Running with nthreads = 4
DataSetInfo : [dataset] : Added class "Signal"
: Add Tree sig_tree of type Signal with 1000 events
DataSetInfo : [dataset] : Added class "Background"
: Add Tree bkg_tree of type Background with 1000 events
Factory : Booking method: ␛[1mBDT␛[0m
: Rebuilding Dataset dataset
: Building event vectors for type 2 Signal
: Dataset[dataset] : create input formulas for tree sig_tree
: Using variable vars[0] from array expression vars of size 256
: Building event vectors for type 2 Background
: Dataset[dataset] : create input formulas for tree bkg_tree
: Using variable vars[0] from array expression vars of size 256
DataSetFactory : [dataset] : Number of events in input trees
: Number of training and testing events
: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Signal -- training events : 800
: Signal -- testing events : 200
: Signal -- training and testing events: 1000
: Background -- training events : 800
: Background -- testing events : 200
: Background -- training and testing events: 1000
Factory : Booking method: ␛[1mTMVA_DNN_CPU␛[0m
: Parsing option string:
: ... "!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=None:WeightInitialization=XAVIER:Layout=DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR:TrainingStrategy=LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0.:Architecture=CPU"
: The following options are set:
: - By User:
: <none>
: - Default:
: Boost_num: "0" [Number of times the classifier will be boosted]
: Parsing option string:
: ... "!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=None:WeightInitialization=XAVIER:Layout=DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR:TrainingStrategy=LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0.:Architecture=CPU"
: The following options are set:
: - By User:
: V: "True" [Verbose output (short form of "VerbosityLevel" below - overrides the latter one)]
: VarTransform: "None" [List of variable transformations performed before training, e.g., "D_Background,P_Signal,G,N_AllClasses" for: "Decorrelation, PCA-transformation, Gaussianisation, Normalisation, each for the given class of events ('AllClasses' denotes all events of all classes, if no class indication is given, 'All' is assumed)"]
: H: "False" [Print method-specific help message]
: Layout: "DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,BNORM,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR" [Layout of the network.]
: ErrorStrategy: "CROSSENTROPY" [Loss function: Mean squared error (regression) or cross entropy (binary classification).]
: WeightInitialization: "XAVIER" [Weight initialization strategy]
: Architecture: "CPU" [Which architecture to perform the training on.]
: TrainingStrategy: "LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0." [Defines the training strategies.]
: - Default:
: VerbosityLevel: "Default" [Verbosity level]
: CreateMVAPdfs: "False" [Create PDFs for classifier outputs (signal and background)]
: IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining: "False" [Events with negative weights are ignored in the training (but are included for testing and performance evaluation)]
: InputLayout: "0|0|0" [The Layout of the input]
: BatchLayout: "0|0|0" [The Layout of the batch]
: RandomSeed: "0" [Random seed used for weight initialization and batch shuffling]
: ValidationSize: "20%" [Part of the training data to use for validation. Specify as 0.2 or 20% to use a fifth of the data set as validation set. Specify as 100 to use exactly 100 events. (Default: 20%)]
: Will now use the CPU architecture with BLAS and IMT support !
Factory : Booking method: ␛[1mTMVA_CNN_CPU␛[0m
: Parsing option string:
: ... "!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=None:WeightInitialization=XAVIER:InputLayout=1|16|16:Layout=CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,BNORM,CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,MAXPOOL|2|2|1|1,RESHAPE|FLAT,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR:TrainingStrategy=LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0.0:Architecture=CPU"
: The following options are set:
: - By User:
: <none>
: - Default:
: Boost_num: "0" [Number of times the classifier will be boosted]
: Parsing option string:
: ... "!H:V:ErrorStrategy=CROSSENTROPY:VarTransform=None:WeightInitialization=XAVIER:InputLayout=1|16|16:Layout=CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,BNORM,CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,MAXPOOL|2|2|1|1,RESHAPE|FLAT,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR:TrainingStrategy=LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0.0:Architecture=CPU"
: The following options are set:
: - By User:
: V: "True" [Verbose output (short form of "VerbosityLevel" below - overrides the latter one)]
: VarTransform: "None" [List of variable transformations performed before training, e.g., "D_Background,P_Signal,G,N_AllClasses" for: "Decorrelation, PCA-transformation, Gaussianisation, Normalisation, each for the given class of events ('AllClasses' denotes all events of all classes, if no class indication is given, 'All' is assumed)"]
: H: "False" [Print method-specific help message]
: InputLayout: "1|16|16" [The Layout of the input]
: Layout: "CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,BNORM,CONV|10|3|3|1|1|1|1|RELU,MAXPOOL|2|2|1|1,RESHAPE|FLAT,DENSE|100|RELU,DENSE|1|LINEAR" [Layout of the network.]
: ErrorStrategy: "CROSSENTROPY" [Loss function: Mean squared error (regression) or cross entropy (binary classification).]
