The following people have contributed to this new version:
Kim Albertsson, CERN/EP-ADP-OS,
Guilherme Amadio, CERN/SFT,
Bertrand Bellenot, CERN/SFT,
Brian Bockelman, UNL,
Rene Brun, CERN/SFT,
Philippe Canal, FNAL,
Olivier Couet, CERN/SFT,
Gerri Ganis, CERN/SFT,
Andrei Gheata, CERN/SFT,
Enrico Guiraud, CERN/SFT,
Raphael Isemann, Chalmers Univ. of Tech.,
Vladimir Ilievski, GSOC 2017,
Sergey Linev, GSI,
Pere Mato, CERN/SFT,
Lorenzo Moneta, CERN/SFT,
Axel Naumann, CERN/SFT,
Danilo Piparo, CERN/SFT,
Fons Rademakers, CERN/SFT,
Enric Tejedor Saavedra, CERN/SFT,
Oksana Shadura, UNL,
Saurav Shekhar, GSOC 2017,
Xavier Valls Pla, UJI, CERN/SFT,
Vassil Vassilev, Princeton/CMS,
Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF/Atlas, RooFit,
Stefan Wunsch, CERN/SFT,
Zhe Zhang, UNL
Important Notice
The default compression algorithm was LZ4 for v6.14/00 and v6.14/02,
and reverted to zlib for v6.14/06 due to a lack of compression
efficiency for certain kinds of data. LZ4 will likely become the default
again once this behavior is repaired.
The default compression algorithm used when writing ROOT files has
been updated to use LZ4 in particular to improve read (decompression)
performance. You can change this default for each file through (for
example) the TFile constructor or
It should be noted that ROOT files written with LZ4 compression can
not be read with older release of ROOT. Support for LZ4 was however
back-ported to the patch branches of previous releases and the following
tags (and later release in the same patch series) can read ROOT files
written with LZ4 compression:
v6.08/06 [not yet released]
Removed interfaces
Core Libraries
Dictionary generation for classes with a deleted default ctor is now
Optimize away redundant deserialization of template specializations.
This reduces the memory footprint for hsimple by around 30% while
improving the runtime performance for various cases by around 15%.
When ROOT is signaled with a SIGUSR2 (i.e. on Linux and MacOS X) it
will now print a backtrace.
Move RStringView.h to ROOT/RStringView.hxx and always include
ROOT/RStringView.hxx instead of RStringView.h for backward
In TClingCallFunc, support r-value reference
parameters. This paves the way for the corresponding support in PyROOT
(implemented now in the latest Cppyy).
Thread safety
Resolved several race conditions, dead-locks, performance and order
of initialization/destruction issues still lingering because of or
despite the new read-write lock mechanism.
Enabled use of multi-threaded code from the interpreter.
Previouslyl multi-threaded code could be run from the interpreter as
long as the call starting the threada was the same code that initialized
the ROOT global lock, any other uses, including attempting to run the
same code a second time in the same session would lead to a dead lock
(if any other thread attempted to take on the ROOT lock).
The interpreter now suspend the ROOT lock (which is taken to protect
the interpreter global state) during user code execution.
I/O Libraries
LZ4 (with compression level 4) is now the default compression
algorithm for new ROOT files (LZ4 is lossless data compression algorithm
that is focused on compression and decompression speed, while in ROOT
case providing benefit in faster decompression at the price of a bit
worse compression ratio comparing to ZLIB)
If two or more files have an identical streamer info record, this is
only treated once therewith avoiding to take the global lock.
Allow writing temporary objects (with same address) in the same
TBuffer(s). A new flag to TBuffer*::WriteObject allows to skip the
mechanism that prevent the 2nd streaming of an object. This allows the
(re)use of temporary objects to store different data in the same
Reuse branch proxies internally used by TTreeReader{Value,Array}
therewith increasing performance when having multiple readers pointing
to the same branch.
