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1 // @(#)root/gviz3d:$Id$
2 // Author: Tomasz Sosnicki 18/09/09
4 /************************************************************************
5 * Copyright (C) 1995-2009, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
6 * All rights reserved. *
7 * *
8 * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
9 * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
10 *************************************************************************/
12 #include "TStructViewer.h"
13 #include "TStructNodeProperty.h"
14 #include "TStructViewerGUI.h"
15 #include "TStructNode.h"
17 #include <TDataMember.h>
19 #include <TClassEdit.h>
20 #include <vector>
24 class TA {
25 public:
26  virtual ~TA() {}
27 };
29 //________________________________________________________________________
30 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
31 //
32 // TStructViewer viewer represents class, struct or other type as an object in 3D space.
33 // At the top of the scene we can see objects which is our pointer. Under it we see
34 // pointers and collection elements. Collection must inherit from TCollection
35 // or be STL collecion.
36 //
37 // We can change the number of visible levels or objects on the scene with the GUI or
38 // methods. The size of geometry objects is proportional to the memory taken by this object
39 // or to the number of members inside this object.
40 //
41 // An easy way to find some class in the viewer is to change the color of the type.
42 // We can connect for example a TF2 class with red color or connect all classes
43 // inheriting from TF2 by adding plus to name. For example typename "TF2+" tells us
44 // that all classes inheriting from TF2 will be red.
45 //
46 // Navigation in viewer is very simple like in usual GLViewer. When you put the mouse over
47 // some object you can see some information about it (e.g. name, size, actual level).
48 // When you double click this object, it becames top object on scene.
49 // Undo and redo operation are supported.
50 //
51 // Begin_Html
52 // <p> In this picture we can see TStructViewer with pointer to TList which contains
53 // other collections and objects of various classes</p>
54 // <img src="gif/TStructViewer1.jpg">
55 // End_Html
56 //
57 // Begin_Html
58 // <p> Other screenshot presents opened TStructNodeEditor</p>
59 // <img src="gif/TStructViewer2.jpg">
60 // End_Html
61 //
62 //
63 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
66 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
67 /// Default constructor. An argument "ptr" is a main pointer of type "clname", which should be shown in the viewer
69 TStructViewer::TStructViewer(void* ptr, const char * clname)
70 {
71  fPointer = NULL;
72  fPointerClass = NULL;
73  fTopNode = NULL;
75  // add default color
76  fColors.Add(new TStructNodeProperty("+", 17));
78  // creating GUI
79  fGUI = new TStructViewerGUI(this, NULL, &fColors);
81  SetPointer(ptr, clname);
82 }
84 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
85 /// Destructor. Clean all object after closing the viewer
88 {
89  Reset();
90  fColors.SetOwner();
91  fColors.Clear();
92 }
94 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
95 /// Find list with nodes on specified level and add node to this list and increment list of sizes and list of members
98 {
99  TList* list = (TList*)fLevelArray[node->GetLevel()];
100  // if list doesn't exist -> create one
101  if(!list) {
102  fLevelArray[node->GetLevel()] = list = new TList();
103  }
104  list->Add(node);
106  // increase number of members on this level
107  fLevelMembersCount(node->GetLevel())++;
108  // increase size of this level
109  fLevelSize(node->GetLevel()) += size;
110 }
112 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
113 /// Count allocated memory, increase member counters, find child nodes
115 void TStructViewer::CountMembers(TClass* cl, TStructNode* parent, void* pointer)
116 {
117  if(!cl) {
118  return;
119  }
121  if (cl->InheritsFrom(TClass::Class())) {
122  return;
123  }
125  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
127  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
128  // Set up list of RealData so TClass doesn't create a new object itself
129  cl->BuildRealData(parent->GetPointer());
130  TIter it(cl->GetListOfDataMembers());
131  TDataMember* dm;
132  while ((dm = (TDataMember*) it() ))
133  {
134  // increase counters in parent node
135  parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + 1);
136  parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);
138  if (dm->Property() & kIsStatic) {
139  continue;
140  }
143  void* ptr = NULL;
145  if(dm->IsaPointer()) {
146  TString trueTypeName = dm->GetTrueTypeName();
148  // skip if pointer to pointer
149  if(trueTypeName.EndsWith("**")) {
150  continue;
151  }
153  if (!pointer) {
154  continue;
155  }
