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Reference Guide
fit Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for fit:


file  combinedFit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Combined (simultaneous) fit of two histogram with separate functions and some common parameters
file  ConfidenceIntervals.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Illustrates TVirtualFitter::GetConfidenceIntervals This method computes confidence intervals for the fitted function
file  ErrorIntegral.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Estimate the error in the integral of a fitted function taking into account the errors in the parameters resulting from the fit.
file  exampleFit3D.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN example of fitting a 3D function Typical multidimensional parametric regression where the predictor depends on 3 variables
file  fit1.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Simple fitting example (1-d histogram with an interpreted function)
file  fit2.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fitting a 2-D histogram This tutorial illustrates :
file  fit2a.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fitting a 2-D histogram (a variant) This tutorial illustrates :
file  fit2d.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating how to fit a 2-d histogram of type y=f(x)
file  fit2dHist.C [code]
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file  fitCircle.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Generate points distributed with some errors around a circle Fit a circle through the points and draw To run the script, do, eg
file  fitcont.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example illustrating how to draw the n-sigma contour of a Minuit fit.
file  fitConvolution.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial for convolution of two functions
file  fitEllipseTGraphDLSF.cxx [code]
file  fitEllipseTGraphRMM.cxx [code]
file  fitExclude.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Illustrates how to fit excluding points in a given range.
file  fithist.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of fit where the model is histogram + function
file  fitLinear.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of fitting with a linear function, using TLinearFitter This example is for a TGraphErrors, but it can also be used when fitting a histogram, a TGraph2D or a TMultiGraph
file  fitLinear2.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fit a 5d hyperplane by n points, using the linear fitter directly
file  fitLinearRobust.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN This tutorial shows how the least trimmed squares regression, included in the TLinearFitter class, can be used for fitting in cases when the data contains outliers.
file  fitMultiGraph.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN fitting a parabola to a multigraph of 3 partly overlapping graphs with different errors
file  fitNormSum.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Tutorial for normalized sum of two functions Here: a background exponential and a crystalball function Parameters can be set:
file  fitpanel_playback.C [code]
 This file will test all the transient frames (aka Dialog windows) displayed in the fitpanel, as the rest of the functionality is tried automatically with the UnitTest.C unit.
file  fitslicesy.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Illustrates how to use the TH1::FitSlicesY function It uses the TH2F histogram generated in macro hsimple.C It invokes FitSlicesY and draw the fitted "mean" and "sigma" in 2 sepate pads.
file  FittingDemo.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example for fitting signal/background.
file  graph2dfit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fitting a TGraph2D
file  Ifit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example of a program to fit non-equidistant data points
file  langaus.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Convoluted Landau and Gaussian Fitting Function (using ROOT's Landau and Gauss functions)
file  line3Dfit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fitting of a TGraph2D with a 3D straight line
file  minuit2FitBench.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Demonstrate performance and usage of Minuit2 and Fumili2 for monodimensional fits.
file  minuit2FitBench2D.C [code]
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file  minuit2GausFit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Perform fits with different configurations using Minuit2
file  multidimfit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Multi-Dimensional Parametrisation and Fitting
file  multifit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Fitting multiple functions to different ranges of a 1-D histogram Example showing how to fit in a sub-range of an histogram An histogram is created and filled with the bin contents and errors defined in the table below.
file  myfit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Get in memory an histogram from a root file and fit a user defined function.
file  NumericalMinimization.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example on how to use the new Minimizer class in ROOT Show usage with all the possible minimizers.
file  qa2.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Test generation of random numbers distributed according to a function defined by the user
file  TestBinomial.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Perform a fit to a set of data with binomial errors like those derived from the division of two histograms.
file  TwoHistoFit2D.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN Example to fit two histograms at the same time.
file  vectorizedFit.C [code]
  View in nbviewer Open in SWAN use it for fitting an histogram