▼Core ROOT classes | The Core classes of ROOT |
Base ROOT classes | The Base classes of ROOT |
Containers | The containers and generators the ROOT framework offers |
▼Geometry | The Geometry related packages |
GDML tools | GDML tools for geometry classes |
CAD converters | Classes to convert geometries to CAD systems |
Geometry classes | The Geometry related classes |
Geometry builder | The Geometry builder related classes |
Geometry painter | The Geometry painter, checker, overlap and track related classes |
▼Graphics | The graphics related classes |
►Graphics' Backends | Graphics' Backends interface classes |
Cocoa backend | Interface to MacOS native graphics system |
Win32 backend | Interface to Windows graphics |
X11 backend | Interface to X11 graphics |
►2D Graphics | The 2D graphics related classes |
libAfterImage interface | Classes interfacing to libAfterImage |
FITS file | Interface to FITS file |
Graphics pad | The TPad related classes |
Basic graphics | The low level graphics classes |
graphviz interface | Interface to the graphing package graphviz |
Graphics file output | Interfaces to various file output formats |
Graphics attributes | The graphics attributes related classes |
►3D Graphics | The 3D graphics related classes |
Event Display | The Event Display classes |
Basic 3D graphics. | The basic 3D classes |
OpenGL rendering | OpenGL rendering and utility classes |
TPad coordinate systems | These define typesafe coordinates used by TPad to identify which coordinate system a coordinate is referring to |
▼Histogram Library | A general description of the Histogram library is documented in the class TH1 |
Histograms and graphs painting classes. | |
Advanced spectra processing classes. | |
TSpectrum painting class. | |
TUnfold classes | |
Input/Output Library | The library collecting the ROOT classes dedicated to data input and output |
▼Math | The ROOT Mathematical Libraries |
GenVector | Generic 2D, 3D and 4D vectors classes and their transformations (rotations) |
►MathCore | The Core Mathematical Library of ROOT. See the MathCore description page |
►Fitting and Parameter Estimation | Classes used for fitting (regression analysis) and estimation of parameter values given a data sample |
Fit Method Classes | Classes describing Fit Method functions |
Fit Data Classes | Classes for describing the input data for fitting |
User Fitting classes | Main Classes used for fitting a given data set |
►Random Classes | Pseudo-random numbers generator classes and for generation of random number distributions |
QuasiRandom number generators and distributions | Classes for generating QuasiRandom numbers and based on GSL |
►Function Classes and Interfaces | Interfaces (abstract classes) and Base classes used in MathCore and MathMore numerical methods for describing function classes |
►Generic Function Evaluation Interfaces | Interface classes for evaluation of function object classes in one or multi-dimensions |
Internal Functor Classes | Internal classes for implementing Functor and Functor1D classes |
Parameteric Function Evaluation Interfaces. | Interfaces classes for evaluation of parametric functions |
►Numerical Algorithms | Numerical Algorithm classes from the MathCore Library and MathMore Library libraries |
One-dimensional Minimization | Classes for one-dimensional minimization |
►Numerical Integration | Classes for numerical integration of functions |
Numerical Monte Carlo Integration Classes | Classes implementing method for Monte Carlo Integration |
Multi-dimensional Minimization | Classes implementing algorithms for multi-dimensional minimization |
Numerical Differentiation | Classes for numerical differentiation |
One-dimensional Root-Finding | Classes implementing algorithms for finding the roots of a one-dimensional function |
Function Approximation (ChebyshevApprox) | Numerical algorithm from the MathMore library and implemented using the GSL library |
Multidimensional ROOT finding | Classes for finding the roots of a multi-dimensional system |
Interpolation Classes | Classes for interpolation of points |
►Statistical functions | Probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and their inverses (quantiles) for various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete) |
Probability Density Functions (PDF) | Probability density functions of various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete) |
Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) | Cumulative distribution functions of various distributions |
Statistical functions from truncated distributions | Statistical functions for the truncated distributions |
Quantile Functions | Inverse functions of the cumulative distribution functions and the inverse of the complement of the cumulative distribution functions for various distributions |
Special functions | Special mathematical functions |
►MathMore | The Mathematical library providing some advanced functionality and based on GSL. See the MathMore Library page |
►Numerical Algorithms | Numerical Algorithm classes from the MathCore Library and MathMore Library libraries |
One-dimensional Minimization | Classes for one-dimensional minimization |
►Numerical Integration | Classes for numerical integration of functions |
Numerical Monte Carlo Integration Classes | Classes implementing method for Monte Carlo Integration |
Multi-dimensional Minimization | Classes implementing algorithms for multi-dimensional minimization |
Numerical Differentiation | Classes for numerical differentiation |
One-dimensional Root-Finding | Classes implementing algorithms for finding the roots of a one-dimensional function |
Function Approximation (ChebyshevApprox) | Numerical algorithm from the MathMore library and implemented using the GSL library |
Multidimensional ROOT finding | Classes for finding the roots of a multi-dimensional system |
Interpolation Classes | Classes for interpolation of points |
►Statistical functions | Probability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and their inverses (quantiles) for various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete) |
Probability Density Functions (PDF) | Probability density functions of various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete) |
Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) | Cumulative distribution functions of various distributions |
Statistical functions from truncated distributions | Statistical functions for the truncated distributions |
