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1 // Author: Mihaela Gheata 30/03/16
2 /*************************************************************************
3  * Copyright (C) 1995-2016, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
4  * All rights reserved. *
5  * *
6  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
7  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
8  *************************************************************************/
10 /** \class TGeoVGShape
11 \ingroup Geometry_classes
13 Bridge class for using a VecGeom solid as TGeoShape.
14 */
16 #include "TGeoVGShape.h"
18 #include "volumes/PlacedVolume.h"
19 #include "volumes/UnplacedVolume.h"
20 #include "volumes/UnplacedBox.h"
21 #include "volumes/UnplacedTube.h"
22 #include "volumes/UnplacedCone.h"
23 #include "volumes/UnplacedParaboloid.h"
24 #include "volumes/UnplacedParallelepiped.h"
25 #include "volumes/UnplacedPolyhedron.h"
26 #include "volumes/UnplacedTrd.h"
27 #include "volumes/UnplacedOrb.h"
28 #include "volumes/UnplacedSphere.h"
29 #include "volumes/UnplacedBooleanVolume.h"
30 #include "volumes/UnplacedTorus2.h"
31 #include "volumes/UnplacedTrapezoid.h"
32 #include "volumes/UnplacedPolycone.h"
33 #include "volumes/UnplacedScaledShape.h"
34 #include "volumes/UnplacedGenTrap.h"
35 #include "volumes/UnplacedSExtruVolume.h"
36 #include "TError.h"
37 #include "TGeoManager.h"
38 #include "TGeoMaterial.h"
39 #include "TGeoMedium.h"
40 #include "TGeoVolume.h"
41 #include "TGeoArb8.h"
42 #include "TGeoTube.h"
43 #include "TGeoCone.h"
44 #include "TGeoPara.h"
45 #include "TGeoParaboloid.h"
46 #include "TGeoTrd1.h"
47 #include "TGeoTrd2.h"
48 #include "TGeoPcon.h"
49 #include "TGeoPgon.h"
50 #include "TGeoSphere.h"
51 #include "TGeoBoolNode.h"
52 #include "TGeoCompositeShape.h"
53 #include "TGeoScaledShape.h"
54 #include "TGeoTorus.h"
55 #include "TGeoEltu.h"
56 #include "TGeoXtru.h"
58 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 /// Default constructor
61 TGeoVGShape::TGeoVGShape(TGeoShape *shape, vecgeom::cxx::VPlacedVolume *vgshape)
62  :TGeoBBox(shape->GetName(), 0, 0, 0), fVGShape(vgshape), fShape(shape)
63 {
64  // Copy box parameters from the original ROOT shape
65  const TGeoBBox *box = (const TGeoBBox*)shape;
66  TGeoBBox::SetBoxDimensions(box->GetDX(), box->GetDY(), box->GetDZ());
67  memcpy(fOrigin, box->GetOrigin(), 3*sizeof(Double_t));
68 }
70 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
71 /// Destructor
74 {
75  // Cleanup only the VecGeom solid, the ROOT shape is cleaned by TGeoManager
76  delete fVGShape;
77 }
79 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
80 /// Factory creating TGeoVGShape from a Root shape. Returns nullptr if the
81 /// shape cannot be converted
84 {
85  vecgeom::cxx::VPlacedVolume *vgshape = TGeoVGShape::CreateVecGeomSolid(shape);
86  if (!vgshape) return nullptr;
87  return ( new TGeoVGShape(shape, vgshape) );
88 }
90 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
91 /// Conversion method to create VecGeom solid corresponding to TGeoShape
93 vecgeom::cxx::VPlacedVolume *TGeoVGShape::CreateVecGeomSolid(TGeoShape *shape)
94 {
95  // Call VecGeom TGeoShape->UnplacedSolid converter
96  // VUnplacedVolume *unplaced = RootGeoManager::Instance().Convert(shape);
97  vecgeom::cxx::VUnplacedVolume *unplaced = Convert(shape);
98  if (!unplaced) return nullptr;
99  // We have to create a placed volume from the unplaced one to have access
100  // to the navigation interface
101  vecgeom::cxx::LogicalVolume *lvol = new vecgeom::cxx::LogicalVolume("", unplaced);
102  return ( lvol->Place() );
103 }
105 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
106 /// Convert a TGeoMatrix to a TRansformation3D
108 vecgeom::cxx::Transformation3D *TGeoVGShape::Convert(TGeoMatrix const *const geomatrix) {
109  Double_t const *const t = geomatrix->GetTranslation();
110  Double_t const *const r = geomatrix->GetRotationMatrix();
111  vecgeom::cxx::Transformation3D *const transformation =