: WeightInitialization: "XAVIER" [Weight initialization strategy]
: Architecture: "CPU" [Which architecture to perform the training on.]
: TrainingStrategy: "LearningRate=1e-3,Momentum=0.9,Repetitions=1,ConvergenceSteps=5,BatchSize=100,TestRepetitions=1,MaxEpochs=10,WeightDecay=1e-4,Regularization=None,Optimizer=ADAM,DropConfig=0.0+0.0+0.0+0.0" [Defines the training strategies.]
: - Default:
: VerbosityLevel: "Default" [Verbosity level]
: CreateMVAPdfs: "False" [Create PDFs for classifier outputs (signal and background)]
: IgnoreNegWeightsInTraining: "False" [Events with negative weights are ignored in the training (but are included for testing and performance evaluation)]
: BatchLayout: "0|0|0" [The Layout of the batch]
: RandomSeed: "0" [Random seed used for weight initialization and batch shuffling]
: ValidationSize: "20%" [Part of the training data to use for validation. Specify as 0.2 or 20% to use a fifth of the data set as validation set. Specify as 100 to use exactly 100 events. (Default: 20%)]
: Will now use the CPU architecture with BLAS and IMT support !
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
reshape (Reshape) (None, 16, 16, 1) 0
conv2d (Conv2D) (None, 16, 16, 10) 100
batch_normalization (Batch (None, 16, 16, 10) 40
conv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 16, 16, 10) 910
max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2 (None, 15, 15, 10) 0
flatten (Flatten) (None, 2250) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 256) 576256
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 2) 514
Total params: 577820 (2.20 MB)
Trainable params: 577800 (2.20 MB)
Non-trainable params: 20 (80.00 Byte)
Factory : Booking method: ␛[1mPyKeras␛[0m
: Setting up tf.keras
: Using TensorFlow version 2
: Use Keras version from TensorFlow : tf.keras
: Applying GPU option: gpu_options.allow_growth=True
: Loading Keras Model
: Loaded model from file: model_cnn.h5
Factory : Booking method: ␛[1mPyTorch␛[0m
: Using PyTorch - setting special configuration options
: Using PyTorch version 2
: Setup PyTorch Model for training
: Executing user initialization code from /home/sftnight/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v628/rootspi/rdoc/src/
running Torch code defining the model....
The PyTorch CNN model is created and saved as
: Loaded pytorch train function:
: Loaded pytorch optimizer:
: Loaded pytorch loss function:
: Loaded pytorch predict function:
: Loaded model from file:
Factory : ␛[1mTrain all methods␛[0m
Factory : Train method: BDT for Classification
BDT : #events: (reweighted) sig: 800 bkg: 800
: #events: (unweighted) sig: 800 bkg: 800
: Training 200 Decision Trees ... patience please
: Elapsed time for training with 1600 events: 0.955 sec
BDT : [dataset] : Evaluation of BDT on training sample (1600 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 1600 events: 0.0272 sec
: Creating xml weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_BDT.weights.xml␛[0m
: Creating standalone class: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_BDT.class.C␛[0m
: TMVA_CNN_ClassificationOutput.root:/dataset/Method_BDT/BDT
Factory : Training finished
Factory : Train method: TMVA_DNN_CPU for Classification
: Start of deep neural network training on CPU using MT, nthreads = 4
: ***** Deep Learning Network *****
DEEP NEURAL NETWORK: Depth = 8 Input = ( 1, 1, 256 ) Batch size = 100 Loss function = C
Layer 0 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 256 , Width = 100 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 100 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 1 BATCH NORM Layer: Input/Output = ( 100 , 100 , 1 ) Norm dim = 100 axis = -1
Layer 2 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 100 , Width = 100 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 100 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 3 BATCH NORM Layer: Input/Output = ( 100 , 100 , 1 ) Norm dim = 100 axis = -1
Layer 4 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 100 , Width = 100 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 100 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 5 BATCH NORM Layer: Input/Output = ( 100 , 100 , 1 ) Norm dim = 100 axis = -1
Layer 6 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 100 , Width = 100 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 100 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 7 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 100 , Width = 1 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 1 ) Activation Function = Identity
: Using 1280 events for training and 320 for testing
: Compute initial loss on the validation data
: Training phase 1 of 1: Optimizer ADAM (beta1=0.9,beta2=0.999,eps=1e-07) Learning rate = 0.001 regularization 0 minimum error = inf
: --------------------------------------------------------------
: Epoch | Train Err. Val. Err. t(s)/epoch t(s)/Loss nEvents/s Conv. Steps
: --------------------------------------------------------------
: Start epoch iteration ...
