![]() |
ROOT 6.12/07 Reference Guide |
Namespaces | |
Detail | |
Hist | |
Internal | |
TDF | |
Classes | |
struct | ComboBoxItem |
struct ROOT::Experimental::ComboBoxItemDescriptor for the openui5 ComboBox, used in FitPanel More... | |
class | TAxisBase |
Histogram axis base class. More... | |
class | TAxisConfig |
Objects used to configure the different axis types. More... | |
class | TAxisEquidistant |
Axis with equidistant bin borders. More... | |
class | TAxisGrow |
An axis that can extend its range, keeping the number of its bins unchanged. More... | |
class | TAxisIrregular |
An axis with non-equidistant bins (also known as "variable binning"). More... | |
class | TAxisLabels |
A TAxisGrow that has a label assigned to each bin and a bin width of 1. More... | |
class | TAxisView |
Common view on a TAxis, no matter what its kind. More... | |
class | TBufferMerger |
TBufferMerger is a class to facilitate writing data in parallel from multiple threads, while writing to a single output file. More... | |
class | TBufferMergerFile |
class | TCanvas |
A window's topmost TPad . More... | |
class | TColor |
A color: Red|Green|Blue|Alpha, or a position in a TPalette. More... | |
class | TDataFrame |
ROOT's TDataFrame offers a high level interface for analyses of data stored in TTree s. More... | |
class | TDirectory |
Key/value store of objects. More... | |
class | TDirectoryTypeMismatch |
Objects of this class are thrown to signal that the value known under the given name . More... | |
class | TDirectoryUnknownKey |
Objects of this class are thrown to signal that no key with that name exists. More... | |
class | TDisplayItem |
Base class for painting data for JS. More... | |
class | TDrawable |
Base class for drawable entities: objects that can be painted on a TPad . More... | |
class | TDrawingAttrRef |
The TCanvas keep track of TColor s, integer and floating point attributes used by the drawing options, making them accessible from other drawing options. More... | |
class | TDrawingOptsBase |
Base class for drawing options. More... | |
class | TDrawingOptsBaseNoDefault |
class | TextDrawingOpts |
class | TFile |
A ROOT file. More... | |
class | TFilePtr |
Points to an object that stores or reads objects in ROOT's binary format. More... | |
struct | TFillAttrs |
class | TFitPanel |
web-based FitPanel prototype. More... | |
struct | TFitPanelModel |
struct ROOT::Experimental::TFitPanelModelModel, used to initialized openui5 FitPanel More... | |
class | TFitResult |
class | TFrame |
Holds a user coordinate system with a palette. More... | |
class | TFunction |
class | TFuture |
A TFuture class. It can wrap an std::future. More... | |
class | THist |
Histogram class for histograms with DIMENSIONS dimensions, where each bin count is stored by a value of type PRECISION . More... | |
THist with no STAT parameter uses THistStatContent by default. More... | |
class | THistBufferedFill |
Buffers calls to Fill(). More... | |
class | THistConcurrentFiller |
Buffers a thread's Fill calls and submits them to the THistConcurrentFillManager. More... | |
class | THistConcurrentFillManager |
Manages the synchronization of calls to FillN(). More... | |
class | THistCoreAttrs |
Stores drawing attributes for a histogram. More... | |
class | THistDataMomentUncert |
For now do as TH1: calculate first (xw) and second (x^2w) moment. More... | |
class | THistDrawable |
class | THistDrawableBase |
class | THistDrawingOpts |
class | THistDrawingOpts< 1 > |
Drawing options for a 1D histogram. More... | |
class | THistDrawingOpts< 2 > |
Drawing options for a 1D histogram. More... | |
class | THistDrawingOpts< 3 > |
Drawing options for a 1D histogram. More... | |
class | THistDrawingOptsBase |
Core ingredients (that do not depend on the dimensionality) or histogram drawing options. More... | |
class | THistStatContent |
Basic histogram statistics, keeping track of the bin content and the total number of calls to Fill(). More... | |
class | THistStatRuntime |
Interface implementing a pure virtual functions DoFill(), DoFillN(). More... | |
class | THistStatTotalSumOfSquaredWeights |
Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of squared weights. More... | |
class | THistStatTotalSumOfWeights |
Keeps track of the histogram's total sum of weights. More... | |
class | THistStatUncertainty |
Histogram statistics to keep track of the Poisson uncertainty per bin. More... | |
class | THistView |
A view on a histogram, selecting a range on a subset of dimensions. More... | |
struct | THistViewOutOfRange |
struct | TLineAttrs |
class | TLogEntry |
class | TLogHandler |
Abstract TLogHandler base class. More... | |
class | TLogManager |
class | TMenuItems |
class | TObjectDrawable |
class | TOrdinaryDisplayItem |
class | TPad |
Graphic container for TDrawable -s. More... | |
class | TPadBase |
Base class for graphic containers for TDrawable -s. More... | |
class | TPadCoord |
A coordinate in a TPad . More... | |
class | TPadDisplayItem |
class | TPadDrawable |
Draw a TPad, by drawing its contained graphical elements at the pad offset in the parent pad. More... | |
