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Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// @(#)root/hist:$Id$
2// Author: Frank Filthaut F.Filthaut@science.ru.nl 20/05/2002
3// with additions by Bram Wijngaarden <dwijngaa@hef.kun.nl>
5/** \class TFractionFitter
6Fits MC fractions to data histogram. A la HMCMLL, see R. Barlow and C. Beeston,
7Comp. Phys. Comm. 77 (1993) 219-228, and http://www.hep.man.ac.uk/~roger/hfrac.f
9The virtue of this fit is that it takes into account both data and Monte Carlo
10statistical uncertainties. The way in which this is done is through a standard
11likelihood fit using Poisson statistics; however, the template (MC) predictions
12are also varied within statistics, leading to additional contributions to the
13overall likelihood. This leads to many more fit parameters (one per bin per
14template), but the minimisation with respect to these additional parameters is
15done analytically rather than introducing them as formal fit parameters. Some
16special care needs to be taken in the case of bins with zero content. For more
17details please see the original publication cited above.
19An example application of this fit is given below. For a TH1* histogram
20("data") fitted as the sum of three Monte Carlo sources ("mc"):
24 TH1F *data; //data histogram
25 TH1F *mc0; // first MC histogram
26 TH1F *mc1; // second MC histogram
27 TH1F *mc2; // third MC histogram
28 .... // retrieve histograms
29 TObjArray *mc = new TObjArray(3); // MC histograms are put in this array
30 mc->Add(mc0);
31 mc->Add(mc1);
32 mc->Add(mc2);
33 TFractionFitter* fit = new TFractionFitter(data, mc); // initialise
34 fit->Constrain(1,0.0,1.0); // constrain fraction 1 to be between 0 and 1
35 fit->SetRangeX(1,15); // use only the first 15 bins in the fit
36 Int_t status = fit->Fit(); // perform the fit
37 std::cout << "fit status: " << status << std::endl;
38 if (status == 0) { // check on fit status
39 TH1F* result = (TH1F*) fit->GetPlot();
40 data->Draw("Ep");
41 result->Draw("same");
42 }
46## Assumptions
47A few assumptions need to be made for the fit procedure to be carried out:
48 1 The total number of events in each template is not too small
49 (so that its Poisson uncertainty can be neglected).
50 2 The number of events in each bin is much smaller than the total
51 number of events in each template (so that multinomial
52 uncertainties can be replaced with Poisson uncertainties).
54Biased fit uncertainties may result if these conditions are not fulfilled
55(see e.g. arXiv:0803.2711).
57## Instantiation
58A fit object is instantiated through
59 TFractionFitter* fit = new TFractionFitter(data, mc);
60A number of basic checks (intended to ensure that the template histograms
61represent the same "kind" of distribution as the data one) are carried out.
62The TVirtualFitter object is then addressed and all fit parameters (the
63template fractions) declared (initially unbounded).
65## Applying constraints
66Fit parameters can be constrained through
68 fit->Constrain(parameter #, lower bound, upper bound);
70Setting lower bound = upper bound = 0 removes the constraint (a la Minuit);
71however, a function
73 fit->Unconstrain(parameter #)
75is also provided to simplify this.
77## Setting parameter values
78The function
80 TVirtualFitter* vFit = fit->GetFitter();
82is provided for direct access to the TVirtualFitter object. This allows to
83set and fix parameter values, and set step sizes directly.
85## Restricting the fit range
86The fit range can be restricted through
88 fit->SetRangeX(first bin #, last bin #);
89and freed using
91 fit->ReleaseRangeX();
92For 2D histograms the Y range can be similarly restricted using
94 fit->SetRangeY(first bin #, last bin #);
95 fit->ReleaseRangeY();
96and for 3D histograms also
98 fit->SetRangeZ(first bin #, last bin #);
99 fit->ReleaseRangeZ();
100It is also possible to exclude individual bins from the fit through
102 fit->ExcludeBin(bin #);
103where the given bin number is assumed to follow the TH1::GetBin() numbering.
104Any bins excluded in this way can be included again using the corresponding
106 fit->IncludeBin(bin #);
108## Weights histograms
109Weights histograms (for a motivation see the above publication) can be specified
110for the individual MC sources through
112 fit->SetWeight(parameter #, pointer to weights histogram);
113and unset by specifying a null pointer.
115## Obtaining fit results
116The fit is carried out through
118 Int_t status = fit->Fit();
119where status is the code returned from the "MINIMIZE" command. For fits
120that converged, parameter values and errors can be obtained through
122 fit->GetResult(parameter #, value, error);
123and the histogram corresponding to the total Monte Carlo prediction (which
124is not the same as a simple weighted sum of the input Monte Carlo distributions)
125can be obtained by
127 TH1* result = fit->GetPlot();
128## Using different histograms
129It is possible to change the histogram being fitted through
131 fit->SetData(TH1* data);
132and to change the template histogram for a given parameter number through
134 fit->SetMC(parameter #, TH1* MC);
135This can speed up code in case of multiple data or template histograms;
136however, it should be done with care as any settings are taken over from
137the previous fit. In addition, neither the dimensionality nor the numbers of
138bins of the histograms should change (in that case it is better to instantiate
139a new TFractionFitter object).
