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1 /*****************************************************************************
2  * Project: RooFit *
3  * Package: RooFitCore *
4  * @(#)root/roofitcore:$Id$
5  * Authors: *
6  * WV, Wouter Verkerke, UC Santa Barbara, verkerke@slac.stanford.edu *
7  * DK, David Kirkby, UC Irvine, dkirkby@uci.edu *
8  * *
9  * Copyright (c) 2000-2005, Regents of the University of California *
10  * and Stanford University. All rights reserved. *
11  * *
12  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, *
13  * with or without modification, are permitted according to the terms *
14  * listed in LICENSE (http://roofit.sourceforge.net/license.txt) *
15  *****************************************************************************/
17 /**
18 \file RooAbsTestStatistic.cxx
19 \class RooAbsTestStatistic
20 \ingroup Roofitcore
22 RooAbsTestStatistic is the abstract base class for all test
23 statistics. Test statistics that evaluate the PDF at each data
24 point should inherit from the RooAbsOptTestStatistic class which
25 implements several generic optimizations that can be done for such
26 quantities.
28 This test statistic base class organizes calculation of test
29 statistic values for RooSimultaneous PDF as a combination of test
30 statistic values for the PDF components of the simultaneous PDF and
31 organizes multi-processor parallel calculation of test statistic
32 values. For the latter, the test statistic value is calculated in
33 partitions in parallel executing processes and a posteriori
34 combined in the main thread.
35 **/
38 #include "RooFit.h"
39 #include "Riostream.h"
41 #include "RooAbsTestStatistic.h"
42 #include "RooAbsPdf.h"
43 #include "RooSimultaneous.h"
44 #include "RooAbsData.h"
45 #include "RooArgSet.h"
46 #include "RooRealVar.h"
47 #include "RooNLLVar.h"
48 #include "RooRealMPFE.h"
49 #include "RooErrorHandler.h"
50 #include "RooMsgService.h"
51 #include "TTimeStamp.h"
52 #include "RooProdPdf.h"
53 #include "RooRealSumPdf.h"
54 #include <string>
56 using namespace std;
60 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
61 /// Default constructor
64  _func(0), _data(0), _projDeps(0), _splitRange(0), _simCount(0),
65  _verbose(kFALSE), _init(kFALSE), _gofOpMode(Slave), _nEvents(0), _setNum(0),
66  _numSets(0), _extSet(0), _nGof(0), _gofArray(0), _nCPU(1), _mpfeArray(0),
67  _mpinterl(RooFit::BulkPartition), _doOffset(kFALSE), _offset(0),
68  _offsetCarry(0), _evalCarry(0)
69 {
70 }
74 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
75 /// Constructor taking function (real), a dataset (data), a set of projected observables (projSet). If
76 /// rangeName is not null, only events in the dataset inside the range will be used in the test
77 /// statistic calculation. If addCoefRangeName is not null, all RooAddPdf component of 'real' will be
78 /// instructed to fix their fraction definitions to the given named range. If nCPU is greater than
79 /// 1 the test statistic calculation will be paralellized over multiple processes. By default the data
80 /// is split with 'bulk' partitioning (each process calculates a contigious block of fraction 1/nCPU
81 /// of the data). For binned data this approach may be suboptimal as the number of bins with >0 entries
82 /// in each processing block many vary greatly thereby distributing the workload rather unevenly.
83 /// If interleave is set to true, the interleave partitioning strategy is used where each partition
84 /// i takes all bins for which (ibin % ncpu == i) which is more likely to result in an even workload.
