struct | HasCollectionProxyMemberType |
struct | HasCollectionProxyMemberType< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_same< typename T::IsCollectionProxy, std::true_type >::value >::type > |
struct | IsCollectionProxy |
| The point here is that we can only tell at run time if a class has an associated collection proxy. More...
class | RArrayAsRVecField |
| A field for fixed-size arrays that are represented as RVecs in memory. More...
class | RArrayField |
| The generic field for fixed size arrays, which do not need an offset column. More...
class | RAtomicField |
class | RAttrAggregation |
| Base class for attributes aggregations like lines or fill attributes. More...
class | RAttrAxis |
| All supported axes attributes for: line, ticks, labels, title, min/max, log, reverse, ... More...
class | RAttrAxisLabels |
| Axis labels drawing attributes. More...
class | RAttrAxisTicks |
| Axis ticks attributes. More...
class | RAttrAxisTitle |
| Axis title and its drawing attributes. More...
class | RAttrBase |
| Base class for all attributes, used with RDrawable. More...
class | RAttrBorder |
| Drawing line attributes for different objects. More...
class | RAttrFill |
| Drawing fill attributes for different objects. More...
class | RAttrFont |
| A font attributes, used together with text attributes. More...
class | RAttrLine |
| Drawing line attributes for different objects. More...
class | RAttrLineEnding |
| Attributes for line ending. More...
class | RAttrMap |
class | RAttrMargins |
| A margins attributes. Only relative and pixel coordinates are allowed. More...
class | RAttrMarker |
| A marker attributes. More...
class | RAttrText |
| A text attributes. More...
class | RAttrValue |
| Template class to access single value from drawable or other attributes. More...
class | RAxisBase |
| Histogram axis base class. More...
class | RAxisConfig |
| Objects used to configure the different axis types. More...
class | RAxisDrawable |
| Axis drawing. More...
class | RAxisEquidistant |
| Axis with equidistant bin borders. More...
class | RAxisGrow |
| An axis that can extend its range, keeping the number of its bins unchanged. More...
class | RAxisIrregular |
| An axis with non-equidistant bins (also known as "variable binning"). More...
class | RAxisLabels |
| A RAxisGrow that has a label assigned to each bin and a bin width of 1. More...
class | RBitsetField |
| The generic field an std::bitset<N>. More...
class | RCanvas |
| A window's topmost RPad . More...
class | RCanvasDisplayItem |
| class RCanvasDisplayItem More...
class | RCanvasPainter |
class | RCardinalityField |
| An artificial field that transforms an RNTuple column that contains the offset of collections into collection sizes. More...
class | RChangeAttrRequest |
class | RClassField |
| The field for a class with dictionary. More...
class | RClusterDescriptor |
| Meta-data for a set of ntuple clusters. More...
class | RClusterGroupDescriptor |
| Clusters are bundled in cluster groups. More...
class | RClusterIndex |
| Addresses a column element or field item relative to a particular cluster, instead of a global NTupleSize_t index. More...
struct | RClusterSize |
| Wrap the integer in a struct in order to avoid template specialization clash with std::uint64_t. More...
class | RCollectionField |
| The collection field is only used for writing; when reading, untyped collections are projected to an std::vector. More...
class | RColor |
| The color class. More...
class | RColumnDescriptor |
| Meta-data stored for every column of an ntuple. More...
class | RColumnGroupDescriptor |
| Meta-data for a sets of columns; non-trivial column groups are used for sharded clusters. More...
class | RColumnModel |
| Holds the static meta-data of an RNTuple column. More...
class | RColumnSwitch |
| Holds the index and the tag of a kSwitch column. More...
class | RDirectory |
| Key/value store of objects. More...
class | RDirectoryTypeMismatch |
| Objects of this class are thrown to signal that the value known under the given name . More...
class | RDirectoryUnknownKey |
| Objects of this class are thrown to signal that no key with that name exists. More...
class | RDisplayHistStat |
| Object send to client for display of RHistStat, required to avoid sending histogram to the client. More...
class | RDisplayItem |
| Base class for painting data for JS. More...