141## Errors
142Any serious inconsistency results in an error.
145#include "Riostream.h"
146#include "TH1.h"
147#include "TMath.h"
148#include "TClass.h"
150#include "Fit/FitConfig.h"
151#include "Fit/Fitter.h"
152#include "TFitResult.h"
153#include "Math/Functor.h"
154#include "TFractionFitter.h"
160/// TFractionFitter default constructor.
164fLowLimitX(0), fHighLimitX(0),
165fLowLimitY(0), fHighLimitY(0),
166fLowLimitZ(0), fHighLimitZ(0),
167fData(0), fIntegralData(0),
170 fFractionFitter = 0;
171 fIntegralMCs = 0;
172 fFractions = 0;
174 fNpfits = 0;
175 fNDF = 0;
176 fChisquare = 0;
177 fNpar = 0;
181/// TFractionFitter constructor. Does a complete initialisation (including
182/// consistency checks, default fit range as the whole histogram but without
183/// under- and overflows, and declaration of the fit parameters). Note that
184/// the histograms are not copied, only references are used.
185/// \param[in] data histogram to be fitted
186/// \param[in] MCs array of TH1* corresponding template distributions
187/// \param[in] option can be used to control the print level of the minimization algorithm
188/// - option = "Q" : quite - no message is printed
189/// - option = "V" : verbose - max print out
190/// - option = "" : default: print initial fraction values and result
193fFitDone(kFALSE), fChisquare(0), fPlot(0) {
194 fData = data;
195 // Default: include all of the histogram (but without under- and overflows)
196 fLowLimitX = 1;
198 if (fData->GetDimension() > 1) {
199 fLowLimitY = 1;
201 if (fData->GetDimension() > 2) {
202 fLowLimitZ = 1;
204 }
205 }
206 fNpar = MCs->GetEntries();
207 Int_t par;
208 for (par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
209 fMCs.Add(MCs->At(par));
210 // Histogram containing template prediction
211 TString s = Form("Prediction for MC sample %i",par);
212 TH1* pred = (TH1*) ((TH1*)MCs->At(par))->Clone(s);
213 pred->SetTitle(s);
214 fAji.Add(pred);
215 }
224 // set print level
225 TString opt(option);
226 opt.ToUpper();
227 if (opt.Contains("Q") ) {
229 }
230 else if (opt.Contains("V") ) {
232 }
233 else
236 Double_t defaultFraction = 1.0/((Double_t)fNpar);
237 Double_t defaultStep = 0.01;
238 // set the parameters
239 std::vector<ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings> & parameters = fFractionFitter->Config().ParamsSettings();
240 parameters.reserve(fNpar);
241 for (par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
242 TString name("frac"); name += par;
243 parameters.push_back(ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings(name.Data(), defaultFraction, defaultStep) );
244 }
252/// TFractionFitter default destructor
256 delete[] fIntegralMCs;
257 delete[] fFractions;
258 if (fPlot) delete fPlot;
259 fAji.Delete();
263/// Change the histogram to be fitted to. Notes:
264/// - Parameter constraints and settings are retained from a possible previous fit.
265/// - Modifying the dimension or number of bins results in an error (in this case
266/// rather instantiate a new TFractionFitter object)
269 fData = data;
275/// Change the histogram for template number <parm>. Notes:
276/// - Parameter constraints and settings are retained from a possible previous fit.
277/// - Modifying the dimension or number of bins results in an error (in this case
278/// rather instantiate a new TFractionFitter object)
281 CheckParNo(parm);
282 fMCs.RemoveAt(parm);
283 fMCs.AddAt(MC,parm);
289/// Set bin by bin weights for template number <parm> (the parameter numbering
290/// follows that of the input template vector).
291/// Weights can be "unset" by passing a null pointer.
292/// Consistency of the weights histogram with the data histogram is checked at
293/// this point, and an error in case of problems.
296 CheckParNo(parm);
297 if (fWeights[parm]) {
298 fWeights.RemoveAt(parm);
299 }
300 if (weight) {
301 if (weight->GetNbinsX() != fData->GetNbinsX() ||
302 (fData->GetDimension() > 1 && weight->GetNbinsY() != fData->GetNbinsY()) ||
303 (fData->GetDimension() > 2 && weight->GetNbinsZ() != fData->GetNbinsZ())) {
304 Error("SetWeight","Inconsistent weights histogram for source %d", parm);
305 return;
306 }
307 TString ts = "weight hist: "; ts += weight->GetName();
308 fWeights.AddAt(weight,parm);
309 }
313/// Give direct access to the underlying fitter class. This can be
314/// used e.g. to modify parameter values or step sizes.
317 return fFractionFitter;
321/// Function for internal use, checking parameter validity
322/// An invalid parameter results in an error.
