template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION_TO , class PRECISION_FROM , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_TO, template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT_FROM> |
void | Add (RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_TO, STAT_TO... > &to, const RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_FROM, STAT_FROM... > &from) |
| Add two histograms. More...
template<class Function , class... Args> |
TFuture< typename std::result_of< typename std::decay< Function >::type(typename std::decay< Args >::type...)>::type > | Async (Function &&f, Args &&... args) |
| Runs a function asynchronously potentially in a new thread and returns a ROOT TFuture that will hold the result. More...
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
TFitResult | FitTo (const RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &hist, const TFunction< DIMENSIONS > &func, std::span< double > paramInit) |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
std::shared_ptr< RHistDrawable< DIMENSIONS > > | GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > > &hist, const RHistDrawingOpts< DIMENSIONS > &opts={}) |
| Interface to graphics taking a shared_ptr<RHist>. More...
template<class... ARGS> |
std::shared_ptr< RPadDrawable > | GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< RPad > &pad, ARGS... args) |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
std::shared_ptr< RHistDrawable< DIMENSIONS > > | GetDrawable (std::unique_ptr< RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > > &&hist, const RHistDrawingOpts< DIMENSIONS > &opts={}) |
| Interface to graphics taking a unique_ptr<RHist>. More...
template<class... ARGS> |
std::shared_ptr< RPadDrawable > | GetDrawable (std::unique_ptr< RPad > &&pad, ARGS... args) |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
class RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > | HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl) |
| Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership. More...
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > | HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl) |
| Adopt an external, stand-alone RHistImpl. The RHist will take ownership. More...
void | InitializeAttrFromString (const std::string &name, const std::string &attrStrVal, RPadExtent &val) |
| Initialize a RPadExtent from a style string. More...
void | InitializeAttrFromString (const std::string &name, const std::string &attrStrVal, RPadPos &val) |
| Initialize a RPadPos from a style string. More...
RPadLength::Normal | operator""_normal (long double val) |
| User-defined literal for RPadLength::Normal More...
RPadLength::Normal | operator""_normal (unsigned long long int val) |
RPadLength::Pixel | operator""_px (long double val) |
| User-defined literal for RPadLength::Pixel More...
RPadLength::Pixel | operator""_px (unsigned long long int val) |
RPadLength::User | operator""_user (long double val) |
| User-defined literal for RPadLength::User More...
RPadLength::User | operator""_user (unsigned long long int val) |
bool | operator== (const RAxisEquidistant &lhs, const RAxisEquidistant &rhs) noexcept |
| Equality-compare two RAxisEquidistant. More...
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_ > class... STAT> |
void | swap (RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &a, RHist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &b) noexcept |
| Swap two histograms. More...
bool | operator< (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i < j More...
bool | operator> (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i > j More...
bool | operator<= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i <= j More...
bool | operator>= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i >= j More...
bool | operator== (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i == j More...
bool | operator!= (RAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, RAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
| i != j More...