100 if (viewNode && topNode) {
109 if (topNode != nextView)
136 const Char_t *foundName[2] = {nodeName1, nodeName2};
139 if (viewNode && nodeName1 && nodeName1[0]) {
152 if (strcmp(nextView->
158 if (!found)
200 for (i=0;i<nViews;i++) {
202 if (nextView != foundView[i])
208 if (!found)
253 if (!list || maxDepLevel == 1 || maxDepLevel < 0)
255 TIter nextPosition(list);
261 Double_t thisTranslation[3] = {0,0,0};
264 for (
int i =0; i< 3; i++) thisTranslation[i]= nodePosition->
277 if (positionMatrix) {
279 ,position->
280 ,newTranslation,newMatrix);
283 TCL::vadd(thisTranslation, newTranslation,newTranslation,3);
295 newTranslation[2], ¤tMatrix);
296 nextPos.
297 if (optMarked && !node->
IsMarked()) {
298 TVolumeView fakeView(*node,maxDepLevel,&nextPos,iopt,rootVolume);
305 if ( parent && (parent != (
TDataSet *)&pattern) )
310 newTranslation[2], newRotation);
311 nP->
312 rootVolume->
new TVolumeView(*node,maxDepLevel?maxDepLevel-1:0,nP,iopt));
314 Error(
"TVolumeView ctor",
"Position with NO node attached has been supplied");
324 ,fListOfShapes(viewNode.GetListOfShapes())
349 Error(
"wrong node <%s> on path: \"%s\"",thisNode->
358 thisPosition =
new TVolumePosition(thisNode,thisX, thisY, thisZ, matrixName);
359 else if (matrixType==2)
362 const Char_t *title =
363 thisRotMatrix =
new TRotMatrix((
char *)matrixName,(
char *)title,rotate);
364 thisPosition =
new TVolumePosition(thisNode,thisX, thisY, thisZ, thisRotMatrix);
366 Error(
" No rotation matrix is defined");
367 if (thisPosition) thisPosition->
404 closedNode->
443 const Int_t big = 9999;
444 const Int_t inaxis = 7;
445 const Int_t maxdist = 5;
455 if (px < puxmin - inaxis)
return big;
456 if (py > puymin + inaxis)
return big;
457 if (px > puxmax + inaxis)
return big;
458 if (py < puymax - inaxis)
return big;
461 if (!view)
return big;
467 thisNode = position->
474 if (
dist < maxdist) {
475 gPad->SetSelected(
492 while ((node = (
TVolume *)next())) {
494 if (dnode <= 0)
502 gPad->SetSelected(view);
517 gROOT->MakeDefCanvas();
527 Int_t iopt = atoi(option);
536 while (parent && ++iopt);
553 gPad->GetViewer3D(option);
584 while ( (nextView = (
TVolumeView *)next(mode)) && nextView !=
this ){}
585 if (nextView ==
this) {
593 for (
Int_t i=0;i<3;i++) {
594 globalMin[i] += offSet[i];
595 globalMax[i] += offSet[i];
616 TCanvas dummyPad(
627 if (savePad) savePad->
636 static char info[512];
638 ((
TPad *)
643 for (
int i =0; i<3;i++) min[i] = (max[i]+min[i])/2;
645 min[0] =
x[0]; min[1] =
651 snprintf(info,512,
"%6.2f/%6.2f/%6.2f: %s/%s, shape=%s/%s",
664 if (masterName && masterName[0]) masterNode = (
TVolumeView *)
667 if (transform(localName)) position = transform[0];
678 if (!masterNode) masterNode =
679 if (masterNode && localNode) {
682 while ((nextNode = (
TVolumeView *)transform()) && nextNode != localNode) { }
683 if (nextNode) position = transform[0];
705 if (masterName && masterName[0]) masterNode = (
TVolumeView *)
731 if (!masterNode) masterNode =
732 if (masterNode && localNode) {
735 while ((nextNode = (
TVolumeView *)transform()) && nextNode != localNode) { }
759 if (option[0]==
'r' && level > 3 )
761 Int_t iFirst = atoi(option);
763 const char *delim = strpbrk( option,
764 if (delim) iLast = atoi(delim+1);
765 if (iLast < iFirst) {
770 if ( (0 < iLast) && (iLast < level) )
779 thisNode = position->
784 if (level >= iFirst) {
815 Bool_t rangeView = option && option[0]==
819 while( (shape = (
TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
841 const_cast<TBuffer3D &
>(buffer).fID =
843 Int_t reqSections = viewer3D->
AddObject(buffer, &viewerWantsSons);
850 shape->
863 str = parent->
881 const Char_t *sceleton[] = {