325 if (parm < 0 || parm > fNpar) {
326 Error("CheckParNo","Invalid parameter number %d",parm);
327 }
331/// Set the X range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
332/// Use ReleaseRangeX() to go back to fitting the full histogram.
333/// The consistency check ensures that no empty fit range occurs (and also
334/// recomputes the bin content integrals).
335/// \param[in] low lower X bin number
336/// \param[in] high upper X bin number
339 fLowLimitX = (low > 0 ) ? low : 1;
340 fHighLimitX = ( high > 0 && high <= fData->GetNbinsX()) ? high : fData->GetNbinsX();
345/// Release restrictions on the X range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
348 fLowLimitX = 1;
354/// Set the Y range of the histogram to be used in the fit (2D or 3D histograms only).
355/// Use ReleaseRangeY() to go back to fitting the full histogram.
356/// The consistency check ensures that no empty fit range occurs (and also
357/// recomputes the bin content integrals).
358/// \param[in] low lower X bin number
359/// \param[in] high upper X bin number
362 if (fData->GetDimension() < 2) {
363 Error("SetRangeY","Y range cannot be set for 1D histogram");
364 return;
365 }
367 fLowLimitY = (low > 0) ? low : 1;
368 fHighLimitY = (high > 0 && high <= fData->GetNbinsY()) ? high : fData->GetNbinsY();
373/// Release restrictions on the Y range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
376 fLowLimitY = 1;
383/// Set the Z range of the histogram to be used in the fit (3D histograms only).
384/// Use ReleaseRangeY() to go back to fitting the full histogram.
385/// The consistency check ensures that no empty fit range occurs (and also
386/// recomputes the bin content integrals).
387/// \param[in] low lower X bin number
388/// \param[in] high upper X bin number
391 if (fData->GetDimension() < 3) {
392 Error("SetRangeZ","Z range cannot be set for 1D or 2D histogram");
393 return;
394 }
397 fLowLimitZ = (low > 0) ? low : 1;
398 fHighLimitZ = (high > 0 && high <= fData->GetNbinsZ()) ? high : fData->GetNbinsZ();
403/// Release restrictions on the Z range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
406 fLowLimitZ = 1;
412/// Exclude the given bin from the fit. The bin numbering to be used is that
413/// of TH1::GetBin().
416 int excluded = fExcludedBins.size();
417 for (int b = 0; b < excluded; ++b) {
418 if (fExcludedBins[b] == bin) {
419 Error("ExcludeBin", "bin %d already excluded", bin);
420 return;
421 }
422 }
423 fExcludedBins.push_back(bin);
424 // This call serves to properly (re)determine the number of degrees of freeom
429/// Include the given bin in the fit, if it was excluded before using ExcludeBin().
430/// The bin numbering to be used is that of TH1::GetBin().
433 for (std::vector<Int_t>::iterator it = fExcludedBins.begin();
434 it != fExcludedBins.end(); ++it) {
435 if (*it == bin) {
436 fExcludedBins.erase(it);
437 // This call serves to properly (re)determine the number of degrees of freeom
439 return;
440 }
441 }
442 Error("IncludeBin", "bin %d was not excluded", bin);
446/// Function for internal use, checking whether the given bin is
447/// excluded from the fit or not.
450 for (unsigned int b = 0; b < fExcludedBins.size(); ++b)
451 if (fExcludedBins[b] == bin) return true;
452 return false;
456/// Constrain the values of parameter number <parm> (the parameter numbering
457/// follows that of the input template vector).
458/// Use UnConstrain() to remove this constraint.
461 CheckParNo(parm);
462 assert( parm >= 0 && parm < (int) fFractionFitter->Config().ParamsSettings().size() );
463 fFractionFitter->Config().ParSettings(parm).SetLimits(low,high);
467/// Remove the constraints on the possible values of parameter <parm>.
470 CheckParNo(parm);
475/// Function used internally to check the consistency between the
476/// various histograms. Checks are performed on nonexistent or empty
477/// histograms, the precise histogram class, and the number of bins.
478/// In addition, integrals over the "allowed" bin ranges are computed.
479/// Any inconsistency results in a error.