112  new vecgeom::cxx::Transformation3D(t[0], t[1], t[2], r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8]);
113  return transformation;
114 }
116 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
117 /// Convert a TGeo shape to VUnplacedVolume, then creates a VPlacedVolume
119 vecgeom::cxx::VUnplacedVolume* TGeoVGShape::Convert(TGeoShape const *const shape)
120 {
121  using namespace vecgeom::cxx;
122  VUnplacedVolume *unplaced_volume = nullptr;
124  // THE BOX
125  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoBBox::Class()) {
126  TGeoBBox const *const box = static_cast<TGeoBBox const *>(shape);
127  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedBox(box->GetDX(), box->GetDY(), box->GetDZ());
128  }
130  // THE TUBE
131  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTube::Class()) {
132  TGeoTube const *const tube = static_cast<TGeoTube const *>(shape);
133  unplaced_volume = new GenericUnplacedTube(tube->GetRmin(), tube->GetRmax(), tube->GetDz(), 0., kTwoPi);
134  }
137  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTubeSeg::Class()) {
138  TGeoTubeSeg const *const tube = static_cast<TGeoTubeSeg const *>(shape);
139  unplaced_volume =
140  new GenericUnplacedTube(tube->GetRmin(), tube->GetRmax(), tube->GetDz(), kDegToRad * tube->GetPhi1(),
141  kDegToRad * (tube->GetPhi2() - tube->GetPhi1()));
142  }
145  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoConeSeg::Class()) {
146  TGeoConeSeg const *const cone = static_cast<TGeoConeSeg const *>(shape);
147  unplaced_volume =
148  new UnplacedCone(cone->GetRmin1(), cone->GetRmax1(), cone->GetRmin2(), cone->GetRmax2(), cone->GetDz(),
149  kDegToRad * cone->GetPhi1(), kDegToRad * (cone->GetPhi2() - cone->GetPhi1()));
150  }
152  // THE CONE
153  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoCone::Class()) {
154  TGeoCone const *const cone = static_cast<TGeoCone const *>(shape);
155  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedCone(cone->GetRmin1(), cone->GetRmax1(), cone->GetRmin2(), cone->GetRmax2(),
156  cone->GetDz(), 0., kTwoPi);
157  }
160  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoParaboloid::Class()) {
161  TGeoParaboloid const *const p = static_cast<TGeoParaboloid const *>(shape);
162  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedParaboloid(p->GetRlo(), p->GetRhi(), p->GetDz());
163  }
166  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoPara::Class()) {
167  TGeoPara const *const p = static_cast<TGeoPara const *>(shape);
168  unplaced_volume =
169  new UnplacedParallelepiped(p->GetX(), p->GetY(), p->GetZ(), p->GetAlpha(), p->GetTheta(), p->GetPhi());
170  }
172  // Polyhedron/TGeoPgon
173  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoPgon::Class()) {
174  TGeoPgon const *pgon = static_cast<TGeoPgon const *>(shape);
175  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedPolyhedron(pgon->GetPhi1(), // phiStart
176  pgon->GetDphi(), // phiEnd
177  pgon->GetNedges(), // sideCount
178  pgon->GetNz(), // zPlaneCount
179  pgon->GetZ(), // zPlanes
180  pgon->GetRmin(), // rMin
181  pgon->GetRmax() // rMax
182  );
183  }
185  // TRD2
186  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTrd2::Class()) {
187  TGeoTrd2 const *const p = static_cast<TGeoTrd2 const *>(shape);
188  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedTrd(p->GetDx1(), p->GetDx2(), p->GetDy1(), p->GetDy2(), p->GetDz());
189  }
191  // TRD1
192  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTrd1::Class()) {
193  TGeoTrd1 const *const p = static_cast<TGeoTrd1 const *>(shape);
194  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedTrd(p->GetDx1(), p->GetDx2(), p->GetDy(), p->GetDz());
195  }
198  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTrap::Class()) {
199  TGeoTrap const *const p = static_cast<TGeoTrap const *>(shape);
200  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedTrapezoid(p->GetDz(), p->GetTheta() * kDegToRad, p->GetPhi() * kDegToRad, p->GetH1(),
