ROOT Version 6.06 Release Notes



ROOT version 6.06/00 was released on December 10, 2015.

For more information, see:

The following people have contributed to this new version:

David Abdurachmanov, CERN, CMS,
Bertrand Bellenot, CERN/SFT,
Rene Brun, CERN/SFT,
Philippe Canal, FNAL,
Cristina Cristescu, CERN/SFT,
Olivier Couet, CERN/SFT,
Kyle Cranmer, NYU, RooStats,
Gerri Ganis, CERN/SFT,
Andrei Gheata, CERN/SFT,
Enrico Guiraud, CERN/SFT,
Burt Holzman, Fermilab, CMS,
Lukasz Janyst, CERN/IT,
Christopher Jones, Fermilab, CMS,
Wim Lavrijsen, LBNL, PyRoot,
Sergey Linev, GSI, http, JSROOT,
Pere Mato, CERN/SFT,
Lorenzo Moneta, CERN/SFT,
Axel Naumann, CERN/SFT,
Danilo Piparo, CERN/SFT,
Timur Pocheptsov, CERN/SFT,
Fons Rademakers, CERN/IT/Openlab,
Paul Russo, FNAL,
Enric Tejedor Saavedra, CERN/SFT,
Liza Sakellari, CERN/SFT,
Manuel Tobias Schiller,CERN, LHCb
David Smith, CERN/IT,
Matevz Tadel, UCSD/CMS, Eve,
Vassil Vassilev, CERN/SFT
Wouter Verkerke, NIKHEF/Atlas, RooFit,
Omar, Zapata, Medellin, Columbia
Maciej Zimnoch, GSoC, Poland

ROOT reference manual

The ROOT reference manual has been moved into Doxygen. Still some work and polish has to be done but the reference guide in this new format is now online and can be seen from the ROOT home page.

Core Libraries

Dictionary generation

Fixed the dictionary generation in the case of class inside a namespace marked inlined.

Added mechanisms to stop the dictionary generation while parsing the XML and while selecting in presence of duplicates.

Fix [ROOT-7760] : fully allow the usage of the dylib extension on OSx.

Fix [ROOT-7723] : allow IOCtors to have as argument a ref to a type called void.

We added a dictionary for map<string,string> as part of the default STL dictionary.

We added support for template parameter packs in class name involved in the I/O.

Thread safety and thread awareness

We added the function TMethodCall::GetCallFunc to allow direct access to the function wrapper.

We reduced thread serialization in TClass::GetCheckSum, TClass::GetBaseClassOffset and TClass::Property

TObjArray::Delete was updated to allow its caller to explicitly avoid costly checks (extra RecursiveRemove and lock)

We removed the need to create a TThread object per thread in a multi-threaded application. Now ROOT can be used with any threading model (e.g. OpenMP, STL threads, TBB) transparently. All the internal synchronisation mechanisms of ROOT are activated by a single call: ROOT::EnableThreadSafety() which is the successor of the existing TThread::Initialize. This call must take place if ROOT needs to be used in a thread safe manner.

The implementation of TSemaphore was redone based on C++11 thread primitive in order to prevent cases where some of request post were lost.


We added a default constructor to TDirectory::TContext which record the current directory and will restore it at destruction time and does not change the current directory.

The constructor for TDirectory::TContext that takes a single TDirectory pointer as an argument was changed to set gDirectory to zero when being passed a null pointer; previously it was interpreting a null pointer as a request to not change the current directory - this behavior is now implement by the default constructor.


In THashList and THashTable, GetListForObject now returns a pointer to const as modifying the returned list (in particular adding to it) can break invariant of THashTable so we need to clearly mark the list as not being allowed to be modified.

In TSeqCollection::Merge, we no longer delete the object in the case where the original collection is marked as a owner.

Global resources.

Several tweaks to if and when, resources held by the global ROOT object (TROOT, TApplication) are deleted. When the default TApplication is replaced by a user provide TApplication, do not call EndOfProcessCleanups and co. and thus do not delete TFiles, TSockets or TColors that have already been created. In EndOfProcessCleanups, we now delete the objects held in TROOT’s TDirectory part. If the libCling library is unloaded, this now induces an immediate tear down of the ROOT resources; consequently objects might be deleted sooner in the process tear down process on some platforms.

TObject instances allocated as part of an array and made part of a collection, as for example the TCanvas instances into the global list of instances, are not longer deleted if the content of the collection is deleted. Technically the element of the array are now treated by collections as if they have been allocated on the stack. This fixes the issue described at [ROOT-7846].

