| FitResult () |
| Default constructor for an empty (non valid) fit result. More...
| FitResult (const FitConfig &fconfig) |
| Constructor from a fit-config for a dummy fit (e.g. More...
| FitResult (const FitResult &rhs) |
| Copy constructor. More...
virtual | ~FitResult () |
| Destructor. More...
double | Chi2 () const |
| Chi2 fit value in case of likelihood must be computed ? More...
double | Correlation (unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const |
| retrieve correlation elements More...
double | CovMatrix (unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const |
| retrieve covariance matrix element More...
int | CovMatrixStatus () const |
| covariance matrix status code using Minuit convention : =0 not calculated, =1 approximated, =2 made pos def , =3 accurate More...
double | Edm () const |
| Expected distance from minimum. More...
double | Error (unsigned int i) const |
| parameter error by index More...
const std::vector< double > & | Errors () const |
| parameter errors (return st::vector) More...
void | FillResult (const std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Math::Minimizer > &min, const FitConfig &fconfig, const std::shared_ptr< IModelFunction > &f, bool isValid, unsigned int sizeOfData=0, bool binFit=true, const ROOT::Math::IMultiGenFunction *chi2func=0, unsigned int ncalls=0) |
| Fill the fit result from a Minimizer instance after fitting Run also Minos if requested from the configuration. More...
const BinData * | FittedBinData () const |
| return BinData used in the fit (return a nullptr in case a different fit is done or the data are not available Pointer is managed internally, it must not be deleted
const IModelFunction * | FittedFunction () const |
| fitting quantities More...
void | GetConfidenceIntervals (const BinData &data, double *ci, double cl=0.95, bool norm=false) const |
| evaluate confidence interval for the point specified in the passed data sets the confidence interval are returned in the array ci cl is the desired confidence interval value. More...
std::vector< double > | GetConfidenceIntervals (double cl=0.95, bool norm=false) const |
| evaluate confidence interval for the data set used in the last fit the confidence interval are returned as a vector of data points More...
void | GetConfidenceIntervals (unsigned int n, unsigned int stride1, unsigned int stride2, const double *x, double *ci, double cl=0.95, bool norm=false) const |
| get confidence intervals for an array of n points x. More...
template<class Matrix > |
void | GetCorrelationMatrix (Matrix &mat) const |
| fill a correlation matrix elements using a generic symmetric matrix class implementing operator(i,j) the matrix must be previously allocates with right size (npar * npar) More...
template<class Matrix > |
void | GetCovarianceMatrix (Matrix &mat) const |
| fill covariance matrix elements using a generic matrix class implementing operator(i,j) the matrix must be previously allocates with right size (npar * npar) More...
const double * | GetErrors () const |
| parameter errors (return const pointer) More...
std::string | GetParameterName (unsigned int ipar) const |
| get name of parameter (deprecated) More...
const double * | GetParams () const |
| parameter values (return const pointer) More...
double | GlobalCC (unsigned int i) const |
| parameter global correlation coefficient More...
bool | HasMinosError (unsigned int i) const |
| query if parameter i has the Minos error More...
int | Index (const std::string &name) const |
| get index for parameter name (return -1 if not found) More...
bool | IsEmpty () const |
| True if a fit result does not exist (even invalid) with parameter values. More...
bool | IsParameterBound (unsigned int ipar) const |
| query if a parameter is bound More...
bool | IsParameterFixed (unsigned int ipar) const |
| query if a parameter is fixed More...
bool | IsValid () const |
| True if fit successful, otherwise false. More...
double | LowerError (unsigned int i) const |
| lower Minos error. If Minos has not run for parameter i return the parabolic error More...
double | MinFcnValue () const |
| Return value of the objective function (chi2 or likelihood) used in the fit. More...
const std::string & | MinimizerType () const |
| minimization quantities More...
unsigned int | NCalls () const |
| Number of function calls to find minimum. More...
unsigned int | Ndf () const |
| Number of degree of freedom. More...
unsigned int | NFreeParameters () const |
| get total number of free parameters More...
bool | NormalizedErrors () const |
| flag to chek if errors are normalized More...
void | NormalizeErrors () |
| normalize errors using chi2/ndf for chi2 fits More...
unsigned int | NPar () const |
| total number of parameters (abbreviation) More...
unsigned int | NTotalParameters () const |
| get total number of parameters More...
FitResult & | operator= (const FitResult &rhs) |
| Assignment operator. More...
double | Parameter (unsigned int i) const |
| parameter value by index More...
bool | ParameterBounds (unsigned int ipar, double &lower, double &upper) const |
| retrieve parameter bounds - return false if parameter is not bound More...
const std::vector< double > & | Parameters () const |
| parameter values (return std::vector) More...
double | ParError (unsigned int i) const |
| parameter error by index More...
std::string | ParName (unsigned int i) const |
| name of the parameter More...
void | Print (std::ostream &os, bool covmat=false) const |
| print the result and optionaly covariance matrix and correlations More...
void | PrintCovMatrix (std::ostream &os) const |
| print error matrix and correlations More...
double | Prob () const |
| p value of the fit (chi2 probability) More...
void | SetMinosError (unsigned int i, double elow, double eup) |
| set the Minos errors for parameter i (called by the Fitter class when running Minos) More...
int | Status () const |
| minimizer status code More...
bool | Update (const std::shared_ptr< ROOT::Math::Minimizer > &min, bool isValid, unsigned int ncalls=0) |
| Update the fit result with a new minimization status To be run only if same fit is performed with same configuration Note that in this case MINOS is not re-run. More...
double | UpperError (unsigned int i) const |
| upper Minos error. If Minos has not run for parameter i return the parabolic error More...
double | Value (unsigned int i) const |
| parameter value by index More...