17 #ifndef ROOT_Math_Random 18 #define ROOT_Math_Random 38 template <
class Engine>
68 fEngine.RandomArray(array, array+n);
147 double FDist(
double nu1,
double nu2) {
179 unsigned int Binomial(
unsigned int ntot,
double prob) {
197 std::vector<unsigned int>
unsigned int ntot,
const std::vector<double> & p ) {
std::vector< unsigned int > Multinomial(unsigned int ntot, const std::vector< double > &p)
Multinomial distribution.
int Poisson(double mean)
Generates a random integer N according to a Poisson law.
Random< ROOT::Math::StdEngine< std::mt19937_64 > > RandomMT64
double FDist(double nu1, double nu2)
double LogNormal(double, double)
unsigned int Poisson(double mu)
Poisson distribution.
double LogNormal(double zeta, double sigma)
Log-normal distribution.
Namespace for new ROOT classes and functions.
void Circle(double &x, double &y, double r=1)
generate random numbers in a 2D circle of radious 1
double Exp(double tau)
Returns an exponential deviate.
double Gamma(double, double)
methods which are only for GSL random generators
Engine::BaseType EngineBaseType
void RndmArray(int n, double *array)
Generate an array of random numbers between ]0,1] 0 is excluded and 1 is included Function to preserv...
unsigned int EngineSize() const
Return the size of the generator state.
Random< ROOT::Math::StdEngine< std::ranlux48 > > RandomRanlux48
double Gamma(double a, double b)
Gamma distribution.
double Logistic(double a)
Logistic distribution.
unsigned int Binomial(unsigned int ntot, double prob)
discrete distributions
void Circle(double &x, double &y, double r)
Generates random vectors, uniformly distributed over a circle of given radius.
double Landau(double mu, double sigma)
Generate a random number following a Landau distribution with location parameter mu and scale paramet...
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t tau
RandomFunctions< Engine, EngineBaseType > RndmFunctions
double Exp(double tau)
Exponential distribution.
double Gaus(double mean=0, double sigma=1)
double Landau(double m=0, double s=1)
Landau distribution.
double BreitWigner(double mean=0., double gamma=1)
Breit Wigner distribution.
void Sphere(double &x, double &y, double &z, double r)
Generates random vectors, uniformly distributed over the surface of a sphere of given radius...
double Uniform(double a, double b)
generate random numbers following a Uniform distribution in the [a,b] interval
void Sphere(double &x, double &y, double &z, double r=1)
generate random numbers in a 3D sphere of radious 1
Random(unsigned int seed)
double Uniform2(double a, double b)
std::string Type() const
Return the type (name) of the used generator.
double Beta(double a, double b)
Beta distribution.
double FDist(double, double)
double Uniform(double a, double b)
double tDist(double nu)
t student distribution
double Pareto(double a, double b)
Pareto distribution.
double ChiSquare(double nu)
RandomFunctions< Engine, EngineBaseType > & Functions()
Random< ROOT::Math::MixMaxEngine< 240, 0 > > RandomMixMax
Useful typedef definitions.
double Beta(double, double)
double Rayleigh(double sigma)
Rayleigh distribution.
static constexpr double s
Namespace for new Math classes and functions.
double Gaus(double mean, double sigma)
generate Gaussian number using defqault method
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t z
int Binomial(int ntot, double prob)
Generate binomial numbers.
unsigned int NegativeBinomial(double, double)
Random< ROOT::Math::MersenneTwisterEngine > RandomMT19937
unsigned int NegativeBinomial(double n, double prob)
Negative Binomial distribution First parameter is n, second is probability To be consistent with Rand...
Short_t Max(Short_t a, Short_t b)
you should not use this method at all Int_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Int_t Double_t Double_t Double_t Double_t b
double Pareto(double, double)
double Uniform(double a=1.0)
double BreitWigner(double mean, double gamma)
Return a number distributed following a BreitWigner function with mean and gamma. ...
Documentation for the Random class.