: 1 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 1 | 1.01956 0.867828 0.184791 0.0162643 7120.55 0
: 2 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 2 | 0.687791 0.721726 0.183275 0.0161699 7181.1 0
: 3 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 3 | 0.592872 0.67376 0.182098 0.0159038 7220.48 0
: 4 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 4 | 0.542811 0.672206 0.182866 0.0158263 7183.93 0
: 5 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 5 | 0.465044 0.652241 0.183508 0.0159054 7159.78 0
: 6 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 6 | 0.418565 0.642508 0.181728 0.015877 7235.39 0
: 7 | 0.357129 0.678295 0.182552 0.0152313 7171.85 1
: 8 | 0.314569 0.692079 0.185016 0.0152121 7066.98 2
: 9 | 0.289278 0.716658 0.182462 0.0152186 7175.16 3
: 10 | 0.257828 0.698478 0.182195 0.0150736 7180.43 4
: Elapsed time for training with 1600 events: 1.87 sec
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 100
TMVA_DNN_CPU : [dataset] : Evaluation of TMVA_DNN_CPU on training sample (1600 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 1600 events: 0.084 sec
: Creating xml weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_DNN_CPU.weights.xml␛[0m
: Creating standalone class: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_DNN_CPU.class.C␛[0m
Factory : Training finished
Factory : Train method: TMVA_CNN_CPU for Classification
: Start of deep neural network training on CPU using MT, nthreads = 4
: ***** Deep Learning Network *****
DEEP NEURAL NETWORK: Depth = 7 Input = ( 1, 16, 16 ) Batch size = 100 Loss function = C
Layer 0 CONV LAYER: ( W = 16 , H = 16 , D = 10 ) Filter ( W = 3 , H = 3 ) Output = ( 100 , 10 , 10 , 256 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 1 BATCH NORM Layer: Input/Output = ( 10 , 256 , 100 ) Norm dim = 10 axis = 1
Layer 2 CONV LAYER: ( W = 16 , H = 16 , D = 10 ) Filter ( W = 3 , H = 3 ) Output = ( 100 , 10 , 10 , 256 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 3 POOL Layer: ( W = 15 , H = 15 , D = 10 ) Filter ( W = 2 , H = 2 ) Output = ( 100 , 10 , 10 , 225 )
Layer 4 RESHAPE Layer Input = ( 10 , 15 , 15 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 2250 )
Layer 5 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 2250 , Width = 100 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 100 ) Activation Function = Relu
Layer 6 DENSE Layer: ( Input = 100 , Width = 1 ) Output = ( 1 , 100 , 1 ) Activation Function = Identity
: Using 1280 events for training and 320 for testing
: Compute initial loss on the validation data
: Training phase 1 of 1: Optimizer ADAM (beta1=0.9,beta2=0.999,eps=1e-07) Learning rate = 0.001 regularization 0 minimum error = inf
: --------------------------------------------------------------
: Epoch | Train Err. Val. Err. t(s)/epoch t(s)/Loss nEvents/s Conv. Steps
: --------------------------------------------------------------
: Start epoch iteration ...
: 1 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 1 | 0.943272 0.73297 1.49509 0.113369 868.481 0
: 2 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 2 | 0.702442 0.697409 1.46943 0.112648 884.447 0
: 3 | 0.669219 0.721644 1.46099 0.111632 889.311 1
: 4 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 4 | 0.652187 0.69542 1.46297 0.112927 888.858 0
: 5 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 5 | 0.619355 0.645451 1.4808 0.117081 879.948 0
: 6 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 6 | 0.577407 0.633669 1.45266 0.112389 895.344 0
: 7 | 0.548875 0.664203 1.46651 0.111687 885.724 1
: 8 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 8 | 0.503401 0.582234 1.47336 0.111286 881.007 0
: 9 Minimum Test error found - save the configuration
: 9 | 0.442678 0.562936 1.45243 0.112145 895.334 0
: 10 | 0.393351 0.583643 1.45646 0.11157 892.269 1
: Elapsed time for training with 1600 events: 14.8 sec
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 100
TMVA_CNN_CPU : [dataset] : Evaluation of TMVA_CNN_CPU on training sample (1600 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 1600 events: 0.594 sec
: Creating xml weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_CNN_CPU.weights.xml␛[0m
: Creating standalone class: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_CNN_CPU.class.C␛[0m
Factory : Training finished
Factory : Train method: PyKeras for Classification
: ␛[1m================================================================␛[0m
: ␛[1mH e l p f o r M V A m e t h o d [ PyKeras ] :␛[0m
: Keras is a high-level API for the Theano and Tensorflow packages.
: This method wraps the training and predictions steps of the Keras
: Python package for TMVA, so that dataloading, preprocessing and
: evaluation can be done within the TMVA system. To use this Keras
: interface, you have to generate a model with Keras first. Then,
: this model can be loaded and trained in TMVA.