85 /// If splitCutRange is true, a different rangeName constructed as rangeName_{catName} will be used
86 /// as range definition for each index state of a RooSimultaneous
89  const RooArgSet& projDeps, const char* rangeName, const char* addCoefRangeName,
90  Int_t nCPU, RooFit::MPSplit interleave, Bool_t verbose, Bool_t splitCutRange) :
91  RooAbsReal(name,title),
92  _paramSet("paramSet","Set of parameters",this),
93  _func(&real),
94  _data(&data),
95  _projDeps((RooArgSet*)projDeps.Clone()),
96  _rangeName(rangeName?rangeName:""),
97  _addCoefRangeName(addCoefRangeName?addCoefRangeName:""),
98  _splitRange(splitCutRange),
99  _simCount(1),
100  _verbose(verbose),
101  _nGof(0),
102  _gofArray(0),
103  _nCPU(nCPU),
104  _mpfeArray(0),
105  _mpinterl(interleave),
106  _doOffset(kFALSE),
107  _offset(0),
108  _offsetCarry(0),
109  _evalCarry(0)
110 {
111  // Register all parameters as servers
112  RooArgSet* params = real.getParameters(&data) ;
113  _paramSet.add(*params) ;
114  delete params ;
116  if (_nCPU>1 || _nCPU==-1) {
118  if (_nCPU==-1) {
119  _nCPU=1 ;
120  }
122  _gofOpMode = MPMaster ;
124  } else {
126  // Determine if RooAbsReal is a RooSimultaneous
127  Bool_t simMode = dynamic_cast<RooSimultaneous*>(&real)?kTRUE:kFALSE ;
129  if (simMode) {
131  } else {
132  _gofOpMode = Slave ;
133  }
134  }
136  _setNum = 0 ;
137  _extSet = 0 ;
138  _numSets = 1 ;
139  _init = kFALSE ;
140  _nEvents = data.numEntries() ;
141 }
145 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
146 /// Copy constructor
149  RooAbsReal(other,name),
150  _paramSet("paramSet","Set of parameters",this),
151  _func(other._func),
152  _data(other._data),
153  _projDeps((RooArgSet*)other._projDeps->Clone()),
154  _rangeName(other._rangeName),
156  _splitRange(other._splitRange),
157  _simCount(1),
158  _verbose(other._verbose),
159  _nGof(0),
160  _gofArray(0),
162  _nCPU(other._nCPU),
163  _mpfeArray(0),
164  _mpinterl(other._mpinterl),
165  _doOffset(other._doOffset),
166  _offset(other._offset),
167  _offsetCarry(other._offsetCarry),
168  _evalCarry(other._evalCarry)
169 {
170  // Our parameters are those of original
171  _paramSet.add(other._paramSet) ;
173  if (_nCPU>1 || _nCPU==-1) {
175  if (_nCPU==-1) {
176  _nCPU=1 ;
177  }
179  _gofOpMode = MPMaster ;
181  } else {
183  // Determine if RooAbsReal is a RooSimultaneous
184  Bool_t simMode = dynamic_cast<RooSimultaneous*>(_func)?kTRUE:kFALSE ;
186  if (simMode) {
188  } else {
189  _gofOpMode = Slave ;
190  }
191  }
193  _setNum = 0 ;
194  _extSet = 0 ;
195  _numSets = 1 ;
196  _init = kFALSE ;
197  _nEvents = _data->numEntries() ;
200 }
204 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
205 /// Destructor
208 {
209  if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode && _init) {
210  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) delete _mpfeArray[i];
211  delete[] _mpfeArray ;
212  }
214  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode && _init) {
215  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) delete _gofArray[i];
216  delete[] _gofArray ;
217  }
219  delete _projDeps ;
221 }
225 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
226 /// Calculates and return value of test statistic. If the test statistic
227 /// is calculated from on a RooSimultaneous, the test statistic calculation
228 /// is performed separately on each simultaneous p.d.f component and associated
229 /// data and then combined. If the test statistic calculation is parallelized
230 /// partitions are calculated in nCPU processes and a posteriori combined.
