Logo ROOT   6.14/05
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/eve:$Id$
2 // Authors: Matevz Tadel & Alja Mrak-Tadel: 2006, 2007
4 /*************************************************************************
5  * Copyright (C) 1995-2007, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6  * All rights reserved. *
7  * *
8  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10  *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TEveTrack.h"
13 #include "TEveTrackPropagator.h"
14 #include "TEvePointSet.h"
16 #include "TParticle.h"
17 #include "TPolyLine3D.h"
18 #include "TMarker.h"
19 #include "TPolyMarker3D.h"
20 #include "TColor.h"
21 #include "TParticlePDG.h"
23 // Updates
24 #include "TEveManager.h"
25 #include "TEveBrowser.h"
26 #include "TEveTrackProjected.h"
27 #include "TEveVSD.h"
29 #include "Riostream.h"
31 #include <vector>
32 #include <algorithm>
33 #include <functional>
35 /** \class TEveTrack
36 \ingroup TEve
37 Visual representation of a track.
39 If member fDpDs is set, the momentum is reduced on all path-marks that do
40 not fix the momentum according to the distance travelled from the previous
41 pathmark.
42 */
46 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
47 /// Default constructor.
50  TEveLine(),
52  fV(),
53  fP(),
54  fPEnd(),
55  fBeta(0),
56  fDpDs(0),
57  fPdg(0),
58  fCharge(0),
59  fLabel(kMinInt),
60  fIndex(kMinInt),
61  fStatus(0),
62  fLockPoints(kFALSE),
63  fPathMarks(),
64  fLastPMIdx(0),
65  fPropagator(0)
66 {
67 }
69 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
70 /// Constructor from TParticle.
73  TEveLine(),
75  fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()),
76  fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()),
77  fPEnd(),
78  fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()),
79  fDpDs(0),
80  fPdg(0),
81  fCharge(0),
82  fLabel(label),
83  fIndex(kMinInt),
84  fStatus(t->GetStatusCode()),
86  fPathMarks(),
87  fLastPMIdx(0),
88  fPropagator(0)
89 {
90  SetPropagator(prop);
93  TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG();
94  if (pdgp) {
95  fPdg = pdgp->PdgCode();
96  fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3);
97  }
99  SetName(t->GetName());
100 }
102 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
105  TEveLine(),
107  fV(t->Vx(), t->Vy(), t->Vz()),
108  fP(t->Px(), t->Py(), t->Pz()),
109  fPEnd(),
110  fBeta(t->P()/t->Energy()),
111  fDpDs(0),
112  fPdg(0),
113  fCharge(0),
114  fLabel(t->fLabel),
115  fIndex(t->fIndex),
116  fStatus(t->GetStatusCode()),
118  fPathMarks(),
119  fLastPMIdx(0),
120  fPropagator(0)
121 {
122  // Constructor from TEveUtil Monte Carlo track.
124  SetPropagator(prop);
127  TParticlePDG* pdgp = t->GetPDG();
128  if (pdgp) {
129  fCharge = (Int_t) TMath::Nint(pdgp->Charge()/3);
130  }
132  SetName(t->GetName());
133 }
135 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136 /// Constructor from TEveRecTrack<double> reconstructed track.
139  TEveLine(),
141  fV(t->fV),
142  fP(t->fP),
143  fPEnd(),
144  fBeta(t->fBeta),
145  fDpDs(0),
146  fPdg(0),
147  fCharge(t->fSign),
148  fLabel(t->fLabel),
149  fIndex(t->fIndex),
150  fStatus(t->fStatus),
152  fPathMarks(),
153  fLastPMIdx(0),
154  fPropagator(0)
155 {
156  SetPropagator(prop);
159  SetName(t->GetName());
160 }
162 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
163 /// Constructor from TEveRecTrack<float> reconstructed track.
164 /// It is recommended to use constructor with TEveRecTrack<double> since
165 /// TEveTrackPropagator operates with double type.
168  TEveLine(),
170  fV(t->fV),
171  fP(t->fP),
172  fPEnd(),
173  fBeta(t->fBeta),
174  fDpDs(0),
175  fPdg(0),
176  fCharge(t->fSign),
177  fLabel(t->fLabel),
178  fIndex(t->fIndex),
179  fStatus(t->fStatus),
181  fPathMarks(),
182  fLastPMIdx(0),
183  fPropagator(0)
184 {
185  SetPropagator(prop);
188  SetName(t->GetName());
189 }
191 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
192 /// Copy constructor. Track parameters are copied but the
193 /// extrapolation is not performed so you should still call
194 /// MakeTrack() to do that.
195 /// If points of 't' are locked, they are cloned.
198  TEveLine(),
199  fV(t.fV),
200  fP(t.fP),
201  fPEnd(),
202  fBeta(t.fBeta),
203  fDpDs(t.fDpDs),
204  fPdg(t.fPdg),
205  fCharge(t.fCharge),
206  fLabel(t.fLabel),
207  fIndex(t.fIndex),
208  fStatus(t.fStatus),
210  fPathMarks(),
212  fPropagator(0)
213 {
214  if (fLockPoints)
215  ClonePoints(t);
217  SetPathMarks(t);
220  CopyVizParams(&t);
221 }
223 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
224 /// Destructor.
227 {
228  SetPropagator(0);
229 }
232 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
233 /// Returns list-tree icon for TEveTrack.