Code Cleanups.

Several definition where moved from the global or ROOT namespace to the ROOT::Internal namespace as they are not intended to be used outside of ROOT, including: gROOTLocal and related functions, TSchemaHelper, TSchemaMatch, TSchemaType, RStl, ROOT::TROOTAllocator, TSchemaRuleProcessor, TStdBitsetHelper, TInitBehavior, TDefaultInitBehavior, DefineBehavior, THnBaseBrowsable, THnBaseBinIter, GenericShowMembers, TOperatorNewHelper and BranchProxy implementations classes.

Several definition where moved from the global or ROOT namespace to the ROOT::Details namespace as they are intended to be used in ‘expert’ level code and have a lower level of backward compatibility requirement. This includes TCollectionProxyInfo, TSchemaRuleSet.


ROOT can now dump the context of STL collections, for instance map<string,int>. A few ROOT types print their content, too.

Fixed the handling of the current directory in #include of system headers, avoid problem with local files named new or vector.

Fixed the issue with the ROOT special variable where the objects were read from the file at each and every access by caching those object. See [ROOT-7830] for example.

This release contains several bug fixes and improvements, notably in unloading and performance.

NOTE: The GCC 5 ABI is not supported yet, due to a lack of support in clang.

I/O Libraries


We extended the hadd options to allow more control on the compression settings use for the output file. In particular the new option -fk allows for a copy of the input files with no decompressions/recompression of the TTree baskets even if they do not match the requested compression setting.

New options:

Command line utilities

We added command line utilities to streamline very common operations performed on root files, like listing their content or creating directories. The command line utilities are: - rootbrowse: to open the file in a TBrowser - rootcp: to copy content from one file to another - rooteventselector: to select a subset of the events in a tree contained in a file - rootls: to list the content of a rootfile - rootmkdir: to create a directory in a rootfile - rootmv: to move content across files - rootprint: to plot content (histograms, graphs) of files - rootrm: to remove content from files These utilities took inspiration from the well known *nix commands and all offer the -h switch which provides documentation for all options available and example invocation lines.


We updated TBuffer::Expand to properly shrink the buffer when requested, hence reducing memory usage in some cases.

I/O New functionalities

We added support for template parameter packs in class name involved in the I/O.

TTree Libraries

Improvement of handling of default number of entries

A new const expression value: TTree::kMaxEntries has been introduced to express the largest possible entry number in a TTree. This is used in two main cases:

TChain::kBigNumber is deprecated and its value has been changed to be equal to TTree::kMaxEntries.


TTree::MakeSelector has been update to generate a code skeleton based on the TTreeReader rather than the old style relying on numeric data members replacements for the user objects. The main advantage is the lifting of the problem related to the fact that the old style was using fixed size array to represent variable size collection.

TTree::MakeSelector takes an option parameter that can be used to specify the branches that will have a data member. - If option is "=legacy", a pre-ROOT6 selector will be generated (data members and branch pointers instead of TTreeReaders). - If option is empty, readers will be generated for each leaf. - If option is “@”, readers will be generated for the topmost branches. - Individual branches can also be picked by their name: - “X” generates readers for leaves of X. - “@X” generates a reader for X as a whole. - “@X;Y” generates a reader for X as a whole and also readers for the leaves of Y. - For further examples see the figure below.

html ttree_makeselector_option_examples.png

The generated code in selector.h includes the following: - Identification of the original Tree and Input file name - Definition of selector class (data and functions) - The following class functions: - constructor and destructor - void Begin(TTree tree) - void SlaveBegin(TTree tree) - void Init(TTree *tree) - Bool_t Notify() - Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry) - void Terminate() - void SlaveTerminate()

The class selector derives from TSelector. The generated code in selector.C includes empty functions defined above.

To use this function:

where T is the name of the Tree in file myfile.root and myselect.h, myselect.C the name of the files created by this function. In a ROOT session, you can do:

  root > T->Process("myselect.C")

Histogram Libraries



   TGraph * gr = new TGraph(10);
   for (int i = 0;i<10;i++) gr->SetPoint(i,i,TMath::Exp(-10.0*i));
   for (int i = 5;i<10;i++) gr->SetPoint(i,i,0.);

The problem was reported here.


Add a new implementation for Delauney interpolation using the triangle code from Jonathan Shewchuk, see [[ ]]. A new class for Delauney triangulator and interpolation has been added in the MathCore library ( ROOT::Math::Delauney2D ).



