Logo ROOT   6.16/01
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1/// \file
2/// \ingroup tutorial_roostats
3/// \notebook
4/// Standard tutorial macro for hypothesis test (for computing the discovery significance) using all
5/// RooStats hypotheiss tests calculators and test statistics.
7/// Usage:
9/// ~~~{.cpp}
10/// root>.L StandardHypoTestDemo.C
11/// root> StandardHypoTestDemo("fileName","workspace name","S+B modelconfig name","B model name","data set name",calculator type, test statistic type, number of toys)
13/// type = 0 Freq calculator
14/// type = 1 Hybrid calculator
15/// type = 2 Asymptotic calculator
16/// type = 3 Asymptotic calculator using nominal Asimov data sets (not using fitted parameter values but nominal ones)
18/// testStatType = 0 LEP
19/// = 1 Tevatron
20/// = 2 Profile Likelihood
21/// = 3 Profile Likelihood one sided (i.e. = 0 if mu_hat < 0)
22/// ~~~
24/// \macro_image
25/// \macro_output
26/// \macro_code
28/// \author Lorenzo Moneta
30#include "TFile.h"
31#include "RooWorkspace.h"
32#include "RooAbsPdf.h"
33#include "RooRealVar.h"
34#include "RooDataSet.h"
36#include "RooRandom.h"
37#include "TGraphErrors.h"
38#include "TGraphAsymmErrors.h"
39#include "TCanvas.h"
40#include "TLine.h"
41#include "TSystem.h"
42#include "TROOT.h"
60#include <cassert>
62using namespace RooFit;
63using namespace RooStats;
65struct HypoTestOptions {
67 bool noSystematics = false; // force all systematics to be off (i.e. set all nuisance parameters as constat
68 double nToysRatio = 4; // ratio Ntoys Null/ntoys ALT
69 double poiValue = -1; // change poi snapshot value for S+B model (needed for expected p0 values)
70int printLevel=0;
71bool generateBinned = false; // for binned generation
72 bool useProof = false; // use Proof
73 bool enableDetailedOutput = false; // for detailed output
77HypoTestOptions optHT;
79void StandardHypoTestDemo(const char* infile = "",
80 const char* workspaceName = "combined",
81 const char* modelSBName = "ModelConfig",
82 const char* modelBName = "",
83 const char* dataName = "obsData",
84 int calcType = 0, /* 0 freq 1 hybrid, 2 asymptotic */
85 int testStatType = 3, /* 0 LEP, 1 TeV, 2 LHC, 3 LHC - one sided*/
86 int ntoys = 5000,
87 bool useNC = false,
88 const char * nuisPriorName = 0)
91 bool noSystematics = optHT.noSystematics;
92 double nToysRatio = optHT.nToysRatio; // ratio Ntoys Null/ntoys ALT
93 double poiValue = optHT.poiValue; // change poi snapshot value for S+B model (needed for expected p0 values)
94 int printLevel = optHT.printLevel;
95 bool generateBinned = optHT.generateBinned; // for binned generation
96 bool useProof = optHT.useProof; // use Proof
97 bool enableDetOutput = optHT.enableDetailedOutput;
100 // Other Parameter to pass in tutorial
101 // apart from standard for filename, ws, modelconfig and data
103 // type = 0 Freq calculator
104 // type = 1 Hybrid calculator
105 // type = 2 Asymptotic calculator
107 // testStatType = 0 LEP
108 // = 1 Tevatron
109 // = 2 Profile Likelihood
110 // = 3 Profile Likelihood one sided (i.e. = 0 if mu < mu_hat)
112 // ntoys: number of toys to use
114 // useNumberCounting: set to true when using number counting events
116 // nuisPriorName: name of prior for the nuisance. This is often expressed as constraint term in the global model
117 // It is needed only when using the HybridCalculator (type=1)
118 // If not given by default the prior pdf from ModelConfig is used.