class | RDrawable |
| Base class for drawable entities: objects that can be painted on a RPad . More...
class | RDrawableDisplayItem |
| Generic display item for RDrawable, just reference drawable itself. More...
class | RDrawableExecRequest |
| Request execution of method of referenced drawable, no reply. More...
class | RDrawableMenuRequest |
| Request menu items for the drawable object. More...
class | RDrawableReply |
| Base class for replies on RDrawableRequest. More...
class | RDrawableRequest |
| Base class for requests which can be submitted from the clients. More...
class | REntry |
| The REntry is a collection of values in an ntuple corresponding to a complete row in the data set. More...
class | REnumField |
| The field for an unscoped or scoped enum with dictionary. More...
class | RError |
| Captures diagnostics related to a ROOT runtime error. More...
class | REve3DProjection |
class | REveAunt |
class | REveAuntAsList |
class | REveBox |
class | REveBoxProjected |
class | REveBoxSet |
class | REveCalo2D |
class | REveCalo3D |
class | REveCaloData |
class | REveCaloDataHist |
class | REveCaloDataSelector |
class | REveCaloDataSliceSelector |
class | REveCaloDataVec |
class | REveCaloLego |
class | REveCaloViz |
class | REveChunkManager |
class | REveChunkVector |
class | REveClient |
class | REveCluster |
| REveCluster Reconstructed cluster (also used in VSD). More...
class | REveCollectionCompound |
class | REveCompound |
class | REveCompoundProjected |
class | REveDataCollection |
class | REveDataColumn |
class | REveDataItem |
class | REveDataItemList |
class | REveDataProxyBuilderBase |
class | REveDataSimpleProxyBuilder |
class | REveDataSimpleProxyBuilderTemplate |
class | REveDataTable |
class | REveDigitSet |
class | REveElement |
class | REveEllipsoid |
class | REveEllipsoidProjected |
class | REveException |
| REveException Exception-type thrown by Eve classes. More...
class | REveFrameBox |
class | REveGeoManagerHolder |
| REveGeoManagerHolder Exception-safe global variable holders. More...
class | REveGeoPolyShape |
class | REveGeoShape |
class | REveGeoShapeExtract |
class | REveGeoShapeProjected |
class | REveHit |
| REveHit Monte Carlo hit (also used in VSD). More...
class | REveJetCone |
class | REveJetConeProjected |
class | REveLine |
| REveLine An arbitrary polyline with fixed line and marker attributes. More...
class | REveLineProjected |
class | REveMagField |
| REveMagField Abstract interface to magnetic field. More...
class | REveMagFieldConst |
| REveMagFieldConst Interface to constant magnetic field. More...
class | REveMagFieldDuo |
| REveMagFieldDuo Interface to magnetic field with two different values depending on radius. More...
class | REveManager |
class | REveMCRecCrossRef |
| REveMCRecCrossRef Cross-reference of sim/rec data per particle (also used in VSD). More...
class | REveMCTrack |
| REveMCTrack. More...
class | REvePathMarkT |
| Special-point on track: More...
class | REvePointSelector |
| REvePointSelector TSelector for direct extraction of point-like data from a Tree. More...
class | REvePointSelectorConsumer |
class | REvePointSet |
class | REvePointSetArray |
class | REvePointSetProjected |
class | REvePolygonSetProjected |
class | REveProjectable |
class | REveProjected |
class | REveProjection |
| REveProjection Base for specific classes that implement non-linear projections. More...
class | REveProjectionManager |
| REveProjectionManager Manager class for steering of projections and managing projected objects. More...
class | REveRecCascade |
| REveRecCascade. More...
class | REveRecKink |
| REveRecKink Reconstructed kink (also used in VSD). More...
class | REveRecTrackT |
| REveRecTrack Template for reconstructed track (also used in VSD). More...
class | REveRecV0 |
| REveRecV0. More...
class | REveRefBackPtr |
| REveRefBackPtr reference-count with back pointers. More...
class | REveRefCnt |
| REveRefCnt REveRefCnt base-class (interface) More...