482 if (! fData) {
483 Error("CheckConsistency","Nonexistent data histogram");
484 return;
485 }
486 Int_t minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ;
487 Int_t x,y,z,par;
488 GetRanges(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
489 fIntegralData = 0;
490 fNpfits = 0;
491 for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z) {
492 for (y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) {
493 for (x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
494 if (IsExcluded(fData->GetBin(x, y, z))) continue;
495 fNpfits++;
497 }
498 }
499 }
500 if (fIntegralData <= 0) {
501 Error("CheckConsistency","Empty data histogram");
502 return;
503 }
504 TClass* cl = fData->Class();
506 fNDF = fNpfits - fNpar;
508 if (fNpar < 2) {
509 Error("CheckConsistency","Need at least two MC histograms");
510 return;
511 }
513 for (par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
514 TH1 *h = (TH1*)fMCs.At(par);
515 if (! h) {
516 Error("CheckConsistency","Nonexistent MC histogram for source #%d",par);
517 return;
518 }
519 if ((! h->Class()->InheritsFrom(cl)) || h->GetNbinsX() != fData->GetNbinsX() ||
520 (fData->GetDimension() > 1 && h->GetNbinsY() != fData->GetNbinsY()) ||
521 (fData->GetDimension() > 2 && h->GetNbinsZ() != fData->GetNbinsZ())) {
522 Error("CheckConsistency","Histogram inconsistency for source #%d",par);
523 return;
524 }
525 fIntegralMCs[par] = 0;
526 for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z) {
527 for (y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) {
528 for (x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
529 Int_t bin = fData->GetBin(x, y, z);
530 if (IsExcluded(bin)) continue;
531 Double_t MCEvents = h->GetBinContent(bin);
532 if (MCEvents < 0) {
533 Error("CheckConsistency", "Number of MC events (bin = %d, par = %d) cannot be negative: "
534 " their distribution is binomial (see paper)", bin, par);
535 }
536 fIntegralMCs[par] += MCEvents;
537 }
538 }
539 }
540 if (fIntegralMCs[par] <= 0) {
541 Error("CheckConsistency","Empty MC histogram #%d",par);
542 }
543 }
547/// Perform the fit with the default UP value.
548/// The value returned is the minimisation status.
552 // remove any existing output histogram
553 if (fPlot) {
554 delete fPlot; fPlot = 0;
555 }
557 // Make sure the correct likelihood computation is used
559 fFractionFitter->SetFCN(static_cast<ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction&>(fcnFunction));
561 // fit
562 Bool_t status = fFractionFitter->FitFCN();
563 if (!status) Warning("Fit","Abnormal termination of minimization.");
565 fFitDone = kTRUE;
567 // determine goodness of fit
570 // create a new result class
572 TString name = TString::Format("TFractionFitter_result_of_%s",fData->GetName() );
573 fr->SetName(name); fr->SetTitle(name);
574 return TFitResultPtr(fr);
578/// Set UP to the given value (see class TMinuit), and perform a MINOS minimisation.
581 if (! fFitDone) {
582 Error("ErrorAnalysis","Fit not yet performed");
583 return;
584 }
587 Double_t up = UP > 0 ? UP : 0.5;
590 if (!status) {
591 Error("ErrorAnalysis","Error return from MINOS: %d",fFractionFitter->Result().Status());
592 }
596/// Obtain the fit result for parameter <parm> (the parameter numbering
597/// follows that of the input template vector).
599void TFractionFitter::GetResult(Int_t parm, Double_t& value, Double_t& error) const {
600 CheckParNo(parm);
601 if (! fFitDone) {
602 Error("GetResult","Fit not yet performed");
603 return;
604 }
605 value = fFractionFitter->Result().Parameter(parm);
606 error = fFractionFitter->Result().Error(parm);
610/// Return the "template prediction" corresponding to the fit result (this is not
611/// the same as the weighted sum of template distributions, as template statistical
612/// uncertainties are taken into account).
613/// Note that the name of this histogram will simply be the same as that of the
614/// "data" histogram, prefixed with the string "Fraction fit to hist: ".
615/// Note also that the histogram is managed by the TFractionFitter class, so the returned pointer will be invalid if
616/// the class is deleted
619 if (! fFitDone) {
620 Error("GetPlot","Fit not yet performed");
621 return 0;
622 }
623 if (! fPlot) {
624 Double_t f = 0;
625 const Double_t * par = fFractionFitter->Result().GetParams();
626 assert(par);
627 ComputeFCN(f, par, 3);
628 }
629 return fPlot;
633/// Used internally to obtain the bin ranges according to the dimensionality of
634/// the histogram and the limits set by hand.
636void TFractionFitter::GetRanges(Int_t& minX, Int_t& maxX, Int_t& minY, Int_t& maxY,
637 Int_t& minZ, Int_t& maxZ) const {
638 if (fData->GetDimension() < 2) {
639 minY = maxY = minZ = maxZ = 0;
640 minX = fLowLimitX;
641 maxX = fHighLimitX;
642 } else if (fData->GetDimension() < 3) {
643 minZ = maxZ = 0;
644 minX = fLowLimitX;
645 maxX = fHighLimitX;
646 minY = fLowLimitY;
647 maxY = fHighLimitY;
648 } else {
649 minX = fLowLimitX;
650 maxX = fHighLimitX;
651 minY = fLowLimitY;
652 maxY = fHighLimitY;
653 minZ = fLowLimitZ;
654 maxZ = fHighLimitZ;
655 }
659/// Used internally to compute the likelihood value.
