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Event display ROOT7 tutorials

Examples showing the "Event display classes" usage with ROOT7.


file  collection_proxies.C
 This is an example of visualization of containers with REveDataCollection and REveDataProxyBuilders.
file  csgdemo.C
 Combinatorial Solid Geometry example.
file  event_demo.C
 This example display geometry, tracks and hits in web browser.
file  jets.C
 This example display only points in web browser.
file  lego.C
 This example display only points in web browser.
file  points.C
 This example display only points in web browser.
file  projection_prescale.C
 This example display projection prescale.
file  show_extract.C
 Helper script for showing of extracted / simplified geometries.
file  tracks.C
 This example display only points in web browser.