Implement reading of objects data from JSON
Provide TBufferJSON::ToJSON() and TBufferJSON::FromJSON()
Provide TBufferXML::ToXML() and TBufferXML::FromXML() methods
Converts NaN and Infinity values into null in JSON, there are no
other direct equivalent
TTree Libraries
Enable the TTreeCache by default of TTree::Draw,
TTreeReader and RDataFrame
Significant enhancement in the TTreeCache filling
algorithm to increase robustness in case of oddly clustered
TTree and under provisioned cache size. See the merge request
for more details.
Proxies are now properly re-used when multiple
TTreeReader{Value,Array}s are associated to a single branch.
Deserialisation is therefore performed once. This is an advantage for
complex TDataFrame graphs.
Add TBranch::BackFill to allow the addition of new branches to an
existing tree and keep the new basket clustered in the same way as the
rest of the TTree. Use with the following pattern, make sure to to call
BackFill for the same entry for all the branches consecutively:
for(auto e = 0; e < tree->GetEntries(); ++e) { // loop over entries.
for(auto branch : branchCollection) {
... Make change to the data associated with the branch ...
Since we loop over all the branches for each new entry all the
baskets for a cluster are consecutive in the file.
RDataFrame (formerly
Behaviour, interface and
naming changes
TDataFrame and TDataSource together with
their federation of classes have been renamed according to the coding
conventions for new interfaces and extracted from the
Experimental namespace: they can now be found in the ROOT
namespace and they are called ROOT::RDataFrame and
ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TResultProxy has been renamed
to ROOT::RDF::RResultPtr.
Report now behaves identically to all other actions: it
executes lazily and returns a RResultPtr (see the
New features section for more details).
Snapshot now returns a RResultPtr like all
other actions: specifically, this is a pointer to a new
RDataFrame which will run on the snapshotted dataset.
RDataFrame has been removed from tree/treeplayer and
put in its own package, tree/dataframe. The library where this code can
be found is libROOTDataFrame. This new library is included
in the list provided by root-config --libs.
The TArrayBranch class has been removed and replaced by
the more powerful RVec (see the New features
section for more details).
All RDataFrame tutorials are now prefixed with
df rather than tdf.
Histograms and profiles returned by RDataFrame (e.g. by a Histo1D
action) are now not associated to a ROOT directory (their fDirectory is
a nullptr). The following still works as expected:
auto h = tdf.Histo1D("x"); TFile f(fname, "RECREATE"); h->Write(); // event loop is run here and h is written to the TFile f
New features
Add ROOT::VecOps::RVec<T>, a class which
represents a contiguous array, inspired by Numpy arrays.
RVec offer a convenient interface which extends the one of
std::vector. It can own or adopt its memory.
RVec comes with a set of tools which make analysis of
collections easier, avoiding to loop over the individual elements of the
collections. Basic arithmetic operations such as +,-,*,/,% between RVecs
and scalars and RVecs are supported. Most popular math functions which
act on RVecs are provided. Helpers to calculate basic quantities such as
sum, mean, variance or standard deviation of RVecs are provided. A
powerful and concise syntax for expressing cuts is available:
// mu_pts_tvec and mu_etas_tvec are two equally sized RVecs holding kinematic properties of muons
// a filter on muons pseudorapidities is applied considering a range in pseudo rapidity.
filtered_mu_pts_tvec = mu_pts_tvec[abs(mu_etas_tvec) < 2)];
RDataFrame can now write multiple output files
concurrently: Snapshot can be made lazy specifying the
appropriate flag in the RSnapshotOptions
RDataFrame now supports custom actions, i.e. actions
which are provided by the user. A tutorial has been added to illustrate
this functionality:
The RArrowDS class has been added which allows to read
arrow tables in RDataFrame. This source can be activated with the
configuration switch -D arrow=ON.
The RDataSource interface changed. The
RDataSource::SetEntry method now returns a boolean. If true
the entry is processed within the event loop managed by the tdf, skipped
The RLazyDS data source has been added. It allows to create a source
starting from ResultProxies to vectors.