120 // extra options are available as global parameters of the macro. They major ones are:
122 // generateBinned generate binned data sets for toys (default is false) - be careful not to activate with
123 // a too large (>=3) number of observables
124 // nToyRatio ratio of S+B/B toys (default is 2)
125 // printLevel
128 // disable - can cause some problems
129 //ToyMCSampler::SetAlwaysUseMultiGen(true);
131 SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true);
132 ProfileLikelihoodTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true);
133 RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat::SetAlwaysReuseNLL(true);
135 //RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(0);
137 // to change minimizers
138 // ~~~{.bash}
139 // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultStrategy(0);
140 // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultMinimizer("Minuit2");
141 // ROOT::Math::MinimizerOptions::SetDefaultTolerance(1);
142 // ~~~
144 // -------------------------------------------------------
145 // First part is just to access a user-defined file
146 // or create the standard example file if it doesn't exist
147 const char* filename = "";
148 if (!strcmp(infile,"")) {
149 filename = "results/example_combined_GaussExample_model.root";
150 bool fileExist = !gSystem->AccessPathName(filename); // note opposite return code
151 // if file does not exists generate with histfactory
152 if (!fileExist) {
153#ifdef _WIN32
154 cout << "HistFactory file cannot be generated on Windows - exit" << endl;
155 return;
157 // Normally this would be run on the command line
158 cout <<"will run standard hist2workspace example"<<endl;
159 gROOT->ProcessLine(".! prepareHistFactory .");
160 gROOT->ProcessLine(".! hist2workspace config/example.xml");
161 cout <<"\n\n---------------------"<<endl;
162 cout <<"Done creating example input"<<endl;
163 cout <<"---------------------\n\n"<<endl;
164 }
166 }
167 else
168 filename = infile;
170 // Try to open the file
171 TFile *file = TFile::Open(filename);
173 // if input file was specified byt not found, quit
174 if(!file ){
175 cout <<"StandardRooStatsDemoMacro: Input file " << filename << " is not found" << endl;
176 return;
177 }
180 // -------------------------------------------------------
181 // Tutorial starts here
182 // -------------------------------------------------------
184 // get the workspace out of the file
185 RooWorkspace* w = (RooWorkspace*) file->Get(workspaceName);
186 if(!w){
187 cout <<"workspace not found" << endl;
188 return;
189 }
190 w->Print();
192 // get the modelConfig out of the file
193 ModelConfig* sbModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelSBName);
196 // get the modelConfig out of the file
197 RooAbsData* data = w->data(dataName);
199 // make sure ingredients are found
200 if(!data || !sbModel){
201 w->Print();
202 cout << "data or ModelConfig was not found" <<endl;
203 return;
204 }
205 // make b model
206 ModelConfig* bModel = (ModelConfig*) w->obj(modelBName);
209 // case of no systematics
210 // remove nuisance parameters from model
211 if (noSystematics) {
212 const RooArgSet * nuisPar = sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
213 if (nuisPar && nuisPar->getSize() > 0) {
214 std::cout << "StandardHypoTestInvDemo" << " - Switch off all systematics by setting them constant to their initial values" << std::endl;
215 RooStats::SetAllConstant(*nuisPar);
216 }
217 if (bModel) {
218 const RooArgSet * bnuisPar = bModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
219 if (bnuisPar)
220 RooStats::SetAllConstant(*bnuisPar);
221 }
222 }
225 if (!bModel ) {
226 Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","The background model %s does not exist",modelBName);
227 Info("StandardHypoTestInvDemo","Copy it from ModelConfig %s and set POI to zero",modelSBName);
228 bModel = (ModelConfig*) sbModel->Clone();
229 bModel->SetName(TString(modelSBName)+TString("B_only"));
230 RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(bModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