Quantile Functions | Inverse functions of the cumulative distribution functions and the inverse of the complement of the cumulative distribution functions for various distributions |
Special functions | Special mathematical functions |
QuasiRandom number generators and distributions | Classes for generating QuasiRandom numbers and based on GSL |
Matrix Linear Algebra | The ROOT Matrix Linear Algebra classes |
TMinuit | The Minuit Minimization package |
Minuit2 Minimization Library | New Object-oriented implementation of the MINUIT minimization package |
Physics Vectors | The Physics Vectors classes |
►SMatrix | SMatrix Package for high performance vector and matrix computations |
Expression Template Classes | |
Generic Template Functions | These functions apply for any type T, such as a scalar, a vector or a matrix |
Vector Template Functions | These functions apply to SVector types (and also to Vector expressions) and can return a vector expression or a scalar, like in the Dot product, or a matrix, like in the Tensor product |
Matrix Template Functions | These function apply to matrices (and also Matrix expression) and can return a matrix expression of a particular defined type, like in the matrix multiplication or a vector, like in the matrix-vector product or a scalar like in the Similarity vector-matrix product |
SMatrix Storage Representation | |
Matrix and Vector classes | Classes representing Matrices and Vectors of arbitrary type and dimension |
Unuran | |
▼Monte Carlo | The Monte Carlo related packages |
EG | Particle Data Group interface |
Pythia6 | The Pythia6 interface |
Pythia8 | The Pythia8 interface |
VMC | Virtual Monte Carlo |
▼PROOF | Classes defining the Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, a framework for parallel analysis of ROOT TTrees |
PROOF kernel Libraries | The PROOF kernel libraries (libProof, libProofPlayer, libProofDraw) contain the classes defining the kernel of the PROOF facility, i.e |
PROOF benchmark utilities | Set of utilities to benchmark a PROOF facility |
XProofD client Library | The XProofD client library, libProofx, contain the classes providing the client to interact with the XRootD-based xproofd daemon |
TMVA | The Multi Variate Analysis package |
RooFit | RooFit toolkit classes |
RooFitCore | Core RooFit classes |
RooStats | RooStats toolkit classes |
Tree Library | To store large quantities of same-class objects, ROOT provides the TTree and TNtuple classes |
DataFrame | ROOT's TDataFrame allows to analyse data stored in TTrees with a high level interface |
▼Tutorials | A collection of macros illustrating many aspect of ROOT |
Tutorials specific to Mac/Cocoa | Various examples showing graphics done with the Mac graphics system Cocoa. These examples run only on Mac/Os |
Containers tutorials | Examples showing the "containers' classes" usage. |
Data Frame tutorials | These examples show the functionalities of the TDataFrame class |
Event display tutorials | Examples showing the "Event display classes" usage. |
Fast Fourier Transforms tutorials | Example showing the Fast Fourier Transforms interface in ROOT |
Fit Tutorials | These tutorials illustrate the main fitting features. Their names are related to the aspect which is treated in the code |
FITS files interface tutorials | Examples showing the FITS file interface |
FOAM tutorials | Examples showing how to use FOAM |
Geometry tutorials | Various ROOT geometry package examples |
OpenGL tutorials | Various examples showing the OpenGL graphics in ROOT |
Graphics tutorials | Various examples showing the basic ROOT graphics |
Graphs tutorials | Examples showing the "graphs classes" usage. |
GUI tutorials | Example code which illustrates how to use the ROOT GUI |
Histograms tutorials | Examples showing the "histograms' classes" usage. |
HTTP tutorials | Examples showing the HTTP interface |
Image tutorials | Examples showing the TImage class usage |
IO tutorials | These tutorials illustrate some of the capabilities of the ROOT IO subsystem |
Math tutorials | Examples showing the Math classes |
Matrix tutorials | Examples showing how to use TMatrix |
Monte Carlo tutorials | Monte Carlo examples |
TMemStat tutorials | Examples showing the TMemStat class |
Multi Layer Perceptron tutorials | Examples showing the Multi Layer Perceptron classes |
Multicore tutorials | These examples aim to illustrate the multicore features of ROOT, such as thread awareness and safety, multithreading and multiprocessing |
Net tutorials | Examples showing the net classes |
Physics tutorials | Physics examples |
►Proof tutorials | These examples aim to illustrate the usage of PROOF |
ProcFileElements | Class to hold information about the processed elements of a file |
ProofAux | Selector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials |
ProofEvent | Selector for generic processing with Event |
ProofEventProc | Selector to process trees containing Event structures |
ProofFriends | Selector to process tree friends |
ProofNtuple | Selector to fill a simple ntuple |
ProofPythia | Selector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8 |
ProofSimple | Selector to fill a set of histograms |
ProofSimpleFile | Selector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file |
ProofStdVec | Selector for generic processing with stdlib collections |
ProofTests | Auxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality |
PyRoot tutorials | Examples showing how to write python script for Root |
Pythia tutorials | Examples showing the pythia usage |
Quadratic programming package. | Example showing the use of the quadratic programming package quadp |
R tutorials | Examples showing the R interface |
RooFit Tutorials | These tutorials illustrate the main features of RooFit. Their names are related to the aspect which is treated in the code |
RooStats Tutorials | These tutorials illustrate the main features of RooStats |
Spectrum tutorials | Examples showing the TSpectrum and TSpectrumPainter usage |
TSPlot tutorials | This tutorial illustrates the use of class TSPlot |
SQL tutorials | Examples showing the SQL classes |
Thread tutorials | Thread examples |
TMVA tutorials | Example code which illustrates how to use the TMVA toolkit |
Tree tutorials | Example code which illustrates how to use ROOT trees and ntuples |
TUnfold tutorials | Test programs for the classes TUnfold and related |
Unuran tutorials | Examples showing unuran capabilities |
ROOT 7 tutorials | Various examples showing the ROOT 7 interface |
XML tutorials | XML examples |
R Interface for Statistical Computing | |