class | TPadDrawingOpts |
Drawing options for a TPad. More... | |
class | TPadExtent |
An extent / size (horizontal and vertical) in a TPad . More... | |
class | TPadPos |
A position (horizontal and vertical) in a TPad . More... | |
class | TPalette |
A set of colors. More... | |
class | TStyle |
A set of defaults for graphics attributes, e.g. More... | |
class | TTaskGroup |
A class to manage the asynchronous execution of work items. More... | |
class | TText |
A text. More... | |
class | TTextDrawable |
class | TUniqueDisplayItem |
Typedefs | |
using | CanvasCallback_t = std::function< void(bool)> |
THist Typedefs | |
Convenience typedefs (ROOT6-compatible type names) | |
using | TH1D = THist< 1, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH1F = THist< 1, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH1C = THist< 1, char, THistStatContent > |
using | TH1I = THist< 1, int, THistStatContent > |
using | TH1LL = THist< 1, int64_t, THistStatContent > |
using | TH2D = THist< 2, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH2F = THist< 2, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH2C = THist< 2, char, THistStatContent > |
using | TH2I = THist< 2, int, THistStatContent > |
using | TH2LL = THist< 2, int64_t, THistStatContent > |
using | TH3D = THist< 3, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH3F = THist< 3, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty > |
using | TH3C = THist< 3, char, THistStatContent > |
using | TH3I = THist< 3, int, THistStatContent > |
using | TH3LL = THist< 3, int64_t, THistStatContent > |
Enumerations | |
enum | EIOFeatures { EIOFeatures::kGenerateOffsetMap = BIT(0), EIOFeatures::kSupported = kGenerateOffsetMap } |
enum | EIOUnsupportedFeatures { EIOUnsupportedFeatures::kUnsupported = 0 } |
enum | ELogLevel { ELogLevel::kDebug, ELogLevel::kInfo, ELogLevel::kWarning, ELogLevel::kError, ELogLevel::kFatal } |
Kinds of diagnostics. More... | |
Functions | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION_TO , class PRECISION_FROM , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT_TO, template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT_FROM> | |
void | Add (THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_TO, STAT_TO... > &to, const THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_FROM, STAT_FROM... > &from) |
Add two histograms. More... | |
template<class Function , class... Args> | |
TFuture< typename std::result_of< typename std::decay< Function >::type(typename std::decay< Args >::type...)>::type > | Async (Function &&f, Args &&... args) |
Runs a function asynchronously potentially in a new thread and returns a ROOT TFuture that will hold the result. More... | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
TFitResult | FitTo (const THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &hist, const TFunction< DIMENSIONS > &func, std::array_view< double > paramInit) |
std::unique_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::TTextDrawable > | GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Experimental::TText > &text, TPadBase &pad) |
std::unique_ptr< TPadDrawable > | GetDrawable (std::unique_ptr< TPad > &&pad, TPadBase &parent) |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
std::unique_ptr< THistDrawable< DIMENSIONS > > | GetDrawable (const std::shared_ptr< THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >> &hist, TPadBase &pad) |
Interface to graphics taking a shared_ptr<THist>. More... | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
std::unique_ptr< THistDrawable< DIMENSIONS > > | GetDrawable (std::unique_ptr< THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >> &&hist, TPadBase &pad) |
Interface to graphics taking a unique_ptr<THist>. More... | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > | HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl) |
Adopt an external, stand-alone THistImpl. The THist will take ownership. More... | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
class THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > | HistFromImpl (std::unique_ptr< typename THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >::ImplBase_t > pHistImpl) |
Adopt an external, stand-alone THistImpl. The THist will take ownership. More... | |
TPadCoord::Normal | operator"" _normal (long double val) |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::Normal More... | |
TPadCoord::Normal | operator"" _normal (unsigned long long int val) |
TPadCoord::Pixel | operator"" _px (long double val) |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::Pixel More... | |
TPadCoord::Pixel | operator"" _px (unsigned long long int val) |
TPadCoord::User | operator"" _user (long double val) |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::User More... | |
TPadCoord::User | operator"" _user (unsigned long long int val) |
bool | operator== (const TAxisEquidistant &lhs, const TAxisEquidistant &rhs) noexcept |
Equality-compare two TAxisEquidistant. More... | |