231 if (!var) return;
232 double oldval = var->getVal();
233 var->setVal(0);
234 //bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi")) );
235 bModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
236 var->setVal(oldval);
237 }
239 if (!sbModel->GetSnapshot() || poiValue > 0) {
240 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Model %s has no snapshot - make one using model poi",modelSBName);
241 RooRealVar * var = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest()->first());
242 if (!var) return;
243 double oldval = var->getVal();
244 if (poiValue > 0) var->setVal(poiValue);
245 //sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var, *w->var("lumi") ) );
246 sbModel->SetSnapshot( RooArgSet(*var) );
247 if (poiValue > 0) var->setVal(oldval);
248 //sbModel->SetSnapshot( *sbModel->GetParametersOfInterest() );
249 }
255 // part 1, hypothesis testing
256 SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat * slrts = new SimpleLikelihoodRatioTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf());
257 // null parameters must includes snapshot of poi plus the nuisance values
258 RooArgSet nullParams(*bModel->GetSnapshot());
259 if (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) nullParams.add(*bModel->GetNuisanceParameters());
261 slrts->SetNullParameters(nullParams);
262 RooArgSet altParams(*sbModel->GetSnapshot());
263 if (sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters()) altParams.add(*sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters());
264 slrts->SetAltParameters(altParams);
270 ropl = new RatioOfProfiledLikelihoodsTestStat(*bModel->GetPdf(), *sbModel->GetPdf(), sbModel->GetSnapshot());
271 ropl->SetSubtractMLE(false);
273 if (testStatType == 3) profll->SetOneSidedDiscovery(1);
274 profll->SetPrintLevel(printLevel);
276 if (enableDetOutput) {
277 slrts->EnableDetailedOutput();
278 profll->EnableDetailedOutput();
279 ropl->EnableDetailedOutput();
280 }
283 /* profll.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);*/
284 /* slrts.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);*/
285 /* ropl.SetReuseNLL(mOptimize);*/
287 AsymptoticCalculator::SetPrintLevel(printLevel);
289 HypoTestCalculatorGeneric * hypoCalc = 0;
290 // note here Null is B and Alt is S+B
291 if (calcType == 0) hypoCalc = new FrequentistCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
292 else if (calcType == 1) hypoCalc= new HybridCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
293 else if (calcType == 2) hypoCalc= new AsymptoticCalculator(*data, *sbModel, *bModel);
295 if (calcType == 0) {
296 ((FrequentistCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio);
297 if (enableDetOutput) ((FrequentistCalculator*) hypoCalc)->StoreFitInfo(true);
298 }
299 if (calcType == 1) {
300 ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->SetToys(ntoys, ntoys/nToysRatio);
301 // n. a. yetif (enableDetOutput) ((HybridCalculator*) hypoCalc)->StoreFitInfo(true);
302 }
303 if (calcType == 2 ) {
304 if (testStatType == 3) ((AsymptoticCalculator*) hypoCalc)->SetOneSidedDiscovery(true);
305 if (testStatType != 2 && testStatType != 3)
306 Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Only the PL test statistic can be used with AsymptoticCalculator - use by default a two-sided PL");
309 }
312 // check for nuisance prior pdf in case of nuisance parameters
313 if (calcType == 1 && (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() || sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters() )) {
314 RooAbsPdf * nuisPdf = 0;
315 if (nuisPriorName) nuisPdf = w->pdf(nuisPriorName);
316 // use prior defined first in bModel (then in SbModel)
317 if (!nuisPdf) {
318 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given for the HybridCalculator - try to deduce pdf from the model");
319 if (bModel->GetPdf() && bModel->GetObservables() )
320 nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*bModel,"nuisancePdf_bmodel");
321 else
322 nuisPdf = RooStats::MakeNuisancePdf(*sbModel,"nuisancePdf_sbmodel");
323 }
324 if (!nuisPdf ) {
