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Reference Guide
mp_H1_lambdas.C File Reference

Detailed Description

View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Lambdas used to check and fit the result of the H1 analysis.

Used by mp104_processH1.C, mp105_processEntryList.C and roottest/root/multicore/tProcessExecutorH1Test.C

// This function is used to check the result of the H1 analysis
auto checkH1 = [](TList *out) {
// Make sure the output list is there
if (!out) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: output list not found\n";
return -1;
// Check the 'hdmd' histo
TH1F *hdmd = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(out->FindObject("hdmd"));
if (!hdmd) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'hdmd' histo not found\n";
return -1;
if ((Int_t)(hdmd->GetEntries()) != 7525) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'hdmd' histo: wrong number"
" of entries ("
<< (Int_t)(hdmd->GetEntries()) << ": expected 7525) \n";
return -1;
if (TMath::Abs((hdmd->GetMean() - 0.15512023) / 0.15512023) > 0.001) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'hdmd' histo: wrong mean (" << hdmd->GetMean()
<< ": expected 0.15512023) \n";
return -1;
TH2F *h2 = dynamic_cast<TH2F *>(out->FindObject("h2"));
if (!h2) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'h2' histo not found\n";
return -1;
if ((Int_t)(h2->GetEntries()) != 7525) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'h2' histo: wrong number"
" of entries ("
<< (Int_t)(h2->GetEntries()) << ": expected 7525) \n";
return -1;
if (TMath::Abs((h2->GetMean() - 0.15245688) / 0.15245688) > 0.001) {
std::cout << "checkH1 >>> Test failure: 'h2' histo: wrong mean (" << h2->GetMean() << ": expected 0.15245688) \n";
return -1;
// Done
return 0;
// This function is used to fit the result of the analysis with graphics
auto doFit = [](TList *out, const char *lfn = 0) -> Int_t {
if (lfn) gSystem->RedirectOutput(lfn, "a", &redH);
auto hdmd = dynamic_cast<TH1F *>(out->FindObject("hdmd"));
auto h2 = dynamic_cast<TH2F *>(out->FindObject("h2"));
// function called at the end of the event loop
if (hdmd == 0 || h2 == 0) {
std::cout << "doFit: hdmd = " << hdmd << " , h2 = " << h2 << "\n";
return -1;
if (lfn) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redH);
// create the canvas for the h1analysis fit
TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "h1analysis analysis", 10, 10, 800, 600);
hdmd->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("m_{K#pi#pi} - m_{K#pi}[GeV/c^{2}]");
// fit histogram hdmd with function f5 using the log-likelihood option
if (gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("f5")) delete gROOT->GetFunction("f5");
auto fdm5 = [](Double_t *xx, Double_t *par) -> Double_t {
const Double_t dxbin = (0.17 - 0.13) / 40; // Bin-width
Double_t x = xx[0];
if (x <= 0.13957) return 0;
Double_t xp3 = (x - par[3]) * (x - par[3]);
Double_t res = dxbin * (par[0] * TMath::Power(x - 0.13957, par[1]) +
par[2] / 2.5066 / par[4] * TMath::Exp(-xp3 / 2 / par[4] / par[4]));
return res;
TF1 *f5 = new TF1("f5", fdm5, 0.139, 0.17, 5);
f5->SetParameters(1000000, .25, 2000, .1454, .001);
hdmd->Fit("f5", "lr");
// Check the result of the fit
Double_t ref_f5[4] = {959915.0, 0.351114, 1185.03, 0.145569};
for (int i : {0, 1, 2, 3}) {
if ((TMath::Abs((f5->GetParameters())[i] - ref_f5[i]) / ref_f5[i]) > 0.001) {
std::cout << "\n >>> Test failure: fit to 'f5': parameter '" << f5->GetParName(i) << "' has wrong value ("
<< (f5->GetParameters())[i] << ": expected" << ref_f5[i] << ") \n";
if (lfn) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redH);
return -1;
// create the canvas for tau d0
TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas("c2", "tauD0", 100, 100, 800, 600);
// Project slices of 2-d histogram h2 along X , then fit each slice
// with function f2 and make a histogram for each fit parameter
// Note that the generated histograms are added to the list of objects
// in the current directory.
if (gROOT->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("f2")) delete gROOT->GetFunction("f2");
auto fdm2 = [](Double_t *xx, Double_t *par) -> Double_t {
const Double_t dxbin = (0.17 - 0.13) / 40; // Bin-width
const Double_t sigma = 0.0012;
Double_t x = xx[0];
if (x <= 0.13957) return 0;
Double_t xp3 = (x - 0.1454) * (x - 0.1454);
Double_t res = dxbin * (par[0] * TMath::Power(x - 0.13957, 0.25) +
