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1 // Author: Enric Tejedor CERN 10/2017
3 /*************************************************************************
4  * Copyright (C) 1995-2017, Rene Brun and Fons Rademakers. *
5  * All rights reserved. *
6  * *
7  * For the licensing terms see $ROOTSYS/LICENSE. *
8  * For the list of contributors see $ROOTSYS/README/CREDITS. *
9  *************************************************************************/
11 // clang-format off
12 /** \class ROOT::Experimental::TDF::TCsvDS
13  \ingroup dataframe
14  \brief TDataFrame data source class for reading CSV files.
16 The TCsvDS class implements a CSV file reader for TDataFrame.
18 A TDataFrame that reads from a CSV file can be constructed using the factory method
19 ROOT::Experimental::TDF::MakeCsvDataFrame, which accepts three parameters:
20 1. Path to the CSV file.
21 2. Boolean that specifies whether the first row of the CSV file contains headers or
22 not (optional, default `true`). If `false`, header names will be automatically generated.
23 3. Delimiter (optional, default ',').
25 The types of the columns in the CSV file are automatically inferred. The supported
26 types are:
27 - Integer: stored as a 64-bit long long int.
28 - Floating point number: stored with double precision.
29 - Boolean: matches the literals `true` and `false`.
30 - String: stored as an std::string, matches anything that does not fall into any of the
31 previous types.
33 These are some formatting rules expected by the TCsvDS implementation:
34 - All records must have the same number of fields, in the same order.
35 - Any field may be quoted.
36 ~~~
37  "1997","Ford","E350"
38 ~~~
39 - Fields with embedded delimiters (e.g. comma) must be quoted.
40 ~~~
41  1997,Ford,E350,"Super, luxurious truck"
42 ~~~
43 - Fields with double-quote characters must be quoted, and each of the embedded
44 double-quote characters must be represented by a pair of double-quote characters.
45 ~~~
46  1997,Ford,E350,"Super, ""luxurious"" truck"
47 ~~~
48 - Fields with embedded line breaks are not supported, even when quoted.
49 ~~~
50  1997,Ford,E350,"Go get one now
51  they are going fast"
52 ~~~
53 - Spaces are considered part of a field and are not ignored.
54 ~~~
55  1997, Ford , E350
56  not same as
57  1997,Ford,E350
58  but same as
59  1997, "Ford" , E350
60 ~~~
61 - If a header row is provided, it must contain column names for each of the fields.
62 ~~~
63  Year,Make,Model
64  1997,Ford,E350
65  2000,Mercury,Cougar
66 ~~~
68 The current implementation of TCsvDS reads the entire CSV file content into memory before
69 TDataFrame starts processing it. Therefore, before creating a CSV TDataFrame, it is
70 important to check both how much memory is available and the size of the CSV file.
71 */
72 // clang-format on
74 #include <ROOT/TDFUtils.hxx>
75 #include <ROOT/TSeq.hxx>
76 #include <ROOT/TCsvDS.hxx>
77 #include <ROOT/RMakeUnique.hxx>
79 #include <algorithm>
80 #include <iostream>
81 #include <sstream>
82 #include <string>
84 namespace ROOT {
85 namespace Experimental {
86 namespace TDF {
88 // Regular expressions for type inference
89 TRegexp TCsvDS::intRegex("^[-+]?[0-9]+$");
90 TRegexp TCsvDS::doubleRegex1("^[-+]?[0-9]+\\.[0-9]*$");
91 TRegexp TCsvDS::doubleRegex2("^[-+]?[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+$");
92 TRegexp TCsvDS::trueRegex("^true$");
93 TRegexp TCsvDS::falseRegex("^false$");
95 void TCsvDS::FillHeaders(const std::string &line)
96 {
97  auto columns = ParseColumns(line);
98  for (auto &col : columns) {
99  fHeaders.emplace_back(col);
100  }
101 }
103 void TCsvDS::FillRecord(const std::string &line, Record &record)
104 {
105  std::istringstream lineStream(line);
106  auto i = 0U;