RDataFrameInterface<T>::Report returns a
RCutflowReport object which can be inspected
Add Aggregate action and implement Reduce
in terms of it.
Add support for a more general leafname syntax that includes
pathnames with multiple dots, such as “myBranch.mySubBranch.myLeaf”.
This is available both for jitted expressions and for lists of column
The CSV data source (TCsvDS) can now be constructed with a chunk
size parameter, and as a result the CSV file will be read progressively,
in chunks of the specified size. This can be used to prevent the whole
CSV file from being read into memory at once, thus reducing the memory
footprint of this data source.
Add the ROOT::Details::RAdoptAllocator<T>, an
allocator which allows to adopt existing memory. If memory is adopted,
upon allocation a copy is performed in the new, potentially more
extended, memory region.
Columns on disk stored as C arrays should be read as
RVecs, std::vector columns can be read as
RVecs if requested. Jitted transformations and actions
consider std::vector columns as well as C array columns
In jitted transformations and actions, std::vector and
C array columns are read as RVecs.
When snapshotting, columns read from trees which are of type
std::vector or C array and read as RVecs are persistified
on disk as a std::vector or C arrays respectively - no
transformation happens. RVec columns, for example coming
from Defines, are written as
std::vector<T, RAdoptAllocator<T>>.
Support aliasing of leaves.
passing strings to Filter and Define is
now much faster, and should not be a runtime bottleneck anymore.
TDataFrame now respects user-provided custom binnings in result
Do not alphabetically order columns before snapshotting to avoid
issues when writing C arrays the size of which varies and is stored in a
separate branch.
Validate columns before writing datasets on disk.
Check the type of the columns via type info in CSV, ROOT and trivial
data source.
Allow to snapshot a dataset read from a RCsvDS.
Snapshot and Cache now properly trigger column definitions.
Correctly deduce type of Float_t branches when jitting.
Do not rely on branches’ titles for runtime type inference.
Do not loose an entry when using Range and multiple actions.
Other changes
Throw an exception if the type of a branch cannot be deduced.
Histogram Libraries
Per object statsoverflow flag has been added. This change is
required to prevent non reproducible behaviours in a multithreaded
environments. For example, if several threads change the
TH1::fgStatOverflows flag and fill histograms, the
behaviour will be undefined.
A fix has been added in resetting the statistics of histograms with
label. The bug was causing the histogram entries to be set as zero and
this was making failing the merging of those histogram (see
Math Libraries
RooFit Libraries
A fix has been added in the component selection, which is used for
plotting simultaneous models. See PR #2033.
TMVA Library
New Deep Learning Module
TMVA contains a new set of Deep Learning classes (
MethodDL ), with support, in addition to dense layer, also
convolutional and recurrent layer.
Other New TMVA Features
Support for Parallelization of BDT using Multi-Threads
Several improvements in Cross Validation including support for
Multi-Process cross-validation running.
2D Graphics Libraries
TMultiGraph::GetHistogram now works even if the
multigraph is not drawn. Make sure it never returns a null pointer.
X11 line width = 0 doesn’t work on OpenSuSE Thumbleweed
for non solid lines. Now fixed.
TCanvas::SetWindowsSize has been changed to get the same window size
in interactive mode…and batch mode.
Change the TGraph default fill color to white to avoid
black box in legend when gPad->BuildLegend() is
Auto-coloring for TF1 (drawing options PFC, PLC and PMC) is
Auto-coloring for TH1::DrawCopy (drawing options PFC, PLC and PMC)
is implemented.
Improve the option management in TF1::Draw to allow to
combine the option SAME with other drawing options.
TGraph::Draw("AB") was malfunctioning when using
TAxis::SetRangeUser. It was reported here.
The errors end-caps size in TLegend follows the value
set by gStyle->SetEndErrorSize(). For instance setting
it to 0 allows to remove the end-caps both on the graph and the legend.