236 {
237  return fgListTreeIcons[4];
238 }
240 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
241 /// Compute the bounding box of the track.
244 {
245  if (Size() > 0 || ! fPathMarks.empty())
246  {
247  BBoxInit();
248  Int_t n = Size();
250  for (Int_t i = 0; i < n; ++i, p += 3)
251  {
252  BBoxCheckPoint(p);
253  }
254  for (vPathMark_ci i = fPathMarks.begin(); i != fPathMarks.end(); ++i)
255  {
256  BBoxCheckPoint(i->fV.fX, i->fV.fY,i->fV.fZ);
257  }
258  }
259  else
260  {
261  BBoxZero();
262  }
263 }
265 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
266 /// Set standard track title based on most data-member values.
269 {
270  TString idx(fIndex == kMinInt ? "<undef>" : Form("%d", fIndex));
271  TString lbl(fLabel == kMinInt ? "<undef>" : Form("%d", fLabel));
272  SetTitle(Form("Index=%s, Label=%s\nChg=%d, Pdg=%d\n"
273  "pT=%.3f, pZ=%.3f\nV=(%.3f, %.3f, %.3f)",
274  idx.Data(), lbl.Data(), fCharge, fPdg,
275  fP.Perp(), fP.fZ, fV.fX, fV.fY, fV.fZ));
276 }
278 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
279 /// Copy track parameters from t. Track-propagator is set, too.
280 /// PathMarks are cleared - you can copy them via SetPathMarks(t).
281 /// If track 't' is locked, you should probably clone its points
282 /// over - use TEvePointSet::ClonePoints(t);
285 {
286  fV = t.fV;
287  fP = t.fP;
288  fBeta = t.fBeta;
289  fPdg = t.fPdg;
290  fCharge = t.fCharge;
291  fLabel = t.fLabel;
292  fIndex = t.fIndex;
294  fPathMarks.clear();
296 }
298 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299 /// Copy path-marks from t.
302 {
303  std::copy(t.RefPathMarks().begin(), t.RefPathMarks().end(),
304  std::back_insert_iterator<vPathMark_t>(fPathMarks));
305 }
307 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
308 /// Set track's render style.
309 /// Reference counts of old and new propagator are updated.
312 {
313  if (fPropagator == prop) return;
314  if (fPropagator) fPropagator->DecRefCount(this);
315  fPropagator = prop;
316  if (fPropagator) fPropagator->IncRefCount(this);
317 }
319 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
320 /// Set line and marker attributes from TEveTrackList.
323 {
324  SetRnrLine(tl->GetRnrLine());
325  SetLineColor(tl->GetLineColor());
326  SetLineStyle(tl->GetLineStyle());
327  SetLineWidth(tl->GetLineWidth());
329  SetRnrPoints(tl->GetRnrPoints());
333 }
335 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
336 /// Calculate track representation based on track data and current
337 /// settings of the propagator.
338 /// If recurse is true, descend into children.
341 {
342  if (!fLockPoints)
343  {
344  Reset(0);
345  fLastPMIdx = 0;
349  const Double_t maxRsq = rTP.GetMaxR() * rTP.GetMaxR();
350  const Double_t maxZ = rTP.GetMaxZ();
352  if ( ! TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
353  {
354  TEveVectorD currP = fP;
355  Bool_t decay = kFALSE;
356  rTP.InitTrack(fV, fCharge);
357  for (vPathMark_i pm = fPathMarks.begin(); pm != fPathMarks.end(); ++pm, ++fLastPMIdx)
358  {
359  Int_t start_point = rTP.GetCurrentPoint();
361  if (rTP.GetFitReferences() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kReference)
362  {
363  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
364  break;
365  if (rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP))
366  {
367  currP.fX = pm->fP.fX; currP.fY = pm->fP.fY; currP.fZ = pm->fP.fZ;
368  }
369  else
370  {
371  break;
372  }
373  }
374  else if (rTP.GetFitDaughters() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kDaughter)
375  {
376  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
377  break;
378  if (rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP))
379  {
380  currP.fX -= pm->fP.fX; currP.fY -= pm->fP.fY; currP.fZ -= pm->fP.fZ;
381  if (fDpDs != 0)
382  {
383  Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point);
384  Double_t p = currP.Mag();
385  if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p;
386  }
387  }
388  else
389  {
390  break;
391  }
392  }
393  else if (rTP.GetFitDecay() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kDecay)
394  {
395  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
396  break;
397  rTP.GoToVertex(pm->fV, currP);
398  decay = kTRUE;
399  ++fLastPMIdx;
400  break;
401  }
402  else if (rTP.GetFitCluster2Ds() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kCluster2D)
403  {
404  TEveVectorD itsect;
405  if (rTP.IntersectPlane(currP, pm->fV, pm->fP, itsect))
406  {
407  TEveVectorD delta = itsect - pm->fV;
408  TEveVectorD vtopass = pm->fV + pm->fE*(pm->fE.Dot(delta));
409  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(vtopass, maxRsq, maxZ))
410  break;
411  if ( ! rTP.GoToVertex(vtopass, currP))
412  break;
414  if (fDpDs != 0)
415  {
416  Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point);
417  Double_t p = currP.Mag();
418  if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p;
419  }
420  }
421  else
422  {
423  Warning("TEveTrack::MakeTrack", "Failed to intersect plane for Cluster2D. Ignoring path-mark.");
424  }
425  }
426  else if (rTP.GetFitLineSegments() && pm->fType == TEvePathMarkD::kLineSegment)
427  {
428  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
429  break;
431  if (rTP.GoToLineSegment(pm->fV, pm->fE, currP))
432  {
433  if (fDpDs != 0)
434  {
435  Double_t dp = fDpDs * rTP.GetTrackLength(start_point);
436  Double_t p = currP.Mag();
437  if (p > dp) currP *= 1.0 - dp / p;
438  }
439  }
440  else
441  {
442  break;
443  }
444  }
445  else
446  {
447  if (TEveTrackPropagator::IsOutsideBounds(pm->fV, maxRsq, maxZ))
448  break;
449  }
450  } // loop path-marks
452  if (!decay)
453  {
454  // printf("%s loop to bounds \n",fName.Data() );
455  rTP.GoToBounds(currP);
456  }
457  fPEnd = currP;
458  // make_polyline:
459  rTP.FillPointSet(this);
460  rTP.ResetTrack();
461  }
462  }
464  if (recurse)
465  {
466  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i)
467  {
468  TEveTrack* t = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
469  if (t) t->MakeTrack(recurse);
470  }
471  }
472 }
474 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
475 /// Copy visualization parameters from element el.