: <Suppress this message by specifying "!H" in the booking option>
: ␛[1m================================================================␛[0m
: Split TMVA training data in 1280 training events and 320 validation events
: Training Model Summary
custom objects for loading model : {'optimizer': <class 'torch.optim.adam.Adam'>, 'criterion': BCELoss(), 'train_func': <function fit at 0x7f3954d5fca0>, 'predict_func': <function predict at 0x7f3954d5fdc0>}
Model: "sequential"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
reshape (Reshape) (None, 16, 16, 1) 0
conv2d (Conv2D) (None, 16, 16, 10) 100
batch_normalization (Batch (None, 16, 16, 10) 40
conv2d_1 (Conv2D) (None, 16, 16, 10) 910
max_pooling2d (MaxPooling2 (None, 15, 15, 10) 0
flatten (Flatten) (None, 2250) 0
dense (Dense) (None, 256) 576256
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 2) 514
Total params: 577820 (2.20 MB)
Trainable params: 577800 (2.20 MB)
Non-trainable params: 20 (80.00 Byte)
: Option SaveBestOnly: Only model weights with smallest validation loss will be stored
Epoch 1/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 10s - loss: 0.8101 - accuracy: 0.5600␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
3/13 [=====>........................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 2.1564 - accuracy: 0.5300 ␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
6/13 [============>.................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.7482 - accuracy: 0.5200␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
9/13 [===================>..........] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.5394 - accuracy: 0.5022␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
12/13 [==========================>...] - ETA: 0s - loss: 1.3623 - accuracy: 0.5075
Epoch 1: val_loss improved from inf to 1.49201, saving model to trained_model_cnn.h5
13/13 [==============================] - 2s 59ms/step - loss: 1.3246 - accuracy: 0.5070 - val_loss: 1.4920 - val_accuracy: 0.5281
Epoch 2/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7943 - accuracy: 0.4800␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7345 - accuracy: 0.5425␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7228 - accuracy: 0.5257␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
10/13 [======================>.......] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7077 - accuracy: 0.5450␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
13/13 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.7028 - accuracy: 0.5492
Epoch 2: val_loss improved from 1.49201 to 0.79314, saving model to trained_model_cnn.h5
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 29ms/step - loss: 0.7028 - accuracy: 0.5492 - val_loss: 0.7931 - val_accuracy: 0.6125
Epoch 3/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6482 - accuracy: 0.7200␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6541 - accuracy: 0.6525␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6641 - accuracy: 0.6214␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
10/13 [======================>.......] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6641 - accuracy: 0.6160␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
13/13 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6655 - accuracy: 0.6078
Epoch 3: val_loss improved from 0.79314 to 0.67703, saving model to trained_model_cnn.h5
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 29ms/step - loss: 0.6655 - accuracy: 0.6078 - val_loss: 0.6770 - val_accuracy: 0.5875
Epoch 4/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6440 - accuracy: 0.6400␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6490 - accuracy: 0.6175␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6485 - accuracy: 0.6143␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
10/13 [======================>.......] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6521 - accuracy: 0.6090␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
13/13 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6468 - accuracy: 0.6172
Epoch 4: val_loss did not improve from 0.67703
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 23ms/step - loss: 0.6468 - accuracy: 0.6172 - val_loss: 0.8475 - val_accuracy: 0.5281
Epoch 5/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6420 - accuracy: 0.5700␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6456 - accuracy: 0.5975␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6362 - accuracy: 0.6200␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
11/13 [========================>.....] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6364 - accuracy: 0.6273
Epoch 5: val_loss improved from 0.67703 to 0.65620, saving model to trained_model_cnn.h5
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 25ms/step - loss: 0.6317 - accuracy: 0.6414 - val_loss: 0.6562 - val_accuracy: 0.6500
Epoch 6/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5917 - accuracy: 0.7300␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
5/13 [==========>...................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5992 - accuracy: 0.7160␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