class | REveRenderData |
class | REveRGBAPalette |
class | REveRhoZProjection |
class | REveRPhiProjection |
class | REveScalableStraightLineSet |
class | REveScene |
class | REveSceneInfo |
| REveSceneInfo Scene in a viewer. More...
class | REveSceneList |
class | REveSecondarySelectable |
class | REveSelection |
| REveSelection Container for selected and highlighted elements. More...
class | REveSelectorToEventList |
| REveSelectorToEventList TSelector that stores entry numbers of matching TTree entries into an event-list. More...
struct | REveServerStatus |
class | REveShape |
class | REveStraightLineSet |
| REveStraightLineSet Set of straight lines with optional markers along the lines. More...
class | REveStraightLineSetProjected |
| REveStraightLineSetProjected Projected copy of a REveStraightLineSet. More...
class | REveTableEntry |
| REveTableEntry. More...
class | REveTableHandle |
| REveTableHandle. More...
class | REveTableProxyBuilder |
class | REveTableViewInfo |
| REveTableViewInfo. More...
class | REveTrack |
| REveTrack Track with given vertex, momentum and optional referece-points (path-marks) along its path. More...
class | REveTrackList |
| REveTrackList A list of tracks supporting change of common attributes and selection based on track parameters. More...
class | REveTrackListProjected |
| REveTrackListProjected Specialization of REveTrackList for holding REveTrackProjected objects. More...
class | REveTrackProjected |
| REveTrackProjected Projected copy of a REveTrack. More...
class | REveTrackPropagator |
| REveTrackPropagator Calculates path of a particle taking into account special path-marks and imposed boundaries. More...
class | REveTrans |
class | REveUtil |
| REveUtil Standard utility functions for Reve. More...
class | REveVector2T |
| REveVector2T A two-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class | REveVector4T |
| REveVector4T A four-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class | REveVectorT |
| REveVectorT A three-vector template without TObject inheritance and virtual functions. More...
class | REveViewContext |
class | REveViewer |
| REveViewer Reve representation of TGLViewer. More...
class | REveViewerList |
| REveViewerList List of Viewers providing common operations on REveViewer collections. More...
class | REveVSD |
class | REveXZProjection |
class | REveYZProjection |
class | REveZXProjection |
class | REveZYProjection |
class | RException |
| Base class for all ROOT issued exceptions. More...
class | RField |
| Classes with dictionaries that can be inspected by TClass. More...
class | RField< bool > |
class | RField< char > |
class | RField< ClusterSize_t > |
class | RField< double > |
class | RField< float > |
class | RField< ItemT[N]> |
class | RField< RNTupleCardinality< SizeT > > |
class | RField< ROOT::VecOps::RVec< ItemT > > |
class | RField< std::array< ItemT, N > > |
class | RField< std::atomic< ItemT > > |
class | RField< std::bitset< N > > |
class | RField< std::byte > |
class | RField< std::int16_t > |
class | RField< std::int32_t > |
class | RField< std::int64_t > |
class | RField< std::int8_t > |
class | RField< std::map< KeyT, ValueT > > |
class | RField< std::pair< T1, T2 > > |
class | RField< std::set< ItemT > > |
class | RField< std::string > |
class | RField< std::tuple< ItemTs... > > |
class | RField< std::uint16_t > |
class | RField< std::uint32_t > |
class | RField< std::uint64_t > |
class | RField< std::uint8_t > |
class | RField< std::unique_ptr< ItemT > > |
class | RField< std::unordered_map< KeyT, ValueT > > |
class | RField< std::unordered_set< ItemT > > |
class | RField< std::variant< ItemTs... > > |
class | RField< std::vector< bool > > |
class | RField< std::vector< ItemT > > |
class | RField< T, typename std::enable_if< IsCollectionProxy< T >::value >::type > |
| Classes behaving as a collection of elements that can be queried via the TVirtualCollectionProxy interface The use of a collection proxy for a particular class can be enabled via:
class | RField< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum_v< T > >::type > |
class | RField< void > |
| Template specializations for concrete C++ types. More...
class | RFieldBase |
| A field translates read and write calls from/to underlying columns to/from tree values. More...
class | RFieldDescriptor |
| Meta-data stored for every field of an ntuple. More...