325 if (bModel->GetPriorPdf()) {
326 nuisPdf = bModel->GetPriorPdf();
327 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","No nuisance pdf given - try to use %s that is defined as a prior pdf in the B model",nuisPdf->GetName());
328 }
329 else {
330 Error("StandardHypoTestDemo","Cannot run Hybrid calculator because no prior on the nuisance parameter is specified or can be derived");
331 return;
332 }
333 }
334 assert(nuisPdf);
335 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Using as nuisance Pdf ... " );
336 nuisPdf->Print();
338 const RooArgSet * nuisParams = (bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() ) ? bModel->GetNuisanceParameters() : sbModel->GetNuisanceParameters();
339 RooArgSet * np = nuisPdf->getObservables(*nuisParams);
340 if (np->getSize() == 0) {
341 Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Prior nuisance does not depend on nuisance parameters. They will be smeared in their full range");
342 }
343 delete np;
345 ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*nuisPdf);
346 ((HybridCalculator*)hypoCalc)->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*nuisPdf);
347 }
349 /* hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceAlt(*sbModel->GetPriorPdf());*/
350 /* hypoCalc->ForcePriorNuisanceNull(*bModel->GetPriorPdf());*/
352 ToyMCSampler * sampler = (ToyMCSampler *)hypoCalc->GetTestStatSampler();
354 if (sampler && (calcType == 0 || calcType == 1) ) {
356 // look if pdf is number counting or extended
357 if (sbModel->GetPdf()->canBeExtended() ) {
358 if (useNC) Warning("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is extended: but number counting flag is set: ignore it ");
359 }
360 else {
361 // for not extended pdf
362 if (!useNC) {
363 int nEvents = data->numEntries();
364 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Pdf is not extended: number of events to generate taken from observed data set is %d",nEvents);
365 sampler->SetNEventsPerToy(nEvents);
366 }
367 else {
368 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","using a number counting pdf");
369 sampler->SetNEventsPerToy(1);
370 }
371 }
373 if (data->isWeighted() && !generateBinned) {
374 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Data set is weighted, nentries = %d and sum of weights = %8.1f but toy generation is unbinned - it would be faster to set generateBinned to true\n",data->numEntries(), data->sumEntries());
375 }
376 if (generateBinned) sampler->SetGenerateBinned(generateBinned);
378 // use PROOF
379 if (useProof) {
380 ProofConfig pc(*w, 0, "", kFALSE);
381 sampler->SetProofConfig(&pc); // enable proof
382 }
386 // set the test statistic
387 if (testStatType == 0) sampler->SetTestStatistic(slrts);
388 if (testStatType == 1) sampler->SetTestStatistic(ropl);
389 if (testStatType == 2 || testStatType == 3) sampler->SetTestStatistic(profll);
391 }
393 HypoTestResult * htr = hypoCalc->GetHypoTest();
394 htr->SetPValueIsRightTail(true);
395 htr->SetBackgroundAsAlt(false);
396 htr->Print(); // how to get meaningful CLs at this point?
398 delete sampler;
399 delete slrts;
400 delete ropl;
401 delete profll;
403 if (calcType != 2) {
404 HypoTestPlot * plot = new HypoTestPlot(*htr,100);
405 plot->SetLogYaxis(true);
406 plot->Draw();
407 }
408 else {
409 std::cout << "Asymptotic results " << std::endl;
411 }
413 // look at expected significances
414 // found median of S+B distribution
415 if (calcType != 2) {
417 SamplingDistribution * altDist = htr->GetAltDistribution();
418 HypoTestResult htExp("Expected Result");
419 htExp.Append(htr);
420 // find quantiles in alt (S+B) distribution
421 double p[5];
422 double q[5];
423 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
424 double sig = -2 + i;
425 p[i] = ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sig,1);
426 }
427 std::vector<double> values = altDist->GetSamplingDistribution();
428 TMath::Quantiles( values.size(), 5, &values[0], q, p, false);
430 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
431 htExp.SetTestStatisticData( q[i] );
432 double sig = -2 + i;