478 {
479  // No local parameters.
481  // const TEveTrack* t = dynamic_cast<const TEveTrack*>(el);
482  // if (t)
483  // {}
486 }
488 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
489 /// Write visualization parameters.
491 void TEveTrack::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var)
492 {
493  TEveLine::WriteVizParams(out, var);
495  // TString t = " " + var + "->";
496 }
498 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
499 /// Virtual from TEveProjectable, return TEveTrackProjected class.
502 {
503  return TEveTrackProjected::Class();
504 }
506 namespace
507 {
508  struct Cmp_pathmark_t
509  {
510  bool operator()(TEvePathMarkD const & a, TEvePathMarkD const & b)
511  { return a.fTime < b.fTime; }
512  };
513 }
515 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
516 /// Sort registered pat-marks by time.
519 {
520  std::sort(fPathMarks.begin(), fPathMarks.end(), Cmp_pathmark_t());
521 }
523 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
524 /// Print registered path-marks.
527 {
528  static const TEveException eh("TEveTrack::PrintPathMarks ");
530  printf("TEveTrack '%s', number of path marks %d, label %d\n",
531  GetName(), (Int_t)fPathMarks.size(), fLabel);
533  for (vPathMark_i pm = fPathMarks.begin(); pm != fPathMarks.end(); ++pm)
534  {
535  printf(" %-9s p: %8f %8f %8f Vertex: %8e %8e %8e %g Extra:%8f %8f %8f\n",
536  pm->TypeName(),
537  pm->fP.fX, pm->fP.fY, pm->fP.fZ,
538  pm->fV.fX, pm->fV.fY, pm->fV.fZ,
539  pm->fE.fX, pm->fE.fY, pm->fE.fZ,
540  pm->fTime);
541  }
542 }
544 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
546 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
547 /// Emits "SecSelected(TEveTrack*)" signal.
548 /// Called from TEveTrackGL on secondary-selection.
551 {
552  Emit("SecSelected(TEveTrack*)", (Long_t)track);
553 }
555 /** \class TEveTrackList
556 \ingroup TEve
557 A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and
558 selection based on track parameters.
559 */
563 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
564 /// Constructor. If track-propagator argument is 0, a new default
565 /// one is created.
568  TEveElementList(),
569  TAttMarker(1, 20, 1),
570  TAttLine(1,1,1),
572  fPropagator(0),
573  fRecurse(kTRUE),
574  fRnrLine(kTRUE),
577  fMinPt (0), fMaxPt (0), fLimPt (0),
578  fMinP (0), fMaxP (0), fLimP (0)
579 {
581  fChildClass = TEveTrack::Class(); // override member from base TEveElementList
585  if (prop == 0) prop = new TEveTrackPropagator;
586  SetPropagator(prop);
587 }
589 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
590 /// Constructor. If track-propagator argument is 0, a new default
591 /// one is created.
594  TEveElementList(name),
595  TAttMarker(1, 20, 1),
596  TAttLine(1,1,1),
598  fPropagator(0),
599  fRecurse(kTRUE),
600  fRnrLine(kTRUE),
603  fMinPt (0), fMaxPt (0), fLimPt (0),
604  fMinP (0), fMaxP (0), fLimP (0)
605 {
606  fChildClass = TEveTrack::Class(); // override member from base TEveElementList
610  if (prop == 0) prop = new TEveTrackPropagator;
611  SetPropagator(prop);
612 }
614 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
615 /// Destructor.
618 {
619  SetPropagator(0);
620 }
622 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
623 /// Set default propagator for tracks.
624 /// This is not enforced onto the tracks themselves but this is the
625 /// propagator that is shown in the TEveTrackListEditor.
628 {
629  if (fPropagator == prop) return;
631  fPropagator = prop;
633 }
635 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
636 /// Regenerate the visual representations of tracks.
637 /// The momentum limits are rescanned during the same traversal.
640 {
641  fLimPt = fLimP = 0;
643  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i)
644  {
645  TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
646  if (track)
647  {
648  track->MakeTrack(recurse);
650  fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp());
651  fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag());
652  }
653  if (recurse)
654  FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse);
655  }
661 }
663 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
664 /// Loop over children and find highest pT and p of contained TEveTracks.
665 /// These are stored in members fLimPt and fLimP.