It was requested here
New color palette “cividis” implemented by Sven Augustin. This
colormap aims to solve problems that people with color vision deficiency
have with the common colormaps. For more details see: Nuñez J, Anderton
C, and Renslow R. Optimizing colormaps with consideration for color
vision deficiency to enable accurate interpretation of scientific data.
See the article here
Implement the possibility to generate high definition bitmap
pictures in TImageDump. This done via
gStyle->SetImageScaling(x);x being a
multiplication factor. This new feature is now used to generate the
reference guide with x=3. Pictures in the reference guide
are now much shaper and in particular the text.
3D Graphics Libraries
When a LEGO plot was drawn with Theta=90, the X and Y axis were
Geometry Libraries
Database Libraries
Fix issue related to time stamps manipulation done by
TPgSQLStatement as suggested here.
Networking Libraries
New THttpWSHandler class should be used to work with websockets. It
includes all necessary methods to handle multiple connections correctly.
See in tutorials/http/ws.C how it can be used.
Interface of THttpWSEngine class was changed, all its instances
handled internally in THttpWSHandler.
GUI Libraries
Montecarlo Libraries
TTree::GetEntry: if IMT is enabled, run work in tasks
if we have at least more than one top level branch.
Make EnableImplicitMT no-op if IMT is already on
Decompress TTreeCache in parallel if IMT is on (upgrade
of the TTreeCacheUnzip class).
In TTreeProcessorMT delete friend chains after the main
chain to avoid double deletes.
Language Bindings
Interoperability between C++ objects and numpy arrays has been
New pythonizations for vector classes (std::vector,
TVec), which are contiguous in memory, allow to convert
objects of those classes to numpy arrays without extra copies. This can
be done by calling numpy.asarray(vec_obj) from Python.
A new pythonization for TTree is now offered, incarnated in the
AsMatrix method, which allows to convert
TTrees with columns of arithmetic types to numpy
Notebook integration
In the ROOT kernel, avoid import of unnecessary components.
In the ROOT kernel, optimise regexes involved in tab-completion
which could take up to minutes to be executed
JavaScript ROOT
Upgrade JSROOT to v5.4.1. Following new features implemented:
New supported classes:
New draw options:
“RX” and “RY” for TGraph to reverse axis
“noopt” for TGraph to disable drawing optimization
“CPN” for TCanvas to create color palette from N last colors
“line” for TGraph2D
New features:
support LZ4 compression
tooltips and zooming in TGraphPolar drawings
TPavesText with multiple underlying paves
implement all fill styles
draw borders for TWbox
draw all objects from TList/TObjArray as they appear in list of
let enable/disable highlight of extra objects in geometry
draw axis labels on both sides when pad.fTick[x/y] > 1
make drawing of TCanvas with many primitives smoother
add fOptTitle, fOptLogx/y/z fields in JSROOT.gStyle
Behavior changes:
disable automatic frame adjustment, can be enabled with
“&adjframe” parameter in URL
when drawing TH2/TH3 scatter plots, always generate same “random”
use barwidth/baroffset parameters in lego plots
Bug fixes:
use same number of points to draw lines and markers on the
correctly draw filled TArrow endings
let combine “L” or “C” TGraph draw option with others
correct positioning of custom axis labels
correctly toggle lin/log axes in lego plot
let correctly change marker attributes interactively
monitoring mode in draw.htm page
zooming in colz palette
support both 9.x and 10.x jsdom version in Node.js (#149)
draw axis main line with appropriate attributes (#150)
use axis color when drawing grids lines (#150)
when set pad logx/logy, reset existing user ranges in pad
avoid too deep calling stack when drawing many graphs or histos
correctly (re)draw tooltips on canvas with many subpads
Code Examples
New graphics tutorial AtlasExample.C illustrating the ATLAS
New TLazyDS tutorial added tdf015_LazyDataSource.C.
Show how to inspect a RCutFlowReport object.
Class Reference Guide
Replace low resolution images with bigger ones more suited for
modern screens.