201  p->GetBl1(), p->GetTl1(), std::tan(p->GetAlpha1() * kDegToRad), p->GetH2(),
202  p->GetBl2(), p->GetTl2(), std::tan(p->GetAlpha2() * kDegToRad));
203  }
205  // THE SPHERE | ORB
206  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoSphere::Class()) {
207  // make distinction
208  TGeoSphere const *const p = static_cast<TGeoSphere const *>(shape);
209  if (p->GetRmin() == 0. && p->GetTheta2() - p->GetTheta1() == 180. && p->GetPhi2() - p->GetPhi1() == 360.) {
210  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedOrb(p->GetRmax());
211  } else {
212  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedSphere(p->GetRmin(), p->GetRmax(), p->GetPhi1() * kDegToRad,
213  (p->GetPhi2() - p->GetPhi1()) * kDegToRad, p->GetTheta1() * kDegToRad,
214  (p->GetTheta2() - p->GetTheta1()) * kDegToRad);
215  }
216  }
218  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoCompositeShape::Class()) {
219  TGeoCompositeShape const *const compshape = static_cast<TGeoCompositeShape const *>(shape);
220  TGeoBoolNode const *const boolnode = compshape->GetBoolNode();
222  // need the matrix;
223  Transformation3D const *lefttrans = Convert(boolnode->GetLeftMatrix());
224  Transformation3D const *righttrans = Convert(boolnode->GetRightMatrix());
225  // unplaced shapes
226  VUnplacedVolume const *leftunplaced = Convert(boolnode->GetLeftShape());
227  VUnplacedVolume const *rightunplaced = Convert(boolnode->GetRightShape());
228  if (!leftunplaced || !rightunplaced) {
229  // If one of the components cannot be converted, cleanup & return nullptr
230  delete lefttrans;
231  delete righttrans;
232  delete leftunplaced;
233  delete rightunplaced;
234  return nullptr;
235  }
237  assert(leftunplaced != nullptr);
238  assert(rightunplaced != nullptr);
240  // the problem is that I can only place logical volumes
241  VPlacedVolume *const leftplaced = (new LogicalVolume("inner_virtual", leftunplaced))->Place(lefttrans);
243  VPlacedVolume *const rightplaced = (new LogicalVolume("inner_virtual", rightunplaced))->Place(righttrans);
245  // now it depends on concrete type
247  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedBooleanVolume(kSubtraction, leftplaced, rightplaced);
248  } else if (boolnode->GetBooleanOperator() == TGeoBoolNode::kGeoIntersection) {
249  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedBooleanVolume(kIntersection, leftplaced, rightplaced);
250  } else if (boolnode->GetBooleanOperator() == TGeoBoolNode::kGeoUnion) {
251  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedBooleanVolume(kUnion, leftplaced, rightplaced);
252  }
253  }
255  // THE TORUS
256  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoTorus::Class()) {
257  // make distinction
258  TGeoTorus const *const p = static_cast<TGeoTorus const *>(shape);
259  unplaced_volume =
260  new UnplacedTorus2(p->GetRmin(), p->GetRmax(), p->GetR(), p->GetPhi1() * kDegToRad, p->GetDphi() * kDegToRad);
261  }
264  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoPcon::Class()) {
265  TGeoPcon const *const p = static_cast<TGeoPcon const *>(shape);
266  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedPolycone(p->GetPhi1() * kDegToRad, p->GetDphi() * kDegToRad, p->GetNz(), p->GetZ(),
267  p->GetRmin(), p->GetRmax());
268  }
271  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoScaledShape::Class()) {
272  TGeoScaledShape const *const p = static_cast<TGeoScaledShape const *>(shape);
273  // First convert the referenced shape
274  VUnplacedVolume *referenced_shape = Convert(p->GetShape());
275  if (!referenced_shape) return nullptr;
276  const double *scale_root = p->GetScale()->GetScale();
277  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedScaledShape(referenced_shape, scale_root[0], scale_root[1], scale_root[2]);
278  }
281  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoEltu::Class()) {
282  TGeoEltu const *const p = static_cast<TGeoEltu const *>(shape);
283  // Create the corresponding unplaced tube, with:
284  // rmin=0, rmax=A, dz=dz, which is scaled with (1., A/B, 1.)