663 // normalise the fit parameters
664 Int_t bin, mc;
665 Int_t minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ;
666 Int_t x,y,z;
667 GetRanges(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
668 for (mc = 0; mc < fNpar; ++mc) {
669 Double_t tot;
670 TH1 *h = (TH1*)fMCs[mc];
671 TH1 *hw = (TH1*)fWeights[mc];
672 if (hw) {
673 tot = 0;
674 for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z) {
675 for (y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) {
676 for (x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
677 if (IsExcluded(fData->GetBin(x, y, z))) continue;
678 Double_t weight = hw->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
679 if (weight <= 0) {
680 Error("ComputeFCN","Invalid weight encountered for MC source %d",mc);
681 return;
682 }
683 tot += weight * h->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
684 }
685 }
686 }
687 } else tot = fIntegralMCs[mc];
688 fFractions[mc] = xx[mc] * fIntegralData / tot;
689 }
691 if (flag == 3) {
692 TString ts = "Fraction fit to hist: "; ts += fData->GetName();
693 fPlot = (TH1*) fData->Clone(ts.Data());
694 fPlot->Reset();
695 }
696 // likelihood computation
697 Double_t result = 0;
698 for (z = minZ; z <= maxZ; ++z) {
699 for (y = minY; y <= maxY; ++y) {
700 for (x = minX; x <= maxX; ++x) {
701 bin = fData->GetBin(x, y, z);
702 if (IsExcluded(bin)) continue;
704 // Solve for the "predictions"
705 int k0 = 0;
706 Double_t ti = 0.0; Double_t aki = 0.0;
707 FindPrediction(bin, ti, k0, aki);
709 Double_t prediction = 0;
710 for (mc = 0; mc < fNpar; ++mc) {
711 TH1 *h = (TH1*)fMCs[mc];
712 TH1 *hw = (TH1*)fWeights[mc];
713 Double_t binPrediction;
714 Double_t binContent = h->GetBinContent(bin);
715 Double_t weight = hw ? hw->GetBinContent(bin) : 1;
716 if (k0 >= 0 && fFractions[mc] == fFractions[k0]) {
717 binPrediction = aki;
718 } else {
719 binPrediction = binContent > 0 ? binContent / (1+weight*fFractions[mc]*ti) : 0;
720 }
722 prediction += fFractions[mc]*weight*binPrediction;
723 result -= binPrediction;
724 if (binContent > 0 && binPrediction > 0)
725 result += binContent*TMath::Log(binPrediction);
727 if (flag == 3) {
728 ((TH1*)fAji.At(mc))->SetBinContent(bin, binPrediction);
729 }
730 }
732 if (flag == 3) {
733 fPlot->SetBinContent(bin, prediction);
734 }
736 result -= prediction;
737 Double_t found = fData->GetBinContent(bin);
738 if (found > 0 && prediction > 0)
739 result += found*TMath::Log(prediction);
740 }
741 }
742 }
744 f = -result;
748/// Function used internally to obtain the template prediction in the individual bins
749/// 'bin' <=> 'i' (paper)
750/// 'par' <=> 'j' (paper)
752void TFractionFitter::FindPrediction(int bin, Double_t &t_i, int& k_0, Double_t &A_ki) const {
753 std::vector<Double_t> wgtFrac(fNpar); // weighted fractions (strengths of the sources)
754 std::vector<Double_t> a_ji(fNpar); // number of observed MC events for bin 'i' and par (source) 'j'
755 Double_t d_i = fData->GetBinContent(bin); // number of events in the real data for bin 'i'
757 // Cache the weighted fractions and the number of observed MC events
758 // Sanity check: none of the fractions should be == 0
759 for (Int_t par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
760 a_ji[par] = ((TH1*)fMCs.At(par))->GetBinContent(bin);
761 TH1* hw = (TH1*)fWeights.At(par);
762 wgtFrac[par] = hw ? hw->GetBinContent(bin) * fFractions[par] : fFractions[par];
763 if (wgtFrac[par] == 0) {
764 Error("FindPrediction", "Fraction[%d] = 0!", par);
765 return;
766 }
767 }
769 // Case data = 0
770 if (TMath::Nint(d_i) == 0) {
771 t_i = 1;
772 k_0 = -1;
773 A_ki = 0;
774 return;
775 }
777 // Case one or more of the MC bin contents == 0 -> find largest fraction
778 // k_0 stores the source index of the largest fraction
779 k_0 = 0;
780 Double_t maxWgtFrac = wgtFrac[0];
781 for (Int_t par = 1; par < fNpar; ++par) {
782 if (wgtFrac[par] > maxWgtFrac) {
783 k_0 = par;
784 maxWgtFrac = wgtFrac[par];
785 }
786 }
787 Double_t t_min = -1 / maxWgtFrac; // t_i cannot be smaller than this value (see paper, par 5)
789 // Determine if there are more sources which have the same maximum contribution (fraction)
790 Int_t nMax = 1; Double_t contentsMax = a_ji[k_0];
791 for (Int_t par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
792 if (par == k_0) continue;
793 if (wgtFrac[par] == maxWgtFrac) {
794 nMax++;
795 contentsMax += a_ji[par];
796 }
797 }
799 // special action if there is a zero in the number of entries for the MC source with
800 // the largest strength (fraction) -> See Paper, Paragraph 5
801 if (contentsMax == 0) {
802 A_ki = d_i / (1.0 + maxWgtFrac);
803 for (Int_t par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
804 if (par == k_0 || wgtFrac[par] == maxWgtFrac) continue;
805 A_ki -= a_ji[par] * wgtFrac[par] / (maxWgtFrac - wgtFrac[par]);