8/13 [=================>............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6098 - accuracy: 0.7025␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
11/13 [========================>.....] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.6042 - accuracy: 0.7045
Epoch 6: val_loss did not improve from 0.65620
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 22ms/step - loss: 0.6068 - accuracy: 0.6977 - val_loss: 0.6760 - val_accuracy: 0.5875
Epoch 7/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5609 - accuracy: 0.7900␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
5/13 [==========>...................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5689 - accuracy: 0.7420␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
9/13 [===================>..........] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5901 - accuracy: 0.7011␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
12/13 [==========================>...] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5963 - accuracy: 0.6842
Epoch 7: val_loss improved from 0.65620 to 0.65189, saving model to trained_model_cnn.h5
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 30ms/step - loss: 0.5947 - accuracy: 0.6867 - val_loss: 0.6519 - val_accuracy: 0.6344
Epoch 8/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5555 - accuracy: 0.7100␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5468 - accuracy: 0.7350␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5508 - accuracy: 0.7443␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
11/13 [========================>.....] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5555 - accuracy: 0.7482
Epoch 8: val_loss did not improve from 0.65189
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 23ms/step - loss: 0.5557 - accuracy: 0.7492 - val_loss: 0.6662 - val_accuracy: 0.6094
Epoch 9/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5037 - accuracy: 0.7900␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5465 - accuracy: 0.7525␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5472 - accuracy: 0.7543␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
10/13 [======================>.......] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5380 - accuracy: 0.7770
Epoch 9: val_loss did not improve from 0.65189
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 24ms/step - loss: 0.5348 - accuracy: 0.7766 - val_loss: 0.6528 - val_accuracy: 0.6406
Epoch 10/10
1/13 [=>............................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5006 - accuracy: 0.7800␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
4/13 [========>.....................] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5241 - accuracy: 0.7500␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
7/13 [===============>..............] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5183 - accuracy: 0.7714␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
10/13 [======================>.......] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5131 - accuracy: 0.7870␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈␈
13/13 [==============================] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.5108 - accuracy: 0.7906
Epoch 10: val_loss did not improve from 0.65189
13/13 [==============================] - 0s 22ms/step - loss: 0.5108 - accuracy: 0.7906 - val_loss: 0.7780 - val_accuracy: 0.5469
: Getting training history for item:0 name = 'loss'
: Getting training history for item:1 name = 'accuracy'
: Getting training history for item:2 name = 'val_loss'
: Getting training history for item:3 name = 'val_accuracy'
: Elapsed time for training with 1600 events: 6.06 sec
: Setting up tf.keras
: Using TensorFlow version 2
: Use Keras version from TensorFlow : tf.keras
: Applying GPU option: gpu_options.allow_growth=True
: Disabled TF eager execution when evaluating model
: Loading Keras Model
: Loaded model from file: trained_model_cnn.h5
PyKeras : [dataset] : Evaluation of PyKeras on training sample (1600 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 1600 events: 0.29 sec
: Creating xml weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyKeras.weights.xml␛[0m
: Creating standalone class: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyKeras.class.C␛[0m
Factory : Training finished
Factory : Train method: PyTorch for Classification
: ␛[1m================================================================␛[0m
: ␛[1mH e l p f o r M V A m e t h o d [ PyTorch ] :␛[0m
: PyTorch is a scientific computing package supporting
: automatic differentiation. This method wraps the training
: and predictions steps of the PyTorch Python package for
: TMVA, so that dataloading, preprocessing and evaluation
: can be done within the TMVA system. To use this PyTorch
: interface, you need to generatea model with PyTorch first.
: Then, this model can be loaded and trained in TMVA.
: <Suppress this message by specifying "!H" in the booking option>
: ␛[1m================================================================␛[0m
: Split TMVA training data in 1280 training events and 320 validation events
: Print Training Model Architecture
: Option SaveBestOnly: Only model weights with smallest validation loss will be stored
: Elapsed time for training with 1600 events: 23.3 sec