285  GenericUnplacedTube *tubeUnplaced = new GenericUnplacedTube(0, p->GetA(), p->GetDZ(), 0, kTwoPi);
286  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedScaledShape(tubeUnplaced, 1., p->GetB() / p->GetA(), 1.);
287  }
289  // THE ARB8
290  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoArb8::Class() || shape->IsA() == TGeoGtra::Class()) {
291  TGeoArb8 *p = (TGeoArb8 *)(shape);
292  // Create the corresponding GenTrap
293  std::vector<Vector3D<Precision>> vertexlist;
294  const double *vertices = p->GetVertices();
295  Precision verticesx[8], verticesy[8];
296  for (auto ivert = 0; ivert < 8; ++ivert) {
297  verticesx[ivert] = vertices[2 * ivert];
298  verticesy[ivert] = vertices[2 * ivert + 1];
299  }
300  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedGenTrap(verticesx, verticesy, p->GetDz());
301  }
304  if (shape->IsA() == TGeoXtru::Class()) {
305  TGeoXtru *p = (TGeoXtru *)(shape);
306  // analyse convertibility
307  if (p->GetNz() == 2) {
308  // add check on scaling and distortions
309  size_t Nvert = (size_t)p->GetNvert();
310  double *x = new double[Nvert];
311  double *y = new double[Nvert];
312  for (size_t i = 0; i < Nvert; ++i) {
313  x[i] = p->GetX(i);
314  y[i] = p->GetY(i);
315  }
316  // check in which orientation the polygon in given
317  if (PlanarPolygon::GetOrientation(x, y, Nvert) > 0.) {
318  // std::cerr << "Points not given in clockwise order ... reordering \n";
319  for (size_t i = 0; i < Nvert; ++i) {
320  x[Nvert - 1 - i] = p->GetX(i);
321  y[Nvert - 1 - i] = p->GetY(i);
322  }
323  }
324  unplaced_volume = new UnplacedSExtruVolume(p->GetNvert(), x, y, p->GetZ()[0], p->GetZ()[1]);
325  }
326  }
328  // New volumes should be implemented here...
329  if (!unplaced_volume) {
330  printf("Unsupported shape for ROOT shape \"%s\" of type %s. "
331  "Using ROOT implementation.\n",
332  shape->GetName(), shape->ClassName());
333  return nullptr;
334  }
336  return ( unplaced_volume );
337 }
339 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
340 /// Compute bounding box.
343 {
344  fShape->ComputeBBox();
345 }
347 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 /// Returns analytic capacity of the solid
351 {
352  return fVGShape->Capacity();
353 }
355 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
356 /// Normal computation.
358 void TGeoVGShape::ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t */*dir*/, Double_t *norm)
359 {
360  vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t> vnorm;
361  fVGShape->Normal(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2]), vnorm);
362  norm[0] = vnorm.x(); norm[1] = vnorm.y(), norm[2] = vnorm.z();
363 }
365 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
366 /// Test if point is inside this shape.