template<int DIMENSIONS, class PRECISION , template< int D_, class P_, template< class P__ > class S_ > class... STAT> | |
void | swap (THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &a, THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > &b) noexcept |
Swap two histograms. More... | |
TAxisBase::const_iterator comparison operators | |
bool | operator< (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i < j More... | |
bool | operator> (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i > j More... | |
bool | operator<= (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i <= j More... | |
bool | operator>= (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i >= j More... | |
bool | operator== (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i == j More... | |
bool | operator!= (TAxisBase::const_iterator lhs, TAxisBase::const_iterator rhs) noexcept |
i != j More... | |
Axis Compatibility | |
enum | EAxisCompatibility { EAxisCompatibility::kIdentical, EAxisCompatibility::kContains, EAxisCompatibility::kSampling, EAxisCompatibility::kIncompatible } |
EAxisCompatibility | CanMap (TAxisEquidistant &target, TAxisEquidistant &source) noexcept |
Whether (and how) the source axis can be merged into the target axis. More... | |
using ROOT::Experimental::CanvasCallback_t = typedef std::function<void(bool)> |
Definition at line 27 of file TVirtualCanvasPainter.hxx.
using ROOT::Experimental::TH1C = typedef THist<1, char, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH1D = typedef THist<1, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH1F = typedef THist<1, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH1I = typedef THist<1, int, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH1LL = typedef THist<1, int64_t, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH2C = typedef THist<2, char, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH2D = typedef THist<2, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH2F = typedef THist<2, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH2I = typedef THist<2, int, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH2LL = typedef THist<2, int64_t, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH3C = typedef THist<3, char, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH3D = typedef THist<3, double, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH3F = typedef THist<3, float, THistStatContent, THistStatUncertainty> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH3I = typedef THist<3, int, THistStatContent> |
using ROOT::Experimental::TH3LL = typedef THist<3, int64_t, THistStatContent> |
strong |
strong |
Enumerator | |
kGenerateOffsetMap | |
kSupported |
Definition at line 45 of file TIOFeatures.hxx.
strong |
Enumerator | |
kUnsupported |
Definition at line 54 of file TIOFeatures.hxx.
strong |
Kinds of diagnostics.
Enumerator | |
kDebug | Debug information; only useful for developers. |
kInfo | Informational messages; used for instance for tracing. |
kWarning | Warnings about likely unexpected behavior. |
kError | |
kFatal |
Definition at line 31 of file TLogger.hxx.
void ROOT::Experimental::Add | ( | THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_TO, STAT_TO... > & | to, |
const THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION_FROM, STAT_FROM... > & | from | ||
) |
TFuture<typename std::result_of<typename std::decay<Function>::type(typename std::decay<Args>::type...)>::type> ROOT::Experimental::Async | ( | Function && | f, |
Args &&... | args | ||
) |
Runs a function asynchronously potentially in a new thread and returns a ROOT TFuture that will hold the result.
Definition at line 152 of file TFuture.hxx.
noexcept |
TFitResult ROOT::Experimental::FitTo | ( | const THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... > & | hist, |
const TFunction< DIMENSIONS > & | func, | ||
std::array_view< double > | paramInit | ||
) |
inline |
inline |
std::unique_ptr<THistDrawable<DIMENSIONS> > ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable | ( | const std::shared_ptr< THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >> & | hist, |
TPadBase & | pad | ||
) |
std::unique_ptr<THistDrawable<DIMENSIONS> > ROOT::Experimental::GetDrawable | ( | std::unique_ptr< THist< DIMENSIONS, PRECISION, STAT... >> && | hist, |
TPadBase & | pad | ||
) |
inlinenoexcept |
inline |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::Normal
Use as
Definition at line 167 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inline |
Definition at line 171 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inline |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::Pixel
Use as
Definition at line 183 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inline |
Definition at line 187 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inline |
User-defined literal for TPadCoord::User
Use as
Definition at line 199 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inline |
Definition at line 203 of file TPadCoord.hxx.
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |
Equality-compare two TAxisEquidistant.
inlinenoexcept |
inlinenoexcept |