12#ifndef ROOT_TBranchProxyDirector
13#define ROOT_TBranchProxyDirector
Base class for all the proxy object.
Long64_t GetReadEntry() const
Return the current 'local' entry number; i.e.
void Attach(Detail::TBranchProxy *p)
std::list< Detail::TBranchProxy * > fDirected
void SetReadEntry(Long64_t entry)
Move to a new entry to read entry is the 'local' entry number; i.e.
std::vector< TFriendProxy * > fFriends
TBranchProxyDirector(const TBranchProxyDirector &)
TH1F * CreateHistogram(const char *options)
TBranchProxyDirector & operator=(const TBranchProxyDirector &)
TTree * SetTree(TTree *newtree)
1-D histogram with a float per channel (see TH1 documentation)}
A TTree object has a header with a name and a title.
void ResetReadEntry(TFriendProxy *fp)
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.