Math Libraries

Random numbers

R Interface

Apply several improvements in the interface to R, allowing to use R functions within ROOT. See more at the ROOT-R User Guide.


Add new TMVA plug-in based on R and Python (using Scikit-Learn) * See the RMVA Web page for a detailed description of the new TMVA method based on R * See the PyMVA Web page for detailed description of the machine learning methods added in TMVA and based on the Python Scikit-Learn package.

RooFit Libraries

2D Graphics Libraries


Improve the algorithm to compute the lower limit of an axis in log scale when its real lower limit is 0. The problem was reported in [ROOT-7414].

Using the COL option with histograms having some negative bins; the empty bins (containing 0) are drawn. In some cases one wants to not draw empty bins (containing 0) of histograms having a negative minimum. The option 1, used with the option COL, allows to do that.

Implement the Log option for CANDLE plots as requested here.


From Dmitry Kalinkin (via github): Fix file corruption in TTeXDump::DrawPolyMarker The current implementation of TTeXDump uses TVirtualPS::PrintFast based methods to output TeX markup with automatic line-wraps. Yet these methods are optimized for PostScript format where there are a lot of space characters that are used for newline placement. Current TTeXDump::DrawPolyMarker would often produce a long contiguous lines that trigger a forceful linewrap that can happen in the middle of real number constant (ignored by latex) or even in the middle of latex command (producing incorrect file). One solution would be to rewrite TTeXDump using only PrintRaw (that you can’t mix with PrintStr/PrintFast/WriteReal). The other would be to fix PrintFast to not introduce forced newline. The third option is less intrusive and just adds additional spaces to provide clues for the proper line wrapping (this is the one implemented in this change).


Make sure the line width used to draw #sqrt is always >= 1.

When a global text alignment was set the TLatexcharacters #minus, #plus, #mp, #hbar, and #backslash were mis-aligned. The following macro demonstrate the problem:

   TLatex t(.5,.5,"#minus100 #mp100 #plus100 #hbar #backslash");

The angle of a TLatex object was set to 0 if the GetYsize method was called.


New palette kViridis. It was presented at SciPy2015 by Stéfan van der Walt and Nathaniel Smith. It is now matplotlib’s current default color map.



Ignore empty graphs when computing the multi-graph range at painting time.


A left click on a image produced a one pixel zoom.


The ending of a polyline creation is based on the closeness of the two last entered points. The previous algorithm was based on user coordinates. It is now based on pixel to avoid the problem reported here.


When the first canvas created by ROOT was in batch mode, it was note possible to come back in interactive mode for the next canvases. this problem was reported here.

Cocoa Backend

Sometimes the mouse cursor did not change back to the window manager arrow when exiting a TCanvas.

freetype library

Updates builtin_freetype to 2.6.1 (current upstream version), which can detect PPC64LE machine. This was compiled and tested on SLC6 + ICC + x86_64, F21 + GCC + ppc64le, MacOSX 10.11.1 + Xcode 7.1 and Windows (ROOT 5.34). $ROOTSYS/graf2d/freetype/src/README was removed, because no issues were noticed with ICC compiler and -Wall -pedantic -ansi flags. Additionally --with-png=no --with-bzip2=no flags are passed to freetype configuration script. Default values for these options are auto. freetype finds libpng and libbzip2 on the system and builds extra modules. Then attempting to link against freetype one would need to link -lpng -lbzip2 explicitly otherwise linking will returns in undefined references. Otherwise we would need to check for libpng and libbzip2 on the system and adjust FREETYPE_LIBRARIES to include -lpng and -lbzip2. The current solution goes for the minimal configuration. The original request for this update was posted here.

3D Graphics Libraries

Geometry Libraries

Database Libraries

Networking Libraries


Support of POST HTTP requests. For example, ROOT objects can be send with POST request and used as arguments of objects method execution in exe.bin and exe.json requests. Request and response HTTP headers are now directly accessible in THttpCallArg class

When command is registered with THttpServer::RegisterCommand() method, one could configure additional arguments which should be submitted when command is executed with cmd.json requests

Introduce restriction rules for objects access with THttpServer::Restrict() method. Up to now general read-only flag was applied - either everything read-only or everything is fully accessible. Now one could restrict access to different parts of objects hierarchy or even fully ‘hide’ them from the client. Restriction based on user account name, which is applied when htdigest authentication is configured. One also able to allow execution of selected methods.

Implement multi.bin and multi.json requests. One could request many items with single HTTP request. Let optimize communication between server and client.

With SNIFF tag in ClassDef() comments one could expose different properties, which than exposed by the TRootSniffer to the client with h.json requests. Such possibility ease implementation of client-side code for custom classes.

