12 #ifndef ROOT_TEveTriangleSet 13 #define ROOT_TEveTriangleSet void SetTransparency(Char_t tr)
Editor for TEveTriangleSet class.
Geometrical transformation package.
Int_t * Triangle(Int_t i)
GL-renderer for TEveTriangleSet class.
Use this attribute class when an object should have 3D capabilities.
void GenerateTriangleNormals()
Generate triangle normals via cross product of triangle edges.
void SetTriangle(Int_t i, Int_t v0, Int_t v1, Int_t v2)
virtual void Paint(Option_t *option="")
Paint this object. Only direct rendering is supported.
#define ClassDef(name, id)
SEXP wrap(const TString &s)
void SetTriangleColor(Int_t i, UChar_t r, UChar_t g, UChar_t b, UChar_t a=255)
TEveTriangleSet & operator=(const TEveTriangleSet &)
virtual void ComputeBBox()
Compute bounding box.
virtual void SetMainTransparency(Char_t t)
Set main-transparency.
Float_t * TriangleNormal(Int_t i)
Made from a list of vertices and a list of triangles (triplets of vertex indices).
void SetVertex(Int_t i, Float_t x, Float_t y, Float_t z)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
virtual Bool_t CanEditMainTransparency() const
UChar_t * TriangleColor(Int_t i)
Float_t * Vertex(Int_t i)
static TEveTriangleSet * ReadTrivialFile(const char *file)
Read a simple ascii input file describing vertices and triangles.
Helper for management of bounding-box information.
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
void GenerateRandomColors()
Assign random colors to all triangles.
TEveTriangleSet(const TEveTriangleSet &)
void GenerateZNormalColors(Float_t fac=20, Int_t min=-20, Int_t max=20, Bool_t interp=kFALSE, Bool_t wrap=kFALSE)
Generate triangle colors by the z-component of the normal.
static constexpr double g