PyTorch : [dataset] : Evaluation of PyTorch on training sample (1600 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 1600 events: 0.424 sec
: Creating xml weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyTorch.weights.xml␛[0m
: Creating standalone class: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyTorch.class.C␛[0m
Factory : Training finished
: Ranking input variables (method specific)...
BDT : Ranking result (top variable is best ranked)
: --------------------------------------
: Rank : Variable : Variable Importance
: --------------------------------------
: 1 : vars : 1.179e-02
: 2 : vars : 1.030e-02
: 3 : vars : 9.587e-03
: 4 : vars : 8.906e-03
: 5 : vars : 8.623e-03
: 6 : vars : 8.398e-03
: 7 : vars : 8.307e-03
: 8 : vars : 8.229e-03
: 9 : vars : 7.947e-03
: 10 : vars : 7.840e-03
: 11 : vars : 7.784e-03
: 12 : vars : 7.756e-03
: 13 : vars : 7.698e-03
: 14 : vars : 7.628e-03
: 15 : vars : 7.609e-03
: 16 : vars : 7.591e-03
: 17 : vars : 7.510e-03
: 18 : vars : 7.497e-03
: 19 : vars : 7.304e-03
: 20 : vars : 7.199e-03
: 21 : vars : 7.134e-03
: 22 : vars : 7.122e-03
: 23 : vars : 7.116e-03
: 24 : vars : 7.035e-03
: 25 : vars : 7.034e-03
: 26 : vars : 6.997e-03
: 27 : vars : 6.840e-03
: 28 : vars : 6.790e-03
: 29 : vars : 6.790e-03
: 30 : vars : 6.779e-03
: 31 : vars : 6.762e-03
: 32 : vars : 6.745e-03
: 33 : vars : 6.716e-03
: 34 : vars : 6.697e-03
: 35 : vars : 6.640e-03
: 36 : vars : 6.573e-03
: 37 : vars : 6.484e-03
: 38 : vars : 6.468e-03
: 39 : vars : 6.451e-03
: 40 : vars : 6.448e-03
: 41 : vars : 6.363e-03
: 42 : vars : 6.222e-03
: 43 : vars : 6.188e-03
: 44 : vars : 6.169e-03
: 45 : vars : 6.155e-03
: 46 : vars : 6.033e-03
: 47 : vars : 6.025e-03
: 48 : vars : 6.015e-03
: 49 : vars : 5.997e-03
: 50 : vars : 5.992e-03
: 51 : vars : 5.972e-03
: 52 : vars : 5.970e-03
: 53 : vars : 5.964e-03
: 54 : vars : 5.899e-03
: 55 : vars : 5.788e-03
: 56 : vars : 5.732e-03
: 57 : vars : 5.701e-03
: 58 : vars : 5.699e-03
: 59 : vars : 5.669e-03
: 60 : vars : 5.661e-03
: 61 : vars : 5.630e-03
: 62 : vars : 5.625e-03
: 63 : vars : 5.602e-03
: 64 : vars : 5.598e-03
: 65 : vars : 5.572e-03
: 66 : vars : 5.520e-03
: 67 : vars : 5.506e-03
: 68 : vars : 5.488e-03
: 69 : vars : 5.485e-03
: 70 : vars : 5.450e-03
: 71 : vars : 5.419e-03
: 72 : vars : 5.402e-03
: 73 : vars : 5.397e-03
: 74 : vars : 5.365e-03
: 75 : vars : 5.357e-03
: 76 : vars : 5.350e-03
: 77 : vars : 5.324e-03
: 78 : vars : 5.283e-03
: 79 : vars : 5.275e-03
: 80 : vars : 5.271e-03
: 81 : vars : 5.229e-03
: 82 : vars : 5.142e-03
: 83 : vars : 5.110e-03
: 84 : vars : 5.091e-03
: 85 : vars : 5.087e-03
: 86 : vars : 5.078e-03
: 87 : vars : 5.054e-03
: 88 : vars : 5.034e-03
: 89 : vars : 5.034e-03
: 90 : vars : 5.012e-03
: 91 : vars : 4.952e-03
: 92 : vars : 4.948e-03
: 93 : vars : 4.944e-03
: 94 : vars : 4.900e-03
: 95 : vars : 4.895e-03
: 96 : vars : 4.890e-03
: 97 : vars : 4.889e-03
: 98 : vars : 4.829e-03
: 99 : vars : 4.817e-03
: 100 : vars : 4.800e-03
: 101 : vars : 4.774e-03
: 102 : vars : 4.692e-03
: 103 : vars : 4.684e-03
: 104 : vars : 4.683e-03
: 105 : vars : 4.627e-03
: 106 : vars : 4.479e-03
: 107 : vars : 4.474e-03
: 108 : vars : 4.473e-03
: 109 : vars : 4.409e-03
: 110 : vars : 4.409e-03
: 111 : vars : 4.406e-03
: 112 : vars : 4.401e-03
: 113 : vars : 4.363e-03
: 114 : vars : 4.340e-03
: 115 : vars : 4.330e-03
: 116 : vars : 4.311e-03
: 117 : vars : 4.231e-03
: 118 : vars : 4.185e-03
: 119 : vars : 4.108e-03
: 120 : vars : 4.106e-03
: 121 : vars : 4.088e-03
: 122 : vars : 4.080e-03
: 123 : vars : 4.036e-03
: 124 : vars : 4.022e-03
: 125 : vars : 4.000e-03
: 126 : vars : 3.959e-03
: 127 : vars : 3.929e-03
: 128 : vars : 3.892e-03
: 129 : vars : 3.808e-03
: 130 : vars : 3.799e-03
: 131 : vars : 3.780e-03
: 132 : vars : 3.774e-03
: 133 : vars : 3.665e-03
: 134 : vars : 3.630e-03
: 135 : vars : 3.629e-03
: 136 : vars : 3.607e-03
: 137 : vars : 3.578e-03
: 138 : vars : 3.565e-03
: 139 : vars : 3.536e-03
: 140 : vars : 3.510e-03
: 141 : vars : 3.491e-03
: 142 : vars : 3.394e-03
: 143 : vars : 3.382e-03
: 144 : vars : 3.356e-03
: 145 : vars : 3.353e-03
: 146 : vars : 3.306e-03
: 147 : vars : 3.306e-03
: 148 : vars : 3.283e-03
: 149 : vars : 3.280e-03
: 150 : vars : 3.257e-03
: 151 : vars : 3.234e-03
: 152 : vars : 3.227e-03
: 153 : vars : 3.223e-03
: 154 : vars : 3.183e-03
: 155 : vars : 3.178e-03
: 156 : vars : 3.175e-03
: 157 : vars : 3.158e-03
: 158 : vars : 3.143e-03
: 159 : vars : 3.142e-03
: 160 : vars : 3.135e-03
: 161 : vars : 3.133e-03
: 162 : vars : 3.113e-03
: 163 : vars : 3.101e-03
: 164 : vars : 3.098e-03
: 165 : vars : 3.092e-03
: 166 : vars : 3.088e-03
: 167 : vars : 3.058e-03
: 168 : vars : 3.049e-03
: 169 : vars : 3.029e-03
: 170 : vars : 3.029e-03
: 171 : vars : 3.015e-03
: 172 : vars : 2.993e-03
: 173 : vars : 2.964e-03
: 174 : vars : 2.946e-03
: 175 : vars : 2.922e-03
: 176 : vars : 2.899e-03
: 177 : vars : 2.896e-03
: 178 : vars : 2.877e-03
: 179 : vars : 2.874e-03
: 180 : vars : 2.873e-03
: 181 : vars : 2.861e-03
: 182 : vars : 2.858e-03
: 183 : vars : 2.822e-03
: 184 : vars : 2.806e-03
: 185 : vars : 2.767e-03
: 186 : vars : 2.755e-03
: 187 : vars : 2.746e-03
: 188 : vars : 2.717e-03
: 189 : vars : 2.702e-03
: 190 : vars : 2.666e-03
: 191 : vars : 2.658e-03
: 192 : vars : 2.622e-03
: 193 : vars : 2.606e-03
: 194 : vars : 2.604e-03