108  auto columns = ParseColumns(line);
110  for (auto &col : columns) {
111  auto &colType = fColTypes[fHeaders[i]];
113  if (colType == "Long64_t") {
114  record.emplace_back(new Long64_t(std::stoll(col)));
115  } else if (colType == "double") {
116  record.emplace_back(new double(std::stod(col)));
117  } else if (colType == "bool") {
118  bool *b = new bool();
119  record.emplace_back(b);
120  std::istringstream is(col);
121  is >> std::boolalpha >> *b;
122  } else {
123  record.emplace_back(new std::string(col));
124  }
125  ++i;
126  }
127 }
129 void TCsvDS::GenerateHeaders(size_t size)
130 {
131  for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
132  fHeaders.push_back("Col" + std::to_string(i));
133  }
134 }
136 std::vector<void *> TCsvDS::GetColumnReadersImpl(std::string_view colName, const std::type_info &ti)
137 {
138  const auto colTypeName = GetTypeName(colName);
140  if ((colTypeName == "double" && typeid(double) != ti) || (colTypeName == "Long64_t" && typeid(Long64_t) != ti) ||
141  (colTypeName == "std::string" && typeid(std::string) != ti) || (colTypeName == "bool" && typeid(bool) != ti)) {
142  std::string err = "The type selected for column \"";
143  err += colName;
144  err += "\" does not correspond to column type, which is ";
145  err += colTypeName;
146  throw std::runtime_error(err);
147  }
149  const auto &colNames = GetColumnNames();
150  const auto index = std::distance(colNames.begin(), std::find(colNames.begin(), colNames.end(), colName));
151  std::vector<void *> ret(fNSlots);
152  for (auto slot : ROOT::TSeqU(fNSlots)) {
153  auto &val = fColAddresses[index][slot];
154  if (ti == typeid(double)) {
155  val = &fDoubleEvtValues[index][slot];
156  } else if (ti == typeid(Long64_t)) {
157  val = &fLong64EvtValues[index][slot];
158  } else if (ti == typeid(std::string)) {
159  val = &fStringEvtValues[index][slot];
160  } else {
161  val = &fBoolEvtValues[index][slot];
162  }
163  ret[slot] = &val;
164  }
165  return ret;
166 }
168 void TCsvDS::InferColTypes(std::vector<std::string> &columns)
169 {
170  auto i = 0U;
171  for (auto &col : columns) {
172  InferType(col, i);
173  ++i;
174  }
175 }
177 void TCsvDS::InferType(const std::string &col, unsigned int idxCol)
178 {
179  std::string type;
180  int dummy;
182  if (intRegex.Index(col, &dummy) != -1) {
183  type = "Long64_t";
184  } else if (doubleRegex1.Index(col, &dummy) != -1 || doubleRegex2.Index(col, &dummy) != -1) {
185  type = "double";
186  } else if (trueRegex.Index(col, &dummy) != -1 || falseRegex.Index(col, &dummy) != -1) {
187  type = "bool";
188  } else { // everything else is a string
189  type = "std::string";
190  }
191  // TODO: Date
193  fColTypes[fHeaders[idxCol]] = type;
194  fColTypesList.push_back(type);
195 }
197 std::vector<std::string> TCsvDS::ParseColumns(const std::string &line)
198 {
199  std::vector<std::string> columns;
201  for (size_t i = 0; i < line.size(); ++i) {
202  i = ParseValue(line, columns, i);
203  }
205  return columns;
206 }
208 size_t TCsvDS::ParseValue(const std::string &line, std::vector<std::string> &columns, size_t i)
209 {
210  std::stringstream val;
211  bool quoted = false;
213  for (; i < line.size(); ++i) {
214  if (line[i] == fDelimiter && !quoted) {
215  break;
216  } else if (line[i] == '"') {
217  // Keep just one quote for escaped quotes, none for the normal quotes
218  if (line[i + 1] != '"') {
219  quoted = !quoted;
220  } else {
221  val << line[++i];
222  }
223  } else {
224  val << line[i];
225  }
226  }
228  columns.emplace_back(val.str());
230  return i;
231 }
233 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
234 /// Constructor to create a CSV TDataSource for TDataFrame.
235 /// \param[in] fileName Path of the CSV file.