668 {
669  fLimPt = fLimP = 0;
671  if (HasChildren())
672  {
673  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
674  {
675  TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
676  if (track)
677  {
678  fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp());
679  fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag());
680  }
681  if (recurse)
682  FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse);
683  }
687  }
690 }
692 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
693 /// Loop over track elements of argument el and find highest pT and p.
694 /// These are stored in members fLimPt and fLimP.
697 {
698  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
699  {
700  TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
701  if (track)
702  {
703  fLimPt = TMath::Max(fLimPt, track->fP.Perp());
704  fLimP = TMath::Max(fLimP, track->fP.Mag());
705  }
706  if (recurse)
707  FindMomentumLimits(*i, recurse);
708  }
709 }
711 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
712 /// Round the momentum limit up to a nice value.
715 {
716  using namespace TMath;
718  if (x < 1e-3) return 1e-3;
720  Double_t fac = Power(10, 1 - Floor(Log10(x)));
721  return Ceil(fac*x) / fac;
722 }
724 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
725 /// Set Min/Max cuts so that they are within detected limits.
728 {
729  using namespace TMath;
731  fMinPt = Min(fMinPt, fLimPt);
732  fMaxPt = fMaxPt == 0 ? fLimPt : Min(fMaxPt, fLimPt);
733  fMinP = Min(fMinP, fLimP);
734  fMaxP = fMaxP == 0 ? fLimP : Min(fMaxP, fLimP);
735 }
737 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
738 /// Set rendering of track as line for the list and the elements.
741 {
742  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
743  {
744  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
745  if (track->GetRnrLine() == fRnrLine)
746  track->SetRnrLine(rnr);
747  if (fRecurse)
748  SetRnrLine(rnr, *i);
749  }
750  fRnrLine = rnr;
751 }
753 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
754 /// Set rendering of track as line for children of el.
757 {
758  TEveTrack* track;
759  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
760  {
761  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
762  if (track && (track->GetRnrLine() == fRnrLine))
763  track->SetRnrLine(rnr);
764  if (fRecurse)
765  SetRnrLine(rnr, *i);
766  }
767 }
769 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
770 /// Set rendering of track as points for the list and the elements.
773 {
774  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
775  {
776  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
777  if (track->GetRnrPoints() == fRnrPoints)
778  track->SetRnrPoints(rnr);
779  if (fRecurse)
780  SetRnrPoints(rnr, *i);
781  }
782  fRnrPoints = rnr;
783 }
785 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
786 /// Set rendering of track as points for children of el.
789 {
790  TEveTrack* track;
791  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
792  {
793  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
794  if (track)
795  if (track->GetRnrPoints() == fRnrPoints)
796  track->SetRnrPoints(rnr);
797  if (fRecurse)
798  SetRnrPoints(rnr, *i);
799  }
800 }
802 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
803 /// Set main (line) color for the list and the elements.
806 {
807  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
808  {
809  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
810  if (track->GetLineColor() == fLineColor)
811  track->SetLineColor(col);
812  if (fRecurse)
813  SetLineColor(col, *i);
814  }
816 }
818 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
819 /// Set line color for children of el.
822 {
823  TEveTrack* track;
824  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
825  {
826  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
827  if (track && track->GetLineColor() == fLineColor)
828  track->SetLineColor(col);
829  if (fRecurse)
830  SetLineColor(col, *i);
831  }
832 }
834 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
835 /// Set line width for the list and the elements.
838 {
839  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
840  {
841  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
842  if (track->GetLineWidth() == fLineWidth)
843  track->SetLineWidth(width);
844  if (fRecurse)
845  SetLineWidth(width, *i);
846  }
847  fLineWidth = width;
848 }
850 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
851 /// Set line width for children of el.
854 {
855  TEveTrack* track;
856  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
857  {
858  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
859  if (track && track->GetLineWidth() == fLineWidth)
860  track->SetLineWidth(width);
861  if (fRecurse)
862  SetLineWidth(width, *i);
863  }
864 }
866 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
867 /// Set line style for the list and the elements.
870 {
871  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
872  {
873  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
874  if (track->GetLineStyle() == fLineStyle)
875  track->SetLineStyle(style);
876  if (fRecurse)
877  SetLineStyle(style, *i);
878  }
879  fLineStyle = style;
880 }
882 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
883 /// Set line style for children of el.
886 {
887  TEveTrack* track;
888  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
889  {
890  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
891  if (track && track->GetLineStyle() == fLineStyle)
892  track->SetLineStyle(style);
893  if (fRecurse)
894  SetLineStyle(style, *i);
895  }
896 }
898 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
899 /// Set marker style for the list and the elements.
902 {
903  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
904  {
905  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
906  if (track->GetMarkerStyle() == fMarkerStyle)
907  track->SetMarkerStyle(style);
908  if (fRecurse)
909  SetMarkerStyle(style, *i);
910  }
912 }
914 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
915 /// Set marker style for children of el.
918 {
919  TEveTrack* track;
920  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
921  {
922  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
923  if (track && track->GetMarkerStyle() == fMarkerStyle)
924  track->SetMarkerStyle(style);
925  if (fRecurse)
926  SetMarkerStyle(style, *i);
927  }
928 }
930 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
931 /// Set marker color for the list and the elements.
