Logo ROOT   6.12/07
Reference Guide
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // @(#)root/tmva $Id$
2 // Author: Omar Zapata
4 #include <TMVA/Envelope.h>
6 #include <TMVA/Configurable.h>
7 #include <TMVA/DataLoader.h>
8 #include <TMVA/MethodBase.h>
9 #include <TMVA/OptionMap.h>
11 #include <TMVA/Types.h>
13 #include <TMVA/VariableInfo.h>
14 #include <TMVA/VariableTransform.h>
16 #include <TAxis.h>
17 #include <TCanvas.h>
18 #include <TFile.h>
19 #include <TGraph.h>
20 #include <TSystem.h>
21 #include <TH2.h>
23 #include <iostream>
25 using namespace TMVA;
27 //_______________________________________________________________________
28 /**
29 Constructor for the initialization of Envelopes,
30 differents Envelopes may needs differents constructors then
31 this is a generic one protected.
32 \param name the name algorithm.
33 \param dataloader TMVA::DataLoader object with the data.
34 \param file optional file to save the results.
35 \param options extra options for the algorithm.
36 */
37 Envelope::Envelope(const TString &name, DataLoader *dalaloader, TFile *file, const TString options)
38  : Configurable(options), fDataLoader(dalaloader), fFile(file), fModelPersistence(kTRUE), fVerbose(kFALSE),
39  fTransformations("I"), fSilentFile(kFALSE), fJobs(1)
40 {
41  SetName(name.Data());
42  // render silent
44  Log().InhibitOutput(); // make sure is silent if wanted to
47  DeclareOptionRef(fVerbose, "V", "Verbose flag");
49  DeclareOptionRef(fModelPersistence, "ModelPersistence",
50  "Option to save the trained model in xml file or using serialization");
51  DeclareOptionRef(fTransformations, "Transformations", "List of transformations to test; formatting example: "
52  "\"Transformations=I;D;P;U;G,D\", for identity, "
53  "decorrelation, PCA, Uniform and Gaussianisation followed by "
54  "decorrelation transformations");
55  DeclareOptionRef(fJobs, "Jobs", "Option to run hign level algorithms in parallel with multi-thread");
56 }
58 //_______________________________________________________________________
60 {
61 }
63 //_______________________________________________________________________
64 /**
65 Method to see if a file is available to save results
66 \return Boolean with the status.
67 */
68 Bool_t Envelope::IsSilentFile(){return fFile==nullptr;}
70 //_______________________________________________________________________
71 /**
72 Method to get the pointer to TFile object.
73 \return pointer to TFile object.
74 */
75 TFile* Envelope::GetFile(){return fFile.get();}
77 //_______________________________________________________________________
78 /**
79 Method to set the pointer to TFile object,
80 with a writable file.
81 \param file pointer to TFile object.
82 */
83 void Envelope::SetFile(TFile *file){fFile=std::shared_ptr<TFile>(file);}
85 //_______________________________________________________________________
86 /**
87 Method to see if the algorithm should print extra information.
88 \return Boolean with the status.
89 */
92 //_______________________________________________________________________
93 /**
94 Method enable print extra information in the algorithms.
95 \param status Boolean with the status.
96 */
97 void Envelope::SetVerbose(Bool_t status){fVerbose=status;}
99 //_______________________________________________________________________
100 /**
101 Method get the Booked methods in a option map object.
102 \return vector of TMVA::OptionMap objects with the information of the Booked method
103 */
104 std::vector<OptionMap> &Envelope::GetMethods()
105 {
106  return fMethods;
107 }
109 //_______________________________________________________________________
110 /**
111 Method to get the pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
112 \return pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
113 */
117 //_______________________________________________________________________
118 /**
119 Method to set the pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
120 \param dalaloader pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
121 */
123  fDataLoader=std::shared_ptr<DataLoader>(dalaloader) ;
124 }
126 //_______________________________________________________________________
127 /**
128 Method to see if the algorithm model is saved in xml or serialized files.
129 \return Boolean with the status.
130 */
133 //_______________________________________________________________________
134 /**
135 Method enable model persistence, then algorithms model is saved in xml or serialized files.
136 \param status Boolean with the status.
137 */
140 //_______________________________________________________________________
141 /**
142 Method to book the machine learning method to perform the algorithm.
143 \param method enum TMVA::Types::EMVA with the type of the mva method
144 \param methodtitle String with the method title.