236 /// \param[in] readHeaders `true` if the CSV file contains headers as first row, `false` otherwise
237 /// (default `true`).
238 /// \param[in] delimiter Delimiter character (default ',').
239 TCsvDS::TCsvDS(std::string_view fileName, bool readHeaders, char delimiter) // TODO: Let users specify types?
240  : fFileName(fileName),
241  fDelimiter(delimiter)
242 {
243  std::ifstream stream(fFileName);
244  std::string line;
246  // Read the headers if present
247  if (readHeaders) {
248  if (std::getline(stream, line)) {
249  FillHeaders(line);
250  } else {
251  std::string msg = "Error reading headers of CSV file ";
252  msg += fileName;
253  throw std::runtime_error(msg);
254  }
255  }
257  if (std::getline(stream, line)) {
258  auto columns = ParseColumns(line);
260  // Generate headers if not present
261  if (!readHeaders) {
262  GenerateHeaders(columns.size());
263  }
265  // Infer types of columns with first record
266  InferColTypes(columns);
268  // Read all records and store them in memory
269  do {
270  fRecords.emplace_back();
271  FillRecord(line, fRecords.back());
272  } while (std::getline(stream, line));
273  }
274 }
276 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
277 /// Destructor.
279 {
280  for (auto &record : fRecords) {
281  for (size_t i = 0; i < record.size(); ++i) {
282  void *p = record[i];
283  auto &colType = fColTypes[fHeaders[i]];
285  if (colType == "Long64_t") {
286  delete static_cast<Long64_t *>(p);
287  } else if (colType == "double") {
288  delete static_cast<double *>(p);
289  } else if (colType == "bool") {
290  delete static_cast<bool *>(p);
291  } else {
292  delete static_cast<std::string *>(p);
293  }
294  }
295  }
296 }
298 const std::vector<std::string> &TCsvDS::GetColumnNames() const
299 {
300  return fHeaders;
301 }
303 std::vector<std::pair<ULong64_t, ULong64_t>> TCsvDS::GetEntryRanges()
304 {
305  auto entryRanges(std::move(fEntryRanges)); // empty fEntryRanges
306  return entryRanges;
307 }
309 std::string TCsvDS::GetTypeName(std::string_view colName) const
310 {
311  if (!HasColumn(colName)) {
312  std::string msg = "The dataset does not have column ";
313  msg += colName;
314  throw std::runtime_error(msg);
315  }
317  return fColTypes.at(colName.data());
318 }
321 {
322  return fHeaders.end() != std::find(fHeaders.begin(), fHeaders.end(), colName);
323 }
325 void TCsvDS::SetEntry(unsigned int slot, ULong64_t entry)
326 {
327  int colIndex = 0;
328  for (auto &&colType : fColTypesList) {
329  auto dataPtr = fRecords[entry][colIndex];
330  if (colType == "double") {
331  fDoubleEvtValues[colIndex][slot] = *static_cast<double *>(dataPtr);
332  } else if (colType == "Long64_t") {
333  fLong64EvtValues[colIndex][slot] = *static_cast<Long64_t *>(dataPtr);
334  } else if (colType == "std::string") {
335  fStringEvtValues[colIndex][slot] = *static_cast<std::string *>(dataPtr);
336  } else {
337  fBoolEvtValues[colIndex][slot] = *static_cast<bool *>(dataPtr);
338  }
339  colIndex++;
340  }
341 }
343 void TCsvDS::SetNSlots(unsigned int nSlots)
344 {
345  assert(0U == fNSlots && "Setting the number of slots even if the number of slots is different from zero.");
347  fNSlots = nSlots;
349  const auto nColumns = fHeaders.size();
350  // Initialise the entire set of addresses
351  fColAddresses.resize(nColumns, std::vector<void *>(fNSlots, nullptr));
353  // Initialize the per event data holders
354  fDoubleEvtValues.resize(nColumns, std::vector<double>(fNSlots));
355  fLong64EvtValues.resize(nColumns, std::vector<Long64_t>(fNSlots));
356  fStringEvtValues.resize(nColumns, std::vector<std::string>(fNSlots));
357  fBoolEvtValues.resize(nColumns, std::deque<bool>(fNSlots));
358 }
361 {
362  const auto nRecords = fRecords.size();
363  const auto chunkSize = nRecords / fNSlots;
364  const auto remainder = 1U == fNSlots ? 0 : nRecords % fNSlots;
365  auto start = 0UL;
366  auto end = 0UL;
368  for (auto i : ROOT::TSeqU(fNSlots)) {
369  start = end;
370  end += chunkSize;
371  fEntryRanges.emplace_back(start, end);
372  (void)i;
373  }
374  fEntryRanges.back().second += remainder;
375 }
377 TDataFrame MakeCsvDataFrame(std::string_view fileName, bool readHeaders, char delimiter)
378 {
379  ROOT::Experimental::TDataFrame tdf(std::make_unique<TCsvDS>(fileName, readHeaders, delimiter));
380  return tdf;
381 }
383 } // ns TDF
384 } // ns Experimental
385 } // ns ROOT
std::vector< std::string > fHeaders
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:26
long long Long64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:69
basic_string_view< char > string_view
Definition: RStringView.h:35
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
Definition: StringConv.hxx:21
TLine * line
Regular expression class.