934 {
935  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
936  {
937  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
938  if (track->GetMarkerColor() == fMarkerColor)
939  track->SetMarkerColor(col);
940  if (fRecurse)
941  SetMarkerColor(col, *i);
942  }
943  fMarkerColor = col;
944 }
946 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
947 /// Set marker color for children of el.
950 {
951  TEveTrack* track;
952  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
953  {
954  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
955  if (track && track->GetMarkerColor() == fMarkerColor)
956  track->SetMarkerColor(col);
957  if (fRecurse)
958  SetMarkerColor(col, *i);
959  }
960 }
962 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
963 /// Set marker size for the list and the elements.
966 {
967  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
968  {
969  TEveTrack* track = (TEveTrack*)(*i);
970  if (track->GetMarkerSize() == fMarkerSize)
971  track->SetMarkerSize(size);
972  if (fRecurse)
973  SetMarkerSize(size, *i);
974  }
975  fMarkerSize = size;
976 }
978 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
979 /// Set marker size for children of el.
982 {
983  TEveTrack* track;
984  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
985  {
986  track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
987  if (track && track->GetMarkerSize() == fMarkerSize)
988  track->SetMarkerSize(size);
989  if (fRecurse)
990  SetMarkerSize(size, *i);
991  }
992 }
994 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
995 /// Select visibility of tracks by transverse momentum.
996 /// If data-member fRecurse is set, the selection is applied
997 /// recursively to all children.
1000 {
1001  fMinPt = min_pt;
1002  fMaxPt = max_pt;
1004  const Double_t minptsq = min_pt*min_pt;
1005  const Double_t maxptsq = max_pt*max_pt;
1007  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
1008  {
1009  const Double_t ptsq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Perp2();
1010  Bool_t on = ptsq >= minptsq && ptsq <= maxptsq;
1011  (*i)->SetRnrState(on);
1012  if (on && fRecurse)
1013  SelectByPt(min_pt, max_pt, *i);
1014  }
1015 }
1017 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1018 /// Select visibility of el's children tracks by transverse momentum.
1021 {
1022  const Double_t minptsq = min_pt*min_pt;
1023  const Double_t maxptsq = max_pt*max_pt;
1025  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
1026  {
1027  TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
1028  if (track)
1029  {
1030  const Double_t ptsq = track->fP.Perp2();
1031  Bool_t on = ptsq >= minptsq && ptsq <= maxptsq;
1032  track->SetRnrState(on);
1033  if (on && fRecurse)
1034  SelectByPt(min_pt, max_pt, *i);
1035  }
1036  }
1037 }
1039 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1040 /// Select visibility of tracks by momentum.
1041 /// If data-member fRecurse is set, the selection is applied
1042 /// recursively to all children.
1045 {
1046  fMinP = min_p;
1047  fMaxP = max_p;
1049  const Double_t minpsq = min_p*min_p;
1050  const Double_t maxpsq = max_p*max_p;
1052  for (List_i i=BeginChildren(); i!=EndChildren(); ++i)
1053  {
1054  const Double_t psq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Mag2();
1055  Bool_t on = psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq;
1056  (*i)->SetRnrState(psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq);
1057  if (on && fRecurse)
1058  SelectByP(min_p, max_p, *i);
1059  }
1060 }
1062 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1063 /// Select visibility of el's children tracks by momentum.
1066 {
1067  const Double_t minpsq = min_p*min_p;
1068  const Double_t maxpsq = max_p*max_p;
1070  for (List_i i=el->BeginChildren(); i!=el->EndChildren(); ++i)
1071  {
1072  TEveTrack* track = dynamic_cast<TEveTrack*>(*i);
1073  if (track)
1074  {
1075  const Double_t psq = ((TEveTrack*)(*i))->fP.Mag2();
1076  Bool_t on = psq >= minpsq && psq <= maxpsq;
1077  track->SetRnrState(on);
1078  if (on && fRecurse)
1079  SelectByP(min_p, max_p, *i);
1080  }
1081  }
1082 }
1084 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1085 /// Find track by label, select it and display it in the editor.
1088 {
1089  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i)
1090  {
1091  if (((TEveTrack*)(*i))->GetLabel() == label)
1092  {
1093  TGListTree *lt = gEve->GetLTEFrame()->GetListTree();
1094  TGListTreeItem *mlti = lt->GetSelected();
1095  if (mlti->GetUserData() != this)
1096  mlti = FindListTreeItem(lt);
1097  TGListTreeItem *tlti = (*i)->FindListTreeItem(lt, mlti);
1098  lt->HighlightItem(tlti);
1099  lt->SetSelected(tlti);
1100  gEve->EditElement(*i);
1101  return (TEveTrack*) *i;
1102  }
1103  }
1104  return 0;
1105 }
1107 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1108 /// Find track by index, select it and display it in the editor.
1111 {
1112  for (List_i i=fChildren.begin(); i!=fChildren.end(); ++i)
1113  {
1114  if (((TEveTrack*)(*i))->GetIndex() == index)
1115  {
1116  TGListTree *lt = gEve->GetLTEFrame()->GetListTree();
1117  TGListTreeItem *mlti = lt->GetSelected();
1118  if (mlti->GetUserData() != this)
1119  mlti = FindListTreeItem(lt);
1120  TGListTreeItem *tlti = (*i)->FindListTreeItem(lt, mlti);
1121  lt->HighlightItem(tlti);
1122  lt->SetSelected(tlti);
1123  gEve->EditElement(*i);
1124  return (TEveTrack*) *i;
1125  }
1126  }
1127  return 0;
1128 }
1130 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1131 /// Copy visualization parameters from element el.