233 {
234  // One-time Initialization
235  if (!_init) {
236  const_cast<RooAbsTestStatistic*>(this)->initialize() ;
237  }
239  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode) {
240  // Evaluate array of owned GOF objects
241  Double_t ret = 0.;
245  } else {
246  Double_t sum = 0., carry = 0.;
247  for (Int_t i = 0 ; i < _nGof; ++i) {
249  Double_t y = _gofArray[i]->getValV();
250  carry += _gofArray[i]->getCarry();
251  y -= carry;
252  const Double_t t = sum + y;
253  carry = (t - sum) - y;
254  sum = t;
255  }
256  }
257  ret = sum ;
258  _evalCarry = carry;
259  }
261  // Only apply global normalization if SimMaster doesn't have MP master
262  if (numSets()==1) {
263  const Double_t norm = globalNormalization();
264  ret /= norm;
265  _evalCarry /= norm;
266  }
268  return ret ;
270  } else if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode) {
272  // Start calculations in parallel
273  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) _mpfeArray[i]->calculate();
276  Double_t sum(0), carry = 0.;
277  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) {
278  Double_t y = _mpfeArray[i]->getValV();
279  carry += _mpfeArray[i]->getCarry();
280  y -= carry;
281  const Double_t t = sum + y;
282  carry = (t - sum) - y;
283  sum = t;
284  }
286  Double_t ret = sum ;
287  _evalCarry = carry;
288  return ret ;
290  } else {
292  // Evaluate as straight FUNC
293  Int_t nFirst(0), nLast(_nEvents), nStep(1) ;
295  switch (_mpinterl) {
297  nFirst = _nEvents * _setNum / _numSets ;
298  nLast = _nEvents * (_setNum+1) / _numSets ;
299  nStep = 1 ;
300  break;
302  case RooFit::Interleave:
303  nFirst = _setNum ;
304  nLast = _nEvents ;
305  nStep = _numSets ;
306  break ;
309  nFirst = 0 ;
310  nLast = _nEvents ;
311  nStep = 1 ;
312  break ;
314  case RooFit::Hybrid:
315  throw(std::string("this should never happen")) ;
316  break ;
317  }
319  Double_t ret = evaluatePartition(nFirst,nLast,nStep);
321  if (numSets()==1) {
322  const Double_t norm = globalNormalization();
323  ret /= norm;
324  _evalCarry /= norm;
325  }
327  return ret ;
329  }
330 }
334 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
335 /// One-time initialization of the test statistic. Setup
336 /// infrastructure for simultaneous p.d.f processing and/or
337 /// parallelized processing if requested
340 {
341  if (_init) return kFALSE;
343  if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode) {
345  } else if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode) {
347  }
348  _init = kTRUE;
349  return kFALSE;
350 }
354 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
355 /// Forward server redirect calls to component test statistics
357 Bool_t RooAbsTestStatistic::redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection& newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t)
358 {
359  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode && _gofArray) {
360  // Forward to slaves
361  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
362  if (_gofArray[i]) {
363  _gofArray[i]->recursiveRedirectServers(newServerList,mustReplaceAll,nameChange);
364  }
365  }
366  } else if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode&& _mpfeArray) {
367  // Forward to slaves
368  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) {
369  if (_mpfeArray[i]) {
370  _mpfeArray[i]->recursiveRedirectServers(newServerList,mustReplaceAll,nameChange);
371 // cout << "redirecting servers on " << _mpfeArray[i]->GetName() << endl;
372  }
373  }
374  }
375  return kFALSE;
376 }
380 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
381 /// Add extra information on component test statistics when printing