806 }
807 if (A_ki > 0) {
808 A_ki /= nMax;
809 t_i = t_min;
810 return;
811 }
812 }
813 k_0 = -1;
815 // Case of nonzero histogram contents: solve for t_i using Newton's method
816 // The equation that needs to be solved:
817 // func(t_i) = \sum\limits_j{\frac{ p_j a_{ji} }{1 + p_j t_i}} - \frac{d_i}{1 - t_i} = 0
818 t_i = 0; Double_t step = 0.2;
819 Int_t maxIter = 100000; // maximum number of iterations
820 for(Int_t i = 0; i < maxIter; ++i) {
821 if (t_i >= 1 || t_i < t_min) {
822 step /= 10;
823 t_i = 0;
824 }
825 Double_t func = - d_i / (1.0 - t_i);
826 Double_t deriv = func / (1.0 - t_i);
827 for (Int_t par = 0; par < fNpar; ++par) {
828 Double_t r = 1.0 / (t_i + 1.0 / wgtFrac[par]);
829 func += a_ji[par] * r;
830 deriv -= a_ji[par] * r * r;
831 }
832 if (TMath::Abs(func) < 1e-12) return; // solution found
833 Double_t delta = - func / deriv; // update delta
834 if (TMath::Abs(delta) > step)
835 delta = (delta > 0) ? step : -step; // correct delta if it becomes too large
836 t_i += delta;
837 if (TMath::Abs(delta) < 1e-13) return; // solution found
838 } // the loop breaks when the solution is found, or when the maximum number of iterations is exhausted
840 Warning("FindPrediction", "Did not find solution for t_i in %d iterations", maxIter);
842 return;
845#ifdef OLD
847/// Function called by the minimisation package. The actual functionality is passed
848/// on to the TFractionFitter::ComputeFCN member function.
850void TFractionFitFCN(Int_t& npar, Double_t* gin, Double_t& f, Double_t* par, Int_t flag) {
851 TFractionFitter* fitter = dynamic_cast<TFractionFitter*>(fFractionFitter->GetObjectFit());
852 if (!fitter) {
853 Error("TFractionFitFCN","Invalid fit object encountered!");
854 return;
855 }
856 fitter->ComputeFCN(npar, gin, f, par, flag);
861/// Return the likelihood ratio Chi-squared (chi2) for the fit.
862/// The value is computed when the fit is executed successfully.
863/// Chi2 calculation is based on the "likelihood ratio" lambda,
864/// lambda = L(y;n) / L(m;n),
865/// where L(y;n) is the likelihood of the fit result <y> describing the data <n>
866/// and L(m;n) is the likelihood of an unknown "true" underlying distribution
867/// <m> describing the data <n>. Since <m> is unknown, the data distribution is
868/// used instead,
869/// lambda = L(y;n) / L(n;n).
870/// Note that this ratio is 1 if the fit is perfect. The chi2 value is then
871/// computed according to
872/// chi2 = -2*ln(lambda).
873/// This parameter can be shown to follow a Chi-square distribution. See for
874/// example S. Baker and R. Cousins, "Clarification of the use of chi-square
875/// and likelihood functions in fits to histograms", Nucl. Instr. Meth. A221,
876/// pp. 437-442 (1984)
880 return fChisquare;
884/// return the number of degrees of freedom in the fit
885/// the fNDF parameter has been previously computed during a fit.
886/// The number of degrees of freedom corresponds to the number of points
887/// used in the fit minus the number of templates.
891 if (fNDF == 0) return fNpfits-fNpar;
892 return fNDF;
896/// return the fit probability
900 Int_t ndf = fNpfits - fNpar;
901 if (ndf <= 0) return 0;
902 return TMath::Prob(fChisquare,ndf);
906/// Method used internally to compute the likelihood ratio chi2
907/// See the function GetChisquare() for details
911 if ( !fFitDone ) {
912 Error("ComputeChisquareLambda","Fit not yet (successfully) performed");
913 fChisquare = 0;
914 return;
915 }
917 // fPlot must be initialized and filled. Leave this to the GetPlot() method.
918 if (! fPlot)
919 GetPlot();
921 Int_t minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ;
922 GetRanges(minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
924 Double_t logLyn = 0; // likelihood of prediction
925 Double_t logLmn = 0; // likelihood of data ("true" distribution)
926 for(Int_t x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) {
927 for(Int_t y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
928 for(Int_t z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) {
929 if (IsExcluded(fData->GetBin(x, y, z))) continue;
930 Double_t di = fData->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
931 Double_t fi = fPlot->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
932 if(fi != 0) logLyn += di * TMath::Log(fi) - fi;
933 if(di != 0) logLmn += di * TMath::Log(di) - di;
934 for(Int_t j = 0; j < fNpar; j++) {
935 Double_t aji = ((TH1*)fMCs.At(j))->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
936 Double_t bji = ((TH1*)fAji.At(j))->GetBinContent(x, y, z);
937 if(bji != 0) logLyn += aji * TMath::Log(bji) - bji;
938 if(aji != 0) logLmn += aji * TMath::Log(aji) - aji;
939 }
940 }
941 }
942 }
944 fChisquare = -2*logLyn + 2*logLmn;
946 return;
950/// Return the adjusted MC template (Aji) for template (parm).