157  void** pptr = (void**)((ULong_t)pointer + dm->GetOffset());
158  ptr = *pptr;
160  if (!ptr) {
161  continue;
162  }
164  if(fPointers.GetValue((ULong_t)ptr)) {
165  continue;
166  } else {
167  fPointers.Add((ULong_t)ptr, (ULong_t)ptr);
168  }
170  ULong_t size = 0;
171  if (TClass* cl2 = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName())) {
172  size = cl2->Size();
173  }
175  if(size == 0) {
176  size = dm->GetUnitSize();
177  }
179  ENodeType type;
180  if(dm->GetDataType()) { // pointer to basic type
181  type = kBasic;
182  } else {
183  type = kClass;
184  }
186  // creating TStructNode
187  TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(dm->GetName(), dm->GetTypeName(), ptr, parent, size, type);
188  AddNode(node, size);
190  CountMembers(TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName()), node, ptr);
192  // total size = size of parent + size of nodes daughters
193  parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize() - size);
194  // all members of node = all nodes of parent + nodes of daughter - 1 because node is added twice
195  parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount() - 1);
196  } else {
197  ptr = (void*)((ULong_t)pointer + dm->GetOffset());
199  if (!ptr) {
200  continue;
201  }
202  CountMembers(TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName()), parent, ptr);
203  }
205  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
207  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
208  if (dm->IsSTLContainer()) {
209  parent->SetNodeType(kSTLCollection);
211  //it works only for pointer in std object (not pointer)
212  TClass* stlClass = TClass::GetClass(dm->GetTypeName());
213  if (!stlClass) {
214  continue;
215  }
217  TVirtualCollectionProxy* proxy = stlClass->GetCollectionProxy();
218  if (!proxy) {
219  continue;
220  }
221  TVirtualCollectionProxy::TPushPop helper(proxy, ptr);
223  UInt_t count = proxy->Size();
224  parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + count);
226  if (!proxy->HasPointers() || proxy->GetType() != kNoType_t) { // only objects or pointers to basic type
227  parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + count * proxy->Sizeof());
228  parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + count);
229  } else {
230  TClass* clProxy = proxy->GetValueClass();
231  TString name;
232  TString typeName;
233  // get size of element
234  ULong_t size = 0;
235  if (clProxy) {
236  name = clProxy->GetName();
237  typeName = clProxy->GetName();
238  size = clProxy->Size();
239  } else {
240  continue;
241  }
243  // if there is no dictionary
244  if (size == 0) {
245  size = proxy->Sizeof();
246  }
248  // searching pointer to pointer
249  Bool_t ptp = kFALSE;
250  std::vector<std::string> parts;
251  int loc;
252  TClassEdit::GetSplit(dm->GetTypeName(), parts, loc);
253  std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iPart = parts.begin();
254  while (iPart != parts.end() && *iPart == "")
255  ++iPart;
256  if (iPart != parts.end() && *iPart != dm->GetTypeName()) {
257  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iP = iPart,
258  iPE = parts.end(); iP != iPE; ++iP) {
259  if (TString(TClassEdit::ResolveTypedef(iP->c_str(), true).c_str()).EndsWith("**")){
260  ptp = kTRUE;
261  break;
262  }
263  }
264  }
265  if (ptp) {
266  continue;
267  }
270  void* element;
271  for (UInt_t i = 0; i < count ; i++) {
272  element = *(void**)proxy->At(i);
274  if (!element) {
275  continue;
276  }
277  if (clProxy->IsTObject()) {
278  name = ((TObject*) element)->GetName();
279  }
281  // create node
282  TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(name, typeName, element, parent, size, kClass);
283  // add addition information
284  AddNode(node, size);
285  // increase parents counter
286  parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);
288  CountMembers(clProxy, node, element);
289  parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize());
290  parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount());
291  }
292  }
293  }
294  }
296  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
298  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
299  // if our parent node is collection
300  if(cl->InheritsFrom(TCollection::Class())) {
301  // we change type of node to collection
302  parent->SetNodeType(kCollection);
304  // return if invalid pointer to collection
305  if (!pointer) {
306  return;
307  }
309  TIter it2((TCollection*)pointer);
310  TObject* item;
311  // loop through all elements in collection
312  while((item = it2())) {
313  // get size of element
314  ULong_t size = 0;
315  if (TClass* cl3 = item->IsA()){
316  size = cl3->Size();
317  }
319  // if there is no dictionary
320  if (size == 0) {
321  size = sizeof(item);
322  }
324  // create node
325  TStructNode* node = new TStructNode(item->GetName(), item->ClassName(), item, parent, size, kClass);