382 /// itself as part of a tree structure
384 void RooAbsTestStatistic::printCompactTreeHook(ostream& os, const char* indent)
385 {
386  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode) {
387  // Forward to slaves
388  os << indent << "RooAbsTestStatistic begin GOF contents" << endl ;
389  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
390  if (_gofArray[i]) {
391  TString indent2(indent);
392  indent2 += Form("[%d] ",i);
393  _gofArray[i]->printCompactTreeHook(os,indent2);
394  }
395  }
396  os << indent << "RooAbsTestStatistic end GOF contents" << endl;
397  } else if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode) {
398  // WVE implement this
399  }
400 }
404 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
405 /// Forward constant term optimization management calls to component
406 /// test statistics
409 {
410  initialize();
411  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode) {
412  // Forward to slaves
413  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
414  // In SimComponents Splitting strategy only constOptimize the terms that are actually used
416  if ( (i % _numSets == _setNum) || (effSplit != RooFit::SimComponents) ) {
417  if (_gofArray[i]) _gofArray[i]->constOptimizeTestStatistic(opcode,doAlsoTrackingOpt);
418  }
419  }
420  } else if (MPMaster == _gofOpMode) {
421  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) {
422  _mpfeArray[i]->constOptimizeTestStatistic(opcode,doAlsoTrackingOpt);
423  }
424  }
425 }
429 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
430 /// Set MultiProcessor set number identification of this instance
432 void RooAbsTestStatistic::setMPSet(Int_t inSetNum, Int_t inNumSets)
433 {
434  _setNum = inSetNum; _numSets = inNumSets;
437  if (SimMaster == _gofOpMode) {
438  // Forward to slaves
439  initialize();
440  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
441  if (_gofArray[i]) _gofArray[i]->setMPSet(inSetNum,inNumSets);
442  }
443  }
444 }
448 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
449 /// Initialize multi-processor calculation mode. Create component test statistics in separate
450 /// processed that are connected to this process through a RooAbsRealMPFE front-end class.
452 void RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode(RooAbsReal* real, RooAbsData* data, const RooArgSet* projDeps, const char* rangeName, const char* addCoefRangeName)
453 {
456  // Create proto-goodness-of-fit
457  RooAbsTestStatistic* gof = create(GetName(),GetTitle(),*real,*data,*projDeps,rangeName,addCoefRangeName,1,_mpinterl,_verbose,_splitRange);
460  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) {
461  gof->setMPSet(i,_nCPU);
462  gof->SetName(Form("%s_GOF%d",GetName(),i));
463  gof->SetTitle(Form("%s_GOF%d",GetTitle(),i));
465  ccoutD(Eval) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: starting remote server process #" << i << endl;
466  _mpfeArray[i] = new RooRealMPFE(Form("%s_%lx_MPFE%d",GetName(),(ULong_t)this,i),Form("%s_%lx_MPFE%d",GetTitle(),(ULong_t)this,i),*gof,false);
467  //_mpfeArray[i]->setVerbose(kTRUE,kTRUE);
468  _mpfeArray[i]->initialize();
469  if (i > 0) {
471  }
472  }
473  _mpfeArray[_nCPU - 1]->addOwnedComponents(*gof);
474  coutI(Eval) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initMPMode: started " << _nCPU << " remote server process." << endl;
475  //cout << "initMPMode --- done" << endl ;
476  return ;
477 }
481 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
482 /// Initialize simultaneous p.d.f processing mode. Strip simultaneous
483 /// p.d.f into individual components, split dataset in subset
484 /// matching each component and create component test statistics for
485 /// each of them.
