NApplicationClassificationKeras | |
NApplicationRegressionKeras | |
Nbenchmarks | |
Nbent | |
NBidirMMapPipe_impl | Namespace for implementation details of BidirMMapPipe |
NClassificationKeras | |
Ncling | Print a TSeq at the prompt: |
NCppyy | |
NDavix | |
Ndemo | |
Ndemoshelp | |
NDynamicSlice | |
Nexample | |
Nfaddeeva_impl | |
Nfildir | |
Nfile | |
Nfillrandom | |
Nfirst | |
Nfit1 | |
Nfit1_py | |
NFitterUtil | Utility functions to be used in the fitter classes |
Nformula1 | |
Nframework | |
NGenerateModel | |
Ngeometry | |
Ngerrors | |
Ngraph | |
Ngui_ex | |
Nh1draw | |
NHFit | |
Nhsimple | |
Nhsum | |
NLegendre | |
Nlineset | |
Nllvm | |
NmakeQuickModel | |
NMath | Namespace for new Math classes and functions |
NmathcoreStatFunc | |
NMemstat | |
NMPCode | This namespace prevents conflicts between MPCode::kError and ELogLevel::kError |
Nmrt | |
NMulticlassKeras | |
Nmultifit | |
Nna49geomfile | |
Nna49view | |
Nna49visible | |
Nntuple1 | |
NnumberEntry | |
Nparse_CSV_file_with_TTree_ReadStream | |
►NPyROOT | |
NPyStrings | |
NUtility | |
Nqtexample | |
NR6 | |
NR7 | |
Nratioplot | |
Nratioplot1 | |
Nratioplot2 | |
Nratioplot3 | |
Nratioplot4 | |
Nratioplot5 | |
Nratioplot6 | |
►NRcpp | This is a class to support deprecated method to pass function to R's Environment, based in Rcpp::InternalFunction |
Ntraits | |
NRegressionKeras | |
►NRgl | |
NFgt | |
NMc | |
NPad | |
NRooCintUtils | |
NRooFit | |
NRooFitShortHand | |
NRooLinkedListImplDetails | |
NRooSimultaneousAux | |
►NRooStats | Namespace for the RooStats classes |
►NHistFactory | |
NConstraint | |
NNumberCountingUtils | |
►NROOT | Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions |
NCocoaTutorials | |
►NDetail | |
►NTDF | |
NTCCHelperTypes | |
NExecutorUtils | This namespace contains pre-defined functions to be used in conjuction with TExecutor::Map and TExecutor::MapReduce |
►NExperimental | |
NDetail | |
NHist | |
►NInternal | |
NDetail | |
NTDF | |
►NFit | Namespace for the fitting classes |
NFitUtil | Namespace defining utility free functions using in Fit for evaluating the various fit method functions (chi2, likelihood, etc..) given the data and the model function |
NHFitInterface | |
NGLTutorials | |
►NInternal | |
NExecutorUtils | |
NTDF | |
NTThreadedObjectUtils | |
►NMacOSX | |
NDetails | |
NOpenGL | |
NUtil | |
►NX11 | |
NDetail | |
►NMath | |
NBlas | |
NBrentMethods | |
NCephes | |
NChebyshev | Template recursive functions for defining evaluation of Chebyshev polynomials T_n(x) and the series S(x) = Sum_i c_i* T_i(x) |
NCholeskyDecompHelpers | Helpers for CholeskyDecomp |
Ndetail | |
NGenAlgoOptUtil | |
NGenVector | |
NGenVector_detail | |
NGSLRootHelper | Helper functions to test convergence of Root-Finding algorithms |
NGSLSimAn | |
Ngv_detail | |
NImpl | |
NIntegMultiDim | |
NIntegOneDim | |
NIntegOptionsUtil | |
NIntegration | |
NIntegrationMultiDim | |
NIntegrationOneDim | |
NInternal | |
NInterpolation | |
NMCIntegration | |
NMinim | |
NMinim1D | |
NRoots | Root-Finding Algorithms |
NrowOffsetsUtils | |
NSampler | |
NUtil | Namespace defining Utility functions needed by mathcore |
NVectorUtil | Global Helper functions for generic Vector classes |
NMathMore | |
►NMeta | |
NSelection | |
NMinuit | |
NMinuit2 | |
NQuartz | |
NR | Namespace associated R package for ROOT |
NTF1Helper | |
NTMetaUtils | |
NTreeUtils | |
NTThreadedObjectUtils | |
NTypeTraits | ROOT type_traits extensions |
►Nv5 | |
NTFastFun | |
Nrootmarks | |
NROOTwriter | |
Nshapes | |
Nsqlio | |
Nstaff | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
►N__ROOT | |
Ndetail | |
Nsurfaces | |
Ntbb | |
NTClassEdit | |
Ntdf001_introduction | |
Ntdf002_dataModel | |
Ntdf003_profiles | |
Ntdf004_cutFlowReport | |
Ntdf006_ranges | |
Ntdf007_snapshot | |
Ntdf008_createDataSetFromScratch | |
Ntdf010_trivialDataSource | |
Ntdf011_ROOTDataSource | |
Ntdf012_DefinesAndFiltersAsStrings | |
Ntdf014_CSVDataSource | |
Ntest | |
NTGeoUnit | |
NtimeSeriesFromCSV | |
NTMath | |
NTMatrixTCramerInv | |
NTMatrixTSymCramerInv | |
►NTMVA | Abstract ClassifierFactory template that handles arbitrary types |
►NDNN | |
NBlas | |
NExperimental | |
NkNN | |
NTMVAGlob | |
Ntornado | |
Ntree | |
NTStreamerInfoActions | |
Ntwoscales | |
►Nvecgeom | |
Ncxx | |
Nwriter | |
Nxmlio | |
NXPD | |
NXrdCl | |
Nzdemo | |
Nzones | |