326  // add addition information
327  AddNode(node, size);
328  // increase parents counter
329  parent->SetMembersCount(parent->GetMembersCount() + 1);
331  CountMembers(item->IsA(), node, item);
333  parent->SetTotalSize(parent->GetTotalSize() + node->GetTotalSize());
334  parent->SetAllMembersCount(parent->GetAllMembersCount() + node->GetAllMembersCount());
335  }
336  }
337 }
339 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
340 /// Draw object if there is valid pointer
343 {
344  TString opt(option);
345  if(opt == "count") {
347  } else if (opt == "size") {
349  }
352  if (fTopNode) {
353  fGUI->SetNodePtr(fTopNode);
354  } else {
356  }
357 }
359 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
360 /// Returns canvas used to keep TGeoVolumes
363 {
364  return fGUI->GetCanvas();
365 }
367 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
368 /// Returns pointer to main window
371 {
372  return fGUI;
373 }
374 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
375 /// Return main pointer
378 {
379  return fPointer;
380 }
382 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
383 /// Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, number of objects>
386 {
387  return fLevelMembersCount;
388 }
390 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
391 /// Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, size of level in bytes>
394 {
395  return fLevelSize;
396 }
398 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
399 /// Get visibility of links between objects
402 {
403  return fGUI->GetLinksVisibility();
404 }
406 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
407 /// Create top node and find all member nodes
410 {
411  if (fTopNode) {
412  Reset();
413  }
415  ULong_t size = fPointerClass->Size();
417  TString name = "Main pointer";
418  if (fPointerClass->IsTObject()) {
419  name = ((TObject*) fPointer)->GetName();
420  }
421  fTopNode = new TStructNode(name, fPointerClass->GetName(), fPointer, NULL, size, kClass);
422  AddNode(fTopNode, size);
423  CountMembers(fPointerClass, fTopNode, fPointer);
424 }
426 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
427 /// Deleting nodes, maps and array
430 {
431  TList* lst;
432  TIter it(&fLevelArray);
433  while ((lst = (TList*) it() )) {
434  lst->SetOwner();
435  lst->Clear();
436  }
438  // deleting maps and array
439  fLevelMembersCount.Clear();
440  fLevelSize.Clear();
441  fPointers.Clear();
442  fLevelArray.Clear();
444  fTopNode = NULL;
445 }
447 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
448 /// Sets color for the class "name" to color "color"
451 {
452  TIter it(&fColors);
453  TStructNodeProperty* prop;
454  while ((prop = (TStructNodeProperty*) it() )) {
455  if (name == prop->GetName()) {
456  prop->SetColor(TColor::GetColor(color));
457  fGUI->Update();
459  return;
460  }
461  }
463  // add color
464  prop = new TStructNodeProperty(name.Data(), color);
465  fColors.Add(prop);
466  fColors.Sort();
467 }
469 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
470 /// ISets links visibility
473 {
474  fGUI->SetLinksVisibility(val);
475 }
477 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
478 /// Set main pointer of class "clname"
480 void TStructViewer::SetPointer(void* ptr, const char* clname)
481 {
482  if (ptr) {
483  TA* a = (TA*) ptr;
484  if (clname) {
485  fPointerClass = TClass::GetClass(clname);
486  } else {
487  fPointerClass = TClass::GetClass(typeid(*a));
488  }
490  if (!fPointerClass) {
491  return;
492  }
494  fPointer = ptr;
495  Prepare();
496  fGUI->SetNodePtr(fTopNode);
497  }
498 }
500 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
501 /// Returns color associated with type "typeName"
503 TColor TStructViewer::GetColor(const char* typeName)
504 {
505  TIter it(&fColors);
506  TStructNodeProperty* prop;
507  while((prop = (TStructNodeProperty*) it())) {
508  if (!strcmp(prop->GetName(), typeName)) {
509  return prop->GetColor();
510  }
511  }
513  return TColor();
514 }
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
TStructViewer(void *ptr=NULL, const char *clname=NULL)
Default constructor. An argument "ptr" is a main pointer of type "clname", which should be shown in t...
void Prepare()
Create top node and find all member nodes.
void SetNodeType(ENodeType type)
Sets type of node to "type".
const char Option_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:62
virtual TClass * GetValueClass() const =0
All ROOT classes may have RTTI (run time type identification) support added.
Definition: TDataMember.h:31
int GetSplit(const char *type, std::vector< std::string > &output, int &nestedLoc, EModType mode=TClassEdit::kNone)
Stores in output (after emptying it) the split type.
Definition: TClassEdit.cxx:938
virtual void SetOwner(Bool_t enable=kTRUE)
Set whether this collection is the owner (enable==true) of its content.