488  const RooArgSet* projDeps, const char* rangeName, const char* addCoefRangeName)
489 {
491  RooAbsCategoryLValue& simCat = (RooAbsCategoryLValue&) simpdf->indexCat();
493  TString simCatName(simCat.GetName());
494  TList* dsetList = const_cast<RooAbsData*>(data)->split(simCat,processEmptyDataSets());
495  if (!dsetList) {
496  coutE(Fitting) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: index category of simultaneous pdf is missing in dataset, aborting" << endl;
497  throw std::string("RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode() ERROR, index category of simultaneous pdf is missing in dataset, aborting");
498  //RooErrorHandler::softAbort() ;
499  }
501  // Count number of used states
502  Int_t n = 0;
503  _nGof = 0;
504  RooCatType* type;
505  TIterator* catIter = simCat.typeIterator();
506  while ((type = (RooCatType*) catIter->Next())) {
507  // Retrieve the PDF for this simCat state
508  RooAbsPdf* pdf = simpdf->getPdf(type->GetName());
509  RooAbsData* dset = (RooAbsData*) dsetList->FindObject(type->GetName());
511  if (pdf && dset && (0. != dset->sumEntries() || processEmptyDataSets())) {
512  ++_nGof;
513  }
514  }
516  // Allocate arrays
518  _gofSplitMode.resize(_nGof);
520  // Create array of regular fit contexts, containing subset of data and single fitCat PDF
521  catIter->Reset();
522  while ((type = (RooCatType*) catIter->Next())) {
523  // Retrieve the PDF for this simCat state
524  RooAbsPdf* pdf = simpdf->getPdf(type->GetName());
525  RooAbsData* dset = (RooAbsData*) dsetList->FindObject(type->GetName());
527  if (pdf && dset && (0. != dset->sumEntries() || processEmptyDataSets())) {
528  ccoutI(Fitting) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: creating slave calculator #" << n << " for state " << type->GetName()
529  << " (" << dset->numEntries() << " dataset entries)" << endl;
532  // *** START HERE
533  // WVE HACK determine if we have a RooRealSumPdf and then treat it like a binned likelihood
534  RooAbsPdf* binnedPdf = 0 ;
535  Bool_t binnedL = kFALSE ;
536  if (pdf->getAttribute("BinnedLikelihood") && pdf->IsA()->InheritsFrom(RooRealSumPdf::Class())) {
537  // Simplest case: top-level of component is a RRSP
538  binnedPdf = pdf ;
539  binnedL = kTRUE ;
540  } else if (pdf->IsA()->InheritsFrom(RooProdPdf::Class())) {
541  // Default case: top-level pdf is a product of RRSP and other pdfs
542  RooFIter iter = ((RooProdPdf*)pdf)->pdfList().fwdIterator() ;
543  RooAbsArg* component ;
544  while ((component = iter.next())) {
545  if (component->getAttribute("BinnedLikelihood") && component->IsA()->InheritsFrom(RooRealSumPdf::Class())) {
546  binnedPdf = (RooAbsPdf*) component ;
547  binnedL = kTRUE ;
548  }
549  if (component->getAttribute("MAIN_MEASUREMENT")) {
550  // not really a binned pdf, but this prevents a (potentially) long list of subsidiary measurements to be passed to the slave calculator
551  binnedPdf = (RooAbsPdf*) component ;
552  }
553  }
554  }
555  // WVE END HACK
556  // Below here directly pass binnedPdf instead of PROD(binnedPdf,constraints) as constraints are evaluated elsewhere anyway
557  // and omitting them reduces model complexity and associated handling/cloning times
558  if (_splitRange && rangeName) {
559  _gofArray[n] = create(type->GetName(),type->GetName(),(binnedPdf?*binnedPdf:*pdf),*dset,*projDeps,
560  Form("%s_%s",rangeName,type->GetName()),addCoefRangeName,_nCPU*(_mpinterl?-1:1),_mpinterl,_verbose,_splitRange,binnedL);
561  } else {
562  _gofArray[n] = create(type->GetName(),type->GetName(),(binnedPdf?*binnedPdf:*pdf),*dset,*projDeps,
563  rangeName,addCoefRangeName,_nCPU,_mpinterl,_verbose,_splitRange,binnedL);
564  }
566  // *** END HERE
568  // Fill per-component split mode with Bulk Partition for now so that Auto will map to bulk-splitting of all components
569  if (_mpinterl==RooFit::Hybrid) {
570  if (dset->numEntries()<10) {
571  //cout << "RAT::initSim("<< GetName() << ") MP mode is auto, setting split mode for component "<< n << " to SimComponents"<< endl ;
574  } else {
575  //cout << "RAT::initSim("<< GetName() << ") MP mode is auto, setting split mode for component "<< n << " to BulkPartition"<< endl ;
578  }
579  }
581  // Servers may have been redirected between instantiation and (deferred) initialization
583  RooArgSet *actualParams = binnedPdf ? binnedPdf->getParameters(dset) : pdf->getParameters(dset);
584  RooArgSet* selTargetParams = (RooArgSet*) _paramSet.selectCommon(*actualParams);
586  _gofArray[n]->recursiveRedirectServers(*selTargetParams);
588  delete selTargetParams;
589  delete actualParams;
591  ++n;
593  } else {
594  if ((!dset || (0. != dset->sumEntries() && !processEmptyDataSets())) && pdf) {
595  if (_verbose) {
596  ccoutD(Fitting) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: state " << type->GetName()
597  << " has no data entries, no slave calculator created" << endl;
598  }
599  }
600  }
601  }
602  coutI(Fitting) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::initSimMode: created " << n << " slave calculators." << endl;
604  dsetList->Delete(); // delete the content.