369 {
370  return ( fVGShape->Contains(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2])) );
371 }
373 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
375 Double_t TGeoVGShape::DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t /*iact*/,
376  Double_t step, Double_t * /*safe*/) const
377 {
378  Double_t dist = fVGShape->DistanceToOut(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2]),
379  vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]), step);
380  return ( (dist < 0.)? 0. : dist );
381 }
383 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
385 Double_t TGeoVGShape::DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t /*iact*/,
386  Double_t step, Double_t * /*safe*/) const
387 {
388  Double_t dist = fVGShape->DistanceToIn(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2]),
389  vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(dir[0], dir[1], dir[2]), step);
390  return ( (dist < 0.)? 0. : dist );
391 }
393 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
396 {
397  Double_t safety = (in) ? fVGShape->SafetyToOut(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2]))
398  : fVGShape->SafetyToIn(vecgeom::cxx::Vector3D<Double_t>(point[0], point[1], point[2]));
399  return ( (safety < 0.)? 0. : safety );
400 }
402 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
403 /// Print info about the VecGeom solid
406 {
407  fVGShape->GetUnplacedVolume()->Print();
408  printf("\n");
409 }
Double_t GetPhi2() const
Definition: TGeoTube.h:149
Double_t GetDy2() const
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:59
std::string GetName(const std::string &scope_name)
Definition: Cppyy.cxx:145
Double_t GetTheta() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:124
double dist(Rotation3D const &r1, Rotation3D const &r2)
Definition: 3DDistances.cxx:48
Spherical shell class.
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:17
Bridge class for using a VecGeom solid as TGeoShape.
Definition: TGeoVGShape.h:30
Int_t GetNz() const
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:93
Cylindrical tube class.
Definition: TGeoTube.h:17
Double_t GetDphi() const
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:73
Double_t GetAlpha2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:133
Double_t * GetZ() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:79
Box class.
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:17
Double_t GetDphi() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:72
TGeoShape * GetLeftShape() const
Definition: TGeoBoolNode.h:80
Double_t GetPhi1() const
Definition: TGeoTube.h:148
virtual Double_t GetDX() const
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:70
Double_t GetDy() const
Definition: TGeoTrd1.h:57
Geometrical transformation package.
Definition: TGeoMatrix.h:40
virtual void InspectShape() const
Print info about the VecGeom solid.
A polycone.
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:17
virtual const Double_t * GetRotationMatrix() const =0
A polygone.
Definition: TGeoPgon.h:19
Double_t GetR() const
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:69
TGeoShape * fShape
Definition: TGeoVGShape.h:34
virtual Double_t Capacity() const
Returns analytic capacity of the solid.
Double_t GetPhi() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:125
Double_t GetPhi() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:66
Int_t GetNedges() const
Definition: TGeoPgon.h:81
virtual Double_t GetB() const
Definition: TGeoEltu.h:44
virtual Double_t GetRmax() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:68
Double_t GetRmin() const
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:70
Torus segment class.
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:17
Double_t fOrigin[3]
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:24
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
Double_t GetPhi1() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:160
virtual Double_t GetRmin2() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:75
Double_t GetDx2() const
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:57
Int_t GetNvert() const
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:94
virtual EGeoBoolType GetBooleanOperator() const =0
A shape scaled by a TGeoScale transformation.
void box(Int_t pat, Double_t x1, Double_t y1, Double_t x2, Double_t y2)
Definition: fillpatterns.C:1
virtual const Double_t * GetScale() const
Definition: TGeoMatrix.h:279
A trapezoid with only x length varying with z.
Definition: TGeoTrd1.h:17
Paraboloid class.
Double_t GetPhi2() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:72
virtual ~TGeoVGShape()
Definition: TGeoVGShape.cxx:73
Double_t GetDx2() const
Definition: TGeoTrd1.h:56
Double_t GetPhi2() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:161
Double_t GetPhi1() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:71
virtual Double_t GetRmax() const
Definition: TGeoTube.h:67
virtual const char * ClassName() const
Returns name of class to which the object belongs.
Definition: TObject.cxx:128
virtual void ComputeNormal(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Double_t *norm)
Normal computation.
Double_t x[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
A phi segment of a conical tube.
Definition: TGeoCone.h:98
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
TGeoMatrix * GetLeftMatrix() const
Definition: TGeoBoolNode.h:78
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Compute bounding box.
Int_t GetNz() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:73
static vecgeom::cxx::VPlacedVolume * CreateVecGeomSolid(TGeoShape *shape)
Conversion method to create VecGeom solid corresponding to TGeoShape.
Definition: TGeoVGShape.cxx:93
TRAP is a general trapezoid, i.e.
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:89
Double_t GetY(Int_t i) const
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:96
Double_t GetH2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:130
Double_t GetX(Int_t i) const
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:95
virtual Double_t DistFromOutside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const
Compute distance from outside point to surface of the box.
virtual Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:68
Class handling Boolean composition of shapes.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Get the shape name.
