const char * ParticleClass() const
Int_t NDecayChannels() const
TParticlePDG & operator=(const TParticlePDG &)
assignement operator
TDecayChannel * DecayChannel(Int_t i)
return pointer to decay channel object at index i
Double_t Lifetime() const
TParticlePDG * AntiParticle()
virtual void Print(Option_t *opt="") const
Print the entire information of this kind of particle.
void SetAntiParticle(TParticlePDG *ap)
virtual void PrintDecayChannel(TDecayChannel *dc, Option_t *opt="") const
print the list of decays
TParticlePDG * fAntiParticle
Int_t Strangeness() const
Description of the static properties of a particle.
Int_t TrackingCode() const
const TParticlePDG * AntiParticle() const
Int_t AddDecayChannel(Int_t Type, Double_t BranchingRatio, Int_t NDaughters, Int_t *DaughterPdgCode)
add new decay channel, Particle owns those...