605  delete dsetList;
606  delete catIter;
607 }
610 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
611 /// Change dataset that is used to given one. If cloneData is kTRUE, a clone of
612 /// in the input dataset is made. If the test statistic was constructed with
613 /// a range specification on the data, the cloneData argument is ignore and
614 /// the data is always cloned.
617 {
618  // Trigger refresh of likelihood offsets
619  if (isOffsetting()) {
622  }
624  switch(operMode()) {
625  case Slave:
626  // Delegate to implementation
627  return setDataSlave(indata, cloneData);
628  case SimMaster:
629  // Forward to slaves
630  // cout << "RATS::setData(" << GetName() << ") SimMaster, calling setDataSlave() on slave nodes" << endl;
631  if (indata.canSplitFast()) {
632  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
633  RooAbsData* compData = indata.getSimData(_gofArray[i]->GetName());
634  _gofArray[i]->setDataSlave(*compData, cloneData);
635  }
636  } else if (0 == indata.numEntries()) {
637  // For an unsplit empty dataset, simply assign empty dataset to each component
638  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
639  _gofArray[i]->setDataSlave(indata, cloneData);
640  }
641  } else {
642 // cout << "NONEMPTY DATASET WITHOUT FAST SPLIT SUPPORT! "<< indata.GetName() << endl;
643  const RooAbsCategoryLValue* indexCat = & ((RooSimultaneous*)_func)->indexCat();
644  TList* dlist = indata.split(*indexCat, kTRUE);
645  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
646  RooAbsData* compData = (RooAbsData*) dlist->FindObject(_gofArray[i]->GetName());
647  // cout << "component data for index " << _gofArray[i]->GetName() << " is " << compData << endl;
648  if (compData) {
649  _gofArray[i]->setDataSlave(*compData,kFALSE,kTRUE);
650  } else {
651  coutE(DataHandling) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::setData(" << GetName() << ") ERROR: Cannot find component data for state " << _gofArray[i]->GetName() << endl;
652  }
653  }
654  }
655  break;
656  case MPMaster:
657  // Not supported
658  coutF(DataHandling) << "RooAbsTestStatistic::setData(" << GetName() << ") FATAL: setData() is not supported in multi-processor mode" << endl;
659  throw string("RooAbsTestStatistic::setData is not supported in MPMaster mode");
660  break;
661  }
663  return kTRUE;
664 }
669 {
670  // Apply internal value offsetting to control numeric precision
671  if (!_init) {
672  const_cast<RooAbsTestStatistic*>(this)->initialize() ;
673  }
675  switch(operMode()) {
676  case Slave:
677  _doOffset = flag ;
678  // Clear offset if feature is disabled to that it is recalculated next time it is enabled
679  if (!_doOffset) {
680  _offset = 0 ;
681  _offsetCarry = 0;
682  }
683  setValueDirty() ;
684  break ;
685  case SimMaster:
686  _doOffset = flag;
687  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nGof; ++i) {
688  _gofArray[i]->enableOffsetting(flag);
689  }
690  break ;
691  case MPMaster:
692  _doOffset = flag;
693  for (Int_t i = 0; i < _nCPU; ++i) {
694  _mpfeArray[i]->enableOffsetting(flag);
695  }
696  break;
697  }
698 }
702 { return _evalCarry; }
virtual Double_t sumEntries() const =0
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
static long int sum(long int i)
Definition: Factory.cxx:2173
#define coutE(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:34
Double_t _offsetCarry
RooFit::MPSplit _mpinterl
Array of parallel execution frond ends.
void followAsSlave(RooRealMPFE &master)
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:48
void setSimCount(Int_t simCount)
virtual void Reset()=0
GOFOpMode _gofOpMode
Is object initialized.