433 std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = "
434 << htExp.NullPValue() << " significance " << htExp.Significance() << " sigma " << std::endl;
436 }
437 }
438 else {
439 // case of asymptotic calculator
440 for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
441 double sig = -2 + i;
442 // sigma is inverted here
443 double pval = AsymptoticCalculator::GetExpectedPValues( htr->NullPValue(), htr->AlternatePValue(), -sig, false);
444 std::cout << " Expected p -value and significance at " << sig << " sigma = "
445 << pval << " significance " << ROOT::Math::normal_quantile_c(pval,1) << " sigma " << std::endl;
447 }
448 }
451 // write result in a file in case of toys
452 bool writeResult = (calcType != 2);
454 if (enableDetOutput) {
455 writeResult=true;
456 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","Detailed output will be written in output result file");
457 }
460 if (htr != NULL && writeResult) {
462 // write to a file the results
463 const char * calcTypeName = (calcType == 0) ? "Freq" : (calcType == 1) ? "Hybr" : "Asym";
464 TString resultFileName = TString::Format("%s_HypoTest_ts%d_",calcTypeName,testStatType);
465 //strip the / from the filename
467 TString name = infile;
468 name.Replace(0, name.Last('/')+1, "");
469 resultFileName += name;
471 TFile * fileOut = new TFile(resultFileName,"RECREATE");
472 htr->Write();
473 Info("StandardHypoTestDemo","HypoTestResult has been written in the file %s",resultFileName.Data());
475 fileOut->Close();
476 }
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
void Info(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
void Error(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
void Warning(const char *location, const char *msgfmt,...)
float * q
Definition: THbookFile.cxx:87
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:410
R__EXTERN TSystem * gSystem
Definition: TSystem.h:540
RooArgSet * getObservables(const RooArgSet &set, Bool_t valueOnly=kTRUE) const
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:194
virtual void Print(Option_t *options=0) const
Print TNamed name and title.
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:227
Int_t getSize() const
RooAbsArg * first() const
RooAbsData is the common abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets.
Definition: RooAbsData.h:37
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
Definition: RooAbsPdf.h:41
Bool_t canBeExtended() const
Definition: RooAbsPdf.h:230
Double_t getVal(const RooArgSet *set=0) const
Evaluate object. Returns either cached value or triggers a recalculation.
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:64
RooArgSet is a container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects.
Definition: RooArgSet.h:28
RooRealVar represents a fundamental (non-derived) real valued object.
Definition: RooRealVar.h:36
virtual void setVal(Double_t value)
Set value of variable to 'value'.
Definition: RooRealVar.cxx:204
Hypothesis Test Calculator based on the asymptotic formulae for the profile likelihood ratio.
Does a frequentist hypothesis test.
Same purpose as HybridCalculatorOriginal, but different implementation.
Common base class for the Hypothesis Test Calculators.
TestStatSampler * GetTestStatSampler(void) const
virtual HypoTestResult * GetHypoTest() const
inherited methods from HypoTestCalculator interface
This class provides the plots for the result of a study performed with any of the HypoTestCalculatorG...
Definition: HypoTestPlot.h:22
HypoTestResult is a base class for results from hypothesis tests.
void SetBackgroundAsAlt(Bool_t l=kTRUE)
void SetPValueIsRightTail(Bool_t pr)
virtual Double_t AlternatePValue() const
Return p-value for alternate hypothesis.
virtual Double_t NullPValue() const
Return p-value for null hypothesis.
void Print(const Option_t *="") const
Print out some information about the results Note: use Alt/Null labels for the hypotheses here as the...
SamplingDistribution * GetAltDistribution(void) const
ModelConfig is a simple class that holds configuration information specifying how a model should be u...
