int | ControlPrintLevel () |
LAVector | eigenvalues (const LASymMatrix &mat) |
double | inner_product (const LAVector &, const LAVector &) |
template<class mt , class M , class T > |
ABObj< mt, MatrixInverse< mt, ABObj< mt, M, T >, T >, T > | Inverse (const ABObj< mt, M, T > &obj) |
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > | Inverse (const ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double > &obj) |
| LAPACK Algebra functions specialize the Invert function for LASymMatrix. More...
int | Invert (LASymMatrix &) |
int | Invert_undef_sym (LASymMatrix &) |
LASquareMatrix | MatrixProduct (const LASymMatrix &m1, const LASquareMatrix &m2) |
void | mnbins (double a1, double a2, int naa, double &bl, double &bh, int &nb, double &bwid) |
double | mndasum (unsigned int, const double *, int) |
int | Mndaxpy (unsigned int, double, const double *, int, double *, int) |
double | mnddot (unsigned int, const double *, int, const double *, int) |
int | Mndscal (unsigned int, double, double *, int) |
int | Mndspmv (const char *, unsigned int, double, const double *, const double *, int, double, double *, int) |
int | mndspr (const char *, unsigned int, double, const double *, int, double *) |
int | mneigen (double *, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, double *, double) |
bool | mnlsame (const char *, const char *) |
void | mnplot (double *xpt, double *ypt, char *chpt, int nxypt, int npagwd, int npagln) |
int | mnvert (MnAlgebraicSymMatrix &a) |
| Inverts a symmetric matrix. More...
int | mnxerbla (const char *, int) |
template<class atype , class A , class btype , class B , class T > |
ABObj< typename AlgebraicProdType< atype, btype >::Type, ABProd< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > | operator* (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > | operator* (T f, const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > | operator* (T f, const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj) |
template<class mt , class M , class T > |
ABObj< mt, M, T > | operator* (T f, const M &obj) |
template<class atype , class A , class btype , class B , class T > |
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType< atype, btype >::Type, ABSum< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > | operator+ (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b) |
template<class atype , class A , class btype , class B , class T > |
ABObj< typename AlgebraicSumType< atype, btype >::Type, ABSum< ABObj< atype, A, T >, ABObj< btype, B, T > >, T > | operator- (const ABObj< atype, A, T > &a, const ABObj< btype, B, T > &b) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > | operator- (const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > | operator- (const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj) |
template<class mt , class M , class T > |
ABObj< mt, M, T > | operator- (const M &obj) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > | operator/ (const ABObj< sym, MatrixInverse< sym, ABObj< sym, LASymMatrix, double >, double >, double > &inv, T f) |
template<class T > |
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > | operator/ (const ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, T >, T >, T > &obj, T f) |
template<class mt , class M , class T > |
ABObj< mt, M, T > | operator/ (const M &obj, T f) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const ContoursError &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const FunctionMinimum &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const LASymMatrix &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const LAVector &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MinimumState &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MinosError &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnGlobalCorrelationCoeff &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnMachinePrecision &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserCovariance &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserParameters &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &, const MnUserParameterState &) |
void | Outer_prod (LASymMatrix &, const LAVector &, double f=1.) |
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, LAVector, double >, double >, double > | Outer_product (const ABObj< vec, LAVector, double > &obj) |
| LAPACK Algebra function specialize the Outer_product function for LAVector;. More...
template<class M , class T > |
ABObj< sym, VectorOuterProduct< ABObj< vec, M, T >, T >, T > | Outer_product (const ABObj< vec, M, T > &obj) |
LASquareMatrix | OuterProduct (const LAVector &v1, const LAVector &v2) |
void | PrintContourPoint (const std::pair< double, double > &point) |
void | RestoreGlobalPrintLevel (int) |
double | similarity (const LAVector &, const LASymMatrix &) |
double | sum_of_elements (const LASymMatrix &) |
double | sum_of_elements (const LAVector &v) |
int | TurnOffPrintInfoLevel () |