class | RFieldZero |
| The container field for an ntuple model, which itself has no physical representation. More...
class | RFile |
| A ROOT file. More...
class | RFilePtr |
| Points to an object that stores or reads objects in ROOT's binary format. More...
class | RFitPanel |
struct | RFitPanelModel |
| Data structure for the fit panel. More...
class | RFitResult |
class | RFrame |
| Holds an area where drawing on user coordinate-system can be performed. More...
class | RFunction |
class | RHist |
| Histogram class for histograms with DIMENSIONS dimensions, where each bin count is stored by a value of type PRECISION . More...
class | RHist1Drawable |
class | RHist1StatBox |
class | RHist2Drawable |
class | RHist2StatBox |
class | RHist3Drawable |
class | RHist3StatBox |
| RHist with no STAT parameter uses RHistStatContent by default. More...
class | RHistBufferedFill |
| Buffers calls to Fill(). More...
class | RHistConcurrentFiller |
| Buffers a thread's Fill calls and submits them to the RHistConcurrentFillManager. More...
class | RHistConcurrentFillManager |
| Manages the synchronization of calls to FillN(). More...
class | RHistDataMomentUncert |
| For now do as RH1 : calculate first (xw) and second (x^2w) moment. More...
class | RHistDisplayItem |
class | RHistDrawable |
class | RHistDrawableBase |
class | RHistStatBox |
| Template class for statistic box for RHist class. More...
class | RHistStatBoxBase |
| Base class for histogram statistic box, provides graphics attributes and virtual method for fill statistic. More...
class | RHistStatContent |
| Basic histogram statistics, keeping track of the bin content and the total number of calls to Fill(). More...
class | RHistStatRuntime |
| Interface implementing a pure virtual functions DoFill() , DoFillN() . More...
class | RHistStatTotalSumOfSquaredWeights |
| Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of squared weights. More...
class | RHistStatTotalSumOfWeights |
| Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of weights. More...
class | RHistStatUncertainty |
| Histogram statistics to keep track of the Poisson uncertainty per bin. More...
class | RHistView |
| A view on a histogram, selecting a range on a subset of dimensions. More...
struct | RHistViewOutOfRange |
class | RIndirectDisplayItem |
| Extract (reference) only basic attributes from drawable, but not drawable itself. More...
class | RInvalidField |
| Used in RFieldBase::Check() to record field creation failures. More...
class | RLogChannel |
| A log configuration for a channel, e.g. More...
class | RLogDiagCount |
| Keep track of emitted errors and warnings. More...
class | RLogEntry |
| A diagnostic that can be emitted by the RLogManager. More...
class | RLogHandler |
| Abstract RLogHandler base class. More...
struct | RLogLocation |
| A diagnostic location, part of an RLogEntry. More...
class | RLogManager |
| A RLogHandler that multiplexes diagnostics to different client RLogHandler s and keeps track of the sum of RLogDiagCount s for all channels. More...
class | RLogScopedDiagCount |
| Object to count the number of warnings and errors emitted by a section of code, after construction of this type. More...
class | RLogScopedVerbosity |
| Change the verbosity level (global or specific to the RLogChannel passed to the constructor) for the lifetime of this object. More...
class | RMapField |
| The generic field for a std::map<KeyType, ValueType> and std::unordered_map<KeyType, ValueType> More...
class | RMenuItems |
| List of items for object context menu. More...
class | RNTuple |
| Representation of an RNTuple data set in a ROOT file. More...
struct | RNTupleCardinality |
| Helper types to present an offset column as array of collection sizes. More...
class | RNTupleClusterRange |
| Used to loop over entries of collections in a single cluster. More...
class | RNTupleCollectionView |
| A view for a collection, that can itself generate new ntuple views for its nested fields. More...
class | RNTupleCollectionWriter |
| A virtual ntuple used for writing untyped collections that can be used to some extent like an RNTupleWriter. More...
class | RNTupleDescriptor |
| The on-storage meta-data of an ntuple. More...
class | RNTupleDS |
| The RDataSource implementation for RNTuple. More...
class | RNTupleFillContext |
| A context for filling entries (data) into clusters of an RNTuple. More...