Definition: ModelConfig.h:30
virtual void SetSnapshot(const RooArgSet &set)
set parameter values for a particular hypothesis if using a common PDF by saving a snapshot in the wo...
virtual ModelConfig * Clone(const char *name="") const override
Definition: ModelConfig.h:54
const RooArgSet * GetParametersOfInterest() const
get RooArgSet containing the parameter of interest (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:231
const RooArgSet * GetNuisanceParameters() const
get RooArgSet containing the nuisance parameters (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:234
const RooArgSet * GetObservables() const
get RooArgSet for observables (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:243
const RooArgSet * GetSnapshot() const
get RooArgSet for parameters for a particular hypothesis (return NULL if not existing)
RooAbsPdf * GetPdf() const
get model PDF (return NULL if pdf has not been specified or does not exist)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:228
RooAbsPdf * GetPriorPdf() const
get parameters prior pdf (return NULL if not existing)
Definition: ModelConfig.h:240
ProfileLikelihoodTestStat is an implementation of the TestStatistic interface that calculates the pro...
virtual void EnableDetailedOutput(bool e=true, bool withErrorsAndPulls=false)
Holds configuration options for proof and proof-lite.
Definition: ProofConfig.h:46
TestStatistic that returns the ratio of profiled likelihoods.
void SetLogYaxis(Bool_t ly)
changes plot to log scale on y axis
void Draw(Option_t *options=0)
Draw this plot and all of the elements it contains.
This class simply holds a sampling distribution of some test statistic.
const std::vector< Double_t > & GetSamplingDistribution() const
Get test statistics values.
TestStatistic class that returns -log(L[null] / L[alt]) where L is the likelihood.
void SetNullParameters(const RooArgSet &nullParameters)
void SetAltParameters(const RooArgSet &altParameters)
ToyMCSampler is an implementation of the TestStatSampler interface.
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:71
void SetProofConfig(ProofConfig *pc=NULL)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:233
virtual void SetTestStatistic(TestStatistic *testStatistic, unsigned int i)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:184
void SetGenerateBinned(bool binned=true)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:203
virtual void SetNEventsPerToy(const Int_t nevents)
Definition: ToyMCSampler.h:147
The RooWorkspace is a persistable container for RooFit projects.
Definition: RooWorkspace.h:43
RooAbsData * data(const char *name) const
Retrieve dataset (binned or unbinned) with given name. A null pointer is returned if not found.
void Print(Option_t *opts=0) const
Print contents of the workspace.
TObject * obj(const char *name) const
Return any type of object (RooAbsArg, RooAbsData or generic object) with given name)
RooAbsPdf * pdf(const char *name) const
Retrieve p.d.f (RooAbsPdf) with given name. A null pointer is returned if not found.
static TFile * Open(const char *name, Option_t *option="", const char *ftitle="", Int_t compress=ROOT::RCompressionSetting::EDefaults::kUseGeneralPurpose, Int_t netopt=0)
Create / open a file.
Definition: TFile.cxx:3975
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:140
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
virtual Int_t Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Write this object to the current directory.
Definition: TObject.cxx:785
static TString Format(const char *fmt,...)
Static method which formats a string using a printf style format descriptor and return a TString.
Definition: TString.cxx:2286
virtual Bool_t AccessPathName(const char *path, EAccessMode mode=kFileExists)
Returns FALSE if one can access a file using the specified access mode.
Definition: TSystem.cxx:1286
double normal_cdf(double x, double sigma=1, double x0=0)
Cumulative distribution function of the normal (Gaussian) distribution (lower tail).
double normal_quantile_c(double z, double sigma)
Inverse ( ) of the cumulative distribution function of the upper tail of the normal (Gaussian) distri...
@(#)root/roostats:$Id$ Author: George Lewis, Kyle Cranmer
Definition: Asimov.h:20
bool SetAllConstant(const RooAbsCollection &coll, bool constant=true)
Definition: RooStatsUtils.h:82
RooAbsPdf * MakeNuisancePdf(RooAbsPdf &pdf, const RooArgSet &observables, const char *name)
static constexpr double pc
void Quantiles(Int_t n, Int_t nprob, Double_t *x, Double_t *quantiles, Double_t *prob, Bool_t isSorted=kTRUE, Int_t *index=0, Int_t type=7)
Computes sample quantiles, corresponding to the given probabilities.
Definition: TMath.cxx:1190
Definition: file.py:1