882 "TVolumeView *CreateNodeView(TVolume *topNode) {"
883 ,
" TString thisNodePath = "
884 ,
" UInt_t thisPositionId = "
885 ,
" Double_t thisTranslate[3] = "
887 ,
" TString matrixName = "
888 ,
" Int_t matrixType = "
889 ,
" Double_t thisMatrix[] = { "
893 ,
" return = new TVolumeView(thisTranslate, thisMatrix, thisPositionId, topNode,"
894 ,
" thisNodePath.Data(),matrixName.Data(), matrixType);"
898 Int_t sceletonSize =
const Char_t*);
903 UInt_t thisPositionId = thisPosition ? thisPosition->
909 Int_t matrixType = 2;
911 Double_t thisMatrix[] = { 0,0,0, 0,0,0, 0,0,0 };
913 matrixName = matrix->
915 matrixType = matrix->
918 for (
Int_t lineNumber =0; lineNumber < sceletonSize; lineNumber++) {
919 out << sceleton[lineNumber];
920 switch (lineNumber) {
921 case 1: out <<
"\"" << thisNodePath.
Data() <<
"\";" ;
923 case 2: out << thisPositionId <<
";" ;
925 case 3: out <<
"{" << thisX <<
", " << thisY <<
", "<< thisZ <<
927 case 5: out <<
"\"" << matrixName <<
"\";" ;
929 case 6: out << matrixType <<
";" ;
931 case 7: out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", ";
933 case 8: out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", ";
935 case 9: out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++] <<
", "; out << thisMatrix[im++];
941 out <<
" " << std::endl;
971 while( (shape = (
TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
980 while( (shape = (
TShape *)nextShape()) ) {
R__EXTERN TGeometry * gGeometry
Use this attribute class when an object should have 3D capabilities.
virtual void Sizeof3D() const
Set total size of this 3D object (used by X3D interface).
virtual Color_t GetLineColor() const
Return the line color.
virtual Width_t GetLineWidth() const
Return the line width.
virtual void SetLineAttributes()
Invoke the DialogCanvas Line attributes.
Using a TBrowser one can browse all ROOT objects.
Generic 3D primitive description class.
static int * ucopy(const int *a, int *b, int n)
static float * vadd(const float *b, const float *c, float *a, int n)
virtual Int_t GetSize() const
Return the capacity of the collection, i.e.
virtual Int_t GetDepth() const
virtual TSeqCollection * GetCollection() const
virtual TString Path() const
return the full path of this data set
virtual TDataSet * GetParent() const
virtual TDataSet * Find(const char *path) const
Full description see: TDataSetIter::Find.
virtual void UpdateTempMatrix(Double_t x=0, Double_t y=0, Double_t z=0, TRotMatrix *matrix=0)
Update temp matrix.
virtual void SetGeomLevel(Int_t level=0)
TRotMatrix * GetRotMatrix(const char *name) const
Return pointer to RotMatrix with name.
virtual Int_t PushLevel()
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
virtual void AddFirst(TObject *obj)
Add object at the beginning of the list.
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
virtual void SetObject(TObject *obj)
The depricated method (left here for the sake of the backward compatibility)
virtual Bool_t DoOwner(Bool_t done=kTRUE)
Set / Reset the ownerships and returns the previous status of the ownerships.
virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b)
Browse this dataset (called by TBrowser).
virtual Bool_t IsOwner() const
Mother of all ROOT objects.
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
Computes distance from point (px,py) to the object.
virtual const char * ClassName() const
Returns name of class to which the object belongs.
virtual void AppendPad(Option_t *option="")
Append graphics object to current pad.
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname".
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
The most important graphics class in the ROOT system.