1134 {
1135  const TEveTrackList* m = dynamic_cast<const TEveTrackList*>(el);
1136  if (m)
1137  {
1139  TAttLine::operator=(*m);
1140  fRecurse = m->fRecurse;
1141  fRnrLine = m->fRnrLine;
1142  fRnrPoints = m->fRnrPoints;
1143  fMinPt = m->fMinPt;
1144  fMaxPt = m->fMaxPt;
1145  fLimPt = m->fLimPt;
1146  fMinP = m->fMinP;
1147  fMaxP = m->fMaxP;
1148  fLimP = m->fLimP;
1149  }
1152 }
1154 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1155 /// Write visualization parameters.
1157 void TEveTrackList::WriteVizParams(std::ostream& out, const TString& var)
1158 {
1159  TEveElement::WriteVizParams(out, var);
1161  TString t = " " + var + "->";
1163  TAttLine ::SaveLineAttributes (out, var);
1164  out << t << "SetRecurse(" << ToString(fRecurse) << ");\n";
1165  out << t << "SetRnrLine(" << ToString(fRnrLine) << ");\n";
1166  out << t << "SetRnrPoints(" << ToString(fRnrPoints) << ");\n";
1167  // These setters are not available -- need proper AND/OR mode.
1168  // out << t << "SetMinPt(" << fMinPt << ");\n";
1169  // out << t << "SetMaxPt(" << fMaxPt << ");\n";
1170  // out << t << "SetLimPt(" << fLimPt << ");\n";
1171  // out << t << "SetMinP(" << fMinP << ");\n";
1172  // out << t << "SetMaxP(" << fMaxP << ");\n";
1173  // out << t << "SetLimP(" << fLimP << ");\n";
1174 }
1176 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1177 /// Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveTrackListProjected class.
1180 {
1182 }
Double_t fLimP
Definition: TEveTrack.h:160
virtual void DecRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Decrease reference count and remove re from the list of back-references.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:590
List_i EndChildren()
Definition: TEveElement.h:165
Int_t fLastPMIdx
Definition: TEveTrack.h:62
void SanitizeMinMaxCuts()
Set Min/Max cuts so that they are within detected limits.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:727
void SetRnrPoints(Bool_t r)
Set rendering of track as points for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:772
virtual void SetTrackParams(const TEveTrack &t)
Copy track parameters from t.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:284
Double_t Floor(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:702
Int_t PdgCode() const
Definition: TParticlePDG.h:66
Bool_t GetFitDaughters() const
virtual void * GetUserData() const =0
auto * m
Definition: textangle.C:8
Bool_t GetRnrLine() const
Definition: TEveTrack.h:199
short Style_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:76
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t c)
Set the line color.
Definition: TEveTrack.h:183
void EditElement(TEveElement *element)
Show element in default editor.
float Float_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:53
float Size_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:83
TClass * fChildClass
Definition: TEveElement.h:468
void SetRnrPoints(Bool_t r)
Set rendering of points. Propagate to projected lines.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:144
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Change (i.e.
void SetRnrLine(Bool_t rnr)
Set rendering of track as line for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:740
TEveVectorD fP
Definition: TEveTrack.h:51
An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes.
Definition: TEveLine.h:24
image html pict1_TGaxis_012 png width
Define new text attributes for the label number "labNum".
Definition: TGaxis.cxx:2551
List_t fChildren
Definition: TEveElement.h:79
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t w)
Set line width for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:837
Bool_t IntersectPlane(const TEveVectorD &p, const TEveVectorD &point, const TEveVectorD &normal, TEveVectorD &itsect)
Find intersection of currently propagated track with a plane.
Bool_t HasChildren() const
Definition: TEveElement.h:169
Description of the dynamic properties of a particle.
Definition: TParticle.h:26
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:260
static const TGPicture * fgListTreeIcons[9]
Definition: TEveElement.h:63
TEveTrackList(const TEveTrackList &)
List_t::iterator List_i
Definition: TEveElement.h:70
Size_t fMarkerSize
Marker size.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:24
TT Perp() const
Definition: TEveVector.h:98
virtual Bool_t SetRnrState(Bool_t rnr)
Set render state of this element and of its children to the same value.
Int_t fLabel
Definition: TEveTrack.h:57
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
TGListTree * GetListTree() const
Definition: TEveBrowser.h:114
virtual void ClonePoints(const TEvePointSet &e)
Clone points and all point-related information from point-set &#39;e&#39;.
Short_t Min(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:168
vPathMark_t & RefPathMarks()
Definition: TEveTrack.h:111
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t mstyle=1)
Set marker style, propagate to projecteds.
TEveTrackPropagator * fPropagator
Last path-mark index tried in track-propagation.
Definition: TEveTrack.h:64
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t c)
Set marker color for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:933
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write visualization parameters.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1157
static const char * ToString(Bool_t b)
Convert Bool_t to string - kTRUE or kFALSE.
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t lstyle)
Set line-style of the line.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:86
TRObject operator()(const T1 &t1) const
virtual void SetTitle(const char *t)
Definition: TEvePointSet.h:69
virtual Width_t GetLineWidth() const
Return the line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:35
TGListTreeItem * GetSelected() const
Definition: TGListTree.h:397
LongDouble_t Power(LongDouble_t x, LongDouble_t y)
Definition: TMath.h:734
A list of TEveElements.