par[1] / 2.5066 / sigma * TMath::Exp(-xp3 / 2 / sigma / sigma));
return res;
TF1 *f2 = new TF1("f2", fdm2, 0.139, 0.17, 2);
f2->SetParameters(10000, 10);
// Restrict to three bins in this example
std::cout << "doFit: restricting fit to two bins only in this example...\n";
h2->FitSlicesX(f2, 10, 20, 10, "g5 l");
// Check the result of the fit
Double_t ref_f2[2] = {52432.2, 105.481};
for (int i : {0, 1}) {
if ((TMath::Abs((f2->GetParameters())[i] - ref_f2[i]) / ref_f2[i]) > 0.001) {
std::cout << "\n >>> Test failure: fit to 'f2': parameter '" << f2->GetParName(i) << "' has wrong value ("
<< (f2->GetParameters())[i] << ": expected" << ref_f2[i] << ") \n";
if (lfn) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redH);
return -1;
TH1D *h2_1 = (TH1D *)gDirectory->Get("h2_1");
TLine *line = new TLine(0, 0, 0, c2->GetUymax());
// Have the number of entries on the first histogram (to cross check when running
// with entry lists)
TPaveStats *psdmd = (TPaveStats *)hdmd->GetListOfFunctions()->FindObject("stats");
if (lfn) gSystem->RedirectOutput(0, 0, &redH);
return 0;
// This is the function invoked during the processing of the trees.
auto doH1 = [](TTreeReader &reader) {
// Histograms
auto hdmd = new TH1F("hdmd", "Dm_d", 40, 0.13, 0.17);
auto h2 = new TH2F("h2", "ptD0 vs Dm_d", 30, 0.135, 0.165, 30, -3, 6);
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fPtds_d(reader, "ptds_d");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fEtads_d(reader, "etads_d");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fPtd0_d(reader, "ptd0_d");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fRpd0_t(reader, "rpd0_t");
TTreeReaderArray<Int_t> fNhitrp(reader, "nhitrp");
TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> fRstart(reader, "rstart");
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> fNjets(reader, "njets");
while (reader.Next()) {
// Return as soon as a bad entry is detected
if (TMath::Abs(*fMd0_d - 1.8646) >= 0.04) continue;
if (*fPtds_d <= 2.5) continue;
if (TMath::Abs(*fEtads_d) >= 1.5) continue;
(*fIk)--; // original fIk used f77 convention starting at 1
if (fNhitrp.At(*fIk) * fNhitrp.At(*fIpi) <= 1) continue;
if (fRend.At(*fIk) - fRstart.At(*fIk) <= 22) continue;
if (fRend.At(*fIpi) - fRstart.At(*fIpi) <= 22) continue;
if (fNlhk.At(*fIk) <= 0.1) continue;
if (fNlhpi.At(*fIpi) <= 0.1) continue;
if (fNlhpi.At(*fIpis) <= 0.1) continue;
if (*fNjets < 1) continue;
// Fill the histograms
h2->Fill(*fDm_d, *fRpd0_t / 0.029979 * 1.8646 / *fPtd0_d);
// Return a list
auto l = new TList;
return l;
// This is the function invoked during the processing of the trees to create a TEntryList
auto doH1fillList = [](TTreeReader &reader) {
// Entry list
auto elist = new TEntryList("elist", "H1 selection from Cut");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fPtds_d(reader, "ptds_d");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fEtads_d(reader, "etads_d");
TTreeReaderArray<Int_t> fNhitrp(reader, "nhitrp");
TTreeReaderArray<Float_t> fRstart(reader, "rstart");
TTreeReaderValue<Int_t> fNjets(reader, "njets");
while (reader.Next()) {
// Return as soon as a bad entry is detected
if (TMath::Abs(*fMd0_d - 1.8646) >= 0.04) continue;
if (*fPtds_d <= 2.5) continue;
if (TMath::Abs(*fEtads_d) >= 1.5) continue;
(*fIk)--; // original fIk used f77 convention starting at 1
if (fNhitrp.At(*fIk) * fNhitrp.At(*fIpi) <= 1) continue;
if (fRend.At(*fIk) - fRstart.At(*fIk) <= 22) continue;
if (fRend.At(*fIpi) - fRstart.At(*fIpi) <= 22) continue;
if (fNlhk.At(*fIk) <= 0.1) continue;
if (fNlhpi.At(*fIpi) <= 0.1) continue;
if (fNlhpi.At(*fIpis) <= 0.1) continue;
if (*fNjets < 1) continue;
// Fill the entry list
elist->Enter(reader.GetCurrentEntry(), reader.GetTree());
return elist;
// This is the function invoked during the processing of the trees using a TEntryList
auto doH1useList = [](TTreeReader &reader) {
// Histograms
auto hdmd = new TH1F("hdmd", "Dm_d", 40, 0.13, 0.17);
auto h2 = new TH2F("h2", "ptD0 vs Dm_d", 30, 0.135, 0.165, 30, -3, 6);
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fPtd0_d(reader, "ptd0_d");
TTreeReaderValue<Float_t> fRpd0_t(reader, "rpd0_t");
while (reader.Next()) {
// Fill the histograms
h2->Fill(*fDm_d, *fRpd0_t / 0.029979 * 1.8646 / *fPtd0_d);
// Return a list
auto l = new TList;
return l;
Gerardo Ganis

Definition in file mp_H1_lambdas.C.