class | RNTupleFormatter |
| Contains helper functions for RNTupleReader::PrintInfo() and RPrintSchemaVisitor::VisitField() More...
class | RNTupleGlobalRange |
| Used to loop over indexes (entries or collections) between start and end. More...
class | RNTupleImporter |
| Converts a TTree into an RNTuple. More...
class | RNTupleInspector |
| Inspect on-disk and storage-related information of an RNTuple. More...
struct | RNTupleLocator |
| Generic information about the physical location of data. More...
struct | RNTupleLocatorObject64 |
| RNTupleLocator payload that is common for object stores using 64bit location information. More...
class | RNTupleModel |
| The RNTupleModel encapulates the schema of an ntuple. More...
class | RNTupleParallelWriter |
| A writer to fill an RNTuple from multiple contexts. More...
class | RNTupleReader |
| An RNTuple that is used to read data from storage. More...
class | RNTupleReadOptions |
| Common user-tunable settings for reading ntuples. More...
class | RNTupleView |
| An RNTupleView provides read-only access to a single field of the ntuple. More...
class | RNTupleView< void, UserProvidedAddress > |
class | RNTupleWriteOptions |
| Common user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More...
class | RNTupleWriteOptionsDaos |
| DAOS-specific user-tunable settings for storing ntuples. More...
class | RNTupleWriter |
| An RNTuple that gets filled with entries (data) and writes them to storage. More...
class | RNullableField |
| The field for values that may or may not be present in an entry. More...
class | ROnFrameDrawable |
| Base class for drawable which can be drawn on frame or on pad. More...
class | RPad |
| Graphic container for RDrawable -s. More...
class | RPadBase |
| Base class for graphic containers for RDrawable -s. More...
class | RPadBaseDisplayItem |
| class RPadBaseDisplayItem More...
class | RPadDisplayItem |
| class RPadDisplayItem More...
class | RPadExtent |
| An extent / size (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad . More...
class | RPadLength |
| A length in RPad. More...
class | RPadPos |
| A position (horizontal and vertical) in a RPad . More...
class | RPairField |
| The generic field for std::pair<T1, T2> types. More...
class | RPalette |
| A set of colors. More...
class | RPaletteDrawable |
| A color palette draw near the frame. More...
class | RPave |
| Base class for paves with text, statistic, legends, placed relative to RFrame position and adjustable height. More...
class | RPrepareVisitor |
| Visitor used for a pre-processing run to collect information needed by another visitor class. More...
class | RPrintSchemaVisitor |
| Contains settings for printing and prints a summary of an RField instance. More...
class | RPrintValueVisitor |
| Renders a JSON value corresponding to the field. More...
class | RProxiedCollectionField |
| The field for a class representing a collection of elements via TVirtualCollectionProxy . More...
class | RRecordField |
| The field for an untyped record. More...
class | RResult |
| The class is used as a return type for operations that can fail; wraps a value of type T or an RError. More...
class | RResult< void > |
| RResult<void> has no data member and no Inspect() method but instead a Success() factory method. More...
class | RResultBase |
| Common handling of the error case for RResult<T> (T != void) and RResult<void> More...
class | RRVecField |
| The type-erased field for a RVec<Type> More...
class | RSetField |
| The generic field for a std::set<Type> and std::unordered_set<Type> More...
class | RStyle |
| A set of defaults for graphics attributes, e.g. More...
class | RTupleField |
| The generic field for std::tuple<Ts...> types. More...
class | RUniquePtrField |
class | RVariantField |
| The generic field for std::variant types. More...
class | RVectorField |
| The generic field for a (nested) std::vector<Type> except for std::vector<bool> More...
class | TObjectDisplayItem |
| Display item for TObject with drawing options. More...
class | TObjectDrawable |
| Provides v7 drawing facilities for TObject types (TGraph, TH1, TH2, etc). More...
class | TTaskGroup |
| A class to manage the asynchronous execution of work items. More...
class | TTreeReaderFast |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast< bool > |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast< double > |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast< float > |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast< Int_t > |
class | TTreeReaderValueFast< UInt_t > |