Definition: TEveElement.h:459
Bool_t GetFitDecay() const
virtual Style_t GetMarkerStyle() const
Return the marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:32
Double_t fMaxP
Definition: TEveTrack.h:159
Marker Attributes class.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:19
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1133
Double_t fLimPt
Definition: TEveTrack.h:157
virtual Style_t GetLineStyle() const
Return the line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:34
Color_t * fMainColorPtr
Definition: TEveElement.h:97
void SelectByP(Double_t min_p, Double_t max_p)
Select visibility of tracks by momentum.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1044
void BBoxCheckPoint(Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
Definition: TAttBBox.h:58
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write visualization parameters.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:277
Double_t fBeta
Definition: TEveTrack.h:53
virtual Bool_t GoToLineSegment(const TEveVectorD &s, const TEveVectorD &r, TEveVectorD &p)
Propagate particle with momentum p to line with start point s and vector r to the second point...
virtual void SetMarkerStyle(Style_t s)
Set marker style for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:901
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
Int_t fIndex
Definition: TEveTrack.h:58
virtual const char * GetName() const
Return particle name.
Definition: TParticle.cxx:257
const Int_t kMinInt
Definition: RtypesCore.h:100
virtual void SaveLineAttributes(std::ostream &out, const char *name, Int_t coldef=1, Int_t stydef=1, Int_t widdef=1)
Save line attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out.
Definition: TAttLine.cxx:262
Bool_t fLockPoints
Definition: TEveTrack.h:60
virtual void MakeTrack(Bool_t recurse=kTRUE)
Calculate track representation based on track data and current settings of the propagator.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:340
Double_t Log10(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:763
A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters...
Definition: TEveTrack.h:137
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t c)
Set main (line) color for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:805
void SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator *prop)
Set track&#39;s render style.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:311
virtual Size_t GetMarkerSize() const
Return the marker size.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:33
virtual void SaveMarkerAttributes(std::ostream &out, const char *name, Int_t coldef=1, Int_t stydef=1, Int_t sizdef=1)
Save line attributes as C++ statement(s) on output stream out.
Definition: TAttMarker.cxx:245
Base-class for non-linear projections.
Bool_t GetRnrPoints() const
Definition: TEveTrack.h:203
virtual TClass * ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection *p) const
Virtual from TEveProjectable, returns TEveTrackListProjected class.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1179
Double_t fMinPt
Definition: TEveTrack.h:155
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t msize=1)
Set marker size, propagate to projecteds.
virtual TClass * ProjectedClass(const TEveProjection *p) const
Virtual from TEveProjectable, return TEveTrackProjected class.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:501
Double_t fMaxPt
Definition: TEveTrack.h:156
short Color_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:79
static Bool_t IsOutsideBounds(const TEveVectorD &point, Double_t maxRsqr, Double_t maxZ)
virtual Bool_t GoToVertex(TEveVectorD &v, TEveVectorD &p)
Propagate particle with momentum p to vertex v.
Style_t fMarkerStyle
Marker style.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:23
TEveTrack * FindTrackByIndex(Int_t index)
Find track by index, select it and display it in the editor.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1110
static TEveTrackPropagator fgDefault
Int_t fStatus
Definition: TEveTrack.h:59
virtual void SetLineColor(Color_t col)
Set the line color.
Definition: TEveLine.h:48
Style_t fLineStyle
Line style.
Definition: TAttLine.h:22
Special-point on track:
Definition: TEvePathMark.h:22
Double_t GetMaxZ() const
Bool_t fRnrLine
Definition: TEveLine.h:35
auto * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
R__EXTERN TEveManager * gEve
Definition: TEveManager.h:243
virtual void SetLineWidth(Width_t lwidth)
Set line-style of the line.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:106
Color_t fLineColor
Line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:21
TEveVectorD fPEnd
Definition: TEveTrack.h:52
Bool_t fRnrLine
Definition: TEveTrack.h:152
Width_t fLineWidth
Line width.
Definition: TAttLine.h:23
Int_t fPdg
Definition: TEveTrack.h:55
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
vPathMark_t::const_iterator vPathMark_ci
Definition: TEveTrack.h:44
void FillPointSet(TEvePointSet *ps) const
Reset ps and populate it with points in propagation cache.
Bool_t fRnrPoints
Definition: TEveLine.h:36
Description of the static properties of a particle.
Definition: TParticlePDG.h:19
static double P[]
void BBoxZero(Float_t epsilon=0, Float_t x=0, Float_t y=0, Float_t z=0)
Create cube of volume (2*epsilon)^3 at (x,y,z).
Definition: TAttBBox.cxx:42
virtual ~TEveTrackList()
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:617
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:75
TEveTrack * FindTrackByLabel(Int_t label)
Find track by label, select it and display it in the editor.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:1087
virtual void SecSelected(TEveTrack *)
Emits "SecSelected(TEveTrack*)" signal.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:550
Double_t Charge() const
Definition: TParticlePDG.h:68
Holding structure for a number of track rendering parameters.
Bool_t GetFitReferences() const
Bool_t fRnrPoints
Definition: TEveTrack.h:153
Visual representation of a track.
Definition: TEveTrack.h:32
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Compute the bounding box of the track.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:243
virtual void SetMainColor(Color_t color)
Set main color of the element.