Build System and
ROOT can now be built against an externally built llvm and clang
(llvm can be used unpatched, clang still require ROOT specific patches).
The options are builtin_llvm and builtin_clang both defaulting to
Update RConfigure.h with R__HAS__VDT if the package is
CMake exported targets now have the
The -fPIC compile flag is no longer propagated to
dependent projects via CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS (ROOT-9212).
Several builtins have updated versions:
OpenSSL was updated from 1.0.2d to 1.0.2.o (latest lts release, ROOT-9359)
Davix was updated from 0.6.4 to 0.6.7 (support for OpenSSL 1.1, ROOT-9353)
Vdt has been updated from 0.3.9 to 0.4.1 (includes new atan
XRootd has been updated from 4.6.1 to 4.8.2 (for GCC 8.x
Builtin TBB can now be used on Windows
xxHash and LZ4 have been separated so that a system version of LZ4
can be used even if it does not include xxHash headers (ROOT-9099)
In addition, several updates have been made to fix minor build
system issues, such as not checking for external packages if their
builtin is turned off, or checking for packages even when the respective
option is disabled (ROOT-8806, ROOT-9190, ROOT-9315, ROOT-9385).
The python3 option to CMake has been removed (ROOT-9033, ROOT-9143).
Python support is enabled by default. To configure ROOT to use specific
Python versions, there is a new option called
python_version. This is how to configure ROOT and Python
for the common use cases:
Use the default Python interpreter:
-Dpython=ON (default)
Search only for Python 2.x or only 3.x:
-Dpython_version=2 or
Use a specific version of Python from $PATH:
-Dpython_version=2.7 or
Use a specific Python interpreter, whatever the version:
Note: The use of PYTHON_EXECUTABLE requires the full
path to the interpreter.
ROOT now uses the NEW behavior for CMake policy CMP0051 (list
TARGET_OBJECTS in SOURCES target property).
Please run cmake --help-policy CMP0051 for more
The file ROOTUseFile.cmake used by dependent projects
to load ROOT CMake macros now requires the same version of CMake as ROOT
Infrastructure and Testing
root-config now provides switches to link against
libROOTDataFrame and libROOTVecOps
Reduce time taken by tests which takes too long to run
Disable PyROOT SQL tutorials (the C++ counterparts are since several
Bugs and Issues fixed in
this release
- TDataSource: Read only a subset of the columns
- [TDF] Only invoke the interpreter once per event loop
- [TDF] Allow users to define and execute custom actions
- Re-enable dataframe_{interface,simple} and test_stringfiltercolumn
- [TDF] Switch back to using Calc rather than ProcessLine when finished
debugging test failures
- Possible rounding bug in THashTable::AverageCollisions
- crash on TMemFile deletion in multi-threaded app
- Check for OPENGL_LIBRARIES if building on OSX without Cocoa
- Problem in the JIT of a TFormula when it is retrieved automatically
from a file
- rootcp does not preserve name of Key when copying
- http files should not be installed into /etc/root/
- Dependency issue in roottest/root/io/transient/base
- [TDF] Variable sized bins are not respected by Histo actions
- [TDF] Entry loss executing multiple event loops on the same Range’d
- [Jenkins] Test root/dataframe/test_gdirectoryRestore fails on Ubuntu
14.04 with GCC 4.8
- Add INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES and namespacing to exported/imported
CMake targets
- Build real ZLIB when builtin_zlib is turned on
Release 6.14/02
Released on July 27, 2018
TTree Libraries
Enhanced the scheduling of I/O customization rules in split TTree to
support many additional cases in the presence of splitting. Rules that
do not correspondant to a end branch (i.e. do not target a persistent
member) are now scheduled as part of the parent branch (In the previous
implementation, in many cases, thoses kind of rules were never run)
Bugs and Issues fixed
in this release
- [Jenkins][DF] Sporadic failures in test_snapshotNFiles
- [DF] Snapshot does not write any entry if many workers have zero
entries to write
- [DF] A lazy snapshot that’s never triggered crashes at teardown
- GCC 8 Error: call of overloaded ‘basic_string(TString)’ is
To allow for increase run-time performance and increase thread
scalability the override ability of
TFile::GetStreamerInfoList is replaced by an override of
TFile::GetStreamerInfoListImp with updated return type and
arguments. If a class override TFile::GetStreamerInfoList
you will now see a compilation error like:
include/TSQLFile.h:225:19: error: declaration of 'GetStreamerInfoList' overrides a 'final' function
virtual TList *GetStreamerInfoList();
include/TFile.h:231:24: note: overridden virtual function is here
virtual TList *GetStreamerInfoList() final; // Note: to override behavior, please override GetStreamerInfoListImpl
Instead you need to override the protected method:
InfoListRet DerivedClass::GetStreamerInfoListImpl(bool /*lookupSICache*/) {
ROOT::Internal::RConcurrentHashColl::HashValue hash;
TList *infolist = nullptr;
// Body of the former Derived::GetStreamerInfoList with the
// return statement replaced with something like:
// The second element indicates success or failure of the load.
