParTreeProcessing()

void ROOT::Internal::EnableParTreeProcessing ( )

Globally enables the parallel tree processing, which is a case of implicit multi-threading in ROOT, activating the required locks.

This IMT use case, implemented in TTreeProcessor::Process, receives a user function and applies it to subranges of the tree, which correspond to its clusters. Hence, for every cluster, a task is spawned to potentially process it in parallel with the other clusters.

Definition at line 465 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ GenericShowMembers()

void ROOT::Internal::GenericShowMembers ( const char *  topClassName,
void obj,
TMemberInspector R__insp,
bool  transientMember 

Definition at line 24 of file RtypesImp.h.

◆ GetArrayType()

TString ROOT::Internal::GetArrayType ( TStreamerElement element,
const char *  subtype,
TTreeProxyGenerator::EContainer  container 

Definition at line 132 of file TTreeProxyGenerator.cxx.

◆ GetDemangledTypeName()

std::string ROOT::Internal::GetDemangledTypeName ( const std::type_info &  t)

Returns a string with the demangled and normalized name for the given type.

Definition at line 30 of file TGenericClassInfo.cxx.

◆ GetFriendEntries()

static std::vector< std::vector< Long64_t > > ROOT::Internal::GetFriendEntries ( const std::vector< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > &  friendNames,
const std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &  friendFileNames 

Return a vector containing the number of entries of each file of each friend TChain.

Definition at line 138 of file TTreeProcessorMT.cxx.

◆ GetPoolManager()

std::shared_ptr< TPoolManager > ROOT::Internal::GetPoolManager ( UInt_t  nThreads = 0)

Get a shared pointer to the manager.

Initialize the manager with nThreads if not active. If active, the number of threads, even if specified otherwise, will remain the same.

The number of threads will be able to change calling the factory function again after the last remaining shared_ptr owning the object is destroyed or reasigned, which will trigger the destructor of the manager.

Definition at line 49 of file TPoolManager.cxx.

◆ GetROOT1()

TROOT * ROOT::Internal::GetROOT1 ( )

Definition at line 376 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ GetROOT2()

TROOT * ROOT::Internal::GetROOT2 ( )

Definition at line 383 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ GetSymInLibImt()

static Func_t ROOT::Internal::GetSymInLibImt ( const char *  funcname)

Definition at line 397 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ GetTheRightOp() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename F >
auto ROOT::Internal::GetTheRightOp ( T(F::*)(const T *, const double *)  opPtr) -> decltype(opPtr)

Definition at line 185 of file TF1.h.

◆ GetTheRightOp() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename F >
auto ROOT::Internal::GetTheRightOp ( T(F::*)(T *, double *)  opPtr) -> decltype(opPtr)

Definition at line 197 of file TF1.h.

◆ GetTreeFullPath()

static std::string ROOT::Internal::GetTreeFullPath ( const TTree tree)

Return the full path of the tree.

Definition at line 161 of file TTreeProcessorMT.cxx.

◆ GetWP()

std::weak_ptr< TPoolManager > & ROOT::Internal::GetWP ( )

Definition at line 12 of file TPoolManager.cxx.

◆ HasConsistentHashMember() [1/2]

Bool_t ROOT::Internal::HasConsistentHashMember ( const char *  cname)

Return true is the Hash/RecursiveRemove setup is consistent, i.e.

when all classes in the class hierarchy that overload TObject::Hash do call ROOT::CallRecursiveRemoveIfNeeded in their destructor. i.e. it is safe to call the Hash virtual function during the RecursiveRemove operation. This routines is used for a small subset of the class for which we need the answer before gROOT is properly initialized.

Definition at line 7031 of file TClass.cxx.

◆ HasConsistentHashMember() [2/2]

Bool_t ROOT::Internal::HasConsistentHashMember ( TClass clRef)

Return true is the Hash/RecursiveRemove setup is consistent, i.e.

when all classes in the class hierarchy that overload TObject::Hash do call ROOT::CallRecursiveRemoveIfNeeded in their destructor. i.e. it is safe to call the Hash virtual function during the RecursiveRemove operation.

