Archived Courses
This page lists a number of ROOT tutorials and courses that were performed in the past. Some were designed and organized by the ROOT team and some by the third parties. The courses make use of older versions of ROOT and some of the information may be outdated. We recommend following the newer courses, tutorials and documentation for the up to date information.
- ROOT Basic Course
- CERN Summer Students’ Introductory Tutorial (2018, 2017, 2016, 2015 )
- First Steps With ROOT ← Old Drupal Book
- Introductory Tutorials (approx 2 hours) ← Old Drupal Book
- Lectures at the CERN School of Computing (CSC)
- Bill Seligman’s ROOT Tutorial
These are general ROOT tutorials covering the basics of ROOT like Histograms, Trees, I/O, PROOF and Fitting. They are made by the ROOT team and consists of slides and a series of exercises described in corresponding TWIKI pages.
- ROOT tutorial at JRC-IRMM, Belgium, Feb 2014
- ROOT tutorial at Gridka School, Aug 2013 (Slides, Exercises)
- ROOT 6 Analysis Workshop (GridKA 2014) ← Old Drupal Book
- ROOT Tree-I/O tutorial at Desy C++ School, Nov 2013 (Slides, Exercises)
- ROOT tutorial at La Plata (ULP), Nov 2013
RooFit/RooStats tutorials
- RooFit/RooStats tutorial for INFN School of statistics 2013 (Slides, Exercises)
- RooFit/RooStats tutorial for Desy School of Statistics 2015 (RooFit slides, RooStats slides, Exercises)