// (i.e. {nullptr, 0, hash} indicates the list has already been processed
// {nullptr, 1, hash} indicates the list failed to be loaded
return {infolist, 0, hash};
See TFile::GetStreamerInfoListImpl implementation for an
example on how to implement the caching.
throw if name of defined column is not a valid C++ name
The minimal TBB library version required by ROOT is tbb2018. The
built-in TBB version is tbb2019
Tasks spawned by TThreadedExecutor are now isolated exploiting the
TBB work isolation feature. This avoids that tasks steal items of work
spawned by their parents.
Bugs and Issues fixed
in this release
- RGL does not exist (official binary release for Fedora 28)
- Configuration and Build fails when CXXFLAGS has '–save-temps'
- "root-config –cflags" echoes bad -std=c++1y
- cling crash (null transaction) in gcc8 build.
- Custom read rule fails to execute in certain situations
- Copying a TFormula doesn't preserve fLazyInitialization
- Cannot seamlessly evolve a datamember of type auto_ptr<T> into
- IMT code segfaults when branches are changed
HEAD of the
v6-14-00-patches branch
These changes will be part of the future 6.14/10.
Core Libraries
Speed-up startup, in particular in case of no or poor network
accesibility, by avoiding a network access that was used as input to
generate a globally unique ID for the current process.
This network access is replaced by a passive scan of the network
interface. This reduces somewhat the uniqueness of the unique ID as the
IP address is no longer guaranteed by the DNS server to be unique. Note
that this was already the case when the network access (used to look up
the hostname and its IP address) failed.
I/O Libraries
Add renaming rule for instances of the math classes from
genvector and smatrix to instance for one
floating point type (float, double,
Double32_t, Float16_t) to instances for any
other floating point type.
Corrected the application of I/O customization rules
when the target classes contained typedefs (in particular
Prevent splitting of objects when a Streamer Function
was explicitly attached to their TClass.
Set offset of the used-for-write element in case of I/O
rule on ‘current’ StreamerInfo.
Fix TTreeReader’s use of
Avoid deleted memory access in MakeProject and in
handling of I/O customization rules.
Significantly improved the scaling of hadd tear-down/cleanup-phase
in the presence of large number histograms and in the presence of large
number of directories.
TTree Libraries
Reset the TCutG in
Properly handle TTree aliases contain just function
Prevent a situation in TTreeFormula when stale cached
information was re-used.
Histogram Libraries
Update all TH1 derived class version number.
The files produced by
v6.14/00, v6.14/02, v6.14/04, v6.14/06, v6.14/08 when read
by older version of ROOT (eg. v5.34) will put
the Core/Meta in a state that prevent writing of any
histogram (from within that process).
The files produced by this version and later no longer suffer from
this deficiency.
Geometry Libraries
Fix incorrect navigation when exactly on the frontier of an
overlapping volume