ROOT  6.07/01
Reference Guide
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User's Classes
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
oR Interface for Statistical Computing
oContainersThe containers and generators the ROOT framework offers
oGraphicsThe graphics related classes
|oGraphics' BackendsGraphics' Backends interface classes
||oCocoa backendInterface to MacOS native graphics system
||oWin32 backendInterface to Windows graphics
||\X11 backendInterface to X11 graphics
|o2D GraphicsThe 2D graphics related classes
||olibAfterImage interfaceClasses interfacing to libAfterImage
||oFITS fileInterface to FITS file
||oGraphics padThe TPad related classes
||oBasic graphicsThe low level graphics classes
||ographviz interfaceInterface to the graphing package graphviz
||\Graphics file outputInterfaces to various file output formats
|\3D GraphicsThe 3D graphics related classes
| oEvent DisplayThe Event Display classes
| oBasic 3D graphics.The basic 3D classes
| \OpenGL renderingOpenGL rendering and utility classes
oHistogram LibraryA general description of the Histogram library is documented in the class TH1
|oHistograms and graphs painting classes.
|\Advanced spectra processing classes.
oInput/Output LibraryThe library collecting the ROOT classes dedicated to data input and output
oMathThe ROOT Mathematical Libraries
|oGenVectorGeneric 2D, 3D and 4D vectors classes and their transformations (rotations)
|oMathCoreThe Core Mathematical Library of ROOT. See the MathCore description page
||oFitting and Parameter EstimationClasses used for fitting (regression analysis) and estimation of parameter values given a data sample
||oRandom ClassesPseudo-random numbers generator classes and for generation of random number distributions
||oFunction Classes and InterfacesInterfaces (abstract classes) and Base classes used in MathCore and MathMore numerical methods for describing function classes
||oNumerical AlgorithmsNumerical Algorithm classes from the MathCore Library and MathMore Library libraries
||oStatistical functionsProbability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and their inverses (quantiles) for various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete)
||\Special functionsSpecial mathematical functions
|oMathMoreThe Mathematical library providing some advanced functionality and based on GSL. See the MathMore Library page
||oNumerical AlgorithmsNumerical Algorithm classes from the MathCore Library and MathMore Library libraries
||oStatistical functionsProbability density functions, cumulative distribution functions and their inverses (quantiles) for various statistical distributions (continuous and discrete)
||oSpecial functionsSpecial mathematical functions
||\QuasiRandom number generators and distributionsClasses for generating QuasiRandom numbers and based on GSL
|oTMinuitThe Minuit Minimization package
|oMinuit2 Minimization LibraryNew Object-oriented implementation of the MINUIT minimization package
|oSMatrixSMatrix Package for high performance vector and matrix computations
||oExpression Template Classes
||oGeneric Template FunctionsThese functions apply for any type T, such as a scalar, a vector or a matrix
||oVector Template FunctionsThese functions apply to SVector types (and also to Vector expressions) and can return a vector expression or a scalar, like in the Dot product, or a matrix, like in the Tensor product
||oMatrix Template FunctionsThese function apply to matrices (and also Matrix expression) and can return a matrix expression of a particular defined type, like in the matrix multiplication or a vector, like in the matrix-vector product or a scalar like in the Similarity vector-matrix product
||oSMatrix Storage Representation
||\Matrix and Vector classesClasses representing Matrices and Vectors of arbitrary type and dimension
oMonte CarloThe Monte Carlo related packages
|oEGParticle Data Group interface
|oPythia6The Pythia6 interface
|oPythia8The Pythia8 interface
|\VMCVirtual Monte Carlo
oPROOFClasses defining the Parallel ROOT Facility, PROOF, a framework for parallel analysis of ROOT TTrees
|oPROOF kernel LibrariesThe PROOF kernel libraries (libProof, libProofPlayer, libProofDraw) contain the classes defining the kernel of the PROOF facility, i.e
|oPROOF benchmark utilitiesSet of utilities to benchmark a PROOF facility
|\XProofD client LibraryThe XProofD client library, libProofx, contain the classes providing the client to interact with the XRootD-based xproofd daemon
oRooFitRooFit toolkit classes. For documentation see (The RooFit Toolkit for Data Modeling)[]
oRooFitCoreCore RooFit classes
oRooStatsRooStats is a package containing statistical tools built on top of RooFit
oTree LibraryTo store large quantities of same-class objects, ROOT provides the TTree and TNtuple classes
\TutorialsA collection of macros illustrating many aspect of ROOT
 oContainers tutorialsExamples showing the "containers' classes" usage.
 oEvent display tutorialsExamples showing the "Event display classes" usage.
 oGraphics tutorialsVarious examples showing the basic ROOT graphics
 oGraphs tutorialsExamples showing the "graphs classes" usage.
 oGUI tutorialsExample code which illustrates how to use the ROOT GUI
 oHistograms tutorialsExamples showing the "histograms' classes" usage.
 oImage tutorialsExamples showing the TImage class usage
 oIO tutorialsThese tutorials illustrate some of the capabilities of the ROOT IO subsystem
 oMath tutorialsExamples showing the Math classes
 |\TUnfold tutorialsTest programs for the classes TUnfold and related
 oMulticore tutorialsThese examples aim to illustrate the multicore features of ROOT, such as thread awareness and safety, multithreading and multiprocessing
 oProof tutorialsThese examples aim to illustrate the usage of PROOF
 |oProcFileElementsClass to hold information about the processed elements of a file
 |oProofAuxSelector used for auxiliary actions in the PROOF tutorials
 |oProofEventSelector for generic processing with Event
 |oProofEventProcSelector to process trees containing Event structures
 |oProofFriendsSelector to process tree friends
 |oProofNtupleSelector to fill a simple ntuple
 |oProofPythiaSelector to generate Monte Carlo events with Pythia8
 |oProofSimpleSelector to fill a set of histograms
 |oProofSimpleFileSelector to fill a set of histograms and merging via file
 |oProofStdVecSelector for generic processing with stdlib collections
 |\ProofTestsAuxilliary selector used to test PROOF functionality
 oPyRoot tutorialsExamples showing how to write python script for Root
 oPythia tutorialsExamples showing the pythia usage
 oRooFit TutorialsThese tutorials illustrate the main features of RooFit. Thir names are related to the aspect which is treated in the code
 oSpectrum tutorialsExamples showing the TSpectrum and TSpectrumPainter usage
 \Tree tutorialsExample code which illustrates how to use ROOT trees and ntuples