145 \param options String with the options for the method.
146 */
147 void TMVA::Envelope::BookMethod(Types::EMVA method, TString methodTitle, TString options){
148  BookMethod(Types::Instance().GetMethodName(method), methodTitle, options);
149 }
151 //_______________________________________________________________________
152 /**
153 Method to book the machine learning method to perform the algorithm.
154 \param methodname String with the name of the mva method
155 \param methodtitle String with the method title.
156 \param options String with the options for the method.
157 */
158 void TMVA::Envelope::BookMethod(TString methodName, TString methodTitle, TString options){
159  for (auto &meth : fMethods) {
160  if (meth.GetValue<TString>("MethodName") == methodName && meth.GetValue<TString>("MethodTitle") == methodTitle) {
161  Log() << kFATAL << "Booking failed since method with title <" << methodTitle << "> already exists "
162  << "in with DataSet Name <" << fDataLoader->GetName() << "> " << Endl;
163  }
164  }
165  OptionMap fMethod;
166  fMethod["MethodName"] = methodName;
167  fMethod["MethodTitle"] = methodTitle;
168  fMethod["MethodOptions"] = options;
170  fMethods.push_back(fMethod);
171 }
173 //_______________________________________________________________________
174 /**
175 Method to parse the internal option string.
176 */
178 {
180  Bool_t silent = kFALSE;
181 #ifdef WIN32
182  // under Windows, switch progress bar and color off by default, as the typical windows shell doesn't handle these
183  // (would need different sequences..)
184  Bool_t color = kFALSE;
185  Bool_t drawProgressBar = kFALSE;
186 #else
187  Bool_t color = !gROOT->IsBatch();
188  Bool_t drawProgressBar = kTRUE;
189 #endif
190  DeclareOptionRef(color, "Color", "Flag for coloured screen output (default: True, if in batch mode: False)");
191  DeclareOptionRef(drawProgressBar, "DrawProgressBar",
192  "Draw progress bar to display training, testing and evaluation schedule (default: True)");
193  DeclareOptionRef(silent, "Silent", "Batch mode: boolean silent flag inhibiting any output from TMVA after the "
194  "creation of the factory class object (default: False)");
199  if (IsVerbose())
200  Log().SetMinType(kVERBOSE);
202  // global settings
203  gConfig().SetUseColor(color);
204  gConfig().SetSilent(silent);
205  gConfig().SetDrawProgressBar(drawProgressBar);
206 }
208 //_______________________________________________________________________
209 /**
210  * function to check methods booked
211  * \param methodname Method's name.
212  * \param methodtitle title associated to the method.
213  * \return true if the method was booked.
214  */
215 Bool_t TMVA::Envelope::HasMethod(TString methodname, TString methodtitle)
216 {
217  for (auto &meth : fMethods) {
218  if (meth.GetValue<TString>("MethodName") == methodname && meth.GetValue<TString>("MethodTitle") == methodtitle)
219  return kTRUE;
220  }
221  return kFALSE;
222 }
224 //_______________________________________________________________________
225 /**
226  * method to save Train/Test information into the output file.