Manages a detector rotation matrix.
virtual Int_t GetType() const
virtual void SetMatrix(const Double_t *matrix)
copy predefined 3x3 matrix into TRotMatrix object
virtual Double_t * GetMatrix()
Sequenceable collection abstract base class.
This is the base class for all geometry shapes.
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
This method is used only when a shape is painted outside a TNode.
Int_t GetVisibility() const
virtual const TBuffer3D & GetBuffer3D(Int_t reqSections) const
Stub to avoid forcing implementation at this stage.
void ToLower()
Change string to lower-case.
const char * Data() const
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
virtual void SetLineAttr(Color_t color, Int_t width, Option_t *opt="")
virtual void PushMatrix()
virtual void WCtoNDC(const Float_t *pw, Float_t *pn)=0
virtual void SetAutoRange(Bool_t autorange=kTRUE)=0
virtual void NDCtoWC(const Float_t *pn, Float_t *pw)=0
virtual void GetRange(Float_t *min, Float_t *max)=0
static TView * CreateView(Int_t system=1, const Double_t *rmin=0, const Double_t *rmax=0)
Create a concrete default 3-d view via the plug-in manager.
TVirtualPad is an abstract base class for the Pad and Canvas classes.
virtual TVirtualPad * cd(Int_t subpadnumber=0)=0
Abstract 3D shapes viewer.
virtual Int_t AddObject(const TBuffer3D &buffer, Bool_t *addChildren=0)=0
virtual void UpdatePosition(Option_t *option="")
to be documented
virtual Double_t * Local2Master(const Double_t *local, Double_t *master, Int_t nPoints=1) const
Convert one point from local system to master reference system.
virtual Double_t GetZ() const
virtual TVolume * GetNode() const
virtual Double_t GetY() const
virtual Double_t GetX(Int_t indx=0) const
virtual UInt_t GetId() const
virtual void SetId(UInt_t id)
const TRotMatrix * GetMatrix() const
virtual const TVolumePosition * GetPosition(Int_t level=0) const
to be documented
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint Referenced node with current parameters.
virtual ~TVolumeView()
default dtor (empty for this class)
virtual void Draw(Option_t *depth="3")
Draw Referenced node with current parameters.
virtual void PaintShape(Option_t *option)
Paint shape of the node To be called from the TObject::Paint method only.
virtual TVolumePosition * Local2Master(const TVolumeView *localNode, const TVolumeView *masterNode=0)
to be documented
virtual TVolume * AddNode(TVolume *node)
Add the TVolume in the Tnode data-structure refered by this TVolumeView object Return TVolume * the i...
virtual Bool_t IsMarked() const
virtual void GetLocalRange(Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
virtual void Sizeof3D() const
Return total size of this 3-D Node with its attributes.
virtual void SavePrimitive(std::ostream &out, Option_t *option="")
to be documented
virtual TString PathP() const
return the full path of this data set
virtual TShape * GetShape() const
virtual TVolumePosition * GetPosition() const
virtual void Browse(TBrowser *b)
to be documented
virtual TList * GetListOfShapes() const
virtual Int_t GetGlobalRange(const TVolumeView *rootNode, Float_t *min, Float_t *max)
Calculate the position of the vertrex of the outlined cube in repect of the given TVolumeView object.
virtual void SetLineAttributes()
to be documented
virtual char * GetObjectInfo(Int_t px, Int_t py) const
to be documented
virtual TVolume * GetNode() const
to be documented
virtual void SetVisibility(Int_t vis=1)
to be documented
virtual void Add(TDataSet *dataset)
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
Compute distance from point px,py to a TVolumeView.
virtual Int_t DistancetoPrimitive(Int_t px, Int_t py)
to be documented
virtual void Add(TDataSet *dataset)
TList * GetListOfShapes() const
virtual Bool_t IsMarked() const
TShape * GetShape() const
virtual void PaintShape(Option_t *option="")
Paint shape of the volume To be called from the TObject::Paint method only.
virtual TList * GetListOfPositions()
virtual ENodeSEEN GetVisibility() const
static TRotMatrix * GetIdentity()
Return a pointer the "identity" matrix.
virtual void SetVisibility(ENodeSEEN vis=TVolume::kBothVisible)
Set visibility for this volume and its sons.
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
double dist(Rotation3D const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2)