#include "ROOT/RLegend.hxx"
void rlegend()
auto pHist = std::make_shared<RH1D>(xaxis);
auto pHist2 = std::make_shared<RH1D>(xaxis);
for (
int n=0;
n++) {
auto canvas = RCanvas::Create("RLegend example");
RPalette({{0., RColor::kWhite}, {.3, RColor::kRed}, {.7, RColor::kBlue}, {1., RColor::kBlack}}),
auto draw1 = canvas->Draw(pHist);
draw1->line.width = 2.f;
draw1->line.color = .3f;
auto draw2 = canvas->Draw(pHist2);
draw2->line.width = 4.f;
draw2->line.color = .7f;
auto legend = canvas->Draw<RLegend>("Legend title");
legend->fill.color =
RColor(0, 0, 120, 25);
legend->fill.style = RAttrFill::k3019;
legend->border.color = RColor::kRed;
legend->border.width = 2;
legend->AddEntry(draw1, "histo1", "l");
legend->AddEntry(draw2, "histo2", "l");
auto custom = legend->AddEntry("test", "lfm");
custom->line.color = RColor::kGreen;
custom->line.width = 5.;
custom->line.style = RAttrLine::kSolid;
custom->fill.color = RColor::kBlue;
custom->fill.style = RAttrFill::k3004;
custom->marker.color = RColor::kRed;
custom->marker.size = 0.03;
custom->marker.style = RAttrMarker::kOpenCross;
canvas->SetSize(1000, 700);
R__EXTERN TRandom * gRandom
Objects used to configure the different axis types.
A color palette draw near the frame.
virtual Double_t Gaus(Double_t mean=0, Double_t sigma=1)
Samples a random number from the standard Normal (Gaussian) Distribution with the given mean and sigm...