Definition: TGeoShape.cxx:248
A trapezoid with both x and y lengths varying with z.
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:17
Double_t * GetRmax() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:77
Parallelepiped class.
Definition: TGeoPara.h:17
Double_t GetX() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:61
Double_t * GetRmin() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:75
virtual Double_t GetRmin1() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:73
Double_t GetTheta1() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:69
Base abstract class for all shapes.
Definition: TGeoShape.h:25
ROOT::R::TRInterface & r
Definition: Object.C:4
virtual Double_t Safety(const Double_t *point, Bool_t in=kTRUE) const
Computes the closest distance from given point to this shape.
Double_t GetAlpha() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:64
Double_t GetY() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:62
virtual Double_t GetRmax1() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:74
Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:60
Double_t GetRhi() const
Double_t GetBl1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:127
virtual const Double_t * GetOrigin() const
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:73
vecgeom::cxx::VPlacedVolume * fVGShape
Definition: TGeoVGShape.h:33
Double_t GetBl2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:131
virtual Double_t GetDY() const
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:71
Double_t GetDz() const
void SetBoxDimensions(Double_t dx, Double_t dy, Double_t dz, Double_t *origin=0)
Set parameters of the box.
Definition: TGeoBBox.cxx:900
Double_t GetRlo() const
Double_t GetPhi1() const
Definition: TGeoPcon.h:71
Double_t GetRmax() const
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:71
An extrusion with fixed outline shape in x-y and a sequence of z extents (segments).
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:21
virtual Double_t DistFromInside(const Double_t *point, const Double_t *dir, Int_t iact=1, Double_t step=TGeoShape::Big(), Double_t *safe=0) const
Compute distance from inside point to surface of the box.
virtual Bool_t Contains(const Double_t *point) const
Test if point is inside this shape.
RooCmdArg Precision(Double_t prec)
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
Conical tube class.
Definition: TGeoCone.h:17
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
Double_t GetDy1() const
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:58
static TGeoVGShape * Create(TGeoShape *shape)
Factory creating TGeoVGShape from a Root shape.
Definition: TGeoVGShape.cxx:83
An arbitrary trapezoid with less than 8 vertices standing on two parallel planes perpendicular to Z a...
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:17
Double_t GetH1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:126
virtual void ComputeBBox()=0
virtual Double_t GetRmax2() const
Definition: TGeoCone.h:76
TGeoMatrix * GetRightMatrix() const
Definition: TGeoBoolNode.h:79
TGeoScale * GetScale() const
Double_t * GetZ() const
Definition: TGeoXtru.h:100
Double_t GetPhi1() const
Definition: TGeoTorus.h:72
Double_t GetDx1() const
Definition: TGeoTrd2.h:56
Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:63
Double_t GetTl1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:128
Base class for Boolean operations between two shapes.
Definition: TGeoBoolNode.h:24
Elliptical tube class.
Definition: TGeoEltu.h:17
virtual Double_t GetRmin() const
Definition: TGeoTube.h:66
double tan(double)
Double_t GetAlpha1() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:129
virtual Double_t GetA() const
Definition: TGeoEltu.h:43
TGeoShape * GetShape() const
Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoTrd1.h:58
Double_t GetTheta() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:65
Double_t GetZ() const
Definition: TGeoPara.h:63
Double_t GetDx1() const
Definition: TGeoTrd1.h:55
TGeoBoolNode * GetBoolNode() const
TGeoShape * GetRightShape() const
Definition: TGeoBoolNode.h:81
virtual const Double_t * GetTranslation() const =0
virtual Double_t GetRmin() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:67
virtual Double_t GetDz() const
Definition: TGeoTube.h:68
Double_t GetTl2() const
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:132
static vecgeom::cxx::Transformation3D * Convert(TGeoMatrix const *const geomatrix)
Convert a TGeoMatrix to a TRansformation3D.
virtual Double_t GetDZ() const
Definition: TGeoBBox.h:72
Double_t * GetVertices()
Definition: TGeoArb8.h:67
Double_t GetTheta2() const
Definition: TGeoSphere.h:70
A phi segment of a tube.
Definition: TGeoTube.h:88