951/// Note that the (Aji) times fractions only sum to the total prediction
952/// of the fit if all weights are 1.
953/// Note also that the histogram is managed by the TFractionFitter class, so the returned pointer will be invalid if
954/// the class is deleted
958 CheckParNo(parm);
959 if ( !fFitDone ) {
960 Error("GetMCPrediction","Fit not yet performed");
961 return 0;
962 }
963 return (TH1*) fAji.At(parm);
ROOT::R::TRInterface & r
Definition: Object.C:4
#define b(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:100
#define f(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:104
#define h(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:106
#define e(i)
Definition: RSha256.hxx:103
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:363
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
void TFractionFitFCN(Int_t &npar, Double_t *gin, Double_t &f, Double_t *par, Int_t flag)
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
const std::vector< ROOT::Fit::ParameterSettings > & ParamsSettings() const
get the vector of parameter settings (const method)
Definition: FitConfig.h:85
const ParameterSettings & ParSettings(unsigned int i) const
get the parameter settings for the i-th parameter (const method)
Definition: FitConfig.h:75
ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions & MinimizerOptions()
access to the minimizer control parameter (non const method)
Definition: FitConfig.h:166
const double * GetParams() const
parameter values (return const pointer)
Definition: FitResult.h:177
double Error(unsigned int i) const
parameter error by index
Definition: FitResult.h:187
double Parameter(unsigned int i) const
parameter value by index
Definition: FitResult.h:182
int Status() const
minimizer status code
Definition: FitResult.h:138
Fitter class, entry point for performing all type of fits.
Definition: Fitter.h:77
bool FitFCN(unsigned int npar, Function &fcn, const double *params=0, unsigned int dataSize=0, bool chi2fit=false)
Fit using the a generic FCN function as a C++ callable object implementing double () (const double *)...
Definition: Fitter.h:590
bool SetFCN(unsigned int npar, Function &fcn, const double *params=0, unsigned int dataSize=0, bool chi2fit=false)
Set a generic FCN function as a C++ callable object implementing double () (const double *) Note that...
Definition: Fitter.h:595
const FitResult & Result() const
get fit result
Definition: Fitter.h:365
const FitConfig & Config() const
access to the fit configuration (const method)
Definition: Fitter.h:393
bool CalculateMinosErrors()
perform an error analysis on the result using MINOS To be called only after fitting and when a minimi...
Definition: Fitter.cxx:695
Class, describing value, limits and step size of the parameters Provides functionality also to set/re...
void RemoveLimits()
remove all limit
void SetLimits(double low, double up)
set a double side limit, if low == up the parameter is fixed if low > up the limits are removed The c...
Documentation for class Functor class.
Definition: Functor.h:392
Documentation for the abstract class IBaseFunctionMultiDim.
Definition: IFunction.h:62
double ErrorDef() const
error definition
void SetErrorDef(double err)
set error def
void SetPrintLevel(int level)
set print level
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:75
Provides an indirection to the TFitResult class and with a semantics identical to a TFitResult pointe...
Definition: TFitResultPtr.h:31
Extends the ROOT::Fit::Result class with a TNamed inheritance providing easy possibility for I/O.
Definition: TFitResult.h:30
Fits MC fractions to data histogram.
void ComputeFCN(Double_t &f, const Double_t *par, Int_t flag)
Used internally to compute the likelihood value.
void GetRanges(Int_t &minX, Int_t &maxX, Int_t &minY, Int_t &maxY, Int_t &minZ, Int_t &maxZ) const
Used internally to obtain the bin ranges according to the dimensionality of the histogram and the lim...
void FindPrediction(int bin, double &t_i, int &k_0, double &A_ki) const
Function used internally to obtain the template prediction in the individual bins 'bin' <=> 'i' (pape...
virtual ~TFractionFitter()
TFractionFitter default destructor.
TH1 * GetPlot()
Return the "template prediction" corresponding to the fit result (this is not the same as the weighte...
Double_t GetProb() const
return the fit probability
void GetResult(Int_t parm, Double_t &value, Double_t &error) const
Obtain the fit result for parameter <parm> (the parameter numbering follows that of the input templat...
void CheckConsistency()
Function used internally to check the consistency between the various histograms.
void SetRangeX(Int_t low, Int_t high)
Set the X range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
void SetMC(Int_t parm, TH1 *MC)
Change the histogram for template number <parm>.