RooAbsData * getSimData(const char *idxstate)
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlsoTrackingOpt=kTRUE)
Forward constant term optimization management calls to component test statistics. ...
RooAbsCollection * selectCommon(const RooAbsCollection &refColl) const
Create a subset of the current collection, consisting only of those elements that are contained as we...
#define coutI(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:31
virtual Bool_t processEmptyDataSets() const
GOFOpMode operMode() const
RooProdPdf is an efficient implementation of a product of PDFs of the form.
Definition: RooProdPdf.h:31
void initMPMode(RooAbsReal *real, RooAbsData *data, const RooArgSet *projDeps, const char *rangeName, const char *addCoefRangeName)
Initialize multi-processor calculation mode.
void initialize()
Initialize the remote process and message passing pipes between current process and remote process...
int Int_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:41
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
virtual TObject * Clone(const char *newname=0) const
Make a clone of an object using the Streamer facility.
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:75
Bool_t addOwnedComponents(const RooArgSet &comps)
Take ownership of the contents of &#39;comps&#39;.
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:2278
STL namespace.
std::vector< RooFit::MPSplit > _gofSplitMode
Array of sub-contexts representing part of the combined test statistic.
void initSimMode(RooSimultaneous *pdf, RooAbsData *data, const RooArgSet *projDeps, const char *rangeName, const char *addCoefRangeName)
Initialize simultaneous p.d.f processing mode.
void setMPSet(Int_t setNum, Int_t numSets)
Set MultiProcessor set number identification of this instance.
#define ccoutI(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:38
Iterator abstract base class.
Definition: TIterator.h:30
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Delete a TObjLink object.
Definition: TList.cxx:574
void setValueDirty() const
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:441
Bool_t isOffsetting() const
RooRealMPFE is the multi-processor front-end for parallel calculation of RooAbsReal objects...
Definition: RooRealMPFE.h:30
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet *set=0) const
Return value of object.
Definition: RooAbsReal.cxx:247
void Class()
Definition: Class.C:29
pRooAbsTestStatistic * _gofArray
Double_t _evalCarry
avoids loss of precision
virtual ~RooAbsTestStatistic()
virtual Double_t combinedValue(RooAbsReal **gofArray, Int_t nVal) const =0
const RooArgSet * _projDeps
RooCatType is an auxilary class for RooAbsCategory and defines a a single category state...
Definition: RooCatType.h:22
virtual void printCompactTreeHook(std::ostream &os, const char *indent="")
Add extra information on component test statistics when printing itself as part of a tree structure...
RooAbsCategoryLValue is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a discrete value th...
Bool_t initialize()
One-time initialization of the test statistic.
virtual Double_t getCarry() const
A doubly linked list.
Definition: TList.h:44
virtual Bool_t redirectServersHook(const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll, Bool_t nameChange, Bool_t isRecursive)
Forward server redirect calls to component test statistics.
Bool_t getAttribute(const Text_t *name) const
Check if a named attribute is set. By default, all attributes are unset.
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:266
virtual Double_t getCarry() const
virtual TObject * FindObject(const char *name) const
Must be redefined in derived classes.
Definition: TObject.cxx:321
TIterator * typeIterator() const
Return iterator over all defined states.
virtual const Text_t * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: RooCatType.h:44
const RooAbsCategoryLValue & indexCat() const
virtual Bool_t InheritsFrom(const char *classname) const
Returns kTRUE if object inherits from class "classname".