: 195 : vars : 2.573e-03
: 196 : vars : 2.543e-03
: 197 : vars : 2.514e-03
: 198 : vars : 2.467e-03
: 199 : vars : 2.446e-03
: 200 : vars : 2.334e-03
: 201 : vars : 2.327e-03
: 202 : vars : 2.266e-03
: 203 : vars : 2.251e-03
: 204 : vars : 2.193e-03
: 205 : vars : 2.186e-03
: 206 : vars : 2.161e-03
: 207 : vars : 2.156e-03
: 208 : vars : 1.821e-03
: 209 : vars : 1.738e-03
: 210 : vars : 1.731e-03
: 211 : vars : 1.462e-03
: 212 : vars : 1.401e-03
: 213 : vars : 1.221e-03
: 214 : vars : 1.146e-03
: 215 : vars : 9.470e-04
: 216 : vars : 8.349e-04
: 217 : vars : 4.707e-04
: 218 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 219 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 220 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 221 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 222 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 223 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 224 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 225 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 226 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 227 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 228 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 229 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 230 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 231 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 232 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 233 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 234 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 235 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 236 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 237 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 238 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 239 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 240 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 241 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 242 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 243 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 244 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 245 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 246 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 247 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 248 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 249 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 250 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 251 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 252 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 253 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 254 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 255 : vars : 0.000e+00
: 256 : vars : 0.000e+00
: --------------------------------------
: No variable ranking supplied by classifier: TMVA_DNN_CPU
: No variable ranking supplied by classifier: TMVA_CNN_CPU
: No variable ranking supplied by classifier: PyKeras
: No variable ranking supplied by classifier: PyTorch
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_TMVA_DNN_CPU_trainingError, Entries= 0, Total sum= 4.94545
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_TMVA_DNN_CPU_valError, Entries= 0, Total sum= 7.01578
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_TMVA_CNN_CPU_trainingError, Entries= 0, Total sum= 6.05219
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_TMVA_CNN_CPU_valError, Entries= 0, Total sum= 6.51958
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_PyKeras_'accuracy', Entries= 0, Total sum= 6.62344
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_PyKeras_'loss', Entries= 0, Total sum= 6.77425
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_PyKeras_'val_accuracy', Entries= 0, Total sum= 5.925
TH1.Print Name = TrainingHistory_PyKeras_'val_loss', Entries= 0, Total sum= 7.89074
Factory : === Destroy and recreate all methods via weight files for testing ===
: Reading weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_BDT.weights.xml␛[0m
: Reading weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_DNN_CPU.weights.xml␛[0m
: Reading weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_TMVA_CNN_CPU.weights.xml␛[0m
: Reading weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyKeras.weights.xml␛[0m
: Reading weight file: ␛[0;36mdataset/weights/TMVA_CNN_Classification_PyTorch.weights.xml␛[0m
Factory : ␛[1mTest all methods␛[0m
Factory : Test method: BDT for Classification performance
BDT : [dataset] : Evaluation of BDT on testing sample (400 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 400 events: 0.00652 sec
Factory : Test method: TMVA_DNN_CPU for Classification performance
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 400
TMVA_DNN_CPU : [dataset] : Evaluation of TMVA_DNN_CPU on testing sample (400 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 400 events: 0.0187 sec
Factory : Test method: TMVA_CNN_CPU for Classification performance
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 400
TMVA_CNN_CPU : [dataset] : Evaluation of TMVA_CNN_CPU on testing sample (400 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 400 events: 0.147 sec
Factory : Test method: PyKeras for Classification performance
: Setting up tf.keras
: Using TensorFlow version 2