Definition at line 7057 of file TClass.cxx.

◆ IsImplicitMTEnabledImpl()

static Bool_t & ROOT::Internal::IsImplicitMTEnabledImpl ( )

Keeps track of the status of ImplicitMT w/o resorting to the load of libImt.

Definition at line 510 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ IsParBranchProcessingEnabled()

Bool_t ROOT::Internal::IsParBranchProcessingEnabled ( )

Returns true if parallel branch processing is enabled.

Definition at line 445 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ IsParTreeProcessingEnabled()

Bool_t ROOT::Internal::IsParTreeProcessingEnabled ( )

Returns true if parallel tree processing is enabled.

Definition at line 494 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ MakeClusters()

static ClustersAndEntries ROOT::Internal::MakeClusters ( const std::string &  treeName,
const std::vector< std::string > &  fileNames 

Definition at line 42 of file TTreeProcessorMT.cxx.

◆ NotifyDirected()

void ROOT::Internal::NotifyDirected ( Detail::TBranchProxy x)

Definition at line 38 of file TBranchProxyDirector.cxx.

◆ operator<<()

std::ostream & ROOT::Internal::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue h 

Definition at line 13 of file RConcurrentHashColl.cxx.

◆ operator==()

bool ROOT::Internal::operator== ( const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue lhs,
const RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue rhs 

Definition at line 59 of file RConcurrentHashColl.hxx.

◆ ParallelReduceHelper()

template<typename T >
static T ROOT::Internal::ParallelReduceHelper ( const std::vector< T > &  objs,
const std::function< T(T a, T b)> &  redfunc 

A helper function to implement the TThreadExecutor::ParallelReduce methods.

Definition at line 107 of file TThreadExecutor.cxx.

◆ R__AddPragmaForClass() [1/2]

static Bool_t ROOT::Internal::R__AddPragmaForClass ( TTreeProxyGenerator gen,
const char *  classname 

Add the "pragma C++ class" if needed and return true if it has been added or if it is known to not be needed.

(I.e. return kFALSE if a container of this class can not have a "pragma C++ class"

Definition at line 1572 of file TTreeProxyGenerator.cxx.

◆ R__AddPragmaForClass() [2/2]

static Bool_t ROOT::Internal::R__AddPragmaForClass ( TTreeProxyGenerator gen,
TClass cl 

Add the "pragma C++ class" if needed and return true if it has been added or if it is known to not be needed.

(I.e. return kFALSE if a container of this class can not have a "pragma C++ class"

Definition at line 1548 of file TTreeProxyGenerator.cxx.

◆ RequiresCleanup()

Bool_t ROOT::Internal::RequiresCleanup ( TObject obj)

Definition at line 390 of file TROOT.h.

◆ ResetReadEntry()

void ROOT::Internal::ResetReadEntry ( TFriendProxy fp)

Definition at line 41 of file TBranchProxyDirector.cxx.

◆ SetRequireCleanup()

void ROOT::Internal::SetRequireCleanup ( TObject obj)

Definition at line 385 of file TROOT.h.

◆ Sha256()

void ROOT::Internal::Sha256 ( const unsigned char *  data,
int  len,
ULong64_t fDigest 

Definition at line 267 of file RSha256.hxx.

Variable Documentation

◆ gFreeIfTMapFile

ROOT::Internal::FreeIfTMapFile_t * ROOT::Internal::gFreeIfTMapFile = nullptr

Definition at line 125 of file TStorage.h.

◆ gGetROOT

GetROOTFun_t ROOT::Internal::gGetROOT = &GetROOT1

Definition at line 395 of file TROOT.cxx.

◆ gMmallocDesc

void * ROOT::Internal::gMmallocDesc = 0

Definition at line 126 of file TStorage.h.

◆ gROOTLocal

TROOT * ROOT::Internal::gROOTLocal = ROOT::GetROOT()

Definition at line 383 of file TROOT.h.