Allow to bind http port with loopback address. This restrict access to http server only from localhost. One could either specify ‘loopback’ option in constructor: new THttpServer(“http:8080?loopback”) or in clear text specify IP address to which http socket should be bind: new THttpServer(“http:”) If host has several network interfaces, one could select one for binding: new THttpServer(“http:”)


Fixed [ROOT-7703]. This restores the behavior of Locate() to that found with TXNetFileStager: Rather than return only the xrootd server’s reply, the endpoint hostname is looked up and Locate() returns the full url, including the path.


Fixed [ROOT-7809]. Returns an error for a redirect which does not specify the new URI, rather than going into a loop.

Fixed [ROOT-7817]. Avoid a crash under some circumstances when trying to open an invalid path.

GUI Libraries

Montecarlo Libraries


With this version we introduce a new module, core/multiproc, for multi-processing on multi-core machines. This module is based on fork technology and offers an interface inspired from Python multiprocessor module. The new interface, implemented in the class TProcPool, provides the possibility to perform in parallel a very generic set of tasks, described by macros, functions or lambdas.

This illustrates the usage of lambdas:

  TProcPool pool;
  auto ten = pool.MapReduce([]() { return 1; }, 10, [](std::vector<int> v) { return std::accumulate(v.begin(), v.end(), 0); })

And this how it can be used to generate ten histos and merge them:

TObject *CreateAndFillHists()

  TH1F *h = new TH1F("h", "", 100, -3., 3.);
  h->FillRandom("gaus", 1000);
    return h;

    TProcPool pool;
    auto hist = pool.MapReduce(CreateAndFillHists, 10, PoolUtils::ReduceObjects);

Tutorials illustrating other usages of the new class TProcPool are available under tutorials/multicore.

Language Bindings


We provided integration of ROOT with the Jupyter technology, integrating ROOT with Python Notebooks and providing a ROOT Kernel like functionality - de facto an enhanced C++ web based shell. Tab completion, output and graphics inlining have been added. These functionalities are automatically available upon import of the ROOT module in a Notebook or at startup of a ROOT prompt kernel. We made it easier to use ROOT notebooks locally, by providing a ‘root –notebook’ command option to start a local notebook server customised with all the ROOT features.

New tutorials and code examples have been provided. The simplest example showing the integration of ROOT with the notebook technology can be found here and many more snippets here.

Support for capturing large outputs (stderr/stdout) coming from C++ libraries has been added.

JavaScript ROOT

Class Reference Guide

The ROOT reference guide is moving to the Doxygen system. Doxygen is the de-facto standard for code documentation. It offers many nice features we are now exploring and trying to get the best of them. Having MathJax rendered math formula is one of them. The documentation can be structured in a more logical way using groups. Still there is a lot to do but big progresses have been done. We developed also a Doxygen filter allowing to execute macros given as examples in the documentation and show the resulting picture directly in the documentation.


The tutorials in $ROOTSYS/tutorials are also presented on the web thanks to Doxygen. They are now part of the reference guide allowing nice cross-referencing with the classes documentation. Here also a filter has been developed to generate the resulting picture.

Build, Configuration and Testing Infrastructure

ROOT uses the CMake cross-platform build-generator tool as a primary build system. CMake does not build the project, it generates the files needed by your build tool (GNU make, Ninja, Visual Studio, etc) for building ROOT. The classic build with configure/make is is still available but it will not be evolving with the new features of ROOT.

We added full support for C++14.

Minor changes in the build system:

Patch Releases

Release 6.06/02




Meta Library

Add a new mode for TClass::SetCanSplit (2) which indicates that this class and any derived class should not be split. This included a rework the mechanism checking the base classes. Instead of using InheritsFrom, which lead in some cases, including the case where the class derived from an STL collection, to spurrious autoparsing (to look at the base class of the collection!), we use a custom walk through the tree of base classes that checks their value of fCanSplit. This also has the side-effect of allowing the extension of the concept ‘base class that prevent its derived class from being split’ to any user class. This fixes [ROOT-7972].


Histogram Libraries




Bug Fixes and Tasks

Release 6.06/04

Released on May 4, 2016



Interpreter Library





Bug fixes

Release 6.06/06

Released on July 6, 2016





Bugs fixed in this release

Release 6.06/08

Released on September 1, 2016



Bugs fixed in this release

HEAD of the v6-06-00-patches branch

Changes will be part of the future 6.06/10


Bugs fixed in this release