TColor GetColor() const
Returns color of class.
TExMap GetLevelSize() const
Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, size of level in bytes>
void Draw(Option_t *option="")
Draw object if there is valid pointer.
Bool_t GetLinksVisibility() const
Get visibility of links between objects.
TList * GetListOfDataMembers(Bool_t load=kTRUE)
Return list containing the TDataMembers of a class.
Definition: TClass.cxx:3617
TGMainFrame * GetFrame()
Returns pointer to main window.
Basic string class.
Definition: TString.h:125
TVirtualCollectionProxy * GetCollectionProxy() const
Return the proxy describing the collection (if any).
Definition: TClass.cxx:2816
void SetMembersCount(ULong_t count)
Sets number of members to "number".
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual EDataType GetType() const =0
void SetLinksVisibility(Bool_t val)
ISets links visibility.
void SetAllMembersCount(ULong_t count)
Sets numbers of all members to "number".
void * GetPointer() const
Returns main pointer.
void * GetPointer() const
Return main pointer.
virtual const char * ClassName() const
Returns name of class to which the object belongs.
Definition: TObject.cxx:128
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
std::string ResolveTypedef(const char *tname, bool resolveAll=false)
Bool_t EndsWith(const char *pat, ECaseCompare cmp=kExact) const
Return true if string ends with the specified string.
Definition: TString.cxx:2231
void AddNode(TStructNode *node, ULong_t size)
Find list with nodes on specified level and add node to this list and increment list of sizes and lis...
void SetColor(TString name, Int_t color)
Sets color for the class "name" to color "color".
void Reset()
Deleting nodes, maps and array.
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
Destructor. Clean all object after closing the viewer.
void BuildRealData(void *pointer=0, Bool_t isTransient=kFALSE)
Build a full list of persistent data members.
Definition: TClass.cxx:1942
auto * a
Definition: textangle.C:12
virtual Bool_t HasPointers() const =0
Collection abstract base class.
Definition: TCollection.h:63
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
UInt_t GetLevel() const
Returns actual level of node.
Int_t Size() const
Return size of object of this class.
Definition: TClass.cxx:5434
ULong_t GetTotalSize() const
Returns total size of allocated memory in bytes.
static Int_t GetColor(const char *hexcolor)
Static method returning color number for color specified by hex color string of form: "#rrggbb"...
Definition: TColor.cxx:1751
The ROOT global object gROOT contains a list of all defined classes.
Definition: TClass.h:75
Definition: TStructNode.h:18
Bool_t InheritsFrom(const char *cl) const
Return kTRUE if this class inherits from a class with name "classname".
Definition: TClass.cxx:4688
virtual TCanvas * GetCanvas() const
Definition: TPad.h:257
void Reset(Detail::TBranchProxy *x)
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
The Canvas class.
Definition: TCanvas.h:31
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:359
virtual UInt_t Sizeof() const =0
TExMap GetLevelMembersCount() const
Returns TExMap with pairs <level number, number of objects>
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
void SetTotalSize(ULong_t size)
Sets total size of allocated memory in bytes to value "size".
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
virtual void * At(UInt_t idx)=0
The color creation and management class.
Definition: TColor.h:19
static TClass * GetClass(const char *name, Bool_t load=kTRUE, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Static method returning pointer to TClass of the specified class name.
Definition: TClass.cxx:2887
virtual void Clear(Option_t *option="")
Remove all objects from the list.
Definition: TList.cxx:399
void SetColor(const TColor &color)
Sets the color to "color".
Mother of all ROOT objects.
Definition: TObject.h:37
virtual UInt_t Size() const =0
Bool_t IsTObject() const
Return kTRUE is the class inherits from TObject.
Definition: TClass.cxx:5668
virtual void Add(TObject *obj)
Definition: TList.h:87
void CountMembers(TClass *cl, TStructNode *parent, void *pointer)
Count allocated memory, increase member counters, find child nodes.
ULong_t GetAllMembersCount() const
Returns number of all members in node.
Definition: TStructNode.cxx:95
void SetPointer(void *ptr, const char *clname=NULL)
Set main pointer of class "clname".
TCanvas * GetCanvas()
Returns canvas used to keep TGeoVolumes.
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TObject.cxx:357
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
ULong_t GetMembersCount() const
Returns numbers of members of node.
TColor GetColor(const char *typeName)
Returns color associated with type "typeName".
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
This class stores a (key,value) pair using an external hash.
Definition: TExMap.h:33
const char * Data() const
Definition: TString.h:345