227  * \param fDataSetInfo TMVA::DataSetInfo object reference
228  * \param fAnalysisType Types::kMulticlass and Types::kRegression
229  */
231 {
232  RootBaseDir()->cd();
234  if (!RootBaseDir()->GetDirectory(fDataSetInfo.GetName()))
235  RootBaseDir()->mkdir(fDataSetInfo.GetName());
236  else
237  return; // loader is now in the output file, we dont need to save again
239  RootBaseDir()->cd(fDataSetInfo.GetName());
240  fDataSetInfo.GetDataSet(); // builds dataset (including calculation of correlation matrix)
242  // correlation matrix of the default DS
243  const TMatrixD *m(0);
244  const TH2 *h(0);
246  if (fAnalysisType == Types::kMulticlass) {
247  for (UInt_t cls = 0; cls < fDataSetInfo.GetNClasses(); cls++) {
248  m = fDataSetInfo.CorrelationMatrix(fDataSetInfo.GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName());
249  h = fDataSetInfo.CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(
250  m, TString("CorrelationMatrix") + fDataSetInfo.GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName(),
251  TString("Correlation Matrix (") + fDataSetInfo.GetClassInfo(cls)->GetName() + TString(")"));
252  if (h != 0) {
253  h->Write();
254  delete h;
255  }
256  }
257  } else {
258  m = fDataSetInfo.CorrelationMatrix("Signal");
259  h = fDataSetInfo.CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrixS", "Correlation Matrix (signal)");
260  if (h != 0) {
261  h->Write();
262  delete h;
263  }
265  m = fDataSetInfo.CorrelationMatrix("Background");
266  h = fDataSetInfo.CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrixB", "Correlation Matrix (background)");
267  if (h != 0) {
268  h->Write();
269  delete h;
270  }
272  m = fDataSetInfo.CorrelationMatrix("Regression");
273  h = fDataSetInfo.CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(m, "CorrelationMatrix", "Correlation Matrix");
274  if (h != 0) {
275  h->Write();
276  delete h;
277  }
278  }
280  // some default transformations to evaluate
281  // NOTE: all transformations are destroyed after this test
282  TString processTrfs = "I"; //"I;N;D;P;U;G,D;"
284  // plus some user defined transformations
285  processTrfs = fTransformations;
287  // remove any trace of identity transform - if given (avoid to apply it twice)
288  std::vector<TMVA::TransformationHandler *> trfs;
289  TransformationHandler *identityTrHandler = 0;
291  std::vector<TString> trfsDef = gTools().SplitString(processTrfs, ';');
292  std::vector<TString>::iterator trfsDefIt = trfsDef.begin();
293  for (; trfsDefIt != trfsDef.end(); trfsDefIt++) {
294  trfs.push_back(new TMVA::TransformationHandler(fDataSetInfo, "Envelope"));
295  TString trfS = (*trfsDefIt);
297  // Log() << kINFO << Endl;
298  Log() << kDEBUG << "current transformation string: '" << trfS.Data() << "'" << Endl;
299  TMVA::CreateVariableTransforms(trfS, fDataSetInfo, *(trfs.back()), Log());
301  if (trfS.BeginsWith('I'))
302  identityTrHandler = trfs.back();
303  }
305  const std::vector<Event *> &inputEvents = fDataSetInfo.GetDataSet()->GetEventCollection();
307  // apply all transformations
308  std::vector<TMVA::TransformationHandler *>::iterator trfIt = trfs.begin();
310  for (; trfIt != trfs.end(); trfIt++) {
311  // setting a Root dir causes the variables distributions to be saved to the root file
312  (*trfIt)->SetRootDir(RootBaseDir()->GetDirectory(fDataSetInfo.GetName())); // every dataloader have its own dir
313  (*trfIt)->CalcTransformations(inputEvents);
314  }
315  if (identityTrHandler)
316  identityTrHandler->PrintVariableRanking();
318  // clean up
319  for (trfIt = trfs.begin(); trfIt != trfs.end(); trfIt++)
320  delete *trfIt;
321 }
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: TNamed.h:47
virtual Int_t Write(const char *name=0, Int_t option=0, Int_t bufsize=0)
Write this object to the current directory.
Definition: TObject.cxx:785
virtual void BookMethod(TString methodname, TString methodtitle, TString options="")
Method to book the machine learning method to perform the algorithm.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:158
MsgLogger & Endl(MsgLogger &ml)
Definition: MsgLogger.h:158
auto * m
Definition: textangle.C:8
Bool_t fVerbose
flag to save the trained model
Definition: Envelope.h:50
Default destructor.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:59
void SetFile(TFile *file)
Method to set the pointer to TFile object, with a writable file.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:83
static Types & Instance()
the the single instance of "Types" if existing already, or create it (Singleton)
Definition: Types.cxx:70
Bool_t IsModelPersistence()
Method to see if the algorithm model is saved in xml or serialized files.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:131
TString fTransformations
flag for extra information
Definition: Envelope.h:51
virtual void SetName(const char *name)
Set the name of the TNamed.