Definition: TObject.cxx:443
virtual Double_t evaluatePartition(Int_t firstEvent, Int_t lastEvent, Int_t stepSize) const =0
void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:2386
char * Form(const char *fmt,...)
RooAbsData is the common abstract base class for binned and unbinned datasets.
Definition: RooAbsData.h:37
#define coutF(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:35
RooAbsArg * next()
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
void enableOffsetting(Bool_t flag)
Control verbose messaging related to inter process communication on both client and server side...
#define ClassImp(name)
Definition: Rtypes.h:359
double Double_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:55
RooAbsReal is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a real value and implements f...
Definition: RooAbsReal.h:53
RooArgSet * getParameters(const RooAbsData *data, Bool_t stripDisconnected=kTRUE) const
Create a list of leaf nodes in the arg tree starting with ourself as top node that don&#39;t match any of...
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:537
Int_t _nGof
Number of designated set to calculated extended term.
int type
Definition: TGX11.cxx:120
RooAbsTestStatistic is the abstract base class for all test statistics.
unsigned long ULong_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:51
Double_t y[n]
Definition: legend1.C:17
virtual Double_t globalNormalization() const
RooAbsCollection is an abstract container object that can hold multiple RooAbsArg objects...
Bool_t canSplitFast() const
virtual RooAbsTestStatistic * create(const char *name, const char *title, RooAbsReal &real, RooAbsData &data, const RooArgSet &projDeps, const char *rangeName=0, const char *addCoefRangeName=0, Int_t nCPU=1, RooFit::MPSplit interleave=RooFit::BulkPartition, Bool_t verbose=kTRUE, Bool_t splitCutRange=kFALSE, Bool_t binnedL=kFALSE)=0
RooAbsPdf * getPdf(const char *catName) const
Return the p.d.f associated with the given index category name.
Bool_t setData(RooAbsData &data, Bool_t cloneData=kTRUE)
Change dataset that is used to given one.
RooAbsPdf is the abstract interface for all probability density functions The class provides hybrid a...
Definition: RooAbsPdf.h:41
virtual TObject * Next()=0
virtual TList * split(const RooAbsCategory &splitCat, Bool_t createEmptyDataSets=kFALSE) const
Split dataset into subsets based on states of given splitCat in this dataset.
virtual Bool_t setDataSlave(RooAbsData &, Bool_t=kTRUE, Bool_t=kFALSE)
virtual void constOptimizeTestStatistic(ConstOpCode opcode, Bool_t doAlsoTracking=kTRUE)
Intercept call to optimize constant term in test statistics and forward it to object on server side...
RooAbsArg is the common abstract base class for objects that represent a value (of arbitrary type) an...
Definition: RooAbsArg.h:66
Bool_t recursiveRedirectServers(const RooAbsCollection &newServerList, Bool_t mustReplaceAll=kFALSE, Bool_t nameChange=kFALSE, Bool_t recurseInNewSet=kTRUE)
Definition: RooAbsArg.cxx:1084
virtual Double_t evaluate() const
Calculates and return value of test statistic.
#define ccoutD(a)
Definition: RooMsgService.h:37
virtual void SetTitle(const char *title="")
Set the title of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:164
RooSimultaneous facilitates simultaneous fitting of multiple PDFs to subsets of a given dataset...
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
void enableOffsetting(Bool_t flag)
const Int_t n
Definition: legend1.C:16
Default constructor.
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109
virtual Int_t numEntries() const
Definition: RooAbsData.cxx:285
virtual const char * GetTitle() const
Returns title of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:48
virtual Bool_t add(const RooAbsArg &var, Bool_t silent=kFALSE)
Overloaded RooArgSet::add() method inserts &#39;var&#39; into set and registers &#39;var&#39; as server to owner with...
virtual Double_t getValV(const RooArgSet *nset=0) const
If value needs recalculation and calculation has not beed started with a call to calculate() start it...
Int_t _nCPU
GOF MP Split mode specified by component (when Auto is active)