Definition: TRegexp.h:31
void SetNSlots(unsigned int nSlots)
Inform TDataSource of the number of processing slots (i.e.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:343
std::vector< std::deque< bool > > fBoolEvtValues
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:37
void InferType(const std::string &, unsigned int)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:177
void SetEntry(unsigned int slot, ULong64_t entry)
Advance the "cursors" returned by GetColumnReaders to the selected entry for a particular slot...
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:325
std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > fStringEvtValues
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:34
static TRegexp doubleRegex2
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:39
bool HasColumn(std::string_view colName) const
Checks if the dataset has a certain column.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:320
void FillHeaders(const std::string &)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:95
void FillRecord(const std::string &, Record &)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:103
std::vector< std::vector< Long64_t > > fLong64EvtValues
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:33
void Initialise()
Convenience method called before starting an event-loop.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:360
std::vector< void * > Record
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:21
std::vector< std::vector< void * > > fColAddresses
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:29
void InferColTypes(std::vector< std::string > &)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:168
std::vector< std::vector< double > > fDoubleEvtValues
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:32
TDataFrame MakeCsvDataFrame(std::string_view fileName, bool readHeaders=true, char delimiter=',')
Factory method to create a CSV TDataFrame.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:377
std::vector< Record > fRecords
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:31
std::vector< void * > GetColumnReadersImpl(std::string_view, const std::type_info &)
type-erased vector of pointers to pointers to column values - one per slot
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:136
std::vector< std::pair< ULong64_t, ULong64_t > > fEntryRanges
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:30
std::vector< std::string > ParseColumns(const std::string &)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:197
size_t ParseValue(const std::string &, std::vector< std::string > &, size_t)
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:208
std::vector< std::pair< ULong64_t, ULong64_t > > GetEntryRanges()
Return ranges of entries to distribute to tasks.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:303
Ssiz_t Index(const TString &str, Ssiz_t *len, Ssiz_t start=0) const
Find the first occurrence of the regexp in string and return the position, or -1 if there is no match...
Definition: TRegexp.cxx:209
TCsvDS(std::string_view fileName, bool readHeaders=true, char delimiter=',')
Constructor to create a CSV TDataSource for TDataFrame.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:239
A pseudo container class which is a generator of indices.
Definition: TSeq.hxx:66
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
unsigned long long ULong64_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:70
static RooMathCoreReg dummy
std::list< std::string > fColTypesList
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:28
static TRegexp doubleRegex1
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:39
typedef void((*Func_t)())
ROOT&#39;s TDataFrame offers a high level interface for analyses of data stored in TTrees.
Definition: TDataFrame.hxx:39
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
Definition: TRolke.cxx:630
std::map< std::string, std::string > fColTypes
Definition: TCsvDS.hxx:27
std::string GetTypeName(std::string_view colName) const
Type of a column as a string, e.g.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:309
const std::vector< std::string > & GetColumnNames() const
Returns a reference to the collection of the dataset&#39;s column names.
Definition: TCsvDS.cxx:298