Definition: TNamed.cxx:140
Config & gConfig()
TH1 * h
Definition: legend2.C:5
MsgLogger & Log() const
Definition: Configurable.h:122
class to storage options for the differents methods
Definition: OptionMap.h:35
OptionBase * DeclareOptionRef(T &ref, const TString &name, const TString &desc="")
Definition: Types.h:125
void WriteDataInformation(TMVA::DataSetInfo &fDataSetInfo, TMVA::Types::EAnalysisType fAnalysisType)
method to save Train/Test information into the output file.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:230
#define gROOT
Definition: TROOT.h:402
virtual TDirectory * mkdir(const char *name, const char *title="")
Create a sub-directory "a" or a hierarchy of sub-directories "a/b/c/...".
bool Bool_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:59
UInt_t GetNClasses() const
Definition: DataSetInfo.h:136
const std::vector< Event * > & GetEventCollection(Types::ETreeType type=Types::kMaxTreeType) const
Definition: DataSet.h:225
std::shared_ptr< TFile > fFile
Definition: Envelope.h:48
Bool_t CheckForSilentOption(const TString &) const
check for "silence" option in configuration option string
Definition: Tools.cxx:702
Bool_t IsSilentFile()
Method to see if a file is available to save results.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:68
TDirectory * RootBaseDir()
Utility method to get base dir directory from current file.
Definition: Envelope.h:114
std::vector< OptionMap > & GetMethods()
Method get the Booked methods in a option map object.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:104
DataLoader * GetDataLoader()
Method to get the pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:115
Bool_t HasMethod(TString methodname, TString methodtitle)
function to check methods booked
Definition: Envelope.cxx:215
static void InhibitOutput()
Definition: MsgLogger.cxx:74
TH2 * CreateCorrelationMatrixHist(const TMatrixD *m, const TString &hName, const TString &hTitle) const
Envelope(const TString &name, DataLoader *dataloader=nullptr, TFile *file=nullptr, const TString options="")
timer to measute the time.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:37
virtual void ParseOptions()
options parser
void SetMinType(EMsgType minType)
Definition: MsgLogger.h:72
void SetDrawProgressBar(Bool_t d)
Definition: Config.h:74
Class that contains all the data information.
Definition: DataSetInfo.h:60
void CreateVariableTransforms(const TString &trafoDefinition, TMVA::DataSetInfo &dataInfo, TMVA::TransformationHandler &transformationHandler, TMVA::MsgLogger &log)
virtual void ParseOptions()
Method to parse the internal option string.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:177
std::string GetMethodName(TCppMethod_t)
Definition: Cppyy.cxx:733
Service class for 2-Dim histogram classes.
Definition: TH2.h:30
void SetVerbose(Bool_t status)
Method enable print extra information in the algorithms.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:97
ClassInfo * GetClassInfo(Int_t clNum) const
const TMatrixD * CorrelationMatrix(const TString &className) const
void SetDataLoader(DataLoader *dalaloader)
Method to set the pointer to TMVA::DataLoader object.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:122
unsigned int UInt_t
Definition: RtypesCore.h:42
Class that contains all the data information.
Tools & gTools()
Bool_t IsVerbose()
Method to see if the algorithm should print extra information.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:90
const Bool_t kFALSE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:88
void SetModelPersistence(Bool_t status=kTRUE)
Method enable model persistence, then algorithms model is saved in xml or serialized files...
Definition: Envelope.cxx:138
Bool_t fModelPersistence
file to save the results
Definition: Envelope.h:49
std::shared_ptr< DataLoader > fDataLoader
Booked method information.
Definition: Envelope.h:47
virtual const char * GetName() const
Returns name of object.
Definition: DataSetInfo.h:67
void PrintVariableRanking() const
prints ranking of input variables
const TString & GetOptions() const
Definition: Configurable.h:84
UInt_t fJobs
procpool object
Definition: Envelope.h:54
void SetUseColor(Bool_t uc)
Definition: Config.h:65
Abstract ClassifierFactory template that handles arbitrary types.
virtual Bool_t cd(const char *path=0)
Change current directory to "this" directory.
Definition: TDirectory.cxx:497
TFile * GetFile()
Method to get the pointer to TFile object.
Definition: Envelope.cxx:75
Definition: file.py:1
void SetSilent(Bool_t s)
Definition: Config.h:68
std::vector< TString > SplitString(const TString &theOpt, const char separator) const
splits the option string at &#39;separator&#39; and fills the list &#39;splitV&#39; with the primitive strings ...
Definition: Tools.cxx:1210
const Bool_t kTRUE
Definition: RtypesCore.h:87
DataSet * GetDataSet() const
returns data set
void CheckForUnusedOptions() const
checks for unused options in option string
std::vector< OptionMap > fMethods
Definition: Envelope.h:46
char name[80]
Definition: TGX11.cxx:109