Int_t GetCurrentPoint() const
Get index of current point on track.
void SelectByPt(Double_t min_pt, Double_t max_pt)
Select visibility of tracks by transverse momentum.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:999
virtual void SetMarkerColor(Color_t col)
Set marker color. Propagate to projected lines.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:66
short Width_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:78
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
Int_t fCharge
Definition: TEveTrack.h:56
void SetRnrLine(Bool_t r)
Set rendering of line. Propagate to projected lines.
Definition: TEveLine.cxx:125
virtual Color_t GetLineColor() const
Return the line color.
Definition: TAttLine.h:33
Double_t fMinP
Definition: TEveTrack.h:158
long Long_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:50
void ResetTrack()
Reset cache holding particle trajectory.
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:359
virtual void SetLineStyle(Style_t s)
Set line style for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:869
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
Double_t GetMaxR() const
virtual void SetMarkerSize(Size_t s)
Set marker size for the list and the elements.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:965
virtual void SetPathMarks(const TEveTrack &t)
Copy path-marks from t.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:301
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:57
virtual const TGPicture * GetListTreeIcon(Bool_t open=kFALSE)
Returns list-tree icon for TEveTrack.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:235
TParticlePDG * GetPDG(Int_t mode=0) const
Returns a pointer to the TParticlePDG object using the pdgcode.
Definition: TParticle.cxx:273
TEveTrackPropagator * fPropagator
Definition: TEveTrack.h:148
TCanvas * style()
Definition: style.C:1
Bool_t GetFitLineSegments() const
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t e
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
Double_t RoundMomentumLimit(Double_t x)
Round the momentum limit up to a nice value.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:714
Double_t fDpDs
Definition: TEveTrack.h:54
vPathMark_t fPathMarks
Definition: TEveTrack.h:61
void Reset(Int_t n_points=0, Int_t n_int_ids=0)
Drop all data and set-up the data structures to recive new data.
Binding & operator=(OUT(*fun)(void))
void SetPropagator(TEveTrackPropagator *prop)
Set default propagator for tracks.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:627
TT Perp2() const
Definition: TEveVector.h:97
Bool_t GetRnrLine() const
Definition: TEveLine.h:52
Default constructor.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:49
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
Definition: TMathBase.h:200
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write-out visual parameters for this object.
List_i BeginChildren()
Definition: TEveElement.h:164
TEveGListTreeEditorFrame * GetLTEFrame() const
Definition: TEveManager.h:138
virtual void CopyVizParams(const TEveElement *el)
Copy visualization parameters from element el.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:477
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
TT Mag() const
Definition: TEveVector.h:95
Double_t Ceil(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:694
void MakeTracks(Bool_t recurse=kTRUE)
Regenerate the visual representations of tracks.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:639
Exception class thrown by TEve classes and macros.
Definition: TEveUtil.h:102
virtual void SetStdTitle()
Set standard track title based on most data-member values.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:268
Double_t GetTrackLength(Int_t start_point=0, Int_t end_point=-1) const
Calculate track length from start_point to end_point.
virtual ~TEveTrack()
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:226
virtual TGListTreeItem * FindListTreeItem(TGListTree *ltree)
Find any list-tree-item of this element in list-tree &#39;ltree&#39;.
void SortPathMarksByTime()
Sort registered pat-marks by time.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:518
void SetAttLineAttMarker(TEveTrackList *tl)
Set line and marker attributes from TEveTrackList.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:322
void Emit(const char *signal, const T &arg)
Activate signal with single parameter.
Definition: TQObject.h:165
virtual Color_t GetMarkerColor() const
Return the marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:31
void PrintPathMarks()
Print registered path-marks.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:526
Float_t * fP
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:36
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TObject.cxx:357
void HighlightItem(TGListTreeItem *item)
Highlight item.
virtual void IncRefCount(TEveElement *re)
Increase reference count and add re to the list of back-references.
Definition: TEveUtil.cxx:581
Color_t fMarkerColor
Marker color.
Definition: TAttMarker.h:22
Definition: TMathBase.h:34
Bool_t GetRnrPoints() const
Definition: TEveLine.h:53
TEveVectorD fV
Definition: TEveTrack.h:50
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
Int_t Nint(T x)
Round to nearest integer. Rounds half integers to the nearest even integer.
Definition: TMath.h:712
Base class for TEveUtil visualization elements, providing hierarchy management, rendering control and...
Definition: TEveElement.h:33
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
void BBoxInit(Float_t infinity=1e6)
Dynamic Float_t[6] X(min,max), Y(min,max), Z(min,max)
Definition: TAttBBox.cxx:29
Line Attributes class.
Definition: TAttLine.h:18
vPathMark_t::iterator vPathMark_i
Definition: TEveTrack.h:43
virtual Int_t Size() const
Definition: TPolyMarker3D.h:73
void InitTrack(const TEveVectorD &v, Int_t charge)
Initialize internal data-members for given particle parameters.
virtual void WriteVizParams(std::ostream &out, const TString &var)
Write visualization parameters.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:491
virtual void GoToBounds(TEveVectorD &p)
Propagate particle to bounds.
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
void FindMomentumLimits(TEveElement *el, Bool_t recurse=kTRUE)
Loop over track elements of argument el and find highest pT and p.
Definition: TEveTrack.cxx:696
void SetSelected(TGListTreeItem *item)
Definition: TGListTree.h:368
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:866
Bool_t fRecurse
Definition: TEveTrack.h:150
Bool_t GetFitCluster2Ds() const
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364