: Use Keras version from TensorFlow : tf.keras
: Applying GPU option: gpu_options.allow_growth=True
: Disabled TF eager execution when evaluating model
: Loading Keras Model
: Loaded model from file: trained_model_cnn.h5
PyKeras : [dataset] : Evaluation of PyKeras on testing sample (400 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 400 events: 0.184 sec
Factory : Test method: PyTorch for Classification performance
: Setup PyTorch Model for training
: Executing user initialization code from /home/sftnight/build/workspace/root-makedoc-v628/rootspi/rdoc/src/
(0): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Reshape)
(1): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Conv2d)
(2): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=ReLU)
(3): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=BatchNorm2d)
(4): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Conv2d)
(5): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=ReLU)
(6): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=MaxPool2d)
(7): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Flatten)
(8): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Linear)
(9): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=ReLU)
(10): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Linear)
(11): RecursiveScriptModule(original_name=Sigmoid)
[1, 4] train loss: 1.008
[1, 8] train loss: 0.719
[1, 12] train loss: 0.696
[1] val loss: 0.693
[2, 4] train loss: 0.699
[2, 8] train loss: 0.690
[2, 12] train loss: 0.695
[2] val loss: 0.692
[3, 4] train loss: 0.689
[3, 8] train loss: 0.691
[3, 12] train loss: 0.685
[3] val loss: 0.681
[4, 4] train loss: 0.678
[4, 8] train loss: 0.677
[4, 12] train loss: 0.669
[4] val loss: 0.676
[5, 4] train loss: 0.648
[5, 8] train loss: 0.634
[5, 12] train loss: 0.623
[5] val loss: 0.649
[6, 4] train loss: 0.637
[6, 8] train loss: 0.622
[6, 12] train loss: 0.555
[6] val loss: 0.631
[7, 4] train loss: 0.564
[7, 8] train loss: 0.560
[7, 12] train loss: 0.458
[7] val loss: 0.530
[8, 4] train loss: 0.495
[8, 8] train loss: 0.506
[8, 12] train loss: 0.504
[8] val loss: 0.530
[9, 4] train loss: 0.532
[9, 8] train loss: 0.451
[9, 12] train loss: 0.408
[9] val loss: 0.539
[10, 4] train loss: 0.451
[10, 8] train loss: 0.448
[10, 12] train loss: 0.391
[10] val loss: 0.528
Finished Training on 10 Epochs!
running Torch code defining the model....
The PyTorch CNN model is created and saved as
: Loaded pytorch train function:
: Loaded pytorch optimizer:
: Loaded pytorch loss function:
: Loaded pytorch predict function:
: Loaded model from file:
PyTorch : [dataset] : Evaluation of PyTorch on testing sample (400 events)
: Elapsed time for evaluation of 400 events: 0.12 sec
Factory : ␛[1mEvaluate all methods␛[0m
Factory : Evaluate classifier: BDT
BDT : [dataset] : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response...
: Dataset[dataset] : variable plots are not produces ! The number of variables is 256 , it is larger than 200
Factory : Evaluate classifier: TMVA_DNN_CPU
TMVA_DNN_CPU : [dataset] : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response...
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 1000
: Dataset[dataset] : variable plots are not produces ! The number of variables is 256 , it is larger than 200
Factory : Evaluate classifier: TMVA_CNN_CPU
TMVA_CNN_CPU : [dataset] : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response...
: Evaluate deep neural network on CPU using batches with size = 1000
: Dataset[dataset] : variable plots are not produces ! The number of variables is 256 , it is larger than 200
Factory : Evaluate classifier: PyKeras
PyKeras : [dataset] : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response...
: Dataset[dataset] : variable plots are not produces ! The number of variables is 256 , it is larger than 200
Factory : Evaluate classifier: PyTorch
PyTorch : [dataset] : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response...
: Dataset[dataset] : variable plots are not produces ! The number of variables is 256 , it is larger than 200
: Evaluation results ranked by best signal efficiency and purity (area)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: DataSet MVA
: Name: Method: ROC-integ
: dataset PyTorch : 0.843
: dataset TMVA_CNN_CPU : 0.804
: dataset BDT : 0.704
: dataset PyKeras : 0.685
: dataset TMVA_DNN_CPU : 0.684
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: Testing efficiency compared to training efficiency (overtraining check)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: DataSet MVA Signal efficiency: from test sample (from training sample)
: Name: Method: @B=0.01 @B=0.10 @B=0.30
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: dataset PyTorch : 0.125 (0.335) 0.595 (0.635) 0.805 (0.831)
: dataset TMVA_CNN_CPU : 0.250 (0.295) 0.525 (0.645) 0.700 (0.870)
: dataset BDT : 0.055 (0.195) 0.320 (0.570) 0.613 (0.817)
: dataset PyKeras : 0.065 (0.055) 0.375 (0.397) 0.565 (0.620)
: dataset TMVA_DNN_CPU : 0.045 (0.085) 0.218 (0.495) 0.575 (0.800)
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dataset:dataset : Created tree 'TestTree' with 400 events
Dataset:dataset : Created tree 'TrainTree' with 1600 events
Factory : ␛[1mThank you for using TMVA!␛[0m
: ␛[1mFor citation information, please visit:␛[0m