Double_t EvaluateFCN(const Double_t *par)
ROOT::Fit::Fitter * GetFitter() const
Give direct access to the underlying fitter class.
void SetRangeY(Int_t low, Int_t high)
Set the Y range of the histogram to be used in the fit (2D or 3D histograms only).
void ExcludeBin(Int_t bin)
Exclude the given bin from the fit.
TFractionFitter default constructor.
void IncludeBin(Int_t bin)
Include the given bin in the fit, if it was excluded before using ExcludeBin().
ROOT::Fit::Fitter * fFractionFitter
void Constrain(Int_t parm, Double_t low, Double_t high)
Constrain the values of parameter number <parm> (the parameter numbering follows that of the input te...
void SetData(TH1 *data)
Change the histogram to be fitted to.
bool IsExcluded(Int_t bin) const
Function for internal use, checking whether the given bin is excluded from the fit or not.
void SetRangeZ(Int_t low, Int_t high)
Set the Z range of the histogram to be used in the fit (3D histograms only).
Double_t GetChisquare() const
Return the likelihood ratio Chi-squared (chi2) for the fit.
void UnConstrain(Int_t parm)
Remove the constraints on the possible values of parameter <parm>.
Int_t GetNDF() const
return the number of degrees of freedom in the fit the fNDF parameter has been previously computed du...
Double_t * fFractions
void ReleaseRangeZ()
Release restrictions on the Z range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
void SetWeight(Int_t parm, TH1 *weight)
Set bin by bin weights for template number <parm> (the parameter numbering follows that of the input ...
Double_t fIntegralData
void ReleaseRangeX()
Release restrictions on the X range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
void ErrorAnalysis(Double_t UP)
Set UP to the given value (see class TMinuit), and perform a MINOS minimisation.
void ComputeChisquareLambda()
Method used internally to compute the likelihood ratio chi2 See the function GetChisquare() for detai...
TFitResultPtr Fit()
Perform the fit with the default UP value.
Double_t * fIntegralMCs
void ReleaseRangeY()
Release restrictions on the Y range of the histogram to be used in the fit.
std::vector< Int_t > fExcludedBins
TH1 * GetMCPrediction(Int_t parm) const
Return the adjusted MC template (Aji) for template (parm).
void CheckParNo(Int_t parm) const
Function for internal use, checking parameter validity An invalid parameter results in an error.
The TH1 histogram class.
Definition: TH1.h:56
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title)
See GetStatOverflows for more information.
Definition: TH1.cxx:6217
virtual Int_t GetNbinsY() const
Definition: TH1.h:293
virtual Int_t GetNbinsZ() const
Definition: TH1.h:294
virtual Int_t GetDimension() const
Definition: TH1.h:278
virtual void Reset(Option_t *option="")
Reset this histogram: contents, errors, etc.
Definition: TH1.cxx:6608
TObject * Clone(const char *newname=0) const
Make a complete copy of the underlying object.
Definition: TH1.cxx:2657
virtual Int_t GetBin(Int_t binx, Int_t biny=0, Int_t binz=0) const
Return Global bin number corresponding to binx,y,z.
Definition: TH1.cxx:4692
virtual Int_t GetNbinsX() const
Definition: TH1.h:292
virtual void SetBinContent(Int_t bin, Double_t content)
Set bin content see convention for numbering bins in TH1::GetBin In case the bin number is greater th...
Definition: TH1.cxx:8542
virtual Double_t GetBinContent(Int_t bin) const
Return content of bin number bin.
Definition: TH1.cxx:4790
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:164
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:140
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
An array of TObjects.
Definition: TObjArray.h:37
virtual void Expand(Int_t newSize)
Expand or shrink the array to newSize elements.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:386
void Add(TObject *obj)
Definition: TObjArray.h:73
Int_t GetEntries() const
Return the number of objects in array (i.e.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:522
virtual void Delete(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the array AND delete all heap based objects.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:355
virtual void AddAt(TObject *obj, Int_t idx)
Add object at position ids.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:253
virtual TObject * RemoveAt(Int_t idx)
Remove object at index idx.
Definition: TObjArray.cxx:678
TObject * At(Int_t idx) const
Definition: TObjArray.h:165
virtual TObject * Clone(const char *newname="") const
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility.
Definition: TObject.cxx:144
virtual void Warning(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue warning message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:866
virtual void Error(const char *method, const char *msgfmt,...) const
Issue error message.
Definition: TObject.cxx:880
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:131
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:364
void ToUpper()
Change string to upper case.
Definition: TString.cxx:1113
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2286
Bool_t Contains(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Definition: TString.h:619
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
static constexpr double s
Int_t Nint(T x)
Round to nearest integer. Rounds half integers to the nearest even integer.
Definition: TMath.h:701
Double_t Prob(Double_t chi2, Int_t ndf)
Computation of the probability for a certain Chi-squared (chi2) and number of degrees of freedom (ndf...
Definition: TMath.cxx:621
Double_t Log(Double_t x)
Definition: TMath.h:748
Short_t Abs(Short_t d)
Definition: TMathBase.h:120